Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
34 min readOct 17, 2022

[S6E8]: Wintour Is Coming

(From L to R: Mona Quinn, Yvonne Langley, Sheridan Campbell, Lorelei Sullivan, Grace Faroe, & Bree Bailey)

Coming Later This Season on “The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach…

The trailer opens up with Mona and her mother sitting at a table in a restaurant. Mona looks sad and defeated, her mom holds her hand.

Angela: “How are the babies? How are they…handling everything?”

Mona: “They don’t even notice a difference.” She sighs. “All I tell them is daddy is away on a trip.”

Angela: “He’s on a long ass trip then…”

It is now later in the scene and Mona can be seen crying.

Mona: “Right now, I feel nothing inside.”

Angela: “Its going to be okay. I’m here for you.” She gets up and hugs Mona.

We now see Sheridan and Yvonne who sit on the floor of a dance class, Sheridan looks sad.

Sheridan: “I just — I just want him to come home.” She sighs. “But, I’m not going to cry over Martin anymore. I can’t.”

Yvonne: “Do you know where he is? Let’s go confront him. If he won’t come to you, we’ll go to him.”

Sheridan: “I’m blocked right now.” She looks down.

Yvonne: “Blocked?!”

Sheridan: “He blocked my number — I did text and call him over 40 times.”

The scene switches to Lorelei and Xavier as they sit on a couch and hold hands, interviewing potential surrogates. A woman sits across from them.

Lorelei: “Have you been a surrogate before?”

Woman: “I have not. Well, not legally. I have done it a few times for my friends.” She smiles.

Lorelei and Xavier exchange looks.

Xavier: “Yeah…no.” He crosses her name off the list.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“What kind of shit is this? Getting pregnant for some friends without the proper resources? This is some backwood, low, country mess. HELL NO!”

The scene switches to Yvonne and Teddy talking in her kitchen.

Yvonne: “Today is a very busy day, Teddy. I’ve already had to find another makeup artists for tonight.”

Teddy: “Always focused on your looks — “

Yvonne: “And my future.” She leans against her counter and raises an eyebrow.

Teddy: “What does that mean?”

Yvonne: “Teddy…this isn’t working.”

Teddy looks at Yvonne, shocked.

We get a shot of a private jet landing an we see shots of Miami. Grace’s voice over can be heard.

Grace: “Miami!”

Grace, Lorelei, and Yvonne step off the plane and look around. We get amazing shots of their luxurious hotel suites. We then see a fabulous House of Faroe fashion show in Miami Fashion Week. Lorelei and Yvonne sit front row and clap.

The next scene we get fabulous shots of Prague, Czech Republic.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“We’ve made it to Prague and I’m ready to get this trip started! I’m hoping we can all get along and you know…bond. But…” She clicks her teeth. “That’s wishful thinking.”

We get a great shot of the Prague Castle and all of the girls getting together for a picture in front of it. We see Lorelei, Bree, and Mona taking a selfie in a Czech pub together. We then see the ladies all arriving to multiple beautiful dinners, one in a classy restaurant and the other at a nice rooftop venue.

We now see Lorelei and Bree as they sit on a couch in Bree’s home.

Bree: “Yvonne always acts like she needs everyone to prove themselves to her…but I know my worth and my net worth…and they’re both extremly high.

Lorelei is seen holding back a laugh.

Lorelei: “Oh, Bree. This is why we’re friends.”

Lorelei, Sheridan, Mona, and Monsè stand on a dock. We see jet skis parked on the side. Lorelei is glaring at Sheridan.

Lorelei: “You are fraudulent, Sheridan. You can’t be real with anyone. You go and stir up some bullshit and love being messy and then hide your hand. I told Mona everything you said about her, by the way.”

The camera pans to a surprised Mona.

Sheridan: “You’re a liar! I would never talk shit about someone to YOU! You and the company you keep are shitty people.” She turns to Mona. “Mona, you know Lorelei has hated me for years. Why would I speak negatively about you?

Mona: “This is too fucking much.”

As Mona storms off, Sheridan turns to Lorelei.

Sheridan: “See what the fuck you did, you miserable snake?”

In a crowded party at Bell Camp, Sheridan stands and talks with Bree and Lorelei at the door. A few other women; Mona and Yvonne, stand by and watch.

Sheridan: “You know what, Bree — I’m extremely uncomfortable with you being at my place of business. I’d like you to leave. Lorelei, you’ll be joining her.”

Lorelei and Bree turn to each other and look shocked.

Lorelei: “Oh wow. Wow. This is classless.”

Yvonne: “Security!” She squeals and stands behind Sheridan.

Next, All of the ladies sit at a huge dinner table in Lorelei’s backyard, overlooking Beverly Bluffs. The women sit with a psychic.

Bree: “I know I shouldn’t trust you, Sheridan. And apparently neither should your employees.”

Sheridan: “Wait — Excuse me, Bree?”

Grace: “She didn’t mean that, Sheridan!” Her eyes are wide.

Bree: “A little birdie told me you’re staff isn’t being paid.”

Sheridan: “What I won’t have you do is talk about my employees when you’re running around pimping our your own flesh and blood for a dollar!”

The scene switches and the women are bickering at a different table inside of a restaurant. Grace can be seen waving her hand dismissively at Mona.

Grace: “You’re looking for a moment here, and that’s clear.”

Mona: “I wasn’t talking to you, Grace! You talked to me. The delusion!”

On the end of the table, we now see Yvonne, Bree, and Sheridan are engaged in conversation at the same time.

Yvonne: “I didn’t make fun of you, Bree. I established a boundary and you broke it several time.

Sheridan shakes her head and glares at Bree.

Sheridan: “You are just evil to the core. I pity those who love you because to me, you are unlovable and have absolutely no redeeming qualities.”

Bree: “Oh shut up, Sheridan. What did I do that was so evil? We still don’t know if you’re guilty or not, may I remind you you’re going to court, my dear.”

Lorelei: “You guys…this is truly just so stupid. Be quiet!”

The girls all continue bickering then Lorelei stands up at the table and throws her glass at the wall. It shatters and the table goes silent.

Lorelei: “BE QUIET! ALL OF YOU!”

Everyone looks to her, including stunned patrons of the restaurant.

For the final scene of the trailer, the women all sit at a big table overlooking Prague.

Sheridan: “LORELEI WAS LIKE MY FUCKING SISTER, AND THIS IS WHAT SHE STOOPS TO?!” She sniffles and gathers her belongings.

Sheridan is getting up from the table dramatically, she is tearing up.

Sheridan: “I’m done with this toxic shit! I’m done with Bree, I’m done with Lorelei, and I’m done with the Real Housewives of Beverly fucking Beach!”

She begins walking away but Grace gets up and places her hands on Sheridan’s shoulders.

Grace: “You don’t mean that. Walking out and walking away isn’t the answer, honey, and you know that.”

Sheridan shakes her head and shakes Grace’s hands from her shoulders.

Sheridan: “There’s no going back — I’m done.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I feel isolated with these girls. They don’t care about me or what I’m going through, and it’s clear.”

Sheridan is seen ripping her mic off and Producers talk with her as she makes her way out of the venue. The trailer ends with all of the women shocked at the table, the final shot is of Bree and Lorelei then the screen goes black.

The episode begins by showing a huge ballroom filled with people, photographers, and body guards. The camera pans to Anna Wintour having her pictures taken, then the shot changes to Donatella Versace getting in. Naomi Campbell is also seen chatting with someone across the room.

Anna Wintour, Donatella Versace, & Naomi Campbell

We now see Bree and her daughters, Blake and Bianca, posing together for the paparazzi.

Blake, Bree, & Bianca
Bree’s Confessional

“I am so excited for tonight, I am so proud of my girls and this party is going to be PERFECT!” She claps excitedly. “I have also hired top notch security and they’ve been told to escort anyone who makes a scene out of the building.” We see shots of the multiple, huge body guards all around the perimeter of the venue. “No bitching tonight!”

We see Lorelei waiting for Bree and her daughters, with two drinks in hand, as they get off the step and repeat.


Lorelei: “You and your daughters look gorgeous tonight!” She smiles at them and hands Bree the drink. “I’m so happy for you guys.”

Blake: “Aww, thanks.”

Bree: “Thank you darling, you look absolutely stunning as well! I’m so glad you could make it.” She sips the drink. “Oh! By the way before anyone else comes in I want you to meet someone…” She leans in and whispers. “It’s the guy I’ve been seeing, but I don’t want anyone to know it’s him. He came before everyone and he’s about to leave.”

Bree excuses herself from her daughters and takes Lorelei’s hand and leads her away to a side room. Before they enter, Bree turns to the cameras, breaking the fourth wall.

Bree: “We gotta stop filming for a second.” She holds her hand up.

We are now getting footage of the situation from another camera, a little bit further away, Bree is heard arguing with the cameraman. A Producer then steps in and tries talking to Bree. They eventually come to an agreement and Bree and Lorelei walk into the room, without cameras.

Producer: “We can’t film, but they still have their mics on, turn them on.”

We get footage of the party that is beginning, as Bree and Lorelei talk with a mystery man.

Bree: “I’m so glad you two finally met, I’ve been telling Lorelei about you babe.”

Lorelei: “That’s true, she’s told me quite a bit about you and I was so curious to finally meet you in person.”

Man: “I’m sure you heard lots about me.” He cackles. “But I hope you don’t have any prejudices against me, the press hates me and its pretty clear.”

Lorelei: “Don’t worry, I never listen to gossip, I only care about what Bree told me, and she said you make her happy, that’s all I care about.”

Bree: “He really does, and it’s so weird cause we had already met several times but I never thought he could be the one for me.”

Man: “ I knew the moment I saw you that night you were gonna fall for me.”

All three of them laugh.

Man: “ By the way, how’d you manage to sneak in here without cameras?”

Bree: “I talked to them, it’s all right, this won’t be taped.”

Lorelei: “Yeah, your girl is badass, she started yelling at them, I think production is scared of her now.”

Man: “I know, that’s why I like her!”

Bree: “Well I mean, he’s such a public figure can you imagine the drama if the media found out about us through a reality show? They would go crazy.”

Lorelei: “Yeah, I think you guys made the right choice by keeping it lowkey right now.”

Bree: “Anyway this was super nice but I really think we should go back now, I have a party to host and those crazy bitches need to be kept in check.”

Man: “Alright, I’ll be waiting for you in the car, see you later babe, it was nice to meet you Lorelei.”

Lorelei: “Nice to meet you as well, Elon. Have a good night!”

Bree: “Let’s go now, I’ll see you later my love.”

Bree is seen walking back into the ballroom, followed by Lorelei. The music picks back up at Yvonne enters the venue, she looks around.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“I’m not the happiest with Bree Bailey right now but I’d never hold that against her kids or their accomplishments.”

She walks up to Lorelei and Bree.

Yvonne: “Hello, hello.”

Lorelei: “Yes, honey!” She looks at Yvonne. “You look fabulous.”

Bree: “Hi Yvonne, you look gorgeous. Thank you for coming.”

Yvonne: “Thank you, you both look great.” She bows her head politely. “ Lorelei, I love the tan but please don’t rub that tint off on me!”

Lorelei laughs.

Lorelei: “I promise, I won’t!”

Sheridan can be seen being dropped off by a car outside, she walks inside and begins posing for the photographers with a mutual friend.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I’m here, because I keep my word. I don’t particularly care for Bree and her delusions but I will support her daughters.”


The camera pans a few feet over at Grace just getting off of the step and repeat, she waves and chats with a large group of friends that are giants in the fashion industry.

Grace’s Confessional

“I’m pretty excited for this event tonight and surprisingly, Bree has knocked it out of the park. Maybe I underestimated her connections? I see Anna Wintour, I think that’s Donatella Versace although last time I saw her was about 4 faces ago… and is that Naomi? Vogue doesn’t play!” She snaps her fingers and laughs.

Sheridan and Grace make their way over to the group of women.

Bree: “Oh gosh hi Grace, hi Sheridan, loving both your looks. I hope you’ll have a great night.”

Grace: “This is all very fabulous.” She smiles and looks around. “I’m actually surprised at how it turned out!”

Grace and Sheridan go over and mingle with Yvonne.

The music switches as Mona walks into the venue with Monsè

Mona & Monsè
Mona’s Confessional

“I love Bree and her girls, but I don’t want to be at this party tonight. With everything going on at home, I have no urge to let loose and have fun. I just feel like…sad. But what else am I suppose to do? I’m going to have to answer to the group so I might as well get it over with. Also, who knows, I may get some advice.”

Monsè: “Wow, this is really legit.” She looks around.

Monsè’s Confessional

“It sucks that Bree and I have hit a bump in the road. I’m hoping tonight is the start of us getting back on track.”

After chatting with some friends for a bit, the duo make their way to the group of women.

Bree: “Hi doll, long time no see, I absolutely love the outfit.” She hugs Mona.

Mona: “Thank you, honey!”

Lorelei: “Hey!” She hugs Mona.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“You all let Mona come in that? Is she skipping out on glam and styling for whiskey and wine? Life of a drunk, I guess.”

We now see Monsè awkwardly standing behind Mona. Sheridan walks over.

Sheridan: “Hey Monsè.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I am not sure how Monsè feels about me after I put her on the spot with Yvonne. Bree seems to think I threw her under the bus, but really I just wanted to get to the bottom and clear Lauren’s name.”

Monsè: “Hey Sheridan.” She smiles a little and walks over to the rest of the group. “Hi ladies, how is everyone?”

Grace: “Monsè, how nice to see you.” She looks her up and down. “Cute dress!”

Monsè: “Thanks, Grace! Love that robe on you.” She smiles.

Grace: “It’s vintage designer, I’ll give you details.” She winks.

Grace’s Confessional

“Okay… she looks like Black Smurfette. Let’s be real, okay?”

After getting drinks, the girls gather at a large table.

Sheridan: “Mona babe, we missed you on the trip the last day.” She looks concerned.

Mona: “I’m sorry everyone, I had some personal stuff going on. I’m glad to see you all though, even you, Yvonne!” She laughs.

Yvonne: “I’m sure.” She fakes a smile.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“The feeling is not mutual, honey.”

Sheridan: “Well I hope everything is okay babe. I was worried when I got your text.”

Bree: “By the way girls I have to go give a quick speech, and then we’ll unveil the new cover along with Anna Wintour, how exciting!”

Bree squeaks in excitement as she walks over to the stage, together with her daughters and Anna.

Sheridan: “Oh, I forgot that Bree had a purpose for this event.” She sips her drink.

Yvonne turns to Grace and Lorelei.

Yvonne: “Who do you think she gave a happy ending for Anna Wintour to be here?”

Lorelei: “Uh uh!” She laughs and nudges her.

Grace laughs and Mona raises and eyebrow.

Mona: “It seems I’ve missed alot. Everyone’s throwing lots of shade!”

The party turns their attention to Bree as she takes the stage and gives her speech. A big set of curtains then open up and the Vogue cover is unveiled.

The room erupts with applause. We see Anna and Donatella clapping as well. We get a shot of the ‘Wives tables and they are all clapping.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Bree is a nightmare when it comes to being a manager for her daughters, but, she keeps them booked and busy; and she did ultimately score them the cover of Vogue.” She nods. “She’s good at her job.”

Mona: “Yaaas!”

Sheridan: “We love that. We do.”

Monsè: “They’re stunning!”

Yvonne can be seen touching up her makeup.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“This is the cover? I guess Anna gave more of the budget for her travel here than she did for their cover.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Maybe they should match next time?” She laughs. “The photo was kind of all over the place. The photographer lacked vision, and the models looked like they were forced to be their by their mother.” She grins a little.

There is a time lapse and after getting pictures taken, Bree heads back to join the group at their table.

Bree: “God! That was exciting.” She takes a seat and sips her champagne.

Lorelei: “Honey, they look stunning. You should be proud of your girls.”

Grace nods and smiles at Bree, sipping her cocktail.

Grace’s Confessional

“You can tell Bree is new to this game. She’s like an excited child in Willy Wonka’s factory… with the orange complexion to match. You’ll learn… oh, you’ll learn.”

Yvonne: “I didn’t know your girls were real models, good for them!”

Sheridan giggles and sips her champagne, Monsè shakes her head.

Mona: “The cover was gorg!”

Bree: “Thank you everyone, your support means the world to me, and I’m so glad we could all come together despite our differences to celebrate tonight.” She smiles.

Grace: “Amen to that!”

Monsè: “I agree. This is a huge accomplishment for your daughters, so congrats!” She raises her glass.

Sheridan: “Speaking of differences…” She smiles. “Did you two solve yours? Bree and Monsè. I know you and I aren’t in a good place but I hope the two of you squashed your little beef.” She sips her champagne and cuts her eyes back and forth and looks over at Yvonne.

Lorelei: “You so messy!” She looks at Sheridan and lets out a playful chuckle.

Monsè: “We still have some things to talk about, but I don’t think this is the right place for that. Tonight’s about Bree.”

Monsè’s Confessional

“I’m seriously side-eyeing Sheridan right now. Shouldn’t you be worried about your own business?” She raises and eyebrow.

Bree: “Yeah — I mean we haven’t had a chance to talk really, I’ve been very much busy, but I’m kinda over it you know? I mean what’s a petty argument compared to all…this.” She motions around.

Sheridan: “Yes! Let’s fake it until we make it. Maybe one day soon you all can be real with each other.” She laughs.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I see we are glazing over Bree’s bad behavior. Probably because the girls don’t care for Yvonne.”

Mona: “Hold on!” She turns to Monsè. “When did y’all start fighting?!”

Lorelei: “The last dinner in Quebec. It was a lot of misunderstandings, in my opinion.” She sighs.

Mona: “Oh wow…Well, girls. Can I say something to all of you really fast? I don’t want to make it a huge deal.”

Mona’s Confessional

“My whole situation is gonna get out at some point so I guess I’ll just tell them what’s going on.”

All of the women at the table look to Mona.

Mona: “The real reason I left the trip was because…I received some picture of Adam with another girl…” She begins crying. “And I didn’t know what to do except go home.” She wipes her tears.

Yvonne can be seen holding back a laugh.

Grace: “Wow…” Her eyes widen.

Monsè rubs Mona’s back compassionately.

Mona: “And I’m sure some of you are gonna throw your shade and say something nasty behind my back but just think about me for one second. Think about my kids. My life is falling apart.” She wipes a tear.

Lorelei: “Oh — Oh my gosh, honey. I’m sorry.”

Bree: “Oh, sweetie. I’m sorry…”

Sheridan: “Oh no Mona, I’m sorry he’s cheating on you again.”

Lorelei: “Sheridan, that’s not nice.” She gives her a look.

Sheridan: “What? I feel for Mona, genuinely. What did I say?”

Lorelei: “That is just so nasty. You know what you’re doing. You’re being messy.”

Mona: “I just really need support right now guys. Not insults please. I beg of you. I can’t take it. I’m really struggling…”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I feel so bad for Mona. That man’s been cheating on her from the start. One day she’ll wise up and leave him, but today I’m just going to support her.”

Donatella Versace makes her way to the table to talk to Bree and the girls, when she gets there she looks at Mona confused.

Donatella: “Bad time?”

The girls looks surprised to see her standing there. Bree quickly springs up and begins leading Donatella away.

Bree: “Don’t worry darling, she’s fine, she’s just so excited to see my daughters on the cover of Vogue.”

Sheridan gets up and walks around to hug Mona.

Sheridan: “Seriously, shade and everything aside — I’m sorry, baby. I know what it feels like to be cheated on and it sucks.”

Lorelei: “Mona, it’ll be alright.” She reaches over and grabs her hand. “We are here for you.”

Grace rolls her eyes and Sheridan shakes her head.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Lorelei should walk away. She doesn’t know what it’s like to be cheated on, she does the cheating.”

Mona: “Thank you, girls. Thank you so much.”

Bree makes her way back over to the table and Mona looks to her as she sits.

Mona: “I’m sorry Bree for doing this at your event but I though I should be transparent with you all.”

Bree: “Oh don’t even say that sweetie, I get it it’s hard, I just don’t want my friends to think we’re….weird….that’s all.” She awkwardly smiles.

Mona: “Bree, how is that weird?” She looks at Bree, taken aback.

Mona’s Confessional

“Weird? Really, that’s all your thinking about is image and how you’re portrayed. I like Bree but c’mon girl just be here for me.”

Bree: “No, I’m saying that Donatella doesn’t speak 100% English and she was a bit taken aback, that’s all!” She holds her hands up.

Yvonne: “I didn’t know you and Donatella were friends. Are you spreading rumors about her?”

Sheridan: “Bree shut up, our friend is hurting! She’s been mistreated by her husband time after time and you are worried about what Anna Wintour thinks? Get a grip, woman!”

Bree’s Confessional

“Now let’s be real, I don’t want Anna Wintour to think I hang out with psychos who just cry at parties… this is my daughter’s jobs.”

As the girls bicker, we see Grace get up unnoticed. She makes her way to a nearby table and is seen approaching Anna Wintour and greeting her, giving her a hug. Back at the table, Yvonne looks at Mona.

Yvonne: “Mona, now I do want to understand something. Is this why you’ve been drinking? To cope with the situation?” She raises and eyebrow.

Mona: “Yes. I have been drinking alot to cope with the issues in my marriage, and I’ve stopped.”

Yvonne: “I don’t believe that, Mona. You’ve been drinking so heavily that cold turkey wouldn’t work.”

Mona: “I’m sorry you’re so concerned with my drinking instead of how I feel. For once in your god damn life Yvonne can you show some sympathy?” Her voice is shaky. “All you do is attack, attack, attack.”

Yvonne: “This is sympathy!”

Sheridan: “Leave Mona alone! She’s clearly hurting. Her husband is consistently aint shit. She doesn’t need y’all’s shade or sass.” She keeps her arms wrapped around Mona.

Lorelei looks at Sheridan and holds back a laugh.

Lorelei: “This is some fake shit.” She mumbles.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Sheridan is a fake bitch. She just shaded the girl three minutes ago. Now she wants to have her back?”

We get another shot of Grace chatting with Anna and then it goes back to the table.

Bree: “Honestly, Mona, I figured something was off in Quebec but I didn’t wanna bring it up tonight cause I didn’t know if you were ready to talk about it… so have you figured what’s gonna happen with your husband or…?”

Mona: “I haven’t yet.”

Sheridan: “Can we leave Mona alone and stop with all the questions? She doesn’t deserve this right now. No wonder she drinks so heavily you all are doing all these questions.”

Monsè nods along.

Monsè’s Confessional

“Of course, these ladies can’t just be there for a woman who’s hurting. Wait till their men cheat on them and see whose support you get. It’s only a matter of time for some of them.”

Mona turns to Bree.

Mona: “Bree I’m sorry again I didn’t mean to put a damper on the night. I think it’s best I go.”

Sheridan: “Let me walk you out, love.” She stands up and grabs Mona’s hand.

Monsè: “Seriously, Mona is dealing with alot. Have a heart.” She begins walking out with Sheridan and Mona.

Sheridan continues to rub Mona’s back as they walk.

Sheridan: “You know I’m here for you babe. Take time and don’t worry about those bitches.”

Mona: “Thank you, Sheridan.” She hugs her.

Mona’s Confessional

“I’m not going to cry anymore…” She holds back tears. “But I wish some of these women could understand what I’m going through. I don’t care if we’ve fought in the past you can at least show some compassion!”

Back at the table, Yvonne looks confused.

Yvonne: “Are you buying this?”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“So, we’re supposed to ignore she’s spent more time sipping on alcohol than any normal person? I think the cheating is just an excuse or a manufactured scandal to distract from the fact that she needs help.”

Lorelei: “She really is going through a hard time but whew, the fakeness in this group is heavy, huh?”

Yvonne: “First, they acted as if that cover was worth anything more than an online rollout. Now, they’re just letting Mona cry in their hands as if there wasn’t concern that she throws back too many shots.”

Bree’s Confessional

“I head Yvonne making some of her typical shady comments. Honey, have you ever been on Vogue? Teen Vogue? Ok Magazine maybe… sit this one out.”

Grace walks back over to join Bree, Lorelei, and Yvonne.

Grace: “Is she gone?”

Bree: “Yeah…and Donatella is still confused. She even asked my daughters is they knew the ‘weird lady who was crying’ “

Grace: “ Oh, well at least she’s gone. Let’s go have fun!”

The scene ends as the girls go out on the dance floor.

We get shots of the Beverly Beach fashion district. Inside of NUDITY, Lorelei exits her luxe office and struts into a boardroom.

He business partner, Anisa, and about ten other staff members are present.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“This morning my business partner and I have called a staff meeting with my employees to just kind of touch base with everything and see where production is at.”

Lorelei: “Hi, good morning everyone!” She smiles and sits. “Okay! So, catch me up. Where are we in terms of production?” She looks at everyone.

Samantha [Employee]: “I made some calls early this morning and spoke with the fabric manufacturer and the warehouse is getting a 300 item shipment in this week.”

Lorelei pulls out her iPad and begins writing everything down with her Apple Pencil.

Lorelei: “Mhm..” She nods. “Okay, great. This is the fabric from Prague, right? I want to know exactly what is the timeline of when the garments will be finished?”

Will [Employee]: “ I’m being told as soon as 2 to 3 weeks. They’ve gotten the prototypes you’ve sent over and they’re working on it now. Waiting on the fabric as Samantha said.”

Lorelei sighs and leans back in her chair.

Lorelei: “I just… I want everything to be perfect. I don’t want any setbacks. I want this to be a surprise to my customers. A lot of expecting women want to feel sexy and ‘snatched’ even while being pregnant. With NUDITY branching into maternity shape wear, we’re giving our customers a chance to snatch her beautiful bumps, lift their breasts and feel more put together.” She laughs. “I know when I was pregnant, I felt fat, ugly and couldn’t fit anything. If I had NUDITY Maternity then, I would’ve felt differently.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Ever since my miscarriage… I knew I wanted to do this special project. It was something that was a must for me. I knew that one day I always wanted to do Maternity shape-wear, but I never knew when. This just felt like the right time after my loss.” She frowns a little.

Anisa: “Amen to that!” She laughs. “Every expecting mother deserves to feel sexy even when they don’t feel like it.”

Lorelei: “Exactly.” She closes her iPad. “Okay, meeting over. Please, everyone keep on the warehouse about the timeline. Thank you all.” She smiles.

The employees scurry out but Anisa stays, she gets up and sits in the chair next to Lorelei.

Anisa: “I’m glad I let you talk me into branching into this. At first, I didn’t think it would be a good idea. ‘Pregnancy Shape-wear’ isn’t flattering to the ear, but your designs are fabulous as always, Lor!”

Lorelei: “I’m just really passionate and this project really hits close to home as you know.”

Anisa grabs Lorelei’s hands and looks at her.

Anisa: “I know sweetie. This is going to be a hit! Once it hits the market, expectant mothers are going to love you! Sales are projected to be at least 6 figures. Last year alone with just the normal collection, we brought in $275 million! NUDITY is the IT girl when it comes to shape-wear.”

Lorelei smiles.

Lorelei: “I know, I know. I really just didn’t think this would all be possible. I remember 10 years ago, I wanted to make a shape-wear company and had a dream. I’m fortunate enough to have met you and we created this brand. And… “ She pauses and nudges Anisa. “Morgan’s investment our second year of marriage didn’t hurt either.

Anisa laughs and scrolls through her phone, she looks up at Lorelei.

Anisa: “Okay. So, as far as a launch party for the maternity collection. What are we doing? What do you want to do?”

Lorelei: “I want it to be sexy, glamorous and inclusive. I want REAL pregnant models of all shapes and sizes and colors. That is the brand. We are for everyone. Let’s get Samantha on that. Have her start looking at some models.”

The scene ends as the two women continue to discuss details.

At the House of Faroe office, Grace is seen arranging some files at her desk. Her phone begins ringing and she picks up.

Grace: “Ah yes, Jabari! Wonderful to hear from you!… Yes, yes! All good over here! I’m looking forward to our meeting next week… Indeed! Ciao for now!” She hangs up and continues arranging files.

Grace’s Confessional

“After all the craziness of Bree’s Vogue party and the bombshell revelations that came with it, I’ve invited Bree and Yvonne to meet at my office today. Hopefully, we can just touch base and everything. Plus, it’ll be nice for Bree to see what real fashion looks like, instead of what comes out of the Shein catalogue.”

There is a knock on Grace’s office door.

Grace & Yvonne

Yvonne: “Hello…” She peeks her head around the door. “Grace? Oh there you are, hiding your head under the desk! How are you? Mwah mwah.” She kisses her on both cheeks.

Grace: “I’m doing great! How’s everything with you?” She walks over to her drink trolley and pours two drinks and hands one to Yvonne.

Yvonne: “Oh — We’re day drinking?” She takes the glass. “What’s in here?”

Grace: “Whiskey. The finest import from Tuscany.” She takes a sip. “For medicinal purposes, obviously.” She winks.

Yvonne: “I’ll take a cute swig, I’ve got to drive back home.” She takes a sip and scrunches up her nose.


Bree walks into Grace’s office.

Bree: “Hello girls!” She waves.

Grace: “Hi!” She holds her glass up. “Glass of whiskey?”

Bree: “Oh, sure. Sounds lovely!” She smiles and takes the glass.

Grace goes and pours herself another glass and Yvonne sits in a nice, comfy chair.

Yvonne: “What do we owe the pleasure of being invited to House of Faroe?”

Grace: “I thought it was necessary for us all to catch up after that party…and the whole fiasco.”

Bree: “Fiasco? You mean Mona’s breakdown? That was sad… but I was honestly so nervous I didn’t know how to handle it.” She sighs.

Yvonne: “Yeah, I think she’s lying.”

Bree: “Lying? About what?” She sits and takes a sip of whiskey.

Yvonne: “The way she acted seems more like an alcoholic crying for help than a scorned woman.”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“If the man cheated, why are you going home? The deed is done. What can you do now? You see what I mean? She’s a liar and I don’t care who tells it.”

Grace: “I think she’s very troubled, it’s quite sad.” She leans on her desk

Bree nods.

Bree: “It really seems like she’s going through a lot…”

Yvonne: “I have no sympathy for it. We’re not friends. But I am friends with you Miss Bree, so I want to clear some things up.”

Grace looks between Bree and Yvonne, Bree narrows her eyes.

Bree: “Sure, I’m down to talk about anything you want.”

Yvonne: “I feel betrayed by you. It feels very convenient that you kept placing the blame on everyone else when this all originated with you.”

Bree takes another sips of whiskey and sighs, setting her glass down.

Bree: “Well I see where you’re coming from but I sincerely never meant to start anything, the conversation with Monsè took place weeks ago, before me and you ever had any type of friendship or connection, and as for Banks birthday party I only ever brought up what you told me cause they started asking about those rumors and I tried to clear the air, but I understand that it could’ve upset you and for that I apologize.”

Grace: “It’s good that you can take ownership of it.” She nods.

Yvonne: “I told you last time you apologized, that I take loyalty very seriously. I hope this is the last time you’re disloyal to me because the next time won’t be pretty.”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“The wrath of Yvonne Langley is very lethal and will deteriorate you mentally, emotionally, and maybe even financially. I can be your best friend but I can also be your worst enemy.”

Bree: “I know, but ALL of this took place way before we had that conversation last time, it just resurfaced afterwards, which I had no clue would happen, but I’m happy we can move past it.”

Bree’s Confessional

“This whole thing was a huge misunderstanding and I also feel like so many people were chiming in for whatever reason and they made it seem like a way bigger issue than it actually was, and I’m happy I can finally put behind me.” She takes a breath. “Thank God.”

Grace turns to Bree.

Grace: “How was the reception from your party? I’m hoping the fact it was Vogue made it gain some buzz!”

Bree: “It was good, in fact I heard you were talking about it quite a bit with some of my guests afterwards.” She gives Grace a look.

Grace: “Was I?” She tilts her head. “I don’t recall.”

Bree: “Well, according to Anna and Donatella you were, which I wouldn’t mind really, if only it wasn’t that the tone of it made it seem like you wanted to one up me, which I found not nice, especially since it wasn’t just about me but about my daughters.”

Grace laughs.

Grace: “I don’t need to one up anyone, my love. I think my resume and the building you’re sitting in speaks for itself.”

Yvonne looks between the two ladies.

Bree: “Well, I was at dinner with Anna the other night and I saw the texts… that’s what it seemed like.”

Grace: “Honey, I’ve known Anna for years! I’ve worked with her more times that I care to remember, I don’t see why you’re getting so upset.”

Grace’s Confessional

“Bree’s being so damn sensitive over the fact that I’m close to these big figures like Anna and Donatella. Honey, grow some thick skin if you want to get into this business. Just saying.”

Bree: “I’m not upset honey, I’m just telling you how I felt, and Anna agreed with me, in fact she asked me if there’s a rivalry or something, so it wasn’t just my impression, but it’s alright.”

Bree’s Confessional

“I dont dislike Grace but it’s so obvious that she sometimes wants to prove herself to others, I mean sweetie even Anna thought you were trying to one up me… just admit it.”

Grace: “Girl…” She claps her hands. “Don’t be coming at me when my phone was buzzing all night! I’m booked and busy, you’ll get there don’t worry. I have faith in you.”

Bree: “Uh… I’m there already but thank you, I appreciate when people can discuss like normal adults, some other women should learn.”

Yvonne: “Can I interrupt?” The women look at her. “I think this issue is a little silly. Grace was talking to a longtime colleague, which may have been misinterpreted but that doesn’t define her intentions. You, Bree, shouldn’t feel threatened because it’s not that she took money out of your pockets. You two do very different things that you’re both good at. Now hug so I can give you an update.”

Grace: “Absolutely. I agree.” She nods. “I did not have any ill intentions towards you, Bree. I’m a businesswoman at the end of the day, you know that.”

Bree: “I agree, and I do know you’re a great businesswoman, I think we can both agree to put this past us, I want my party to just be remembered as something fun and light hearted.”

Grace: “Absolutely. I couldn’t agree more.”

Grace’s Confessional

“I feel like Bree and I are the kind of people who… we can argue our differences and then move on immediately after. This… spat or whatever we’re going to call it was over in minutes. Some people in our group should take notes.”

Yvonne: “Lovely!” She claps. “So if I can talk about myself for a second, I do have some things to tell the both of you.”

Grace: “Go ahead.” She sits at her desk.

Yvonne: “I’m not sure if I told either of you but I’m opening an art gallery in downtown Beverly. It’s going to be finished in a couple weeks showcasing international artists.”

Grace: “I love that, congratulations!”

Bree: “Oh wow, that’s exciting!”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Over the years, I’ve built a huge appreciation for art and artists especially those that usually get ignored outside of America and Europe. I’m hoping to change that right here in my native Beverly Beach.”

Yvonne: “Thank you, thank you! I want all of the girls to come and see it. Lauren actually stopped by and met Teddy since he’s overseeing the construction.”

Grace: “Oh, really?” She raises and eyebrow.

Grace’s Confessional

“ I don’t trust Lauren Barnes. Whether her and Yvonne are good now or not, I don’t trust her and it’s staying that way until I’m proven otherwise. Period.”

Bree: “Oh, that’s nice. Is there going to be an opening party? Or is it just gonna be a small thing between our group?”

Yvonne: “Bree, do you know me? It will be the event of the century! I’m going to blow your panties off!”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“We all know she’s the only one removing her panties so I think this will be something new for her.”

Bree: “Well I’ve never been to one of your parties… is everyone gonna receive an invite?”

Grace: “Good question!” She laughs.

Yvonne: “I think so! I’ll have a section roped off for you girls because I know an argument is bound to happen.”

Bree: “That sounds like a good idea.”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Yes, even M&M will get an invitation. They need to see an ambitious, hard-working woman do her thing!”

Yvonne: “Grace, do you have some other beverage? I remember why I don’t drink whiskey. Still want the taste out of my mouth!”

Grace: “I have bottled water, if that helps?”

Yvonne: “Please, quickly!”

Grace pulls out a bottle of water from her mini fridge and hands it to Yvonne, Bree giggles and the scene ends.

We get a shot of Bree as she pulls up to a restaurant and gets out of her car, leaving the keys with the valet. She takes her sunglasses off as she walks in and approaches the hostess stand.


Bree: “Bailey, party of two.”

Hostess: “Perfect, we just sat the other member of your party.”

The hostess leads Bree to a nice table out on the patio. We see a woman sitting at the table, Vanessa Martin, Sheridan’s former business partner who has been speaking out against her.

Bree: “Hello, nice to meet you.” She smiles and sits.

Vanessa: “Thank you for coming. Do you drink wine? I got you a glass of Pinot Grigio.” She nods to a glass of wine on the table.

Bree: “Oh, I sure do. Thank you.” She takes a sip.

Bree’s Confessional

“I don’t really know what to expect from this Vanessa, she’s the one who supposedly stole from Sheridan’s business and since we have some mutual friends she asked to meet me to give her side of the story, and I accepted cause, as we all know, there’s always two sides to a story, and I’ve only ever heard Sheridan’s side and I thought it would be interesting to hear what Vanessa had to say.”

Vanessa: “So… I invited you here for a reason, obviously. We both know [REDACTED NAME], and so I know you’re around Sheridan. She’s been acting innocent in the press, but the reality is, I’m suing her. Her business is fraudulent. I just want to get my side out there! I’m not in the wrong.” She shakes her head.

Bree’s eyes widen as she listens.

Bree: “Wait so you’re suing her? This whole time I thought it was the other way around.”

Vanessa: “I didnt ‘steal’ any money. I was demanding what I was owed, and I took it! Did you know, Martin and Sheridan paid me one time. I worked with them over a year!” She looks upset. “Sheridan had Martin deal with the business side of things and he had NO idea what he was doing. Half the employees don’t get paid in a timely manner, or at all even! What? I’m suppose to work for free?”

Bree: “Oh wow, so basically she had him handle her business but he has no clue what he’s doing… God, that’s terrible… both for her business and for the employees.” She shakes her head. “Wow.”

Vanessa takes a sip of her wine and nods.

Vanessa: “Exactly. And she’s going to cover it up. The reality is she’s in way over her head and her business is bound to fail. I had to get off a sinking ship. She only cares about one thing, and thats making money. For herself. Even if it means shorting other people. No restaurant makes a profit in it’s first couple years! How is she raking in money?”

Bree makes a shocked face.

Bree: “So wait just to be clear, do you think she KNOWS that Martin is fucking up her business or do you think she genuinely has no idea? Couldn’t it be that he’s just fucking everything up and she is clueless? That would explain her harsh reaction to your interview…”

Vanessa: “Oh she knows, she just doesnt give a damn! The money all goes right to her. Maybe she turns a blind eye? But it’s impossible to miss. I’ve talked to her several times about paying the staff.” She sighs. “Be careful around that one. She’s a con artist.”

Bree’s Confessional

“This is just…” She mimes her head exploding. “Wow.”

Bree: “Oh god… that’s really bad if it all turns out to be true. And why doesn’t anyone say anything? Her staff didn’t comment at all on this whole situation…” She raises an eyebrow.

Vanessa: “They’re scared — Sheridan has a good reputation. Her and Martin have money. Who are people going to believe? The Beverly Beach socialite or the help?” She shrugs. “Listen — I have to go, but you can’t let Sheridan get away with this. Just because you have money and statues doesn’t excuse you from being a shitty, greedy person.”

Bree: “This is…something.”

Bree’s Confessional

“I am just speechless to be completely honest… I mean I don’t know Vanessa but then again I don’t know Sheridan that well either. Do I believe Vanessa 100%? Well no… but what she said is really serious stuff… it definitely makes me curious and willing to find out more about this whole thing… even though I know Sheridan’s probably gonna bite my head off.”

The episode ends as Bree looks at Vanessa, conflicted.

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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