[S7E12]: Let’s Talk About Ex, Baby!
The episode begins where Episode 11 left off. Grace, Yvonne, and Bree sit in an upscale steakhouse. Bree sips her wine and across the table, she glares at Yvonne.
Bree: “I would like to know what would prompt you to say that my daughter’s addiction may somehow be my fault.”
Grace’s eyes widen.
Yvonne: “I did not say you were completely at fault. I said that you contributed to its beginnings. And I stand by that.”
Bree: “And why would you say that? What makes you think that?” She raises an eyebrow.
The camera pans to the waiter who looks scared to come over.
Yvonne: “Growing up in Beverly Beach, I’ve seen young women fly off to the fashion centers of the world- New York, London, Paris, Milan, you name it — and be disappointed by the unrealistic standards of the industry. However, the difference between them and your daughter is that they didn’t have to simultaneously cope with their mother’s livelihood depending on them, her public perception from a reality show weighing on their image, nor did they see their mother dance almost naked on social media while being told that their bodies needed adjustment.”
Yvonne cocks her head and narrows her eyes at Bree.
Yvonne: “Do you ever step back for a second and think as a mother, instead of as her manager before it got to this point and think, what role have I played?”
Grace covers her face and Bree looks very offended, she clutches her chest.
Bree: “What?? First of all you know very well my livelihood does NOT depend on my daughters, and I never ever suggested they got any type of surgery nor fillers or anything like that!” She shakes her head. “All I did was make it easier for them to get certain connections and certain jobs, I made their life easier! And this has been going on for far longer than this media frenzy that’s been surrounding me the past couple months, so you’re simply wrong!”
“I cannot believe what Yvonne is saying. Suggesting that I pushed my daughters to get surgery? That I’m basically pimping them out?”
Yvonne: “Look how defensive you are! I didn’t even know what your financial situation was until last season aired. All I know is you spend more time in the press than your daughters who are supposed to be the stars.”
Grace: “Oh, God…” She puts her head in her hands.
Bree: “I am defensive, of course! You’re talking about my daughters Yvonne! How would YOU feel if I made this type of insinuations about your kids? Think about that!”
Businessmen at an adjacent table look over and eavesdrop in shock, looking at one another.
Yvonne: “To make it seem like I insinuated that you coerced your daughters into getting surgery is disgusting! I very clearly said that this was about the industry’s regulation on women’s bodies.”
“Bree is pulling things out of the sky to be mad at instead of dealing with the pile of shit right in front of her. Parents are not perfect people and we shouldn’t pretend to be, so shame on Bree for trying to throw it back on me like I don’t understand how sensitive issues like this can be.”
Bree: “I understand what you’re saying about the modeling industry being hard on young models and all of that, but what does that have to do with me? I did everything in my power to help and protect Bianca!” Her eyes get watery. “Why do you think she was never on camera last year? I did it for her! I’m sorry Yvonne but you have no idea what you’re talking about…” She sniffles. “Your Tweet really hurt me, you have kids you should understand how hard this is for me!”
“I honestly would’ve expected this sort of insensitivity from Sheridan, since she doesn’t have a family, not from Yvonne.”
Yvonne looks down at the table and sighs.
Yvonne: “Okay let’s back up. I don’t want to make you cry or feel like you’re a bad parent. I’m trying to help you see, because I experienced it, that this type of thing goes beyond personal responsibility. Parents make mistakes that can contribute as well. I’m sorry that my tweet hurt you but I can’t sit by quiet in moments like this.”
Bree: “I understand now, I’m trying really hard to fix everything, stay positive and protect my daughters but it’s so fucking hard.” She sighs. “I feel like I’m getting attacked every single day with the press, all of these articles… it’s a lot.”
Grace and Bree both look at Yvonne surprised as she gets up and walks over to Bree, giving her a hug.
Yvonne: “I’m sorry. I really am.”
Bree: “Thank you, I appreciate it, I really do.” She still looks surprised.
“My daughter went through a traumatic event, getting sexually assaulted by her then-boyfriend, which I shared on camera during the first season of this show. When we had our own talk, she revealed to me ways that I failed her as a mother. She didn’t feel like I created an environment where she could share that raw truth comfortably and that she stayed in an abusive relationship because of my words. That hurt but it helped me see a lot of things more clearly. That’s what I’m trying to offer Bree.”
Yvonne fixes her hair, an annoyed waiter comes by.
Waiter: “Are you all…done?” He looks bored.
The ‘Wives all order filets and a bottles of wine.
Yvonne: “ Okay, so what else is on the agenda? Oh! I actually have something.” She smirks and turns to Grace. “What’s this issue you have with me lately? Did I do something to you?”
Grace looks around, confused.
Grace: “I don’t have an issue with you. If we had an issue, I wouldn’t have invited you to this fancy steakhouse. We’d be going to the Drive Thru of KFC right now.”
“Grace has no longer been returning my calls and texts. She barely greets me. It’s very rude!”
Yvonne: “You’d be going with your children because what do is look like rolling down the poor neighborhoods of L.A. with you?”
Grace gives Yvonne a look.
Grace: “Now, don’t be like that. Come on.”
Yvonne: “You don’t be like how you are. You straddled the fence at Jac’s house and then your partner comes at me!”
Bree looks between the two nervously sipping her sparkling water
Yvonne: “Did you put her up to that, insinuating that I am abusing some type of substance?”
Grace still looks confused.
Grace: “What are you talking about? What’s Vivian got to do with this?”
Yvonne: “Grace, you know your partner. You two debrief our events together, you’ve been trying to get her on in an official capacity, and then she feels comfortable enough to say that my behavior may be induced.” She snorts. “This is why I wish you’d have just stayed with Dimitri.” She points to Grace.
Grace and Bree both widen their eyes.
Grace: ”I beg your pardon?!”
Yvonne: “You heard me. What have I done to Vivian for her to step out of line with me?”
Bree looks into the camera with a shocked look.
“I can’t believe what Yvonne’s saying right now. She’s trying to twist the narrative to make herself look like the victim. These are not the words a friend uses.”
Yvonne: “Your ex would never disrespect me like that in front of nearly complete strangers.”
Grace: “Vivian doesn’t have an issue with you! Whatever she’s said, it’s with no malice. Let’s face it, Yvonne you weren’t behaving like yourself at the couples dinner. I was honest with how I felt and you jumped down my throat!”
Yvonne: “Grace, I’ve known you since you got engaged to Dimitri. What is that, almost 20 years? You were willing to essentially side with someone who’s given you their ass to kiss over me?!?” She pours herself wine and her eyes cut up to Grace. “I don’t need your pity but I definitely feel like I deserve your support in front of strangers!”
Grace: “Yvonne, you can’t ask me to pick sides here. That’s not fair.”
Yvonne: “Then say nothing and enjoy your meal.” She nods as they are brought their filets.
“If a friend can’t tolerate you being honest or telling their opinion, then that’s their problem. I’m not going to be fake or lie to Yvonne just to spare her feelings or make her happy. I certainly know she’d do the same thing if the roles were reversed.”
As Yvonne digs into hers, she looks back to Grace.
Yvonne: “You know — I have never turned my back on you and I would never allow Horace or any other man I’m involved with, disrespect you like Vivian did. Never.”
Grace drops her utensils on her plate, annoyed.
Grace: “I don’t know what you want from me here, Yvonne. I can’t control what Vivian says. What I can say is that if you two sat down, she’d apologize. If she knew how much she’s upset you, she’d feel terrible. She knows how much you mean to me as a friend. So don’t shut me out… and I really don’t like the way you’re looking at me right now.”
Yvonne shakes her head.
Yvonne: “If she wasn’t your partner, she’d get the biggest middle finger from me. I don’t really want her apology because she went too far for me. She is extraordinarily intelligent and emotionally capable. She knows what she was saying and none of it was out of concern. Do you think I wasn’t already humiliated finding out Morgan was an abuser?” She raises her eyebrow.
Grace: “Yvonne… I know you weren’t happy with how things went between us at the couples dinner. Believe me, I’m not either. But you know through all the time you’ve known me, I’m a straight shooter. If you ask me how I feel, I’m not going to lie. And I’m not going to blindly support you if it goes against how I feel. I’m not a fake person, you know that.”
Yvonne: “All I’m asking for is real friendship- if I didn’t personally offend you, save the talk for our many phone conversations, one on one dinners, shopping sprees, Charity galas, anything but there.” She flips her hair. “You all treated me like public enemy number one and Lorelei like a child without clothes or shelter. Let’s get real!”
Grace: “I don’t want to fall out with you, I really don’t. Why do you think I got up and left the table? I couldn’t bare to argue with you. You are my friend. You hear me?”
Yvonne: “Then act like it.” She cuts into her filet and plops it into her mouth.
“I pity Yvonne at this point because she can’t see that out of this whole group, I’m the truest friend she’s got. I’m the one who’s got her back.”
Yvonne: “I am not a bad friend. I am not a delinquent. I am not an unkind person. Nobody in this group, including spouses or whatever stage of romance, will treat me like I am.”
Grace: “I never said you were a bad friend! Where did you get that from?”
Yvonne looks over at Grace, rolling her eyes and setting her fork down.
Yvonne: “I think I need to leave. I’m overwhelmed and I don’t want to say something I regret.”
Bree: “Oh — “
Grace: “No, Yvonne. Don’t leave. Stay, please.”
Yvonne gets up and grabs her purse.
Yvonne: “Have a nice rest of your day ladies.”
“I’m being hit with a lot now and please don’t get me wrong, I’m not a victim and I’m not a charity case. However, this group doesn’t feel genuine right now and I need to figure out what the path forward looks like. I don’t want to fight with Grace, Bree, or even Lorelei. But since it seems like I’m the only one coming to the table ready to admit faults and iron things out, I’ll take the cue and behave accordingly.”
We see Yvonne quickly wipe a tear and turns and walks out the exit, putting on sunglasses as she leaves. Back at the table Grace and Bree look at one another.
Grace: “I don’t know what’s going on with her at the moment. Because that…” She points to the exit. “THAT is not the Yvonne I know.”
“I’m actually quite concerned, for several reasons. Yvonne’s confrontational, more than usual, recently, she’s isolating herself, she’s walking away from confrontation… it’s like something’s invaded her body. I’m worried for my friend…I don’t know what to do to help her.”
Bree: “I don’t know much but I think maybe this new relationship is messing with her? I know that guy is a piece of work! Lorelei was with him when we first met!”
Grace: “I want to help her, I really do but if she won’t bring her wall down, then there’s nothing I can do. I know one thing though, I can’t abandon her. She needs me. And I feel she’ll need me more than ever sooner rather than later too.”
Bree: “Of course, you’re one of her closest friends! I think maybe she was taken aback when she found out about the abuse, I really don’t know, I’m just speculating at this point!”
“Look Lorelei might’ve cheated with her then stepson but her ex husband is a real piece of shit, he put her through so much…it was just wrong, I can’t believe someone as smart as Yvonne would want to deal with that.”
Grace: “ I don’t know what to do at this point, I honestly don’t. I just know that I want the real Yvonne Langley back.”
The scene fades as the girls eat.
We see a shot of a pretty island off the coast of Beverly Beach. We see scenes of the island and eventually it settles on a beautiful restaurant on the beach.
The camera pans to show Yvonne and Sheridan being led to a table of two by the host.
Yvonne: “Thank you!”
Sheridan: “Thanks, babe.” She smiles and sits.
We get a shot of Yvonne and Sheridan seated and looking over the menu; Sheridan’s confessional starts to play.
“Today I’m having lunch on Fisher’s Island with Yvonne. So much happened at Jac’s couples dinner and I want to check in with her…because, it was crazy.”
Yvonne: “Everything looks so scrumptious.” She takes off her glasses and looks to Sheridan. “I have to be honest with you. Jac’s party was quite the rollercoaster and I met with both Grace and Bree who had issues with me. It’s almost like I’m being ushered to the outskirts of the friend group.”
Sheridan: “You and me both.” She nods and sighs. “Have you talked to Grace at all?”
Yvonne: “Yes, I told her about the problems I had with how she took Lorelei’s side. I don’t see how you can fight to protect someone who told you to go fuck yourself over a friend of 20+ years. Not to mention Vivian’s insinuations about substance use!”
“Grace and I had the conversation but we clearly ended in a space just as rocky as when we walked in. Do I think the relationship is repairable? Yes. Do I think it’ll be what it once was? Probably not.”
The waiter brings out a bottle of Presseco and takes the ladies orders, after they go back to talking.
Sheridan: “I really just hope this whole thing is a blimp…we’re stronger together. As a group.” She sips her drink. “Those girls are trying to tear us all apart Yvonne and honestly, they are succeeding. Their alliance is trumping our true friendship. It’s beginning to get frustrating. I want you and Grace to make up.”
Yvonne: “I believe we will. We’ve done a lot of life together so I’m optimistic.” She shrugs. “But I do want to dig into this alliance.” She raises her eyebrow.
Sheridan: “I think as much as Bree Bailey says she has changed; she is still up to no good. That woman is evil. Jac and I sent her flowers as a peace offering because I really felt bad for her and her daughter and she was just so rude to me the last time she saw me — it just seems to be all games with her. I think she’s turned Mona and Monsè on me; though Monse is fine if Mona and Bree aren’t around. Just bizarre behavior — and then there’s you and Lorelei…”
Yvonne takes a deep breathe while laughing.
Yvonne: “Yes, Lorelei and I. I want to get your take on the situation.”
Sheridan bites her lip.
Sheridan: “Well, honestly, I don’t remember the abuse situation. Mind you, I didn’t listen to her back then as we were not in a good place. I think you should be able to date Morgan, but I also see why that would hurt her especially if she doesn’t have trust for you. Tell me this, are you interested in Morgan or did you do this to get a rise out of her?”
Yvonne: “Anything I do gets a rise out of this group.” She laughs and rolls her eyes. “Saying that I don’t know of them, dating someone not even known by the group, just everything. I expected that it would be awkward but I didn’t foresee that kind of vulgar behavior.”
Sheridan: “Lorelei seemed very mad.”
Yvonne: “Morgan is a good time and has been a gentleman and very kind to me. I don’t pull stunts. In fact, his brother was interested too. I want to say something about that. If I’d known about Morgan abusing her, I would’ve never given him the time of day. I have more integrity and respect for myself and other women than that.”
Sheridan tucks her hair behind her ear and looks conflicted, she pauses before she speaks.
Sheridan: “I’m going to be real, I really think you two need to have a moment — a heart to heart with the guards down. Acknowledge her pain with Morgan but she also has to be okay with knowing you dating Morgan truly has nothing to do with her.
Yvonne: “I don’t think that woman is capable of a mature conversation. If she’s willing, I’m willing but you know she likes to keep the drama up.”
Sheridan: “Well let me have a talk with her and bring you two together; no blindsides and no bullshit. Just grown women coming together to work things out.”
“Look — it’s time this group gets back to the sisterhood and class that it used to carry. I’m tired of these women holding onto bullshit and lacking the maturity to move on from the drama they hold onto. I’m tired!”
The waiter brings out the women’s entrees; Sheridan gets tuna tar-tar while Yvonne ordered a greek salad.
Yvonne: “Now, when is the next time you’ll see Lorelei?” She takes a bite of her salad.
Sheridan: “I’ll be going to Lorelei’s house for a sex party this week, and if appropriate and I can get her alone; I’ll try and get her to agree to a meet up.”
Yvonne: “Oh, that’s fun.” She giggles. “I appreciate the effort but if she can’t do it, then that’s not your fault. I’ll continue having platonic, age — appropriate fun without cameras or surgery. Cheers!”
Sheridan: “Okay girlfriend! Now let’s enjoy this sun and have some fun on Fisher’s Island!!”
Yvonne: “I think I want to go on one of the yachts!”
The camera pans to the impressive yachts that sit in the harbor of Fisher Island.
Yvonne: “I may own one, hold on. I’m going to call Horace.”
Yvonne whips out her phone and begins dialing, Sheridan lets out a laugh. The scene ends.
The camera pans to a local coffee shop. Grace walks in and goes up to the counter to order.
Grace: “Could I get a caramel latte with no creme? Genuine.” She smiles, pays, and then goes to take a seat outside.
“After the disaster that was the couples dinner, I decided to be the bigger person for once. That’s why I’ve invited Lorelei for coffee… to talk. I think it’s high time we had a proper civilized conversation away from everyone else. This has gone on long enough.”
Lorelei’s car would pull up and she would get out, spotting Grace.
Grace: “You order inside, go order first and then come sit.” She smiles tightly.
Inside, Lorelei orders at the counter.
Lorelei: “Hi, hello! Could I have a… let’s do an iced cold brew with a splash of oat milk and honey.” She smiles. “Thank you, honey.”
Barista: “No problem, we’ll bring it right out.”
Lorelei walks back outside and takes a seat across from Grace.
Lorelei: “Hi, how are you?”
Grace smiles slightly.
Grace: “I’m doing well thank you. How are you?”
Lorelei: “I’m doing good…I guess.”
The barista brings out their drinks and the ladies thank them.
“I was shocked to get a call from Grace. I honestly wasn’t even going to come but I decided to be the bigger person and see what she had say.”
Lorelei sips her cold brew and examines Grace.
Lorelei: “So… what did you want to meet about? This is kind of… you know, a bit awkward.” She laughs.
Grace: “ Noted, it is awkward, yes. However, after the other night, it gave me time to think. I saw how much pain you were in and that wasn’t nice to witness. How are you feeling since then?”
Lorelei: “I am fine — “ She lets out a sigh. “ I don’t really feel comfortable discussing my feelings about that with you at the moment. You know? We haven’t really been friends in a few months, we just had this huge fight. I — Grace…I don’t want to keep being mad at you. I don’t. I just feel like you don’t understand where I’m coming from in why our friendship fell apart.”
“I appreciate Grace wanting to be nice and check in on me. But, we are not friends. I haven’t spoken to her on a friendly level in months. If our relationship is able to be repaired, we both need to discuss what broke it and hopefully… you know… keep things civil.”
Grace rolls her eyes subtly.
Grace: “ I understand you felt hurt and that it came across bad, but in my eyes, it felt like a complete overreaction. You have to admit some of the stunts you pulled last year with Sheridan were low-down and dirty.”
“Lorelei can’t go playing the victim and acting like I didn’t scold her without provocation. We saw what happened in Prague… I don’t see the halo around your head!”
Lorelei: “I own that. I admit that I’ve done grimy things, Grace. What I am just hurt on is that the fact that you and I were close. I mean… genuinely clos — “ Her voice cracks as she tears up. “I loved you like a sister and I always had your back, right or wrong and I felt like you chose Sheridan over me last year and that hurt. When you yelled at me in Prague, it was so hurtful.”
Grace looks across the table and sips her drink, thinking.
Grace: “If you felt like that, then I’m sorry. But I genuinely wasn’t choosing sides. You seemed to choose for me. You dropped me and it…” She sighs and tears up. “That broke my heart.”
Lorelei: “I’m sorry.” She dabs her eye with a napkin. “You know how I get. I get into fight or flight mode and I get defensive. That is my way of coping.” She reaches over and grabs Grace’s hand. “I want to move on, I don’t want to keep fighting Grace. You’re the only one who makes me this mad.” She laughs a little and sniffles.
Grace: “I want to move on too.” She nods and smiles. “I don’t want to fight with you either. As good of a fight you put up, it’s exhausting.” She giggles.
“I really do love Grace. Like, we have a lot of fun together. We were like sisters. We talked all the time, went on trips together, we were best friends. I know that best friends fight, but fighting with her truly felt like a death. In a way… I love her more than my husband.”
We hear a needle scratching sound.
Lorelei gets up and gets up to hug Grace.
Lorelei: “I’m glad we can squash this.” They both sit. “Now… I can indulge how I feel about the whole Yvonne situation. That was low, you don’t think?”
Grace nods and we get a shot of people walking along the sidewalk, next to the coffee shop.
Grace: “I do and she knows exactly how I feel about it. It’s caused a… rift between us, I’ll say, which is very unfortunate.”
Lorelei: “Oh…really? I don’t know what has gotten into Yvonne. She and I were good friends too last year and she just like really became something different. I mean, I wasn’t nearly as upset with her and I was with you and she went and began dating my abusive ex husband?!”
Grace shakes her head and looks disappointed.
Grace: “I don’t know what’s going on with her lately, I don’t even recognize her anymore and that’s quite concerning and alarming at the same time to me.”
Lorelei: “Like… how low can you go to dig up that man fresh out of prison and bring him around his ex wife and his son? Like, she should be ashamed of herself. That man WHOOPED MY ASS!”
We get shots of other people seated outside looking over at Lorelei, the camera pans back to the table and Lorelei is holding back tears as Grace stays silent.
Lorelei: “I am so angry with her. I’ve done horrible things and I am not perfect, but I wouldn’t go this low this is evil, she is evil.”
“Yvonne bringing Morgan around again is sort of a trigger for me. I was married to him for a long time and suffered from abuse for years in silence and I was able to get out of it. A lot of women aren’t able to. Having to see and be around my abuser is horrific. Yvonne is a dirty bitch. She’s dirty. And it’s… it’s on.”
Grace: “It’s a horrific thing to do. Yvonne does maintain that she knew nothing about the abuse but, I mean… she had to. You would’ve told her.”
Lorelei: “She did know! Don’t let that fucking — “ She quiets her voice and mumbles. “…guttersnipe ass bitch. Don’t let her fool you. Who didn’t know? I tell everyone! He was in JAIL! She must like convicts, chile!”
“Lorelei’s been very open about the abuse she suffered. Her and Yvonne were friends, Yvonne had to have known about it. The excuse of not knowing… I’m not buying it.”
Lorelei: “I truly hope that if they are serious and are dating for real that he doesn’t do what he has done to me and others to her.” She shrugs.
Grace: “I don’t know what to think anymore. I mean, I had lunch with Yvonne and Bree the other day and I genuinely wanted to sort things out with Yvonne and make her see that I’m looking out for her and her best interests, but she completely went on the attack and walked out. She even laid into me about Vivian.”
Lorelei shakes her head.
Lorelei: “She attacked Vivian too? My God! What has gotten into her? Maybe… maybe there’s something going on at home.”
Grace: “Her and Vivian had words at the couples dinner. I wasn’t there because um… I went to the bathroom. I didn’t want to argue with Yvonne so I left the room.”
Lorelei: “That’s horrible. Vivian’s always been a nice person, regardless of you and I’s situation. She treats people with kindness always.” She shakes her head again. “I’m sorry she did that to her.”
Grace: “I am too. Vivian was not coming from a bad place. I tried explaining that to Yvonne but she wasn’t having it. She had the nerve to say that I shouldn’t have divorced Dimitri because she liked him better. Now THAT… that pissed me off, I have to be honest.”
Lorelei: “That’s not right.”
Grace: “Yvonne is dumb to not realise that I am the truest friend she’s got in this group right now. But yet she seems hell-bent on falling out with everyone at the moment.”
Lorelei: “She’s a weirdo! But… whatever, I’m done talking about that bitch. I’ve gotta go Grace. But, I’m glad we were able to talk and squash this!” She finishes her cold brew.
Grace: “Me too, thank you for coming. I appreciate it.”
Lorelei: “You’re welcome!”
The girls get up and hug again before walking off.
Inside of a venue, we see Mona taking photographs with fans infront of a step-and-repeat and she signs autographs.
Fan: “Mona, I love you!”
Mona: “Aw, I love you too! Here, let’s take a picture!” She poses with the girl.
“Today is a little press day for my new movie with some ELITE fans who have payed a lot of money to come meet a few people on our cast! It’s so fun getting to interact with all these fans, it’s why I do what I do!”
We get more footage of Mona taking selfies with fans until the camera turns to the entrance. We see Monsè walk in with Jac.
Monsè: “Thanks for coming with me today, by the way.”
Jac: “Thank you for inviting me.” She smiles and accepts a cocktail from a waiter passing by.
“ I invited Jac to come along the meet and greet with me and Mona today after we made up at the Couples Dinner. It was a step in the right direction and I’m willing to give our friendship a second chance.”
Jac: “Now where is the lady of the hour? Our feature film starlet!”
Monsè: “She’s still with the fans.” She nods at Mona across the room at the step-and-repeat. “But, let’s go grab her. I’m sure she could use a break from all those autographs.”
Jac: “Ooh, do you think she’ll sign my left boob?”
“It’s bigger than the right.” She shrugs. “But really, I haven’t really seen much of Mona since we got back from Bali, so when I was invited to her meet and greet I was so happy. It’s just another step in the right direction for me and M&M and I’m here for it! Plus I want to see if Mona can get me a little cameo role in her next movie. Jac as Hooker #3. I love it!”
Monsè and Jac skip the line and security lets them walk right up to Mona.
Monsè: “Hey Mona! Looks like the fans are loving you already. Ready for a break?”
Mona: “Hi babes!” She hugs Monsè. “I could definitely use a break.” She looks to her assistant. “I’m gonna take 10 minutes, just hand out the presigned autographs to everyone and I’ll come back out for pictures in a few.” She turns to the girls. “ Lets go back into the green room and chat!”
Jac: “Yes, let’s!”
Monsè: “Perfect!”
As the three girls head to the back of the venue, they enter a seating area and Mona begins pouring Monsè and Jac drinks.
Monsè: “So you’re probably wondering how this happened.” She points between her and Jac, smiling.
Mona: “O-M-G! I was so surprised!” She grins and hands the girls drinks. “Jac, when she texted me that you were coming too I was like…what?”
Jac: “I know! We were at each others throats and now we’re here as a pair of besties!” She laughs.
Monsè: “Jac actually apologized to Gil about the rumors, so I figured why not keep things moving in the right direction?” She smiles at Jac.
Mona: “We love positivity!” She sits and sips her drink.
Monsè: “Right! I can’t say the same for the rest of the ladies tho. Yikes…”
Mona: “How was the Couples’ Dinner?” She raises and eyebrow.
Jac: “Oh, it was an absolute disaster.” She laughs.
Monsè: “Things were messy from the start girl! You’ll never guess who Miss Prim and Proper Langley brought as her date.”
Mona: “Girl, who?!”
Monsè: “Morgan — fucking — Sullivan. Lorelei’s old man!”
Mona gasps dramatically.
Mona: ‘SHE DID NOT?!”
“Okay so I’m thinking a professional athlete, maybe an R&B singer, who knows maybe a billionaire we know Yvonne loves a man with money…but Morgan Sullivan? No no no that’s disgusting!” She pretends to gag.
Jac: “I will say, I did know that she was dating him but I wasn’t aware of the history with Lorelei and all these abuse allegations that came up. It was absolutely wild.”
Monsé nods at Jac.
Monsè: “I had heard some things about their situation, but besides that it’s just girl code. But — how are you going to bring your friend’s ex to a party? It’s just wrong.”
“I know we’re supposed to be made up or whatever, but I’m looking at Yvonne a little sideways after the Couples’ Dinner. You just don’t do a friend like that, sorry.”
Mona: “So was there a brawl or something? How did Lorelei react?” She looks concerned.
Jac: “Lorelei was pretty controlled if im honest. I think she handled herself really well.” She shrugs.
Monsè: “Agreed, I definitely would’ve thrown some things if that was me.”
Mona: “I’m like actually shocked Yvonne would do something so dirty like that. You’d think as a woman she’d have some respect for the trauma Lorelei has gone through with that man.”
Monsè: “It’s what she does.” She shakes her head. “I really wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt since we’ve been in a better place lately but once again, her true colors are showing.”
Jac sighs and nods.
Jac: “The way Yvonne completely disrespected me and my family at that dinner…” She shakes her head. “It’s a line that she has now crossed and I don’t really want much to do with her moving forwards.”
“For Yvonne to make remarks about me and my family renting…” She pauses. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so insulted in my life. I would never do such a thing. She may go around living her life with high levels of debt and leasing cars and whatnot but that’s not my life. I’m an owner baby.”
Mona: “Anyways, speaking of true colors…while you two were at the couples dinner I thought I’d take Victoria out and give her a second chance. One word…disaster.” She rolls her eyes.
Jac: “Disaster? Not with my Thicci!” She clutches her chest.
Monsè: “Oh no. What happened? Something trashy knowing her!”
Mona: “She was just very snappy and all of her thoughts are so one sided. I was trying to explain to her why my actions in Bali were extreme and she wouldn’t accept any of it. Kept calling me a victim and doubled down on her bipolar comment.”
We get a shot of Jac’s eyes widening.
Mona: “I don’t really care that much looking back, I just know now that she’s not my type of girl.”
“Victoria’s got a mouth and she’ll spew whatever BS Sheridan tells her too. After giving her a second chance I won’t be acknowledging her any longer. She’s irrelevant.”
Monsè: “Seriously?! Who is this girl anyway? All she wants to do is start mess and talk trash, I don’t get it.”
Mona: “Whatever it seems like there’s more pressing issues in this group than me and Victoria.”
Jac: “I really think she’s misunderstood guys. I think she’s going to Lorelei’s little party in a couple of days. How do you think you’re going to be around her?”
Mona: “Oh she doesn’t exist to me anymore!”
Monsè: “I don’t have anything to say to her at this point. She’s constantly looking for an issue and I’m done giving it to her. When she wants to act like a grown up, she knows where to find me.”
Jac takes a deep breath.
Jac: ‘Well, that’s that I guess.” She laughs.
“I really like Victoria. I find her to be very funny and just a cool girl but she’s quickly alienating herself from these ladies. She’s had it out with almost everyone at this point and the girls don’t seem that interested in continuing a friendship with her. It’s hard to see.”
Mona looks down at her phone and lets out a noise.
Mona: “Shoot! It’s been 20 minutes already I’ve got to get back out there.” She stands.
Jac: “Oh, she’s kicking us out! I kid.”
Monsè and Jac stand as well and give her a hug.
Mona: “Thank you for coming, girlies!”
Jac: “Let’s go grab a drinky poo, Monsè.” She turns to her.
Monsè: “Let me take you to the kitchen Jac. I know where they keep the good stuff.” She winks.
Jac snatches the bottle of Belvedere off the counter that Mona used for drinks, Monsè and Jac giggle and scurry off. The scene ends.
The camera pans over Lorelei and Xavier’s impressive Beverly Bluffs mansion. Inside, Lorelei walks around her large living room looking at all the blurred out party favors and decor.
Lorelei: “Oooh yes honey! These girls are going to be sick of my nasty ass!” She laughs to herself and sips her drink. “Freak hoe season is upon us!” She shakes her booty a little.
“Tonight, I’m hosting a sex party for all the ladies to kind of loosen us all up. Everyone’s been fighting lately and what better way to bond than sex?”
The music picks up as Monsè and Mona walks into Lorelei’s house together both carrying a bottle of wine.
Mona: “I’m so ready it’s gonna be fun!”
Monsè: “I’m sure it will be but girl, I’m kinda scared of what Lorelei’s got in store tonight. You know that girl’s a freak” She laughs.
Monsè and Mona enter the living room, Monsè’s jaw drops when she sees Lorelei.
Monsè: “Hey girl! Oh my god, you look hot!”
Mona pinches Lorelei’s butt then gives her a hug.
Mona: “You look so sexy, Lor!”
Lorelei: “Girl don’t tempt me with a good time, honey!” She hugs them both.
Out in the courtyard Jac is getting dropped off. As she gets out of the car the camera focuses on the long whip she is carrying.
“When Miss Lorelei invites you to a sex party, one must pull out their dominatrix attire and put on a cute wig. It’s an absolute must. Now, let’s whip these bitches into shape!” She giggles.
Jac walks in and cracks her whip on the ground causes Lorelei, Monsè, and Mona to all look over
Jac: “HELLLOOOO LADIESSS!” She walks over the group and begins giving hugs. “Whose ready to get on their knees for Mistress Jacqueline?”
Mona: “Jac…I think I’m turning for you.” She looks Jac up and down.
Jac: “Mona, you wouldn’t be the first and I can guarantee that you won’t be the last!” She gives Mona a hug.
Monsè: “Yess miss Jac with the whip! You all have me feeling covered up now.” She laughs.
Sheridan walks on and all of the girls admire her outfit and greet her. We get a shot of Monsè before her confessional plays.
“Damn, Lorelei is bringing out the freak in everyone with these outfits tonight! I guess what Mistress Sullivan says, goes!”
The camera suddenly pans to show Grace entering.
Grace: “Hi, everyone! Wow, you all look… interesting!” She laughs.
Jac: “Hi, everyone! Wow, you all look… interesting!”
Lorelei: “Okay…to the bob!” She smiles at her.
Sheridan: “Oh hello Grace! Are you coming out of that robe!”
Monsè: “Yeah! I better see that dress on the floor in five seconds!”
“I’m beginning to feel… overdressed” We get a shot of everyone in their sexy outfit and then Grace folding her arms to cover up. “We’ve got titties and coochies falling out all over the place!”
The camera pans as we see a set of heels getting out of a car and then walking up to Lorelei’s door. As the door flings open, we get a view from the inside. Lorelei’s sister and former Housewife, Imani Grimaldi, enters.
Imani: “Hello Kitty Katz!” She grins.
All of the girls look over shocked and scream
Lorelei: “Imani!”
Grace: “Oh. My. God!” She holds her hands out. “Imani!”
Mona: “Imani Grimaldi! That’s a surprise!”
Jac: “Oh wow.”
“That’s Ms Grimaldi of the Sullivan-Grimaldi Feud. Wowwwewwww.”
Sheridan: “Hey baby! Looking good, mama!” She is the first to walk out and give her a hug.
Imani: “How are we girls?” She gives a hug to the other ladies. “Lorelei told me to stop by and I had to show out.”
Monsè: “Okay latex! Nice to meet you doll, I don’t think we’ve officially met. I’m Monsè.” She hugs her.
Imani: “Nice to meet you, Monsè!”
Lorelei is the last to hug Imani.
Lorelei: “We’re good guys. I wanted my sis here to have fun.” She puts her arm around Imani.
Imani: “Yes! Lorelei told me to stop by and I had to show out.” She smiles at the group.
“ I am glad Imani is here. I worked REALLY hard to get Imani and Lorelei to have a conversation with each other and they were able to mend their relationship. I’m happy that both of my girls are back on track! And I’m on track with them!!”
Some of Lorelei’s staff brings out drinks for all of the ladies in penis-shaped cups.
Lorelei: “Ladies, ladies! If I may have your attention, I just wanted to share something with you all…” She sips out of her penis-shaped straw. “In light of everything going on in the group, I wanted to share something positive. I have been keeping something a secret from everyone. And that is….That I am having a baby boy! We found a surrogate!”
Imani: “YESSSSSS!” She jumps up and down.
Jac: “Oh my god!!! Lorelei!!!”
Sheridan: “Congratulations doll!” She smiles and raises her drink.
Grace: “Lorelei! That’s amazing, congratulations!”
Imani: “I’m so happy for you baby doll.” She hugs her sister. “Another one joins Natalie and Chi!”
Lorelei: “Thank you guys! We’re really excited! I’ve always wanted a boy! He’s going to be fabulous!”
Sheridan: “You’ll e a great boy mom!”
Jac: “Let’s pray that he’s gay because there’s nothing better than a gay son!” She chuckles and sips her drink.
The ‘Wives all congregate to the couches.
Imani: “So who’s missing, or not invited.” She raises and eyebrow at Lorelei.
Lorelei: “Yvonne and Bree. But I’m speaking about HoeVonne.”
Sheridan: “ I saw the report about Bree being drunk walking the streets…”
Imani: “I saw the news about her daughter. So sad. Do you all think it’s affecting her if she’s walking around the block under the influence?”
Sheridan: “I think so.” She nods. “She seems to be unwell.”
Imani: “I don’t know her, but she’s everywhere on the tabloids…she did block me in Twitter.” She laughs.
We see Mona roll her eyes on the other couch.
Mona: “We shouldn’t be discussing Bree and her issues when she’s not here. It’s very mean girl…” She sips.
Sheridan: “It’s very mean girl to talk about me behind my back Mona, but you still do.” She winks. “We are worried about her. We’ve seen the tabloids and the blogs but haven’t seen her.”
Jac bites her lip, staying silent.
“I’m not really that interested in talking about Bree. She’s got some big things going on in her life and I don’t think it’s cool for us to be piling on. Are she and I friends? No but I can have compassion for the woman.”
Monsè: “How are you doing after the party, Lorelei? That was some low down shit Yvonne pulled bringing Morgan.”
Lorelei: “I’m as good as you can imagine girl. That was so shocking and triggering as I’m sure you could tell.”
Jac: “Yvonne is trash. Plain and simple.”
Lorelei: “That she is! That…she is! I don’t want to be around her, quite frankly. I don’t fuck with her.”
Monsè: “I feel you girl. She was on one at that dinner. Between you, and disrespecting Jac’s home, and trying to stir up more drama between me and Jac? I thought we’d gotten to a better place, but I don’t know… somethings going on with her.”
We see Sheridan agitated as she crosses her arms.
“It’s funny that these girls will pick and choose what and who to talk about. Racism? They won’t talk about. Being under the influence of drugs and acting a fool? No! They won’t talk about that either…at least unless we are talking about Sheridan Campbell or Yvonne Langley. This mean girl pack is annoying so I’m just going to sit here. They pick and choose to trash. Very cliquish and disgusting.”
Sheridan: “Wait; I think Yvonne just had a bad night girls…”
Jac: “A bad night?” Her eyes are wide as she looks at Sheridan in disbelief. “She announced her engagement to the man who was physically abusive to Lorelei, disrespected me and my family in my home and completely ruined my dinner party.”
Mona: “It all seemed very disrespectful on her part.”
Imani: “Yvonne is a very nice girl.” She plays with her hair.
Monsè: “Yvonne who?” She bursts out laughing.
Sheridan turns to Lorelei.
Sheridan: “Lorelei; I think we need to talk about this. I won’t be able to do it here in a group of Yvonne haters but I would love to chat with you on the side.” She glances at the girls.
Lorelei: “Sheridan, babe, no. She is seeing my ex-husband who beat my ass. Come on!”
Sheridan: “Lorelei; we will chat once the pack mentality disperses.” She rolls her eyes a bit.
Jac: “Sheridan, I’m sorry but you’re dead wrong for this stance right now.”
Mona: ‘She’s dead wrong about alot of things…”
Sheridan: “My stance is being neutral, Jac. They are both my friends and I want them to work on their relationship without any outside influence. It’s called being mature. Something that this group just lacks overalls.”
Imani: “Sheridan is just very passionate about her friends. It’s never malicious.”
Jac: “Sheridan but what about how she treated me? Your ride or die friend.”
Sheridan: “Jac, I am specifically talking about Yvonne and Lorelei. As it relates to what Yvonne did to you; I obviously scolded her for that.”
Jac flicks her wig out of her face and the camera pans back to Lorelei.
Lorelei: I just think Yvonne was wrong for what she did! I mean… I’ll have to think about this Sheridan. She is with my ex and this just feels so weird to me.”
Monsè: “It’s girl code! Period! Leave the exes at home. There are plenty of rich old men for her to scam elsewhere.”
Mona: “Lorelei you don’t have to meet with her if you don’t want to. With the pain and trauma you’ve been through for her to throw this in your face is gross. Don’t entertain it.”
Sheridan makes a face at Mona talking.
Sheridan: “Lorelei; she truly wants to have a talk with you with no extra behavior or outside influence or dramatics. A true heart to heart. We’ve got to get back to the sisterhood that is lacking in the group.”
“I am speaking from the heart here. I want this group to try and get to an overall better place. It’s far too cracked and divided and just toxic right now.”
Monsè: “I can agree with you there, but I don’t think tonight is the right setting.”
Sheridan: “ I agree, Monse. We will get together soon; but like everyone else — we all need to have conversations outside of the group setting to truly get an authentic interaction.”
“Sheridan’ right for once. Everything gets twisted when the group gets involved. We just need to sit down one on one and hash this shit out once and for all.”
Sheridan: “I love a group event but our conversations go nowhere when addressing issues with all of us here because we are all very opinionated.”
Grace: “You got that one right!”
Lorelei sighs.
Lorelei: “Sher, I think… I’d be willing to have a conversation with Yvonne, but it has to be sincere and genuine. I am really hurt but if you’ll be there, then… I’ll do it.”
The girls all look to her.
Sheridan: “Lorelei I think from Yvonne’s end that’s what she wants too. You both have to go in willing to listen to each other; and I do think you can move forward from this unfortunate situation.”
“I don’t know why I am even entertaining this, but… if Yvonne is so ‘upset’ like Sheridan is saying she is, then I’d be willing to hear her out. If she plays me, then I will be also ready to read her, her miranda rights and be done with her for good.”
The camera pans to Mona who leans in and whispers to Lorelei.
Mona: “Really think that over before you make a decision. That’s a big thing to do…”
Lorelei: “Lord I am so stressed! You bitches stress me out! I just wanna have fun! Let’s get drunk and make out with each other!”
Imani gets up.
Imani: “Okay ladies! I hope you fix your petty issues, I have things to do and I’ve got to go! Thank you for having sis.” She walks over and rubs Lorelei’s belly. “I know it’s not there but we’ll pretend it is.”
Sheridan: “Come around more bitch!”
Imani hugs the ladies and walks out.
Sheridan: “Let’s have some fun! No drama!” She takes a shot and hands one to Mona. “You too, missy!”
Jac cracks her whip on the floor.
Lorelei: “Monse! Come here!” She puckers her lips and laughs.
Monsè: “Ahhh LORELEI!! Someone get me another drink I’m too sober for this!” She begins running away.
“I have a slight crush on Monse. I’m gonna make this foursome a thing with her and Gil if it’s the last thing I do!”
Lorelei catches Monsè, pinning her down and giving her a kiss.
Lorelei: “Bitch!”
Jac kisses Mona who runs her hands through her hair, shifting Jac’s wig.
Jac: “Oh shit, my unit!” She pulls it off and throws it on the floor.
In the corner, Grace lightly sways with a drink in her hand as she watches the girls. The ‘Wives drinks more, dance, and have fun. The episode close out.