[S7E11]: Double Trouble
The episode begins with a shot of the luxury high-rise building Jac and Sheridan had toured in a couple episode ago.
Inside the penthouse, Jac paces and her husband, Beau, sits in the couch and grins — watching her.
Jac: “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” She turns to him and smiles.
Beau: “It sure is, baby. I really love it here.”
The camera pans to a private chef who is making a wonderful dinner in Jac’s huge kitchen.
“That’s right! We settled on the penthouse and to celebrate, I’m hosting a little dinner party at mine for the gals who are in relationships! A little couples night! All of them.” She pauses and looks directly into the camera.
Beau gets up and wraps his arms around Jac from behind, he starts to get a little handsy.
Jac: “Stop!” She laughs. “Everyone should be getting here soon!”
All of the sudden we get a camera in the foyer, Jac’s front door flies open. Sheridan and her new boyfriend, Marcus, come in.
Sheridan: “Jac! Hello! Mmm it smells good!”
Marcus: “You can’t just be walking up into folks houses, Sheridan.”
Sheridan: “Oh hush!” She giggles.
Sheridan and Marcus make their way down the long corridor and into the living area where Jac and Beau are.
Sheridan: “Hey gorgeous!” She hugs Jac. “Hey Beau! This is my boyfriend, Marcus.”
Marcus: “How y’all doing?” He shakes Beau’s hand.
Jac: “Good, good.” She very clearly sizes Marcus up. “So Marcus? Are you excited to meet all of Sheridan’s friends?”
Marcus: “Ahh yeah she talks so much shit about them I’m excited to see them!”
Jac and Beau both laugh.
Sheridan: “Boy stop!” She hits him and chuckles.
The shot changes. Lorelei and Xavier are the next to arrive. Lorelei knocks on the door and then they walk in holding hands.
Lorelei: “Ow, Aw, her penthouse is so cute!”
Xavier: “Yeah, it’s really nice, babe!”
“I really didn’t want to come tonight, but… my husband being the social butterfly he is, insisted that we mingle with other couples and have a great night.”
As they join the other couples standing and talking, Xavier goes and daps Marcus up.
Marcus: “What’s good, bro?”
Grace Faroe and her long term girlfriend, Vivian, are the next to walk into Jac’s penthouse.
“Vivian and I love doing dinners with other couples, it’s a really great chance to just build relationships and really show off ours. Viv and I together… we’re a powerful dynamic.”
Grace smiles when she sees the other couples.
Grace: “Hi everyone!” She waves. “Most of you will already know my partner, Vivian. Vivian, this is Jac Carter. The hostess tonight!”
Vivian: “Lovely to meet you, Jac.” She hands over a bottle of wine. “What a beautiful home you have.”
Jac: “Oh thank you so much! That’s so lovely! Let me show you around.”
“Vivian seems sweet. I love her for Grace but those shoes are a disaster.” She laughs.
There is a shot of Lorelei as she rolls her eyes at Grace.
Xavier: “Babe, stop it. Be nice. Let’s have fun tonight.” He whispers.
Grace smirks slightly at Lorelei.
“This tension between Grace and I is so thick. We are within feet away from each other and just the other day, I threw a drink at her and was going to probably do worse.” She laughs. “Whew. Thank goodness for my husband being here. He don’t like it when I act out of character.”
Jac: “Ladies and gentleman!” She raises her voice and the couples quiet down, Beau has his arm around her waist. “Wine is out on the island, beer is in the fridge, and liquor is in the liquor cabinet so please help yourself to anything! Go! Get a drink!”
As some go get drinks, some mingle. We see Grace’s partner, Vivian, go and sit down on the stools at the counter, next to Sheridan and Marcus.
Vivian: “Good evening, Sheridan! It’s so nice to see you!”
Sheridan: “Hey Vivian, let me introduce you to my boyfriend Marcus.” She leans back so Marcus can shake her hand.
Marcus: “Nice to meet you Mrs. Vivian.”
“Now, I’ve prepped Marcus on Vivian and how much she adored Martin.”
There are flashbacks in previous seasons of Martin and Vivian having playful banter, like at Lorelei’s wedding in Tulum.
Vivian nods, looking slightly confused.
Vivian: “It’s… nice to meet you too, Marcus. I’ve heard… not much about you. Sheridan’s definitely kept you on the down-low!”
The scene changes, Monsè opens Jac’s front door and looks around. She enters with her husband Gil.
Monsè: “Hello — Oh — I definitely hear the ladies.”
“I want to go into tonight with an open mind, but last time we were together Jac said some pretty nasty things about Gil. We’ll see how it goes, but I’m proceeding with caution.”
As Monsè and Gil walk down the hallway, she turns to him.
Monsè: “If any of the girls start anything, just ignore them, okay?”
Gil: “I think I should be telling you that.” He chuckles.
Monsè and Gil make their way over to the group.
Monsè: “Hey ladies!” She smiles. “Jac, thank you for the invite. This place is gorgeous.”
Jac: “Thank you for coming.” She nods and smiles slightly.
“I invited Monsè because I kind of want to move on from everything that happened in Bali. I said what I said and she said what she said but to exclude her from this dinner would make it a bigger deal and I don’t want that.”
Jac: “ So everyone, thank you all for coming! I know we’re still waiting on Yvonne but she let me know she’d be a bit late. Why don’t we just sit down at the table and eat some food!”
Jac and her husband Beau sit next to Sheridan and her new boyfriend, Marcus. Grace and her girlfriend, Vivian, sit on the other side next to Monsè and Gil. Lorelei and her husband Xavier are also at the table.
The scene switches to Yvonne who is walking into the penthouse with her arms linked with Morgan Sullivan — Lorelei’s ex-husband and current father-in-law.
Yvonne: “You sure you’re comfortable with this?”
Morgan: “We’re already here. No turning back.”
The approach the table and the conversation dies down. The camera pans to see the shocked faces of the ‘Wives who are at the table.
Monsè: “Oh shit…”
Gil: “What babe? Who’s that?” He whispers.
Monsè: “It’s Lorelei’s ex.”
Grace turns around and stares in shock and awkwardness.
Grace: “Oh God…no!” She hides behind Vivian.
The camera pans to Lorelei and Xavier.
Xavier: “Is that…is that my pops?” He looks in disbelif.
Lorelei: “Oh no the hell she didn’t…”
“ I know Yvonne hasn’t brought Morgan HERE… tonight! Where Lorelei is! Where his son is!” She shakes her head. “This is not going to end well.”
Jac is the only one who seems unphased, she gets up and greets Yvonne.
Jac: “Yvonne!! Come in beautiful!”
Yvonne: “Thank you, Jac.” She hugs her. “This is Morgan. My date tonight.”
Jac: “Hello Morgan! Let’s go get you guys a drink! Sit, sit in the meantime!” She scurries off to the kitchen.
“We all know Yvonne loves to pull a stunt, but this? Whew, let me grab my popcorn because it’s about to go down.”
The table watches as Morgan and walk towards the table. Xavier narrows his eyes as he puts his arm around Lorelei, Lorelei gives Yvonne a look up and down.
Yvonne: “Hello Hello!” She waves at everyone. “Hey Xavier, long time no see.”
Morgan: “What’s going on son?”
All of a sudden, Xavier gets up and walks around to give him a hug.
Xavier: “Hey dad.”
As Xavier goes to sit back down next to Lorelei, Sheridan waves at Yvonne and Morgan.
Sheridan: “Hey couple!”
Marcus: “What the hell is with everyone looking crazy…” He sips his beer. “Did I miss something? Dad?!”
Sheridan: “Shhhh! I’ll tell you in the car.” She elbows him.
Jac: “Here you go, lovies!” She brings Morgan and Yvonne cocktails, they thank her.
“Yeah, I knew Morgan was coming. She told me and a few of the girls that back in Bali. She seems really happy.”
The scene focuses back on Yvonne, Morgan, Sheridan, and Marcus.
Yvonne: “Is this your new man, Sher? He’s cute and young.”
Sheridan: “Yes! This is Marcus, my boyfriend!”
Marcus: “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Yvonne.”
Yvonne: “Hello Marcus.” She reaches over and shakes his hand. “You have great manners. I am old enough to be your mother.”
The camera pans to a quiet Lorelei, Xavier is holding her hand. She looks pissed off.
Lorelei: “This…this is so uncomfortable.”
“I haven’t seen Morgan since our divorce. Xavier and Him are okay. I mean, I don’t know… I don’t keep up with their relationship because mine and his is nonexistent. Yvonne bringing him here was a huge low blow.”
We see Grace across the table looking at Lorelei, sympathetically.
Grace: “This is not going to go well…” She sips her drink and clenches her teeth at Vivian.
Sheridan: “Wait! Does anyone know what the other girls are doing tonight?” She addresses the table.
Monsè: “Oh, Mona told me she was going to get drinks with Victoria.” She makes a face. “I wonder how that’s going….”
Lorelei: “Has to be better than here…” She mumbles.
The camera zooms out from Jac’s penthouse. A few streets down in the middle of Downtown Beverly Beach; we see Mona walk into a cute wine bar. She sits down and orders a glass of Pinot.
Mona: “I’m just waiting on one more, she should be here soon…” She smiles at the bartender as he pours her a glass of wine.
Victoria struts in and looks around, spotting Mona at the bar. She walks over and pulls a chair out to sit next to her.
Victoria: “Sup.”
Mona: “Hey! How are you?” She smiles politely.
Victoria: “Wealthy! Yourself?”
Mona: “I’m hanging in there!”
The bartender comes over and takes Victoria’s drink order.
“So, Victoria and I haven’t really gotten along, and we kinda went at it in Bali after she jumped on the Sheridan train. But since all the girls are at couples night, I thought we could go out do something. I wish Bree could’ve made it so it wasn’t awkward.”
There’s an awkward silence as both Mona and Victoria look around. As the bartender pours Victoria her wine, Mona finally turns to her.
Mona: “I guess we’re the odd ones out tonight, huh?” She raises an eyebrow.
Victoria: “Yes ma’am…So, how was the party the other night?” She sips her wine.
Mona: “Monsè’s? Oh, it was wild.” She widens her eyes.
Victoria: “Do tell!” She looks like her interest is peaked.
“I really don’t want to be seated here with the lady but I’ll make the best out of it.”
Mona: “Of course Sheridan had to come for me because she has nothing else to do with her life…”
Victoria: “Sheridan has something to do with her life.” She chuckles and crosses her legs.
Mona just gives Victoria a look and slightly rolls her eyes, she goes back to talking.
Mona: “Grace and Lorelei started going at it over that child drama, it got really dark and then Lorelei threw her drink on Grace, crazy shit.”
Victoria: “I’m elated I didn’t attend that knock off event.” Her eyes widen.
Mona: “Oh c’mon It wasn’t a knock off event, it was a real achievement for Monsè to be on that list of women. She’s a hard worker.” She shrugs.
Victoria: “As I said, I’m elated I didn’t attend the knock off event. Congratulations to her and everything she’s semi accomplished!”
Mona rolls her eyes, looking frustrated.
“The vibe is really off right now, kinda regretting inviting this girl out. Mona last year would’ve just sat by and not said a word, letting this strange night out continue, but this year…it’s the year of 0 fucks.”
Mona: “Like, what’s the deal? Because I tried to make an effort and invite you out after you attacked me in Bali but your being really standoffish and cold.”
Victoria: “There is no deal, I appreciate your invite. I didn’t attack you Bali, I was honestly asking you a question. Take it now you want.”
Mona: “You attacked me when I was trying to be vulnerable with the group. That’s a fact. Asking me if I’m bipolar? Really?!” She narrows her eyes at Victoria.
Victoria: “Absolutely! You seemed hurt and you was just saying whatever was coming to mind and it was very unnecessary.” She taps her fingernails on her wine glass.
Mona takes a deep breath.
Mona: “Victoria, I’m gonna give you some context so you can understand why I’m pissed about that, and you can shade me like the rest of the girls if you want I don’t care. Part of Adam’s claim in divorce was some bullshit form of mental incapacity, so accusing me of being bipolar right could be really damaging in my custody battle…It may just be a word to you but it’s a hell of a whole lot more for me.” She looks to Victoria for a repsonse.
Victoria keeps a stoic face as she listens.
Victoria: “I’m sorry that made you feel that way but it’ll have to reach -28 degrees in hell before I take it back. I’m praying for you and your divorce, however that gives you no ammunition to act how you acted. Simple! Divorce or not.”
Mona: “Act how I acted? Why don’t you tell Sheridan that just because she can’t keep her big mouth closed doesn’t mean she gets to make shady comments. I was justified in my actions and you weren’t. You’re just like her, no accountability whatsoever.”
“I mean this has got to be God’s way of telling my this girl and I won’t be friends. I extended the olive branch and this whole time she’s been so bitchy.”
Victoria: “That’s a grown ass woman and so are you baby, everybody makes shady comments, get out of your feelings..what justified your actions? Your husband cheating on you with another man? Your divorce? That’s not no damn crutch for you to lean on and justify your actions. I’m taking accountability, now you take it.”
Mona: “For what, take accountability for being real and sharing my emotions about something so heavy of mine with the group. And then just sit there and let my vulnerability get shit on by all of you? There’s a difference between fun shade and vindictive and evil shade. You and Sheridan proclaim the latter.” She glares at Victoria.
Victoria: “Girl, please — “ She chuckles. “How long are you gonna play this victim card? Stabilize yourself darling, nobody is shitting on your vulnerability.”
“How long am I gonna play the victim card? I am a fucking victim. I’ve taken a lot from everyone, but once I start to speak up about it, it’s a problem.”
Mona takes one last sip of her half finished wine and begins grabbing her purse.
Mona: “Alright, you clearly can’t remember what happened and how rude you and Sheridan were to me. This isn’t productive nor fun.” She gets up.
Victoria: “Cry me a river.” She leans back in her chair.
“I’m confused. Am I supposed to apologize on behalf of Sheridan? Girl get a grip.”
We get one final shot of Mona quickly leaving the bar. As the camera follows her out the door, it zooms up and lands back in Jac’s penthouse for the Couples’ Dinner.
Yvonne turns to Monsè and Gil at the long table.
Yvonne: “Monsè, I’m so sorry I missed your party. I have a gift for you in the car.” She tugs on Morgan’s arm. “Morgan actually picked it out so you should be excited. He’s a great gift giver, right Xavier?” She flicks her eyes to Lorelei and Xavier.
Xavier laughs a bit.
Xavier: “Yeah, I guess you could say that about my pops.”
“This is the most awkward dinner party in dinner party history. Lorelei and Grace aren’t speaking. I assume Gil has some thoughts regarding my comments in Bali and now there’s a Sullivan Family Reunion happening in my dining room table.”
Monsè: “Oh… uh, thank you Yvonne. And Morgan.”
Yvonne: “I hope this isn’t uncomfortable for you.” She laughs and nods to Xavier.
The camera pans to show Jac and her husband Beau who are listening in and reacting very expressively.
Xavier: “It is a little bit as I’m sure you could imagine. But, it’s all good, no worries.” He smiles politely at Yvonne.
Lorelei noticeably grabs Xavier’s hand — hard.
“Xavier is a much bigger person than I am. I wish I was more like him, he can handle uncomfortable or stressful situations far better than I have been known to do. His presence tonight is the ONLY thing at this very moment keeping me from exploding.”
Sheridan’s boyfriend, Marcus, looks confused between Xavier and Morgan.
Marcus: “That’s ya daddy bro?” He raises and eyebrow.
Sheridan elbows him.
Marcus: “Well hell Sheridan ain’t tell me it was a family dinner.”
Sheridan: “Please be serious.” She laughs. “Yes, Morgan is Xavier’s father and Yvonne is his girlfriend. Morgan is also Lorelei’s ex husband. It’s confusing we can talk about in the car…let’s just listen!”
The camera pans back to the confrontation between Yvonne and Morgan and Lorelei and Xavier.
Yvonne: “I think we should all have a conversation and not let this awkwardness silently eat away at us. Don’t you think Morgan?”
Morgan: “Yes.” He nods.
Lorelei: “No.” She glares at the couple and crosses her arms, she starts to look really upset. “I can’t. I really can’t right now. I’m like fuming.”
Yvonne: “I was talking to Xavier, the person that matters in this situation.” She scoffs.
Lorelei: “You do not address my husband. You address me, bitch.”
The table goes silent and Yvonne looks around and smiles.
Yvonne: “….Are you speaking to me?”
Lorelei: “I am.” She cocks her head. “Are you…” She begins looking around dramatically, mimicking Yvonne. “Are you going deaf, sweetie?”
Yvonne: “I knew your husband long before I knew you. So I’ll address him any time I care to.” She turns her nose up.
The camera pans to Morgan, he looks away uncomfortable.
Xavier: “I think… we should all just calm down. Let’s not get heated.” He cautiously puts his hands up.
Jac looks over to Beau.
Jac: “What do we do?” She mouths.
Beau: “Nothing.” He mouths back, shaking his head.
Yvonne: “Lorelei, I have a question for you. What does he…” She motions to Xavier. “do besides provide a lifestyle you didn’t have?”
Lorelei: “Yvonne, shut up! You’re always grasping for moments with me bitch. Shut up! The fact that you can sit in here, with your pointy ass nose bitch and bring the very man who beat my ass in here as your date is disgusting!”
Morgan keeps a poker face. Jac drops her head.
“I did not know he did that. If I knew, I would’ve told her beforehand and asked her if she was cool with it. If she would’ve said no, then he wouldn’t be here. Plain and simple.”
Yvonne: “I’m sorry that you were abused. I’m truly caught off guard. You never told me about that and neither did he.”
Grace: “Yvonne, in all fairness, I love you but this does look… messy and calculated in a way.”
Vivian: “Don’t get involved…”
Marcus: “Who beat who ass?”
The camera pans back to Lorelei.
Lorelei: “Just because I’ve been minding my own business, you decide to go and dig this asshole out from the motherfucking jail cell he was in to come and torment me?”
All of the couples at the table look shocked and uncomfortable.
Xavier: “Babe! That’s… that’s my dad. Come on.”
“I’ve heard about Lorelei’s past with Morgan and frankly it’s disgusting that Yvonne would do that to her supposed friend. I mean, look how upset she is.”
“I didn’t know Morgan was in jail and I didn’t know he beat Lorelei. News to me.”
Yvonne: “I can have any man I want. I did not set out to date Lorelei’s ex.” She makes a face.
Beau: “I think, maybe, we can change the topic of conversation?” He puts his hands up.
Jac: “Yes, maybe let’s try that.”
Marcus and Sheridan both nod. Beau looks over towards the kitchen.
Beau: “Ahh perfect timing, the chef is bringing our food over now.”
Lorelei just looks down, Xavier stokes her hand.
“I am absolutely embarrassed right now. I thought tonight was going to be a fun couples night for it to be ruined with a ghost of my past. I know I am not perfect at all, I do horrible things to people, but I would not have ever done to someone what Yvonne is doing to me. Abuse is not okay. Bringing someone’s abuser is the lowest of low and Yvonne can go to hell.”
As the chef brings over the plates, Yvonne is still heated.
Yvonne: “All I’m saying is that I will not be disrespected by this sham of a lady.” She points her fork at Lorelei.
Jac: “Yvonne — “ She shoots her a look. “I thought we agreed we need to change the topic.”
Grace: “Yes, let’s!”
Yvonne: “Then change it.” She shrugs. “I’m not the one that is unable to handle emotions.”
Beau: “I think we can all handle our emotions.”
“I’m starting to look at Yvonne a little differently. I’m not going to lie. I won’t cross that lady. She goes low.”
Lorelei: “Actually — I think I’m going to leave. I don’t feel comfortable. I’m upset and I don’t want to do something I’ll regret.”
Xavier: “Babe, seriously though? Come on. Just sit down and ignore them.” He grabs her wrist, trying to get her to sit back down.
Lorelei: “Don’t tell me to ignore them. I wanna go.” She breaks free of his grip. “Go to hell.” She flips Yvonne off and walks out the door.
Xavier looks at the table and sighs, embarrassed. He would then get up and follow her out of Jac’s penthouse.
Grace: “Wow.” She shakes her head in fascination.
Yvonne laughs and looks to Beau.
Yvonne: “ Still believe we can all handle our emotions, Beau?”
Morgan: “Something like that.” He mumbles and takes a bite of his seafood pasta.
Jac and Sheridan both look concerned.
Jac: “Sheridan, go after her! Please!”
The camera follows Sheridan as she exits the penthouse and walks down the little hallway.
Sheridan: “LORELEI!” She screams. “LORELEI!”
She catches up to Lorelei and Xavier in the fancy foyer room for the elevator.
Lorelei: “Sher? No. Please, no. I want to go home.” The elevator dings and she starts to walk in.
Sheridan: “I understand hun. We will have a conversation about this later…I have thoughts; but not today.” She nods.
“Yvonne and I are done. She has went straight o the gutter with me on this one. She wanted to pick a fight with me and do this grimy shit… a war with me she shall get.” She mumbles. “Bitch.”
Xavier embraces a devastated Lorelei as the doors close. Sheridan scurries back in and pulls up her dress as her titty pops out.
Sheridan: “Lordy Jesus…”
Back at the table, the couples are eating.
Monsè: “Yvonne, that was pretty… brutal don’t you think?”
Yvonne: “Monsè, I don’t really care. Have you all forgotten she was sitting right there with this man’s son?”
We get a shot of Morgan who looks down and countinues eating his meal.
Monsè: “I mean, date who you want but she was clearly hurt. Can’t you have a little compassion? I’m just saying.” She puts her hands up and then sips her drink. Gil rubs her back.
Yvonne: “Compassion for someone who’s taken every chance to take a dig at my age, my looks, style, every fiber of my being?”
“Truthfully, I was not aware of whatever allegations of abuse or jail sentences Lorelei is talking about. I gave the man a chance because he asked for it. I didn’t seek him out and I certainly wont sleep with his father, son, daughter, uncle, or any other family member to get revenge…unlike others.”
Grace: “This was messy, Vonnie I’m going to be honest with you on that. You definitely could’ve handled it better.”
Yvonne: “Grace, let’s not do this because I think you’re scared of Lorelei half the time.”
Grace: “Vonnie, don’t be like this, come on.” She tilts her head.
Sheridan makes her way back into the penthouse and sits back down next to Marcus.
Sheridan: “Lorelei has driven off girls! She’s not coming back in, perhaps it’s for the best.”
Yvonne: “Listen — I told you before all of this so you knew what was going on.” She motions to Morgan.
Grace: “Yes, you did but the way it came across tonight… it was a little harsh. That’s all we’re saying.”
We get a shot of Monsè nodding along.
“I don’t understand why Yvonne is getting so defensive with me right now. Just because I don’t agree with you doesn’t mean I’m wrong and you’re right.”
Grace: “Vonnie, I’m not going to argue with you because I won’t fall out with you over this. It’s your life to burn down if you wish.” She sips her drink and glances at Vivian.
Yvonne: “Life to burn down? Nobody’s perfect. Everyone’s had unsavory moments. But if anyone has their objections, save them for our wedding. Coming soon.” Before she picks up her fork she pauses and looks to Grace. “Can I eat now?”
Sheridan: “Wedding?!” She looks shocked.
Monsè’s jaw drops.
Monsè: “Are you two…” She waves her finger. “Engaged?”
Vivian: “Engaged? Wow…that’s…yeah.” She forks food into her mouth then makes a face at her girlfriend, Grace.
Jac: “Oh wow, and you only told us about him in Bali?”
“Is Yvonne going to the courthouse tomorrow honey I’m confused!”
Yvonne just shrugs and looks at Morgan, smiling.
Yvonne: “Q&A is over. Let’s have a good time ladies and gentlemen….actually, let me ask the questions now. Jac and Monsè, are you two good since Bali?” She raises an eyebrow.
Sheridan: “I mean she invited her and Gil…”
Jac nods.
Jac: “I’m happy that Monsè is here. I am. She’s in a couple and she should be at couples night regardless of our differences.”
Monsè: ‘We’re cordial.”
Gil fiddles with his collar uncomfortably.
Vivian: “What happened between you two?” She looks, curious.
Jac and Monsè glance at eachother but then Yvonne speaks up.
Yvonne: “Jac said Gil was a child trafficker I believe.”
Vivian’s eyes widen and Sheridan lets out a giggle.
Sheridan: “Yvonne! You need to be in timeout tonight
Yvonne: “Gil, are you in that business too?”
Jac: “Really? Is that what you’re doing right now?” She looks at Yvonne, annoyed.
“Wow! This bitch.”
Monsè: “Yvonne, let me stop you right there. We’re not doing this again. Not in my home, and not in Jac’s.”
Yvonne: “Jac put it out there again.” She shrugs.
Jac: “That’s not what I said!”
Gil: “I’d like to clarify that I’m not a child trafficker, by the way — “
Monsè: “Shh! The girls are talking!”
Yvonne: “So we do selective things in this group now?” She scoffs at Jac. “The man deserves to hear what was said about him by this complete stranger!” She motions to Gil.
Monsè: “He’s heard it, and it doesn’t need to be said again. It’s a lie and it’s disgusting. What are you getting at Yvonne?”
Sheridan: “Yvonne, I think it’s enough for tonight.”
Grace: “I agree with Sheridan.”
“I don’t know what side of the bed Yvonne woke up on but she has chose violence all night. Let’s simmer down and have some champagne!”
We see Jac turn to Gil and lean across the table.
Jac: “What I said was that if you were in Beverly Beach when you married Monsè and traveled with her you would’ve been seen as a child sex trafficker…”
Yvonne: “That’s a pretty spin you put on it, Jac.”
Jac: “That’s the truth, Yvonne!”
Sheridan: “Yvonne, that is exactly what Jac said.”
Gil: “I don’t want to get into any arguments with you ladies. All I ask is that whatever problems you have, you leave my name out of it. I’m not a criminal.”
Marcus: “I heard that, Gil.”
Monsè: “Gil is a good man, better than some of the ones you’ve brought…” She looks at Morgan. “I will not let you guys slander his name for a moment.”
Beau: “Monsè, I actually completely agree.” He turns to Jac. “Jac, isn’t there something you want to say?”
Jac: “No there is. Gil, I’m very sorry I brought you up in my fight with Monse. It wasn’t right and it’s inexcusable. As much as she and I don’t get along, you’re an innocent person in this.”
Gil nods.
Gil: “Thank you, I appreciate that. And I hope you two can find a way to make peace too.”
Monsè smiles and wraps her hands around his arm.
Jac: “Hopefully. We’ll see.”
“I’m not gonna lie, I really appreciate Jac apologizing. That was big of her. Maybe there’s hope after all… Maybe.”
Vivian squints at Yvonne as Yvonne rolls her eyes.
Vivian: “Yvonne, pardon me but are you okay? Something about you tonight seems… different.”
The girls all look to Vivian.
Yvonne: “I feel great Vivian. How about yourself? Do you have panties or a thong on tonight?”
Vivian looks taken aback.
Vivian: “I’m just saying… you seem very different. You’re very agitated, have you taken something?” She sips her drink curiously.
Sheridan: “Oh lord, taken something? A drug? Whew…the allegations tonight.”
Yvonne: “Vivian, don’t do that. You are a guest here and I’d hate to have to drag you. Let’s sit back and relax for Grace’s sake.” She looks agitated.
Beau cringes and squeezes Jac’s hand. Marcus watches intently next to Sheridan.
Sheridan: “Can we all just relax babes?”
Vivian: “Let me clear this up, Sheridan — “ She turns to address Yvonne. “I’m not accusing you, I’m just making an observation.” She shrugs and sits back down in her seat, sipping wine. “This wine is beautiful, Jac. You’ll have to let me and Grace buy a bottle of it from you.” She smiles.
Yvonne: “Shhh! Don’t say anything else, Vivian. Don’t observe, don’t comment, don’t spectate.”
Vivian: “Okay, Yvonne.” She subtly rolls her eyes.
Jac: “Yvonne she’s sitting at the table. She can speak. Don’t you dare tell someone in my home when to speak and when not to speak.” She nods at Vivian.
Yvonne: “You…you be quiet. I’ve had enough.” She has a disgusted look on her face and waves her finger at Jac. “I came into your home as a guest. Don’t patronize me.”
Jac: “I think you need to leave.” She points to Yvonne.
Yvonne: “I think I will leave. I prefer homes that I can have real fun in, where the person doesn’t have to worry about a security deposit being refunded.”
“It definitely doesn’t feel like I’m leaving here with more friends than I came in with and that’s fine.”
As Yvonne and Morgan get up to leave, the camera pans to Beau who sits back in shock.
Yvonne: “Bye honey! Shave those legs next time.” She holds her purse up and walks out with Morgan.
Jac: “Fuck you bitch! I own this shit. You’re the sloppy seconds queen with Lorelei’s ex!”
The table watches Jac in horror. Jac takes a deep breath and turns back to the remaining couples.
Jac: “ Well thank you all for coming. We should really do this again sometime.” She forces a smiles.
Monsè grabs the half empty bottle of champagne and gets up.
Monsè: “Let’s go, babe. That’s enough for one night.”
Gil: “You’re telling me.” He gets up as well.
Sheridan and Marcus get up too.
Marcus: “It was truly interesting getting to meet you all. I look forward to seeing you all again. Beau, Gil, Morgan — bro night soon?”
Sheridan: “I’ll see you all later.” She laughs. “Let’s go!”
Vivian stands up.
Vivian: “I’m going to fetch Grace from your bathroom. Second on the right upstairs you said, Jac? Thank you for a nice evening.”
The party dispereses. The scene zooms out from Jac’s penthouse but we hear a little audio from the couple.
Beau: “Did that actually happen?”
Jac: “It sure as fuck did.”
The scene ends.
Cameras pan over the Langley estate as Asha and Yvonne pull up in a nice Range Rover. Yvonne parks it in the expansive garage. Asha quickly gets out and rushes inside before her mom.
Yvonne enters and finds Asha grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.
Yvonne: “Are you going to give me the cold shoulder the rest of the night or will you just tell me what the attitude is about?”
Asha: “Mom, you just fired a man who has a family. He told us about how he needs the job to support his parents who live with him, his wife, and two children.”
Yvonne: “I think I was very fair giving him 3 months pay as severance given that he’s fired because he isn’t reaching the performance targets he set.”
Asha: “Those targets could’ve been adjusted.”
We get footage of Yvonne’s ex-husband Horace coming up to join the girls from his man cave.
Horace: “What’s all this ruckus?”
Asha: “Mom is being heartless.”
Yvonne: “It’s called being a boss. One day, you’ll understand exactly why these harsh conversations are necessary in business.”
Asha pouts and grabs her water bottle off the counter and storms off to her room upstairs. Yvonne turns to Horace.
Yvonne: “Can you believe this? She’s 22 years old throwing tantrums because she disagrees with my sentiment. I don’t want her to end up like these whiny, immature women I’m around.”
“Asha is young, progressive, and kind-hearted. She thinks the world is cut and dry with good and bad people because we’ve afforded she and her brother a life without worry and full of adventures. But if she thinks she has the chops to take over the family business, she’s got another thing coming. People will tell their sob stories at the drop of a hat to manipulate you from holding them accountable. At the end of the day, a job is a job. It is not a charity project.”
Horace: “I think you should talk to her instead of talking at her. You’re supposed to be teaching her business, not just showing her how business works. You know?”
Yvonne rolls her eyes.
Yvonne: “She’s too sheltered, Ace. She lives in a condo in L.A. when she doesn’t want to be here, she doesn’t have student loans, we’ve financed her to go abroad, she lives in the lap of luxury. She has to wake up and smell the roses.”
Horace: “Are you always this cutthroat?” He sighs.
Yvonne folds her arms and leans back on the island.
Yvonne: “My parents and their siblings entrusted me with the family business. I have to keep it going and I’ll be damned if it goes to waste because she can’t handle a firing! That’s ridiculous. Do you think that’s CEO-ready behavior?”
Horace: “I’m going to talk to her.”
Yvonne: “Fine. Let me know how it goes…after my massage.”
“Horace loves to coddle Asha. She’s his pride and joy, his baby girl, and I call him an enabler at least once a day because of it. He has too great of an affinity to baby-step her through every decision, every emotion, and every bad day. But who am I to criticize? I did the same when she was younger.”
Horace disappears into the house and then we get a montage of Yvonne changing into a robe and heading down to her massage room in the basement. There is a woman already in there waiting for Yvonne.
Yvonne: “Penelope, are your hands of steel ready to get these knots out?” She derobes and lays down.
Penelope: “Absolutely Ms. Langley. I have some hot rocks ready for todays treatment as well.”
Yvonne’s head shoots up and she gives Penelope a look.
Yvonne: “Hot what?!!? Honey, you won’t be burning me. Give me a cold rock.”
Penelope laughs.
Penelope: “Trust me Ms. Langley, they are wonder working materials. It helps to let out stress and I think that’s what you need. I heard all of that noise upstairs, a pretty nasty fight.”
Yvonne lays back down and sighs.
Yvonne: “Just family business. Nothing to worry about.”
Penelope: “Will Little Miss Asha be down for a treatment as well?”
Yvonne: “ I don’t know. But don’t let her around my hot rocks, she might try to burn the pink slip I wrote today.” She laughs.
The scene begins to fade as Penelope starts placing hot rocks on Yvonne’s back.
Yvonne: “Ow!”
We get shots of a upscale steak house. A car pulls up in front of it and Grace gets out of the back and heads inside.
Grace: “Good afternoon.” She smiles at the host. “Good afternoon, I have a table reserved for 3 under the name ‘Faroe’.”
The host ushers Grace to the table and she takes a seat.
Grace: “Could I get a glass of mineral water, please? Thank you.”
“I’ve managed to get a reservation at one of the top steakhouses in town this afternoon and I’ve invited Bree and Yvonne along. Yvonne and I… we need to talk after the disaster that was the couples dinner and Bree… let’s just say that the Faroe has some questions she’d like to ask.”
We get footage of Yvonne as she walks in. The host leads her to Grace’s table.
Yvonne: “Grace…”
Grace just smiles, a few seconds later Bree is lead over by the host.
Bree: “Good evening ladies.”
Yvonne: “Hello, don’t you look very cougar-y today!”
Grace: “Take a seat, take a seat. It’s nice that you could both make it.” She takes a sip from her water.
We see Bree force a smile and Yvonne look between the two women.
Yvonne: “Let’s not be fake, ladies. There are enough issues to go around so let’s just get into them.”
Bree: “Right.” She nods and leans back. “Shall I start?” She looks at Yvonne.
Grace looks to Bree in surprise.
Yvonne: “Go ahead, Bree. You seem eager.”
“When the news about Bianca’s addiction came out everyone showed support, either publicly or privately, even Sheridan and Jac. Instead Yvonne posted a tweet hinting my daughter’s addiction was somehow my fault…” She shakes her head. “What kind of trash would ever say that.”
Bree: “Alright, I would like to know what would prompt you to say that my daughter’s addiction may somehow be my fault.”
Grace’s eyes widen.
Yvonne: “I did not say you were completely at fault. I said that you contributed to its beginnings. And I stand by that.”
Bree: “And why would you say that? What makes you think that?” She raises an eyebrow.
The camera pans to the waiter who looks scared to come over.
Yvonne: “Growing up in Beverly Beach, I’ve seen young women fly off to the fashion centers of the world- New York, London, Paris, Milan, you name it — and be disappointed by the unrealistic standards of the industry. However, the difference between them and your daughter is that they didn’t have to simultaneously cope with their mother’s livelihood depending on them, her public perception from a reality show weighing on their image, nor did they see their mother dance almost naked on social media while being told that their bodies needed adjustment.”
A sound effect plays; Grace’s mouth is wide open and Bree’s eyes are wide in disbelief.
“I understand where Yvonne is coming from here… however, the way she’s articulating it… probably not the right way. You’ve got to be careful when it comes to people’s children. Yvonne’s playing with fire here.”
The music picks up as Yvonne cocks her head, narrowing her eyes at Bree.
Yvonne: “Do you ever step back for a second and think as a mother, instead of as her manager before it got to this point and think, what role have I played?”
Grace covers her face and Bree looks very offended, she clutches her chest. The camera zooms out from the table.