[S9E4]: Belligerence is Bliss
The episode opens with shots of Downtown Beverly Beach. The camera pans over The Blake Agency.
Inside, Olivia is doing some sketches in her office as one of her designers, Weston, sits at her desk.
The scene switches to show Marcie entering The Blake Agency.There is a large, locked, glass door that leads to the reception area. Marcie pages Olivia on the electronic directory embedded into the wall.
“Olivia invited me to visit her at work and as someone I adore I couldn’t pass the opportunity to hangout with her! Olivia and I have known one another almost as long as Yvonne and I. They all ran in the same circle and when I met one it was like a trickle that.. to this day hasn’t stopped!”
The scene goes back to inside Olivia’s office with her and Weston.
Olivia: “Weston, will you buzz Marcie in?” She nods to the phone ringing.
Weston: “No.” He just looks at the office phone.
Olivia: “Weston? You can’t just pick up the phone?”
Weston: “I’m busy, Olivia. I am not your assistant.”
Olivia huffs and stops her sketching to buzz Marcie in. A few moments later, Marcie enters Olivia’s office.
Marcie: “Hi love!” She hugs Olivia. “So so good to see you!”
Olivia: “Marcie, thank you for coming by. So excited to spend some time with my girl, even if it’s at the agency. I have just been so busy prepping this new line.”
Marcie: “Another new line? Do you ever take a break or is it just constant working non-stop!”
Weston: “She needs another break. Take her for lunch, Marcie. She’s unbearable.” He chuckles as he gets up from the desk.
Olivia: “Well, ya know — “ She laughs.
Weston: “She hasn’t worked in years! Don’t you know I was doing all the work while Mrs. Blake lounged in LA?”
Marcie’s eyes widen as she just looks at Weston and says nothing.
“I’ve been in the office for the past couple days and Weston has just been more and more disgruntled. I knew my return and booting him from my office would not be easy, but can he be less of a dick?”
Olivia: “ Weston, how about you go ahead and take a lunch. My friend and I are trying to chat about women’s business. Go.” She shoos him.
Weston: “ You don’t have to tell me twice, I’ll be back by 3!”
After Weston scurries out, the Olivia and Marcie look at eachother.
Olivia: “Sorry about that, Marcie. Weston is having a tough time to adjusting to the owner returning and showing him who the true HBIC of the Blake Agency is.” She laughs.
Marcie: “I know that’s right!” She snaps. “So enough with that! How are you!?” She takes a seat at the desk and smiles. “You must have a lot going on with another new line coming out!”
Olivia: “Oh goodness yes.” She nods. “Ya know, I didn’t think I had it in me to sketch up a new Olivia Blake signature line. Weston wasn’t lying, I haven’t actually designed anything on my own since I moved to LA.” She shrugs. “ He’s the Chief Creative Officer and has done amazing work, but I’m excited to be back designing and prepping for the various fashion weeks.”
Marcie: “I think it’s a big deal you have complete control over all the decisions in this line. At the end of the day it’s still your company so what comes out that door is your name. For a while it wasn’t you doing the heavy lifting so with your return there’s going to be eyes on you!”
Olivia: “Thanks doll.” She smiles. “ I actually was wondering if I could show you some sketches I’ve done to get your thoughts. I know you know fashion and this industry. I don’t want to go trendy, I want timeless. Do you want a sneak peek?”
Olivia: “A sneak peek!? For me! Pop the champagne let’s get it out and take a look!”
“Marcie has been in the industry for years, styling many high profile models. Hell, she styled me years ago when I was modeling before this show was even being thought about.” She laughs. “Of course I want her feedback!”
We see Olivia turn her computer monitor around to show Marcie.
Marcie: “Oh my god Olivia.. these pieces are simply exquisite! The rose floral pantsuit…It’s giving vacationing in Lake Como!” She claps and squeals.
“One thing about Olivia, she can design a damn garment!”
Olivia: “Oh thank you, Marcie. I am hoping that I can get them all together and invite our girlfriends to a fashion show!”
Marcie: “A fashion show!”
Olivia turns her computer monitor around the correct way and then sits across from Marcie.
Olivia: “Speaking of girlfriends…I do need to ask you something…”
Marcie: “Oh yes?!” She furrows her brow.
Olivia: “Well, the other day at Yvonne’s bridal shower; she made a snarky comment about your home life. Is everything okay with you?” She looks to Marcie with concern.
“At Yvonne’s bridal shower, Yvonne made a comment that made my eyebrows raise. I haven’t shared the comment with anyone, because I wanted to make sure I asked Marcie directly.”
Marcie now looks visibly upset and taken back.
Marcie: “ I!.. She said what!? I’m fine.. Jon and I are… okay.” She now seems a bit angry.
Olivia: “It was just a snarky comment comparing your life at home with Valentina’s…are you sure everything is good? Why would she say that?”
Marcie: “I.. I don’t know!” She stammers.
“Marcie looks like she’s seen a ghost. Something in the milk isn’t clean here — I think Yvonne said something that Marcie didn’t want out.”
Olivia: “Well, you know I’m here for you girlfriend. We’ve been friends for too long for me not to know when something is up with you.” She reaches over to hold Marcie’s hand. “Take your time and let me know when you need me. Don’t bottle it up like I’ve known you to do over the years.”
Marcie: “I just…” She dabs her eyes with a tissue from Olivia’s desk. “I want to fix it before it becomes public headlines because it’ll just kill Mikey and I don’t want him dealing with the media scrutiny at college! So by not talking about it it’s not happening you know? I just can’t believe Yvonne would even say something like that behind my back..”
Olivia nods and gets up to go hug Marcie.
Olivia: “Oh Marcie, I definitely get it. I’ve been in your same shoes once upon a time worried about how my sons would feel. Mikey is a grown man himself and will support you. Chances are he’s already seen what you see.” She rubs Marcie’s back. “You’ll get through this with the support of your friends.”
Marcie: “I hope Mike will see it that way.. he can be very tough to change. It’s not unlike him to completely ghost us when he feels like we’re too much for him to handle.”
“Talking with Olivia made me realize two things. One, I have to be the best woman and person I can be throughout this tricky process for my son. Two, people are always talking, even when you’re sitting in the same room with them.”
Olivia: “Also, Yvonne only whispered it to me, Marcie so I don’t think she had ill intent — she knows we are close too. Maybe she just knew I could relate and talk to you?”
Marcie: “I hope she had no bad intentions with sharing my problems to you, but it’s still not her place, you know?”
Olivia: “Well, just show her some Grace.”
Marcie: “I’m not mad at her I’m just.. confused. I don’t know.” She shrugs.
Olivia: “ I don’t think it was gossip, more like leaning on a friend for support to help another friend.”
“Do I think Yvonne was being shady…? Yes. Am I going to tell Marcie that? No!” She laughs. “I don’t want any drama between the two girls I’ve known the longest in this circle.”
The camera fades as the ‘Wives get up. We get one final shot of The Blake Agency’s exterior.
The scene begins by showing Yvonne’s art gallery.
In the back office, she is seen typing on a computer.
Yvonne: “Why is she running so late? I scheduled this to happen here so we would start on time…” She scoffs and looks at her phone.
“Today, I’m meeting with my life and career coach who I’ve worked with for about 20 years but lately, we’ve opened a new level of connection as I think about what the next chapter of my life looks like.”
Cameras pan to show two women walking down the hall toward Yvonne’s office and the door slides open.
Gayle: “Ms. Langley, Mrs. Rhonda Young is here to see you — “
Yvonne: “Yes, come in Rhonda!”
Yvonne looks up from her desktop and glances toward Rhonda who enters and sits on a couch where Yvonne joins her.
Yvonne: “How are you?”
Rhonda: “ I’m great! I hope you can validate my parking.” She laughs.
Yvonne: “Of course! But first we have things to talk about.”
Rhonda: “Yes! How was the time with your family? Did you have the conversation with them?”
Yvonne: “The conversation about the wedding, yes. The one about the family business…no.” She sighs.
“My family has created and sustained a successful company across three generations in Beverly Beach primarily in tourism, apparel, and technology. Since I took the helm about 20 years ago, we have seen tremendous growth in an era we weren’t prepared for. But now, I want to do something else. Things that make me happy and that’s away from the ‘Langley’ name and toward ‘Yvonne’.”
Rhonda: “I see. Are you nervous?”
Yvonne: “Hell yeah I’m nervous!” She laughs. “You haven’t met my family. Some of them were pissed when I received the business after my uncle’s death and to see me want to sell it or close it, they’ll be furious. But the truth is I am in a new chapter and there are other ways to preserve familial legacy without the stress of running a business.”
Rhonda nods.
Rhonda: “So are you afraid of what fractures might happen in the family from this conversation, especially so close to your wedding?”
Yvonne: “Yes and I don’t want to let anyone down. I was trusted with something and it’s my job, per family tradition, to pick and name the successor — not shut it down.”
Rhonda: “You know my saying, tradition is just bullying of the living by the dead- you have the right to want a life beyond this family business. But you can’t shy away from the discomfort or ‘what if’s?’.”
Yvonne sighs and nods.
Yvonne: “You’re right. I am going to speak with my aunt about it and hopefully, if that goes well, I can move forward and let the entire family know.”
“Family is very important to me, it’s the foundation I’ve built my life on because we are one of very few Black families who’ve lived here for multiple generations. Fracture in the unit would break me and have consequences far and beyond just business. I don’t want that.”
Rhonda: “Okay, I am holding you to that!”
Yvonne: “That’s what I pay you for!” She smiles.
Rhonda: “And how much do I have to pay to see this new art exhibit?”
Yvonne: “Oh Rhonda- come on, free of charge.” She rolls her eyes.
The scene ends with the two of them getting up and walking out into the gallery.
The scene opens up to show Serena’s house.
She is in their backyard pool swimming with her husband, Michael, and their son, MJ.
We see the family getting out of the pool. Serena wraps a towel around MJ and then brings over a fruit tray as the family sits down to chat in their backyard cabana.
Serena: “So how are you two feeling about the day?”
Michael: “Stressed as hell. Perusual. But, I’m happy to be here with my favorite people.” He leans over and gives Serena a kiss.
MJ: “I had a test today and I passed with a B. I feel good.”
Serena: “Ahh yay!” She claps. “Good job, buddy!”
Michael: “Congratulations son. You’re smart like your mom and handsome like your dad. What a great combo.”
The family laughs.
Serena: “So MJ, how are you feeling about life right now? You’ve officially come out to us and we couldn’t be more proud of you.” She smiles.
Michael: “I kinda knew it from the start though.”
MJ: “Dad!”
Michael: “I’m sorry, buddy. Was that not the right thing to say?”
“The other night, MJ came to Michael and I and essentially expressed that he was romantically interested in boys. We had a loooong conversation. No matter what, Michael and I just want MJ to be happy so we will support him in any way possible.”
Serena: “Seriously, MJ, how are you doing though?”
MJ: “I’m cool.” He shrugs and eats a strawberry. “It’s a lot happening at school.”
Serena and Michael give each other a look.
Michael: “What do you mean by that, son?”
Serena: “Is everything okay? You’re not being bullied are you?!?” She looks concerned.
MJ laughs.
MJ: “No! Those kids are snobby and privileged. They only worry about themselves…. But I do have a crush now. Can I even talk about this with you?”
Serena: “Of course! Go ahead.” She cracks a smile and rubs her son’s leg.
MJ: “His name is Aaron. He’s soo funny and artistic. I just don’t know if he’d like me…” He looks down.
Michael: “I think you should focus on your studies right now. Let those little boys be your friends, but I don’t want you getting hurt by them.”
MJ: “I’m not saying I want to marry him dad! I’m just saying that he’s cute.”
Serena chuckles.
Michael: “I get that. But I am saying that I don’t think you are ready to date anyone yet. Me and your mother started dating pretty early on and it was a disaster for the both of us until we met each other.” He motions to Serena. “We had you before we got married. We had to learn each other. Especially after you came. Dating someone is hard work. I don’t think you’re ready for that yet.”
We see Serena staying silent and nodding along to Michael.
“Michael Sr. is a tough cookie. He’s a great father and a great husband, but he’s a man’s man! His advice is always from the perspective of a father. And that’s a good thing, but sometimes it’s okay to just be a listening ear and a supportive model.”
Serena: “I do agree that maybe you two should just be friends right now. Take it slow. We don’t want you to do anything too fast. We don’t want to hurt anybody about our son.” She nods.
MJ keeps looking down and then all of a sudden begins sniffling. He looks up to reveal he is crying. Serena rushes over to MJ and rubs his back.
Serena: “MJ. Ohhh nooo! Please don’t cry, baby!” She embraces him tightly. “ I promise mommy and daddy love you. We just want what’s best for you. Please don’t think we are being mean…” She begins to tear up. “Please.”
Michael gets up and goes around the hug MJ, Serena returns to her orginal spot in the cabana as he hugs his son.
Michael: “From the moment I brought you home from the hospital, I knew you were going to be amazing. I love you because you are…MICHAEL JUNIOR!” He screams. “The greatest Junior that has ever walked this planet! The most handsome, the most intelligent and the best hearted human being I know. I will always be in your corner son. I will always give you my perspective. And you may not always like it, but know that it’s from a place of genuine love and respect for you.”
MJ: “I just feel like I can’t really express myself without feeling judged. At school I feel like a lot of people will not be my friends anymore because of me being… gay. And I don’t want you guys to hate me for it either.”
Serena: “I will never hate you!! Never!! You are my baby. My pride and joy. Forever and always. You understand me?!” She grabs MJ’s hands.
Michael: “I am mad at you for beating me at Mortal Kombat though. But I still think you’re a cool guy.” He chuckles. “I love you, son!”
The family all hug as the scene fades away.
The scene opens with various shot of the luxury shopping district. The shot lands on a swanky bridal shop.
Inside, Yvonne grabs a glass of champagne and hugs the owner and the two young associates working.
Yvonne: “Hi ladies, so happy to see you! I have two friends, they’re not rowdy I promise. We will leave your shop in pristine shape!” She laughs.
“Today, I’ve invited two friends to help me look at some options for my upcoming nuptials at Catalina Island. I’m very excited because I have a custom Alexander Wang dress prepared that I hope is going to blow all of our socks off!”
The camera pans to show Serena walking into the bridal shop and being handed a flute of champagne by an associate.
Serena: “The bride to be! Ahh yes! How are you darling?” She hugs Yvonne. “So gorgeous!”
Yvonne: “Hi sweetheart.” She smiles. “It’s a pretty big day. I’m so happy you could join me.”
Serena: “I wouldn’t miss this for anything.” She smiles back.
“I am so glad Yvonne chose me to be apart of her dress try on session. Every woman knows how this phase of the whole process is. So to be thought of is such a heartwarming feeling.”
We now get clips of Victoria Franklin arriving to the bridal shop and walking in, greeting the employees and then Yvonne and Serena.
Victoria: “Hi pretties! Oh, I don’t mind if I do — “ She takes a glass of champagne and walks over to Yvonne and Serena. “Welll, if it isn’t Ms. Langley!! How are you?!”
Yvonne: “Oh my gosh, you came.” She looks at Victoria, a bit surprised.
Victoria: “You know I wouldn’t miss this!” She giggles and gives Yvonne a hug.
“Surprise! One of the two friends is Victoria Franklin! I know some of you may be thinking this is weird considering where we left off last season…
But, we’ve come together after a trip to Maui and my favorite cocktail bar here on the Beach!”
Yvonne: “Victoria, I’m not sure if you’ve met my friend Serena!”
Serena: “Hello! Nice to meet you. You are so gorgeous!”
Victoria: “Hiiiii!” She does a little wave with her long nails. “Nice to meet you, thank you. The same goes for you!”
Serena: “Thank you! So How did you two meet?” She sips her champagne then looks between the two of them.
Yvonne: “Well, we had a mutual friend- at the time- who shall remain nameless.” She rolls her eyes. “She brought Victoria into our circle and we hit it off pretty easily! We had a little bump in the road because of business but we’re fine now.”
Victoria nods and grabs a tissue, folding it into a cry-angle.
Victoria: “ Whew, I’m so happy for you!”
Yvonne: “Thank you, Vicky. Now, let me try on one of these things.”
Yvonne is escorted to the back fitting room by an employee. Serena and Victoria sit down and make themselves comfortable on the posh couches in the reveal room.
Yvonne: “Well, this is option number one…”
The camera pans to show Yvonne strutting out in a dress.
Yvonne: “What do you two think?” She smiles.
The camera pans to get Serena and Victoria’s reactions.
Victoria: “Interesting!” She tilts her head.
Serena looks the dress up and down a few times.
Serena: “Ummmm…the flowers are cute… I don’t think this is wedding attire though.” She finishes off her glass of champagne.
“NEXT!! Throw that dress in the nearest flame of fire!” She laughs. “No ma’am!! Yvonne will NOT be down the wedding aisle looking like this. Jesus.”
Yvonne grins at Victoria and Serena.
Yvonne: “I think I agree and it does nothing for my shape. I think Horace would hate it too.”
Victoria: “I was concerned.” She nods.
“And you’d be right, it’s not but who gives away their best options first? Certainly not the Dame!”
Yvonne: “Before I try on my actual dress…” She looks at Serena. “I did want to ask you, Serena — How are things with you? You’ve been looser than usual so things must be good.” She raises an eyebrow.
Serena sighs heavily and leans back into the couch.
Serena: “Stressful to say the least. I have been needing the girl time. I don’t know…” She sips her champagne. “Between our businesses growing, expansion and our son. It’s a lot. I don’t think I told you, but my baby has expressed to us that he’s into the same sex.”
Victoria makes a face and looks at Serena.
Victoria: “Your baby as in your husband or your child?!” She clutches her chest, concerned.
Serena: “My son!” She chuckles. “Oh, absolutely not my husband!”
Yvonne stands in infront of the women by the mirrors, she looks back to Serena.
Yvonne: “And…this is a problem for you? With all your gay friends, like Monsè?”
Serena: “Well it’s not a problem at all.” She shakes her head. “It’s just.., how do I handle it?! I’m a one time mother. These are new phases even for me. So it’s just a lot to process.” She shrugs.
“My baby boy is 12. And the fact that he’s already aware of his love interest is sooo amazing to me. Although it’s very beautiful to see, I’m still human. And I have to admit that I am very confused.”
Victoria: “I think it’s best that you show him your unconditional love, you know the world can be so cruel to our babies.” She smiles and reaches over putting her hand on top of Serena’s.
Serena: “Yeah…” We see her tearing up a bit.
Yvonne: “He needs you to be accepting and treat him like you normally would. He’s stepping into his teenage years and it would be crushing if you left him out to dry for his honesty.”
Serena: “That’s true. And I don’t want to. That’s my only baby.” She wipes her tear. “I know he has a heart of Gold. I do. I just have a lot of learning to do. And I’m willing to learn. My husband has been very supportive. Thank you for that advice, both of you.”
Yvonne: “Yes! Now let me show you two my real dress!” She walks back off into the fitting rooms.
Serena and Victoria sit, anxiously awaiting Yvonne to come out. The camera pans to show her walking towards the women in her beautiful dress.
Yvonne: “What do you think?”
Victoria immediately stands up and points.
Victoria: “NOW THAT! That is the one!”
Serena: “AHH!! This is it!! Oohhh I love this. This is lady Yvonne in the flesh baby!” She snaps.
Yvonne: “Oh okay good, I need to lose about five pounds to fit in it really good how I want. So no alcohol and plenty of salads.” She laughs.
Yvonne heads back to the fitting room and moments later, comes back out in her regular clothes. She sits in the seating area with Serena and Victoria to chat.
Yvonne: “Victoria, you haven’t been around but your sister in ratchetry Valentina has taken a liking to my sister Serena here…” She pours herself more champagne.
The camera cuts to show Serena who cocks her head.
Yvonne: “They were dancing on mansion tables together, can you believe it?”
Victoria: “Mansion tables?!” She looks horrified. “That’s so ghetto! This isn’t Married to Hip Hop!” She turns to Serena. “I expected better!”
Serena chuckles and sips from her glass.
Serena: “Okay! So to my defense. We were really drinking a lot. And let’s be honest, it was a dinner party. Now I did apologize — but why can’t a girl have fun every now and then?” She shrugs nonchalantly.
Yvonne gives Serena a bit of a stern look.
Yvonne: “We can have fun in the appropriate places…That was not the right place!” She sighs. “But oh well, hearing what you’re facing, maybe you needed to let your hair down.”
Serena: “That’s true. Well, I’ll be on my best behavior from now on.” She laughs. “And maybe I’ll drink less tequila.” She looks to Yvonne. “How is everything going with the planning of the ceremony?”
Yvonne: “I’m nervous about my wedding invitations even more than the bridal shower invites.” She bites her lip.
Serena: “Why do you say that?”
Yvonne: “I’d almost rather invite Monsè than Marcie.” She makes a face.
Serena: “UHTUHT! What’s going on? I thought you and Marcie were good?” She looks shocked.
Victoria: “Exactly.”
Yvonne: “You know, weddings are a time for loved ones to come together in a fun environment and celebrate life and love. Marcie doesn’t really have that love right now, I think her marriage is just about done and I wouldn’t want her to be uncomfortable.”
“I’m really not sure if Marcie should come. It’s almost like rubbing it in her face, you know? My love is rekindled and restarting, the flame in hers has been blown out. I want to be sensitive to her situation.”
Serena: “I don’t know. I think Marcie would still love to support you. Maybe seeing that love would give her hope for her relationship. Ya know?” She nods. “ Even if she doesn’t. I think you should extend that invitation. You don’t want her to feel alienated by any means.”
“I think Yvonne should give Marcie the choice to either come or back out of the wedding celebration. Weddings always give me hope. And I’ve been happily married for a good while! So maybe seeing others in love would help Marcie and her husband.”
Yvonne: “You’re right!” She sips the last bit of her champagne. “Well, let’s get out of this shop. I’ve found the perfect dress and it’s Alexander Wang!”
Victoria: “Yesss!”
The scene fades as Serena, Victoria, and Yvonne get up to head out.
The camera follows Marcie Maples as she walks into a building. The camera pans up to show it is her therapist’s office. After sitting a few moments Dr. Ayara, Marcie’s doctor, comes out to get her.
Dr. Ayara: “Marcie, it’s great to see you again.” She smiles warlmly. “Come on in!”
“Jon and I have been trying to do couples therapy for a while. We’ve met with six different doctors in the past couple of months…six. I think it was his way of avoiding actually going but he told me he actually liked Dr. Ayara…” A tear starts to form in her eye. “I don’t know. I’m not sure why he won’t come, especially after what went down the other night when Valentina was over. I just want to fix things!”
Dr. Ayara leads Marcie into her office. Marcie settles into the big comfy couch as Dr. Ayara sits across from her in a chair.
Dr. Ayara: “So Marcie. Explain to me, what happened with Jonathan today? Where is he?” She hands Marcie a tissue.
Marcie begins drying her tears.
Marcie: “Well this morning I was getting ready and I thought everything was going fine…” She sniffles. “Then, all of a sudden he started throwing a fit! Screaming, throwing things, telling me he’s ‘normal’. Saying I’m the one with problems. I’m sorry but is ANY of his behavior normal?!”
As Marcie hangs her head, Dr. Ayara furrows her brow.
Dr. Ayara: “When he says ‘normal’, I’m assuming he means that he doesn’t feel he needs to talk to someone about his problems.”
Marcie: “Well, yeah…” She nods.
Dr. Ayara begins writing things down on her iPad as Marcie opens up.
Marcie: “He thinks he’s so perfect and fine and behaves well because he can put it on in public, but I’m sorry if you can’t behave the exact same in private what makes you think you’re normal.”
Dr. Ayara: “Did he throw things at you or just around.” She looks to Marcie. “You can be honest here, Marcie. This is a safe space.” She motions around the room.
Marcie shakes her head.
Marcie: “He just threw stuff around but you can’t just break and destroy things when they’re not going your way. What is he a five year old?”
“Things with Jonathan are an absolute disaster right now. Being completely transparent, before I got the salon space and signed up to do this…” She gestures around. “I would say our marriage was a lot better. Romantically it’s gone down to nothing. Physically, honestly once in a while…” She laughs weakly. “Sorry, I mean, where are we suppose to get some? HELLO!”
Dr. Ayara nods along to Marcie.
Dr. Ayara: “Mmm…I believe — and this is just my thoughts given off my one interaction with Jonathon — that he really truly does love you, but because he cannot have complete control of you, it angers him so much it makes him self destructive. To the point where he could be sacrificing his marriage.”
Marcie: “Do you think he really still loves me?”
Dr. Ayara: “Weirdly, yes.”
We see a little flash of a smile from Marcie.
Dr. Ayara: “But, he needs to learn the healthy ways to express how he’s feeling so that the two of you may have a better dialogue.”
Marcie: “How can I get him to come in if he’s going so far as to locking himself in different rooms of the house to avoid me at times?”
Dr. Ayara takes her glasses off and crosses her legs.
Dr. Ayara: “Marcie he’s a grown man, at the end of the day he is going to do whatever because he’s a being with free will.” She shrugs. “If he wants his marriage to last however, he’ll make some changes to the way he’s choosing to live his life.”
Marcie: “You think so?”
Dr. Ayara: “I do believe so, but next time I really do want to see Jonathon.” She puts her glasses back on. “ Maybe he’d be more willing to do a 1 on 1 with me, tell him I offered that and have him call me.” She hands Marcie her card.
Marcie: “I’ll do my best Dr. Ayara! Thank you so much!” She collects her things and starts to get up to leave.
Dr. Ayara: “Always and remember to take care of yourself, Marcie!”
“Today’s session was…eye opening. Realizing Jon’s acting this way BECAUSE he loves me not because he doesn’t is… a lot to handle.”
The scene fades as Marcie walks out of Dr. Ayara’s building and to her Porsche Cayenne.
The scene opens up with shots of Monsè and Gil’s house. It is a beautiful sunny day in Beverly Beach. In Monsè’s spacious backyard there are stands set up where local business owners have their merchandise out for a private shopping event.
There are a few handsome waiters that have food that are walking around and then there is a bartender near the entrance of the backyard.
“Today, I’m hosting some of the ladies for an afternoon of private shopping with some local business owners. I know how hard it is to start a new business, so if I can mix some philanthropy into our retail therapy, it’s the best of both worlds!”
Monsè: “Not to bad.” She smiles and looks over the event, admiring her work.
Valentina is the first wife to arrive. She walks out of the house’s lower level door.
“After Yvonne’s Bridal shower I just have been hesitant to be back around this group again. I do love Chanel and Dior so I can’t miss that!”
“Oh? Right. Well let’s hope I am not too belligerent for these girls.”
Valentina: “Mo mo! Hey Doll!”
Monsè: “Heyyy girl!” She hugs Valentina. “Ready to shop till you drop?”
Valentina: “Yes I brought Brandon’s Amex, today! I didn’t know what kind of businesses you were talking about!” She looks around.
Monsè: “They’re not the big names you’re used to hunni, but I promise they’ve got some quality things and they’ll definitely give his card a workout!” She laughs.
Valentina: “Also, I can’t wait to fill you in on what all happened at Yvonne’s bridal shower. Just be glad you weren’t there!” She makes a face.
Monsè: “Oh not that- Let’s at least get some drinks flowing before we talk about THAT.”
We see Olivia getting out of a car upfront an walking up to Monsè’s house.
“Monsè has been quite lovely to me in the short time I’ve been acquainted with her. I was excited to receive an invitation to her home and to see some of the ladies today.”
Olivia: “Monsè?” She knocks on her front door.
Outback, Monsè and Valentina are conversing. They stop once they hear Olivia’s knock.
Monsè: “Oh, let me get that real fast!”
We see Monsè go in through the patio door and rush through her kitchen to open up the front door for Olivia.
Monsè: “Olivia, come on in doll! How are you?”
Olivia: “Hey babe!” She hugs Monsè. “Love this look!”
Monsè: “Thanks babe! You look chic as always!”
Monsè leads Olivia out to the backyard where the event is happening. Olivia looks at Valentina as she walks out.
“I hope it isn’t awkward between Valentina and I — I scolded her yes, but she should be able to take constructive criticism. She was a strong positive role model boss chick last season — not sure what’s happened but I will try to uplift her.”
Valentina: “Hi Olivia! It’s good to see you” She smiles a bit.
Olivia: “Pleasure, Val.”
“I know exactly what Olivia has been saying about me around town. That I’m declassè or a little wild.” She rolls her eyes. “She definitely has a problem with me, but for the sake of a fun afternoon I’m going to choose to be pleasent. That’s the classy move, right?”
Outfront, Marcie rings the doorbell.
Marcie: “I wonder if her backyard is set up yet.”
“Monsè’s hosting a fun shopping event with most of the women! Although I’m sad Yvonne isn’t here I understand their issues and I’m glad they are respectful to one another's events.”
We see Monsè shuffling through the house as she makes her way to open the door for Marcie.
Monsè: “I really should’ve just left the damn door open.”
Monsè opens the door, out of breath, and then leads Marcie to the backyard where Valentina and Olivia are.
Valentina: “Hey gorgeous, you look great!” She hugs Marcie.
Marcie: “Oh hi hunni! I love your outfit this purple is everything!”
Marcie now goes and hugs Olivia.
Olivia: “Cute diva! We are matching in our black!”
Marcie: “Hi doll I know me you and Monsè!”
The camera pans to Violette who knocks polietly and then lets herself in, she walks herself to the backdoor.
“I’m excited Monsè invited me to this exclusive shopping day at her house. She seems like a sweet girl, so it was appreciated. Although, I have to admit I am coming in with an agenda.”
Monsè: “Violette, so glad you made it!” She goes up and gives her air kisses. “You look FAB!”
Violette: “Thank you doll! You as well. Thank you for the invite!” She waves at everyone. “Hey ladies!”
Marcie: “Oh hi Violette!”
Olivia: “Violette, I love this outfit! Very Spring 2024!”
Violette: “Thank you, Olivia. Remind me, I’d love to talk later.” She nods.
Olivia: “Sure, love” She looks a little confused. “Okay!”
Monsè: “I think you guys are gonna love the products today. The ladies are still up-and-coming, but it’s all top tier stuff. Only the best for the ladies of Beverly Beach!” She claps a little. “Now that we’re all here, grab some drinks from the bar and let’s put those credit cards to work girls!”
The cameras follow Valentina, Marcie, and Valentina as they walk together to the first booth; hand made jewlery with beautiful stones.
Marcie: “ Oh I love drinking and shopping… it’s how I end up with most of my clothes!”
The ladies laugh.
Valentina: “Retail therapy is probably my only cure after that Bridal Event, wouldn’t you say Marcie?”
Marcie: “Oh my gosh it was.. definitely something alright.” Her eyes widen.
Monsè: “What did I miss at this ‘exclusive’ Bridal event? Is there a fake pregnancy to go along with Yvonne’s fake marriage?” She chuckles and picks up a necklace. “Kidding!”
“Am I a little salty that Yvonne didn’t invite me to her bridal event? Of course! I mean, we’re not best friends but I thought we were making some sort of progress in our friendship.”
Valentina: “It all started when I asked why you weren’t there…” She looks at Monsè and sips her wine. “You know, I ride for you so when you’re somewhere I’m not I have questions about it, ya know? You are just as much apart of this group as I am.”
Monsè: “Aw, I know you’ve always got my back, girl! I can’t imagine that went well though, Ms Langley haaates to be questioned.” She rolls her eyes.
Marcie: “It went as well as you could expect, Monsè.”
“Yvonne’s pissed about her party.. pissed. But I’m not going to be stirring that pot tonight we can leave that on simmer for now!”
The women start to make their way over to the natural skincare vendor.
Monsè: “Oh well what happened?” She furrows her brow. “You guys made it seem like World War III went down.”
Valentina: “It didn’t go well at all, it ended up in me and Olivia getting into it about my behavior at her Chateau dinner and then Violette over there said I was belligerent….”
We get a quick shot of Violette and Olivia shopping at a clothing vendor a few stations away.
Valentina: “ I tried to storm off the boat but I just had to go sit in the lower cabin.”
Monsè: “You got into it with Olivia, Violette, AND Yvonne? Girl, I’m surprised they didn’t throw you off the damn boat!”
Valentina: “I am NOT a drunk and I won’t be labeled as one by someone who can’t even figure out if she wants her man or not.” She looks annoyed. “It was just so rude the way they were trying to paint me out, I think a conversation needs to be had.”
Monsè: “Well, today is as good as any other day!” She laughs.
Marcie: “Oh God, can’t we have one peaceful afternoon?!”
The scene switches to Violette and Olivia on the other side of the backyard. Violette puts down a bikini and turns to Olivia.
Violette: “I really do want to talk to you about something.”
Olivia: “Of course!” She sips her champagne.
Violette: “So, I’m sure you feel a little bit of tension with us.”
Olivia: “Yes, I picked up on it.” She laughs a bit.
Violette: “I am sorry about that. I’m just a little confused and upset. The other day when all the couples were out, Jean Luc left so angry and he told me that you apparently told Brandon that I seem like I’m having second thoughts?” She sighs. “Like why would you even say something like that?” She looks to Olivia.
Olivia: “Oh…” She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. “Well, firstly let me say I am sorry that Jean-Luc had that reaction because of me. I didn’t mean to cause any issues.”
Violette: “I appreciate that.” She nods and listens.
“Olivia and I are good friends. It’s fine to talk to your spouse about things, sure. But to assume something and to tell your spouse your assumption that you very well know is not true is kind of… not right.”
Olivia: “I did talk with my husband about our day out the other day, and I told him I got a vibe from you that everything wasn’t the best in your relationship right now. Your body language, you know. I didn’t realize he’d go back and be a messy man.” She laughs.
Violette: “I understand, I’m not mad you told Brandon. You’re supposed to talk to your husband. I just wish you would’ve asked me that. Don’t just make assumptions, please.”
Olivia nods.
“God damn it Brandon, shut your mouth! I’m going to whip his ass when I get home.” She shakes her head.
Olivia: “But, I did want to ask you, is everything okay with you two?”
Violette: “Jean Luc and I are fine, we talked it out. We’re good.”
Olivia: “That’s good to hear.” She grabs Violette’s hand. “Look, in marriages and in relationships; there are high and low times. I picked up that something was up with you all and it genuinely was from a place of care. I am so sorry it got brought up and caused even more issues for you. In the future, I will make sure I just ask you and check in on you versus speculating with Brandon.”
Violette smiles.
Violette: “That’s all I ask. We’re good, girl! Come here!”
Violette and Olivia hug.
“I care about Violette and Jean-Luc. Brandon did what I should have done — checked in with my friend. Girls before guys or whatever the young kids say?”
Olivia: “Why don’t we go reconnect with the others?”
The camera follows Olivia and Violette as they walk over and join Marcie, Monsè, and Valentina who all stop talking.
Olivia: “Are we walking into a hornets nest? What’s going on ladies?” She looks around.
Violette: “Yeah, it does feel kind of… I dunno.” She chuckles at Olivia.
Monsè: “Hey ladies! Oh, we were just talking, ya know?” She smiles. “ What’s this I’m hearing about you two and Val getting into it at Yvonne’s though? Everything good?” She crosses her arms.
We get a shot of Marcie snickering at Monsè being messy.
“If I’m gonna be left out of things, at least give me the tea afterwards hunni!”
Olivia: “ I wouldn’t label it as an argument.” She laughs. “I didn’t go back and forth with Val, however, I did scold her for the embarrassing behavior. I understand she was under the influence but we can agree to disagree and if she feels that behavior is appropriate, I can’t change her mind.” She shrugs.
Violette nods slightly at Olivia’s comment.
Valentina: “I mean I just felt like the scolding wasn’t necessary Olivia. You are someone I was happy to connect with when our mutual friend introduced us. But now that you are around this group you’ve been kinda mean to me — and then you got your friend calling me belligerent. I’m hurt.” She puts her hands up to her chest.
Olivia: “Valentina, if you feel I’ve come off as mean, I do apologize. It wasn’t my intent, however your behavior was inappropriate and I agree with Violette that you were a bit belligerent.”
The camera pans to Violette who is twirling her hair.
Valentina: “Thank you for that Olivia and I apologize that I ruined your chances of returning back to the chateau for any dinners. Would you like for me to write to the owner of the estate and apologize?”
Olivia: “Valentina, its water under the bridge. No written apology necessary, but thank you for offering it.” She smiles.
“I am glad Valentina apologized; that’s truly all I needed to move forward with her. A once in a blue moon slip up displaying drunken antics happen. It’s being able to apologize for the embarrassing moments and move on.”
Olivia: “Now, Val and Violette can you two squash it? Val, your feelings seem to be hurt by the belligerent comment.” She looks between the two ‘Wives.
Violette: “ It is true. I did call you belligerent. But ONLY because that is what I saw of you on my first time meeting you.” She nods at Valentina. “And… I mean, I also was kind of feeling a type of way.”
“I can admit that it might have been harsh to say that she was belligerent. I am a woman after all, so I can be petty.” She laughs. “She kind of poked fun at my plastic surgery! Like bitch, you don’t do that…Now that kind of made me feel a type of way.”
Valentina: “Violette, If me dancing on the table to FUCKING Bongos by Cardi B is so triggering for you girl than maybe you are not in the right group.” She rolls her eyes then sips her wine.
Violette gasps.
Marcie: “Oh!” She chokes on her champagne.
Olivia: “Well that escalated…” She looks at Marcie.
Monsè: “Let’s bring it down a notch babe. We’re trying to solve problems not make more of them.” She rubs Valentina’s arm.
“These girls need to get whatever stick is up their ass and let loose. My god if I’m belligerent for dancing on a table I’d hate for them to see me in St Tropez or Morocco.”
Violette: “Whoa, wait a minute. Where is this coming from?” She looks taken aback. “I think you should calm down! I could give a shit about you having fun and dancing. My initial view of you was shaky. You threw a jab at me in your first sentence towards me about my looks.”
Valentina: “Oh, I didn’t even mean anything by it!”
Violette: “That may be the case but how else should I have reacted? I don’t know you at all. You say ‘hi, how are you? Who’s your plastic surgeon?’ Like bitch, are you kidding me?!”
Valentina: “I mean, have you had work done?”
Violette’s mouth drops open and she looks offended.
Violette: “This is a sensitive topic for women! I mean, you’ve had surgery too!”
Valentina: “The comment was meant as a compliment. Of course I’ve had work done, I didn’t get this beauty on my own!”
Marcie: “It’s quite obvious we all have had some work done so maybe it really was just a throwaway comment, Violette?”
Monsè: “Uh uh! This is all natural bitch, take that back!” She playfully hits Marcie.
Valentina nods to Marcie and Violette just flutters her eyes.
“Don’t chime in and throw a jab at me, Marcie. I mean… yes I’ve had work done. My work compared to Valentina’s work is like Target vs Walmart. Valentina looks like she is aging in dog years, fighting and ravaging through decades worth of botox and fillers, struggling to crack a smile. She looks as if she is Jigsaw who started an OnlyFans page.”
Valentina: “There was no malicious intent with what I said if that is what you’re implying.”
Violette: “Well, I can apologize. I misunderstood you and for that, I apologize, truly. Look, we don’t know each other well. I don’t want to destroy a friendship before it begins. Let’s start over.”
Olivia: “Yes, girls, yes!”
Marcie: “Now I think we should actually do some shopping girls!” She smiles.
Monsè: “Yesss we love to see it! I’m with Marcie, let the retail therapy begin.”
Valentina: “Look let’s hug this out Violette, I am sorry for jumping on you! I just have a lot going on.” She walks over to Violette.
Violette: “I completely understand. I want to be someone who’s there for you. We should have lunch sometime soon.” She smiles and hugs her.
Valentina: “Yes I would enjoy that very much!”
Violette, Monsè, and Olivia head out to do one last round of the vendors. Valentina grabs Marcie’s arm gently, holding her behind.
Valentina: “Can I talk to you?”
Marcie: “Oh of course!” She sips her champagne.
Valentina: “I just wanted to see how you were since the other day at your house… I mean things got more than out of hand.” She frowns.
Marcie looks around nervously.
Marcie: “Oh, Val, can we not… I just don’t want the other women to overhear.” She sighs. “I haven’t spoken to anyone about anything pertaining to my marriage, except Yvonne. I just…I’m not ready.” She looks down.
“These women will take my marital issues and rip me to shreds with them.. I’m not dumb and I’m not stupid enough to mention it to the ones I don’t completely trust.”
Valentina: “Oh, I wasn’t going to bring it up in front of them. That was a lot the other day. I just want to make sure you’re okay? Is he still at the house?”
Marcie: “Oh thank you! Thank you! I’m okay…he’s in hotels half the time so it’s tolerable when he is there. We’re working on trying to find a resolution but… you know where we are.”
Valentina looks concerned.
Valentina: “I can relate, you know I can… it’s just a lot but do know I’m here for you.” She grabs Marcie’s hand. “Seriously. We are going to get through this!”
A small tear drop runs down Marcie’s cheek as she smiles at Valentina. Valentina wipes it from her face and the pair get up.
Valentina: “NOW, let’s go finish shopping.”
Marcie: “Let’s!”
The scene fades as Valentina and Marcie walk back over to rejoin the other ‘Wives. The episode ends.