[S6E1]: A New Era (Part I)
Music opens up the premiere and we see Beverly Beach, back in full swing for the summer. People strut along the pristinely kept stone streets, designer bags in hand. Locals dine at the cute cafès that line the street.
Luxury cars zoom up and down the main road, palm trees hang over it creating a tunnel. In the upscale garment district of Beverly Beach, we get a shot of the NUDITY headquarters, Lorelei’s shape wear brand. Inside, Lorelei stands as a pregnant model walks out of a room, wearing shape wear. Lorelei’s face lights up.
Lorelei: “Do you love it?!”
Woman: “Yes!” She spins around and strikes a pose. “I actually feel so confident!”
Lorelei turns to her assistant, Marnie, and smiles.
Lorelei: “She looks…BEAUTIFUL! Ugh, I can’t wait until this new collection comes out made specifically for pregnant women, it’s fabulous!”
“Things in the life of Mrs. Sullivan have been going quite well. I’ve decided to branch out with my shape-wear line and do a maternity line. I know alot clothes and dresses for pregnant women just don’t fit comfortably and I just want to do something special for them.”
As the woman makes her way back into the fitting room, Lorelei looks down at her phone and gasps.
Lorelei: “Oh my gosh! I didn’t realize what time it was. I’m meeting up with some girlfriends!” She looks to Marnie. “I’ve got to go but text me if you need anything!”
We get a montage of Lorelei as she gathers her things, struts down the hallway and out of the office.
“After the news of my miscarriage I’ve buried myself into work.”
Xavier and I have been back and forth with the idea of going the surrogacy route but I — I don’t know how I feel about it.” She sighs. “I suffered a loss and I’m still currently in the process of grieving.” She tears up.
A valet pulls up Lorelei’s pink Phantom Ghost. She thanks the employee and hops in the driver’s seat.
The music picks up as she zooms off, into Beverly Beach traffic. The camera ascends from in front of NUDITY and goes over a few streets to show Grace’s ‘House of Faroe’ office.
Inside, employees buzz around carrying fabrics, mannequins, and measuring tapes. Grace is in her office putting design sketches into a binder.
“A lot’s happened in the past few months since you saw me last. House of Faroe is thriving, I’ve got a new show and my divorce…” She puts her hands together. “Is finally official!”
Now, Grace is shown walking out of the House of Faroe building.
“The divorce has been a long and painful battle for me and my entire family. For a long time, myself and Dimitri were on bad terms and couldn’t even bare to be in the same room as each other. There was a lot of hurt. But now, we’ve managed to reach a better place and with the finalization of our divorce, it’s like pressing the reset button. It’s a new beginnings.” She smiles.
Grace power walks through the parking lot and towards her car. She whips out her phone.
Grace: “Hey Vivian. I’m heading downtown to meet some of the ladies for drinks so I’ll be back later, okay? Love you, bye!”
Grace smiles as she hangs up her phone and gets in her car. Next, the music picks up as the shot does a cool transition to a movie set. Mona bursts out the doors of the studio. As she walks, her two assistants trail behind her typing feverishly on their phones.
Mona and the two girls get in the back of a blacked out Escalade. Mona lets out a huge sigh and takes a long chug of her water bottle.
Mona: “Oh my God, I’m so exhausted.” She spreads out in her seat.
Kylee: “I can’t imagine. If you didn’t have a stunt person for this movie you’d literally be dead!” She laughs and looks to the other assistant, Jackie.
Mona: “Oh, I know!”
We see the car as it starts to drive off the movie lot and onto the main road.
“Since last season my life has been evolving so much, I’m working on three new movies. I’m a mom to toddlers and I’m in a complicated marriage which feels like a job within itself right now. So yea…I’m busy!”
Jackie: “This week, you’ve got filming every day except Friday. And then you have the Actors Guild Awards on Wednesday that you’re presenting at.”
Mona nods along and whips her head in Kylee’s direction.
Mona: “Kylee, we need to contact Mario to come do glam and help with a look.”
Kylee: “Totally! I’ll do that now.” She begins typing on her phone and glances up. “Will Adam be coming with you?”
The camera pans to Jackie, curious, who looks at Mona for her response as well.
“Adam and I left Tulum in a terrible place. We talked after the trip and he acknowledged his behavior was uncalled for and apologized. I hesitantly accepted and we’re working on our relationship for the kids.”
Mona: “I want him to come with me so yea he will be attending.” She nods.
Kylee: “Okay, I’ll make sure a suit is ready for him.”
Jackie: “But right now, we need to get you back to the house to get ready for happy hour with your friends.” She holds up her phone, showing Mona’s agenda for the day.
Mona puts her head in her hands and lets out a little scream.
Mona: “I forgot about that, please kill me now.”
Kylee and Jackie look to each other and snicker.
“I haven’t talked with any of the women since the reunion except Sheridan. I don’t know where I stand with Lorelei and Grace — well I know where I’m at with Grace and that’s nowhere.” She shrugs.
The music picks up as we see the Escalade drive off onto the freeway. Next, we get a transition and then a car cam shot of Sheridan driving.
The she dials a number on her phone and the Bluetooth on her car rings as she tries to call someone, finally, Martin picks up.
Martin: “What’s up?”
Sheridan: “Martin — It’s a fucking nightmare.” She’s biting her lip anxiously.
Martin: “ I don’t know how you were able to let her do this to you for this long Sheridan, but you have to calm down.”
“She fucking screwed me over.”
In the car, Sheridan is shown stopped at a traffic light. She reaches in her purse for a Kleenex as she begins to cry.
Sheridan: “Martin, I have to get it together. I’m on my way to have drinks for the girls. I can’t just not show up! That’ll raise even more questions! Ugh!”
Martin: “Take a deep breath, baby. It’ll all work out. We are going to get through this. I talked to our lawyer today, It’s going to be okay.”
Sheridan takes a deep breath as she begins driving again.
“I am so ashamed. I worked hard for my restaurant business and to build my brand, and I got taken advantage of by someone I trusted.” She sighs. “This is not how I wanted to start my year.”
Sheridan pulls into the parking lot of the bar and wipes her eyes. She begins fixing her makeup in the mirror.
Sheridan: “Thank you, baby. I love you so much.”
Martin: “Have a good night and don’t let the girls bother you with their questions.”
Sheridan: “They won’t see me cry. I’m no weak ass bitch.”
Sheridan and Martin laugh. We get a cool transition as the camera leaves Sheridan’s car and focuses on Mona pulling up in her brand new sports car across the parking lot.
Music plays as she parks, exits her car, and then makes her way into the bar. Grace pulls up right behind Mona and makes her way into the bar as well.
“If I’m being honest, I’m feeling pretty positive about meeting up with the other ladies tonight. Yes, Mona and I aren’t in a great place but I’m hoping that with everything going on in our lives, good and bad, we can turn over a new leaf.”
Mona stands in the foyer, waiting for the others. Grace walks up to her. A few seconds later, Lorelei enters the bar and goes up to the girls.
Lorelei: “Yes, honeys! You both look good.” She snaps as she approaches and gives both of them a hug.
Mona: “Hey girl! Thank you! You look stunning.”
“I haven’t seen the girls since we were all together last and I’m honestly excited to just sit down, have some drinks and just kiki it up! Well, that is… if everyone can behave.” She laughs.
Outside, Sheridan finishes reapplying her makeup in her car.
Sheridan: “Boss up, bitch.” She mumbles to herself.
The camera follows her as she gets out of her car and enters the bar. She puts on a smile when she sees the women.
Sheridan: “Hey babies!”
Lorelei twirls and smiles.
Lorelei: “Sheridan! Girl, how are you? You look hot.” She looks her up and down.
Sheridan: “I’m doing well, babe!”
Grace: “Yes! You all look wonderful, ladies. Very regal!”
The four women are seated at a high top table and given drink menus. A server comes up to them and takes their orders.
Mona: “I’ll do a spicy, skinny margarita. Thanks!”
Sheridan: “A Cosmopolitan for me.”
Lorelei: “A double shot of Grey Goose neat, on the rocks please!”
Grace: “I’ll do a glass of pinot grigio!”
The server walks away to put their orders in. Sheridan looks at the table.
Sheridan: “Are you girls all doing good?”
Lorelei: “I’m doing well.” She smiles. “Just recently started working on my maternity line.”
Sheridan: “Ooo, a maternity line. That’s so cool!” She smiles.
“I’m trying to really start over with Lorelei after the reunion. We hugged and at that point I said, you know what we need to move on. So I did. Time will tell if we get further.”
Grace: “It’s fantastic, Lorelei! Personally, I’ve been busy with the House of Faroe. It’s been non-stop.”
Mona: “I’m just working and taking care of my kids! That’s pretty much it.”
The camera pans to Lorelei who looks around at the table.
“We’re all playing nice, catching up but all I can think of when I look at Sheridan is the big elephant in the room. Her legal case. It’s the talk of the town and it’s WILD.”
Lorelei: “Sheridan, how’s life with you? Catch me up.” She smiles.
Sheridan: “I’ve just been spending a lot of time with Martin and MJ. He usually stays with us during the summer so it’s been a lot of fun getting to spend more time with him.” She nods.
All of the girls look at Sheridan. The server brings back a tray of drinks for the women, they thank him. The conversation has not recovered from the awkward lull. Mona clears her throat and turns to Sheridan.
Mona: “How’s the restaurant been?”
Lorelei side eyes Mona, looking her up and down as she sips her drink. Grace’s eye widen.
“Obviously there’s all the press going on about Bell Camp with money laundering, etcetera. I want to know what’s going on so I can be a good friend. That’s all.”
The camera pans to Sheridan. She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.
Sheridan: “Well, the restaurant is certainly popular right now…” She forces a laugh as her eyes dart. “Speaking of popularity, I saw your latest film. It did great in the box office. A big hit!”
Mona: “Thank you! Yes, it was a fun experience filming that movie with Vin Diesel! I have three more in post production right now.” She smiles and sips her margarita.
Grace raises and eyebrow.
“It’s obvious Sheridan is trying to avoid the subject, which is understandable. I have questions, which I’m sure we all do, but now’s not the time to ask her. She’s not ready.”
Lorelei looks at the women and puts her hands on the table.
Lorelei: “I think…I think, us, all being here right now is a step in the right direction, no?” The camera pans to show Mona, Grace, and Sheridan all nodding along. “I hope we can all just remain positive and have a good time together this summer.”
Sheridan: “God, I hope so!” She holds up her Cosmo as she looks around at the others.
Lorelei: “Where do you two stand?” She motions between Grace and Mona.
Grace and Mona remain silent and glance at each other.
Grace: “I mean, we haven’t seen each other and there’s been zero communication.”
Mona: “Yeah, I don’t really know.” She shrugs. “I’m trying my best to be in a more positive space in my life, so I think that also means moving forward in my friendships.”
Grace turns to face Mona.
Grace: “I personally have nothing against you.”
Mona turns and scoffs.
Mona: “Well, I have alot against you but that’s a conversation for another time…”
“I will never forget how Grace dismissed me repeatedly last season and then attacked me because of my marital issues. I can move forward but I can’t forget past actions.”
Lorelei blinks and sips her drink loudly.
Sheridan: “Come on, girls! You both love eachother!” She laughs.
“I do think Mona and Grace can move forward. I do!”
Grace rolls her eyes.
Grace: “I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration, Sheridan.”
Mona: “Yeah — That’s a stretch!”
Grace turns back to Mona.
Grace: “Look, I’m not expecting us to be best friends, but I’d like to move on. Leave everything from last year in the past.” She shrugs.
Lorelei: “And that’s all we can ask of you two! Just keep the peace and be able to coexist. Maybe… a friendship will come of it.”
“I’m moving into a new chapter of my life, so I want to forget the kind of person I was last year. It’s important that the other ladies see and embrace the new person I’ve become. The Faroe 2.0!” She laughs.
Mona: “I’m willing to try and do that, sure.” She sips her margarita.
Grace is seen smiling.
Mona: “I’m all about keeping the peace. Lord knows I have enough on my plate…” She catches herself. “Like, with the kids and everything.” She laughs a bit.
Lorelei flutters her eyes as she downs the rest of her vodka, observing the rest of the ladies. She can been seen staring at Sheridan for a second as Sheridan fixes Mona’s necklace.
I am having this inner battle with myself to just really nudge Sheridan into speaking about this huge elephant in the room. If it were me and my clothing line, she wouldn’t stop badgering me.” She laughs. “As I want to really dive deep into Sheridan’s illicit work affairs… I’ve just decided I’m going to let bygones be bygones.” She side eyes and mumbles to the camera. “I’m going to let others get in her business and I’m going to watch though…”
Grace lightly taps her knife against her glass.
Grace: “Anyways, ladies, I have some news to share. I don’t know if you’ve heard but my divorce is FINALLY official!” She claps her hands together excitedly.
Sheridan and Lorelei both begin clapping as well.
Sheridan: “Yasss!”
Lorelei: “Aw, Gracie. I’m so happy for you!” She raises her glass.
Mona: “Good for you!” She smiles.
Grace: “Thank you, ladies!” She grins. “I’m glad it’s finally over. I’ve decided to throw a party to celebrate my divorce and you’re all invited. I’d love it if you could all join me and Vivian.”
Mona: “That sounds like fun. I’d love to come!”
Sheridan: “You know I’ll be there! Can we just like unite you and Vivi in marriage immediately?!”
“Grace and Vivi are soulmates. Martin and I adore Vivi! We’ve actually been hanging out as couples alot recently. Martin and Vivi shoot hoops together!”
Lorelei sips her drink and smiles.
Lorelei: “Of course, I wouldn’t miss it! Are we allowed to bring plus ones? I have a fabulous girlfriend who I’d love to bring! You guys would love her…maybe some of you know her.”
Sheridan: “Who?! Is it another one of your sisters?” She makes a face and raises her eyebrow.
Lorelei laughs and looks at Sheridan.
Lorelei: “No, I just have Imani! And, I’m keeping her a secret for now. She’s a fun girl, trust.”
“Honey, Miss Lorelei rolls deep with her sisters. Got to watch out for those girls.”
Sheridan: “Oh, okay then, girl…” She side eyes the camera.
Grace: “Of course! Bring your friend. The more the merrier.” She laughs.
“Bree is simply… just fabulous! There was not a lot of fabulosity going on this group last year, so another billionaire bitch is needed.” She snaps. “Okay!” She laughs.
Mona: “Now wait a minute! If Lorelei brings a friend I want to bring a friend too!”
Grace: “Sure.” She smiles and nods.
Sheridan: “Girls, I am so exhausted. I think I’m going to head home to get some cuddles in with Martin! I’ll see you all at Gracie’s party, okay?”
Grace: “See you soon, Sheridan!”
Mona: “I’m gonna get going to, I want to snuggle with my babies! See you all at Grace’s party!” She gets up and waves.
“I’m curious to see how long this ‘truce’ lasts between us ladies. We all are trying to be better people, but it’s so easy for each of us to return to our old ways. Especially Grace.”
Lorelei: “Bye, girls!” She waves.
We see Mona and Sheridan walk towards the exit together as Lorelei and Grace remain at the table, chatting. The camera pans up to shows the stars above Beverly Beach and the scene ends.
Music plays as the exterior of a beautiful Beverly Bluffs house is shown. Inside, a staff of workers are seen vacuuming, moving furniture, and wiping down the kitchen counter. There is a sound of high heels as they come down the grand staircase, and mid-pitched executive voice disrupts the workers.
Voice: “And yes, remind them that I pay everyone who works for me well and I expect excellent, No — PERFECT — work in return. I hope that’s clear enough for them! Goodbye Kyle!”
A big sighs is heard as the heels reach the bottom of the staircase and Yvonne Langley is revealed.
Yvonne: “Ah! Good morning, everyone! Taking a break from your duties I see? Was I too loud?”
Yvonne raises an eyebrow at her staff. They shake their heads ‘No’ and quickly go back to working. She motions to her assistant who just came out of the kitchen.
Yvonne: “Olivia, pour me my morning juice and bring it to me in my office.”
Olivia: “Right away, Ms. Langley!” She scurries back into the kitchen.
Yvonne smiles a little as she struts across her grand foyer and to her office.
“Yes, it’s me. One of the OG’s, Dr. Yvonne J. Langley. Since I departed the show, I’ve done a few things. Where do I begin? I have a doctorate degree now, I moved to a new home and hired all new staff. My son, my daughter, and my my ex live with me full-time, and I’m newly in love! I’m still a raging bitch but I’m getting laid now, so it’s balanced!” She smiles.
Yvonne goes to sit in her office, puts on her reading glasses, and begins typing on the computer.
Yvonne: “I definitely want to get these pieces for the gallery. Superb…” She mumbles to herself as she leans close to her computer screen and squints.
A moment later, her phone begins ringing and she answers it, putting it on speaker.
Yvonne: “Yes?”
House Manager Polly [On The Phone]: “Hi Dr. Langley, Mr. Teddy is here to see you!”
Yvonne looks at the clock on her computer and raises her eyebrow.
Yvonne: “Morning quickie?” She thinks out loud. “Oh — Uh, Send him to my office, Polly.”
She nods and then hangs up. Two minutes pass the Teddy enters the office with Yvonne’s morning juice.
Teddy: “Good morning, my love.”
Yvonne stops scrolling and turns around, smiling.
Teddy: “I stopped by the kitchen to get your drink on my way. I still can’t get used to how big this house is.”
Yvonne gets up, kisses Teddy, and then takes the juice.
Yvonne: “You’ll be living here soon so get a study group going with the new pool boy and Alonzo.” She smirks and sits back down at her desk.
“Teddy is my boyfriend of three months, he’s a real estate developer after leaving his life in the fast lane behind, including his wife. Thanks, girl.” She laughs. “When he’s here, the house is even fuller with my son Alonzo in the basement apartment, Horace in the downstairs guest room, and my daughter Asha back and forth from here to L.A. as a senior in college.”
Teddy: “He doesn’t like me very much, just like his dad.” He chuckles and sits across from Yvonne.
Yvonne: “Horace should love you! He won’t have to pay alimony anymore!” She lets out a shrill cackle.
Teddy: “So, you do want to get married?” He looks up and raises an eyebrow.
Yvonne: “I do but I’ve gotten no proposal.” She makes a face and crosses her legs.
Teddy: “It may come soon…” She smirks.
Yvonne: “I deserve it.” She swivels in her chair. “So, let’s talk about this housing situation. I don’t know how much longer we can do this blended family thing with all the tension. I don’t see what their issue is.”
Teddy: “Maybe we just need a conversation?”
Yvonne: “You’re right.” She rolls her chair over and presses the house call button. “Asha, Alonzo, and Horace. Come to my office immediately. Thank you.”
“Some people may think me, my boyfriend, my kids, and my ex husband all living under one roof is weird but I don’t discuss Teddy and I’s romantic life with my kids or Horace, it’s not their business. I don’t ask what they’re busy doing when I don’t see them for 24 to 48 hours. We’re all grown so let’s get some grown people communication!”
Horace, Asha, and Alonzo all enter Yvonne’s office. They stand in the door way and look at Yvonne and Teddy. Teddy offers a small smile but just gets a look from Horace and the kids.
Yvonne: “Sit down. I think we need to talk.” She opens to the open seating areas in her office.
Alonzo: “I’ll stand.” He crosses his arms.
Yvonne: “Are you 13 all over again?” She rolls her eyes. “Lose the attitude and sit down. You don’t pay enough bills for this kind of energy.” She gives her son a stern look.
As Alonzo, Asha, and Horace sit, Yvonne begins her speech.
Yvonne: “ Look. Teddy and I are in a serious relationship. You don’t have to like it but you all will respect it. He’s gone through your hazing so I just want to be clear that he’s a part of this family.”
Horace: “Soon, he’ll be moving in.” He says sarcastically.
Yvonne: “Glad you mentioned that! He will be, soon. Into my room…but not my closet of course.”
Asha, Alonzo, and Horace all look shocked. Teddy nervously cringes.
Yvonne: “Oh — Pick your faces up off the floor, it’ll be fun! In the meantime, I want you all to spend some time with Teddy one on one.”
Teddy looks back at Yvonne’s family, nervously.
Horace: “I’m too old for orders and to be going out on dates.” He snorts.
Yvonne: “You’re too old to be living in my house, but here you are. It’s a new day.” She smiles.
Asha: “I’m a little busy but I’m sure I can make time.” She glances at Teddy.
Yvonne: “ Good girl, okay that’s it. I’m excited to hear how much you all begin to love Teddy. Smooches. Go be great in your days!”
They grumble, but everyone except Teddy exits Yvonne’s office. He closes the door then looks at Yvonne in awe.
Yvonne: “That was for you too, Teddy. No time for quickies, I have business to tend to.” She puts back on her glasses and goes back to the computer.
Teddy: “Okay, we’ll just have our time tonight.” He winks, gives her a kiss on the head, then leaves.
Yvonne: “Oh, that man…”
She chuckles to herself as she goes back to work. The scene fades out.
S6E1 (Part II): https://rhobb.medium.com/efda1323a318