[S7E13]: Highway to Hell
Music starts and the episode opens with shots of Beverly Beach. Around the city, the ‘Wives are going about their lives; Mona is seen walking into her lawyers office, Yvonne is at her art gallery office, Bree is at home making lemonade with her daughter Blake, Lorelei and Xavier are at a doctors visit with their surrogate, and Grace is going over new designs in her House of Faroe office. Eventually, the camera lands on a beautiful, quaint tea garden. The camera follows Monsè as she takes a seat outside.
Waiter: “I can bring you out some hot water and tea bags in a minute.”
Monsè: “Perfect!” She smiles.
Moments later, we see Sheridan walk up to the tea garden. She takes off her sunglasses and approaches Monsè’s table.
Sheridan: “Hey gorgeous! Love that color and the length!” She laughs and takes a seat.
We see Monsè set down her phone and smiles.
“All of this tension with Sheridan started over some really petty drama, and I can tell we’re both over it. It’s to time to nip things in the bud without an audience so hopefully we can move forward and bring the group back together.”
Monsè: “Hey doll! Thank you, loving this blue. I ordered us some tea. I thought it’d be a good idea to start with some relaxing vibes.”
Sheridan: “Tea sounds delightful!” She smiles.
The waiter brings out a kettle of tea, a box of tea bags, and two cups for Sheridan and Monsè; they thank him.
Monsè: “So…” She begins pouring herself some hot water. “I’m glad we’re finally meeting up. I feel like there’s been a lot of little tensions building up into something way bigger than it needs to be, and I’m tired girl!”
Sheridan nods.
Sheridan: “I’m tired too. I don’t understand where all the hatred is coming from — truly.” She sips her tea.
Monsè pauses for a second, then sighs.
Monsè: “Well, I wouldn’t say hatred, but I’ve just seen some things that didn’t sit right with me. After the whole ‘Dream Team’ mess it just felt like you were trying to start something with me out of nowhere. Like, I had your back last year.”
Sheridan: “Monsè — I thought we got past that issue though? I moved on after we spoke at Bell Camp. Then all of a sudden in Bali I am being attacked by you, Bree, and Mona after I had thought we were in a good place.”
“The gang up in Bali kind of proved my point regarding their Dream Team alliance. they screamed at me calling me a bully then proceeded to bully me. You really can’t make this up.”
Monsè: “We did get past the the issue! But, felt like it showed your true colors and I started to notice it with other ladies in the group. You came for Mona, you came for Bree. Both ladies who needed are support and it felt like you were trying to tear them down. And why? I was just standing up for what was right” She shrugs.
Sheridan: “What was ‘right’?” She laughs. “My issues with Mona are just that — my issues with Mona. They don’t involve you.”
Monsè: “We all get into each other’s drama, though. Should we stay quiet sometimes? Sure, but I won’t apologize for sticking up for my friend.”
Sheridan: “Anyways, my issues with Bree stem from everything she’s done to this group. She’s been vile to me, Grace, and I’m not going to even get started on what she said about Victoria. You know deep down what she did was not right — Monsè. I can’t believe you girls chose to shift the focus to me calling her out versus what she actually said. It’s not right!”
“Am I the most innocent girl in Beverly Beach? Hell no! Do my words sting and sometimes make me seem like a bitch? Absolutely! But I am not wrong in calling out someone who used micro aggressive rhetoric towards a cast member and these women will not shift narratives towards me when they know what was said was wrong.”
Monsè bites her lip and then lets out a sigh.
Monsè: “With Bree… I’m not going to back pedal and talk about what she’s said. It was wrong, she shouldn’t have said it, but I feel like you saw a chance to get back at her and use it to tear her down in the media by blowing it out of proportion. And by the way, you’re the one constantly dragging us into it on Twitter…”
Monsè: “ So if you want to talk about staying out of each other’s problems, let’s start there.”
“I’m not some mean girl, I’m not attacking her out of nowhere. Her words hurt people and she needs to acknowledge it!”
Sheridan: “It’s on Twitter because the majority of you did not care to hold her accountable. I want you to think about something Monsè…”
We get a shot of Monsè as she sips her tea, listening to Sheridan.
Sheridan: “I want you to think about how you look in all of this. Remaining silent and sticking by that woman’s side — just think of the ramifications for your businesses and just the hate you’re going to get online when people see you giving a pass to someone who called a black woman a number of offensive terms and you chose to focus more on your cast member who held her accountable and paint that cast member out to be a villain.”
Sheridan: “Wake up Monsè. Please, I beg of you to step back and really think about all of this.”
“I care about Monsè. She was there for me last year and I do think the other girls have influenced her to be apart of this hate train towards me. I just hope she can really just listen because what I’m saying is coming from a good place of care.”
Monsè: “Just because we’re not smearing her name in public doesn’t mean we aren’t holding her accountable. We talked through it, we’ve explained why it’s wrong, and it’s up to her to learn now. I’m not her babysitter and it’s not my responsibility to change her. I’ve done my part, and it’s my choice whether to move on. If people don’t like that, then that’s on them.”
We see Sheridan raise her eyebrow slightly, then pour herself some more tea.
Monsè: “This is my whole point, any issues I’ve had with you this year are all a result of other people’s drama. I mean, this whole conversation has just been about what’s going on with Bree and Mona. I get that you’re worried about the public perception of how I’ve chosen to handle everything, but I think it’s best if we just agree to disagree. We shouldn’t be letting other people get in the way of what I thought was going to be a good friendship.” She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.
“I really had a soft spot for Sheridan last year. There’s some things that we’re never going to see eye to eye on, but when we leave out other people, there’s really no issues there. I think it’s time to just start fresh and move on.”
Sheridan: “No, I agree.” She nods. “But, I can’t continue to be cool with you in all spaces that don’t involve Mona and Bree — I need you to respectfully stay out of our issues because it’s confusing. You’re cool with me in all spaces that don’t involve them so I get like whiplash from the switch ups.” She laughs.
Monsè: “I get it, I’m a loyal bitch when it comes to my girls, so I apologize for getting out of pocket with you.”
Sheridan: “Thank you. You know, we have a good time and then when they are there you’re screaming at me calling me a mean girl…”
“Maybe one day she’ll defend me like she defends those loud and wrong bitches.” She laughs. “She was so close to being on the winning team last year. It’s not too late to course correct Monsè.”
Sheridan: “Can we just squash all of that and move forward with not involving ourselves in issues with others?”
Monsè: “I’m with you! I think we just need to focus on repairing the friendship. No more side comments, from both of us.”
Sheridan: “Deal! Now give me a hug, bitch!”
The ladies laugh and stand up, embracing one another. We get one more wide shot of the tea garden before the scene ends.
The camera pans around Yvonne’s art gallery as businesswomen gather and examine some work. Yvonne is seen mingling with them.
“Today, I’m hosting a Sip and Paint event in the community studio at my art gallery for business women in Beverly Beach to Network with each other. I invited all of the women in the group but have only heard from a few that they’ll be here. Hopefully, they know this is a classy party and not one of the trashy events that have plagued Beverly Beach since the nobodies became somebodies.”
Grace enters Yvonne’s gallery and looks around, smiling at someone she recognizes.
Grace: “Ariana! So nice to see you, I’ll see you next week at the Women in Business lunch? Perfect.” She smiles and walks into the gallery more, spotting Yvonne. “Aha!”
“I knew Yvonne was hosting a Sip and Paint event at her gallery today so I wanted to show up in support of her. We’re not in the greatest place right now but I don’t want our friendship to end. In all honesty, I’m worried about her.”
Yvonne turns around as Grace approaches.
Yvonne: “Hi Grace, I’m so glad you could make it.”
Grace: “Of course, this is all very nice.”
Yvonne: “Thank you. I want this room renovated. Teddy made it so claustrophobic and ugly. That’s what I get for letting a man have some choice.” She chuckles and sips from her wine.
The camera pans to show Jac entering.
Jac: “Oh wow. It’s much smaller than I thought it would be.” She mutters to herself and looks around.
“I haven’t seen Yvonne since she disrespected my husband and I at couples night, so when I received an invite to her little Paint and Sip event I was perplexed. But here I am…good ole Jacqueline ready to be the bigger person. Let’s hope this lady apologizes to me because the last thing I want is for her to end up being drenched in this paint.”
The camera follows Jac to the small bar set up in the corner.
Jac: “Hello Sir! I’m assuming it’s an open bar? Perfect. Can I please get a very dirty Grey Goose martini? Can you please bring it over to me? I’ll be standing over there with those ladies.” She points to Grace and Yvonne chatting. “Thank you, lovey.” She walks over.
Yvonne and Grace notice Jac coming over, Grace smiles but Yvonne lets out a little huff of air, but maintaining a poker face.
Jac: “Hi girls!” She only gives Grace a kiss on the cheek then looks Yvonne up and down.
Grace: “Love the dress, Jac!”
Jac: “Thank you! You look great, Grace.” She turns to Yvonne. “You look nice Yvonne. Love the green pants!”
Yvonne: “Thank you, I love your…sleeves.” She smiles.
Jac: “Thanks…” The bartender brings over her drink. “Oh, so there are only plastic cups?”
Bartender: “Yes, Ma’am.”
Jac: “That’s okay. It’ll have to do.” She scoffs then turns back to Yvonne and Grace.
We get a shot of Yvonne rolling her eyes.
“Jacqueline comes over here trying to give me the cold shoulder. Thankfully, I’m wearing long sleeves and long pants — I wasn’t looking for any warmth from her cold blood anyway.”
Yvonne: “Excuse me for a second, ladies. I’m going to get everyone situated for the Paint and Sip event, but why don’t you two stay behind in the main gallery so we can talk for a second.”
Yvonne walks off to be infront of the women in the gallery.
Yvonne: “Ladies, we have set up the Sip and Paint in our Common Studio over here, so if you’ll follow me, we will get started.”
Yvonne leads the businesswomen to an adjacent room where easels are set up and bottles of wine are at every table, there is also a bartender in the corner of this room. We get shots of the attendees getting more drinks and beginning to paint the nude, male model. Yvonne makes her way back out to Grace and Jac.
Grace: “You’re back!”
Yvonne: “Yes, let’s try to get in there soon. The model is quite handsome.” She grins. “The reason why I wanted to talk to you two; I don’t like the awkward stuff so I’ll just say it since you two won’t. I’m not really on good terms with either of you.”
Grace and Jac exchange looks.
Grace: “Yeah, you’re right.”
Jac: “I think we both agree.” She sips her martini and nods in agreement.
Yvonne turns to Jac.
Yvonne: “Jac, I am sorry for bringing Morgan to your home and causing a bunch of ruckus amongst the table. It was not my intention to disrespect the event you obviously paid a good amount to have catered and prepared.”
Jac listens to Yvonne.
Yvonne: “I also know you probably didn’t like my comments toward you before I left. I can apologize for that as well but… I think you owe me an apology for trying to make me feel uncomfortable at an event you extended an invitation for.”
Jac: “Hmmm, well I appreciate the apology Yvonne but for me the disrespect was more surrounding your comments about my husband and I renting. I’m not sure if you know just how wealthy Beau’s family are. We don’t need to rent. We’ve owned many homes all over the world, so remarks like that attack the integrity and social standing of a very influential family. It’s like if I came up here and made comments about whether you lease this art gallery or not. That’s not information I know and it’s not something I would just blurt out. It’s disrespectful, it’s classless and it’s uninformed.” She shrugs.
We see Yvonne take it in, nodding.
“I think it’s classless to make a temporary move to a new city just to make some appearances on a show, but I’ve kept that to myself. If her issue is an offhand comment about renting, then she’s as shallow as I’d expect her kind to be.”
“You know…blondes.”
Yvonne: “So you don’t rent the place?”
Grace makes a face and Jac looks offended.
Jac: “Absolutely not. Would you like to see the Contract of Sale? It’s documentation that I can have forwarded to you if you’d like.”
Yvonne: “I would love to see that documentation. Matter of fact, I wish Victoria was here since this is her area of expertise.”
Jac: “I’ll be more than happy to get that sent over to you.” She flips her hair. “Ultimately, my piece of advice to you is to keep your mouth shut about other people and their finances because then you open the door to people digging into you and your shit and I don’t think that’s what you want.”
Grace bites her lip and Yvonne bursts out laughing.
Yvonne: “Right.” She cocks her head at Jac. “So is this an apology or are you just going to keep making veiled threats?”
Jac: “I’m more than willing to accept your apology and move on. I’m here to support you as you Paint and Sip and that’s where I am. I hope that’s sufficient.” She shrugs.
“My problem with Charlie Brown over here is that she’s making unintelligent, unfounded and baseless remarks about my family and I. I know she gets an adrenaline rush from this kind of stuff but I’m most certainly not the one. Let her get off with Morgan Sullivan, not me.”
Yvonne just rolls her eyes, turning to Grace.
Yvonne: “So what about you? How do we move on? Is Vivian ready to apologize?”
Grace: “Yvonne, my olive branch was the other day but you chose to walk out and walk away. I was ready to move on the other day.”
Yvonne: “How do I move on with you when you’re basically condoning your girlfriend to make disparaging remarks about me?” She looks confused. “That’s not a friend, Grace, and I’m sure even Jac here would agree.”
The camera pans to Jac who remains silent and finishes her drink.
“Right now, I’m just struggling to breathe the same air as this woman at this point so I’m certainly not getting involved in this.”
Grace: “I never said I condoned what Vivian said, now you’re putting words in my mouth. I’m not responsible for her actions or what she says. I’ve made that perfectly clear to you.”
Yvonne: “I’m not asking for that but you haven’t made any effort to bridge the gap there. If Horace or Morgan accused you of abusing a substance, would you be okay with my silence?” She stares at Grace. “Tell me that.”
Grace: “Yvonne, I think you’re overreacting to this whole thing. You know Vivian, she didn’t mean any harm in what she said. In fact, we’re both actually worried about you.”
Yvonne: “Worried about what, exactly?” She raises an eyebrow.
Grace: “You! We’re worried about you!”
We see Jac nodding along.
Jac: “Your behavior has been diffrent, Yvonne! We get that you’ve found love but to torch every relationship in your path doesn’t seem helpful. It seems destructive.”
Yvonne: “Jac, you have acted like you didn’t want a relationship with me since the day we met. I don’t destroy my relationships, people destroy them with me by acting like buffoons.” She waves her hand dismissively.
Jac looks at Yvonne shocked.
Jac: “What are you talking about? I was the one in that those Bali Springs wishing you nothing but the best when you told us about Morgan. I’ve only ever had your back.”
Yvonne: “If you were so supportive, you didn’t show it at your dinner. You were over there rubbing the shoulders of a woman who cheated on her husband with his son! When does this group get real about things? I mean seriously, do you not see how two-faced you come across?”
“You know that saying, ‘Pride cometh before the fall’? What we’re witnessing right now is the start of Yvonne’s fall.”
We get a cool shot of Yvonne, Jac, and Grace through the big glass windows of the gallery out front. Back inside, they continue their conversation.
Grace: “You want know something, Yvonne? I pity the fact that you don’t see that I’m the one in this group who TRULY has your back, I really do. It upsets me that you can’t see that and you’re wanting to fight over such stupid things.” She looks to Yvonne, a bit emotional.
“I am the realest friend in our group that Yvonne has. I’ve been there for her and I’ve stood up for her. I’ve defended her when I shouldn’t have. That is a real friend.”
Yvonne: “And do I owe you for honoring a friendship of multiple decades, Grace? You should stick up for me when people are assassinating my character. I’ve done it for you multiple times.” She gives Grace a nasty look.
Grace: “I have stuck up for you! How dare you question my loyalty!”
Yvonne: “Nothing I just said questioned your loyalty. Don’t grasp for straws, there are multiple over there at the bar.” She motions.
“When Grace married her ex-husband, there were several rumors about their relationship including infidelity, potential bankruptcy, and other turmoil. I defended Grace. When Grace revealed that she was a bisexual woman, I defended her.”
Grace just puts her hands up in defeat.
Grace: “I honestly don’t know how to talk to you anymore. It’s like talking to a brick wall.”
Yvonne just crosses her arms.
Jac: “I actually think it might be time for us to leave, Grace. She’s not getting it and she won’t ever get it.”
Grace: “I agree.”
Yvonne: “Then leave. Don’t let the door hit you where the Good Lord in Heaven split you.” She smirks.
Jac: “Let’s get out of here. The art looks like something painted by a toddler anyway!” She looks around in disgust.
Yvonne: “Have a nice day. The both of you. And I mean that.”
Grace just shakes her head disappointingly before walking out with Jac.
“It’s sad that it came to this. But… she’s not the same person anymore. I don’t know what else I can say or do.”
The camera follows Yvonne as she goes back in the adjacent room where the Sip and Paint is taking place. The nude model is posing and Yvonne takes a seat at one of the back stations, next to a colleague.
Yvonne: “Okay, we’ve had a few people exit, but more drinks for us.” She chuckles and begins painting.
We see Sheridan’s beautiful house right on the beach. Inside, she is bringing multiple cases of luggage to her foyer.
Sheridan: “I think I have everything…”
“It’s time for my oh so fabulous girls trip to Vegas! The girls need some fun amidst all the negativity Bree has brought to the group so I have planned a fab getaway to Vegas.”
“Didn’t I have to?”
Outside, Yvonne and Monsè are seen getting out of a car. The driver helps unload their luggage and they bring it with them to Sheridan’s door.
Yvonne: “Knock, knock! Let us in!”
Sheridan opens the door and walk outside.
Sheridan: “OH HELLO LADIES! THE PARTY GIRLS ARE HERE!” She shakes her tits. “WOOHOO!”
Yvonne: “Yesss, if Monsè will let loose.” She glances over.
Monsè: “Of course I’m ready to party!” She shakes her chest too, laughing.
Yvonne: “Those are some itty bitty titties, what’s shaking? You have tissue under there?”
The three ‘Wives laugh.
“As of right now, Monse and Sheridan are some of the only women I’m not at odds with. Funny enough, they’re probably the least problematic of the group too so go figure.”
Sheridan, Yvonne, and Monsè all turn to look as they hear a car door close. Grace is shown getting out of a vehicle with some luggage.
Grace: “Hi, everyone! Lovely day isn’t it?” She smiles and begins walking towards them.
Monsè: “Gracie!” She hugs her. “This better be the most covered up I see you on this trip.” She chuckles.
Sheridan: “Right, it’s hot on Beverly Beach, you’re not hot?”
The ladies all chit chat on Sheridan’s porch as they wait for everyone. Bree and Lorelei get out of a car together and approach the group.
Lorelei: “Hello, hello ladies!” She hugs everyone, except Yvonne.
Bree: “Hello.”
“So today we’re all meeting at Sheridan’s house for some sort of surprise I guess? I’m not really that happy about seeing Sheridan but I figured this would be the perfect chance to finally talk to her and address some issues.”
Sheridan: “Oh hello women nice to see you all here pretty in pink are you ready for Vegas?!” She forces a fake smile.
Lorelei: “Yes!! I love Vegas! I’m ready to have fun and let loose!”
Yvonne: “You should’ve saved this outfit for Vegas, Bree.”
Bree: “Don’t worry Yvonne, I have better outfits for Vegas!”
All of the sudden we hear a big horn; *BEEP* *BEEEEEEEEEP* *BEEP* *BEEPBEEP*
The girls all turn around in shock to see what is pulling into Sheridan’s drive.
Sheridan: “SURPRISEEEEE KIKIKI!” She screams.
We see a large RV pulling up and the ‘Wives looking at it in confusion.
Sheridan: “Instead of a plane; I’ve arranged for a old school fun girl ROAD TRIP!”
Monsè: “Oh, helllll no.”
Yvonne: “You got a family van for us? It better be luxurious.”
“So… we’re driving to Vegas on this little camper? Okay, whatever.”
Sheridan: “Not a family van, it’s a luxury RV and I have it loaded with booze!” She looks to Bree. “I know y’all love to booze.”
Lorelei: “It’s cute! I’m not complaining. Thank you, Sher! How fun!” She watches the RV as it parks.
Bree: “Well as long as we get there I’m good! And it looks… new!”
Monsè: “Girl what happened to the plane?” She turns to Sheridan.
Sheridan: “I thought it would be something fun and new for us! But let’s go ahead and get on the bus!” She points.
“Look, I’m all for some group bonding, but 4 hours in a bus? Not for me. Let me call my pilot real quick.”
Yvonne: “All hell will break loose in there…” She mumbles to Monsè.
Monsè: “She better break out the champagne early. We’re gonna need it.”
Yvonne: “We don’t need any empty bottles. Some of these ladies are a bit ghetto.”
The ‘Wives all head to the RV and begin getting on as the driver loads their luggage into the bottom. Lorelei is the first on and she looks around the interior.
Lorelei: “This is cute! Let’s hope we all play nice on here. It’s not that big of a space to be fussing and fighting, girls!”
The women all get situated in the seating areas on the RV. When the RV begins driving, Sheridan immediately pops open a bottle of champagne.
Sheridan: “Bottoms up, girlies!” She begins handing out glasses.
Bree: “We’re drinking already?” She raises an eyebrow.
Sheridan: “Yes, this girls trip is about FUN!”
Lorelei: “I’m down to drink! It’s Vegas, bitchesssss! Monsè, pour me some!” She laughs.
“To be on this bus for a few hours with these crazy bitches… I wanna be drunk. If I’m drunk, they’ll appear more fun to me.”
Sheridan: “Victoria and Jac will be joining us tomorrow.” She looks to the ladies.
Bree: “Mona’s got some stuff to do, she texted me when I was in the car. She’s going to try to come tomorrow.”
Sheridan: “Oh yeah and Mona; almost forgot that one.” She smiles.
Yvonne: “Is she filming her movie?” She looks up from pouring herself a glass.
Sheridan: “No, is she was Monsè would be there.”
Bree: “I think she’s done with this movie, it’s supposed to premiere in like a month, right?” She looks to Monsè.
Sheridan: “I haven’t seen any promotion!”
Monsè crosses her legs and nods.
Monsè: “Yes, the premiere is coming up soon! We’re keeping the marketing budget low, though Sheridan. We think the big names will be enough to bring people in.”
Sheridan: “Oh that’s cute! There are some big names and Mona appeals to the older women who watch Hallmark and Lifetime!”
Sheridan grabs a remote and turns on the TV in the RV. She begins to AirPlay her phone to display it on the screen.
Sheridan: “Girls, let me go ahead and show you your villas!”
The ‘Wives turn their attention to the TV.
Sheridan: “Monse, Jac, and I will be staying in the Caesar’s Palace Neptune Villa!”
Monsè: “Yassss! This is my type of vacation!”
“Maybe being on Sheridan’s good side does have its perks after all!”
Sheridan changes the picture to the next villas.
Sheridan: “Yvonne, Victoria, and Bree will be in the Claudius Villa!”
Yvonne: “Okay, I like them.”
Bree: “Oh, that looks good!”
“Seriously? Yvonne and Victoria?” She rolls her eyes. “Okay, soup.”
The next villa appears on the screen.
Sheridan: “So Lorelei, Mona, and Grace will have the Trojan Villa!”
Grace: “Not bad…” She sips her drink.
“ It’s… um… interesting. Certainly far from the best but it’s nice, I suppose. I mean, Sheridan is on Sheridan Campbell money. If she were on Grace Faroe money, then EVERYONE would be treated like royalty! Yesss!”
The camera pans to Lorelei who just blinks several times, showing no expression.
Sheridan: “Each of the villas are unique and have their own vibes! I hope you all enjoy the villas.” She looks to the group and smiles as they ride along.
Monsè: “Great choices Sher! This is definitely a step up from Prague!”
We get a shot as the driver drives the RV along the interstate, the ladies are now stopped in traffic. The RV ride seems a bit quiet, Lorelei clears her throat.
Lorelei: “I hope this trip can really be a good one for us all.” She looks around. “We need some fun, ever since the Bali healer I feel like everyone still isn’t getting along.”
Yvonne: “And who’s fault is that?” She raises an eyebrow.
Monsè: “Come on, ladies. We just got on the road, PLEASE don’t start.” She shakes her head.
Grace leans back and Sheridan flips her hair, leaning in to join the conversation.
Sheridan: “You know, I was so hopeful that the healer could bring us together but Bree continued to be hateful afterwards — I was sad about that…”
Bree makes a dramatic, taken aback look.
Bree: “I was hateful?!”
Sheridan: “Yes.” She nods. “I really tried to connect with you and even sent you flowers and it just didn’t work. Actions speak louder than words and Bree showed me who she is.” She shrugs and looks around.
Bree: “Actions speak louder than words? Are you serious right now Sheridan? Do you wanna go there?”
Lorelei sips her drink and her eyes widen.
Sheridan: “Bree — I tried to be in a good place with you; I truly believed your act with the healer but when we got back to Beverly Beach you insulted me after I sent you flowers.” She looks to Bree. “You proved you hadn’t changed and are the same person, the healer tears were all an act.”
Bree: “You tried to be in a good place with me? Are you out of your mind?” She leans forward, exacerbated. She looks to Lorelei.
Sheridan: “Mhm, yeah. That’s how I feel.” She shrugs.
Lorelei: “Oh Lord….”
“Bree and Sheridan are like never going to be friends. The two of them can’t stand each other and Sheridan’s always going to keep coming for Bree. Every time they’re together, it’ll be a bloodbath.”
Sheridan now turns all her attention to Bree, the ‘Wives watch.
Sheridan: “I’ve talked to multiple women here between Bali and the exchange we had after I sent you flowers about moving forward with you but how you acted showed me you’re just a cunt.”
Monsè covers her mouth in shock.
Lorelei: “Not a cunt!” She yelps. “Sher, that’s not nice… come on.” She shakes her head.
Sheridan: “No but it’s true!” She looks Bree up and down. “You have no redeeming qualities and aren’t someone I want to ever be friends with, Bree.”
Bree: “Everyone on this bus knows you’ve been going to the tabloids selling stories about me, about this show and about other people, you dumb slut!” She points to Sheridan. “Everyone is afraid to say it but now I’ve said it!”
Yvonne: “Who is everyone?” She makes a face and looks around, fanning herself.
Bree: “Who is everyone? Monsè knows it! Lorelei knows it! Mona fucking knows it!”
Lorelei: “Whew!” She chugs her drink.
The camera pans to a silent Monsè observing.
“Sheridan and I promised to keep our friendship separate from the other girls, so I’m staying quiet on this one. Not going to be dragged into it! Bree’s a big girl, she can handle Sheridan.”
Yvonne: “So, you. Lorelei, Mona, Monsè have been talking about Sheridan behind her back — “ She looks to Bree. “I thought Sheridan was getting to a good place with most of you.”
Sheridan chuckles.
Sheridan: “Have I sold stories? No? But I have expressed my frustration with the way you making micro-aggressive comments and doubling down on them originally pissed me off and some would even say you’re a racist. I did talk to Taylor Thompson about what you did.” She shrugs. “I don’t regret it! You needed to be held accountable because some people here didn’t care to hold you accountable for the foul shit you did.”
Grace: “Whoa! Sheridan, don’t go back to that. We all agreed to move on.”
Sheridan: “Grace, shut the fuck up! Bree brought it up, so I will talk about it. Don’t gaslight me Faroe.” She glares at Grace.
Grace’s eyes widen but she quickly regains her composure.
Grace: “Don’t tell me to shut up. You don’t want the smoke.”
Sheridan: “Grace you have no smoke babe; your fire went out two seasons ago. Relax and enjoy your last ride.” She rolls her eyes.
Lorelei: “Oh my gosh!” She lets out a holler.
“Look, Bree isn’t perfect… but Sheridan is on a crusade against her this year. It’s evident that everything she’s doing is to get back at her. It’s so obvious!”
The camera pans to Bree who is just shaking her head in disbelif.
Bree: “Oh you want to deny it? Okay try and deny this…” She pulls out a printed text from Sheridan. “How’s that?”
Yvonne: “I think that was a joke, come on now. Also, how are you any better than Sheridan if you’re leaking information to tea pages about your daughter’s rehab stay?”
Monsè: “Girls, we’re supposed to bonding. Everyone shut up and drink!”
The girls ignore Monsè and she throws her hands up, the camera shifts back to Sheridan and Bree.
Sheridan: “You did what you did, you doubled down, and when Production stepped in you fucking changed up the narrative by bouncing around off camera to every bitch in this bus but I’m not with that shit.” She narrows her eyes at Bree.
Bree: “You’ve been talking to Taylor non stop about me, and you made this whole Victoria situation seem like a way worse issue than it’s ever been! And you know it!”
“I know for a fact Sheridan’s behind all of it, I have tons of printed out texts and receipts, I can prove her wrong all day.”
We see Yvonne, Grace, Monsè, and Lorelei listening; some of them look visibly uncomfortable int he tight quarters of the RV. Lorelei just pours herself another drink.
Lorelei: “You guys…” She frowns. “This is… this is like… getting dark. We should stop this.”
Sheridan: “You want to silence me babe and you can’t and won’t because the story is out there now. You all can say I’m a bully and try and make me out to be a villain for exposing the bullshit you do in this group but guess what? I sleep well at night knowing when I have a glass of champagne — I’m not saying no racist bullshit or anything to offend anyone.”
Bree: “I could give a shit about silencing you! You always have someone’s dick in that filthy mouth of yours anyway! What I will NOT let you do is try and make me look bad just because you’re still bitter because I talked about your low class restaurant! Dumbass BITCH!”
Sheridan: “I always have a dick in my mouth? You literally fuck the owner of Twitter who no one likes you dumbass big lipped bitch!”
Grace: “Can we drop this now? It’s really boring. Like… seriously.”
Sheridan: “No!” She cocks her head. “Bree you simply can’t say the same. You haven’t fucking changed at all. You leaked some dumbass story about that damn daughter of yours to try and cover up what you did and it didn’t work!”
Yvonne: “Now that’s what we were all thinking…”
Grace: “Oh, God….”
Bree: “I leaked a story? It’s fucking happened you dumb slut, what don’t you understand? I know you have no family or loved ones you care about, but my daughter is my number one priority and I would NEVER use her as a distraction!”
Lorelei: “I cannot with this.” She looks to the group. “I think we ALL can agree that what Bree said was wrong and racist. I don’t think she is herself is a racist. She has apologized and I think we should just leave this alone. Let’s move on, guys. Come on, seriously, girls!”
“Get me the fuck up outta here. These bitches? Insane. Literally insane. I need a line of cocaine after this RV ride. My brain is actually melting. It’s melted. These. Fucking. Bitches.”
Monsè nods and then stands.
Monsè: “Clearly this issue is too big to resolve right now. Can we at least try to salvage this bud ride and save it for later?” She opens a bottle. “How about more drinks?”
Sheridan: “Yes, absolutely Monsè!” She stands and turns on some music, dancing with her cup of champagne. “WOOOHOOO!”
“Bree is over there huffing and puffing but I’m over the conversation. Did I leak some things to TT — yes? But what does that change? It doesn’t change the fact she said some micro-aggressive shit about my friend.”
Lorelei: “Driver?!” She screams. “Speed it up a little!! Get us there as fast as possible! Shit.”
Sheridan: “Let’s have fun ladies! Let’s not let her negativity get us down! Here Bree…” She hands the bottle to Bree. “Have a drink and have some fun!”
Bree shakes her head, upset. Yvonne ends up grabbing the bottle from Sheridan.
Yvonne: “Don’t mind if I do!”
We get a shot of Bree looking upset and alone.
“At the end of the day Sheridan Campbell is a loser and a hoe. Hell she even blackmails her so called “friends” into supporting her. own that what happened with Victoria was my fault and it was 100% wrong but I will not be slandered by Sheridan. Hell no.” She shakes her head.
The episode ends as we get a shot of the RV driving on the highway through the desert.