Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
16 min readSep 10, 2022

Your First Look at ‘The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach’ Season 6!

(From L to R: Mona Quinn, Yvonne Langley, Sheridan Campbell, Lorelei Sullivan, Grace Faroe, & Bree Bailey)

A big shoutout to the talented @Haus_Of_Peacock for our cast photos this season!

The trailer starts out with a shot of the Beverly Beach coastline. Large, expensive houses sit right on the water.

As we see the serene landscape, a sound bite from Yvonne in the middle of a fight is heard.

Yvonne: “I’m sick of you all using my relationship as fodder for your messy behavior!”

We now get a sound bite from Lorelei.

Lorelei: “You are a high mileage whore! Don’t you ever come at me like that again!”

We hear a sound bite from Sheridan.

Sheridan: “Everything around me is falling apart and I’m starting to break…I just need support.” She sobs.

This Season on The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach…

A rooftop elevator ‘Dings’ as Mona and Monsè get out together and look at one another before walking forward. The camera pans to a beautiful rooftop party.

Next, we see an extravagant all pink Barbie party.

Bank’s Barbie Party

Lorelei holds her daughter, Banks, and smiles.

Lorelei: “This is all for you, Banksie!”

Lorelei & Banks

The scene switches to Grace with a microphone, standing in front of a crowd of people at a rooftop party.

Grace Faroe

Grace: “Thank you all for being here this evening to help me celebrate my divorce and the start of a new beginning in my life. This has been something that is long overdue and whilst me and my ex-husband, Dimitri may not be married anymore, we’re both in much happier relationships with much happier lives.” She smiles.

Beautiful shots of Quebec, Canada flash across the screen.

Quebec, Canada

Monsè’s Voice: “Wow Quebec is beautiful!”

We see a large estate, the women enter dragging along some of their luggage.

Sheridan’s Parent’s Estate

Sheridan: “Ladies! Welcome to my parent’s vacation home! Let’s have a fun weekend.”

Mona: “This house is gorg!”

Lorelei follows Mona and looks around.

Lorelei: “This is a cute little house.” She looks around.

Sheridan: “Little?” She laughs. “The estate has 6 bedrooms, I would hardly say it’s little.” She gives Lorelei a look.

Prague Castle

Grace, Sheridan, Lorelei, Yvonne, Mona, Bree, and Monsè are all seen getting together for a group photo infront of the Prague Castle in the Czech Republic.

Lorelei: “This castle is stunning! I wonder how much it’s worth?!”

Bree: “This is absoluty gorgeous, I must say.”

Yvonne: “I’m going to put it on the Instagram!”

Some of the girls laugh, the camera zooms out and we get multiple beautiful shots of Prague, Czech Republic.

Prague, Czechia

We now see the luxurious hotel the Housewives are staying in.

The Grand Mark Prague

The scene now switches to them all entering and admiring a private dining experience.

Man: “Welcome, all for you.” He says with a thick accent.He begins pulling out chairs for the women.

Sheridan: “Okay Mrs. Faroe! looking like a bag of money.” She snaps.

Grace does a little shimmey and the camera pans to Lorelei who is sitting at the table.

Lorelei: “Everyone is looking beautiful tonight!” She smiles and looks around.

The next scene is at a beautiful outdoor venue, Bree embraces her two daughters; Blake & Bianca, as a large curtain opens and their Vogue cover is revealed to a small party.

Bree Bailey

Mona, Lorelei, Yvonne, Grace, and Sheridan all stand and clap. The camera pans to Anna Wintour who is standing and clapping at one of the tables.

Bree’s Confessional

“Seeing my girls be so professional and work hard to achieve their goals makes me so proud. I really devoted my whole life to them…” She gets teary eyed. “They’re my whole life!” She sniffles and wipes the corner of her eye with a Kleenex.

We see Bree at dinner with her daughters, they are laughing and having a good time.

Blake & Bianca’s Confessional

Blake: “We really love our mom.”
Bianca: “Yeah! She would do anything for us, she’s always supported us.”

Blake & Bianca
Lorelei’s Confessional

“I’ve known Bree for a while now. We met back when we were with our ex-husbands, she was the one who gave me GREAT advice on how to end the divorce with a huge payout. She’s a fun girl and a great mother! I admire her.”

Music plays as we see shots of Bree’s mega mansion.

The Manor
Bree’s House
Bree’s House
Bree’s Confessional

“So this house is actually pretty famous, it’s called The Manor. It is 56,000 square feet, it has a 7,000 square feet master suite, 27 bathrooms, a beauty salon, a cinema, a bowling alley, two walk in closets, a gym, oh and two swimming pools of course.”

Producer: “How much did you pay for it?”
Bree’s Confessional

“Uh well… I don’t wanna give an exact number, so let’s just say something around $150 million.” She nods. “Yeah.”

Belinda Boncocomo; Physic to the Celebs

The women all sit at a table with a physic. The physic takes Bree’s hand and chuckles.

Belinda [Physic]: “You’re a savvy lady. You know how to breed success…” She nods slowly. “And…you’re good at it. It’s worked for you thus far, yes?”

Bree nods and Belinda cuts her eyes to Bree quickly.

Belinda: “My advice to you, is to be honest. I’m seeing deception.”

Yvonne takes a sip of her drink, Lorelei flutters her eyes, Monsè nods and looks at Bree.

The scene transitions to Mona and Adam’s house. They sit on their living room couch. Their councilor, Dana, is on the adjacent chair.

Dana: “What are the problems in the marriage for you?” She turns to Adam.

Adam: “Her not paying attention to me, her lack of intimacy, her constant nagging and complaining.”

Mona: “Hold on…” She starts to tear up.

Mona Quinn

Adam: “Don’t interrupt me. I give my wife and my children everything. I provide for them but there’s always a problem. When will it ever be good enough for her?”

Mona starts to cry.

Mona: “Adam — “

Adam: “You wouldn’t have this family if it wasn’t for the money I work for.”

Adam Quinn

Adam: “This isn’t fucking effective at all.”

Adam gets up and walks out of the room. Mona begins sobbing and Dana gets up to give her a hug.

Next, Mona is seen sipping drinks throughout multiple events in the season.

At a dinner, Mona slurs her words. Clearly blacked out.

Mona: “MY QUESTION STILL STANDS, WHO ARE YOU?!’” She lurches forward and Yvonne looks at her with an eyebrow up. “YVONNE IS A BIG OLE FAT BITCH!”

Later in the night; Monsè, her husband Gil, and Bree help Mona up the stairs of Monsè’s house. Mona stumbles and falls.

Mona: “I feel so bad for you, Monsssssè!” She sobs and slurs her words. “They ruined your dinner!” Gil picks her back up.

Producer: “Do you remember anything from that night?”
Mona’s Confessional

“No. I don’t remember what happened that evening.” She tears up just a little and looks away from the camera.

Mona is in a restaurant, she sets down her drink as she talks to Grace. She begins waving her hands,

Mona: “You’re a toxic minion.” She tilts her her. “Honestly, you’re just a straight up cunt.” She shrugs.

The scene switches to Grace, Bree, and Yvonne inside the House of Faroe office.

Bree: “Mona’s breakdown? That was sad…” She sighs.

Yvonne: “I think Mona is lying.” She nods.

Bree: “Lying? About what?” She raises an eyebrow.

Yvonne: “Lately she’s acting more like an alcoholic crying for help rather than a women scorned.”

Grace’s eyes widen.

Sheridan is seen strutting down a long dock at the Beverly Beach Marina.

Sheridan: “The girls will be pleasantly surprised to see you, diva.” She smirks and turns her head.

The camera pans over to show Lauren Barnes, from Seasons 1–4, walking beside Sheridan.

Lauren: “I haven’t seen some of these girls in years.”

The scene switches to some of the ‘Wives on a yacht. Lauren, Grace, and Sheridan sit and talk on bench on the deck.

Grace: “So you and Yvonne have history then?”

Lauren: “I wouldn’t say history…”

Lauren: “Our views on life did not align at the same time we were in the same social circle.” She shrugs and tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.

[Season 1 Flashback] Yvonne: “Oh, so you choose to be disrespected in your relationship?” [To Lauren]
[Season 1 Flashback] Yvonne: “What kind of whore does that?”

Sheridan: “Well hopefully this will be a reset for the both of you and not a mixing of oil and water.”

The scene switches to all of the women are now in a huge cable car, with a fancy lunch set up for them. There are large windows all around the car to reveal they are suspended, overlooking a waterfall.

Yvonne: “Lauren, why don’t you respect me?” She looks at her curiously and rests her elbows on the table.

Lauren calmly sets her wine glass down and looks at Yvonne.

Lauren: “I do actually respect you. However, if your boyfriend really is married, I may not anymore.” She cocks her head.

The rest of the women around the table look stunned and a sound effect plays.

Yvonne: “I don’t think you’re in any position to judge considering the extramarital activities you put up with from your husband. Threesomes, twosomes you weren’t involved in, running a brothel.”

Lauren: “Please — ” She rolls her eyes. “You’re a married man’s mistress now and that’s way worse than all the cheap whore names you called me for a year!” She dismisses Yvonne with her hand.

Producer: “Sheridan, what happened?”
Sheridan’s Confessional

She fucking screwed me over.

Sheridan sits in her car, visibly upset, as her husband Martin speaks to her on the phone.

Martin [On The Phone]: “I don’t know how you were able to let her do this to you for so long, Sheridan.”

In the next clip, Sheridan is seen meeting with a lawyer.

Lawyer: “I understand this debacle has really impacted your life, from what you’ve shared.” He looks to Sheridan.

Sheridan: “Oh absolutely, my husband is barely speaking to me.”

Grace, Yvonne, and Sheridan are reclined in comfy chairs as they get liquid IV drips.

Yvonne: “So, help me understand. Was she managing the business as in the restaurant or the overall including finances?”

Sheridan looks over to Grace and Yvonne with tears in her eyes.

Sheridan: “I trusted her with everything Yvonne. I don’t have a business degree from any college. I went to culinary school!”

Grace frowns and looks at her empathetically.

Sheridan’s Confessional

This scandal has caused my world to fall apart. I don’t even know where Martin is and it breaks me.

On the next scene we see Sheridan sobbing on a dock, Monsè is on her knees consoling her and rubbing Sheridan’s back. Mona and Lorelei stand on the dock and watch.

Sheridan: “All of this mess…it’s draining!”

Monsè: “Aww, babe. That’s what we’re here for. Us girls have to stick together. All of us.”

The camera pans to Mona and Lorelei.

Grace’s Confessional

“Sheridan’s going through a living nightmare. She needs our support, not us questioning her honesty and integrity. If she wants to talk, then she’ll do so when she’s ready.”

We now see Lorelei, Mona, and Bree standing around a showroom full of NUDITY shape wear. Lorelei purses her lips and sighs.

Lorelei: “I think there’s a lot more to the Bell Camp story. It just seems a bit suspect to to me. You both don’t think?”

Mona bites her lip and Bree nods.

Bree: “I obviously think the whole situation is odd.”

Lorelei: “Your business partner is stealing that much money from you and you don’t notice?” She raises her eyebrow.

Bree: “I don’t want to be associated with a scammer.”

Lorelei and Mona look at one another with wide eyes.

Some of the women sit at a table inside of Monsè’s house. Monsè and her husband Gil sit at the head, he has his arm around her. Yvonne is leaning forward, addressing Monsè.

Yvonne: “I know the story because I lived it, just how you’re living here…” She motions around the house. “because your parents sold you off.”

Monsè tightens her jaw and Gil looks uncomfortable.

Monsè: “Sold me off?! Are you fucking kidding me?!”

Yvonne: “You should hang your head low and think twice before you ever try to come for me.”

Yvonne: “You are a nasty, ill advised, broken little bimbo from Haiti and I pray for you!”

Mona gasps and Grace shakes her head.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“They have declared war and I’ll tell you one thing about my war chest, it’s nuclear and it won’t miss the chance to blow your head off.

The scene now switches to Grace, Mona, Ren, and Lauren sitting at a winery, overlooking a beautiful waterfall.

Ren: “I shouldn’t want to get to know someone who was getting finger banged by her girlfriend in the middle of Lorelei’s wedding.” She sighs. “But yet here I am…trying!” She looks to Grace.

Ren Rose

Grace: “At least I wasn’t fired from my show. Pause, you say? Delusional!” She laughs. “You didn’t show up when you were suppose to and when you did, you were drugged out of your mind! Everyone knows what goes on in your household.”

Lauren’s Confessional

We’re OGs! Do these bitches even comprehend the fact that we paved the way for their paycheck?”

Ren glares at Grace then dips her fingers in her water glass and flicks water at Grace, a dramatic sound effect follows.

Now, All of the women sit at a large table on a terrace in the back of someone’s house for a dinner. In the valley behind them, we can see the lights of Beverly Beach.

Bree: “You wanna talk about my kids?!” She jabs her finger at Sheridan across the table. “Why don’t we talk about how you have your loser husband handle your business and he’s such a jackass he can’t even do that properly!”

Sheridan: “You are a miserable bitch.” She snarls.

We see the reaction of all the other women at the table.

There is a time lapse and Sheridan can be seen getting up from the table very heated after something else went down.

Sheridan: “FUCK YOU!” She screams and points to Lorelei. “AND FUCK YOU!” She points to Bree. “GO TO HELL!”

Sheridan begins sprinting away from the girls and her heel gets stuck in the mud.

Sheridan: “SHIT!”

She struggles but finally takes off her heel and flings it into Lorelei’s pool and continues leaving.

Sheridan: “I’m fucking DONE with this shit!”

The camera pans back to the table full of stunned women.

Yvonne: “Well…that’s what happens when you serve dinner late.”

Meet The Cast!

(From L to R: Mona Quinn, Yvonne Langley, Sheridan Campbell, Lorelei Sullivan, Grace Faroe, & Bree Bailey)
(Lorelei Sullivan (S3–6)

Tagline: “If you’re not with me, you’re against me…and the only thing I like against me is haute couture.”

Lorelei Sullivan comes into her fourth season a newly married woman. After a tragic miscarriage rocks Lorelei & Xavier’s world, they have to face the harsh reality that Lorelei will never be able to have a biological child of her own. The Sullivans’ explore the option of a surrogate. With a baby on her mind, Lorelei puts all her energy into NUDITY’s new maternity shape wear line. Her and Sheridan’s rocky relationship also becomes a point of contention.

Sheridan Campbell (S4–6)

Tagline: “Karmas a bitch named Sheridan Campbell, and man do I love to serve revenge cold.”

When a business arrangement goes south Sheridan Campbell finds herself, and her restaurant Bell Camp, the talk of the town. Sheridan proclaims she did nothing wrong but an impending lawsuit and a former manager speaking out puts doubt in some of the other ladies’ minds. Is there more to the story? This season, Sheridan finds out who truly stands behind her and who wants to take her down.

Grace Faroe (S4–6)

Tagline: “I might have turned a corner, but I’ll always be ready to turn up.”

Grace Faroe is finally in a good place. Her divorce from Dimitri has been finalized, she got an offer for a spin-off show, and her estranged daughter is finally coming around to her. After a rough Season 5, The Faroe has got a brand new attitude that is appreciated by the group. But, will unresolved issues with Mona draw the old Grace back out?

Mona Quinn (S5–6)

Tagline: “Don’t try to dim my light because I’ll shut yours off.”

Last season we saw the turmoil in Mona Quinn and Adam’s marriage. Despite claiming everything is fine, Mona’s alcohol consumption and behavior raises red flags in the group that some of the women think may be a cry for help. During the first cast trip to Quebec, Mona receives a disturbing text that turns her world upside down.

Yvonne Langley (S1, S6)

Tagline: “Trouble has never looked so damn good.”

A well known socialite and one of the Beverly Beach OGs, Yvonne Langley returns to the scene. She has to figure out how to juggle her art gallery that she is opening, her kids, her ex-husband and…her new boyfriend. Quick on her feet with an extensive vocabulary, Yvonne has always been known to throw top notch shade. A nasty war breaks out when her sharp tongue and head strong attitude starts to be taken as disrespect.

Bree Bailey (S6)

Tagline: “They say money can’t buy you happiness…but it buys me EVERYTHING.”

Bree Bailey is known for her high-profile divorce from the heir of The Moss Fortune. Post-divorce she’s used to focusing solely on her daughters’ modeling careers. Now that they are starting to take off and her friend Lorelei has introduced her to a new group of girlfriends, Bree is ready to let loose and maybe even date a little. But will Bree’s care-free summer be ruined when a simple misunderstanding between her and one of the women ignites a ferocious feud?

Friend: Lauren Barnes (S1–4, S6)

Lauren Barnes returns to the group as emotional support for Sheridan. New and improved, she’s turned her life around after getting arrested. Although she’s grown; Yvonne is not convinced. Lauren and Yvonne’s feud from Season 1 rears its ugly head leading to an epic rematch.

Friend: Monsè DeRosario (S6)

Monsè DeRosario, and her husband Gil, own a successful film production company together and are close friends with Mona & Adam Quinn. Monsè and Mona are like sisters, having met almost 10 years ago when Monsè and Gil moved from Haiti to the United States. When traditions from Monsè’s Haitian culture raises some questions she finds herself in the firing line.

Ren Nicols-Rose will also be making a guest appearance this season.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach Cast Timeline
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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