[S7]: Coming Later This Season…
Mona’s Voice: “We’re going to Sin City, bitches!”
We hear all of the girls cheer. We get multiple shots of Las Vegas and the girls doing various activities like gambling, going out to eat, and partying with a DJ at an epic pool party.
The scene changes. We see Ava Miller in a boutique greeting Grace, Mona, and Bree.
Ava: “So what do you guys think? I’m so happy to be expanding Miller Boutique to Beverly Beach!”
Bree: “I love it!”
Mona: “It’s great, Ava!”
The scene changes and we see most of the women at a party at Lorelei and Xavier’s new mansion. The ‘Wives wear latex, lingerie, and skimpy outfits. There are penis decorations up, the girls are drinking and having a good time. All of a sudden the camera pans and we see Imani Grimaldi walk into her sister Lorelei’s house.
Imani: “Hello Kitty Katz!”
Lorelei: “Imani!” She runs to give her a hug.
Sheridan: “Looking good mama!”
Jac: “Don’t you look pretty Imani!! Turn around so I can spank you!”
Jac cracks her whip and the girls all laugh.
The scene switches to a nice outdoor venue, a party is going on with people dressed up.
All over, there are pictures of Monsè and and the Forbes logo. We see that Bree and Mona are approaching Monsè.
Bree: “Congratulations on getting on the list!” She hugs Monsè. “I’m so happy and proud of you!”
Monsè: “Aw! Thank you guys! It means the world, I’m just so excited!” She sips her drink. “I’d be even more excited if my husband was here…” She begins looking around the party.
The frame stops and the colors begin to fade, the scene changes. Monsè and her husband Gil sit in a fancy restaurant, they are in the middle of an argument.
Monsè: “I’m just getting my career off the ground and you want me to throw it all away?”
Gil: “You’re getting named on the ‘30 Under 30' list, for God’s sake. It’s not like your name’s not already out there.”
Monsè: “Is that what this is really about? You’re jealous that I’m the one being featured on some stupid list and not you? Sorry you’re not the center of attention for once!” She sips her wine.
Gil looks dumfounded.
Gil: “Wow, that’s what you think of me? That I’m the jealous husband that can’t stand to be in his wife’s shadow?”
Monsè begins getting up from the table, she’s shaking her head.
Monsè: “No. I’m done.”
We see Gil alone at the table, looking stressed out and confused as Monsè walks out. The scene changes.
We see Yvonne, Grace, Jac and Victoria standing around Yvonne’s art gallery at an event having a discussion. Yvonne is staring Grace down.
Yvonne: “How do we move on from here, Grace? Is Vivian ready to apologize?”
Grace subtly rolls her eyes.
Grace: “I was ready to move on the other day.”
Yvonne gives Grace a confused look.
Yvonne: “How do I move on with you when you’re basically condoning your girlfriend to make disparaging remarks about me?”
We get a shot of Grace looking shocked. Jac and Victoria make eye contact, shaking their heads.
We see Bree, Mona, and Monsè sitting in a lavish lounge room in Bree’s house.
Bree: “Sheridan’s been leaking step by step informations about what happens within our group, and it’s always things that depict us in a negative light.”
Mona and Monsè look at eachother and nod.
Mona: “She’s spreading all of this about you and bringing back all the racial comments you made a while ago for some attention.” She shrugs. “It’s disgusting.”
Everyone thinks Sheridan is this little damsel in distress constantly getting ganged up on. But in reality, she’s the bully that her and the Twitter minions claim the rest of us are.
We see the ladies in the middle of an argument at a Vegas pool party. They have their own private booth for bottles.
Sheridan: “Many women want my man, just like many men want yours Mona.”
Mona: “None of your insults hurt me anymore, bitch.” She sips her drink. “Maybe find a man that’s name doesn’t start with M and you’ll have better luck.”
All of a sudden Sheridan lurches forward, sending everything on the table flying. Glass shatters as the bottles hit the ground. She reaches for Mona’s neck and the girls all start screaming.
Sheridan: “I’ve had ENOUGH of you, bitch!”
The screen goes black and we hear the audio.
Victoria: “WOAH!”
Jac: “No! No! Sheridan STOP!”
Monsè: “Sheridan, NO!”
Some of the women and their significant others sitting at a large table in a spacious penthouse, presumably for a dinner. Jac and her husband Beau sit next to Sheridan and her new boyfriend, Marcus. Grace and her girlfriend, Vivian, sit on the other side next to Monsè and Gil. Lorelei and her husband Xavier are also at the table.
The scene switches to Yvonne who is walking into the penthouse with her arms linked with Morgan Sullivan — Lorelei’s ex-husband and current father-in-law.
Yvonne: “You sure you’re comfortable with this?”
Morgan: “We’re already here. No turning back.”
The approach the table and the conversation dies down. The camera pans to see the shocked faces of the ‘Wives who are at the table.
Monsè: “Oh shit…”
Grace: “ Oh, God… no!” She hides behind Vivian.
The camera pans to Lorelei and Xavier.
Xavier: “Is that…is that my pops?” He looks in disbelif.
Lorelei: “Oh no the hell she didn’t…”
The table watches as Morgan and Yvonne take a seat across from Lorelei and Xavier. Xavier narrows his eyes as he puts his arm around Lorelei, Lorelei gives Yvonne a look up and down.
Yvonne: “Hey Xavier, long time no see.”
Morgan: “What’s going on son?”
The trailer ends.