[S9E3]: A Lesson in Class

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
36 min readJul 9, 2024


The episode opens with showing what the ‘Wives are up to. We see Monsè laying out by her pool talking to her sister Phoebe. Valentina is seen getting her kids ready. Serena is seen typing on her laptop in her home. The scene lands on Olivia who is in her kitchen preparing a salad while her husband, Brandon, sits at the kitchen island.

Brandon & Olivia

Olivia: “Lunch is almost ready!”

Brandon: “It’s just a salad? Where’s the meat?”

Olivia lets out a laugh.

Olivia: “You need to eat healthy, I saw those cholesterol levels.”

Brandon: “Oh, you got jokes.” He grins.

Olivia is seen plating the salads and taking a seat next to Brandon.

Brandon: “I forgot to ask — how was lunch with Violette the other day?”

Olivia: “It was great, although, she seemed a bit as if she may be having second thoughts about their engagement.” She shrugs and takes a bite of her salad.

Brandon: “What? What makes you think that, Liv?” He furrows his brow.

Olivia: “She seemed a bit uncomfortable and mentioned them being engaged for 3 years with him not really doing anything to plan for their wedding.”

Brandon: “I mean we’ve talked about his bachelor party.” He laughs.

Olivia: “But they haven’t even set a day yet. Why is the bachelor party a priority? She seems frustrated and maybe she’s regretting her decision to potentially walk down the aisle. I don’t know.” She looks to Brandon.

Brandon: “Hm… well…” He shrugs. “I guess they need to figure that out.” He looks down at his salad. “ If this isn’t filling I’m firing up our grill and cooking some steaks.”

Olivia and Brandon laugh and the scene transitions over to Serena’s house.

Serena’s House

Inside, Serena and her husband Michael are seen in their sitting room. Serena is typing on her laptop as Michael looks at something on his iPad.

Serena & Michael
Serena’s Confessional

“Michael and I have been married for 6 years now! We are 16 years apart. He’s my king. I was actually in a relationship before Michael. Abusive. Moving on. We are business moguls. There are systems in some of your favorite companies that were built by the Amés!” She winks. “We set the standards!”

Michael puts down his iPad and looks to his wife.

Michael: “So I’ve been thinking about going in a different direction with the company. The hair salon is making money and the realty company is rising. I believe we should downsize.”

Serena: “We’re not downsizing anything babe. Nope.” She shakes her head as she continues to type. “We’ve had this discussion. There are so many people who need those jobs.”

Michael: “I get that.” He nods and thinks. “I can make sure they get other jobs. It’s just a lot happening. We need opportunity to try for more kids. Create those hair products. Our son is a preteen for God’s sake.”

Serena takes a deep breathe and stops typing, looking over at Michael.

Serena: “I am not arguing with you this morning about this.” She gets up and walks over to the kitchen, picking up a bag on the counter. “And what have I said about this bag on the counter?!” She brings it over to Michael and sits on the couch next to him.

Michael: “I’m sorry, babe. Don’t trip.” He chuckles.

Serena: “Oh, so now you’re using your son’s language?” She looks at the bag.

Michael: “I guess so!”

Serena: “Speaking of that boy, where is he? I called him 15 minutes ago.”

Michael: “He was still getting ready.”

We get a quick clip of Serena and Michael’s son, MJ, doing his hair meticulously in his bathroom.

Serena: “He is so tedious in the morning. Gosh! And then I have to rush to get him to school on time.” She rolls her eyes a bit and chuckles.

Serena’s Confessional

“My baby boy is so spoiled! He goes to a private school, he gets paid an allowance for just… existing… his gaming buddies are his friends — it’s crazy.” She laughs. “I was happy to get a Debbie cake from the store as a child.”

Serena: “MJ! Come on, baby!”

MJ huffs as he comes down the stairs.

MJ: “I was getting ready! Just give me a second, we’ll get to school on time!” He hugs both of his parents.

Serena: “That’s your son!” She shoots Michael a look and hands him a smoothie.

Michael: “Alright, my favorite people…” He gives Serena a kiss. “ I gotta go to the office, stop by whenever. I’ll be there. Love you mama!” He gives Serena one more kiss. “Love you too, MJ!”

MJ: “Lova ya, dad!”

Michael ruffles MJ’s hair and heads out, the scene then transitions. We get different shots of The Palms, a beautiful private beachfront neighborhood in Beverly Beach that is home to the stars.

The camera settles in on Valentina and Brandon’s house. Kids can be heard running around, screaming, and playing.

Valentina: “Carter and Cali, you both need to calm down and pick up this mess your glam-ma is going to be here any minute! BRANDON get down here, please!”

Valentina’s Confessional

“So Brandon has decided he doesn’t want to come around the ladies after how everything went last season. While it has put a strain on our marriage, I am holding hope that Brandon will come around especially with my mother Katarina coming to town to stay for a few months, he won’t want to stay in the house anymore once she gets here.”

The camera pans to show Brandon coming down the stairs. He stops to hug Carter and Cali before walking into the kitchen.

Valentina & Brandon

Brandon: “Hey babe.” He kisses Valentina. “Your mom is about to be here isn’t she…”

Valentina nods and Brandon’s eyes widen, he grabs a bottle of wine from the counter and begins pouring two glasses.

Brandon: “We’re going to need this.”

Valentina laughs nervously and takes the glass Brandon hands her, she leans against the counter.

Valentina: “I’m so nervous. She is the only person I walk on eggshells with…” She sips her wine.

Brandon: “I don’t get why she gets you so shaken up, she isn’t going to be here but a few nights.” He shrugs and tosses a handful of peanuts into his mouth.

Valentina bites her lip and looks to Brandon.

Valentina: “Well about that — “

Brandon: “What do you mean, ‘well about that?’” He raises an eyebrow at his wife.

Valentina: “My mother is actually going to be here for a few months.”

Brandon:WHAT?!” He chokes on his wine.

Carter: “Daddy, what’s wrong?”

Carter and Cali run to the kitchen.

Valentina: “Daddy’s fine! Go back to playing, loves!” She smiles and shoo’s the kids away; She turns back to Brandon. “She was wanting to come see us because she missed us and wanted to stay here, and I told her yes.”

Brandon: “YOU TOLD HER YES, without asking me?!” He looks annoyed. “Valentina…That’s not cool babe. I don’t think I’m okay with that. A few nights is WAY different than a few months.” He shakes his head.

Valentina: “Bran — “

All of a sudden the front doorbell goes off and the door opens a second later. Valentina’s mother enters the Armani residence.


Katarina: “Hello, is anyone here?”

Carter and Cali: “Glam-Ma, Glam-Ma!”

The children run up to Katarina and each latch onto her.

Katarina: “Here’s $100 give Glam-ma a minute to get settled in here!” She gives each kid a $100 bill and walks towards the kitchen. “Val!” She pulls her daughter into a big hug. “My God! You so thin. Are you starving yourself, you look too thin…” She looks Valentina up and down.

Valentina: “MOM! I am not starving myself. Oh my god. I just have been busy with work and taking care of the kids it’s hard to sit around and eat all day.”

Katarina now turns her attention to Brandon. A big smirk appears on her face as she goes in to hug him.

Katarina: “Brandon, I’m glad you could be here to greet your mother in law for once.”

Brandon: “Well I’m glad I could be here with bells and whistles for your grand entrance. Val told me you would be here for a few months…” He takes a sip of his wine. “So, why are you here?”

Katarina: “ Oh Val didn’t tell you, she wanted me to come down and spend some time with her and my grandchildren.” She smiles.

Brandon: “Is that right?” He looks to Valentina. “That’s news to me.”

Katarina: “Now be a darling and pour me a glass.” She points to Brandon’s wine.

Brandon pours his mother-in-law a glass of wine and goes to hand it to her.

Katarina: “Oh, Brandon. A little more, honey…You surely can afford it.” She winks and him and points to her glass.

Brandon huffs and pours a bit more before handing it over.

Brandon: “I thought you were here for for a short visit not a 3 month vacation. I mean we don’t see you any other time except when you need us for something.”

Katarina: “I’m here and this time I don’t need your help, Brandon. Your wife clearly needed something from me.” She looks to Valentina.

Valentina: “Okay okay, Mom you’re not telling the whole truth. What you told me was you missed us and wanted to come for a visit in which I said it would be nice for you to see your grandchildren especially since it’s been a year since you seen them last.”

Valentina’s Confessional

“The reason my mom hasn’t seen Carter and Cali in a year is because the last time we were together she and I got into a huge fight about how poor of a mother she was to me growing up and I had to kick her out, it got that bad. Listen there’s a lot to unpack there and I just hope we don’t get back to place again.”

Katarina: “Val, my love…I just want my family to be back together.” She starts tearing up. “You guys are all that I have.” She dramatically holds her arms out to the couple.

Valentina and Brandon look at one another. Brandon clenches his job and turns back to Katarina.

Brandon: “I hope your intentions are good while you’re here, I mean it’s only a matter of time before you upset this one.” He points to Valentina and finishes his glass of wine.

Valentina: “Whoa babe I get you are upset for me but she just got here let’s hold off on the passive aggressive behavior!”

Brandon puts his empty glass into the sink and turns back to Valentina and Katarina.

Brandon: “If you women don’t mind I’m going to go back upstairs and run through some lines. I will let you two catch up.”

Katarina: “Well don’t stay hidden the whole time I’m here Brandon, I promise I don’t bite.” She chuckles.

Brandon: “Well, I can’t be too careful now, can I?” He smiles and walks out of the kitchen.

Valentina lets out a big sigh and pours herself a little more wine before going and sitting next to her mother at the kitchen island.

Valentina: “So listen mom, you’ve got to tone it down with Brandon. I know he’s not particularly your favorite but that’s my husband and he has done amazing of providing a wonderful life for me and the kids.”

Katarina looks shocked before she gets a stern look on her face.

Katarina: “No you listen to me Val, I am your mother. I’m telling you that Brandon is up to no good. I can just feel it from him.” Her eyes narrow.

Valentina: “Mom, I trust my husband and I know he would never do anything to jeopardize our relationship or our family. You really need to give him a chance.”

Katarina: “A mother’s instinct is never wrong.” She shakes her head and sips her wine. “All I’m saying is don’t be naive in this marriage like I was with your father.”

Valentina: “Okay mom, let’s just end this conversation here.” She rolls her eyes. “Your grandchildren are excited to see you. Why don’t you go play with them and I’ll go set your things in your room.”

Valentina’s Confessional

“I really hope my mom doesn’t come in between my marriage while she’s visiting. This wouldn’t be the first time she’s done something to affect my relationship.”

The scene ends.

The scene begins with shots of the beautiful rolling greens of the Beverly Bluffs Country Club. The camera pans to Olivia, Brandon, and their dog walking up to the country club.

Brandon & Olivia
Olivia’s Confessional

“Brandon has been bugging me about participating in a couples golf tournament down at the Beverly Beach Country Club. I told him I’d only do it if Violette and Jean-Luc were participating. Turns out they were, and when I asked Yvonne to join us she said she’d be dragging Horace out to show us all how a winning couple looks.” She laughs. “We are all down for some friendly competition with our men!”

Olivia and Brandon walk out to the course with their clubs and await the others. Yvonne and Hoarce are the next couple to arrive.

Yvonne & Horace

Yvonne: “Hello, hello! I see you two brought a secret weapon.” She looks at the dog. “They let him out here?”

Olivia: “I see you came dressed to socialize and not get serious about this tournament. You know I don’t lose games!”

Yvonne: “I’m more than happy for you to get this win! I don’t do things that could cause me to sweat or even glisten- you should know that by now.” She winks. “Horace, you remember Brandon…Olivia’s newest husband.”

Horace: “Ahh yea man, good to see you.” He shakes Brandon’s hand.

Violette and Jean-Luc walk out onto the greens arm in arm.

Violette & Jean-Luc

Violette: “I am so excited! We really don’t get to do any couple things. You’re always out of town.”

Jean-Luc: “Yeah… well, just be glad I’m available for this, honey.”

Violette’s Confessional

“I had to practically beg my fiancé to come today. It does get a little fucking annoying to have to grovel at his feet to have him keep up appearances.”

Violette and Jean-Luc walk up and greet the couples.

Violette: “Hello everyone!”

Jean-Luc: “What’s up, guys?”

Brandon: “My guy! Jean-Luc!”

Yvonne: “Hello.”

Horace and Yvonne look at each other, seemingly communicating with no words.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“I tried my hardest to hold back a squeal when I saw Violette’s husband. I can definitely tell she’s married for the benefits, not the attraction….” She looks behind the camera. “Is that a bad thing to say?”

Olivia: “Are you ready to lose today, Violette and Jean-Luc? Brandon and I came prepared to win this tournament!” She laughs and pats Brandon’s chest.

Violette: “Well, you know I am super competitive, Liv! We’ll see who’s gonna be on top here shortly, won’t we?” She laughs and nudges Jean-Luc.

Olivia’s Confessional

“Brandon and Jean-Luc are very close. Whenever Jean-Luc is in town they go out with their group of mutual friends and watch different sporting events. I think the last one was some basketball game? Marching Madness? Yeah that!”

The camera pans to focus on Jean-Luc and Brandon conversating.

Brandon: “Jean-Luc, my man. You left early the other night from the Beach Haus. You missed the end of the game!”

Jean-Luc: “Yeah, man. I’m sorry about that. I was behind on so much work, I really couldn’t be out much longer.” He laughs. “You know how that is. I’m marrying a big spender!”

We see Violette roll her eyes.

Brandon: “Hey, I feel your pain, man!”

Violette’s Confessional

“I don’t really like Jean Luc pushing a narrative that I’m a ‘big spender’. He likes to try and paint an image that I just sit at home all day long and just shop. I work, I have a career too. I’m just as successful as he is but he doesn’t think as so.”

Yvonne: “Let’s get to the golf!” She claps.

There is a short montage of the couples golfing the first nine holes. Brandon and Horace do the best. We see Jean-Luc trying to teach Violette how to swing better. Olivia fans herself and sips her water, she eventually just goes to sit in the golf cart. It comes to an end as each couple rides up to the main country club building in their golf carts.

Brandon: “Horace and Jean-Luc, let’s head up to the bar and get a drink?”

Jean-Luc: “I forgot how much I DON’T really like golfing.” He laughs. “Yeah, let’s go get a beer.”

Horace: “Absolutely! I need one for sure.”

Brandon: “You ladies good?”

Olivia: “Yes — we’ll go sit on the patio. We have girl chat to discuss.” She giggles.

Horace: “Don’t start any trouble.” He looks at Yvonne.

Yvonne: “Oh, goodbye Ace.”

The men walk off to go to the bar inside. The ‘Wives walk up the steps to sit on the large patio that overlooks the golf course and talk.

Olivia: “ Violette, what did you think about the ladies the other night? Your first night meeting them? Exciting!”

Violette: “It was nice!” She smiles. “I enjoyed it for the most part. I thought almost everyone was pleasant. The decor was really fabulous, Olivia! 10 stars!”

Olivia: “Well thank you, I’ll be sure to thank my event planner. Did you hit it off with any of the ladies?”

Violette: “Well, I liked meeting Yvonne here.” She nudges her playfully.

Yvonne: “You’re a very refreshing energy in this circle.”

Violette’s Confessional

“I think everyone was fairly welcoming to meeting me. I did catch a few strays and a few digs from a select few women, but… I’m not really concerned about that.” She shrugs. “It’s normal behavior amongst a girl group.”

Violette: “I did also think Serena and Monsè were very welcoming.” She puts her sunglasses on.

Yvonne: “Watch out for Monsè” She purses her lips.

Violette looks over at Yvonne a bit surprised, she raises and eyebrow.

Violette: “Yvonne, I don’t mean to pry here but…. I do want to ask you. What’s the situation with you and Monsè? The two of you were very heated the other night.”

Yvonne: “Monsè is a moron. She can’t decide if she wants to be friends or if it’s more convenient to stir the pot. And that’s why she’s not invited to my Bridal Shower.” She shrugs.

Violette: “Oh, wow!” She laughs and blushes. “Well, you certainly are a blunt woman. I like that. I respect that.” She nods.

Yvonne: “Since you’re around the group more now, it’s only a matter of time before you see it.”

Violette’s Confessional

“Yvonne seems like a straight shooter. She is a lot older than myself, but she does kind of give off matronly vibes. I definitely think she would be a good friend to have in the group. If she’s good friends with Olivia, I’d think it’s safe to be around her.”

Yvonne: “Speaking of Monsè, how do you feel about her friend Valentina? I haven’t heard anything positive from either of you…” She looks between Violette and Olivia.

Violette: “I don’t really know her to speak positively or negatively about her. I did sense a bit of jealously and shade from her at Olivia’s event the other night, but… it’s fine.” She flips her hair.

Olivia lets out a sigh.

Olivia: “I like Valentina, but I am very disappointed in her and Serena’s uncouth behavior at my event. Quite frankly, I was told that I was on pause from hosting there until further notice.” She leans back in her chair.

Olivia’s Confessional

“Valentina and Serena displayed very low class and trashy behavior at an establishment that is known for hosting only elite guests. I was very embarrassed and I do not want my reputation tarnished by two drunk women acting as if they were auditioning for Girls Gone Wild.”

Yvonne: “Oh my goodness! So they essentially got you banned?”

Olivia: “Yes, I’m banned from hosting there indefinitely. I’m sure it’s nothing money won’t fix, but I do plan on having a conversation with those two women.”

Yvonne: “Such a shame. This isn’t what Beverly Beach is.” She shakes her head.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“The behavior from Valentina was very strange at our Chateau dinner, but it’s the kind you expect from a wild child turned cheerleader turned sugar baby. It’s not like she’s expected to have class and decorum.”

Violette: “Wow. I do have to say I was kind of surprised at that behavior towards the end of the night by grown women. Does Valentina normally act like that?” She looks to the ‘Wives.

Yvonne: “Oh, like what, Violette?”

Violette: “Like… sort of, belligerent.”

Olivia: “I don’t know. I’ve only ever been social friends with Valentina but I haven’t seen her like that before. But to make sure there’s a standard, I may need to host an etiquette dinner soon to teach the girls how to behave at a dinner party.”

Yvonne: “Yes, you do.” She laughs. “I hope my Bridal celebration allows everyone a chance to know each other better so we can know if first impressions are lasting ones.” She turns around. “I wonder if the men are getting along.”

The scene switches to show Horace, Brandon, and Jean-Luc sitting at the Beverly Bluffs Country Club bar inside of the establishment. They each have a beer and a shot.

Brandon: “Cheers my guys, let’s take these shots before our ladies come looking.” He laughs and holds up his beer.

Jean-Luc: “Right on! Cheers mate.”

Horace: “Cheers to the hard working men taking care of their women!” He takrs a shot. “Wow!” He makes a face before turning back to Brandon and Jean-Luc. “So you two are longtime buddies?”

Brandon: “We’ve known each other for a few years and actually met out here on the golf course.”

Jean-Luc nods along to Brandon.

Jean-Luc: “Yeah, Brandon and I are pretty tight! We actually met first before our ladies did. But, the way the two of them behave you’d think it was the other way around.” He chuckles and sips his beer.

Brandon: “How are things between you and Violette, Jean-Luc?”

Jean-Luc: “Everything is fine, mate. Same old same old. I’m working, she’s working. Why do you ask?” He downs his shot.

Brandon: “Well, ya know, Olivia told me that Violette seemed to be acting weird when talking about you all’s relationship.”

We see Horace’s eyes get wide as he adjusts his cap.

Brandon: “Olivia said she seemed uncomfortable and as if she may be having second thoughts.” He looks at his friend, a bit concerned.

Jean-Luc cocks his neck and looks surprised.

Jean-Luc: “Wait… what? Slow down. Olivia told you what? Violette’s talking about our relationship?”

Brandon nods.

Brandon: “Yeah, from what Olivia told me it didn’t seem like Violette was too happy. That’s why I wanted to check on you to make sure everything was still good with you two.”

Jean-Luc: “Oh…wow…okay.” He nods and gets up, visibly upset. “I’m finished here.” He begins walking to the patio.

Horace and Brandon look at one another.

Brandon: “Did he seem pissed or am I just drunk?”

Horace: “Horace: He’s pissed AND drunk!”

The scene switches to outside; Yvonne, Violette, and Olivia are chatting. The camera pans to show Jean-Luc emerge out onto the patio. He looks angry and makes a b-line to the table.

Jean-Luc: “Violette, let’s go.”

Violette: “Wait, what’s wrong?” She looks up at him confused.

Jean-Luc: “Let’s just go. We’ll talk about in the car.” He motions for her to get up.

Violette: “I’m sorry ladies — I’ll see you at the bridal celebration?”

Olivia: “Yes, of course. Go, go!” She looks concerned.

Violette and Jean-Luc walk off in a hurry. Olivia turns to Yvonne.

Olivia: “What the hell happened?”

Yvonne: “I don’t know. But that is some real shit right there.” She raises and eyebrow.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“The look in Jean-Luc’s eye was scary. I almost didn’t feel comfortable saying goodbye. Who knows what set him off but I don’t want to find out what happens when he gets triggered!”

The scene ends with a shot of the Beverly Bluffs Country Club.

The camera follows Olivia J. Blake as she struts into The Blake Agency.

Olivia’s Confessional

“Today I am officially back in the offices of the Blake Agency after being largely absent from the creative room for years. Being back in Beverly Beach allows me to get the creatives juices flowing and work on my first line penned by me in 5 years. I’m excited!”

Olivia: “Hello, hello everyone!”

The receptionist and two junior designers who were chatting at the front of the office straighten up and greet Olivia.

Alex [Junior Designer]: “The queen is in the building!”

Olivia: “Stop it, Alex!” She playfully dismisses him with her hand.

Carole [Receptionist]: “Olivia, it’s so good to see you in person.”

Olivia: “It feels good to be back, Carole.” She smiles and turns back to Alex. “What are you working on, babe?”

Alex: “I’m working on a swimwear line. Signature Blake Agency look, but trendy with what our target market wants.”

Olivia: “Lovely, and where is Weston?”

Alex and Carole both point towards Olivia’s former private office space.

Olivia: “Oh, intresting.” Her eyes narrow a bit. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to catch up with Weston.” She smiles at Alex and Carole and then walks off to the private office.

We see Alex and Carole both give each other looks of amusement as Olivia heads to the office.

Olivia’s Confessional

“Weston Childs is the chief creative officer for the Blake Agency. He has helped to keep the Blake Agency at the forefront in the fashion world while I was in Los Angeles. He is a former winner of Project Runaway, and is truly an amazing designer — but boy is he a shady queen!”

Olivia opens to the door to the office to reveal Weston typing away feverishly on his laptop at the desk.

Olivia: “Weston, my love, why are you working from my office.” She maintains a smile and takes a seat across from him on the other side of the desk.

Weston: “Oh, Olivia, gumdrop.” He smiles and stops typing. “This became my office when you abandoned the agency 5 years ago — I kid, I kid!” He lets out a laugh. “With your virtual presence, I didn’t figure you needed an office.” He shrugs. “What are you doing here today?”

Olivia: “Love, as you know I am back in Beverly Beach and part of me being back means a larger presence in the Blake Agency.”

Weston: “Oh? Why?” He looks a bit lost.

Olivia: “Well, because I own the place, Weston.” She laughs. “Now make sure you have this office cleaned up and out by Monday. I will be back in the office starting next week.” She motions around the room and turns to walk out.

Weston: “Wait! But what are you going to be doing here? The ship is tight with each designer focused on their respective lines.”

Olivia: “The lines look great, however, it’s time for an Olivia J. Blake original signature concept line.” She nods.

Olivia’s Confessional

“It’s been many years since I’ve put pencil to paper and designed my own line. While The Blake Agency is on every piece of clothing, truth is for the last 5 years, Weston has oversaw all the designs.”

Weston: “Are you sure? No shade, baby, but you haven’t done this in a while.” He looks to Olivia.

Olivia: “I know, that’s why I value your feedback and will have you and Alex both look over my concept art. I’m thinking a more timeless line vs. trendy. You all will continue to work on your signature lines and I’ll allow for those to be shown at fashion week — but I won’t a statement, timeless line — my style.”

Weston: “If you say so, girl…” He rolls his eyes.

Olivia: “Yeah, I say so.” She crosses her arms and now looks at Weston agitated.

Weston: “I’m just not sure about the timeless vs. trendy…probably won’t fare well on the shelves.”

Olivia just looks at him.

Olivia: “Get ready to welcome me back in the office fulltime on Monday, and trust me — everything I do is a hit.”

Weston: “Joy.”

Olivia’s Confessional

“Weston doesn’t seem too thrilled to have me back in the office.” She shrugs. “Oh well!”

Olivia: “See you soon babe, just wanted to stop by. Oh and I’m serious — out my office by Monday.”

Olivia turns and struts back into the main office.

Weston: “We will see, auntie…” He says under his breath.

The scene ends with an exterior shot of The Blake Agency.

The camera pans over the Beverly Beach Yacht Club.

A handful of ladies dressed in spring colors are making their way inside. Inside, on the top level Yvonne stands and sips a cocktail.

The camera flashes to the bartender and some servers carrying trays of food around.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Today is my bridal celebration and I’m so excited for what I’ve got planned! This isn’t your typical shower. I’m a woman of a certain age who’s getting remarried, so all these ladies can do is bring me gifts. They don’t have any wisdom for me.” She snaps at the camera.

Marcie is seen walking into the intimate party. She picks up a cocktail from the bar as she enters.


Marcie: “Thank youu!”

Marcie’s Confessional

“One thing about me I love love, and I am so happy to be here celebrating Yvonne and Horace! It’s so nice to see them have this resurgence together!”

Marcie walks over to Yvonne.

Marcie: “Hi Yvonne!” She hugs her. “This is beautiful oh my goodness!”

Yvonne: “Hi lovely! You look so good, you’re trying to outdo me with this dress.” She laughs.

Marcie: “ I don’t know what the occasion was I read bridal and spring and I have this pink dress!” She laughs.

Yvonne raises and eyebrow and then sips her drink.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“I understand that Marcie is only a hairdresser, but she understands etiquette and decorum. Don’t try to fool me into thinking you’re unsure if you should wear a ball gown or not…but I’m the bad friend!”

Marcie: “Where are you having people place gifts?” She holds up a decent sized gift bag.

Yvonne: “Put your gifts over in this room here-”

She points toward a room with a table that says Bride To Be on it. Marcie goes over to the table and now we see Serena walk in with a gift and sets it down on the table. She goes over to Yvonne.


Serena: “Heyy boopie. Im so happy for you!” She hugs Yvonne.

Yvonne: “Hey love muffin, you look so chic.”

Serena’s Confessional

“I am sooo happy for Yvonne. And I feel like this is what her life needs. She needs Horace. And Horace needs her. They make each other better.”

The camera pans to Olivia Blake walking up the stairs.


She poses as Yvonne’s photographer takes a picture of her. She walks over to Yvonne, Serena, and Marcie — who has now joined them.

Olivia: “Yvonne, my love! My gift for you is being imported from Paris and has not arrived yet.” She hugs Yvonne.

Yvonne: “Well, thank you for your hospitality, Olivia! I hope to get it by the wedding day.”

Olivia: “Hi Marcie, my love bug!” She now hugs Marcie. “ I miss you, babe you look so good!”

Marcie: “Olivia! Did you get a lift you’re forever aging backwards! Jesus — and losing so much weight!” She looks Olivia up and down. “You’re almost as skinny as Serena!” She laughs.

Olivia: “Mhmmm..” She forces a smile. “I’m going to go get a refill.” She taps her glass.

Olivia’s Confessional

“Was that a back handed compliment by Marcie?” She rolls her eyes. “To think I told the girl I missed her, jeez!”

Outside, Valentina is seen getting out of her car.


The driver gets out and opens the trunk for her. Val and her driver struggle to get a large painting out of the back of the car.

Valentina: “Jesus Christ!”

Valentina’s Confessional

“I didn’t know remarriages called for another bridal shower. I guess third times the charm! It’s no surprise Yvonne is asking us to bring her gifts…Must be slow times at the art gallery.” She sips champagne.

Valentina: “Do you mind carrying this in for me? Thanks so much!”

Valentina, followed by her driver, walk into the party with the painting. The driver sets it down and exits. Valentina walks over to the group.

Valentina: “Yvonne, congratulations! I brought you some real art to hang in your house, I had it imported from France!”

Yvonne: “Thank you for the gift and backhanded compliment, Valentina!” She smiles. “Please grab one of the mocktails I set aside for you. Where we’re going…I wouldn’t want your safety to be compromised.”

Valentina: “I don’t need a mocktail, I know how to act in the right setting.” She cocks her head.

Serena: “You ladies are so beautiful!” She interrupts to break the tension.

Violette is now seen walking into the party with a gift.

Violette’s Confessional

“I didn’t know that Yvonne and Horace were married before. So, this is unique. To have a wedding to the same man you were married to before.”

She walks over to greet the ‘Wives.

Violette: “Hi, everyone!! Everyone looks so pretty!”

Yvonne: “Violette, you look so springtime ready! I love those heels!” She hugs her.

Violette: “Thank you! You said springtime chic, so I tried to do just that.”

Olivia: “Oh a true Barbie. Always so stunning, Vi!”

Violette just nods and gives Olivia a polite wave before turning to talk to Valentina. Olivia looks confused.

Olivia’s Confessional

“Maybe I’m reading too into it, but Vi gave Yvonne a hug and didn’t even speak to me, let alone hug me.”

Violette’s Confessional

“After the other day with Jean Luc storming out. We got into the car and he explained to me the situation. I’m very upset with Olivia right now. I’m going to play nice and we’ll do the pleasantries, but we need to have a conversation. Just not today.”

Yvonne walks to the center of the room with a microphone.

Yvonne: “I want to thank all of you ladies for being here today to celebrate my remarriage to Horace. It means the world. Now let’s get on the yacht!”

The women at the party cheer. Everyone there now starts making their way downstairs and outside to the marina. The camera focuses in on Serena and Valentina who walk together.

Valentina: “Girl — what the hell do you got on?!” She looks Serena up and down and bursts out laughing. “It’s Dolce but I had a dress you could have borrowed!”

Serena: “Don’t do this to me friend! Bitch I was working out!” She laughs and leans onto Valentina. “Let’s get on the yacht!”

There is a montage of the party getting onto the large yacht.

Marcie: “Oh a yacht wowww!”

The girls get a cocktail from the bar on board and head to a private table on the deck. Yvonne, Olivia, Serena, Valentina, Violette, and Marcie all sit.

Valentina: “So, Yvonne, where is Monsè?” She looks around. “I thought she was coming tonight.”

Yvonne: “I’m not sure why you’d think that.” She sips her champagne.

Valentina: “I don’t know why I was invited but she wasn’t.” She shrugs. “She should be here tonight.”

Serena: “Why should Monsé be here? I’m confused. Sis I love you, but you know Monsé has not been supportive of Yvonne.”

Yvonne: “When Monsè learns to be a grown woman and hash out issues directly instead of resorting to cowardly comments or shade, then she’ll be invited to grown women events.”

Valentina: “I just don’t get why I’m here when me and you have a rockier history than you and Monsè. I feel like you’re trying to ice her out.”

Olivia: “Valentina, relax — no one is being iced out. We all enjoy Monsè.”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Let the record show I was going to extend an invitation to the both of them but Monse decided to proceed in trying to make a mockery of my rekindled love. But I expect nothing less from a woman of her mental age.”

Olivia: “I think if Yvonne and Monsè aren’t getting along, then it makes sense for her not to invite Monsè to her event.”

Yvonne: “Thank you, Olivia!”

Violette: “I think maybe it was for the best Monsè isn’t here, no?” She looks to Valentina. “They don’t seem to be in the best place, plus Monsè came at Yvonne for her engagement a bit.”

Valentina: “I didn’t know I was speaking to a classroom.” She looks between Olivia and Violette. “I was talking directly with Yvonne.” She points to her.

Violette makes a face.

Olivia: “Oh girl, we know you weren’t speaking to — or with — any sort of class after your behavior at the Chateau.” She stares Valentina down.

Valentina: “Olivia, since you want to be addressed we can address you now.” She glares across the table.

The scene cuts to a commercial break.

The scene resumes with Valentina addressing Olivia.

Valentina: “Olivia, since you want to be addressed we can address you now. It’s gotten back to me that you’ve been going around telling the girls you didn’t like mine or Serena’s behavior at your dinner party?”

Olivia: “The lack of class was quite frankly unacceptable.”

We get a shot of Serena rolling her eyes dramatically.

Serena: “Oh gosh. This is ridiculous. Were we suppose to come with sticks up our ass? I’m confused. It was a dinner PARTY.”

Yvonne raises and eyebrow at Serena and Valentina nods in her direction.

Valentina: “Yes, Serena! Preach!”

Marcie: “You guys were dancing like on the table though. You can admit that was a little too far guys c’mon..”

Olivia: “ALOT too far! It was one of the most embarrassing scenes I’ve ever witnessed.”

Valentina: “Olivia give me a fucking break! You act like you haven’t gotten wasted at a charity event before and had to be escorted out by Brandon! When did you get on this moral high ground?!” She scoffs.

Yvonne: “That’s an ALLEGATION, Valentina!”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Valentina acts so high and mighty as if she’s the vanguard of all things social in Beverly Beach. The little turd just got here, relax!”

Olivia: “Look ladies; there is a time and place for everything. The Beverly Beach Chateau is a classy establishment and unfortunately I have been banned from hosting events there due to the trashy behavior displayed by you two ladies. I’m not mad at you, just encourage you to think about your actions and do better.” She looks at Valentina and Serena.

Serena: “You ladies are uptight, my God.” She chuckles.

Valentina: “Listen guys, I’m under a lot of stress at home and if I wanted to come to a dinner party and let loose from the craziness in my world. I think as a grown ass woman I’m allowed to do that — thank you very much.” She looks at Olivia.

Olivia: “Having a couple drinks and enjoying your girlfriends’ company is letting loose and having a good time! Jumping on a table and screaming EAT MY ASS LIKE A PLUM is just NOT IT ladies! NOT OKAY!”

The women look shocked at Olivia’s outburst. Some of Yvonne’s family and friends look over and whisper.

Valentina: “Loosen up, Olivia — and get fucked!”

Marcie: “Valentina!”

Yvonne: “Is this the belligerent behavior you said she exhibited, Violette?”

Marcie: “Oh Violette you said Val is belligerent?”

Valentina: “Belligerent?!” Her head snaps in Violette’s direction.

Violette: “Well, I- I did say she was belligerent. That was based off of first impressions. She did seem to be a bit loose and drunk.”

Violette’s Confessional

“Oh my god, Yvonne! Girl! What happened?!” She laughs. “I thought we were getting to be good girlfriends. Oh, these bitches are catty! Rawr!” She widens her eyes.

Valentina glares down Violette.

Violette: “But! Your actions today aren’t the same.” She glances at Valentina and then combs through her hair.

Olivia: “Belligerent, as Vi put it — is the way you two…” She points between Valentina and Serena. “were behaving the other night!”

Serena’s Confessional

“This is a group of individuals who have wealth, husbands and great careers. Why do we have This FAKE ass persona? Most of these ladies do the SAME thing when the cameras aren’t around. I’ve heard the stories and have seen things with my own eyes.”

Valentina: “Are you guys trying to paint me out to be this crazy erotic person? I was just trying to have fun and let loose with you girls. I don’t know why I’m being made to feel like this is something bigger than what it is…” She begins to get up.

Marcie: “Valentina, sit down.” She tries to get her to sit but Valentina pulls away.

Valentina:NO! I’m not going to be doing this!” She turns to the cameras. “If they are trying to paint me out to be something that I’m not, I’m not doing this. I deal with enough shit at home, now I’m getting it from these ladies!”

Violette: “Oh.” She looks up at Valentina consolingly and touches her chest.

Olivia: “Valentina, we can talk later my love because you don’t seem to be getting it.”

Valentina: “Good luck on your marriage, I’m out of here!”

Valentina begins to walk off.

Yvonne: “Valentina, where are you going? We are in the ocean!”

Violette: “Oh my Christ!”

Valentina: “Alekos, these women are the worst! Such hypocrites, Oh My God — you can’t even imagine!”
Violette’s Confessional

“Valentina strikes me as a woman who isn’t secured in herself. I’ve only been around her twice so far and both times she’s shown herself to be unhinged and… dare I say it? Belligerent.” She shrugs. “I see it all the time in my cases. A woman who is acting out as a cry for help. I would like to get her alone some time to really talk with her.”

Olivia: “Should I go talk to her?” She looks over at Yvonne.

Serena: “Let me go check on her.” She begins to get up.

Olivia: “Yeah you go Serena, not sure she wants to see me currently.

Marcie: “I’ll come too!”

We now see that Valentina is sitting alone in the lower cabin with her arms crossed.

Valentina: “I want off this boat!” She looks behind the camera.

Serena and Marcie now walk in the lower cabin.

Serena: “Are you okay friend?”

The scene switches back to upstairs where Olivia, Yvonne, and Violette sit.

Yvonne: “ I don’t know who’s home life is worse- Marcie or Valentina.” She whispers to Olivia.

Olivia looks over at her, confused.

Olivia: “Wait — Marcie?”

Yvonne just leans back to her seat and raises her glass.

Yvonne: “Cheers to me and Horace!”

Violette: “Cheers!”

The scene ends with the three women clinking glasses.

The scene opens up with shots of Marcie’s home.

Outback, Marcie is seen sipping wine on her back patio. The camera pans to show Valentina walking out onto the patio.

Jon, Marcie, & Valentina

Valentina: “Marcieeee! Girl, I’m here!”

Marcie stands up and gives Valentina a hug.

Marcie: “Hey girlie! Sit down, I have a bottle of wine already open. There’s a glass with your name on it!”

Marcie’s Confessional

“I invited Valentina over because after the bridal shower I wanted to talk to her more after our evening on the yacht. Valentina seemed really…distraught. Even though I didn’t agree with everything she was saying the other day, I just want to make sure my friend is alright.”

We see Marcie handing Valentina her glass of wine as they sit on the posh patio furniture.

Marcie: “How are you, gorgeous?”

Valentina: “I’m doing alright. Obviously after the bridal celebration I’m a bit bothered…”

Marcie: “I know you’re a little stressed right now. We can talk about it, that’s what I’m here for.” She smiles and pats Valentina’s hand.

Valentina lets out a sigh.

Valentina: “Brandon is refusing to be around this group anymore, my mother is coming to town tomorrow and will be staying with us for a month. It will be a miracle if I make it through the summer still married…” She laughs nervously. “I do not know why my mom gets me so worked up but she does.”

Marcie: “I do just want to make sure you’re good because I know with your mom coming into town and Brandon adding unnecessary stress on top of that to this is probably a lot. I just hope you know that if you ever just want to come over, drink wine, bitch, watch movies and relax call me!”

Marcie’s Confessional

“Honestly I’m inviting more people into my life and over because last season I was so focused on my son and his future I didn’t care for myself or mine. I wasn’t considering I would be.. alone in my house eighty five percent of the time.”

Valentina: “Girl, I really could use that right now! I mean it’s stressful and then on top of that I’m getting the dance studio to a point where it’s fully operational without me having to be there as much is a full time job in itself.” She sips her wine. “Brandon just has no respect for what I have going outside of his world. I mean we are fighting pretty regularly…” She starts to tear up. “I don’t know how my marriage is going to survive when my mom gets here.”

Marcie pulls out a napkin and goes to sit next to Valentina and wipe her eyes.

Marcie: “Oh, honey. Don’t cry!”

Valentina’s Confessional

“Look my mom is pretty sinister. She knows how to manipulate and twist things to make it her favor. And with her in my ear to leave Brandon I can only imagine she is going to get here and get in his ear next.”

Marcie: “You’re too pretty to be crying over any of this!”

Valentina sniffles, she folds a tissue and dabs her eyes.

Valentina: “I just don’t know what’s wrong with being successful and doing it outside of your husbands shadows…” She sighs.

Valentina sniffles again and then lets out a deep breath.

Valentina: “Anyways, enough about me. How is Jon feeling about your work life balance? Still rocky?”

Marcie laughs, then stops, then laughs harder.

Marcie: “Oh honey, he hasn’t changed his views since Jacqueline’s dinner! Jon views my career as a joke.. a ‘hobby.’ I don’t have.. the best advice obviously but.. communication is one thing we lack that seems to work for others.” She nods at Valentina.

Valentina: “Oh? Maybe him and Brandon need to hang out. They are probably more alike than I knew.” She laughs and finishes her glass of wine.

Marcie: “Probably so. Should we be worried?” She chuckles.

Marcie pours Valentina another glass and then leans back into her seat.

Valentina: “Thank you.” She smiles. “You know, I have told Brandon I want to go back to couples therapy and I hope that maybe can help us.”

Marcie: “I believe in couples therapy!” She nods eagerly. “Jon refuses to try it though he says he doesn’t need it.”

Valentina makes a face.

Valentina: “Why does Jon not think couples therapy isn’t needed in your relationship?”

Marcie: “Well not just couples therapy, it’s honestly all therapy. He says it makes him feel ‘weak’.” She sips her wine. “I think he’s just a little bitch who doesn’t wanna get called out sometimes.”

Marcie’s Confessional

“Sorry Jon.”

Valentina: “Well they do say women are mentally and emotionally stronger than women so that checks out. Do you feel stuck in your marriage?”

Marcie: “I feel.. sad. I do care about him but it’s like.. the man is constantly upset. He doesn’t want to try.” She bites her lip and looks to Valentina, teary eyed.

Valentina: “He doesn’t want to try or doesn’t care to try? I feel like there is a difference. Honestly Marcie, I think you need to get a divorce attorney on speed dial. I have some lawyers who could help you out.”

Marcie: “I want to, but Valentina think about — “

The girls scream as the patio door bursts open. The camera quickly turns around to see one of the glass inlets shattered as Jon stands in the doorway.

Marcie: “JESUS! What the fuck?!”

Jon: “Marcie, you’resuchaaa BITCH!” He sounds intoxicated.

We see Valentina and Marcie hold onto eachother.

Marcie: “Jon?” She looks confused. “Are you drunk?”

Valentina: “Oh my…”

Jon: “I have been LISTENING to youuu bitch and BITCH about me to…” He points at Valentina who gasps. “OH I’M SORRY WHO ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE TELLING MY WIFE TO DIVORCE ME!”

Producer: “Jon! Calm down!”

Marcie: “JON get aHOLD of yourself what the fuck!”

Marcie’s Confessional

“Sooooo.. Jon’s been drinking.. heavily… something dark obviously.”

Valentina: “Marcie, what in the actual hell? Excuse me? Who are you yelling at.” She glares at Jon. “I can smell your breath from here…” She turns to Marcie. “Marcie do you want me to call police?”


Valentina turns around to talk to the camera man with a look of horror on her face.

Valentina: “Do not cut these cameras. I do not feel safe here.” She starts to get up.

Marcie jumps up to talk to Jon.

Marcie: “Jon what the fuck are you DOING? Calm down!”

Jon swings on a camera and knicks the end of it. Crew members now flood the scene.

Jon: “WHAT’D I SAY? My house! Put them down!”

Marcie: “Jon stop!”

Producer: “We need to wrap. Get Marcie and Valentina outside to the cars until he calms down.”

Marcie is now sobbing, leaning on Valentina.

Valentina: “OH MY GOD. I am shaking.” She is now crying.

Valentina’s Confessional

“If I am not careful I am afraid I am looking at a mirror of what my life will be like in a few years if some things don’t change.”

Security is now dealing with Jon. Crew members walk Valentina and Marcie out to the front of the house as they embrace.

Marcie’s Confessional

“I don’t know why he does this I don’t know why he behaves like this I genuinely believe he hates me or how he’s viewed in this town because of this show I just don’t know if anything good can come anymore.”

The episode ends.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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