[S7E9]: New Beginnings
The episode begin with a footage of Bali on the final day. Bree, Sheridan, and Lorelei are walking into the resort courtyard; just getting back from their ATV excursion.
Sheridan: “Well, that was fun. I might try to get a nap in.”
Lorelei: “What time is the healer, Bree?” She takes a swig from a water bottle.
Bree: “We’re meeting the shaman by the beach at 9! But I’m telling everyone to meet in the courtyard at 8 for some drinks before we go down to the shaman. I hope the other ladies get back soon…”
The scene switches. We now see Yvonne, Victoria, and Monsè walking around rice terraces with a tour guide.
Yvonne: “Let’s get young, ladies!”
Victoria: “We gotta climb?!”
Yvonne: “What did you think you were wearing workout clothes for?”
The girls laugh. The scene now changes again. Grace, Mona and Jac are making their way down a half hazardly built wooden trail to a beautiful beach.
Mona trips a little.
Grace: “AHHH!” She catches Mona.
Jac: “Oop, be careful Mona!”
Mona: “What was Bree thinking sending us down here?!” She regains her balance.
Grace: “Wow, what a view…shame we had to nearly die to get here.”
Mona: “It’s stunning here. Bali is such a hidden treasure.” She smiles.
The music pics up as we get some b-roll of the girls walking around the rice terrace and the other group lounging around the gorgeous beach. The sun is now setting in Bali. Back at the resort, all of the ‘Wives are back and getting ready for their last night.
The ‘Wives start to congregate in the resort’s courtyard. Mona, Bree, and Monsè walk in from the villas together. They head to the bar that’s right by the pool, they have a resort worker as their private bartender for the night.
Bree: “I’ll have a spicy margarita! This is our last night!” She leans on the bar.
Mona: “I need a margarita too!”
Monsè: “I’ll do a glass of pinot grigio, please!”
As the girls stand at the bar, waiting for their drinks Bree turns to Mona and Monsè.
Bree: “Aren’t you excited for tonight?! I know this trip has been a bit chaotic for you two, especially last night I’ve been told.”
Monsè rolls her eyes and Mona shakes her head.
Mona: “Last night was something! I’m just ready to see my babies back home!”
Monsè: “This trip has been hell from start to finish. Bree, girl….you missed out on all the right moments.” She laughs.
“I’m hoping that tonight the women open up for some healing and leave their evil spirits behind in their hotel rooms. This trip has been enough drama as it is, and we could all use a little bit of healing.”
Monsè: “I hope this shaman can get us together.”
As the girls take their drinks to a lit up seating area in the courtyard, Yvonne and Sheridan walk in.
Bree: “Girls! Go grab a drink and join us.”
Sheridan and Yvonne make their way to the bar.
“I’m ready for tonight’s healing event. I think we’ve gotten all the bad things out so hopefully that means good things will come from this.”
The camera changes focus from Sheridan and Yvonne at the bar to Grace strutting into the courtyard behind them. The angle switches as we see Grace do a Kenya Moore-style twirl in front of Bree, Mona, and Monsè.
Grace: “Hi, ladies!”
Bree: “Good evening, Grace.”
Monsè: “Grace, you look fab.” She smiles, getting up and hugging Grace.
Jac and Victoria come up from the villas arm in arm.
Jac: “Let’s get healed, girlie!”
Victoria is seen looking around, holding onto Jac.
Victoria: “Did the other ladies come to heal or did they come to throw ass?”
Jac laughs at Victoria and then waves as they approach the group in the seating area.
Jac: “Hello ladies! You all look ready to be healed. Even you,Yvonne!”
“I love Yvonne but she’s dressed like she’s about to sell our asses to this ‘shaman’ and ask for 30% at the end of the night.”
Yvonne: “I hope you came ready to heal and not rumble, Jac.” She smiles and sips her drink.
Jac: “There will be no rumbling from me, gorg! I’m pretty in pink and ready to be healed by Jesus.”
Yvonne: “Praise Him!” She lifts her hands.
Victoria sits down at an open outdoor couch, she makes room for Jac.
Victoria: “Sit down pretty in pink.”
“Here I am getting ready to get healed! Hopefully we can heal EVERYTHING! Heal Bree’s back from being broken into on that desk! Heal from Grace not knowing who her baby daddy is…” She whispers. “Or baby mama. And hopefully we can heal Mona’s husbands back from being broken into!”
Lorelei is the last to enter.
She greets the girls and then grabs a drink. The camera follows her as she sits down, completing the group.
Sheridan: “I’m interested to see what this healer is all about, how did you find him Bree?”
Bree: “The concierge here actually found him for me! They say he is the guy to go to in Bali.”
“Fingers crossed that this is going to be a drama free night!”
Mona: “Jac and I actually didn’t need a healer to get past our issues. Winning!”
Jac: “That’s right Miss Mona!” She reaches over and high-fives Mona. “Look at us doing the Lords work without the Lord.”
Jac and Mona laugh and cheers as well.
Sheridan: “That’s lovely.” She looks into the camera.
“She said she wanted war…”
Yvonne: “I wish Victoria and Monsè could get there.”
Monsè shrugs and Victoria shakes her head, sipping her drink to avoid answering.
Monsè: “Who knows, we’ll see…On another note, before we start with the shaman, I have a little announcement! I’ve been nominated for the Forbes ‘30 under 30’ List and I wanted to invite you all to the reveal party!”
”I may not be on the best terms with all these bitches but I’ll be damned if I pass up an opportunity to show off.” She laughs.
Yvonne: “Woah, that’s amazing Monsè.” She claps.
Bree: “Woah! That’s incredible! Congratulations girlfriend!”
Mona: “Congrats Monsè! So, so exciting!”
Grace: “Yay Monsè!”
Victoria: “Yes Gawd!”
Sheridan: “Congratulations.” She smiles and claps.
“I can’t hate on someone who’s successful. Most of these women aren’t.”
We see Jac smile briefly and then sip from her cocktail, remaining silent.
“They must’ve run out of people to put on the list.”
Monsè: “Thank you ladies! I still can’t believe it, but I’m so excited they even thought of me. And yes, ALL of you are invited. Consider it an olive branch of sorts to start off the night.”
The camera pans to a close up on Jac and Victoria.
Victoria: “Forbes 30 under $30?” She whispers to Jac.
Jac snickers.
Yvonne: “Well I do just love this!”
“I also made the Forbes 30 under 30…30 years ago.
But make no mistake, I look even better now than I did then. This is why I wanted to get to a good place with Monsè, she’s a lot like me.”
Yvonne: “I do have to say though, I’m surprised Jac and Victoria are invited.” She looks to Monsè.”
Jac: “I’d be fine without an invite, Yvonne.” She shrugs.
Monsè: “Well like I said, this is an olive branch. Everyone’s invited, come or don’t come.” She shrugs and looks at Jac.
Sheridan: “After last night, can I make a suggestion?” The ‘Wives look to Sheridan. “Monsè and Victoria — perhaps you two can talk to the healer together. Quite the fight you two had last night.
Victoria: “I don’t recall.” She looks over.
Bree sips her margarita loudly.
Monsè: “I don’t know what there is to talk about. She needs to mind her business and that’s that.”
Mona nods.
Victoria: “What business do you have exactly?” She looks at Monsè
Jac: “Remember, girl!” She nudges Victoria. “She just invited us to a celebration of 30 people.”
Monsè: “I don’t know if you have short term memory, but I’m nominated for a 30 under 30 award. Remind me, when’s the last time you sold a home?”
Yvonne: “Here we go again.” She makes a face.
Mona: “Don’t pay her any mind, Monsè.”
Monsè: “You’re right. I’m here to heal, not engage with demons.” She sips her wine.
Victoria: “Listen Moonshine, Congratulations to you! Wish you the best! Have fun being on under 30 worth under 30! But Ian doing it with you.” She claps. “Anyways!”
Lorelei and Sheridan give eachother a look on opposite couches.
“I don’t blame Victoria for not wanting to move forward with Monsè; Monsè’s issues with people stem from Mona’s issues with people. Monsè doesn’t have a mind of her own in this group. She’s a soldier and she is very obedient.”
Grace turns to Bree, whispering to her.
Grace: “This trip has worn me out… everyone’s arguing non-stop.”
Bree: “I know, imagine how I feel being the host…” She rolls her eyes. “Thank God they have strong drinks here.”
A bit of an awkward silence follows the little spat.
Mona: “Where is the shaman?”
Bree: “We can head down the path in the golf carts, now.” She checks her phone. “You all know how to get to the beach on the gold carts, right?”
The ‘Wives all get up from the seating area and head outside to the front where their golf carts and parked. They begin driving down the path away from the villas, towards the beach. The beach is lit up by torch lights. The shaman waits for the women with a warm smile on his face. As they greet him, he gives them all a beautiful necklace made from flowers.
Shaman: “Tonight is a night about healing and asking for forgiveness.”
The girls are all lined up on the beach, sitting on a large mat. The shaman stands, there is a smaller mat right infront of him. We hear the waves crashing in the background.
Shaman: “Who is ready to heal?”
Monsè: “Yvonne?” She looks over. “Maybe we can give it a shot. Bury the hatchet once and for all.”
Yvonne: “Sure.”
Shaman: “You girl, come up.” He points to Monsè. “Who is coming up to receive your forgiveness?”
Yvonne raises her hand. Monsé and Yvonne get up and make their way to the shaman.
Shaman: “Sit across from one another and look each other in the eyes. What are you asking forgiveness for?”
They sit and look at eachother.
Monsè: “I want to ask Yvonne to forgive me for attacking her relationship, and spreading rumors that I knew weren’t true last year. I wanted to hurt you like you hurt me, and for that I’m sorry.”
Yvonne: “And I want Monsè to forgive me for calling her a ‘child bride’ and the dizziest bitch I’ve ever met. I see a lot of myself in you and I think we can grow a positive relationship going forward.”
Monsè smiles and pulls Yvonne into a hug.
Shaman: “Beautiful! Beautiful! Release the negative energy. Who would like to go next?”
Jac: “Go on, girl.” She nudges Sheridan. “Go get healed!”
Sheridan: “Lorelei and I will go next!”
Lorelei stands and nods. Jac applauds as the girls walk up. Bree leans forward with a curious look.
Shaman: “Sit across from eachother. Look eachother in your eyes, take eachothers hands.”
Lorelei looks at the Shaman and raises an eyebrow.
Lorelei: “Whew! We lesbians now? Love that.” She laughs and takes Sheridan’s hands.
“Sheridan and I have come a long way. We went from wanting to choke each other to actually being able to hold hands. How cute is that? I hope we can keep being on the right track.”
Sheridan: “For me, I just want forgiveness for all of the hurtful things I’ve said to get under her skin. I’ve said a lot of fucked up shit about Lorelei and I am really sorry because she is one of my dearest friends who had been there for me previously.”
There is a flashback of Sheridan sharing with Lorelei about her infertility in Season 4.
Sheridan: “She has been there for me in the past; and I just want it to be how it use to be.”
Lorelei is caught off guard, she holds back a single tear.
Lorelei: “I- I appreciate that. I accept your apology.”
Jac: “This is so beautiful…” She is teary eyed, Victoria hands her a napkin.
“Wha — Sheridan apologized?! Maybe this shaman is a miracle worker after all.”
The camera pans to Lorelei as she takes a shakey breath, still holding Sheridan’s hands.
Lorelei: “I’m sorry for being a cunt to you in the past…”
“Did she just say the c word? Can we say that on this network?”
Lorelei: “I’m sorry for going online and saying you have an STD and talking about your infertility in a negative way. I want to move on and get back to being close.”
Sheridan sheds a tear.
Sheridan: “It’s okay babe. I said really bad things about you too online like when I said you had no walls and questioned the paternity of your child. I forgive you, baby.” She leans over and hugs Lorelei while crying.
Sheridan and Lorelei get up, happy and holding hands. They rejoin the group.
Bree: “I volunteer to go next, and I’d like to do this by myself if possible.” She slowly gets up and goes up to the shaman.
The girls all watch Bree. She sits down and faces the other ’Wives.
Bree: “In the spirit of a new beginnings, which was the whole purpose of this trip, I’d like to apologize for anything wrong I might’ve done to the women sitting in front of me, all of you! I am sorry for getting into your personal business, talking about your relationships and I’m sorry for being such an insensitive bitch.” She smiles a little. “I really want to go back to Beverly Beach with a lighter heart, will you all accept my apologies?”
Monsè: “Aw that’s sweet Bree. Of course, we forgive you friend!”
Mona: “Good for you, Bree.” She claps.
Victoria: “You betta!” She claps.
Sheridan stands up.
Sheridan: “Bree, I accept your apology. I think you’re being sincere, truly.”
“I do think Bree is being sincere. I’ve observed her reflecting, and I think whatever she ate — she shit out the toxic out of her body and woke up today renewed. I noticed at the ATVs. Truly!”
Jac: “I too accept your apology.”
“Bree has grown. You can see it in her eyes. Has she completely changed? No but I think if we leave the bitch in Bali for a couple more weeks then she might.”
Bree: “Thank you guys, I really appreciate it.” She tears up.
Yvonne smiles.
Victoria: “You go, girl!”
Mona: “Excuse me Shaman, can I go? With Grace?” She gets up.
Mona and Grace sit in front of the Shaman.
Mona: “Grace, I know we’ve moved on but I want to for the last time apologize for everything that I’ve done to hurt you over the past two years. We started off on the wrong foot and now I think we’re going toward a place of friendship.”
Grace: “I also appreciate how far we’ve come with each other. I agree we definitely got off on the wrong foot and I apologize for my part that I played. My intention has never been to hurt you and going forward, I want nothing but peace.”
Mona: “I appreciate you being there during this difficult time in my life and not betraying me like Sheridan has. It means a lot.” She smiles.
Yvonne and Monsè look shocked, Victoria scoffs and looks to Sheridan. Grace quickly answers.
Grace: “We will support each other through the difficult times.”
Mona: “Absolutely, babe.” She hugs Grace.
“Because I want her to know that I’m coming for her.” She shifts in her seat and smirks.
The camera pans to Sheridan who just rolls her eyes.
Sheridan: “Always on her mind…” She mumbles.
“Mona is very vindictive and only making a point to make up with Gracie and Jac as a way to try and get under my skin. I know the games too well.”
Yvonne: “I guess the war is on.” She mumbles to Monsè and raises an eyebrow.
Monsè: “The claws are out, girl.”
Jac looks to the group.
Jac: “I don’t know about you girls but I’m all healed out. Can we now go enjoy our final night in Bali with some beverages and some bops in the courtyard or by the pool?!”
Sheridan: “Let’s have some fun! Hopefully the catty girls can behave! Thank you Mr. Shaman!”
As the girls start to get up and head to the golf carts, the camera pans to show the moon over the ocean.
We get cellphone footage of the ‘Wives actually having fun and drinking back in the resort courtyard. They are dancing to music. Victoria is seen teaching Jac to twerk. Mona comes from the bar, bringing shots for the ladies. Bree and Grace are seen jumping into the pool and squealing. Sheridan and Yvonne are sitting on lounge chairs watching the girls and sipping wine.
The camera goes into Bree’s villa. She is in a towel and frantically packing. Monsè and Mona are also in the room helping her.
Bree: “Oh my God, Oh my God…I need to get home.”
Monsè: “Bree, hun, you will. Take a breath.” She rubs her back. “Just put the essentials in and Mona and I can bring the rest with us. Just get to the airport.”
Bree: “I just need to get back to America, then I can have a private jet. Oh my God, I won’t get there for another day. I’m going to throw up…”
“Bree got a very concerning phonecall about her daughter. I don’t want to speak on it — But right now Bree just needs to get home to Beverly Beach and her family. It’s frustrating and must be panic inducing knowing basically a day of travel is in between you and your family who is in need right now.”
We see Bree behind the wheel of her Porsche Cayenne, she’s seen pulling up to the gate of her Beverly Beach mansion, The Manor. She drives up to the front door, leaves the car and walks into the door. She’s barefaced, clearly distressed. As she walks into the house in the living room we see Bree’s mother, Luisa, Bree’s ex-husband Logan Moss and their older daughter Blake.
Bree sighs and immediately gives Blake a hug.
Bree: “This is unbeli — “ Her voice cracks as she holds back tears. “It can’t be.”
Blake: “I know…” She rubs her mother’s back and they sit on a couch together, adjacent from Logan and Luisa.
Logan: “It’s not your fault Bree, you’ve got to stop torturing yourself.” He looks down.
“None of us had any idea it was this bad.” A tear rolls down her face and she wipes it. “I found out my youngest, Bianca, started taking Adderall to lose weight last year when I found a prescription in her apartment in New York while I was visiting.” She sniffles and exhales. “I scolded her and tried telling her how dangerous it was, she swore she’d stopped…” She sobs a bit. “It’s been a nightmare that I’ve tried to keep under wraps to protect her and her career and now it’s all over the press.” She sniffles. “She says it’s started in order to lose weight to be booked more easily for runway shows, then she got hooked and started taking more…” She takes a deep breath. “She was taking Xanax to fall asleep, Adderall every few hours to stay focused and lose weight… it had gotten out of control…”
Luisa: “Were you able to see her today? How is she doing?” She looks to Bree.
Bree: “Yes, I saw her for 30 minutes, she looked so pale and so tired. The doctors said it’s because she’s off the pills and her body isn’t used to it. She will need time to detox..”
Luisa: “Poor thing.” She shakes her head and pats Logan’s leg.
Bree: “They said she’s going to need to stay there for at least 60 days.”
Blake looks surprised.
Blake: “Two months?!? That’s longer than someone who gets a DUI, how’s that possible?”
Bree: “They’ve said she needs to be fully detoxed and her body needs to learn how to function without the drug, it’s a whole process.”
Blake nods and she looks solemn.
“Yes, it was. As both her mother and manager I felt double responsibility to take care of her and take matters into my own hands. Lots of people overlook it because it’s not as serious as a cocaine or a crack addiction but it’s just as bad for your body and your mind. On our last day in Bali I got a phone call, it was from Blake, she was crying telling me Bianca had been rushed to the ER after she passed out from mixing some pills with alcohol during a night out.” She pauses. “We were lucky we managed to keep everything under wraps but yeah, that’s when I knew I had to do something.” She wipes her tears.
Logan: “How are you going to handle the situation around those women? You know they’ll have something nasty to say.”
Bree: “I don’t give a fuck.” She shakes her head. “I really don’t, this is about my daughter’s life. They can say whatever they want, I couldn’t care less. If they want to show support that’s great, otherwise they can all choke.”
Luisa: “That’s right, don’t pay them any mind. Those women are nothing in the big scheme of things.”
Bree: “Quite frankly I don’t even want to mention them in the same sentence as my daughter who’s fighting to get her life back, they’re not worth it. Let’s drop it.”
Blake: “I just wish she’d allow me to go visit her, I don’t understand what she’s afraid of…” She looks down and a tear drops from her eyes.
Bree grabs Blake’s hands and looks at her right in the eyes.
Bree: “Honey, she’s your younger sister, she feels ashamed. In her mind it’s like she’s let you down, but give her some time, she’s in a very dark place.” She forces a smile with tears in her eyes.
Blake: “I guess you’re right.” She sighs. “I just want to be there for her, she’s still my little sister after all…”
Bree “I know sweetie but put yourself in her position, she’s in the press, it’s everywhere. She probably never thought anyone would find out.”
Logan: “The positive thing is, now that it’s all out there she’s forced to get treatment.”
Luisa nods alongside him.
Bree: “I know, that’s what I told her as well but she’s so embarrassed…”
Logan: “She’ll eventually get over it and realize it was all just a blessing in disguise.”
Bree: “I really hope you’re right.” She looks worried.
“My hope is that Bianca overcomes this and learns a valuable lesson.” Her voice is shaky, tears stream down her cheeks. “I… I really hope so.”
The scene ends as we see Bree embrace Blake, Logan puts his arms around Luisa and pulls her in on their couch.
We get cool birds eye view shots of Downtown Beverly Beach. We see the expensive stores and outside of a luxury high rise apartment building, Jac paces around on the sidewalk.
Sheridan: “DIVA!” We see her walking up to Jac.
Jac: “Hey TITS!” She gives Sheridan a kiss on the cheek. “How are you, gorg?!”
Sheridan: “Hey babe I am good! Ready to see this little apartment you are looking at!”
Jac: “Not little, hoe! It’s a three bedroom penthouse.” She laughs.
The girls enter the building and head into the elevator, pushing the penthouse button.
“Today, I’m dragging my big booty friend Sheridan Campbell Soup with me apartment hunting! Now that I’m going to be in Beverly Beach a bit more, I need some space for my man and babies to come down and visit. Beau and I can’t keep banging in Sheridan’s guest room.”
The elevator door opens and standing right in the massive entry way is Jac’s agent.
Jac: “Hello Romy, you look amazing today.” She shakes her agent’s hand. “This is my friend Sheridan. Excuse her blazer, I think she forgot where she was going today.”
Sheridan: “I have been over at BellCamp all morning, bitch!
“What?! This is my business attire.”
Jac: “Romy, I’m so sorry. She isn’t calling you a bitch. I promise. It’s her little nickname for me.”
Romy laughs.
Romy: “Hi Jac! Great to meet you, Sheridan. Shall we walk around the place again before you make an offer?”
Jac nods and we get footage of Romy showing Jac and Sheridan around the penthouse. They see all three bedrooms and all four bathrooms. They end in the large kitchen. Romy gets a bottle of champagne out and pours two glasses for Sheridan and Jac.
Romy: “Well girls, I’ll leave you two to talk. Jac, as soon as you get out of here and talk to Beau, text me and I can put the offer through as soon as possible. You don’t want to lose this one.”
Jac: “Got it, will do.” She smiles and Romy walks out.
Sheridan and Jac take a seat at the gorgeous granite island, they both take a sip of the champagne.
Jac: “So tell me girl, what do you think? It’s stunning right?”
Sheridan: “I love it!” She nods. “If I didn’t adore living on the beach, I’d totally look into this building for myself.”
“This is actually my second viewing of this penthouse. I’m bringing Sheridan along because as much of a disaster as her fashion can be, my girl knows about interiors.”
Jac: “I do love your place on the beach but Beau and I are more city people and when I saw him after Bali, he’s really keen on me buying us a place here in Beverly Beach and splitting our time between here and Twitter.”
Sheridan: “I get that. So…” She raises an eyebrow. “He’s open to actually coming here?”
Jac nods enthusiastically.
Jac: “He loves Beverly Beach. His family owned a vacation home for years and he spent many a summer here. Who knows girl, back when he was single you may have been all over him one night out in the clubs.” She laughs.
Sheridan: “Girl — “ She snickers. “You know I love my men…not white.” She covers her face. “Whew!”
Jac: “Yes, girlie. We all know your type.” She holds her hands out about 12 inches apart.
Sheridan giggles.
Sheridan: “Speaking of my type…So, I’ve been dating someone…”
Jac pretends to be falling out of her chair in shock.
Jac: “Ohhhh you’ve been dating!? Oh my gosh! Who is it?” She sips her Champagne and gives her undivided attention to Sheridan.
Sheridan: “His name is Marcus, and we’ve went on a couple dates…he FaceTimed me every night we were in Bali so I definitely think he is serious about me.”
Jac: “Oh my God Sheridan!” She squeals. “That is so exciting!! Any pics? Show me show me show me!”
“I’m so happy Sheridan is dating. Sheridan is a lot more peaceful when she’s getting a regular slamming.”
Sheridan pulls out her phone and scrolls for a little before handing it to Jac.
Sheridan: “This is him! His name is Marcus and he’s very charming and silly and plays for the NFL…”
Jac: “He’s so cute! He has kind eyes. I can tell he’ll be a gentle but passionate lover.” She bursts out laughing and pours herself a little more champagne.
“Marcus is incredibly handsome and very sweet. He is very different than Martin although he is a professional athlete…but relax! He plays football! I really am enjoying spending time with Marcus! It’s still early, but I’m excited to get to know him more and bounce back from Martin.”
Jac: “Girl, you and these athletes!”
Sheridan: “They love me!” She sticks her tongue out.
Jac: “Well, whilst our lives are thriving, did you see what came out in the press today?”
Sheridan: “Yes, oh my goodness. I do feel awful about it.”
“Regardless of how Bree has treated me in the past, I truly can’t imagine going through what she is going through right now. I do feel for her.”
Jac: “I’m genuinely shocked. My heart breaks for her as a mother. I just couldn’t imagine.” She shakes her head then looks to Sheridan. “So the article said that her daughter is taking all the drugs. Is that correct?”
Sheridan: “Yes, her daughter is entering rehab for the drug abuse.”
Jac: “Shocking!” She shakes her head.
“Bree and I have had our issues but this trumps that. This has to do with her child and when it comes to the babies, we have to be there and support her.”
Jac: “Have you reached out to her?”
Sheridan: “No, I haven’t. You know we aren’t there yet. I want to reach out and I also want to invite her to coffee soon just to chat but now isn’t the time with her family issue.”
Jac: “I feel you! Maybe we send her something? Cupcakes or flowers? You know, something to let her know that we’re thinking of her.”
Sheridan: “I like that idea.” She nods. “Maybe a beautiful flower arrangement?”
Jac: “I love it! I can pay for it as I know you’re having some financial troubles right now.” She bursts out laughing.
Sheridan: “Bitch! Whatever!” She digs a $100 bill out of her purse and throws it at Jac. “Here you go, bitch! You will be after signing for this penthouse.”
Jac: “I’ll save this for later!” She laughs and puts it in her blouse. “Speaking of the ultra wealthy and elite and successful, what are you thinking about Monsè and her little party for Forbes? Are you going to go?”
Sheridan finishes her glass of champagne and shrugs.
Sheridan: “You know, I’ll go to keep up appearances. I don’t let these petty little bitches win. Mona may have her fist completely up Monsè’s ass, but best believe I’m going.”
“Monsè has no mind of her own. She is a naive little girl who does exactly what Mona tells her to. I guess this is how Mona keeps a job. She snaps and says ‘Monsè, you little bitch, make me a movie!’…Monsè and Gil then go and produce a Tubi original movie with a $200 budget so Mona can be in it.”
Jac turns her nose up and stands up.
Jac: “Well. I guess you’ll be flying solo, chica, because I refuse.” She shoots Sheridan a look.
Sheridan: “You don’t want to go?” She laughs.
Jac: “Absolutely not! Not after what happened in Bali. Plus I have to finish off season 5 of The Crown on the Netflix. So, I’m too busy to attend unfortunately”
Sheridan chuckles and gets up.
Sheridan: “How about you get this penthouse under contract in the meantime. I’ll update you how that little party goes.”
As the girls start walking out of the penthouse; Sheridan turns to Jac.
Sheridan: “Should we FaceTime Alexis real quick? I want to know if this quitting her show is legit!”
The scene fades as the girls leave the building.
Lorelei and Xavier would be seen entering Pynk Paradise, a hotspot strip club in downtown LA.
“I wasn’t expecting Xavier to be so cool about my whole sexual fluidity thing a few weeks ago. I got back from Bali so we’re taking a little weekend trip to LA without Banks and before baby boy comes. I suggested we go to Pynk Paradise to kind of let loose and have fun! Who doesn’t want to see hot women naked?”
Lorelei: “Oh, wow! This is sexy!” She looks around.
Xavier: “It is nice. I’m surprised you’re down with this, babe.” He laughs. “Most girls would not be for this.”
Lorelei: “I think you should know by now Xav, I’m not like most girls.” She winks.
The two would be lead to a private VIP lounge. Their table already has some bottles of vodka and mixers. A waiter come up to them as soon as they are seated.
Waiter: “Can I get you guys anything? Anything else to drink? Eat?”
Xavier: “Let’s get a bottle of D’USSÉ and let’s some do wings. That okay, babe?”
Lorelei: “That’s fine.”
Waiter: “Okay. I’ll go put that in.” He smiles and walks off.
Xavier: “There’s a lot of married couples here, tonight. That’s interesting…”
The camera pans to show mostly couples sitting togeher, some are in groups conversing and drinking and some are alone and looking around or looking at the girls dancing.
Lorelei: “There’s a lot of married couples here, tonight. That’s interesting.” She laughs.
Xavier: “Is that what this is? Is this a swingers club?”
Lorelei: “Maybe…” She smirks.
Xavier: “Oh Lord. What have you gotten me into, baby.” He laughs and puts his arm around Lorelei.
Lorelei: “Nothing! It’s just… a lot of the couples here tonight are looking to spice up their life.”
Xavier: “Meaning what?”
Lorelei: “Swingers usually either swap partners for a night or they all engage in such acts together.”
“I threw the idea of being swingers to Xavier and I didn’t think he’d bite. But he was open to the idea. I think in this day and age, a traditional marriage isn’t as common. We’ve got gay marriages, polygamous marriages, etc. This is 2023. The days of a ‘normal marriage’ is gone” She laughs. “Get with it!” She snaps.
Xavier: “So…how does this work, exactly?”
Lorelei: “ We could try and pick up one of the couples here…” She laughs and looks at him. “Why not? Let’s just have fun tonight.”
The waiter would return with the bottle and food and leave, Xavier would pour himself a glass and hand one to Lorelei, they’d both take a sip.
Xavier: “Hell Why not? Let’s do it!”
They look around, they see an attractive couple eyeing them. They get up and walk over to their area, sitting down.
Lorelei: “Hi! My husband and I were just talking about how gorgeous you guys are. I’m Lorelei. This is Xavier.” She points to him.
Jasmine: “Oh, thank you! That’s so sweet. I’m Jasmine. This is my husband, Sebastian. Are you guys… swingers too?”
Xavier: “I wouldn’t call us that yet. We’re uh — venturing into the land of that.” He laughs nervously.
Sebastian: “It’s not all that scary bro. It’s honestly something fun and exciting. It really does help spice up a marriage.”
Lorelei: “How long have you guys been swingers?”
Jasmine: “About 3 years now. It’s been a game changer!”
Lorelei: “Oh, wow!” She glances at Xavier before looking back at Jasmine. “Are you into girls?”
Jasmine: “I am!” She smiles. “I’m actually bisexual. So is my husband.”
Sebastian: “What aout you guys?”
Sebastian smiles and pours Lorelei and Xavier some of their champagne.
Lorelei; “I — Uh…I don’t know yet.” She laughs a little. “I find women attractive. I’ve never been with one before though, only men.”
Xavier: “I’m straight. But, I mean… I have no problems with anyone who lives otherwise. My brother is gay.”
Sebastian and Jasmine both nod along, Jasmine turns her attention to Lorelei.
Jasmine: “Have you ever kissed a woman before?”
Lorelei: “Nope!”
Jasmine: “Well, come here.” She smirks and motions Lorelei over.
Lorelei would hesitantly lean in and the two would kiss as Xavier and Sebastian would watch; Lorelei pulls back.
Lorelei: “Uh uh!” She laughs. “I just popped my cherry!” She blushes and laughs, Jasmine giggles too.
“I — I — Oh my gosh! I cannot believe that happened. I mean, what does that mean? This is all so new to me and it’s fun and exciting! Jasmine’s a gorgeous girl!”
Sebastian: “Well, I wasn’t expecting that!” He motions between Jasmine and Lorelei. “My wife has the tendency to prey on the newbies.”
Xavier: “I ain’t mad at it!” He smiles and looks to Lorelei. “I might like this, baby!”
Sebastian and Jasmine both laugh. Lorelei leans in and cuddles with Xavier in the lounge.
Lorelei: “We should definitely go on a double date sometime, you guys! This has been fun.”
Jasmine: “Oh my gosh, of course. Let’s do it!” She hands Lorelei her phone.
“This is such an exciting and new fun time in my life. I can’t wait to see what else is in store for me. Tonight was a pure indication that I made the right decision with this. I’m glad Xavier is my best friend and has my back.”
The scene fades as Lorelei, Xavier, Sebastian, and Jasmine keep chatting and drinking in the strip club.
It is night time in Downtown Beverly Beach. The camera settles on Yvonne’s art gallery. There are some people inside. It is not crowded, just a small party with drinks and hors d’eourves being passed around. We see Yvonne talking to a few people.
Grace: “Vonnie!”
The camera pans to show Grace entering the party and walking up to Yvonne, hugging her.
Grace: “How are you?”
Yvonne: “I’m better than ever.” She smiles.
We now see Victoria walking in, she grabs a glass of wine before making her way over to Grace and Yvonne.
Victoria: “Hey y’all!”
Yvonne: “Hello, love!” She looks to Grace and Victoria. “I’m glad you both could make it! I can’t wait to show you these pieces!’
Victoria: “So elated to see them!”
“I’ve invited Grace and Victoria to get a sneak peek at a new artist I’m adding to the gallery. I love his work, I want them to see it, and I want to talk with them about everything that happened in Bali.”
Yvonne: “This is the art you’re donating to keep flowing through the gallery.” She nods at Victoria. “This is a local artist who likes to explore anatomy and the body’s meaning…Come see.” She leads them into the gallery room.
Victoria: “Oh this is very pretty!”
Grace: “Wow, I’m impressed. These are definitely some impressive pieces.”
Yvonne: “Aren’t they?!”
Victoria takes out her phone and begins snapping pictures. Grace is looking around and weaving through people to examine every piece.
“Now, listen. I have zero experience or knowledge when it comes to the art sector industry, this is Yvonne’s field and her world. However, whatever this artist is trying to achieve, they’ve certainly captured my attention. Isn’t a woman’s body a thing to behold?”
Yvonne: “Ladies, lets get some food and chat. Give our eyes a little break.”
Yvonne finds an empty standing table for the three women to occupy. A waiter who was hired immediatly brings over some finger foods. The private bartender brings over a bottle of red wine and some glasses for Yvonne, Grace, and Victoria.
Yvonne: “The pieces were all about women’s bodies and since we’re on the topic of women’s bodies…Bree’s daughter?” She looks to Grace and Victoria curiously, then she sips some wine.
Victoria: “Hm! Well…”
Yvonne: “I’m not surprised. Fame is a drug in and of itself but one of the profiles reporting on it said that she suffers from body image issues.” She shrugs.
“As someone who’s helped their daughter through a trying time, our behavior as parents is more important than we’ll ever know. Bree pushing her daughters as models and dancing half naked on social media knowing she has daughters in such an intense industry is very irresponsible. No wonder her daughter was driven to deal with the issues with substances.”
Grace: “It’s disappointing and sad to hear. As a mother, I sympathise. I can’t imagine Megan being in that position, I’d hate it. But the spotlight clearly is a dangerous place, I know that much.” She shakes her head.
Victoria: “Well all I can do is pray for the girl and her mother.”
“I’ve tried to keep Megan and Gemini out of the spotlight as much as possible. If they want any publicity or anything, it’s on their terms. I want the power to be in their hands and not have someone decide it for them because once you lose that control… it’s gone.”
Victoria: “Do you all think Bree ignored the beginning signs? Or maybe there weren’t any…?” She raises an eyebrow.
Yvonne: “I think she overlooked it because she could make some money.”
Grace: “I hope thats not the case.” She looks at Yvonne a bit uneasy.
Victoria: “Now that’s very sick….as a mother why would you do anything like that?”
“Money rules everything in this town and I wouldn’t put it past Bree, even with her billionaire ex, to choose immense success over abundant health for her girls.”
Yvonne: “Image is everything and people talk. That’s why they did a private intervention. They didn’t want people to know so she wouldn’t be a liability to work with.”
Grace: “Lord…” She sighs.
Victoria: “That is what you call a poor excuse of a Mother!”
Grace: “I’m not going to judge another person’s parenting skills.” She looks to Victoria. “Yes, it’s not a great situation and Bree doesn’t look great but none of us are perfect parents really.”
Yvonne: “Or perfect friends. That’s true, Gracie.” She nods.
We also see Victoria nodding a bit as well.
“Victoria giving this holier-than-thou attitude about Bree’s situation is just another example of this vendetta she seems to have against her.” She groans. “Victoria’s not exactly the easiest person to get along with, is she? Jesus Christ.”
We see other people at the private party chattering behind the women at their standing table. Yvonne pours Victoria and Grace another glass of wine.
Yvonne: “Victoria, I hope I’ll see you in your stellar fashion at Monsè’s party.”
Victoria: “At where?”
Yvonne: “You heard me, Victoria.” She laughs.
Victoria: “I hope you’ll be there representing my fashion.”
Yvonne: “What’s the issue between you and Monsè anyways?” She looks to Grace. “Grace, do you get it?”
Grace: “I don’t.” She shakes her head. “It came out of nowhere in my eyes. Just like your insult towards me.” She stares Victoria down.
Victoria makes a face.
Victoria: “My insult to you was for you to shut your mouth because I wasn’t addressing you. Do I apologize for it? Negative.”
Grace: “Okay, whatever. I give up trying.” She mutters under her breath. “Try to help somebody and this is what you get…”
Victoria: “Baby, please don’t make this about yourself. Yvonne was asking me about my relationship with Monsè…If you wanna talk about what I said to you, we’ll address it another time. I’m sure ladies have said worse!”
We see Yvonne watching, intrigued.
“Woohoohoo! Is Victoria Gracie’s next target? Now this is a battle I’ll watch with popcorn. Keep going, girls!”
Yvonne: “What did you say to Grace? Do you also believe her daughter isn’t hers?”
Victoria: “All I said what get a DNA test. It wasn’t out of spite, just to clear up the rumors.”
“Grace has so much energy for other people rather than the one who is as dripping juices on her keyboard. Girl just pay it!”
Grace: “If you know what’s going for you, you won’t comment on my life because you don’t know me or anything about me. Now… are we CLEAR?” She widens her eyes aggressively at Victoria.
Yvonne: “Oh shit.” She takes a step back from Grace and the table.
“I’m always shocked when Grace gets testy. Matter of fact, I’m a bit surprised she’s acting like this with Victoria considering she let Lorelei off the hook.”
Victoria looks at Grace and rolls her eyes, chuckling.
Victoria: “Now girl, what the hell you gonna do? I don’t give a damn about YOU or who you ARE! Calm yourself down before I SIT you down, now are we CLEAR bag lady?!” She snaps her neck at Grace, raising one eyebrow.
Yvonne: “Okay ladies, this is my place of business. I didn’t mean to ignite something bigger than a little petty back and forth.”
Grace just ignores Victoria, turning her back to her and facing Yvonne.
Grace: “Let’s change the subject. I’m done with this conversation.”
Victoria: “Just as I thought.” She scoffs. “Yvonne, are you really going to Monsè’s party over the weekend?”
Yvonne: “I’m absolutely going to the party. I like Monsè.”
Victoria: “I’ll be your plus one, unless you’re bring HIM!”
Yvonne: “Who’s him?” She gives Victoria a look.
Victoria: “Your man. How are thing with him?”
Grace’s eyes are wide as she plops a puff pastery in her mouth.
Grace: “Wait, you have a man, Vonnie?!”
Yvonne looks at Victoria annoyed, then to Grace.
Yvonne: “Ye — Well, no. I don’t want to talk about this.” She makes an awkward face. “It’s a bit contentious.”
Victoria: “Now Yvonne….”
Yvonne: “What, Victoria?” She clenches her jaw.
Victoria: “Nothing, baby.”
Grace looks between Victoria and Yvonne, confused.
Victoria: “How are y’all and my good sista, Lorelei?”
Yvonne: “We don’t speak and it definitely won’t get better if she finds out I’m dating her ex.” She acts like she’s running away from the table.
Victoria: “You are a fool oh my gosh , you know she gone tear you UP!” She cackles.
The camera pans to Grace who looks in shock.
Grace: “Youre not dating Morgan, surely?” She looks to Yvonne.
Yvonne: “Grace, you know I’ve known Morgan for decades.” She shrugs.
“Wow… I’m speechless. That’s low, even by Faroe standards. I may not be Lorelei’s biggest fan right now but that man put her through hell. This doesn’t feel right. Yvonne can do so much better, I know she can.” She shakes her head and sighs.
Yvonne: “I wasn’t even looking at Morgan, because I developed a friendship with Lorelei. I was actually more interested in his brother who dropped me off at the airport…but Morgan and I just share so much in common that we click, at this stage of our lives.”
Grace: “I — I don’t even know what to say.” She is dumbfounded.
Yvonne: “You act like I said we’re getting married!”
Victoria: “I’m sure Lorelei will understand! Love is love!”
Grace shakes her head in disbelif and then looks to Yvonne.
Grace: “She’ll never forgive you for this, you know?”
Yvonne: “She acts like she can’t forgive me for not wanting to be Bree’s friend, so who cares?”
“My personal happiness will always come before any friendship, especially with someone who’s upset with me because I won’t play nice with the backstabbing batch they brought into the circle.”
Victoria: “Okay, can I ask you, Yvonne…when are you going to tell her?”
Grace looks to Yvonne for a response.
Yvonne: “When I feel like it.” She smiles. “So, let me show you all this potential piece I’m thinking about putting on in our next show.” She begins walking towards her office, she motions for Victoria and Grace to follow.
Victoria and Grace glance at eachother before following Yvonne to her office. The episode ends.