[S7E15]: All Bets Are Off
We start where the last episode left off; it opens with dramatic music and shots of the Vegas pool the ‘Wives are at.
Grace, Mona, Monsè, and Lorelei sit under the private cabana the girls have for the afternoon.
We hear a phone notification. Mona unlocks her phone and gasps; then starts giggling.
Mona: “No fucking way, no fucking way O-M-G.”
Monsè: “What is it, Mona?” She looks over.
Lorelei: “What’s wrong?”
Grace looks over, worried.
Mona: “My good friend ***** just texted me and said…” She begins reading the text message.
Monsè: “Oh my God, are you serious?” Her jaw drops.
Grace: “Oh…” Her eyes widen.
Lorelei: “Oh. My. God.” She clenches her jaw then sinks into her seat.
“Nope, nope, absolutely not! Sheridan and I just made up. I want ZERO part of this.”
“This is…wow. I’m not getting involved. I’m just not. This has nothing to do with me.”
“Pot calling the mother fucking kettle black. She comes at me for Adam cheating and makes fun of him being gay yet her new man is out here in the streets making out with any girl he can find.”
The camera pans to show Sheridan, Jac, and Yvonne walking back out to the pool. Mona turns to Monsè, Lorelei, and Grace.
Mona: “Holy shit, should I bring this up to her? I feel like I should.”
Monsè: “I don’t know. Do you think she’d take it well?”
Lorelei: “I — “ She shakes her head. “I feel like you should. A conversation should probably happen. Because if she hears about it from someone other than you & found out you knew, she’ll really be mad. No?
Mona: “You’re right Lor she will. She’s gonna be mad if I do and mad if I don’t so it’s really a lose lose situation.” She shrugs.
Grace: “Either way, it won’t sound great. Sheridan’s a loose cannon at the best of times.”
“I don’t really care that we’re feuding. Of course this happens to fall in my hands while we are, but I feel like it’s best to tell her. I know I’ve said I wanted to get back at Sheridan, but not in this way. Especially since I’ve gone through the same thing with cheating.”
Lorelei: “Yikes…” She sips her drink.
Monsè: “So much for a chill afternoon…”
As Jac, Sheridan, and Yvonne approach the group; the camera pans to Bree and Victoria who have sat in loungers down by the pool to talk privately.
Bree: “It’s a little more quiet down here.”
Victoria sits up, legs hanging off the wide of the lounger.
Victoria: “How can I help you, my love?” She sips her drink. “Did you enjoy your first day in Vegas, yesterday?”
Bree: “My first day…it wasn’t really that much fun, let’s just say that. It’s actually part of the reason I wanted to talk to you.”
Victoria: “Girl, what’s the tea? What happened?”
Bree: “Sheridan and I got into it because she kept bringing up once again our situation…” She motions between them. “And I got frustrated because I thought we’d agreed to move on! I know what I’ve said was wrong but I thought we were cool now, is that wrong?”
Victoria lowers her sunglasses at Bree.
“I am really frustrated with this whole situation, look what happened with Victoria was 100% my fault and it was wrong on many levels, but it happened MONTHS ago and I apologized to everyone involved, what else could I do? Sheridan bringing it up every week to make me look bad is just… calculated and mean.” She sighs.
Victoria now takes her sunglasses off so she can look Bree in the eye, she leans in a bit.
Victoria: “Here’s what I’ll say, what you said was what you meant and what you thought about me and every other person that looks like me. For you to have such an assumption about me and you didn’t even know me like that, only proved your true character. Is that how you feel about a black successful woman? Is that how you feel about Grace? Any other minority? I know you’ve apologized but sorry really can’t put a bandaid over what you said Bree.”
Bree: “But see, that’s not what I think! Everyone knows I have tremendous respect for Grace; Mona and Monsè are two of my closest friends in the whole world…” She sighs. “What I said was hurtful and wrong and I understand what you’re saying but I can assure you that’s not how I really feel. I know I can’t prove it, but it’s the truth.”
“I can see where Victoria is coming from and it’s understandable, I just wish I could somehow prove that she’s wrong.”
Victoria keeps a poker face.
Victoria: “Bree, I’m not gonna drag you by your tail because of this for right now. Due to you being under the influence and revealing yourself for who you really are. But what I will say is….” She crosses her legs, setting her cup down. “I really don’t care what happens to you or your image once the world sees you for who you really are. But, this isn’t the first time you’ve done some fucked up shit, I know it may be your first time being racist, I don’t know — probably not. But it damn sure better be the last time! Okay? Because I look at you, and I see a woman. I see one!!! But deep down, you’re just a pathetic, useless, racist poor excuse of a mother.”
Bree’s mouth opens a little in shock; Victoria just lays a hand on Bree’s shoulder.
Victoria: “I really do pray that you find healing. But, Victoria doesn’t see herself going forward with you regarding anything.” She gets up.
“Look I really wanted and tried to make things right with Victoria but if she won’t move past it I cannot force her to. I made a mistake and I’m facing the consequences, that’s all I can say.” She shrugs. “Life goes on.”
Bree: “Alright, I thought you accepted my apology months ago but I guess not? I was going to ask you if there’s anything I can do to really show I’m sorry or to make things right in your mind but you really seem like you’ve already made your mind up, and I accept that.” She looks up at Victoria.
Victoria: “Perfect.” She flips her hair, smiling. She then walks off.
Back at the cabana Sheridan, Jac, Yvonne, Monsè, Mona, Grace, and Lorelei all sit around now and chat casually. Victoria rejoins the ladies, sitting between Sheridan and Jac.
Victoria: “Whew! Somebody stank, honey.” She looks around.
Jac: “Certainly not I.” She raises an eyebrow at Victoria before looking at the group. “This is fun, girlies! I think a pool party might be our thing.”
Victoria: “Yeah, where’s our grapes, Jac?”
Yvonne: “I’d feed some to you now.” She smiles at Jac.
Jac: “Aw!”
“Yvonne and I had a really productive conversation in Sheridan’s room…”
“I’m so glad we can just move forward. We’re both friends with Sheridan so we have something in common!”
Sheridan goes to pour herself another drink, realizing the bottle is empty.
Sheridan: “We need another bottle!” She motions to the server.
As the ‘Wives talk around them, the camera focuses in on Mona and Monsè who chat privately on the edge of one of the couches.
Monsè: “Are you going to wait until tonight?” She whispers.
Mona: “I don’t know. Do you think I should?”
Monsè: “I say just rip the bandaid off…”
Mona: “Well — Wish me luck.”
Mona and Monsè give each other a look, turning their attention back to the larger conversation.
Mona: “Hey Sheridan, I’ve got something I need to ask you about.”
Sheridan: “What’s up, Monar?!” She looks over as she pours from the new bottle of tequila.
Mona: “You know where your man was last night?” She looks at her.
The music picks up.
Bree: “Oh, her man?” She raises an eyebrow.
Monsè sips from her drink, glancing away from the group. Yvonne leans back and looks between Mona and Sheridan. Jac’s eyes widen.
Lorelei: “Mmm.” She shakes her head.
“Here comes the mess from Mona!”
Sheridan: “My man? What’s his name?” She smiles calmly. “Since you allegedly know where he was, I’m sure you know his name, right?”
Mona: “His name is Marcus…you gonna let me say what I need to say now?”
Victoria: “MARCUS?”
Sheridan: “Yes.” She sips her drink. “Where was Marcus, babe?”
The camera zooms in on Jac who is now holding Sheridan’s hand.
Mona: “I got a text just a few minutes ago from my good friend ****** who a few of you know. She said that she was out with her friend and her friend started making out with this guy who she found out to be Marcus.”
Lorelei: “Oooh.” She covers her face.
The rest of the women look shocked, Bree looks watches with a smirk.
“Why is everyone confused? One of the many athletes Sheridan is ‘dating’ made out with another girl… wow, how shocking!”
Mona: “To be honest this isn’t the first time I’ve heard this about him. He’s got a rep around town. But I thought I should come to you with what I was told.”
Sheridan crosses her arms, leaning back into her seat.
Sheridan: “Marcus is a common name, you sure it was my Marcus?”
Mona: “She told me it was your man specifically. She didn’t use his name.”
Jac: “Mona, are you sure this is real?”
Yvonne: “Do we have a picture?”
Victoria: “My, my, my…”
“If Mr.Marcus was stepping out on my good sister, ima have to chop his wood up! Lumberjack Tori is clocked in, honey!”
Bree: “I mean athletes aren’t known for being loyal, just sayin!”
Grace: “Sheridan’s men aren’t known to be loyal.” She looks to Bree.
Mona: “I’ve known ***** since I moved to Beverly Beach and I honestly trust her more than some of you ladies so I’m gonna say this is probably true.” She glances at Sheridan.
Sheridan just glares at Mona.
Sheridan: “Mona, you are truly miserable. You clearly are making shit up because your baby daddy is bent over with 9 inches in his ass while you are sitting here drinking a corona. Bitch, be serious.”
Yvonne: “If there’s nothing more than a text, why are we even discussing this?”
“To bring up something like this to damage a relationship, you should bring a video, picture, some DMs, a credit card receipt, something!”
Mona: “I’m discussing it because, Sheridan, I really don’t care about your relationship but I know if you found this out about my significant other you wouldn’t wait to tell me or shade me as you normally do.”
Sheridan rolls her eyes.
Mona: “I’m not shading you I just wanted to let you know the info so you can deal with it however you want.”
Sheridan: “I appreciate it, Mona.” She smiles and starts digging through her bag. “Many a woman want my man, just like many of men want yours.”
Lorelei: “That’s not right, Sher. Come on. She was just trying to be a friend and tell you what she heard.”
Mona: “It’s okay because none of your insults hurt me anymore, bitch.” She narrows her eyes at Sheridan. “Obviously your coming from a place of hurt knowing your man is stepping out on you…”
Lorelei cringes and Jac shakes her head.
Mona: “And maybe find a man that’s name doesn’t start with M and you’ll have better luck!” She smirks.
All of the sudden, Sheridan throws her bag to the ground and lurches forward across the bottles table at Mona; both hands reaching for her neck. Bottles crash to the ground. At the last minute Mona jumps back avoiding Sheridan’s hands.
Victoria: “WOAH!” She gets up.
Jac: “No! No! Sheridan, stop!”
Monsè: “NOPE! Not today, woman!” She holds Sheridan back with Jac.
Lorelei gasps, getting up.
Lorelei: “Uh uh! No fighting! We are better than this.”
Victoria: “She ain’t worth it.” She strokes Sheridan’s hair.
Bree: “Oh no!” She turns to Grace. “We need to call 911! Call them!”
“Honey, is this Love and Hip Hop: Beverly Beach?”
Sheridan sits down and begins sobbing, grabbing one of the bottles.
Sheridan: “I am trying to have a good fucking trip and this bitch wants to ruin it!”
Mona: “Girl, get a FUCKING grip!” She grabs her purse, glaring at Sheridan. “You are NUTS!” She storms away from the cabana.
Monsè: “Mona, wait!” She runs after her.
Bottles girls and patrons at the pool are looking over at the commotion now.
Lorelei: “Ohh no. No ma’am. Very low budget…what is this?!”
Grace: “Very.”
“Wasn’t this same woman saying a few seasons ago, ‘Where’s the class Beverly Beach?’ Yeah, where is the class now, girl?”
Inside the cabana Victoria and Jac sit on either side of Sheridan and fan her.
Victoria: “Let is out, baby…”
Sheridan starts to take a pull straight from the tequila bottle but Jac grabs it from her hands.
Jac: “Sheridan, NO! That’s enough!”
Sheridan: “I just wanted to have fun!” She hiccups as she countinues to cry.
Yvonne joins the ladies, sitting down by them.
Yvonne: “Don’t let her get to you like this. You are better than this kind of thing.”
Jac: “She can’t have this much power over you! You’re an amazing woman!”
Sheridan: “Okay, okay, okay girls you’re right I’m just drunk. Where is the bread? I lost my fucking cool!”
“Mona is miserable and she won this one. My drunk ass…showed my drunk ass…”
Yvonne: “Here.” She pulls a slice out of a napkin stuffed in her bra. “Don’t worry, it’s clean.” She hands the bread to Sheridan.
Sheridan: “Ladies I need to lay down for a moment and drank some water and eat some bread. I’m sorry for having that reaction. I’m embarrassed. I’m a classy bitch.”
Jac: “Let’s go back to the room and chill out before our activities this evening.”
Sheridan: “I embarrassed myself, girl. I’m pissed.”
Jac: “You’re fine babe! You’re fine. You can make this better.”
Yvonne: “Some of these ladies have done worse.”
This was just a bad situation. I really hate that Sheridan reacted like that but Mona was being intentionally inflammatory and looking for a reaction. But I don’t believe it was any friend with the way Bree Bailey was smirking.”
There are shots of a nice casino. The view then switched to show a private room with a few tables, workers, and servers.
They hold champagne on trays. Sheridan and Jac are the first to walk into the room, they have their arms linked.
Jac: “Thank you!” She grabs a flute of champagne.
Sheridan: “This should be…fun.” She shakes her head at the server. “No thank you, I’m good.”
“This is how you SnapBack, baby! I had a IV drip in my room and I’m good to go tonight. Serving prettiest bitch in the room.”
Jac: “You’ve got this.” She whispers to Sheridan.
Sheridan: “Classy fun, Jac! Classy fun!” She forces a smile.
Victoria is next to enter. She grabs her drink and heads over to sit at a table with Jac and Sheridan.
Sheridan: “Beautiful, Victoria!”
Yvonne: “This fur is to die for!” She taps Victoria.
Victoria: “Thank ya, honies!” She smiles and takes a seat.
Grace and Mona enter the room together. They take the champagne but stand by the servers; not going near Sheridan, Jac, and Victoria.
“After everything that happened this morning with Sheridan’s almost violent reaction, I don’t feel like being here. But I need to forget about that and focus on having fun.”
Bree walks in by herself, she’s texting on her phone but stops for the drink.
Bree: “Thank you!”
We get a shot of Victoria raising her eyebrow and then turning to Sheridan; the girls snicker.
“Why am I seeing a mammal enter a casino?”
The camera goes back and follows Bree as she joins Grace and Mona.
Bree: “Oh, I was just texting Monsè. She told me she won’t be here tonight. She’s not feeling well.”
Mona: “Damn. Well — Grace, Bree, you want to go play some roulette with me?”
Bree: “Yes, please!”
Grace: “Let’s play!”
Mona: “Yessss let’s win some monaaaay!”
Mona, Bree, and Grace walk over to the roulette table. The camera pans to show Sheridan watching the group.
“Grace Faroe is the fakest old lady I’ve ever met, but I won’t be giving her the moment she’s reaching for.”
Yvonne and Lorelei walk in together. They approach Sheridan, Jac, and Victoria.
Lorelei: “Hi ladies!”
Sheridan: “Hey Lorelei! Hey Yvonne! Welcome to my casino party!”
Lorelei: “Thank you! Let’s have some fun!” She smiles and takes a seat.
Jac: “Ok girls, whose ready to win some money?”
Sheridan: “I’m always ready to win!”
Victoria: “Jac how much we talking about?”
“Of course I’m embarrassed that I let Mona get me to the point of almost choking her out. I won’t be drinking anything tonight because I do not want the girls to start a rumor that I have a drinking problem like Bree Bailey and her daughter.”
The camera pans back to Bree, Grace, and Mona at the roulette table.
Mona: “Alright gimme what I want dealer man!” She throws some chips down.
Grace laughs, then all the girls cheer when Mona wins some money.
“It’s absolutely best that we separate into two groups tonight, wouldn’t want Sheridan throwing a stack of poker chips or something at me.”
Yvonne joins the table of ‘Wives playing roulette.
Yvonne: “Hey ladies, what do we have going on here?” She sips her champagne.
Grace: “Roulette. Want a go?”
Yvonne: “Sure, why not.”
The girls make room for her at the table.
Mona: “Hey Yvonne!”
“Yvonne… is being nice? Did the real Yvonne leave the trip early and she sent her clone tonight in her place? I’m confused… and wary.”
Bree turns to Yvonne.
Bree: “I haven’t seen you much on this trip…”
Yvonne: “You’ve probably been ignoring me.” She shrugs.
Bree: “Oh no I have not! I guess I was probably overwhelmed by the drama.” She giggles. “Let’s play some roulette now shall we?”
Yvonne: “Let’s do it, hun.” She turns to the server. “May I have another glass of champagne?”
“How refreshing to have a cordial relationship with Yvonne. It feels nice!”
Mona turns to Yvonne and whispers.
Mona: “Are you mad at me?”
Yvonne: “Why would I be mad at you? Have you been talking behind my back?” She raises an eyebrow.
Mona: “No I just know you didn’t like what happened earlier and I didn’t know if you were pissed at me over telling Sheridan. That’s all.”
Yvonne lets out a loud sigh.
Yvonne: “I’m just annoyed because I felt you did that out of nowhere and that you have an accomplice amongst the group. This can’t all be because of that comment you made about wanting war with Sheridan.”
Mona: “No no no not at all, that wasn’t a factor in this. I got the text literally a half hour before. I thought if I didn’t tell her she’d be pissed at me even more than if I did tell her right away.”
Yvonne: “At some point Mona, there’s a line between information and instigation.” She crosses her arms, champagne in hand.
Mona: “Yvonne, I was not intentionally instigating Sheridan. I’ve recently been through what she’s probably going through now. I understand that hurt!”
Yvonne: “I think you two need to squash this issue, it’s to the point where we can’t even find the root anymore.”
The scene switches back to Sheridan, Jac, Victoria, and Lorelei who are playing Black Jack.
Jac: “Sher, put some cards in! We’re starting.”
We see she is distracted; watching Yvonne and Mona talk.
“I’m watching Yvonne work the room with the stank ladies…like, why?”
Sheridan: “Oh, sorry!”
Victoria just throws some random chips in the middle of the table.
Victoria: “Am I supposed to do this?” She looks to the girls.
Lorelei: “Girl I don’t know how to play either…I still don’t understand.” She laughs.
Victoria: “Girl, I don’t know what I’m doing.” She laughs with Lorelei.
Sheridan: “Yes Vicky that’s how you do it!”
Victoria: “AM I WINNIN?? JACKPOT!” She stands up. “WOOHOO!”
Dealer: “Ma’am, you haven’t won.”
Victoria: “Oh?” She frowns and sits.
Sheridan: “Bitch, I thought you won.”
Victoria: “Hell, I did too!” She pouts and sits back down.
Jac turns to Sheridan for a chat.
Jac: “ We have to go over there at some point.” She nods at the roulette table. “We’re about to eat dinner together.”
Sheridan: “Fine…” She looks at Jac. “Let’s go over there.”
Victoria: “What’s over there?”
Sheridan: “Exactly.” She scoffs then stands up.
Jac, Victoria, Sheridan, and Lorelei all walk over to Yvonne, Mona, Bree, and Grace at the roulette table.
Jac: “Hello girls! How are we all going?” She sips her champs.
Victoria: “Looking racist as usual!” She looks Bree up and down.
Bree rolls her eyes.
“Aaaaand there goes the fun. We were having a good time and here comes the NBA hoe with her minions. But one thing about Sheridan she can sober up quickly! Today she was slurring, assaulting people, almost passing out and now she’s… completely fine! I’ve gotta give it to her, that’s pretty impressive!”
Sheridan: “Hey Grace Faroe, are you miserable? Ya look it tonight? Smile!” She smiles.
Grace: “I’m perfectly happy, Sheridan. How are you feeling? You seemed to have a little.. tantrum earlier, was it?”
Sheridan: “It’s called being drunk, Grace. You should know, Vivi loves a bottle.”
Grace: “Bitch.” She shakes her head.
Lorelei: “Oh Lord.” Her eyes widen and she digs in her purse.
Bree: “But seriously, It was scary! Are you doing okay Sheridan? I hope you’re not intoxicated right now.” She smiles.
Jac: “That’s enough, Bree.”
“I’m actually in a reasonable place with everyone, so I’m just hoping we can gamble, enjoy a nice meal and not strangle each other. That’s all I want. That’s where my expectations are people!”
Sheridan shakes her head, ignoring Bree.
Sheridan: “I do want to say.” She turns to Mona. “Mona, I’m sorry for almost getting physical with you. I shouldn’t have done that, I was wrong and I own it. I’m sorry.”
Victoria: “Should’ve rocked her world.” She mumbles.
Mona: “Thank you.” She nods at Sheridan.
“I will accept Sheridan’s apology obviously because I could tell how embarrassed she was over what she did. I will not forgive her for her past actions, but will put them aside for the rest of the trip.”
Jac: “Ok so do we think we can sit at a dinner table together and enjoy a meal?”
Sheridan: “I truly want this trip to be fun for us all, a good time and memorable moments of us having fun. Let’s table our bad feelings and feuds and enjoy ourselves. Vegas is fun.” She looks at the group. “What happens in Vegas…stays in Vegas!”
“So if I were to leap across this table and slap Bree then backhand Mona then headbutt Grace, would it not matter in BB considering what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?”
Lorelei: “Yes!” She claps. “Say it again, Sheridan!”
Jac: “That’s right! Vegas is fun!”
Mona: “I need some fun for a change, so I’m good with that.”
Bree: “Sure!” She rolls her eyes discreetly.
We see Grace watch skeptically, just sipping her drink.
“What a fucking hypocrite. You want this trip to be a good time? Stop throwing tantrums and starting shit!”
Jac: “Alright, can we eat? I’m starving!”
Sheridan: “Let’s get to dinner girls, I have a lovely one planned!”
Victoria: “Hopefully it’s not chicken there! You know my kind adores it.” She eyes Bree.
The scene fades as the ‘Wives head out of the private game room on their way to dinner.
Music plays as a fancy steakhouse in Vegas is shown.
The ‘Wives are lead to a large private room infront of a floor to ceiling wine wall.
They thank their host for seating them. Grace looks around subtly.
“This is the last night of the trip. I’m tired and I’m ready to go home. A lot of these women have gotten on my nerves. All I need to do is get through one more dinner… and invite them to my party of course.”
The door opens, and Monsè walks in.
Monsè: “Hello ladies!”
Mona squeals and jumps up, giving Monsè a hug.
Mona: “I thought you weren’t going to make it! You all good?”
Monsè: “Much better now! All that alcohol took me out today.” She giggles.
Bree: “Hey honey!”
Sheridan: “Monsè we missed you! We had fun at the casino! The Faroe spent all her coin but other than that it was fun!”
Grace rolls her eyes.
Monsè: “You guys better have won big! I’m ready for more drinks with dinner!”
Lorelei: “That part! Let’s drink and have fun tonight, ladies!”
The waiter comes out and takes the drink orders of the ‘Wives. After he is gone, Yvonne looks at the table.
Yvonne: “I talked with Jac and we want to play a game over dinner.”
Jac smiles, nodding her head eagerly.
Jac: “YES! Yvonne and I had a great healing and bonding session earlier today where she apologized and I forgave her and during this moment of forgiveness we decided it would be fun to play a game!”
Mona: “Yay! We love a good game.”
Grace: “I’d like to say something before we start.”
The women look to Grace.
Lorelei: “About?”
Sheridan: “Oh? Faroe, let’s play the game! Let’s have some fun before any negativity, okay Gracie?” She smiles.
Jac: “Calm down, my love.” She whispers to Sheridan.
“Faroe isn’t going to make my trip all negative before we have fun! Tonight is about fun! Okay!”
Grace: “No, it’s not bad.” She clears her throat. “Okay, so next week Vivian and I are throwing a party and we’d like to invite you all. Vivian’s organising it. The dress code is ‘Bond Girl/Hollywood Glamour’. I really hope you can all come.” She sips her drink.
Sheridan: “Oh okay, sure sounds like a good time.”
Yvonne: “I can’t wait.”
Lorelei: “Oooh, Hollywood Glamour? That sounds sexy! I’ll be there, honey.”
Mona: “I should be able to go!! Can’t wait!”
Monsè: “Another party, yay!”
Victoria: “Boring.”
“The side comments and tension at this table is astonishing. I don’t know how this group is going to be able to move on and get back to being friends. Majority of us seem to genuinely dislike each others company.” She laughs. “ I know I genuinely dislike seeing Yvonne and her brittle edges everyday.” She shrugs.
Jac: “I love it Grace! I’m practically the Denise Richards of the group, so I love the idea of a Bond Girl theme.”
Grace: “I can’t wait to see what you come up with.” She smiles at Jac.
Victoria: “Okay! Onto imperative things. What’s the game?”
Sheridan: “Yes please let’s start the game! I’m getting sleepy!”
“The Faroe always wants a moment and I’m paying her dust at dinner tonight.” She fakes a yawn. “BORING!”
“Sheridan’s trying to search for a moment every time I speak. Well, guess what? She’s not getting one. Sit there, cross your legs and look pretty, like you were paid to when you were sold on the black market.”
Jac: “Let’s! Okay, ladies I want to know if you were stranded on a deserted island, who out of these girls would you want to be stranded with and why?”
Yvonne: “I’ll go first.”
Jac: “Yes Yvonne!” She claps.
Yvonne: “I would want to be stuck on an island with Mona, surprisingly, because she’s a lot of fun and I trust that she wouldn’t kill me when we run out of food.”
Mona: “Yess, bitch. We’d have a kiki!” She laughs.
Monsè: “Aww, love to see you two being friendly!”
Lorelei makes a face of disintrest and looks at Mona, shaking her head.
Lorelei: “I’ll pray for you.” She mouths across the table.
Jac: “Love it! Okay, Mona, Now that Yvonne chose you — you have to go next and you can only pick a girl who hasn’t been picked!”
Mona: “I would take Monsè just because I’ve known her the longest and we’d have the most to talk about. She’s also like so athletic so she can do all the hard work while I lay on the beach!”
Monsè: “Girl, not you making me do all the work!” She laughs.
Victoria: “Something a lazy bitch would say…” She mumbles.
“If the question was who would I not want on a deserted island with; I’d choose Victoria — Do I even need to say? It’s because she’s annoying as fuck.”
The ladies thank the crew of waiters that bring out their steaks and sides, they marvel at the beautiful meal.
Jac: “Let’s keep it going! We can eat and talk!” She begins cutting into her steak. “Okay Monsè, I think you’re next!”
Monsè: “Hmmm, if I had to pick someone… I would take Lorelei. That bitch knows how to make any situation fun and I know we’d be shaking ass together even if we were starving to death.”
Mona and Grace both laugh.
Mona: “And Lorelei’s got alot of ass to shake.” She sips her drink.
Yvonne: “Until it drops.” She mumbles, Victoria cracks a smile.
Lorelei: “Period!”
“Monsè, Monsè, girl — Don’t tempt me with a good time!” She fans herself.
Jac: “Excuse me! I too have a big booty.” She stands up and shows her flat backside. “See!”
Mona: “Girl, there’s nothing there!”
Victoria: “Okay flatback! I see you sista!” She munches on her steak. “You gone put me and Lorelei out of business honey!”
Jac: “I’m built like a capital P!” She laughs and sits back down.
Sheridan: “You girls are something else!”
Jac: “Miss Lorelei, you’re next.”
Lorelei: “I would choose… this may be a shock to some of you. I’d choose Sheridan.” She nods. “She is resourceful and I believe that if we were stranded, she’d find a way to get us out of it.”
Sheridan: “ I love that! Resourceful! Such a compliment Lorelei, awwww!!” She blows her a kiss.
Jac: “She’d scream bloody murder until people on the island 45 miles away heard.”
Sheridan: “Oh, hush, Jac!”
“Sheridan is smart. I mean, I know I used to call her all kinds of dumb bitches and hoes, BUT, she’s college educated. That education gotta be useful in a situation like that. I’d hope.” She shrugs.
Jac: “Okay, you’re next, lover!” She taps Sheridan’s hand.
Sheridan: “Okay okay, my turn! Well my choices are Jac, Victoria, and uh the Faroe so obviously not the Faroe because I don’t want to be suicidal…”
Grace sips her water.
“Funny how nobody has said Grace’s name. Would they rather be on a island with a flare and water than with her and her unprecedented ability to deny accurate parenthood?”
Sheridan: “Jac and I would end up killing each other…so definitely Victoria! We would have a lot of fun, and still probably die but hell at least we will die living our best lives!”
Lorelei: “Whew! I was hungry!” She cuts up the last of her steak.
Yvonne: “How was your pasta, Sheridan?”
Sheridan: “Delicious, I must say! I’m getting full. Anyone want a noodle?” She looks around the table.
Grace: “Choke on it, bitch.” She mumbles.
Yvonne: “Grace, that’s not nice.” She cuts her eyes to her. “That wasn’t as much of a mumble as you thought it was.”
Sheridan: “Wait, what was that Yvonne?”
Grace glares at Yvonne.
Jac: “Yeah — These little side comments aren’t necessary! I’ve worked hard on putting this game together!”
Grace just shrugs unapologetically.
Yvonne: “Grace, I think you should put your thoughts out on the table with Victoria and Sheridan.” She sips her wine. “Instead of mumbling those things, that’s not helping us get to unity as a group.”
Victoria: “She can put together a thought?”
Grace: “And I think you should mind your own business. We’re not in a place where you can tell me what to do.” She looks at Yvonne.
Mona: “Wait, Grace what did you say?”
Victoria: “Uhmmm…”
Sheridan: “Yeah it’s clear Grace has an issue she made up out of nowhere with me. I guess because I’m the only woman at the table who gave her a moment.” She smiles and flips her hair.
“Grace is not memorable. When people think of Beverly Beach, the only way they’ll ever remember Grace Faroe is me cussing her out in New Orleans in that van. Facts, baby.”
Monsè: “Why don’t we finish the game? We’re having so much fun ladies!”
Victoria: “Yes, Monsè! I think it was my turn? I would pick Grace to go with me to a deserted island. With her limited brain cells, I’m sure I can trick her into being bait for the ASPCA.”
Grace: “Shut the fuck up!” She snaps her head at Victoria.
Mona: “OH!” She gasps. “Not shut the fuck up!”
Victoria: “Are you upset, Whoremonger?” She cocks her head.
Grace: “You know exactly why I’m upset with you. Don’t even GO there.”
Sheridan: “Grace relax! Victoria doesn’t deserve that energy.”
Lorelei: “ Oh lord. Well, that was a record. 10 minutes of us getting along.” She rolls her eyes.
Mona and Monsè look at one another.
“I was for a peaceful dinner but I’ll watch Grace eat up Victoria any day, Get her Grace, get her!”
Victoria: “I don’t know why you’re upset with me, I don’t care that much about you.” She shrugs at Grace. “But do tell!” She munches on some green beans.
Grace: “You attack other people’s families. You make up rumors about them. You know exactly what you’ve been doing.” She points to Victoria.
Jac: “What is she talking about?” She turns to Mona.
Yvonne: “Who’s family did you attack?” She turns to Victoria quickly.
Lorelei: “Wait, ya. Who’s family did she attack, Grace?” She looks at her confused.
Victoria: “It’s not a rumor when you don’t know who you sperm you allowed to produce your child, darling.” She nods at Grace. “I’d consider it a fact.”
Grace stands up quickly and points at Victoria again, getting closer to her face. Bystanders watch.
Grace: “Okay, what you will NOT do is ever bring up my children, okay? Do you hear me?!”
Sheridan: “Girl, sit down!”
Victoria: “If you don’t sit your old ass down…”
Grace turns her attention to Sheridan, now pointing towards her face.
Grace: “Shut up! Just shut up!”
Victoria: “Those wrinkles are forming!” She makes a face of disgust and surprise at Grace yelling.
Sheridan just turns to Victoria.
Sheridan: “Victoria, please IGNORE her! This bitch wants a moment!” She laughs.
Grace is still standing, irate. She goes back to yelling at Victoria.
Grace: “You keep my daughter’s name out of your mouth! I will sue you for your life savings and give them to the dog shelter, bitch!”
Victoria: “Grace if you point that thin ass cigarette you call a finger at me one more mother fucking time!” She balls her fists on the table.
Sheridan: “Where is the decorum, Faroe?! Sit!!!”
Grace: “You shut your mouth, whore. I’ll get to you later!”
Mona lets out a laugh.
Victoria: “I will WHIP your ass, you old hag!” She glares at Grace. “You’re gonna need some fucking Grace when I finish with you!”
Grace leans in, people stare.
Grace: “Do it! Show them who you really are, Victoria! We’re all listening! We’re all watching! We’re all waiting!”
“I’m not afraid of Victoria. She wants to try and whoop my ass? Come on, see how far you get.”
Jac: “No, no, no, no, no!” She holds her hands up.
Lorelei: “Ladies, come on. Let’s have some class. We’re in a nice establishment. We were doing so well! Put this to rest until we get back home.”
Monsè: “Dear Lord, I’m too sober for this again.” She puts her head in her hands.
Lorelei: “Nobody is whooping anyone’s ass! This is disgusting! This is low budget behavior. What is wrong with you two?” She looks between Grace and Victoria.
Victoria stands up, clearly heated.
Victoria: “Excuse me, I’m going to the bathroom.”
The cameraman follows Victoria as she heads to the bathroom, she talks to herself.
Victoria: “I’ll headbutt that stupid bitch.” She flings open the bathroom door.
“Grace if you put as half the amount of effort you just put into getting your wobble back ass up out of that seat and walking into the nearest clinic and finding out who’s the papi of that baby, you’d get somewhere!”
Back at the table, Sheridan looks to Grace.
Sheridan: “Grace, it’s time for you to go! You’re excused from dinner, leave my dinner now!” She shakes her head. “Go to sleep Grace, and let’s try this again tomorrow. Your blood pressure is through the roof.”
Grace: “Happily. I guess nobody wants to hear what I have to say about Sheridan’s underhand tactics. YOU — “ She points to Sheridan “Have been going behind my back and talking about MY family! Fuck YOU!”
The restaurant goes silent after Grace screams, she grabs her purse and everyone watches her walk out.
Grace: “I’m fucking done!”
Sheridan: “Bye girl! God — “ She looks around. “Who wants desert?”
Jac gets up now as well.
Jac: “I need…I need a break. You girls keep doing this!” She begins walking off. “These fucking morons can’t enjoy a single thing.”
“This group is broken and I’ll say that all the kings horses and all the kings men, can’t put us back together again.”
In the lobby of the casino, Grace holds her hands up to avoid the camera. She is yelling at a Producer.
Grace: “Get me out of here NOW! Get me a car and let me be gone. I don’t care. Get me out NOW! People do NOT attack my family. My family is off fucking LIMITS!”
The casino security now is seen walking over. Back inside the restaurant, the remaining girls sit.
Mona: “Well, another night ruined.”
Yvonne: “That was strange. Has someone been in Grace’s ear saying that Sheridan and Victoria have talked badly about her family?”
Sheridan: “I don’t know, but I think I can hear her yelling outside!” She looks out the restraunt entrance. “She’s going to get us kicked out. I’m embarrassed!!!”
Yvonne: “This is very humiliating. She was saying that she hopes you choke on your pasta…” She looks to Sheridan. “When I tried to spark a grown woman conversation, it flies off the rails!”
“I had to pull some strings to get us into this fabulous arrangement. The Faroe will have to stay over at the palms for the rest of the trip so we don’t risk getting removed or ruining my great reputation.”
The camera pans to Lorelei who is finishing the last bit of her lobster.
Lorelei: “This is absolutely fabulous! Who made this?! Scrumptious.” She drinks, not paying attention to the conversation at the table.
Yvonne: “We’re not having fun anymore girls! That has to change.”
Sheridan: “The Faroe is very fake and realized she’s been asleep for months, so it’s par for the course. She does this bullshit every season.”
Victoria returns to the table from the bathroom.
Victoria: “I apologize for what I just did.”
“I am upset with myself that I allowed her to bring me out of my character. I’ve worked to hard for my image to allow someone such as her to disrespect me. Respectfully…Fuck her!”
Sheridan: “It’s okay — It happens. It’s just, i’m so tired girls. This group has a dark energy.”
Lorelei is seen nodding.
“This group is broken. There’s nothing that can possibly fix it. Not even… Jesus himself. Well…Jesus could probably fix us! He could.” She nods. “Let’s go to church!”
Lorelei: “Shall we?” She starts getting up.
All of the other ‘Wives follow suit, gathering their things.
Yvonne: “Sheridan, let’s go play the Wii in my room. Jac, Lorelei, Victoria, you’re welcome to come.”
Victoria: “We dancing?” She raises an eyebrow. “LETS PLAY JUST DANCE!”
The episode ends as the rest of the women walk out of the steakhouse.