[S9E1]: A Couple Old Dogs with Some New Tricks

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
34 min readJul 2, 2024


The season premiere opens up with shots of Beverly Beach as a catchy tune plays in the background.

We see Lamborghinis and McLarens zoom down the streets.

The camera pans to show the luxury stores that line the street; Fendi, Hermès, and Cartier. The scene settles on Yvonne’s gallery in the Beverly Beach art district.

Yvonne Langley

Inside, there are four small tables set up that surround a pedestal. There is a canvas and some paints at each table. There is also a wine glass and some finger foods. We see Yvonne near the entrance of the gallery, talking to an employee.

Yvonne: “Jessica, please make sure the wine is not burned. These are women of a certain status, they will never let me live it down.”

Jessica: “Of course, Miss Langley!”

Yvonne nods and then looks down at her phone as Jessica scurries off.

Yvonne: “Okay, where are these hussies?”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Well, well, well, the Dame is back and ready to rumble! After a few weeks out of the country since our last season wrapped, I’m meeting up with a few special ladies to catch up and help me on my mission to bring the real essence of what our town is, back to the forefront.”

The shot switches to show the outside of Yvonne’s gallery. Outfront, a black SUV has stopped. The driver gets out and walks around to open the door and help the passanger out. We see a high heel emerging from the car. The camera pans up to show OG Housewife, Olivia Blake, getting out of the car.

Olivia Blake [S1–3]

Olivia: “Thank you, Armando.”

Olivia swings her purse a bit as she struts up to Yvonne’s gallery. She enters and takes off her sunglasses.

Yvonne: “Olivia! I knew you’d be the first one here! You’re never tardy.” She scrunches up her nose and walks over to greet Olivia.

Olivia: “Hello, Yvonne! What a nice little dress!”

Olivia’s Confessional

“I’ve been back in Beverly Beach for the past few weeks. My husband bought property for his company right on Beverly Beach so we decided to make the move back. When Yvonne heard I was back, she reached out with an ominous invitation to her art gallery. Of course I had to come out and support whatever Mrs. Langley has going on.”

After the women finish greeting one another, we see Olivia notice the easels with canvases on them. Olivia turns to Yvonne and raises an eyebrow.

Olivia: “Are we — painting tonight?!” She laughs. “What’s going on?”

Yvonne: “Yes, I thought it would bring us back to our beginning when all the turmoil started!” She chuckles.

Olivia: “Oh, how could I forget.” She rolls her.

Lauren: “I am married to Richard Barnes. He runs a dealership here in town. Currently, he’s on a guys weekend!”
Yvonne: “Guys weekend? Is your man gay?”

We see Olivia and Ren both make a face.

Olivia: “Yvonne has a terrible sense of humor. She knows damn well Lauren’s husband is not gay.”
Lauren: “No! He isn’t gay. His stupid friends go sleep with whores every college reunion. It’s…something I choose to overlook.” She shrugs.

Ren’s eyes get wide as she continues painting. Olivia stays silent and Yvonne raises an eyebrow.

Yvonne: “Oh, so you choose to be disrespected in your relationship?”
Yvonne: “What kind of whore does that?”

Olivia: “Back where it all started, the first time the group was in a room together. Wait a second, who’s joining us? Does that mean….” She looks to Yvonne and grins a bit.

Yvonne: “I invited two other ladies, you know them both!” She winks.

The shot changes to show a beautiful, white Mercedes-AMG pull into the parking lot. We see fellow Beverly Beach OG, Lauren Barnes, get out of her car and walk into Yvonne’s art gallery.

Lauren Barnes [S1–4, 6]

Olivia: “Oh my goodness! Lauren Barnes!”

Lauren: “ Olivia! Yvonne! So good to see you both!” She gives them both hugs.

Lauren’s Confessional

“I honestly thought I would never be back in Beverly Beach again, but here I am! My life was such a dumpster fire looking back…

Lauren’s Confessional

I am so much happier now that I am in New York for the majority of the year. Olivia and I lost touch after she moved away to L.A. to do America’s Next Top Model. Yvonne and I…” She pauses and smiles a bit. “Yvonne and I have had a journey…but have been friendly since I’ve stopped living in Beverly Beach full time. I am so happy she extended an invitation to me today.”

Yvonne: “Lauren — It’s so good to see you, you look good!”

Lauren: “Thank you, Yvonne!” She looks her up-and-down. “But look at you! Wow! You are getting younger every time I see you. I am going to need your doctor’s number!” She laughs and shakes her phone.

Yvonne: “Yes, of course! He can make even the pointiest nose look sexy and proportionate.” She points to Lauren’s nose and winks.

Olivia chuckles.

Olivia: “I see you both still get your shady quips in at each other. Who else is joining us, Yvonne?” She glances at the four stations set up.

Yvonne: “Well, I invited Ren Rose but I guess some things never change.” She shrugs.

Olivia: “Oh my goodness! Ren not showing up — sounds about right!” She rolls her eyes.

Yvonne: “We can just get started without her.” She crosses her arms.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“It’s no secret that when Ren was around, we were always guaranteed a wait time of at least an hour. But a meet-up of the OG’s is not complete without her so this is very sad to me.”

We see Yvonne, Lauren, and Olivia all fill up their glasses with some champagne and take a seat at their painting stations. The women begin painting the fruit basket that has been set up on the pedastal in the center of all of the stations.

Yvonne: “So Lauren, the last I heard you were on the run right into a new man’s arms! How are you?” She leans to the side of her canvas to look at Lauren and raise an eyebrow.

Lauren: “I did find a new man!” She smiles. “I recently married the love of my life!”

Lauren’s Confessional

“He’s a billionaire from Virginia.” She smirks.

Olivia: “Oh nice, Lauren! I love that I am so happy for you!”

Yvonne: “Congratulations!”

Lauren scrolls through her phone to find pictures of the wedding. She hands her phone over to Olivia first so she can take a look.

Olivia’s Confessional

“Lauren not inviting us to her wedding was a bit of a shock, but okay girl! Maybe it was a private ceremony.”

We now see Yvonne briefly scrolling through Lauren’s photos.

Yvonne: “Beautiful dress. I love when true love wins.” She gets up and walks Lauren’s phone back over to her.

Lauren: “Wait — did you guys even get to the reception pics?” She holds her phone up and begins scrolling through another album of pictures. “It was so well done, I owe my party planner my life! There were about 1,000 people in attendance! Just everyone who’s anyone in New York was there!”

We see Olivia smirk and shake her head a bit, Yvonne just shrugs and begins talking.

Yvonne: “You know — I’m getting married soon as well! Horace and I have decided we’re better together than apart.” She smiles.

The camera pans to Olivia who has her eyebrow raised.

Olivia: “You’re kidding.”

Yvonne: “Are you not happy for me, Olivia?” She cocks her head after sipping her champagne.

Olivia: “Aw, of course not! I love that for both of you. Best to spend the last few years with your true love then to spend it alone.” She places her hand on her heart.

Olivia’s Confessional

“Was that shady?” She laughs.

Yvonne: “Anywho, you both are invited to the nuptials.” She goes back to painting.

Olivia: “Oh yes, I’ll be there Yvonne!”

Lauren: “Same. I would love to come! I will have to check our calendar.” She nods and takes a sip then picks up her paint brush.

Lauren’s Confessional

“Horace and Yvonne getting back together is no surprise. It’s not like she could get anyone else to put up with her.”

We get more footage of the women making progress on their fruit bowl paintings.

Yvonne: “Olivia, I’m curious — What brings you back to Beverly Beach?”

Olivia: “Well, my husband and his business partner have finally branched out and opened their own company and decided to purchase property for their headquarters on Beverly Beach. My sons are a bit older and haven’t been around as much, so I said why not?”

We get shots of Yvonne and Lauren nodding along.

Olivia: “Us returning to Beverly Beach also means I can get back into the Blake Agency and start on a new line after taking a step back for a couple years. I’m excited!”

Lauren: “Wow! What a move!” She sips her champagne and nods.

Yvonne: “Oh, that’s wonderful! I did hear that you’re headed back to the runway, that’s so exciting!”

Olivia: “Yes! I plan to launch a new line in the coming months, designed by me and not my team. It’s been quite a minute!”

Olivia’s Confessional

“I haven’t created my own line at the Blake Agency in years, so I am excited to get back and see if I still got it. The company has done great without me in the mix, but I miss it!”

Lauren’s Confessional

“I am happy for Olivia, I am glad she’s making a comeback, she seemed to be keeping out of the limelight the past few years. I was wondering if it was by choice or if she wasn’t able to book anything?”

Yvonne: “That’s lovely and what about you Lauren?” She looks to her. “What’s happening in your world these days?”

Olivia: “Besides the wedding of course!” She smiles. “You’ve told us enough about that.”

Olivia’s Confessional

“Lauren talked for 20 minutes about the wedding we were not invited to that had over 1,000 guests — what else is going on, babe?”

Lauren sets her paintbrush down and takes a break from painting her canvas to turn her attention to Yvonne and Olivia.

Lauren: “Wedding planning has been my life for six months…” She giggles. “Sorry, I am trying to de-wedding myself.” She smiles. “I still have my party planning business, I opened a branch in New York that I run and my Beverly Beach branch is actually ran by Richard’s new wife.”

Olivia: “Oh my!” She makes a surprised face.

Lauren: “I know, odd, right?” She laughs.

Yvonne: “Very odd. You couldn’t find anyone else? And who in their right mind would marry that son of a gun?”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Richard Barnes was a controlling, manipulative, unfaithful piece of shit. I was so happy when I heard he and Lauren divorced, but I suppose she’s doing the new wife a favor. She’ll have a career to fall back on when she leaves that scumbag.”

Olivia: “Are you and the ex wife friendly?”

Lauren: “I know it’s alot! But she seems happy with him, so I am not going to question it. The two of us are on speaking terms, I wouldn’t say friends.” She shrugs. “As long as my kids have a happy father, I could not care less.” She finishes her glass of champagne.

Lauren’s Confessional

“My ex husband Richard and I have a lot of our wealth tied together.It’s in my best interest to remain friendly with him for our children’s sake. So for now, Richard and Rachel are great!”

Yvonne’s employee, Jessica, comes out and tops off the ‘Wives champagnes. Olivia takes her finished painting off the easel and turns it to show the other women.

Olivia: “All done!”

Yvonne: “It looks fab!”

Olivia turns to Yvonne and Lauren after putting her canvas back on the easel.

Olivia: “I have to say that I’m genuinely happy to see that you two ladies are thriving, thank you for getting the band back together, Vonnie.”

Yvonne: “Of course — You two are really showing why I brought you here. The Beach has been infiltrated by ‘less thans’, that’s the nicest way I can put it. Women who could only afford the homes and lifestyles of this town by taking out loans or finding dupes…”

Olivia: “Loans? My lord!” She clutches her chest.

Lauren: “I honestly can’t believe that the banks will lend to these people, some of them must be getting the money elsewhere.” She rolls her eyes.

Yvonne: “To be frank all of this has caused the show that we all started together to fall apart and struggle to find its way back together. I think it needs more women like us to restore it to its original stature.” She nods.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Beverly Beach was a hidden gem- much less famous than our sister Beverly Hills- but filled with the men and women who have a big say in pretty much any industry you can think of. As a native and the only original on the cast these last few years, I take it as my responsibility to bring back class, sophistication, and wealth to this franchise.”

We see Olivia smiling.

Olivia: “There are many affluent women in Beverly Beach, and I think it’s time for us girls to show these younger girls how Beverly Beach women lead with class. We can teach these women a thing or two!”

Lauren: “You two ladies can certainly take care of them. I believe that you can bring the class back to Beverly Beach” She points to Yvonne and Olivia. “Don’t let the Beverly Bluffs Golf Club become a second-rate event space…”

Lauren’s Confessional

“No offense, but you guys couldn’t afford to bring me back here full time. I’m not leaving New York.” She giggles.

Yvonne: “To give you a sense of how dire things are, we have an independent filmmaker who’s never sold a movie in our circle. I mean, imagine that…” She sips her champagne.

Olivia laughs.

Yvonne’s Confessional
Yvonne’s Confessional

“The one whose sister saved her job last season.”

Yvonne: “Hopefully your presence and my presence can really elevate this group.” She looks to Olivia.

Olivia: “Absolutely!”

Lauren’s Confessional

“Or maybe associating with the women who are currently on the show could bring Yvonne and Olivia down, but we’ll have to let them decide on that.” She shrugs.

Yvonne: “Cheers to saving the poor!” She raises her champagne flute.

Lauren: “Always great to support a good cause!” She raises her glass.

Olivia: “Cheers Mrs. Langley and Mrs. Barnes! Cheers to the OGs!”

We get the shot of the women getting up and clinking their glasses together. The scene fades out.

We hear waves crashing and seagulls gawking as we get a shot of the beach.

All of the sudden music begins playing as the camera pans around to show Olivia Blake’s beautiful new Beverly Beach house in the illustrious beachfront neighborhood of Pearl Cove.

Olivia’s Voice: “Brandon, I am so happy that we have moved back to Beverly Beach.”

The camera pans to show Olivia in her living room as her husband, Brandon, enters.

Brandon: “I am too, Olivia. It feels right.”

Her wraps his arms around Olivia’s waist and picks her up to kiss her. Olivia lets out a loud giggle.

Olivia’s Confessional

“Is this thing on?” She taps her microphone and laughs. “Olivia J. Blake is back in The Beach, baby!” She cheers. “After spending the last 5 years in Los Angeles, my husband and I decided to move back to Beverly Beach. You may remember me from seasons 1 through 3 of the Real Housewives of Beverly Beach where my time on the show culminated in my dream wedding with my husband, Brandon.”

Brandon sits on the love seat and Olivia sits on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Olivia: “How are the renovations going down at your new headquarters?”

Brandon: “They are on track to complete the renovations on Friday and then we will begin the drilling next week.”

Olivia’s Confessional

“Brandon and his business partner recently decided to open their own oil and gas company and chose Beverly Beach for their headquarters. When Brandon pitched the idea to me to return to Beverly Beach, I was hesitant at first leaving my baby boys in LA without me — but it was the right choice.”

Olivia: “That’s all wonderful news!”

Brandon: “Well, tell me what’s up with the agency!”

Olivia: “I am so excited to get back to work at the Blake Agency.”

Brandon: “I know you are, I’ve seen some of your drawings recently.” He laughs. “You must have really missed it.” He smiles a bit and kisses her.

Olivia: “Brandon, I really, really did!”

Olivia’s Confessional

“ I have owned my own fashion company — the Blake Agency — for almost 10 years now. When we moved to Los Angeles, I hired someone to manage the agency for me and took a hands off approach. So much so that I haven’t designed a fashion line in 5 years of my own. We have a lot of fabulous young designers on our team, but it’s time for a Blake Agency original line from the founder.” She laughs. “I’m getting back in the weeds!”

We see Olivia get off Brandon’s lap and sit in the adjacent couch.

Olivia: “My goal is to finish the designs and get back in and make it a reality before the next big fashion week.”

Brandon nods along.

Brandon: “So ambitious. I haven’t seen you so busy since you were running around promoting Americas Next Top Model when you were a judge on that show.”

Olivia: “That’s been cancelled for years, babe.” She chuckles.

Brandon: “Are you missing the boys?”

Olivia: “Of course I am, you know moving away from them was difficult for me.”

Olivia’s Confessional

“When Brandon and I married, he knew how close my sons Raul and Luis are to me. They are my heart and soul; but having said that — they are grown men now. They will be fine in Los Angeles without their mama.” She smiles. “but if they have any issues they know who to call.”

Brandon: “They’ll be fine. You’ll be fine, time to focus on us and our business ventures.” He reaches across and squeezes Olivia’s thigh.

Olivia: “Cheers to that, babe!” She gets up and kisses him. “One kiss for your new company…” She kisses him again. “And a kiss for me getting back into the Blake Agency and showing these young designers how the OG does it!” She laughs.

Brandon: “I love it when you’re feisty.”

The scene fades as the couple laugh together then we hear more sounds of kissing.

The camera zooms up on a pair of legs strutting through a restaurant. We see shots of the Birkin she is carrying. We now see Valentina Armani being sat at a table and thanking the host.

Valentina’s Confessional

“ I’m BACK BABY! New season, and I’m ready to have some fun!! Monsè is my girl and I always have a good time with her! So I’m excited to have lunch with Monsè and see what’s been new with her!”

The camera pans to Monsè walking into the restaurant as she talks on the phone.


Monsè: “Great, make sure to get that meeting on the calendar ASAP so we dont miss out Oh Thank you — “ She smiles at the host as she spots Valentina sitting and begins walking over. “Yeah, okay. Bye.” She hangs up the phone.

We see Valentina get up to hug Monsè as she squeals in excitement.

Monsè: “OMG Val!! You look so cute today!”

Valentina: “I’ve been missing you!” She hugs her. “I’m still dressed like I’m in the south of France!” She laughs.

Monsè: “I’ve been missing our little lunches.” She frowns and the pair sit.

Valentina: “Same same! Well — “ She grins and reaches over the table to grab Monsè’s hands. “I have some rosè on the way!”

Monsè: “Okay, rosè!” She laughs and claps a little. “I forgot what life with Mrs. Armani is like.”

As Monsè and Valentina scan the menus, they get to chatting.

Monsè: “How have you been? I’ve seen you’ve been traveling alot, okay!” She grins at Val.

Valentina: “I was actually traveling for work. I want my dance studio to be the best so, I took my instructors to Spain for a week and then to a NBA cheer boot camp so they could properly learn the dances that I want them to teach at the studio. We are offering anywhere from salsa lessons to professional cheerleading preparation!”

Monsè: “That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you, girl!”

Valentina: “Thank you, love!” She sets her menu down and takes a sip of rosè. “What’s been new with you?”

Monsè: “Girl — I have been back in full-time work mode. Between managing Phoebe’s career and getting the production company back on track after the strikes…”

Valentina: “Oh, she’s back in the office and working!”

Monsè: “Yes, and it’s taking up so much of my time! I barely have time for the important things like getting waxed for Gil!”

The women laugh.

Monsè’s Confessional

“I admit, I have been a bit MIA from the group since we last saw each other, but mama’s been WORKING — contrary to popular belief. Money doesn’t grow on trees, chile!”

The waiter comes over to take the ‘Wives orders; two green apple and goat cheese salads with a side of fries to split.

Valentina: “How are you adjusting to being back at work full time?”

Monsè: “It’s a lot, but Gil is great with me and our son. We do have a nanny, now though! It takes a village.”

Valentina: “You know how to balance mom and work life. I don’t know how you do it. Nothing wrong with have nanny, they save my life!”

Monsè: “Anyways — “ She takes a swig of her wine. “You’re going to Marcie’s party right?”

Valentina nods.

Valentina: “Yes, I actually had lunch with Marcie a week ago, and she told me about this Hairdos and Healing party she wants to do. It should be interesting with all the ladies coming together after the way the Reunion went.” She widens her eyes.

Monsè: “Hopefully this party is a new start for us all.” She shrugs. “Speaking of, how are you feeling about seeing Serena specifically? I’m assuming you two haven’t been chatting over rosé lately…”

Valentina lets out a sigh and takes a pause before speaking.

Valentina: “ Mo I’m dreading seeing Serena. Serena is just draining to me. No accountability to her. She just wants to say I’m victim, victim, victim.” She shakes her head.

Valentina: “Here’s the thing — I do not feel like I bullied Serena. If she feels like she’s being bullied, she needs to go back to grade school.”
Serena: “I mean, I was assaulted. I was assaulted for standing up for my friend. These girls want everyone to be ‘Team Dummy’ and leave Sheridan out to dry…”

Valentina: “I did some work over the break and I’m just at the point where I’m going to meet her where she meets me. If she comes in with good vibes, I’ll give off good vibes.”

Monsè: “It’s hard to be the bigger person after everything she’s said about you.” She frowns. “I for damn sure wouldn’t be able to keep it cool around someone that called me a mean girl and a bully. Well, actually, I was a part of that too, huh? Let me set a reminder to meditate before the party.” She laughs.

Valentina: “I think you should just come over before the party and we can do some meditation before for the party, we may need it.” She smiles.

Monsè: “Do you really think she’ll come in with good vibes though? She didn’t seem too willing to patch things up last time we saw her.”

Valentina: “I don’t really see her coming in with good vibes either so if she doesn’t than neither will I. I’m not gonna sit back and be subjective to her horrible behavior.”

We get a dramatic shot of Valentina looking at Monsè and sipping her wine, the camera zooms out from the restaurant and a wave crashes across the screen, prompting a scene transition.

We are now in the exclusive neighborhood of Beverly Bluffs that overlooks the city. The camera lands on Serena’s house. Inside of Serena’s sitting room — a butler ushers in Marcie Maples.

Serena & Marcie

Serena: “Hello darling!” She gets up and gives Marcie a hug. “You look beautiful!”

Marcie: “You do too, gorgeous!”

Serena’s Confessional

“Marcie and I are good friends! We bonded a lot off camera. And being able to be in the same industry as her and be developing this legitimate friendship and help eachother is amazing… and what real women do.”

We see Serena and Marcie sitting down.

Serena: “Would you like a spiked lemonade? Norman makes the best.”

We get a shot of Norman, the butler, then Serena hands Marcie a crystal glass. Marcie takes a sip and grins.

Marcie: “Oh this is scrumptious!”

Serena: “I’m glad you like it.” She chuckles and sits back, crossing her legs.

Marcie: “So, as you know my party is coming up this weekend and I just want to make sure you’re good. I did invite Valentina…” She looks for Serena’s reaction. “Will you guys be okay considering the whole…situation?”

Serena: “Mean girls never prosper, baby girl!”
Valentina: “That was such a bitch comment to make! How dare you try and say I’m some kind of mean girl with an entourage!”

We get footage of Valentina getting up and then splashing Serena right in the face during their altercation in the Turkish Bathhouses last season. The flashback ends with a soaking wet and shocked Serena.

Serena: “Ohh girl! Please don’t get me started on that.” She rolls her eyes. “I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I was assaulted by someone I truly wanted to call a friend.”

Marcie: “I’m shocked you and Valentina weren’t able to really resolve that at the Reunion. Everything was so hectic that I think it caused us all to forget we’re there for resolution, not further dissension!”

Petra: “Valentina, why do you think Serena called you a mean girl?”
Valentina: “I think Serena called me a mean girl because her puppet master, Yvonne, fed her with ammunition to get her riled up. Serena and I were great until she came out like a bulldog demanding I pick between Jac and Sheridan!”
Serena: “Val you are a liar! I simply asked you to give the same grace to Sheridan that you gave to Jac! You don’t like people being honest with you.. You love living a lie! That’s your shtick!”

Serena: “Both parties have to be willing to move on. Especially the party of the wrongful! She really doesn’t believe she did anything wrong to me!” She looks upset and takes a drink of her lemonade.

We get a shot of Marcie looking concerned.

Marcie’s Confessional

“I understand Serena’s point. Totally. I just wish her and Val could find a way to apologize sincerely and mean it so they could move on. I really think they could be friends now that the battle lines are no longer here.”

Marcie: “Do you think there’s a way maybe at my event..”

Serena: “I can be cordial with her, but I don’t think she’s going to apologize.” She sighs. “When you forcefully douse someone with water, all bets are off!” She shrugs and leans back into her seat.

Marcie: “Hey that’s all I can ask is you be cordial.”

Marcie’s Confessional

“I can’t beg them to be friends but I can make sure they’re respectful!”

Marcie: “But you’re coming, 100% no matter what, right?” She looks to Serena.

Serena: “Yes! I can’t wait for your event. I’ll be there with bells and whistles… But I also made you this apple pie, you have to try it. My mom’s homemade recipe.”

Marcie: “Oh my god! A pie! For me! Thank you!”

The scene fades as Serena laughs and Marcie claps giddily.

The camera pans over the DeRosier Studios office building in Downtown Beverly Beach. Inside, we see Monsè busy sending out emails at her desk.

Monsè’s Confessional

“After a year of playing house, Monsé is officially back in the movie business, baby! Everyone’s heard about the writers’ and actors’ strikes, and it really did have an effect on the whole industry, even DeRosier Studios, hunni!

Monsè hears a knock at the door and she greets the person without looking up.

Monsè: “Come in!”

The camera pans to show Gil, Monsè’s husband, walking in.


Gil: “What? No love for your man?” He laughs sarcastically and kisses Monsè’s forehead.

Monsè: “Oh, hey, babe. Sorry, you know I’m drowning in paperwork.” She smiles and turns away from her computer.

Gil: “How’s that going? I know you’ve been here late every night for the past two weeks.”

Monsè: “I have to. These investors won’t get off either of our asses until we give them a new business plan that they approve of.”

Gil: “I know. It’s been a tough couple of months, but we’ll get through it together I promise.”

Monsè glares at Gil briefly.

Monsè: “Mhm, right. Together…”

Monsè’s Confessional

“I had just started managing Phoebe and was still taking care of Bastien without the nanny when the strikes started. When it came to working out new investments to keep the company afloat until everyone was back to work, it was up to Gil and our CFO to make the right financial decisions… and let’s just say made some dumbass decisions.”

Gil: “Monsè, don’t be like that. Nothing is 100% in this business, you know that. We made some bad decisions, but we’ll recover.”

Monsè sighs and folds her hands together.

Monsè: “Not we, you. I know things go left sometimes, but you have to be more careful — “

Gil: “Okay, okay! I get it, Mon. We don’t have to do this again. There’s a lot on your plate with the company and managing Phoebe’s career and Bastien. If it’s too much, you know we can always have someone else help out.”

Monsè: “I’m fine, okay?” She sighs. “I’m sorry. Can we just table it for later?”

Gil: “Whatever you need. I love you, Monsè.”

Monsè turns back to her computer and begins typing again.

Monsè: “Yeah, love you too.”

The camera lingers on Gil as he frowns. The scene ends.

Music plays as we get shots of Marcie’s salon — Beverly Blowout.

Inside, Marcie is seen setting out snacks and sandwiches.

Marcie Maples

The camera pans to show a bar with a bar tender set up by the entrance. Five of Marcie’s hair stylists hang around the salon stations and chat.

Marcie’s Confessional

“I invited all the women together to really try and come together for healing. Hairdos and Healing! I don’t like where we ended last time we were all together and this needs to be sort of the end of that!”

We see Marcie walk over to the bar and grab a glass of wine.

Marcie: “Pour heavy! These ladies can take it!” She nods at the bartender.

The shot switches as Yvonne and Serena walk into Beverly Blowout together.

Yvonne & Serena

Serena: “Hey hey hey!”

Marcie: “Hi Yvonne! Serena!” She hugs them. “Thank you for coming.”

Yvonne: “It looks great in here…and that food looks even better.”

The camera pans to the gourmet sandwich and grazing table that is set up behind Marcie, she laughs.

Serena: “It really does, this is one high class salon.” She looks around and nods approvingly.

Serena’s Confessional

“Marcie is a good girl! She has invited me to some great parties, so I know this isn’t any different. And I LOVE seeing other women dominate in this hair industry. It’s way too much money to be made!”

Marcie: “Ladies, Peyton and Jenna will be happy to help you whenever you’re ready…” She points out two of her stylists. “In the mean time, help yourself to the food and drink while we wait for the others to get here!”

The camera pans to Serena and Yvonne who are picking out a sandwich and a drink.

Serena: “I don’t know if I like the idea of someone doing my hair too much…” She mutters to Yvonne.

Yvonne snickers and the scene switches to show the parking lot of Marcie’s salon. The camera follows Olivia as she gets out of an SUV and walks into the Hairdos and Healing event.

Olivia Blake
Olivia’s Confessional

“One of the women who reached out to me immediately upon my return to Beverly Beach was Marcie Maples. Marcie and I go way back — in fact she has styled many a wigs for my runway models. When she invited me to her hairdo and healing event, it was a no brainer for me to come and observe the happenings of this group. Yvonne has spilled a little bit to me, but I’d like to make my own observations.”

Olivia: “Hey Marcie, thank you for the invitation sweet diva love!”

Marcie: “You’re always invited, love!” She hugs Olivia. “I’m so so so glad you came tonight!”

Yvonne and Serena make their way over to Olivia and Marcie, with refreshments.

Yvonne: “Olivia! You look amazing, honey.”

Olivia: “Thank you Yvonne!” She grins and gives her a kiss on the cheek. “I’m Olivia.” She extends her hand to Serena.

Serena smiles and shakes Olivia’s hand.

Serena: “Oh hey gorgeous! I’m Serena Amés! Nice to meet you. You’re so pretty!”

Olivia: “Thank you love! You are gorgeous as well! I love your aura.”

Yvonne: “Olivia, Serena is my good friend of many years. You both are in the fashion industry actually!”

Olivia: “Oh, I love that! The fashion industry can be so cut throat, so I am happy to see another strong woman breaking barriers in the industry!”

Serena: “Yes it is… and it’s so hard for us women..”

Yvonne: “Yeah, you two should actually collaborate! Olivia was telling me she’s in the midst of designing a line.” She nods to Serena. “Serena would be a great partner if you’re interested.”

Serena: “I love collaborating with other designers! We definitely will talk.”

Monsè is the next to arrive to the party. She smiles as she walks over to the ‘Wives.


Monsè: “I’m baaack! Long time no see, girls. Who missed me?”

The camera pans to show Yvonne turns to roll her eyes and make a face, Serena catches it and chuckles.

Marcie: “Monsè! Oh my goodness thank you so so much for coming tonight!”

As Yvonne, Serena, and Marcie go back to chatting; Olivia moves closer to Monsè.

Olivia: “Hello Monsè, nice to see you again!”

Monsè: “Olivia! Great to see you, too!”

Monsè’s Confessional

“I love Olivia! She’s a little on the bougie side of Beverly Beach…” She laughs. “But, she’s been a sweetheart the few times I’ve met her. These ladies could learn a thing or two about class from her.”

The camera zooms in on Olivia and Monsè chatting away from the group.

Monsè: “ Have you been adjusting all right since getting back?”

Olivia: “Yes, Monsè the adjustment has been great — I feel back at home!”

Monsè: “I’m glad! It’s nice to have some new faces around. And some old ones far far away…” She giggles.

Marcie: “It seems like Val is running late…” She looks down at her phone. “So let’s go ahead and start. My stylists are some of the best in the industry so tell them exactly what you want, and they can do it!” She smiles and takes a sip of wine.

The women begin going over to the salon stations. Yvonne and Serena walk with eachother; as Yvonne takes a seat at her station she looks over to Serena’s stylist.

Yvonne: “Okay Little Miss Peyton, don’t mess up Serena’s masterpiece under here!” She takes off her hat.

Serena sits down and nods.

Serena: “Hey! How are you?” She looks up at her stylist, Peyton. “Just letting you know, I’m very particular about my hair. If you want a good tip, don’t play in my hair.” She smiles.

Peyton looks a bit scared, then the camera pans over to Olivia and her stylist who is straightening her hair. She reaches up to stop him.

Olivia: “Oh don’t burn me baby, I don’t want to have to curse at you.” She laughs.

The scene switches back to Peyton and Serena.

Serena: “Can you shift the part over just a little bit more, it’s giving ‘I don’t know… maybe a side part tomorrow’ type of thing. Thank you.” She nods.

Serena’s Confessional

“I allowed the hairstylist to do my hair because… I didn’t want to look like I was doing too much.” She laughs. “But trust me…I’m SOBBING on the inside. I am terrified!”

We get a montage of the girl’s in various processes of getting their hair done.

A car door is heard closing. We get a camera POV from inside of Beverly Blowout, focusing in on a woman who just got out of the car and is walking towards the door; Valentina.

Valentina’s Confessional

“Look I’m nervous being here with this group tonight. I feel like I’m walking into the lions den and I’m not interested in doing that anymore with these girls.”

Valentina walks into the salon. Yvonne and Serena give each other a look and remain seated as their hair stylists finish up their hair. Olivia looks over and smiles. Marcie springs up from her seat and goes to greet Valentina.

Marcie: “Hi gorgeous how are you!? We have a stylist ready for you, although you’re a little behind the ladies so you’ll be done later hope that’s alright?” She frowns a bit.

Valentina: “I don’t need my hair done Marcie, I can just sit and chit chat and drink some champagne!” She smiles and turns to get a drink from the bar behind her.

Monsè comes over now that her hair is completed.

Monsè: “Val!! You made it!” She hugs her. “ I think Yvonne and Serena are already giving me the stank eye…” She whispers.

Valentina: “Mo, there you are girl!” She laughs a little. “Are them two on their high horse today?” She rolls her eyes.

The shot switches back to Serena and Yvonne in the salon chairs.

Serena: “It’s cute.” She looks at herself in the mirror and gives Peyton a cash tip, then stands.

Right at this moment; Valentina, Marcie and Monsè make their way back over to the other ladies.

All of a sudden, Marcie’s phone beeps and she looks at a text. Without saying anything, she rushes into the back room. Olivia raises and eyebrow and looks back as the group is silent.

Olivia’s Confessional

“When Valentina walked in; the room got a little bit tense. I sense tension between the two. Where did Marcie go, maybe she can help break the ice?”

Valentina: “Hi Olivia, it’s nice to see you again. Yvonne, Serena…” She nods at the ‘Wives and clears her throat.

Serena: “Well hello, darling.” She crosses her legs and pivots her chair to face Valentina. “I think we should just cut to the chase so maybe we can have some fun?” She looks around at the group and then back to Valentina. “I think we have things to discuss. And I truly want to hash it out now.”

Yvonne: “Well, shit is about to start, Peyton. Tack down your wig…” She whispers to the nearby stylist.

Monsè: “Ooo, it’s about to kick off, chile.”

Serena’s Confessional

“Val and I are two grown women. And we should be able to talk. I am not fake! I’m not going to do the fake pleasentries and skirt around our large issue. If we are going to be around each other, let’s just settle this like two grown women right here and right now.”

The camera pans to Valentina who takes a sip of champagne and then sets it down at a nearby station.

Valentina: “We are here to heal…” She shrugs. “I think it’s important we have this conversation in front of the girls so we can lay it all out there and if there is any miscommunication maybe these girls can help navigate us through this…”

Yvonne and Olivia look at Valentina and nod along.

Valentina: “It might get ugly before it gets better but ultimately I want to settle this and move on because I liked you before all this happen.”

We see Serena listening to Valentina, keeping a straight face.

Valentina: “So with all that being said here’s my issue. You called me a mean girl, doubled down on it and honestly belittled me and it took me right back to my childhood and how my mother used to treat me. You triggered me, Serena…” She dabs a tear forming in her eye.

The music picks up as Olivia looks surprised. Yvonne’s head whips to Serena for her reaction. Serena cocks her head and the shot zooms out. The show goes to a commercial break.

The scene picks up where it left off. We get a shot of Beverly Blowout. Inside, Valentina and Serena are engaged in a serious discussion as Yvonne and Monsè watch.

Valentina: “You called me a mean girl, doubled down on it and honestly belittled me and it took me right back to my childhood and how my mother used to treat me. You triggered me, Serena…” She dabs a tear forming in her eye.

Valentna’s Confessional

“Last season I had some not-so-good moments on screen and I realized in therapy that some of these situations happening to me stemmed from my childhood and how my mother use to treat me. Serena didn’t deserve to be splashed but it was like the younger me was coming out and just lashed out. I should’ve never done that.”

Monsè nods along to Valentina. Olivia looks a bit taken aback. Yvonne looks over at Serena for her reaction. Serena looks at Valentina with a blank face.

Serena: “I understand that’s a trigger for you, but baby girl… you cannot go around assaulting people. You then got on Twitter and laughed with your sidekick here…” She points at Monsè.

Serena: “You were not apologetic.”

Monsè rolls her eyes.

Serena’s Confessional

“I believe Valentina had that tear sitting in her back pocket waiting for its moment to shine. It’s so fortunate she’s realized her mistake now? Okkayyyy.”

Valentina crosses her arms.

Valentina: “Your behavior and actions did not make me want to apologize to you, Serena! You did your own things, just off camera. You were going around helping some of the nasty rumors about my husband in Beverly Beach. Two wrongs don’t make it right, Serena! You are just as much to blame in this as me.”

Yvonne: “Oh my Goddddd.” She sinks back into her salon chair and takes a sip of her drink, eyes fluttering.

Serena: “There was nothing that I said that deserved to be assaulted. I don’t care how you spin it or how you word it. I didn’t deserve that. I would never hit you or any other woman in this circle.” She leans forward in her chair.

Monsè: “When did she get hit? I’m confused…” She looks around the group.

Monsè’s Confessional

“It’s some water, bitch. I know your face might melt off with a little splash, but come on, it’s not like the girl punched you in the face.”

Serena: “You have a very hard heart if you think you are justified in any of this!” She glares at Valentina. “I can’t help that you’re a broken 16 year old in a 50 year olds body! That’s not MY fault!”

Yvonne nods along. Monsè’s jaw drops and she looks to Valentina. Valentina clenches her jaw.

Serena’s Confessional

“We all have issues. If you can’t handle your emotions without getting physical… why are you here?”

Valentina: “Serena if you’re going to throw this back in my face I’m not interested in doing this with you!” She looks annoyed.

Olivia shakes her head and holds her hands up, interrupting.

Olivia: “Ladies, I think you should let bygones be bygones and try to move on from what happened in the past. We can’t change that, but what you can change is how you treat each other moving forward and not go back to that ugly place.” She looks between Valentina and Serena.

Serena looks to Olivia and nods.

Serena: “I believe I can definitely move forward with her. She has to admit that she was wrong and apologize. That’s all I’m asking for.”

The ‘Wives all look to Valentina. Valentina sighs.

Valentina: “I came here tonight with my heart on my sleeve ready to explain why I got to the point I did with you.” She motions to herself. “I’m not saying it’s right. I am wrong, and I see that I’m wrong for splashing water on you. I own up to that but what I can’t do is have my past thrown in my face as a jab , Serena.”

Olivia: “Serena, can you apologize for insulting Valentina just now? There was no need for that and it isn’t going to help fix this friendship.”

Serena: “I apologize for that. Sincerely. I was upset just now and allowed my emotions to hurt. I’m sorry.” She looks to Valentina.

Serena’s Confessional

“I did the same thing to Val that she did to me. And although I didn’t physically attack her, I attacked her with my words. And that is no better.”

Valentina: “I apologize for splashing water on you. I just want this to be over. Can we hug this out? Seriously, I do like you.” She laughs.

Serena: “Yes we can. I actually like you too.” She gets up from her chair to give Valentina a hug. “Thank you.”

Monsè: “Well this is a nice surprise.” She nods.

Yvonne watches Serena and Valentina hug, she sips her cocktail.

Olivia: “Hallelujah! I am proud of you two ladies!”

Valentina: “Who would’ve thought cheap hair extensions would bring us together!”

Valentina laughs. The camera pans to show Peyton turn to a nearby stylist after hearing Valentina’s comment.

Peyton: “Bitch…” She whispers.

The camera shows the closed bathroom door where Marcie can be heard arguing with someone on the phone.

Valentina’s Confessional

“God I hope Marcie didn’t hear my comment about her extensions. I’m telling you if you give me cheap champagne that will happen.”

The scene switches back to Valentina, Serena, Olivia, and Yvonne.

Serena: “We all have our new hairdos, we should take a photo!”

Yvonne: “Yes! A picture!”

We see the ‘Wives all get up and pose together as one of Marcie’s stylists takes their picture. Valentina holds up her hair and makes a silly face.

Monsè: “Maybe there’s hope for this group after all!” She yells towards the bathroom. “Your party worked, bitch!”

Olivia’s Confessional

“Yvonne was right. These ladies needed me to help bring the girls together — or as she called them — low lives, low brow girls, young hussies — whatever she said.”

The episode ends with the four women posing together and laughing.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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