The First 8 Minutes of Season 6!
Music opens up the premiere and we see Beverly Beach, back in full swing for the summer. People strut along the pristinely kept stone streets, designer bags in hand. Locals dine at the cute cafès that line the street.
Luxury cars zoom up and down the main road, palm trees hang over it creating a tunnel. In the upscale garment district of Beverly Beach, we get a shot of the NUDITY headquarters, Lorelei’s shape wear brand. Inside, Lorelei stands as a pregnant model walks out of a room, wearing shape wear. Lorelei’s face lights up.
Lorelei: “Do you love it?!”
Woman: “Yes!” She spins around and strikes a pose. “I actually feel so confident!”
Lorelei turns to her assistant, Marnie, and smiles.
Lorelei: “She looks…BEAUTIFUL! Ugh, I can’t wait until this new collection comes out made specifically for pregnant women, it’s fabulous!”
“Things in the life of Mrs. Sullivan have been going quite well. I’ve decided to branch out with my shape-wear line and do a maternity line. I know alot clothes and dresses for pregnant women just don’t fit comfortably and I just want to do something special for them.”
As the woman makes her way back into the fitting room, Lorelei looks down at her phone and gasps.
Lorelei: “Oh my gosh! I didn’t realize what time it was. I’m meeting up with some girlfriends!” She looks to Marnie. “I’ve got to go but text me if you need anything!”
We get a montage of Lorelei as she gathers her things, struts down the hallway and out of the office.
“After the news of my miscarriage I’ve buried myself into work.”
Xavier and I have been back and forth with the idea of going the surrogacy route but I — I don’t know how I feel about it.” She sighs. “I suffered a loss and I’m still currently in the process of grieving.” She tears up.
A valet pulls up Lorelei’s pink Phantom Ghost. She thanks the employee and hops in the driver’s seat.
The music picks up as she zooms off, into Beverly Beach traffic. The camera ascends from in front of NUDITY and goes over a few streets to show Grace’s ‘House of Faroe’ office.
Inside, employees buzz around carrying fabrics, mannequins, and measuring tapes. Grace is in her office putting design sketches into a binder.
“A lot’s happened in the past few months since you saw me last. House of Faroe is thriving, I’ve got a new show and my divorce…” She puts her hands together. “Is finally official!”
Now, Grace is shown walking out of the House of Faroe building.
“The divorce has been a long and painful battle for me and my entire family. For a long time, myself and Dimitri were on bad terms and couldn’t even bare to be in the same room as each other. There was a lot of hurt. But now, we’ve managed to reach a better place and with the finalization of our divorce, it’s like pressing the reset button. It’s a new beginnings.” She smiles.
Grace power walks through the parking lot and towards her car. She whips out her phone.
Grace: “Hey Vivian. I’m heading downtown to meet some of the ladies for drinks so I’ll be back later, okay? Love you, bye!”
Grace smiles as she hangs up her phone and gets in her car. Next, the music picks up as the shot does a cool transition to a movie set. Mona bursts out the doors of the studio. As she walks, her two assistants trail behind her typing feverishly on their phones.
Mona and the two girls get in the back of a blacked out Escalade. Mona lets out a huge sigh and takes a long chug of her water bottle.
Mona: “Oh my God, I’m so exhausted.” She spreads out in her seat.
Kylee: “I can’t imagine. If you didn’t have a stunt person for this movie you’d literally be dead!” She laughs and looks to the other assistant, Jackie.
Mona: “Oh, I know!”
We see the car as it starts to drive off the movie lot and onto the main road.
“Since last season my life has been evolving so much, I’m working on three new movies. I’m a mom to toddlers and I’m in a complicated marriage which feels like a job within itself right now. So yea…I’m busy!”
Jackie: “This week, you’ve got filming every day except Friday. And then you have the Actors Guild Awards on Wednesday that you’re presenting at.”
Mona nods along and whips her head in Kylee’s direction.
Mona: “Kylee, we need to contact Mario to come do glam and help with a look.”
Kylee: “Totally! I’ll do that now.” She begins typing on her phone and glances up. “Will Adam be coming with you?”
The camera pans to Jackie, curious, who looks at Mona for her response as well.
“Adam and I left Tulum in a terrible place.
We talked after the trip and he acknowledged his behavior was uncalled for and apologized. I hesitantly accepted and we’re working on our relationship for the kids.”
Mona: “I want him to come with me so yea he will be attending.” She nods.
Kylee: “Okay, I’ll make sure a suit is ready for him.”
Jackie: “But right now, we need to get you back to the house to get ready for happy hour with your friends.” She holds up her phone, showing Mona’s agenda for the day.
Mona puts her head in her hands and lets out a little scream.
Mona: “I forgot about that, please kill me now.”
Kylee and Jackie look to each other and snicker.
“I haven’t talked with any of the women since the reunion except Sheridan. I don’t know where I stand with Lorelei and Grace — well I know where I’m at with Grace and that’s nowhere.” She shrugs.
The music picks up as we see the Escalade drive off onto the freeway. Next, we get a transition and then a car cam shot of Sheridan driving.
The she dials a number on her phone and the Bluetooth on her car rings as she tries to call someone, finally, Martin picks up.
Martin: “What’s up?”
Sheridan: “Martin — It’s a fucking nightmare.” She’s biting her lip anxiously.
Martin: “ I don’t know how you were able to let her do this to you for this long Sheridan, but you have to calm down.”
“She fucking screwed me over.”
In the car, Sheridan is shown stopped at a traffic light. She reaches in her purse for a Kleenex as she begins to cry.
Sheridan: “Martin, I have to get it together. I’m on my way to have drinks for the girls. I can’t just not show up! That’ll raise even more questions! Ugh!”
Martin: “Take a deep breath, baby. It’ll all work out. We are going to get through this. I talked to our lawyer today, It’s going to be okay.”
Sheridan takes a deep breath as she begins driving again.
“I am so ashamed. I worked hard for my restaurant business and to build my brand, and I got taken advantage of by someone I trusted.” She sighs. “This is not how I wanted to start my year.”
Sheridan pulls into the parking lot of the bar and wipes her eyes. She begins fixing her makeup in the mirror.
Sheridan: “Thank you, baby. I love you so much.”
Martin: “Have a good night and don’t let the girls bother you with their questions.”
Sheridan: “They won’t see me cry. I’m no weak ass bitch.”
The scene fades as Sheridan gets out of her car.