The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach Season 1 Trailer


Beautiful classical music plays as the camera slowly pans over different locations in Beverly Beach: Expensive neighborhoods with mansions, the beach, the luxury shopping center. Shots of families walking around the main street are shown. People drive by in Bentleys, Range Rovers, and G-Wagons.

Beverly Beach

Lauren’s Confessional: “To even move to Beverly Beach… you need money. Much less being in the upper echelon of Beverly Beach.” She laughs a bit, “You need to be a business owner, an inventor, an athlete…or at least marry one.”

As Lauren continues to talk scenes are shown in slow motion: Ren, Lauren, and Olivia sitting and talking at a table at what looks like to be a country club. A fabulous event being held in a tent where people are dressed to the nines. Yvonne, Lauren, and Olivia shopping in a very expensive looking shop.

Lauren’s Confessional: “It takes time to work your way into the Beverly Beach social circle, it took me years. You need to constantly be on point, you must donate a lot of money, and you can’t be making a fool of yourself at any of these events….”

The classical music stops as Yvonne’s confessional pops up on the screen.

Yvonne’s Confessional Look

Yvonne’s Confessional: “At first glance, the ladies are boring. I’m used to fun, exciting, upbeat women. I’m older than most of them and they didn’t make my extremities wet for friendship at all.” She shrugs.

The music turns back on but now it’s a upbeat electronic song. The shot changes to Ren, Lauren, Yvonne, and Stefania sitting on a party bus as Olivia stands in the middle as she chugs from a red solo cup, then takes a swig from a tequila bottle. All the girls are cheering.

Olivia: “YASSSSS!!!!!”

This Season On…

Multiple shots of the women having fun are shown: Yvonne and Stefania are giggling in a yoga studio together. All the housewives plus Stefania are seen dancing in some sort of nightclub together. Yvonne, Lauren, and Olivia sit on a yacht and clink their champagne glasses together.

A shot of Lauren, Olivia, and Ren on a hiking trail is played.

Ren: “So Aaron got me a few VIP tickets to that music festival, Coachella, from one of his old sponsors. He’s busy so he gave them to me and said I should make a girls weekend out of it!”

Olivia: “Perfect! Old ladies at Coachella.” She giggles and nudges Lauren.

Ren’s Desert Condo

Multiple shots of a beautiful desert condo are shown. The camera turns as all five girls walk into it and admiring it. Shots of the Coachella music festival are shown. Ren and Olivia are seen dancing on each other backstage of a Coachella set as someone performs.

Travis Scott: “ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN AT THE NIGHT SHOW!” Olivia is seen singing along as the girls dance together, having a lot of fun.

Olivia’s Confessional: “I love Travis Scott ever since my sons used to listen to him. Don’t tell my kids though.” She laughs.

The music changes to suspenseful music as the camera follows Lauren, Olivia, and Ren on a hiking path.

Ren: “Oh my god I still can’t believe that happened.”

The girls look at Lauren, she takes her oversized sunglasses off to show sunken eyes and seems to be wearing no makeup.

Lauren: “I haven’t slept the past two nights. Yvonne stressed me out too much! I can’t believe how crazy she is.”


A close up of Yvonne sipping from a champagne flute at a classy party turns to black and white and the music intensity picks up.

Yvonne, Ren, Olivia, and Lauren sit at a table with a handful of other women. They have wine and a canvas in front of them. The camera pans to Yvonne as she talks to somebody across the table.

Yvonne: “Oh, so you choose to be disrespected in your relationship?”

Yvonne’s Confessional: “What kind of whore does that?”

Olivia snaps her head in Yvonne’s direction at the table with her mouth open and in shock.

The scene the changes to a fancy party underneath a tent. Yvonne seems to be talking to someone.

The Event

Yvonne: “I know you earn your living by laying on your back. It’s cute you’re throwing shade at someone with a legacy and steady income.”

Yvonne is seen sitting at a dinner table in the desert condo with Olivia and Lauren.

Yvonne: “You’ve got some serious issues, Olivia. That’s all I have to say.” She unfolds her napkin and sets it on her lap.

Olivia laughs and rolls her eyes.

Olivia: “I guess. You upset, honey? I was concerned for your health.”

Yvonne: “You weren’t concerned. You’re being a backstabbing b*tch.”

Ren’s Confessional Look

Ren’s Confessional: “I think Yvonne is bitter from divorce and looks for any reason to tear another woman down. She’s a total asshole.”

Scenes of Ren and her husband Aaron are shown: Aaron is seen coming down the stairs and greeting Ren in the kitchen, he grabs her waist and pulls her in for a kiss.

Ren’s Confessional: “Being the wife of Aaron Rose is….” She stops and looks up, trying to find the right word. “a whirlwind.” Ren lets out a small snort. “It really makes me step up to the plate to be the perfect supporting wife, which is hard. Especially when I don’t want to be just Aaron Rose’s wife. I have a life of my own and I’ve built a business and a brand for myself.”

The camera focuses on Ren on a stage in her boutique, talking to a crowd of people.

Ren: “I want to thank everyone for being here tonight. Unfortunately, my amazing husband couldn’t make it because he was sick so…” She throws her hands up. “He’s here in spirit. What can I say.” Multiple shots of a silent and confused crowd are shown. The camera shows Yvonne, Olivia, and Lauren sitting in their section. Yvonne has her eyebrow raises while Olivia and Lauren are looking at the ground.

Dramatic music starts playing.

Cameras follow Ren as she rushes to the restroom after walking off stage, she can be heard sniffling. Before she enters the restroom she turns around with tears in her eyes, she shoves the camera.

Ren: “F*ck off!” She enters the bathroom as the cameras stay outside and film the door.

The shot switches to Yvonne, Lauren, and Olivia sitting at a table on a yacht. The camera zooms in on Ren who is paddle boarding out at sea.

Lauren on the yacht

Lauren: “I really shouldn’t be saying this but Aaron hasn’t been around the neighborhood lately.” She puts her hands up in the air. “I may just be missing him BUT we usually see eachother often.”

The music hits it peak as far away camera footage shows Ren walking into a V.I.P only section of a party and hugging a man.

The screen goes to black. Sad music starts playing. A distressed voice can be heard as a shot slowly fades in. It is the girls sitting at the table with wine and canvas, a sip & paint.

Lauren: “Well Yvonne, I choose to keep my family together.” Tears start welling up in Lauren’s eyes as she gets visibly more upset. “I don’t know why you want to judge me so quickly after meeting me.”

Lauren’s Confessional: “It leaves me to wonder if it’s even worth the battle or I can lose everything. I want my kids to grow up with parents that love each other and not to bounce between two different homes.” She dabs her eye with a kleenex.

The music picks back up as a shot of Ren, Stefania, and Yvonne sitting on a couch in the desert condo appears. Ren and Yvonne and hunched over, the camera focuses on Stefania as she talks in a hushed whisper.

Stefania: “Lauren is very sensitive and she was wasted last night. Something is going on, let’s go easy but we need to figure it out, as good girlfriends you know?”

Yvonne: “Lauren and I are not good girlfriends. Are you implying she’s drinking some depression away or something?”

Ren bites her lip and takes a sip from her coffee.

The scene then changes to the girls filming in the house, the fourth wall being broken as loud screaming from girls can be heard and Producers approach the girls. Since this is a fourth wall breach, Twitter handles will be used.

Stefania breaking the 4th Wall

@LipStainsSM [Stefania]: ON COACHELLA WEEK-END. LIKE. This isn’t improv. First rule of improv you don’t try and destroy a narrative. This isn’t fun.”

*At this time, Stefania comes to Production to discuss her frustration.*

@LipStainsSM: It’s so hard to make scenes lol when everyone tries to just pull the story in all directions instead of working with the narrative. It’s like improv, you don’t say no

Shots of the other girls rolling their eyes and whispering as Stefania talks to Production is seen.

Olivia’s Confessional Look

Olivia’s Confessional: “Stefania acts like a complete fool and seems to be addicted to pills and alcohol. That’s a deadly mixture for her mental health.”

Classical dubstep starts playing for the final portion of the trailer.

A shot of Stefania shaking her head in amusement at Yvonne as they both sit on a mat, stretching.

Stefania: “Life’s too short to be boring. Let’s bring on the shade!” She giggles and the bass drops in the song.

The shot rapidly changes through small snippets of the season over the music.

Olivia’s Confessional: “He f*cked, ducked, and then ran into her… and f*cked again.” She gives a snide face to the camera.

The scene changes.

Ren can be seen standing up from a large table with all the girls at it.

Ren: “Excuse me?! F*ck you. Okay? We don’t have to put up with this.”She is pointing at someone. She turns to Olivia, still riled up. “Olivia, is this your friend?”

The scene changes.

Yvonne twerking on Lauren inside of a bus as the girls laugh is shown.

The scene changes.

Stefania can be seen screaming in a crowded room.


The scene changes as the music slows down and turns back to the classical part.

The girls are all sitting at a large dinner table dressed in going out clothes.

Stefania: “Let’s make sure we eat the food before we get to the arguing, I need fuel for this weekend.” She snaps her fingers and all the girls laugh.

The trailer ends.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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