[S9]: First Look!

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
11 min readJun 18, 2024


The trailer opens up with shots of the beautiful beach as the sun rises.

Yvonne: “The Beach has been infiltrated by ‘less thans’, that’s the nicest way I can put it…”

We get a flash of a fast car driving with it’s engine revving as it goes down a street of luxury shops.

Yvonne: “To be frank all of this has caused the show that we all started together to fall apart and struggle to find its way back together…”
Yvonne: “I think it needs more women like us to restore it to its original stature.”

The scene now opens up to show Yvonne sitting and talking to two women.

Yvonne Langley

The camera pans to show OG Housewives Olivia Blake and Lauren Barnes listening along to Yvonne.

Lauren Barnes

Olivia: “There are many affluent women in Beverly Beach, and I think it’s time for us girls to show these younger girls how Beverly Beach women lead with class.” She smirks.

Olivia: “We can teach these women a thing or two!”

The scene fades as Yvonne grins and then nods at Olivia.

The music picks up as we get shots of the amazing amount of wealth in Beverly Beach. We hear the engines of foreign cars as they go down the streets of Beverly Beach, passing luxury retail shops.

There is an aeriel shot of an expensive neighborhood on the water.

We get a slow motion shot of Valentina walking up to the Armani private jet.

The ‘Wives are seen out on sea on a yacht.

We now see shots of the Housewives all dressed up out on the patio of an impressive chateau to have dinner.

The screen goes dark.

Olivia’s Confessional

“Olivia J. Blake is back in The Beach, baby!” She cheers.

We get a shot of Olivia strutting into a restaurant.

The scene changes to Olivia and her husband Brandon who are talking on their couch.

Olivia: “I am so excited to get back to work at the Blake Agency.”

Brandon: “I know you are, I’ve seen some of your drawings recently.” He laughs. “You must have really missed it.” He smiles a bit and kisses her.

Olivia: “Brandon, I really, really did!”

Olivia’s Confessional

“I have owned my own fashion company — the Blake Agency — for almost 10 years now. But, when we moved to Los Angeles, I hired someone to manage the agency for me and took a hands off approach. So much so that I haven’t designed a fashion line in 5 years of my own!

We get clips of Olivia doing a photoshoot for her new line of clothing.

The scene changes to Olivia and Marcie standing outside on the balcony of a high-rise apartment.

Olivia: “I’m taking you and the other girls to Paris for Fashion Week!” She claps with excitement and grins.


Olivia: “Yes! My latest line will be featured on the runway! I am almost completely done with it and am ready to hit the fashion scene again with my latest creations!”

Marcie: “Oh my god Olivia.. OH MY GOD OLIVIA!!! THIS IS HUGE AAAAAA!”

Olivia laughs and the women hug before the scene changes.

We now get cools shot of Paris.

Violette’s Family’s Parisian Apartment

We see all of the women walking in and gawking at a huge apartment in the heart of Paris.

Monsè: “Damn, and I thought you were loaded Valentina!” She looks around in awe.

Valentina: “This is generational wealth!”

Violette: “Welcome, welcome everybody! This is one of the homes in my family!”

Valentina: “This is just jaw dropping!”

Violette’s Confessional

“My name is Violette Beauchamp.” She smiles. “My family, the Beauchamps, are very well known in Canada and France. My father and grandfather both are very very successful stock brokers and they’re known for being sharks. Sort of like myself.” She laughs.

We get a clip of Violette strutting into her law firm.

.The next scene is off the full group around a campfire.

Yvonne: “Why are we justifying anything for the freshman of the group?” She motions to Violette.

Violette makes a face at Yvonne.

Violette: “Don’t call me a freshman. That’s rude and insulting. Would you like it if I called you the senior? Senior citizen?”

The camera pans to Yvonne who just sticks both of her middle fingers out at Violette

The scene changes to Violette talking to the ladies at a dinner.

Violette: “I’m engaged. My fiancé’s name is Jean-Luc. He’s an entrepreneur. He develops AI software for companies. A lot of the AI products you see these days? My man did that!” She snaps.

Valentina: “Love all of that! When’s the wedding? How long have you been engaged?!”

Violette: “No date for the wedding yet.” She takes a sip of her drink.

Violette: “We’ve actually been engaged for about 3 years now…”

We get a shot of most of the women looking surprised, and confused.

Yvonne: “3 years?!” Her jaw drops. “What are you waiting for? The second coming of Christ?

Serena: “That is a very long time…” She finishes her drink.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“I promised myself that I’d be nicer to the ladies entering the circle from now on, but this one seems a bit…naive.”

The scene changes to Violette and her finacè, Jean-Luc, having a conversation in a restaurant. Violette looks upset.

Violette: “Do you know how embarrassing it is to go to group functions and not have my fiancé with me?

Violette: “It’s like I’m a single goddamn woman.”

Jean-Luc: “Back to this, eh? Look, V. There’s nothing I can do. I’m not letting off the gas now. I’ve worked my ass off for this!”

Violette: “Okay? I’ve worked my ass off too.” She motions to herself, pissed off.

Jean-Luc: “Congratulations! You want a cookie?” He claps sarcastically.

Violette’s jaw drops.

The screen goes black before Yvonne pops back up. She is at an outdoor table with some family members and Horace.

Yvonne: “Well.” She grabs Horace’s hand. “As you all know we’re rekindling and we’ve decided to get married again!”

Cousin Patrice: “And whose idea was that?” She raises an eyebrow.

Yvonne: “Ace’s, I just said yes!” She laughs.

Horace: “I feel that we’ve been in each other’s lives for so long that it doesn’t make sense for us to just be roommates, we should channel our love appropriately and get remarried.”

Asha [Yvonne’s Daughter]: “I’m happy you two are getting back together, you seem so happy.” She grins.

The scene now changes to Yvonne trying on her wedding dress.

We see Serena and Victoria Franklin gasp as Yvonne walks out in her dress.

Yvonne: “What do you think?”

Victoria immediately stands up and points.

Victoria: “NOW THAT! That is the one!”

Serena: “AHH!! This is it!! Oohhh I love this. This is lady Yvonne in the flesh baby!” She snaps.

We see Yvonne getting ready to walk down the aisle and her wedding set up before the scene changes.

The ‘Wives are now at a gathering together.

Yvonne: “I’m actually planning Horace and I’s second wedding!”

We hear a record scratch sound effect.

Monsè: “Wait, wait, wait a second!” She holds her hands up and looks confused. “When did this happen?” She looks to Yvonne. “Weren’t you just dating Lorelei’s old man? I can’t keep up with your fast ways.” She snorts.

Monsè’s Confessional

“Yvonne changes men like she changes out her handbags.

Violette: “Oh! Jesus.” She chokes at Monsè’s comment.

Yvonne: “Excuse you?” She turns to Monsè.

Valentina’s Confessional

“The Messy Monsè train ALWAYS arrives on time!

The scene changes to show the group at a gathering. Monsè and Serena are seen getting into a heated discussion.

Monsè: “Serena, do you have some sort of problem with me?”

Serena: “You are the messiest girl here!”

Serena: “And that baffles me because you are the least accomplished as well!”

Some of the ‘Wives gasp.

Valentina: “Serena!”

Monsè: “Google me and see how accomplished I am babe! Don’t talk about things you don’t know, you look dumb!”

Serena and Monsè are seen glaring at one another before the scene changes. Monsè and Violette are outside, in an animated discussion.

Violette: “For you to even bring this up in front of everyone…it hurts!”
Violette’s Confessional

“I do feel like I may have to watch my back with Monsè. She’s definitely on my hit list.”

Valentina and Brandon Armani are seen chatting in their kitchen, enjoying a glass of wine as they talk.

Valentina: “My mother is actually going to be here for a few months.”

Brandon:WHAT?!” He chokes on his wine.

We now hear the doorbell ring, and Valentina’s mother — Katarina — entering the Armani residence.


The Armani children, Carter and Cali, run to hug their grandmother.

Carter and Cali: “Glam-Ma, Glam-Ma!”

Valentina gives Brandon a quick look of guilt and pity before the scene changes. Valentina is seen sitting outside with her best friend, Alekos.

Valentina: “When Brandon and Katarina are in the same room…no bueno.”

Valentina: “My mother has this vile side to her and I know she’s capable of some things you would not even think of.”

Alekos: “So, what do you mean by that?”

Valentina: “My mother is not who she portrays herself as.” She shakes her head. “She thrives on misery.”

Valentina takes a sip of wine while Alekos’ eyes widen.

Valentina’s Confessional

“Listen — there’s alot to unpack here.”

Serena is seen talking to a tearful Valentina outside at a party.

Valentina: “Brandon asked me to pull the plug on my dance studio…”

Serena looks very surprised.

Valentina: “I — I want something of my own. Like my own legacy, ya know Serena?”

Serena: “I’m so proud of you.” She reaches over and grabs Valentina’s hand. “You are going to make it. You are going to be just fine.”

We see Valentina crack a smile before the scene switches. We now get shots of Valentina and Serena drinking together and dancing with one another.

Yvonne, Serena, and Victoria Franklin are catching up in the bridal shop.

Yvonne: “Victoria, your sister in ratchetery — Valentina — has taken a liking to my sister Serena here…”

Yvonne gives Serena a side eye as Serena cocks her head. Victoria turns to Serena.

Victoria: “I expected better!”

Serena furrows her brown before the scene changes.

We are suddenly getting slow-motion footage of waves breaking.

Monsè and Valentina are now out in a garden party talking with Valentina’s best friend, Alekos, and the Creative Director of The Blake Agency — Weston.

Weston: “Olivia has her matronly line that she considers a come back, even though the agency has been more profitable without her.” He shrugs. “She’s going to embarrass herself at Fashion Week.”

We get a shot of Monsè and Valentina looking at eachother with their eyes wide.


Monsè and Gil are seen sitting on a couch together as they talk to their councilor.

Monsè: “His decisions put financial strains on us!” She motions to Gil, getting animated.

Monsè: “It’s all on me to clean it up and I had NOTHING to do with it in the first place!”

We see Gil clenching his jaw with anger beside Monsè.

Monsè: “I don’t know how I can trust him after this.” She looks down.

Gil DeRosier

Valentina and her mother, Katarina, are having an exchange.

Valentina: “Listen, mom — “

Katarina: “No, you listen, Valentina! I’m telling you that Brandon is up to no good…. I can just feel it from him.”

The scene goes to black. The music changes and the scene opens up, we see Olivia Blake and Marcie Maples talking inside of The Blake Agency.

Olivia: “Marcie, is everything okay with you?”

Olivia: “Specifically, is everything okay with your home life?’

Marcie: “I…I’m fine.” She hesitates. “Jon and I are… okay.” She shrugs.

Olivia’s Confessional

Something in the milk isn’t clean here…”

We are now on a diffrent scene; Olivia, Yvonne, and Serena watch in shock as Valentina and Marcie have a blowout.

Marcie: “What are you girls talking about? I’m okay! Like, I’m totally okay!”

The camera pans to show tears streaming down Valentina’s face as she is in hysterics.



The camera pans to Serena, Olivia, and Yvonne at the table reacting in complete and utter shock at something being said, that the trailer does not reveal.

Marcie: “I can’t believe this…” She gets up from the table. “I’m going to be sick. How DARE you say that, Valentina!” She glares at her. “My SON is going to watch this!” She shrieks in pain.

Marcie: “MY SON!”

The table remains silent. The camera pans to Valentina just shaking her head.

Marcie’s Confessional

“Things with Jonathan are an absolute disaster right now. Being completely transparent, before I got the salon space and signed up to do this…” She gestures around. “Our marriage…it was alot better. Right now, it’s nothing.”

The camera tries to follow Olivia who is holding a sobbing Marcie and guiding her into the restroom.

Olivia: “Give us a minute!”

They shut the door on the camera as Marcie is heard hyperventilating. We then begin to hear muffled mic audio from Marcie inbetween sobs.

Marcie: “I hate him so much, but I can’t leave.”

The screen fades to black as the trailer ends.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach returns for Season 9 July 1st!



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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