[S6E1]: A New Era (Part II)
Make sure you have read S6E1 (Part I) here, first!: https://rhobb.medium.com/s6e1-a-new-era-part-i-d3e7df111603
The second part of the episode begins.
The NUDITY headquarters is shown. Inside, Lorelei is on the set of a photoshoot. Workers in the background can be seen prepping looks.
There are two chairs set up for hair and makeup, artists scroll on their phone as they wait. Lorelei is finishing up looking over the set before starting the shoot, she talks to her photographer Henry.
Lorelei: “ I’m having my good girlfriend’s daughters by. They’re going to do a couple of shots for our new summer collection. They’re gorgeous!”
Henry: “Ooh, well I can’t wait to meet them.”
Outside, we see a woman getting out of her black Rolls Royce. She struts into NUDITY and we get a clean transition as she suddenly walks into the photoshoot.
Bree: “Hi Lorelei, you look amazing!”
Lorelei walks over to greet Bree and give her a hug.
Lorelei: “Thank you! Oh my gosh, honey. You are looking slim.” She makes Bree do a twirl and laughs.
Bree: “You know I’m always running around. I barely have the time to eat!”
Lorelei: “Well, maybe I should do the same.” She snickers.
“I’ve known Bree for a while now. We met back when we were with our ex-husbands, she was the one who gave me GREAT advice on how to end the divorce with a huge payout. She also manages her two stunning daughters who are up and coming models! She’s a fun girl and a great mother! I admire her.”
Bree looks down at her phone as it gets a notification.
Bree: “Oh! My daughters will be here any minute now. Their driver just texted me.” She smiles and holds up her phone.
Lorelei: “Fabulous! The photographer is just finishing up the set. I can’t wait to see what they bring!”
Seconds later Bree’s daughters, Blake and Bianca, walk onto set. Lorelei and Bree turn around and smile.
Lorelei: “Hi girls!”
Blake and Bianca: “Hiiiiiii”
“My daughters have been working so hard to get their modeling careers off the ground. This year, they are both starting to gain some traction that may really lead somewhere. I am so beyond proud of them. Lorelei have chosen my daughters to be the face of her new campaign at NUDITY, and I couldn’t be more excited!”
They give their mom a hug and then go to introduce themselves to Lorelei.
Blake: “We’re super excited to shoot for NUDITY!”
Bianca: “Yeah! This is huge, thank you so much for the opportunity, Lorelei!”
Lorelei smiles at the girls and nods.
Lorelei: “Of course! NUDITY is all about women empowerment. You girls can go get changed now, Leila will take you.”
An assistant leads Blake and Bianca to a changing area. Lorelei motions for Bree to follow her to a comfy little sitting area set up on the other side of the set. There is a little couch and a table with some refreshments and champagne.
Lorelei: “While they’re getting ready, let’s pop a bottle!” She begins undoing the bottle top as Bree sits. “How have you been? How’s life, honey?” She muffles the pop with a rag and starts pouring two glasses.
Bree: “Oh, you know, just the usual. I’m always busy managing my daughters. That’s my number one priority right now, so unfortunately there’s not much time for anything else. My personal life? Let’s just say it’s…well…it’s dead.” She shrugs and begins laughing.
“This girl hasn’t gotten any action lately. I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true!” She laughs.
Lorelei hands Bree a glass of champagne and sits on the couch beside her.
Lorelei: “Ah, so no luck in the love department, huh? I mean… your divorce was pretty high profile, no?”
“I think you’d have to be living under a rock to not have seen the huge divorce between Bree and her ex-husband. It was like the talk of the town. There’s regular divorce and then there’s Bree’s Divorce from Logan Moss, you know, heir to the Moss Fortune.”
Bree sips her champagne.
Bree: “Oh yeah, our divorce was so public, it was crazy. I still get flashbacks to all the press and court dates, it felt like the divorce would never be finalized.” She laughs. “And as for dating, I mean I don’t really have the time for that, not to mention how hard it is to find someone who isn’t completely nuts.” She sighs.
Lorelei: “I understand.” She nods and furrows her brow. “Dating after a divorce can be a bit challenging but we’ll get you back in the saddle! I know once these girls shots are shown, their careers will skyrocket and you’re going to want someone to share that success with.” She playfully nudges Bree.
“It was really important to me to give Bianca and Blake a chance to model for my new collection because Bree is a good friend of mine and I know what it’s like to just wanna put your all into your children and work.”
Bree: “Well yeah dating after a divorce is definitely hard especially when you’re over 40. I mean, the single men this age always have something wrong with them!” She scoffs.
“Trust me — If a man is single and over 40 he’s either; a total weirdo or he’s got a thing for prostitutes… sometimes it’s both!” She laughs.
Lorelei: “You’re right about that.”
Lorelei and Bree turn as Blake and Bianca walk onto set all glammed up and wearing some of Lorelei’s shapewear.
Blake: “So what do you think?” She smiles.
Bree: “Oh gosh! I love it. You look like Barbie dolls!” She claps her hands in excitement as she turns to Lorelei.
Lorelei smiles and nods.
Lorelei: “You both look fabulous! You girls ready? I want to see you both kill it.” She puts a serious look on. “This is all about women empowerment, feminity and feeling good about yourselves. Have fun out there, make the shoot your own!”
Blake: “Thanks! We’re more than ready.”
Bianca: “Yeah, let’s do this!” She claps her hands.
Bree: “Come on, girls! Make me proud like you always do, and be professional!”
Blake and Bianca walks towards the photographer and briefly chat with him discussing the poses and the vibe of the shoot, then proceed to start posing in front of the camera.
“Seeing my girls be so professional and work hard to achieve their goals makes me so proud. I really devoted my whole life to them…” She gets teary eyed. “They’re my whole life!” She sniffles and wipes the corner of her eye with a Kleenex.
Lorelei and Bree walk closer to set and observe as the girls pose and Henry, the photographer, gives them direction.
Henry: “Good! Beautiful, beautiful! Now Bianca, lean on Bree’s shoulder.”
Lorelei turns to Bree.
Lorelei: “They’re really good, my gosh.” She nods approvingly.
Bree smiles, not taking her eyes off her daughters.
Bree: “They really got it…”
Lorelei lightly taps Bree and she turns, smiling.
Lorelei: “So — My girlfriend Grace Faroe is having a little divorce party here soon, would you like to come with? I know you two would hit it off!”
Bree: “Grace Faroe! I’ve heard the name and…oh, a divorce party?” She raises her eyebrow and giggles. “I’ve never been to one, this shall be interesting, I’ll definitely come!”
Lorelei: “When you meet Grace, you’ll understand it all.” She laughs.
Bree: “Oh, alright! I can’t wait to officially meet her then!”
The scene ends as Bree and Lorelei go back to watching Bianca and Blake model.
The camera shows the sun setting over Beverly Beach. The camera focuses on a fabulous rooftop venue. It is decorated and people in cocktail dresses and suits mix and mingle around tables.
The camera pans to Grace, who is holding hands with Vivian. They stand by the elevator and greet people as they come in.
“The night is finally here! It’s my divorce celebration party! I’m honestly just so happy to be able to celebrate this new chapter of my life with my friends, colleagues and family. Yes, Megan probably won’t show but I have Vivian and I have Gemini, that’s enough for me.”
The elevator ‘dings’ and Mona walks out accompanied by a gorgeous girl.
Mona: “Let’s have fun tonight, babe!” She turns to her friend Monsè.
Monsè is seen looking around and admiring the elegant venue.
Monsè: “I can’t wait to meet all the ladies!”
“Monsè DeRosier is my good good girlfriend that I’ve known for years. Monsè and her husband, Gil, co-own a very successful movie production company. We were instant friends when they came to Beverly Beach from Haiti!
Mona and Monsè walk in, they are greeted by Grace and Vivian.
Mona: “Hello, hello! This is my good friend, Monsè!” She smiles.
Grace: “How lovely to see you both! Monsè, it’s a pleasure to meet you!” She gives Mona and Monsè a hug.
“I’m hoping that Mona and I are headed to a better place. Tonight was my olive branch and I’m glad she’s accepted it.”
Monsè: “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Grace! I’ve heard a lot about The Faroe.” She chuckles.
Grace winks at Monsè.
Grace: “All bad, I hope!” She laughs.
As Mona and Monsè walk into the party, Sheridan and Martin are the next to get off the elevator. They hold hands as they walk up to Grace and Vivian, giving their friends a hug.
Martin: “Hey Viv. Happy for you, friend.” He smiles and embraces her.
Vivian: “I’m loving the fit!”
Sheridan: “Hey gorgeous, divas!”
Grace: “Hi, you both look amazing. Thank you for coming!”
“Martin usually hates coming with me to events, but he and Vivi have a great friendship so he was excited to celebrate tonight.”
Sheridan and Martin walk to the bar. They see Mona and Monsè and walk up to them.
Sheridan: “Hi! I’m Sheridan. Nice to meet you.”
The camera pans to the next guests getting off the elevator; Lorelei and Bree. Lorelei turns to Bree as they strut in.
Lorelei: “Honey, you are going to love my friends. They are certainly something else.” She laughs.
Bree: “Oh, girl. I hope so! I wanna have some fun tonight!” She giggles.
Lorelei and Bree approach Grace and Vivian. Lorelei gives Grace a hug.
Lorelei: “Hey, honey! Congratulations!” She moves aside to show Bree. “This is my friend, Bree!”
Grace smiles at Bree.
Grace: “Hi Bree. It’s so nice to meet you! I’m Grace Faroe. I think I’ve seen you out before, though.”
“Bree Bailey… wow, now that takes me back. She is the THE Momager of Beverly Beach. Self-made badass bitch and an all-round girl boss. Love that.”
Bree: “Oh yes — We’ve seen each other plenty of times, Grace, but nice to officially meet you. It’s a pleasure!” She grins. “Congratulations on your divorce! You look fabulous.”
“Believe it or not, getting a divorce is actually more exciting than getting married! You know…on your wedding day you’re nervous, some people get cold feet and stuff like that. Meanwhile, when you’re getting divorced you can’t wait for it to be over! The day you finally get the papers it’s a huge party!” She laughs. “I’m so here for normalizing divorce parties!”
The shot changes to Mona, Monsè, Sheridan, and Martin chatting next to the bar with their drinks as they chat.
Mona: “Sheridan’s a great girl, you’ll love her Monsè.”
Sheridan smiles.
Monsè: “So Sheridan, is this your hubby?” She nods her head at Martin.
Sheridan nudges Martin who is looking off in the distance.
Sheridan: “Martin! Speak!” She laughs.
Martin: “Oh — Hey, what’s up?”
Mona laughs.
Monsè: “I’m sure all this estrogen is intimidating for Martin.” She giggles then sips her drink.
Mona: “Martin, what have you been up to lately?”
Martin: “Oh, you know how I do.” He shrugs. “Just hooping and spending time with Sher and MJ. Mona, you still be in those movies, girl. I see you.” He playfully nudges her.
The camera flips to show Dr. Yvonne Langley walking into the party.
Yvonne: “Oh — This light is something…I hope it doesn’t make my makeup look bad…” She begins greeting people. “Hey girl! Hey!”
“Grace and I are old friends who just haven’t been able to get things right for a few years now. Horace and I actually attended her wedding to Dimitri.”
“So this is bittersweet for a lot of reasons. But I’m here to build back better with Grace and check out whoever took her from Dimitri!”
Yvonne makes her way over to Lorelei and Bree.
Yvonne: “Hello ladies.”
Lorelei turns around, surprised, but gives Yvonne a hug.
Lorelei: “Uh, Yvonne Langley?!”
“I know Yvonne. Who doesn’t know her? She is what Ren and Lauren thought they were. She is the epitome of Beverly Beach Royalty. She’s that girl.” She snaps.
Yvonne: “Lorelei, so good to see you! I owe you a wedding present. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to the nuptials.”
Bree: “Hello, Yvonne. It’s a pleasure to meet you formally. I believe we’ve met briefly at some parties before.” She smiles.
Yvonne looks Bree up and down.
Yvonne: “We have? Hmm, I must’ve left them early.”
Bree raises an eyebrow as Yvonne turns to greet Sheridan and Mona who have joined the group.
Sheridan: “Hi Yvonne, good to see you again.” She kisses her cheeks.
Yvonne: “Sheridan, girl! My favorite youngster. How are you?”
“I’ve known Yvonne for years through Ren. She can be a bit much, but I think it’s love underneath her extraness.”
Sheridan: “Great! Meet my friend.” She moves aside and lets Mona step forward.
Mona: “Hi, pleasure. I’m Mona Quinn! You are?”
Yvonne: “Dr. Yvonne Langley to you, until further notice.” She smiles and winks. “Nice to meet you, Mona Quinn.”
Mona laughs.
Mona: “Alright, Doctor! I like it.”
Mona turns around and goes back to Monsè.
Monsè: “Damn, she was a little chilly.” She raises an eyebrow.
“I don’t know who this Yvonne is, but it seems like she’s got some of these ladies wrapped around her finger. She doesn’t seem too keen on the girl’s she hasn’t met before. Couldn’t be me…”
Mona: “Oh my! I totally forgot to introduce you to Yvonne. It’s alright, you’re not missing much.” She laughs.
Monsè: “I believe that, somehow.” She cracks a smile.
“Yvonne’s very astute, very official, on the older side. But that normally doesn’t bother me!”
Grace is the last to make her way over.
Grace: “Yvonne Langley! As I live and breathe.” She laughs and hugs her.
Yvonne: “Gracie! oh my goodness, you look fabulous! Thank you for inviting me. This is a lovely set up you have here.” She looks around.
Grace: “I know, isn’t it fabulous! And me?! So do you, look at this hair!”
Yvonne: “I think we look amazing for some old bitches.” She laughs.
Grace: “That we do!” She looks at the group. “If you’d excuse me please, ladies. I’m going to go give my speech and then we can all chat.” She smiles and walks off.
The party goes silent as Grace walks out on stage with a microphone. The music switches as the attention turns to her as she gives her speech.
Grace: “Thank you all for being here this evening to help me celebrate my divorce and the start of a new beginning in my life. This has been something that is long overdue and whilst me and my ex-husband, Dimitri may not be married anymore, we’re both in much happier relationships with much happier lives. As I look out on you all tonight, I feel a sense of pride and a feeling of content. I’m happy. I have my business, my friends, my fam — “
The camera turns to the crowd to show who Grace notices in the crowd. Her estranged daughter, Megan, stands and watches as her mother gives her speech.
Grace starts smiling uncontrollably as she resumes her speech.
Grace: “I have my family. And also…Vivian. Thank you all so much, have a great rest of your night.” She puts the microphone down.
The crowds erupts in applause and the camera shows Megan clapping and smiling a little.
“Whilst I was making my speech, I noticed Megan out of the corner of my eye. I can’t believe she actually turned up tonight. This is such a nice surprise and has to be a positive step in the right direction for us.”
Grace is seen holding Vivian’s hand when she gets off the stage.
Grace: “She came…she was here.” She wraps her arms around Vivian.
Vivian: “This is good.” She smiles and rubs Grace’s back.
We get a transition as the party keeps going. Eventually, Grace makes her way back to the group of ladies.
Monsè: “That speech was beautiful. Congrats, Grace!”
Grace: “Thank you!” She smiles at Monsè. “Ladies, we can all go into this nearby cabana, if you’d like? There’s plenty of refreshments provided.”
Bree: “Sure girl, I need a drink.” She looks to Lorelei. “Let’s go, girl!”
Lorelei starts following the group.
Lorelei: “I assume this is an open bar, right, Gracie?” She looks to her.
Grace turns around and raises an eyebrow.
Grace: “What do you think?” She laughs and turns around, walking into the cabana.
Mona: “Very nice, Grace.” She looks around at the spacious seating area.
“When you’ve got a hefty divorce settlement, you can afford to splash the cash a little!” She giggles.
Grace, Lorelei, Sheridan, Mona, Yvonne, Monsè, and Bree all sit and are brought drinks. Servers drop off plates of appetizers at their section. Grace clears her throat.
Grace: “Ladies, um…My daughter was here. She came…” She smiles. “I can’t believe she was here. Megan was here!”
Sheridan’s mouth drops.
Sheridan: “Ohhhh, Gracie! I’m so happy for you.”
Mona: “Did she leave?” She looks around, confused.
Grace: “She did.” She nods. “But the fact she was even here gives me hope for our relationship.”
Mona: “I love that for you, Grace.” She plasters a smile on her face.
Lorelei: “It was big of her to even come. I mean, you look great tonight, Grace. You’re glowing!”
The camera pans to Yvonne who is looking around cluelessly, smiling. Sheridan turns to Monsè.
Sheridan: “So Monsè, are you married?”
Monsè: “Yeah! I’ve been with my husband, Gil, for 14 years!”
The camera shows all of the women’s reactions. Everybody looks stunned except for Mona.
“This group can be a pack of piranhas. Them getting to know these new girls can go one of two ways.” She laughs.
Lorelei: “14 years? How old are you?” Her eyes are wide.
Bree: “Hold on, aren’t you like 25?!”
Sheridan: “Oh my goodness. You look so young, babe.”
Yvonne: “Girl, you barely look older than 14. Congratulations though, that’s huge.”
“She looks too young to be married to a man named Gil. Gil sounds more Baby Boomer like me, is she lying right out the gate? Bad idea!”
Monsè chuckles.
Monsè: “Well, thank you everyone.” She flips her hair. “I’m 29. I’m from Haiti, so in our culture women can get married when they are 15.”
Mona: “She looks good for her age, doesn’t she?!”
“Monsè got married at 15? How old is Gil? Let me find out he’s an old man. I’m calling the police.”
“I don’t like this girl. She’s way too young, she makes me feel like an ancient creature!” She scoffs. “And, I’m not THAT old. Come on!” She laughs.
Yvonne looks to Monsè and raises an eyebrow.
Yvonne: “Oh, a child bride? It’s a cultural thing?”
Lorelei chuckles at Yvonne’s comment and Mona’s eyes widen. Monsè finishes sipping her drink.
“I think Monsè has a beautiful story but of course these bitches will be shady!”
Monsè: “Well, a girl becomes a woman at 14 where I’m from. So, don’t worry, Yvonne. Not a child bride. I know people can be a little slower in the states…” She politely smiles.
Yvonne: “If you say so…” She leans back and mumbles to Sheridan. “She’s brainwashed.”
Lorelei: “Clearly somethings right if you’ve been together for 14 years still! Do you have any children?”
Monsè: “I have a little boy named Bastien! He’s 5 and just starting kindergarten!”
“Miss Monsè is a child bride, I mean… 15? Wow. You would think she would have herself a soccer team by now. She is gorgeous though, very beautiful girl.”
Monsè: “I wish he’d stop growing so fast. It feels like he was just born!”
Lorelei puts her hands to her chest.
Lorelei: “I know it, girl. I know it. My baby is growing up too fast too.”
As Lorelei and Monsè chat a little more, Sheridan turns to Bree.
Sheridan: “Now, what about you? I’m Sheridan, you are?”
Bree: “I’m Bree Bailey! Nice to meet you.”
Sheridan: “I’m sure you’re married. You got more than 14 years under your belt?” She laughs and takes a bite of her egg roll.
Bree: “Well, I was married. We actually got a divorce after 15 years, now I’ve been single for over 6.” She sips her champagne.
Sheridan: “Oh, you’re single? How fun! Are you out here in these Beverly Beach streets?” She laughs.
Bree: “I’m not very open to dating at the moment. My main focus is on my daughters, I’m actually their manager. They’re so talented!”
“Everyone knows who Bree is in Beverly Beach so I’m slightly trolling her. Yes — she’s known to be out there in the Beverly Beach streets…and mens sheets.” She laughs.
The other ladies have now joined Sheridan and Bree’s conversation.
Yvonne: “What is it that you do, Bree? Do you have a job or does the alimony pay for the lifestyle?”
Bree: “Being a manager for my daughters doesn’t pay enough to fund my lifestyle, no.” She shakes her head. “My divorce settlement does though.” She smiles at Yvonne.
Lorelei: “Okay!” She snaps. “You better tell ‘em.”
Monsè: “I know that’s right, Bree!”
Bree cracks a smiles and Yvonne shakes her head in amusement and looks down.
“A gold digger in Beverly Beach?” She rolls her eyes. “That’s so unimpressive. The child bride interests me more than Bree.”
Monsè: “Well, if you ever need a boy toy, Bree, let me know. I know all the hottest actors here.” She winks.
Bree: “Alright, Monsè! I’ll keep that in mind.” She smiles.
Bree pulls out her phone and begins showing the ladies photos of her daughters, Blake and Bianca, posing in Lorelei’s photoshoot.
Bree: “This is the shoot Blake and Bianca did for Lorelei’s brand. Aren’t they gorgeous?” She smiles and hands her phone around to the other women.
Sheridan: “Cute.” She smiles.
Lorelei: “Her daughters did fabulous! I mean, true stars in the making.”
Monsè and Grace crowd around the phone.
Monsè: “They look amazing!”
Grace: “Oh, wow. They are fabulous. Your daughters are so beautiful.”
Mona: “They’re stunning!”
Yvonne is passed the phone, she puts on her glasses to look at the screen.
Yvonne: “Oh! They have beautiful tans!”
Bree: “Thank you! They’re my pride and joy!” She takes back her phone.
Monsè can be seen glancing at Yvonne, hiding a slight smile.
“Yvonne is so shady.” She laughs. “Honestly though, I’m kind of here for it now. It’s funny!”
The girls can be seen drinking more of their cocktails and snacking on more of the hors d’ourves. There is a bit of an awkward lull until Yvonne speaks up.
Yvonne: “So, I don’t want to rain on the parade we got going but…” She looks to Sheridan. “Sheridan, what’s happening with Bell Camp.”
The music picks up. The girls look a bit uncomfortable; Bree widens her eyes and ups her drink. Mona shakes her head. Lorelei looks over at Yvonne.
“Yvonne was always known for her zingers and not holding back.” She laughs. “She’s not missed a beat, honey!”
Sheridan looks caught off guard and a bit awkward. She shifts in her seat.
Sheridan: “Well, I mean, you all read the article…”
Yvonne: “But articles are written everyday. Only you can say if it’s true.”
Grace can be seen subtly shaking her head, she taps Yvonne.
Grace: “Yvonne…Not now.” She speaks through her teeth.
Lorelei: “That’s correct.” She nods at Yvonne.
“Of course we all read the article. But come one. Why bring it up at a party?” She rolls her eyes. “This Yvonne seems shady.”
The girls all look to Sheridan.
Mona: “This would be a good time to clear your name, girl, and explain it.”
Sheridan raises her eyebrow at Mona but first addresses everyone.
Sheridan: “The article is true. I trusted the wrong person to manage my restaurant and got screwed over. Martin and I both. I’m obviously devastated and hurt, girls.”
“I’m not sure what to say here. The person I trusted to manage my restaurant turned out to be a thief. I’m sad, I loved her like a sister. Blindsided. Hurt. In fucking pain.”
Mona: “I’m sorry, babe.” She frowns.
Sheridan whips her head to Mona.
Sheridan: “Mona, I don’t get it? You said it could be a good chance for me to clear my name? I haven’t done anything wrong.”
Grace: “You don’t have to explain yourself, this is all still a big shock for you and it’s terrible.” She pats Sheridan’s hand.
Mona: “I meant to say, like, explain yourself. I misspoke.” She sips her drink and nods her head. “I’m sorry.”
Lorelei: “What exactly happened, Sheridan. Were they like…washing money?” She cocks her head.
Sheridan: “Washing money? What?”
“I said I wasn’t going to ask her about it. I didn’t. Yvonne did.” She laughs. “So, I can now freely ask what I want to know.”
Yvonne: “Sheridan, are you suing the woman? And do you have a good lawyer? I know plenty!”
Sheridan can be seen looking around quickly for Martin before facing the girls, looking uncomfortable.
Bree: “Wait so is the restaurant really going to shut down? Cause that’s what I’ve heard…” She sips her champagne and looks at Sheridan. “I hope not! I love it!”
Sheridan: “Martin and I have took legal action, yes. There isn’t much I can talk about, ladies.” She laughs nervously, she unlocks her phone and types something and looks around again.
Mona: “I just wanted to know if you were shocked by it all or did you have an inkling that this was happening?” She looks curious. “It’s all just so terrible.”
Yvonne: “Mona, that’s not appropriate.” She snaps her head in Mona’s direction.
Mona: “Yvonne, we’re all asking questions. Stop.” She rolls her eyes.
“Mona made a light accusation disguised as a question. I don’t know what she does for a living but it probably has a conniving aspect to it.”
The camera pans to Grace who is looking at Sheridan who is not looking the best. Her eyes dart quickly between the ladies as they chatter and ask her questions about the situation, she is on the verge of tears.
“I can see how distressed Sheridan is becoming. The women are hounding her with questions and not giving her a moment to breathe.”
Lorelei holds her hands up.
Lorelei: “Wait, wait, wait — “ She stands up and goes to sit beside Sheridan who is breathing heavy. “Sheridan, are you okay? You look upset.”
All the girls look at Sheridan, concerned, as she tries to catch her breath.
Sheridan: “My restaurant isn’t shutt — Okay girls — I’m sorry, but this is too much.” She gets up and spots Martin talking to Vivian. “Grace, it was a great party but I’m going to go.” She starts crying as she quickly makes her way over to Martin.
The girls watch as she goes. Lorelei gasps.
Lorelei: “Oh — Oh wow.”
Bree: “Wait, is she leaving?” She looks around, confused.
The camera follows Sheridan and Martin as they make their quick exit, like thieves in the night. Martin has his hand rested on Sheridan’s back. Sheridan is crying.
Sheridan: “Please, Martin. Let’s go.”
Martin: “Damn, what the hell babe — “
Sheridan pounds on the elevator button until the door closes, giving the camera a second of direct eye contact. Back in the cabana; Grace, Mona, Lorelei, Bree, Yvonne, and Monsè remain.
Yvonne: “Well, that didn’t go well.”
Grace lets out a big sigh.
Mona: “I’m upset that she left.” She swirls her drink before taking a sip. “You know, I think if we all understood the issue more, we could be there for her in a better way.” She shrugs.
Yvonne: “I actually agree, Mona. People will talk and I’ll defend Sheridan but I need to know what and why I’m defending.” She nods.
Grace: “I think she still needs time to process all of this. It’s still very raw…like this all went public a few days ago so she mustn’t have known for long…”
Lorelei quietly sips her drink and observes.
“I don’t think any of us were harsh on her. I think it was genuine questions we were asking. The fact of the matter is, no one is oblivious to illegal doings in their own business. The question for me is… did she know?”
Bree: “Don’t you all think maybe she can’t really talk about it because it’s going to be investigated by the police?” She looks around at the women.
Lorelei nods with Bree and Yvonne just blinks at her.
“So is she Sheridan’s PR? She just repeated exactly what Sheridan said.” She laughs.
Mona: “Possibly!”
Monsè: “I think we should all just give her time. That has to be hard to deal with. Finding out you were betrayed by someone you trusted? Plus the stress of going to court, or whatever, against them?”
Yvonne: “Yes! Well, anyways ladies, I have a surprise!”
The girls focus on Yvonne and she excitedly makes grand gestures with her hands.
Yvonne: “I wish Sheridan was still here but I’ll talk to her separately. I want to host a dinner for all of us on my yacht. You know, we can get to know each other and just have some girl time while we see the views on Beverly River!”
Grace: “Yes, I love that.” She claps her hands.
Mona: “Great idea.” She smiles.
Bree: “I wonder if she’ll ignore me at her dinner, too…” She whispers to Lorelei who snickers.
Yvonne: “Oh good, please dress appropriately. I’m a stickler for manners and order.”
Lorelei: “Oh, that is fabulous. We love a good yacht and I will dress to par.”
Yvonne: “Thank you Gracie for inviting me, lovely to reconnect. I’ll see you ladies soon.” She gets up from the table, blows kisses, and exits the tent to go back to the party.
Mona: “Yes! Fun party, Grace.” She hugs her.
Grace: “Thank you all for coming, ladies. I really appreciate the fact we were all able to come together to support me tonight! Safe journeys home if you’re leaving, if not…Let’s go get a drink!”
Monsè: “Congrats again, Grace!”
Lorelei gets up from her seat and helps Bree up.
Lorelei: “You ready, mama? This was a cute party, huh?”
Bree: “Yes!” She hugs Grace on the way out. “Everything was fabulous Grace, and it was a pleasure to meet you all girls.”
“I feel like tonight went quite well. There was no real fighting, I managed to keep my cool and yes, Sheridan left but it wasn’t all bad. The vision going forward? If you’re not about the namaste, then get the hell out of the way.” She smirks and giggles.
We get an aerial shot of Grace’s rooftop Divorce Party before the episode ends.