[S7E8]: Rumble in the Jungle

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
39 min readApr 20, 2023


(From L to R: Monsè DeRosier, Mona Quinn, Yvonne Langley, Sheridan Campbell, Bree Bailey, Lorelei Sullivan, & Grace Faroe)

The girls are back at the resort after last episode’s chaotic lunch. We see some some of the girls relaxing. Yvonne is asleep in her Villa, Mona & Monsè are laying out at the pool, Victoria can be seen getting a spa treatment. All of the sudden the music stops and we hear the sound of someone throwing up. The scene switches to Bree hunched over a toilet in her room.

Bree’s Confessional

“Bali belly is…real.” She sighs.

We see some more footage of Bree in the bathroom, she now slumps against the wall across from the toilet and puts a damp rag on her forehead.

Bree’s Confessional

“I woke up in the middle of the night a little nauseous, I went in to use the restroom and well…I haven’t left since. I’m taking today to rest up.”

The scene switches. A camera follows Grace as she exits her villa; she makes her way to the resort terrace overlooking the beautiful beach.

Grace’s Confessional

“After lunch, I wanted to sit down with Sheridan before we all go off and do the rest of our activities today because honestly, there’s tension between us right now and things need sorting. I don’t appreciate the way Sheridan’s poked her nose into my business, especially when I specifically ask her not to. I think what I hope to get out of this conversation is that Sheridan will have some sort of respect for me in that area going forward and will listen to me.”

We see Grace laying out in a lounge chair; she sips exotic juice out of a tall glass and looks around.

Grace & Sheridan

Sheridan: “Well hello, Faroe!” She walks out.

Grace: “Hello Campbell!” She smiles at Sheridan as she sits down next to her.

Sheridan: “Did you get any rest?”

Grace: “Eh…how are you feeling? Lunch seemed to get a bit intense, don’t you think?”

Sheridan nods.

Sheridan: “This group has gotten really just…not toxic but like not nice. We aren’t friends anymore as a collective. It’s disappointing.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“This group is the most disconnected we’ve been in a while. This is all fallout from Bree’s mess from last season. She fully dismantled this friend group.”

Grace: “I agree. It’s not a nice atmosphere to be around, which is precisely why I wanted to talk to you away from everyone.”

Sheridan: “I just wish we could get everything out there and have conversations where others don’t yell over with their insults and do the attacking stuff. Let’s just lay it all out babe. That’s what I was trying to help you do…talk through your issues.”

Grace sips her drink.

Grace: “I appreciate that might have been your intention but how it came off to me was different. I felt like you sort of disrespected my feelings and as my friend, you shouldn’t have done that. I told you more than once that I would sort out the situation with Bree myself, away from everyone else. By you forcing the conversation and bringing it up in front of everyone, I didn’t feel heard, if that makes sense?”

Sheridan: “Well, you know I only brought it up in front of Jac and Victoria; not exactly everyone but I do apologize for pushing it and hurting your feelings because that was not my intent at all. You know I have a loud mouth and I just wanted to help because I felt you weren’t able to speak up for yourself with Bree.”

Grace: “Thank you. I know your intentions are good and your heart’s in the right place. I’d just appreciate in future that if I say I’ve got something, I’ve got it.” She laughs. “Come here…” She leans in for a hug.

Grace’s Confessional

“I’m feeling good about Sheridan and I’s conversation. We both voiced how we felt and it was calm. I think we’ve reached the point in our friendship where we have that respect for each other and neither of us can be bothered to fight anymore.”

Sheridan hugs Grace back.

Sheridan: “Received, I’ll do better, Gracie! If these bitches try to jump you I can’t say I won’t have your back!” She giggles.

Grace: “Likewise!” She laughs.

Sheridan: “Now, I have to get ready for this natural spring, girl!”

The scene fades as Grace and Sheridan start to get back up.

We see beautiful shots of a natural spring in the jungle of Bali. The camera pans to show Yvonne, Victoria, Sheridan, and Jac walking together down to the springs where other tourists and locals are wading in the water.

Sheridan, Victoria, Jac, & Yvonne
Yvonne’s Confessional

“Today, I’m going to become one with nature and heal at the natural springs with a few of the ladies. I’m hoping that this can be some peaceful restoration and no fighting.”

As the girls begin taking off their clothes to reveal their bathing suits, Victoria looks Yvonne up and down.

Victoria: “Yvonne, you look snatched!” She snaps.

Yvonne: “Thank you!” She poses. “I love that donkey booty RAWRRRRRRR!”

“Donkeys make very ugly noses so I have a cute little roar because it’s sexier, you know?”

Victoria giggles.

Victoria: “Yvonne lemme find out you taking after Grace sexual desires!”

Jac walks into the natural springs with the girls.

Jac: “Oh wow ladies! How stunning is this?!”

Jac is hushed by one of the women working at the springs.

Jac: “Ohh I guess we have to be quiet girlies.” She whispers.

Yvonne: “Yes, this is a time to concentrate on natural healing.”

Jac: “I think we all need to heal after the mayhem on this trip so far.” She widens her eyes.

Jac, Yvonne, Victoria, and Sheridan make their way to a clear area of the spring’s wall and hang onto it next to eachother.

Yvonne: “Let’s talk about lunch today.” She looks to Jac. “The mayhem with you and Monsè when you brought up Lorelei’s accusation about Megan. I didn’t like that.” She shakes her head. “I thought you two decided to start fresh after the sanctuary.”

Jac puts her hair into a ponytail and slowly slips her entire body into the water.

Jac: “I was upset by it as well Yvonne. The whole situation was very sad for all of us. I understand that I shouldn’t have pushed the issue but Grace avoiding it allows people to come to their own conclusions. I was just trying to give her the floor to address it, deny and it and move on.”

Sheridan: “Why did Monsè get involved? Desperate for a moment I suppose.” She dunks herself under the water.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Monsè has served desperate and needy lately. I’m embarrassed for her. Not sure she has a brain.”

Yvonne: “I don’t think you and Monsè like eachother very much…” She nods at Jac.

Victoria: “I think that’s obvious. Which is why Jac possibly did that.” She looks to Jac.

Jac: “Oh yeah, Monsè is a thirty year old little twat.” She wets her hair. “I didn’t say anything to her that I regret. She is irrelevant. She is forgettable. She is unaccomplished.”

Sheridan: “Well Monsè has had a personality transplant. Not the same girl we met last year. I guess anything for a bigger check; even acting like something you aren’t. Disappointing for sure.”

Jac: “She’s a waste of space and she’s tied herself to Bree and Mona like a barnacle to a sinking ship.”

Victoria: “Maybe she’s looking for a home. Blowing wherever the wind blows.” She picks up a flower from the water and puts it in her hair. “But I wouldn’t recommend her following Mona’s footsteps. Unless she’d like an anal analysis.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Monsè and Bree are the same in my book well minus Bree being racist but at least Bree’s personality has stayed consistent — always a cunt. Monsè went from being Beverly Beach’s sweetheart to the new Beverly Bitch over night.”

Yvonne: “The fact of the matter is that I think Monsè dislikes you, Sheridan, more than she dislikes Jac.”

Sheridan: “Monsè and I were friends last year. We even made up at the drag brunch a couple weeks ago. I am not sure where all this hatred is stemming from.”

Yvonne: “Well, at the monkey sanctuary I think she and Mona directly said they want war with you, Sheridan.”

Jac nods.

Jac: “They were talking about you to me at the monkey sanctuary yesterday. I think it’s stemming from Mona.”

Sheridan looks at the women surprised.

Sheridan: “That’s fucked up — I considered both of those women my friends. They’ve literally shifted and formed these new opinions on me.” She air quotes.‘Sheridan is a bully!’, they’ve been doing this ever since I held Bree accountable for being problematic. I just don’t understand it at all.”

Victoria: “So is Mona the shot caller for the three?”

Jac: “Bree is going to keep her mouth shut because she’s one syllable away from being canceled, Monsè is going to adopt whatever opinion Mona has because she’s thicker than Victoria’s booty and Mona seems to be calling the shots.” She splashes a bug away in the water and looks to the girls. “It’s that simple.”

Yvonne: “I think you need to hash it out with the girls, Sheridan. I’m happy to facilitate with you and Monsè because you both get heated very quickly.”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“I’ve taken a liking to Monsè and I believe that there’s something she’s not saying that’s bothering her about Sheridan because we’ve hashed the stuff from last year out. So let’s put everything on the table and let all hearts and minds be clear.”

Sheridan: “What isn’t productive is the screaming matches at these dinners.” She nods.

Jac: “I’d love to get through a meal without needing to order a cheeseburger from UberEats…”

Sheridan: “When they all come for me, It just comes across as all 3 of them trying to get their moments coming for the HBIC of the BB.” She laughs. “I sit there unbothered and watch Lorelei eat all the food in silence because like what is this? Where is the class?”

Victoria: “Maybe they’re intimidated by you Sher.”

Sheridan: “I would be too.” She smirks and whips her wet hair in a cringy manner.

Yvonne: “Do you dislike the girls, Victoria?” She peers over at Victoria. “You’ve kept your opinions silent about the ladies so I’ve been curious.”

Victoria: “I don’t necessarily dislike them. I do believe they try to come off as mean girls. I don’t have the time to argue with knee babies.”

Yvonne raises her eyebrow.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Besides Bree, Victoria has been the pretty comic of the group. She’s held her cards really close to the chest regarding the other ladies but here, she’s definitely taking Sheridan’s side. Interesting.”

Victoria: “I mean, what do they have to say that’ll grasp my attention? Nothing. So they can find a ditch deep enough.”

Yvonne and Sheridan glance at eachother with widened eyes, Jac snickers a bit.

Sheridan: “For me, Mona and Monsè were my friends at one time so the only person I truly dislike is Bree.”

Yvonne: “I think you can mend things with Monse and Mona. This declaration of war is silly and unbecoming. This is Beverly Beach, we have fun and exude luxury.”

Jac: “They exude peasantry.” She scoffs.

Victoria: “Poverty, at best.”

Jac: “They exude gay baby daddy’s and child brides.” She smirks.

Victoria: “ I mean, honestly. Was Mona supposed to be Viola Davis or the scorned wife? I couldn’t decipher. I’ve been playing my cards right. But me dealing them hasn’t even come into play yet.”

Yvonne: “Speaking of playing our cards — I do have something I want to tell you all.”

Sheridan: “What girl?!”

Victoria: “You’re pregnant!?”

Yvonne: “Victoria, don’t be silly.”

Victoria cackles; the camera pans to Jac who readjusts her boobs as she listens.

Yvonne: “I’m in a relationship with Morgan Sullivan.” She pretends to faint into the water.

Sheridan’s eyes are huge but she stays silent.

Victoria: “Oh?”

Jac: “Sorry, you’re in a relationship with who?”

Jac’s Confessional

“Who is Montgomery Spookenden?”

Yvonne: “Lorelei’s ex husband.”

Lorelei: “My name is Lorelei Sullivan and I’m married to Morgan Sullivan. THE Morgan Sullivan. Morgan is a billionaire, venture capitalist and world renowned lawyer. He just celebrated his 60th birthday and I’m 36. People always think of me as a gold digger and all I’m thinking is…are you jealous? I have a rich husband and you have nothing.”

Victoria: “OH MY!”

Jac: “Oh shit.” Her mouth drops.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Morgan and I have known each other for a long time. That’s actually how I met Lorelei and I’m not interested in fighting about it. We’re both at a mature place in our life and found our way to each other after my breakup with Teddy. I’m seeing where it goes but there’s an obvious tension since I’m in the same circle as Lorelei.”

Victoria: “She is going to be furious!” She looks to Yvonne.

Yvonne: “She can be cool or come out of a bag on me but she cheated on him with his son, so she can zip it.”

Sheridan: “Oh miss ma’am I am ignoring you and the bomb you just dropped in this hot spring. The water just got hotter!” She starts to swim away.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Nope, didn’t hear it!”

Yvonne: “Sheridan, where are you going?”

Jac: “She’s trying to get her exercise in. She’s been eating like a little piglet on this trip.”

Victoria: “Come hea!” She pulls Sheridan back by her leg.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“She’s swimming faster than that famous guy — whatever his name is…What’s his name?”

Victoria: “Y’all been hunching?” She looks to Yvonne.

Yvonne: “Okay, I’m going to swim away too now.”


Yvonne: “Let’s stay out of the Dame’s business.”

Victoria’s Confessional

“I just wanted to know if he has her screaming like he probably had Lorelei! I’m just intrigued.”

Sheridan: “Can you bitches just have a good time with me?!”

Yvonne: “If I swim out any further, I’m going to need a floatie!”

The scene ends as the girls go farther out in the natural springs.

Music plays as the camera zooms over an impressive temple on the water in Bali. We see tourists walking all about. The camera pans to Mona, Monsè, Lorelei, and Grace who are walking the stairs to the temple.

Mona, Monsè, Lorelei, & Grace

Lorelei: “Bali’s heat is actually kicking my ass, girls.” She laughs and wipes her forehead.

Monsè: “Take the damn jacket off, girl.” She laughs.

Lorelei: “It’s apart of the look, honey!”

Mona: “It’s so nice here.” She exhales.

The four women make it to the top of the stairs and to the temple entrance.

Mona’s Confessional

“FINALLY some relaxation time with my girls! We’re at this beautiful temple full of zen.” She puts her hands together. “Let’s leave the drama with the hooligans.”

After the ladies are done taking pictures, they find a place to sit around the corner away from everyone else taking pictures. Their backdrop as they talk is the beautiful temple grounds and the ocean.

Monsè: “I wish Bree was here with us. Sucks she wasn’t feeling well. It’s been a while since we had just the cool girls together.” She smiles and takes a swig from her water bottle.

Lorelei smirks and quickly glances at Grace.

Lorelei: “I know! I miss when us four used to cut up. We’ve all been so busy in our lives!”

Mona: “You’re right it’s been a while since we’ve all gotten together.”

The camera pans to Grace who sits adjacent from Mona, Monsè and Lorelei; she looks down on her phone.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“It’s awkward to me that Grace is here. She and I aren’t friends anymore and it’s just… weird. With all that’s went on, the energy is just… dreadful. Something is looming. I feel it.”

Grace’s Confessional

“This whole conversation is complete bullshit.” She starts to do impressions of everyone. “ Oh, my God! It’s been so long since we all hung out! Oh, the good old days! Let’s wear matching pajamas and braid each other’s hair and gossip like little chihuahuas!” She laughs. “Like… please. I’m here and I can hear you. Show some respect.”

Mona: “So, I think we’re doing a tasting of some tradtional dishes, right? Didn’t Bree set something up for us?”

Grace: “I think so.”

Lorelei: “Bree knows I like to eat. So, she better have! I didn’t get to finish my damn lunch.”

Monsè: “Yesss I think they set up a cute little picnic! Let’s ask the guide!”

Grace: “Some of the traditional Bali food here is really nice. I’ve sampled some before at food tasting events. I hope some delicacies have been included in this picnic.”

We see the girls being led down the temple stairs and into the grounds by their guide. In a beautiful location in a flower garden, a small picnic is set up for the women. The girls are all seated and begin uncovering the plates of food and examining them.

Lorelei: “Oh, Aw, this is cute! Bree did so good. I wish she wasn’t feeling so unwell.” She frowns.

Monsè: “I’m interested to see what they have! I don’t know much about the cuisine here.”

Mona: “I don’t either!”

Monsè: “Drinks anyone?”

Monsè begins passing around bottles of arak, a traditional wine famous in Bali.

Mona: “So what has everyone been up to lately? I feel like I’ve had so much going on recently that I haven’t had the chance to catch up with y’all.”

Lorelei: “I’m doing pretty freaking well, Mona.” She smiles. “I’ve got some amazing things happening in my life. I would tell you, but I don’t feel at ease to share with everyone here.”

Monsè: “That’s nice Lorelei. Whatever it is, I’m happy for you!”

The camera pans to Grace who rolls her eyes and sips from her bottle.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I want to tell Mona and Monsè that I’m having a baby boy on the way. But… that’s positive, happy news and Grace isn’t any of those things. She doesn’t deserve to know the great things happening to me.”

Mona looks between Grace and Lorelei, furrowing her brow.

Mona: “You two still have an issue.”

Grace: “If by issue you mean her bringing up my child as a way to get at me, then yes, we definitely have an issue.” She narrows her eyes.

Lorelei looks unphased and lets out a small cough.

Monsè’s Confessional

“These two need to just have it out already so they can move on. The tension between Grace and Lorelei is more suffocating than the humidity at this point.”

Monsè: “Well Grace, how are you feeling after that conversation with Jac yesterday? It was intense to say the least.” She takes a bite of food and looks to Grace.

Grace shakes her head.

Grace: “It’s all cleared up now. Jac knows she was wrong to bring it up and I let her know that. We’ve moved forward.”

Mona’s Confessional

“Jac is like a tweeting bird, literally. She’s always making noise but it’s so insignificant and useless that no one cares, until she gets louder and messier which riles people up. But overall tweety birds are annoying.”

Grace: “But Jac’s not the person I’m truly displeased with…” She looks to Lorelei.

Lorelei finishes chewing and flutters her eyelids.

Lorelei: “Why are you upset?”

Grace: “I’m upset because you chose to drag my child into whatever this is. She has nothing to do with this and she’s completely innocent. She’s done nothing to you.”

Lorelei: “You are correct. I apologize for bringing up Megan and shedding light on your secret, but… what’s done is done and I can’t go backwards. All you can do now is own it. Adoption is a lovely thing! Why be so upset about it?!”

Grace’ Confessional

“Lorelei knew exactly what she was doing. It was low, it was dirty and it was calculated. She went so low I couldn’t even get a broom to sweep her hoe ass up.”

Grace: “Lorelei…” She shakes her head. “You’re so full of shit. I have no secrets. You, on the other hand… but we’ll be there all day and I’m not going to sink to your level by bringing up your daughter.”

Mona: “Guys let’s not continue to go low, it’s just making the situation worse.”

Grace: “I’m not going low. I’m not doing that. I’m not like her.”

Mona: “You just mentioned her daughter in retaliation that’s what I was saying Grace.”

Grace looks at Mona annoyed. Monsè turns to face Lorelei.

Monsè: “So you’re standing by that rumor, Lorelei? That Grace isn’t Megan’s biological daughter?”

Lorelei: “I am, Monsè. Absolutely.” She looks to Grace. “I can bring receipts, baby. I can back up what I say. Know that! I don’t want to have to really embarrass you, sweetie.” She flicks her eyes to Grace.

Monsè: “Oh boy…” She shakes her head.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Grace knows me well enough by now to know to NOT poke the bear. I am usually cool, calm and collected and I don’t bite back unless provoked. She gave me a reason to bite her ass a few months ago and now she’s upset? Leave me alone and I wouldn’t expose you. Bitch.”

Grace: “I wouldn’t act like you’re so comfortable with your so-called perfect life, Lorelei because with you, it’s always been smokes and mirrors. I can’t name one genuine thing about you. Remember, I know where the bodies are buried and I’m not the only one.”

Lorelei smirks at Grace.

Lorelei: “Oh really? You weren’t crying at the Reunion upset that I cut you out of my life? Be for real.” She rolls her eyes and takes a large swig from her bottle of wine.

Grace: “Oh, I was upset by that but then I realized I was better off. I didn’t want to have a nasty bully for a friend. You and I falling out doesn’t change my life in anyway, trust me.”

Grace’s Confessional

“Listen, I keep a lot in the vault, okay? I don’t like to play dirty but if someone REALLY — and I mean REALLY — forces your hand, then you have no choice. Lorelei’s told me things. However, I have heard things about her as well from a source that was once VERY close to her. I’m just saying… Lorelei Sullivan’s shit well and truly does smell.”

Lorelei: “Bully?!” She gasps. “DON’T do that. Don’t go putting labels on people. You know what? This is beneath me. Why am I sitting here arguing with this stupid bitch who I do give a single fuck about!” She stands up.

Monsè: “Come on, girls. You don’t mean what you’re saying. You guys were such great friends, weren’t you?”

Mona: “Noooo! Lorelei! Hold on.” She begins getting up to.

Grace begins to point at Lorelei.

Grace: “You are NOTHING! Like, literally nothing. You are toxic to everyone around you and you are a soulless person!” She snarls.

Lorelei: “I’m just gonna go back to the van, guys. Enjoy your lunch.”

Grace: “Yeah, walk away! Cos you know I’m right and you’re WRONG! The Faroe always wins!”

As Lorelei begins to walk away, Mona goes after her.

Mona: “No, Lorelei! Come back!”

Lorelei continues walking towards the van.

Lorelei: “I am GOOD, Mona. I’m good on that bitch. She wants to call me a bully? A BULLY? I got my ass beat daily by my ex husband. I’m like the fucking poster girl for anti-bullying! Fuck that fucking bitch! I hate her!”

Mona: “Oh my god, Lorelei! It can’t be this deep, we’ve got to try and salvage this!”

Lorelei: “No, Mona. Let’s just leave it alone. She and I are where we are right now. Nothings gonna change.” She shrugs and gets into the van, slamming the door.

Mona: “Whew…alright.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Grace was one of my closest friends. Last year proved to me that we weren’t really friends. She belittled me, jumped ship and wasn’t there for me when I needed her most. I just think our friendship was really toxic and it was time to just end it. I don’t hate Grace, I just… I do not care about her anymore. I can’t.”

Back at the table, Grace turns back to Monsè.

Grace: “Take that, put it in your pipe and smoke it…bitch.” She sips her drink.

Monsè: “Grace, are you good? I haven’t seen you guys go at it like that before.”

Grace goes back to eating a shrugs.

Grace: “I feel great, honestly. I’ve said everything I need to say to her. She knows she’s in the wrong for bringing up my daughter and making up lies. I’d never do that to her, ever. Monsè… you need to watch yourself with that one. I’ll say that.”

Monsè: “I don’t like how she went after your daughter either, but you guys are friends right? Don’t you want to fix it?”

Grace: “No, there’s nothing to fix. Anyone who goes as low as she does and attacks people’s families, I don’t want to call them a friend or be in their company. Lorelei Sullivan can go do what she usually does… fuck herself cos she’s got nobody to fuck her.” She takes a bite of food. “Now, what else is going on?”

Grace’s Confessional

“Lorelei has a pattern with this type of behaviour. Let me list people… Elyse. Me. Sheridan. Imani. And that’s just people on this show. There’s friends who… are no longer her friends and the numbers are double digits.” She holds her hands up. “Sufficient enough evidence, your Honour?” She smirks. “I’m done for the day.”

We get shots of a fabulous restaurant in Bali.

Music plays as the ladies walk in for their dinner reservations; they are sat at a large table next to the floor-to-celing aquarium. Sheridan and Lorelei walk side by side and then sit down next to one another.

Sheridan & Lorelei

Lorelei: “Whew girl, thank god for some air conditioning! My puss is sweating.” She laughs.

Grace takes a look at Lorelei sitting at the table and then veers to make a stop at the restraunt’s bar before sitting.


Grace: “I need a drink before sitting at that table…”

Grace approaches the bar and clicks her fingers at the bartender.

Grace: “Excuse me! Excuse me! Could I get a drink please? A glass of your finest Belvedere, with club soda and then could you put three and a half juiced lemons in please with the carcass out? Oh and in a short glass. You got all that?” She tilts her head.

The bartender nods.

Grace: “Wonderful.” She begins scrolling on her phone as she waits.

Back at the table; Lorelei, Sheridan, Mona, Monsè, Victoria, Jac and Yvonne are seated.

Monsè, Mona, Yvonne, Victoria, & Jac

The girl’s chatter, Monsè turns to Mona.

Monsè: “Girl, they better not start some mess tonight, I’m not in the mood.” She whispers.

Mona: “Agreed. I’m in the mood for a cocktail!”

A waiter comes over and introduces himself, he asks the ladies for their drink orders. After he takes everyone’s orders, he walks away and Jac looks around the table.

Jac: “Everyone, well — Most of you look very beautiful tonight.” She smiles a bit.

Lorelei: “Uh uh, not ‘most’! Whew!” She laughs.

The camera pans to Monsè and Mona; Monsè just rolls her eyes.

Mona: “Most but not you…” She mumbles then scoffs.

Hearing a bit of what Mona said, Jac looks to her.

Jac: “Girl, you’re dressed as Mary the mother of Jesus and you’re talking about my couture jumpsuit.” She does a dramatic scoff back. “You look homeless.”

Jac’s Confessional

“I’m not going to lie, I’m coming into this dinner with a chip on my shoulder. Seeing Mona Quinn the botched mannequin and her little court jester sidekick has got me all amped up, I’m having flashbacks from lunch. I recommend they both proceed with caution tonight.”

Yvonne: “We’re not having fun, ladies. We just got here.”

We see Lorelei nod. Clearly in an effort to change to topic, Sheridan looks to Mona to address her.

Sheridan: “Before dinner is served, Mona, sweetie…Let’s go have a chat.”

Jac: “Yes Sheridan, take her to the side now. Cool her ass off.”

Mona shrugs a little, not giving away what she’s thinking.

Mona: “Sure, let’s go.”

Sheridan: “We can just grab our drinks up at the bar before they bring them to the table and talk there!”

The camera follows Sheridan and Mona to the bar of the restaurant. They grab their drinks and sit. Mona grabs her braids and spins them.

Sheridan: “So, I just want to know what the issue is, hun. I hear you want war with me so here I am…” She cocks her head. “Woman to woman.”

Mona chuckles a bit and sips her cocktail before responding.

Mona: “Listen — The issue is you’re shady, nasty, and mean all the time and you never clock out. I’ve had enough of it. If you’re gonna keep coming for me then there will be war.” She nods and looks at Sheridan. “That’s what I said, since Yvonne was doing some talking I bet.”

Sheridan looks taken aback.

Sheridan: “How have I been mean to you sweetheart?! Tell me because I’ve been a damn good friend to you and this sudden change of heart is very concerning to me.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Who showed up to this girls movie premieres on Lifetime television? Me. Who told the girls to stop laughing at her for being on cable? Me. What has she supported of mine? She wasn’t even at my restaurant opening!”

Mona’s Confessional

“This is what I’m talking about with Sheridan, you’ll point out your issue with her, she’ll say she hasn’t been anything but a good friend to you and take no accountability.”

Mona: “You don’t think your comments last night and in the past about my marriage and divorce have been shady, mean, or nasty? Really? Throwing shade for some laughs at the expense of me isn’t being a good friend, and I’ve had enough of your bullshit.” She shrugs. “That’s where I’m at.”

We get a shot of Sheridan just blinking and looking frustrated. The scene switches back to Yvonne, Grace, Monsè, Jac, Victoria, and Lorelei at the table. They have now gotten their drinks.

Yvonne: “Jac, Monsè…Might I suggest something?” The women look to Yvonne. “I think the two of you need to get back to our conversation we were having at the sanctuary yesterday.” She nods. “You agreed to move on and you were very nasty to each other during our lunch right after…”

Monsè: “I respond to the attitude I’m given.” She sips her drink.

Jac: “Yeah, I mean, I don’t really know what there is to sort out. I think we both spoke our truth last night. I made it abundantly clear that I don’t respect women who have earned nothing in life and whose greatest accomplishment is being sold off as a minor.”

Yvonne: “Jacqueline…we don’t need to go there.”

Monsè: “Excuse me?! Listen Blowup Barbie, you don’t want to go there with me.”

Jac: “You’re excused sweetheart. I assume your husband has given you a curfew. Maybe you should scurry off home.” She giggles a bit and shrugs.

Victoria and Grace exchange and uncomfortable glance. We get a shot of Lorelei eating a packet of crackers out of her purse before the scene flips back to Mona and Sheridan at the bar.

Sheridan: “Mona, you really think I’m the bad guy who’s only been mean to you?” She crosses her legs and shakes her head. “No, it’s shot for shot — You take a shot at me I take a shot with you. Hell yeah it’s nasty but you get what you give, babe. Let’s remember you chose this path with me after 2 years of friendship with zero issues. Our friendship is a sinking ship because you chose to align yourself with the devil herself.”

Mona: “Oh really? That’s the issue? Because I remember you saying it was fine that Bree and I were friends. And honestly, it is. I’m not your soldier like your other friends are. I supported you during your troubles with the restaurant and that was what I needed to do to be a good friend.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I absolutely care about Mona but we are at a standstill and I don’t know how to move forward.”

Mona: “I’m sick of going around in circles with you Sheridan, take accountability for your shitty actions!”

We see the bartender glance over, noticing the two women are getting animated.

Sheridan: “Mona you supported me last year up until that Reunion where your stance shifted completely and you decided to attack me. That’s where you lost my trust — you and Monsè decided to run with that dream team bullshit!”

Mona: “I attacked you?! Are you fucking serious?!“ She rolls her eyes.

Sheridan: “What neither of you expected was for Lorelei and I to make up and her to distance herself from that fake bullshit alliance against me so you’re sitting here KNOWING you care about me but are too damn stubborn to want to fix it with me!”

Mona: “You’re delusional. You are a professional victim Sheridan and don’t own shit!” She glares at Sheridan. And, Lorelei is one of my best friends, so fuck you for trying to say that she’s distanced herself from me.”

Sheridan: “Don’t twist my words, Mona. I said Lorelei distanced herself from the alliance formed to come for me. I’ve heard all about the little pact.” She smirks.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Mona, Bree, Lorelei, and Monsè went into the Reunion with a pact to target me and take me down. They had an agreement that Lorelei backed out of because her and I have history. I won’t tell you who told me of all of this…”

The scene goes back to the women at the table, Jac and Monsè are still arguing.

Monsè: “You don’t know a single thing about my relationship because my husband doesn’t own me, sweetie. I make my own money and I always have. I have a respectable relationship with someone who loves me, something you will NEVER have!”

Jac: You’re right. One thing I will never have is a husband who could be charged with child sex trafficking crimes had you met in Beverly Beach and not Haiti!” She downs her wine. “You’re very right!”

Grace: “Jac!”

Lorelei looks at Jac and puts her face in her hands.

Monsè gets up from her seat, patrons of the restaurant look to Monsè and the table of commotion.

Grace: “No, no! Hold on!”

Monsè: “I’m only going to say this once. Keep my husband’s name out of your chapped, cum-stained mouth.” She points at Jac.

Yvonne: “Well, I’ve lost my appetite. I need to go. This is ridiculous.” She throws her fork down on her plate.

Grace: “Okay, sister. Keep your cool.” She grabs Monsè, trying to bring her back down to her seat.

Jac: “Girl, sit down before you break an ankle.” She rolls her eyes.

Monsè’s Confessional

“Jac is an evil, low-down, disgusting individual. No one wonder her and Sheridan get along so well.”

Lorelei: “This is going so left…” She groans and makes a face of disgust.

Victoria: “And the Oscar goes tooooo!” She giggles and goes a little clap towards Monsè.

Yvonne gets up and walks away. We gets shots of shocked people in the nice restaurant.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“I strongly believe in the image of Beverly Beach and the classy fun sophistication we are expected to uphold. This is really bringing that all the way down.

As Monsè settles back into her seat, Victoria raises and eyebrow.

Victoria: “Monsè you don’t think you’ve done anything to contribute to this conflict?” She motions around.

We see Jac nodding.

Jac: “She, and that one…” She points over towards Mona and Sheridan at the bar. “And Bree have treated us horrifically since we came into this circle.”

Monsè: “Victoria, why are you including yourself in this mess? Do you like being associated with garbage?”

Victoria: “Obviously you do, have you not seen the ladies you confided in?” She laughs a little and does a shimmy, proud of herself.

Jac: “Your mother doesn’t like being associated with garbage. That’s why she sold you off my darling!” She motions to Monsè.

Jac’s Confessional

“Am I hitting below the belt? Absolutely. Am I playing dirty? Absolutely. When people throw a pebble at me, I throw a boulder back.” She shrugs. “Now this bitch knows not to try me.”

Monsè: “What you will NOT do is talk about my mother and my upbringing!”

Monsè tears up as she pounds the table, causing some glasses to fall. She stands again.

Monsè: “I don’t play that shit! Who the FUCK do you think you are?

We hear audible gasps of other diners as the entire dining room goes silent and they look at the table of ‘Wives. Grace attempts to wrangle Monsè back into her seat.

Lorelei: “Oh, Monsè” She frowns.

Victoria: “Grace, let the bull out. Let us see how she really acts without her friends.”

The scene switches back to Mona and Sheridan at the bar. They are so focused on fighting they don’t see that the bartender and everyone in the upscale bar area are looking at the ladies; horrified.

Mona: “You know, Sheridan…not everything is about you! There’s no alliance! It’s called having real friends, which you don’t know anything about.” She takes a drink. “You go through friends like they’re tampons.”

Sheridan laughs.

Sheridan: “You’re going out sad, Mona. I’m embarrassed. You aren’t taking any accountability in your piss poor behavior.”

Mona: “You can’t name a single thing I’ve done to you other than an assumption that I was planning to attack you. I can go through and name everything you’ve done that was shady to me…”

Mona’s Confessional

“At this point, Sheridan is just saying anything she can to make it look like the end of our friendship was my fault and mine only. I already said that my comment about her restaurant last year being unsavory I guess was wrong. That’s all I’ve done…”

Mona: “We’ve already talked about accountability with me and I took it. Go back and watch the Reunion.”

Sheridan: “I asked you to name what I did to you and you’re referring me to watch the Reunion. Girl you’re sitting here angry. TELL ME DAMMIT!”

The bartender rushes over and starts asking the girls to be quiet.

Sheridan: “We’re sorry…I was just heading to my table.” She glares at Mona and starts to get up. “I’m getting pissed off and I need to get away from you right now. I’m a cunt, and I own it. You’re a wolf in sheep’s clothing baby. I see you and if you want war with me baby; my advice to you is to never bring a knife to a gun fight.”

We get a shot of Mona looking taken aback.

Sheridan: “It’s on, baby.” She starts walking away. “I tried!”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Mona Quinn maligned me, broke my trust, and plotted against me with the racist big lipped bitch. All I’ve ever done is talk shit about her marriage; you know the one that she’s leaving now? Yet, I’m to blame for the dissolution of this friendship.”

Mona gets up and starts walking after Sheridan to their table.

Mona: “One thing I have is a brain which is something you’ll never attain. Bring it on.”

Sheridan looks over her shoulder and does a giant, fake smile.

Sheridan: “I’m rooting for you, babe! Maybe one day you’ll be on the right casting couch to book a role that will actually debut in a movie theater, not the small screen.”

Mona: “Girl, if you’re gonna keep coming for me find some new material. We’re bored.” She rolls her eyes.

Sheridan and Mona make their way back to the table, things have seemed to have calmed down between Monsè and Jac. As Mona and Sheridan rejoin the group, Sheridan sits next to Jac.

Jac: “How was it?” Subtitles pop up on the bottom of the screen.

Sheridan: “Yeah, that goofy bitch has some serious issues and I can’t fix them. Hell not even a shrink can fix a broken woman who’s had minimal success in her career and who’s vagina is so trash that her man left her for a man’s tight ass.”

The camera pans down the table to Grace who is patting a quiet and obviously agitated Monsè on the back.

Grace: “Come on, let’s go to the bathroom.” She tries to get Monsè up.

Monsè: “Grace, I’m fine. I’ve got this. I’m not letting this evil bitch ruin my night.” She says loudly so Jac can hear and nods in her direction.

The ‘Wives look to Monsè to see what’s happening.

Victoria: “As if the pot ain’t calling the kettle black….” She glances at Jac and tries to conceal her smile.

Monsè: “Victoria, what are you chiming in about over there? Looking for another moment like you always do? This shit has nothing to do with you.”

Sheridan: “Oh!”

Victoria: “Moonshine, Mapquest hell. You and those two hell hounds…” She points one finger at Mona. “Have done nothing but try to come off as mean girls! When y’all are just mediocre lack luster mouth runners.

Monsè’s Confessional

“Moonshine, Mapquest? Is she having a stroke?”

Victoria: “My question to you is when have you ever had a moment that didn’t require you popping off?”

Monsè: “Girl fuck off with that mean girl bullshit. You wanna talk about mean girls? Turn your attention that way.” She motions to Sheridan and Jac at the opposite end of the table.

Victoria: “Look at you! Banging on tables and shit. Knees wobbling, that’s not a lady like!” She does big theatrical movements with her arms. “Sit there and look pretty.” She suddenly looks at Monsè boredly.

Monsè: “Don’t do that Victoria. I was provoked! What if I called your man a child trafficker? Or said your children were adopted?”

Jac: “I never said anyone’s children were adopted. I said you were sold and that your husband could be perceived as a child sex trafficker.” She nods. “That’s what I said.”

Monsè: “I’m done with you right now.” She rolls her eyes and swats in Jac’s direction.”

Jac blows Monsè a kiss.

Victoria: “You’re mad because you’re constantly called out for the bullshit you do?” She looks to Monsè.

Monsè: “I’m mad because I am constantly attacked and constantly blamed. I’m sick of being the martyr for this group’s bullshit!”

Sheridan and Victoria both burst out laughing and look to each other. On the other side of the table Grace is clenching her teeth and Lorelei is eating.

Victoria: “You’ve done nothing but provoke! Be fucking real for once! You’ve crawled behind a racist and a divorcee looking for a moment!” She jabs her finger in Monsè’s direction. “You trying to defend your actions ain’t doing NOTHING!”

Jac: “Thank you for finally speaking the truth!” She applauds.

Mona: “Girls — “

Monsè: “Mon, I got this.” She shoots her a look and then goes back to Victoria. “When have I crawled behind Bree? Tell me. Let’s not go making up stories that aren’t there for a moment Victoria. Just because you’re having trouble fitting in, don’t make me a target. I’m not doing it.”

Victoria: “You charmless BITCH!” She points her fork at Monsè.

Grace: “Victoria, put the fork down now, come on.” Her eyes widen and she reaches for it.

Victoria: “Grace, get a DNA test!” She smiles at her and then goes back to pointing her fork at Monsè. “All you’ve done this entire trip was run your mouth and be a brainless fool. When will you realize that maybe you’re the problem? When will you grow some balls and start realizing that we ain’t in high school anymore! Baby this is real LIFE! Fitting to you is kissing ass for a moment?! Baby I’ve sat here and looked pretty this entire time! What have you done besides bitch for a quick drink?” She gives Monsè an ‘up and down’. “Exactly! Shut up and eat.”

Monsè: “What are you going to do with that fork Victoria? Weren’t you the one calling me classless five minutes ago?. I’ve given you your moment, you’re welcome. Now sit down….stupid bitch….”

Monsè’s Confessional

“Who’s friend is she again? She’s not mine, that’s for damn sure. We haven’t had one conversation and she’s coming for me out of nowhere. It’s giving mouthpiece. Bali was supposed to be a trip to get away from all the bullshit and somehow I’ve become the target of a smear campaign. I’m disgusted by how low these ladies have gone.”

Sheridan: “At this point, I think we just need to go…”

Jac: “Yep! I think we’ve successfully ruined another night in Bali.”

The girls all start getting up; Monsè and Mona are finishing their drinks at the table. Grace and Lorelei are walking ahead of the rest of the ladies to get out to the van.

Jac: “Victoria. Sheridan. Let’s go. Leave those two sat at the table alone. It’s where they belong.”

Jac: “I’m sure there’s plenty of room on the floor.”

Jac, Sheridan and Victoria lock arms as they begin to walk out of the restaurant.

As the sun rises, we get shots of it over Bali. We see the beautiful resort. The ‘Wives are in various stages of their morning routines. Grace is doing her skin care routine. Mona is doing yoga out in the courtyard. We see that Monsè is still sleeping while Jac and Victoria go for a morning walk around the pool. Sheridan waits in the grand foyer.

Mona: “Morning! Where are you girls going?”

Outside Mona is sitting on the ground as she watches Lorelei and Bree walk towards the foyer.

Lorelei: “ATVing with Sher!”

Mona: “Have fun.”

Lorelei: “Girl — We’ll try.” They laugh.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“This trip has been nothing but chaos and unenjoyable moments. I’m hoping this little excursion with the ATV’s will bring me some sort of sliver of happiness.”

Sheridan, Lorelei, & Bree

Sheridan greets Bree and Lorelei, they hop on a golf cart that will take them to the ATVs on the resort’s grounds.

Bree: “Gosh it’s way too hot in here, and we have barely started.” She laughs.

Lorelei: “I blame you, bitch! You couldn’t have given us an indoor activity?”

Bree: “I thought it would be kinda like riding a motorcycle, you know? With the wind cooling you down!”

All three women laugh as they pull up to the edge of the jungle.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Today is going to be a blast! Riding ATV’s through the jungle?! My type of party! While I may be with Bree and Lorelei, today is about having fun — no drama!”

A handsome resort worker greets the women by the ATVs.

Resort Worker

Sheridan: “Oh muscles! We love that! Let’s go mister man!”

He laughs and hands Sheridan a helmet. We see Bree and Lorelei looking at an ATV.

Lorelei: “Hopefully this ATV don’t make my wig slip off.” She laughs and fans herself. “Alright well, you drive girl! ATV’ing is a bit too masculine for me.” She nudges Bree.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“What do I look like driving an ATV? I drive Bentleys. Not these little boy toys. Bree just better drive like she has some sense.”

Sheridan: “WOOHOO!” She zooms past Lorelei and Bree into the jungle, clinging onto the back of the muscular worker.

Bree and Lorelei get on their ATV. Bree pokes around and revs the engine.

Bree: “Okay, I think I got it…Maybe.”

Lorelei: “Go girl, go! Sheridan left our asses!” She grabs Bree’s waist.

Bree: “Okay let’s do this, fingers crossed!”

Bree starts driving into the jungle, the ATV starts going very fast, Lorelei is seen shaking in the backseat.

Bree: “You okay girl? It’s a bit bumpy! Im shaking!” She laughs.

Lorelei: “Bitchhhhh! Oh, hell no. Put this thing in park!” She screams and holds onto Bree tighter.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I should’ve rode with Sheridan.”

The shot switches to Sheridan clinging onto the resort worker on their ATV. They zoom through the jungle and we get really cool shots of the Bali jungle. Sheridan screams with excitement and joy.

Sheridan: “Ahhh! That’s a big bump!” She screams and clutches to the muscular man tighter.

He drives fast over some rocks and then through a shallow stream of water that splashes up on them.

Sheridan: “Oooof! I’m wet!” She holds on tighter.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“This ride is everything!! I’m soaked!”

Bree is seen trying to slow the ATV down, accidentally making a U turn and almost crashing into another couple’s ATV. Lorelei screams.

Bree: “Whoops! Sorry guys, we’re beginners!”

Bree’s Confessional

“Damn, I forgot how much of a shitty driver I was!”

We see the ‘Wives ATVs pull up to a beautiful area in the jungle next to a waterfall. Bree abruptly stops the ATV, almost sending both her and Lorelei overboard.

Bree: “Oh God, we’re here, girl! Am I not the best driver in the world?” She gets off.

Lorelei gets off the ATV and adjusts her wig.

Lorelei: “Girl…no.” She laughs.

The camera pans to Sheridan and the resort worker who are chatting with their helmets off.

Sheridan: “Oh my gosh that was so fun! I’m soaked!” She laughs. “Can I have a hug? You were amazing, babes!”

Sheridan walks over to the Bree and Lorelei who are taking pictures of the waterfall.

Lorelei: “Hi, hello! We almost died!” She grins at Sheridan.

Bree: “Oh we didn’t almost die, we just were about to flip over a couple times!” She chuckles.

Sheridan: “Whew! Y’all aren’t as wet as I am!”

Bree’s Confessional

“Sheridan getting wet with a man she’s just met? Typical.”

The ‘Wives set out a blanket they brought and sit close to the edge of the wading pool the waterfall falls into. The resort worker brings over snacks for the women.

Lorelei: “This view is beautiful! You feeling better Bree? You missed a lot last night.”

Bree: “Yes I am! I was just super nauseous yesterday, I don’t know if it’s the water or something but I just was in the bathroom all day, it wasn’t pretty.” She brings her knees up to her chest and laughs.

Sheridan: “I bet it wasn’t pretty.” She makes a face.

Bree: “What happened at dinner? I’m curious.”

Sheridan: “The girls just yelled and screamed at each other per usual.”

Lorelei nods and Bree looks curious.

Bree: “What girls?”

Lorelei: “Mona, Monsè, Jac, it was a lot. Everybody was basically fighting.”

Sheridan: “It’s exhausting.”

Lorelei: “I agree, Sher. It’s just constant fighting! It gets draining. We need something… something to get this group right again.”

Lorelei’s Confessio

“I don’t know if it’s because I’m just getting a bit older, or if I’m just genuinely tired of bickering. But this group of girls lately have been so annoying. They fight all the time, we can’t ever have a good time and it’s just so unenjoyable.” She sighs. “It’s a big deal when I am the one annoyed of fighting.”

Sheridan: “We have to be able to compartmentalize our issues. We are in fucking Bali and it’s been miserable because all they’ve done is pick every night.”

Bree: “I actually might have an idea…” The girls look to her. “I have booked a healer for tonight, I figured we were going to need some spiritual healing at the end of our trip.”

Lorelei nods and takes a bite of her cracker.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“This group needs a healer or an exorcism? I vote exorcism for 100, Alex.”

Lorelei: “That sounds really good. Hopefully the healer knows how to deal with demons.” She laughs.

Sheridan: “It’s needed but there are so many of us that unless we split into smaller groups or something there’s just no way to get points across to heal…”

Lorelei: “Agreed, Sher. Agreed! We all have so much going on with one another. I hope it’s all able to come out in a safe, positive light so we can move on or else we’re going to keep doing this all the time.”

Bree: “We are all grown women, we have to be able to co exist peacefully all together for at least one night. It’s a shame.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I appreciate the effort, but these bitches love to scream at and over each other and are trying to say the perfect one liners to go viral. Good luck, Bree.”

Sheridan: “There’s obviously issues in our group. Bree, you and I don’t get along but we are able to sit here and converse and had a good time on the ATVs…”

The camera pans to Bree and Lorelei who nods.

Sheridan: “How is your healer setup, Bree? Are we doing it as a large group or in pairs or small groups?”

Bree: “I was thinking we could go as pairs, with someone we really want to make amends with.”

Sheridan: “Lorelei, would you be willing to be my partner for the healer? Maybe that can help the two of us truly move forward…as friends.”

Lorelei: “Of course, Sheridan.” She smiles a bit. “Absolutely. It’s needed.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I’m really glad that Sheridan asked me. We’ve really been getting along and haven’t had any issues this year, really. I think this healer could be greta for us because it closes a chapter in our history and hopefully we can continue to grow our friendship.”

The camera pans to Bree and we see her watch the interaction.

Sheridan: “So Bree, who are you going to be with?”

Bree: “Wouldn’t you like to know…” She laughs a bit. “Joking! But I’m really going to think about what I’m going to say.”

We get a shot of the girls in front of the waterfall as the episode ends.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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