[S6E7]: Terror à la Restaurant Taniere

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
31 min readOct 12, 2022


(From L to R: Mona Quinn, Yvonne Langley, Sheridan Campbell, Lorelei Sullivan, Grace Faroe, & Bree Bailey)

The episode begins with a cold open, where last episode’s “To Be Continued” left off. We get footage of Mona and Grace sitting in a Sprinter van outside of the winery in Quebec. A Producer is explaining to them that Ren will be transported to a hotel for the night. He slams the door shut and then there is a few, long moments of silence between the two women. The silence breaks when Mona’s phone gets a message and she looks at it.

Mona: “What…” She mumbles to herself as she reads something on her phone. “No, no…this can’t be happening…” She quickly locks her phone and looks up.

We can see Grace turn around.

Grace: “Are you good?”

We hear Mona’s shakey voice as she begins to cry.

Mona: “I need to go home. Now.”

Grace furrows her brow, but nods and taps the driver.

Grace: “Sir, can we get back to the house.” She glances at Mona. “As fast as you can, please.”

We see the outside of Sheridan’s parent’s estate. We can see Mona as she frantically packs her room up. She sobs as she throws clothes in her suitcase. The camera pans to the door and Mona’s head follows as it opens and Monsè comes in.

Mona & Monsè

She takes a second to look at the scene and then she frowns.

Monsè: “Oh my God, Mona. What’s wrong babe? We just got back from the Biosphere — “

Mona wipes her tears really fast.

Mona: “Oh hi babe! Nothing, nothing at all! I just need to get home to my babies!”

Monsè walks over, still looking concerned, and puts an arm around Mona.

Monsè: “What? It’s the last night here. What happened?”

Monsè’s Confessional

“I know Mona loves her kids, but she also loves a good time. I’m a little worried seeing her like this all of a sudden.”

The camera pans to Mona as she lets out a shaky sigh.

Mona’s Confessional

“I don’t know what to do. I feel stuck, I feel frozen. Do I tell Monsé about what Adam did? Do I keep it to myself.” She tears up. “I don’t know. But I do know that the person I trust completely in this group is Monsè.”

Mona: “Can you promise me you won’t tell anyone about what I’m gonna show you?”

Monsè: “Of course! Like I’d tell these ladies anything.” She snorts and swats her hand.

Mona and Monsè get up and sit on the bed as Mona scrolls on her phone, showing Monsè.

Mona: “A close friend of mine just sent these about an hour ago…”

She sighs as she gives Monsè the phone completely and waits for her reaction. Monsè’s mouth drops as she scrolls.

Mona: “Apparently, Adam was out fucking another woman instead of taking care of our kids.” She starts crying.

Monsè sets the phone down and pulls Mona into a hug.

Monsè: “Mona, oh my gosh. This is horrible.”

Mona’s Confessional

“My friend told me this was from the previous night. And I’m like shocked. I knew we were in a bad place, but I didn’t think it was this bad.”

Mona hugs Monsè tightly, her voice breaks as shes crying.

Mona: “What do I do!? I have two kids the stakes are so high!”

Monsè: “Sweetie — Talk to Adam before anything! Maybe it’s a huge misunderstanding! Think about the kids before doing anything rash.”

Monsè’s Confessional

“I can’t believe Adam would do this to Mona. Right now, I just want to keep things positive. It’s going to be bad enough when she confronts him.”

Mona: “That’s why I’m going home right now. I have to talk with him. I hope it’s a mistake.” She glances at her phone. “But how is this a mistake?”

Monsè: “I don’t know, girl.” She shakes her head. “. I understand. If this is true, you deserve so much better Mona. You know that right?” She grabs Mona’s hand.

Mona looks down and nods.

Monsè: “Do you want me to leave with you?”

Mona: “Oh God, no. Finish out the trip and try to have fun. We’ll catch up in a day when you’re back. I may need a place to stay…” She does a weak laugh and sniffles.

Monsè: “Okay, well what should I tell the other girls at dinner?”

Mona: “Please don’t tell them any of this. Maybe say I had a family emergency? I would call this a fucking emergency.” Her eyes widen as she looks around and blows her nose.

Monsè nods and rubs Mona’s back.

Monsè: “Anything you want, of course…This is so crazy, I can’t believe this is happening. I’m so sorry hun.”

Mona: “Thank you, I’m really gonna need your support. Alright….” She looks at her phone. “My car is almost here, can you help me finish packing and walk me out?”

Monsè: “Yes! Yes! I’m here for you, girl. Anything you need.” She gives her one more hug. “Now let’s get you home.”

Mona’s Confessional

“All I can be certain about right now is that…tough time are ahead. And I don’t know if I’m ready.”

The scene fades out as Mona and Monsè continue packing up Mona’s things.

Music plays as we see the girls putting the finishing touches on their dinner looks. Bree is putting on shoes, next we see Sheridan’s hair stylist spraying hairspray on her hair, then we se Monsè posing in her dress to take a selfie. The girls all file onto a Sprinter van. As it drives off, we get beautiful night shots of Quebec. It pulls up to a fancy restaurant and they all get out.

Grace, Lorelei, Monsè, Lauren, Sheridan, Yvonne, & Bree

When they are inside they are greeted and lead to a private dining room set up just for them. Three servers hold platters of champagne for the ‘Wives as they arrive.

Grace: “This is…fancy!”

Lorelei: “Yeah, this is very gorgeous.”

Monsè: “I’m loving the vibe!”

Lorelei: “Everyone is looking gorgeous tonight, by the way.” She looks around the room as the girls stand and start to mingle.

Sheridan: “How are you all liking Quebec?”

Lorelei: “It’s really a nice city, Sheridan. Thank you for showing us it.” She smiles.

Sheridan: “Of course! I’m happy you’ve enjoyed the trip.”

Monsè: “I’m so sad it’s already ending! I’ve had so much fun getting to know everyone.”

The camera does a close up of Yvonne as she narrows her eyes and looks around the room.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“ I’m on guard tonight. Half of the group — Sheridan, Grace, and Lorelei are definitely friends.” We get a shot as the four women stand together and talking. “The other half — Bree, Lauren, Moose, and Mona Thee Drunkard are enemies.” We get a shot of Bree, Lauren, Monsè, and Mona standing together and talking.

Sheridan: “Everyone get their champagne? We can sit now and get ready for course one!”

The girls all make their way to the elegant table. They sit down and get settled. The camera focuses on Lauren as she sits next to Sheridan and scrolls through her phone.

Lauren’s Confessional

“This trip has been a lot. Ren threw a curveball for sure today with the winery incident. She decided to stay in and head back to Beverly Beach early tomorrow morning, but…” She shrugs. “I am just glad tonight is the last night and I will be in my own bed tomorrow.”

Lauren takes a sip of her champagne and looks at the table.

Lauren: “It sucks Mona couldn’t be here with us tonight.” She frowns. “She was a good time…”

Lorelei: “Wait — She left?” She looks around. “She didn’t even say bye to anyone.”

Sheridan: “She sent me a text that she was leaving.” She shrugs. “No idea.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Before dinner, Mona sent me a text saying she was leaving early. I didn’t text back because I was getting glam.”

Yvonne: “Is she headed to AA? I know they’re strict with attendance.”

Monsè: “Mona had a family emergency.” She glares at Yvonne and then looks to the other women.

Servers bring out the first course, a wonderful calamari appetizer. The girls take pictures and fawn over their food. Bree’s confessional begins playing.

Bree’s Confessional

“I don’t blame Mona, this trip was just… shitty, I can’t wait to be home in my own bed.”

As the girls are eating, Sheridan looks up at Yvonne.

Sheridan: “Wait — When you said AA? Alcohol Anonymous? Is she one of those now?”

Yvonne: “Mona is an alcoholic, let’s not play around.” She nods. “Every time we see her, she’s drunk off of anything she can get on with more than 5%.”

Lorelei gasps.

Lorelei: “Oh! Not an alko!”

Sheridan: “Mona is drinking more often now. Maybe something is going on at home… or her career isn’t taking off..I see so many horror stories about women who star in Lifetime productions and getting into drugs and alcohol.”

Yvonne: “I feel sorry for her. Isn’t she a single mother?”

Grace: “I feel sorry for her too…”

Monsè: “Yvonne — You are so nasty. Mona is going through a lot right now. Don’t go there.”

The camera pans to Bree who is seen typing on her phone and ignoring the situation.

Bree’s Confessional

“Of course I feel bad for Mona but I’ve had enough of getting blamed so I’m avoiding any conversation that isn’t about me, I’m disengaging.” She raises her hands.

Lorelei: “What exactly is she going through, Monsè?” She raises an eyebrow.

Grace: “She’s clearly going through something major, with this type of drinking…”

Grace’s Confessional

“Mona is in a situation that I know all too well. That so-called man that she calls a husband… he treats her like shit. I pray that whatever happened is hopefully a wake-up call for her freedom because heaven knows she needs it.”

Monsé: “It’s really not for me to share. Mona will let you all know when she’s feels it’s best.” She takes a bite of her calamari.

Lorelei: “I respect that.” She nods.

Grace: “I agree. Not everything is up for discussion sometimes.”

Yvonne: “But It’s not like anybody cares not to talk about me when I’m not around.” She shrugs and looks at Monsè, leaning back in her seat and folding her arms. “You get the grace from me that you deserve, it’s earned not given out like participation trophies.”

Monsè rolls her eyes and Lauren laughs a little.

Lauren: “Really, Yvonne? In that same line of thinking, I should still be grilling you about your married man then.”

Monsè: “Exactly, Lauren. What goes around, comes around.”

Lauren’s Confessional

“I am not here to fight with Yvonne but she is such a hypocrite — I can’t.”

Lorelei: “Let’s leave the boyfriend thing alone.” She looks at Lauren. “Not tonight, girl.”

Sheridan drinks her drink and observes.

Sheridan: “Oh boy…not again.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I literally did the lords work a couple hours ago and told Yvonne about Monsè and Bree being behind the rumors and Lauren is still pushing her buttons…whyyyy.”

Yvonne: “Lauren, order some food and feed your soul since nothing else does.”

Grace stifles a laugh and Yvonne just turns to Sheridan.

Yvonne: “Sheridan, you’ve been here. What can I expect?”

The chef brings out the main course, a beautiful rack of lamb. The girls begin eating. The camera focuses in on Bree and Monsè who are sitting across from each other, in the middle of the table. The people on either side of them are in conversation, they kept glancing around trying to avoid awkward eye contact.

Finally, Bree sips her drink and leans forward to talk to Monsè.

Bree: “So when am I getting some sort of apology? Or at least an explanation? I’m curious.” She tilts her head.

Monsè nods.

Monsè: “Of course, I’d love to talk about it. Bree, I apologize if I made it seem like you were behind the whole thing…”

We now see conversation at the table is dying down so they can listen to Bree and Monsè. Sheridan listens in over Monsè’s shoulder.

Monsè: “I just was trying to make it clear I didn’t start the rumor. I heard rumblings about Yvonne’s man from you first though.” She cuts her eyes up at Bree.

Grace and Lauren’s eyes widen as they listen in.

Grace’s Confessional

“This situation about who started what… it was Bree, clearly. Yvonne opened up to her and Bree spilled it all to the group at Banks’ birthday party — I was there, I know what I heard. Bree needs to accept the guilt and stop trying to deflect what she’s done onto others.”

Lorelei looks at Monsè and Sheridan looks confused.

Sheridan: “So wait — was Bree not the one who started it? Or was she the one who started it, Monsè?”

Monsè turns to face Sheridan and the majority of the table.

Monsè: “Bree did not mention that Teddy was married.” She shakes her head and Bree nods. “But — She did imply that there was something off about how Yvonne and Teddy got together.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I absolutely don’t believe Bree would’ve been behind this. That’s not in Bree’s character. She’s not dirty like that.”

Bree: “You know, Yvonne like when people talk about her and her bad behavior so the attention isn’t on her boyfriend. I heard how they got together was pretty shady.”

Bree makes a face and holds up a finger.

Bree: “Well — You also made it seem like I was spreading rumors about Yvonne to people, when it was actually a private conversation between only me and you. Do you understand the difference?” She looks across at Monsè.

Lauren: “But in the private conversation you spread a rumor…” She mumbles and laughs to herself.

Monsè sips her champagne and looks a bit take aback.

Monsè: “No, I don’t actually. You seemed pretty eager to get the word out there.”

Sheridan: “Wait — Hold up! So Monsè, you are the person who started the rumor about Teddy being married?”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Is Monse’s story changing? I’m getting confused by all of this!”

Monsè: “No! I heard that from a friend who’s not in this group, so I don’t think there’s any reason to name them. But apparently it originated from the ex wife.”

Grace looks confused.

Bree: “Well then you’re just plain dumb, Monsè! That’s all!”

Yvonne: “What friends do you even have? No one knows you.” She laughs.

Sheridan: “Monsè, I love you but you literally told us it was Bree a couple hours ago!”

Bree: “AS IF I have time to spread rumors! You better shut the fuck up, Monsè!” She scoffs.

Lorelei looks over at Bree and nods approvingly. The camera pans to Monsè who looks frustrated.

Monsè: “Bree told me there was something off. I did some digging and found out what it was. Plain and simple.”

Monsè’s Confessional

“Look if these girls want to make me the villain go ahead. I have the truth on my side.”

Grace: “Bree, you were bone carrying.” She nods. “I’ll say that.”

Yvonne: “Bottom line is that neither of you should be talking. I don’t run in the same circles as either of you, really.”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“I told Bree not to break my trust or put me in the position to get ambushed. The VERY next time we interact, that’s what you’ve done.”

Sheridan: “Yeah, it’s important to acknowledge that while Lauren brought it up to Yvonne on this trip — it was actually the two of you…” She waves her finger between Bree and Monsè. “Who started all of this.”

Monsè: “I’ll admit I played a part. I own that! But I didn’t act alone. I didn’t even know who she was a few months ago.”

Bree glares at Sheridan.

Bree: “Put those fingers away, Sheridan. I’m not your kid.”

The girls all look to Bree, Sheridan raises an eyebrow but quickly regains composure.

Sheridan: “Calm down Bree. Those lips are quivering like jello. You’re angry….”

Bree: “Weren’t you just crying about being ignored by me a couple of hours ago, Miss Campbell?” She cackles.

Bree’s Confessional

“First of all, who the hell is Sheridan Campbell? Secondly, who the hell does she THINK she is?”

Lorelei: “Oooh.” She giggles.

Sheridan: “Oh, bitch…No one was crying.” She waves her hand. “Get those panties out that ass crack baby. It must hurt.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I see Bree and those puffers are upset.” She laughs. “She is freaking me out giving me death stares looking like Mrs. Puff.” She laughs again. “I watch alot of SpongeBob with MJ.”

Bree: “Whatever makes you sleep at night Sheridan, whatever makes you sleep at night.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Bree doesn’t need me to have her back in this group of women. She’s handling herself just fine. I think a lot of them underestimated her and she’s proving to them that she’s a little spitfire.” She nods. “You go, girl.”

The camera focuses on the other end of the table. Lauren sips her wine and looks across the table at Yvonne.

Lauren: “You know, Yvonne — Some may say that I was actually the most friend-like to you in this whole scenario. I was the one who said it to your face when I hear it.”

Grace raises an eyebrow.

Yvonne: “You weren’t talking to me like a friend. I’m not sure what it is exactly you want from this relationship.” She motions between the two of them.

Lauren: “Honestly? I did nothing but give you respect since we’ve met years ago. You judged every single thing that I said, even thought I never initially had it out for you! Now, you’re hiding these scandalous things that you used to say I did and look down on me for.”

Yvonne: “I am doing nothing scandalous, Lauren. I wanted to come in with a clean slate but you ruined that, not me.” She shakes her head.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“If I were involved with a married man, do you seriously think this is the group I’d involve myself with? I may be a lot of things, but I’ve never been stupid.”

Lauren: “If that one…” She motions to Bree. “Hadn’t had started a rumor, we would be fine.” She looks to Yvonne. “I just asked and it turned into this mess because you are clearly hiding something.”

Yvonne: “Lauren, don’t accuse me of hiding anything. I show my real life and I give the real tea. I don’t move through society like a harlot or an adulterer, that’s always been Richard’s style. Not mine.”

Lauren gasps and starts sniffling.

Lauren: “I’m feeling attacked!”

Yvonne: “Now you’re the victim? Are you serious?” She rolls her eyes.

Lauren: “I am telling you the TRUTH, Yvonne!” She begins crying.

Lauren’s Confessional

“I am crying because I am feeling so frustrated that because Yvonne doesn’t like me, she is letting the people that started this rumor off the hook. Am I in the Twilight Zone?”

Yvonne silently looks at Lauren for a moment before getting up and walking around to Lauren’s side of the table.

Grace looks perplexed. Yvonne crouches down besides Lauren.

Yvonne: “Listen, I’m not trying to come down hard on you. We have a unique history and I’m very clear that you weren’t the start of this thing.”

Lauren looks up and sniffles.

Lauren: “I just want to be friends, Yvonne. I am not with Richard anymore so I thought we may actually connect this year.”

Yvonne: “And we can, I’m open. Let’s go shopping together or climb a rock wall, I don’t care. Let’s just reconnect as who we are now, not who we’ve been. Deal?”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Listen, our feud started during Season 1. We’ve had time to grow, we are diffrent women now. I’m willing to just drop it.”

The scene ends as the girls are brought their desert course.

We get shots of Beverly Beach at night. Music plays as we see a black Escalade pull up in front of a house. Mona gets out and the driver helps her carry her luggage to the door.

Mona: “Thank you!”

She unlocks the front door and brings her suitcase in.

Mona’s Confessional

“As I was in the car driving to the airport, I messaged Adam and told him I received these pictures, I’m coming home and you better be there…he responded with a thumbs up.”

Mona leaves her luggage and makes her way to the bedroom. The camera pans to Adam who is laying on the bed scrolling on his iPad. Mona looks at him with a blank expression.

Mona: “Hi.”

Adam: “Hey. How are you?” He sets the iPad down.

Mona: “Shitty, actually.” She sits on the bed. “ Do you want me to start or do you want to start?”

Adam: “Go ahead.”

Mona looks away and takes a deep breath of air before turning back to Adam, with tears in her eyes.

Mona: “What in the actual fuck were you thinking Adam?! We have two kids.” She starts bawling. “What led you to step out on your marriage and cheat! I get it’s been hard but what were you thinking!?”

Adam: “I wasn’t getting what I needed from you at home — “

Mona: “And I’m a good catch! How could you end up sleeping with some other hoe?!”

Adam: “She’s not a hoe. Don’t call her that.”

Mona glares at Adam.

Mona: “Oh so you care about her feelings more than mine — “ She shakes her head and looks away. “How long has this been going on?”

Adam: “Five months.”

Mona: “Five months?!” She whips her head in Adam’s direction. “How could…how could you do this to me? We’ve been working so hard.”

Adam looks at Mona, expressionless. He then looks up at the camera and crew.

Adam: “I’m not doing this on camera.” He gets up and starts to walk out of the room.

Mona looks up at him leaning and runs out of the room after him.

Mona: “Because you don’t want to answer the tough questions right? Stop using the cameras as a scapegoat! And by the way, we’re done. I want a divorce.”

Adam is now exiting out the front door. He shrugs and takes off his mic on his way out.

Adam: “Alright. Leave the kids without a father. That’s logical.”

Mona follows Adam out of the house as he walks to his car in the driveway.

Mona: “So you want to stay married? After this. You gonna keep cheating on me too!?”

Adam: “I don’t know, Mona. Just take a breather. We’ll talk later.”

Adam gets in his car and shuts the door. His engine revs as he quickly backs up and drives into the night. In the driveway, Mona falls to the ground and sobs.

The camera follows Lauren as she walks the streets of Beverly Beach. She walks up to an art gallery and enters.

Lauren’s Confessional

“I’m meeting Yvonne today to discuss what happened on the trip and to hopefully move forward. Something at that final dinner…I don’t know… I feel like she understood me.” She nods. “I’m also meeting her boyfriend so I will check for a wedding ring.”

Yvonne: “Lauren! I’m so glad you’re here!” She walks towards her.

Yvonne & Lauren

Th pair exchange air kisses.

Lauren: “Thank you for having me! This is going to turn out lovely.” She looks around. “I can’t wait to check out all the pieces on opening night.”

“I’ve invited Lauren to see the art gallery I’m opening for two reasons. One, so that she can see I’m still the boss and messing with me can get you fired. Two, to meet Teddy live and in color, so we can put this married man nonsense to bed. Oh — me and Teddy? We good now.” She winks.

Yvonne: “Yes! Not everything is here but I want to definitely show you around to see what’s done. We’re at about 70% completion.”

They begin walking the large space.

Yvonne: “So, tell me, how are you after Quebec?” She looks over.

Lauren: “I’m doing great. It’s been nice to be home and wind down after all that craziness. I think it was a big trip for everyone.” She chuckles a little and clears her throat.

Yvonne: “Especially for you and I.” She stops walking and turns to Lauren. “I want to apologize for how I spoke to you in Quebec. I was caught off guard and reacted very immaturely. I hope you can forgive me and enter into a new chapter of friendship with me.”

Lauren smiles.

Lauren: “Thank you. That really means alot. Of course, I would love to move on. I apologize too. Everything with Ren and Mona had me anxious and I started lashing out and it definitely was not deserved. We are so much different than when we met…” She motions around the gallery. “Like, this is really cool and I would have never seen you doing this five years ago, you know.”

Yvonne nods and Lauren takes her hands.

Lauren: “I don’t want to be enemies with you. I think we really could be friends if we could let go of our past, and especially me letting go of rumors around town.”

Yvonne lets out a small smile.

Yvonne: “Speaking of the rumors…” She guides Lauren to a back conference room. “I want you to meet the man on everyone’s lips. This is Teddy.”

The camera pans over to Teddy who is sitting at the table, scrolling on his phone.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“I think the way to shut these women up is to introduce them to him so they can ask their own questions and get the answers they so desperately want.”

Lauren walks over to Teddy and politely extends her hand.

Lauren: “Pleasure to meet you, I have heard alot about you.”

Teddy looks up and shakes her hand.

Teddy: “The pleasure is all mine.”

Lauren’s Confessional

“I’m not going to specify what I heard…” She laughs. “But, really. He’s definitely and upgrade from Horace.”

Lauren: “I’m glad you and Yvonne are putting this together. Great artists lined up too. Very exciting.”

Yvonne: “You know, Teddy was in the music industry himself and now he has this project for live art.” She goes to stand behind Teddy and wraps her arms around him. “It’s performance art, we’re going to feature his group at the opening.”

Lauren: “Oh, I’m sure that will be highly anticipated. If you need a name of a florist of caterer, let me know. I have had my own party planning business for a few years now. And have some great options if you need.” She digs a business card out of her clutch and hands it to Yvonne.

Yvonne: “Oh yeah, I forgot. Let’s talk about this because heaven knows we need it.” She laughs and walks back to Lauren. “Let me show you the rest of the gallery.”

The pair begin walking out to the gallery space.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“I’m considering this a new beginning. The past is the past, we’re moving forward with our big girl lingerie on!” She smiles.

Lauren’s Confessional

“I had a great time with Yvonne today. I really hope that we can start fresh and keep building a good relationship.”

Teddy brings the two girls wine and we see the sun starting to go down outside as the two women walk the gallery while catching up.

The scene fades out.

Music plays as the camera pans over Sheridan’s restaurant, Bell Camp. Inside, Sheridan is talking to a well dressed hostess up front.

Sheridan: “You’ve got a table available for Lorelei, Grace, and I right?”

Hostess: “Yes ma’am, it’s all set. Right this way.”

We see the hostess lead Sheridan to a quiet table in the corner of the dining room.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I’ve invited Lorelei and Grace to Bell Camp today to show them that one; my restaurant is still operating and doing well and two; to check in with them following our trip to Quebec!”

Sheridan takes a seat and asks for a bottle of champagne to be brought out. Outside, we see Grace arriving and entering Bell Camp with a bottle of top — shelf brandy.

Sheridan & Grace

Grace: “Ms. Campbell, where are you?”

Hostess: “Ms. Faroe, Mrs. Campbell is right this way!” She leads Grace to the table.

Sheridan: “Hey mama!” She stands and hugs Grace. “Oh, you look fabulous!”

Grace: “Thank you! Thank you! As do you.” She hands Sheridan the bottle. “This is for you!”

Sheridan: “Oh, thank you babe! Martin enjoys his dark liquor.”

She laughs and the girls sit.

Grace’s Confessional

“I was brought up that when someone invites you somewhere special, you bring them a gift to thank them and with the leaps and bounds-like progress Sheridan and I have made, she more than deserves it!”

Grace: “So, how have you been?”

Sheridan: “Exhausted.” She sighs “This ordeal with the blogs and the courts and the restaurant…it’s straining my and Martin’s relationship, to be quite honest.”

A waiter pops a bottle of champagne and pours three glasses, Sheridan and Grace claim theirs. Grace looks at Sheridan with concern.

Grace: “I’m sorry to hear that. This kind of stuff really can put a strain on a relationship. Trust me, you’ve been through worse and you’ll get through this. You’re made of strong stuff.”

Sheridan: “Thanks, babe! It’ll all work out. I truly did not do anything wrong so there is no way I can lose this case.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Martin is frustrated with me because of everything that has transpired. With the last blog and the talk of me trashing him at the restaurant — he isn’t happy with me right now. None of what that bitch said is true!”

Grace: “That’s good. Well, I’m definitely rooting for you. Did Lorelei say what time she’d be here?” She looks around.

The camera switches to outside. We see not one, but two sets of heels strutting on the sidewalk. We get a slow pan up to reveal Lorelei and Bree. Lorelei flips her hair back over her large fur coat and looks to Bree.

Lorelei & Bree

Lorelei: “I didn’t tell them you were coming, I thought a surprise would be best.” She laughs. “Sheridan would’ve been opposed if I mentioned it.”

Bree: “Oh…Alright, I don’t mind seeing her. Really!” She opens the door of Bell Camp for Lorelei. “After you, madame.”

Lorelei and Bree are lead to the table.

Lorelei: “Hey girls! You both look cute.”

Grace looks over at Bree, surprised.

Grace: “You both look great!”

Lorelei: “I brought Bree, I hope you ladies don’t mind. It’s only a plus one?” She shrugs and laughs a bit.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Sheridan and Bree haven’t been seeing eye to eye lately. I think it’s honestly been a bunch of misunderstandings. I think if it can be laid out on the table, they can move on and just start fresh!” She shrugs. “I’ll make them.”

Sheridan: “Of course you did.”

Grace’s Confessional

“Lorelei is so messy for this, but that’s why I love her. Let’s see how Sheridan takes this.”

The camera pans to Sheridan who rolls her eyes and reluctantly gets up to hug Lorelei, she then looks at Bree.

Sheridan: “ Hi Bree, welcome to Bell Camp. I hope you have calmed down after all the wishy washy behavior in Quebec.”

Bree: “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Sheridan.”

Bree shrugs and all of the girls sit.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Bree assured me in Quebec that she wanted to work on our friendship but to turn around a couple hours later to attack me? Not sure what is wrong with her but I suggest seeking a doctor. Borderline personality disorder? Bipolar disorder? Something hasn’t been diagnosed with that one!”

A server brings over a place setting for Bree and she thanks him. The camera pans to Lorelei who sits down and smiles, placing a napkin on her lap and looking around at the table.

Lorelei: “So…how is everyone?”

Grace: “I’m doing good! I’ve been busy, busy, busy!” She laughs.

We now see Sheridan who seems to be trying to work out a kink in her neck. She groans a little.

Sheridan: “Yeah…I’m just recovering from the whiplash I got from Bree’s mood swings in Quebec.”

Lorelei widens her eyes and Bree just giggles and sets a napkin on her lap.

Bree: “Well, you’re the one who wanted to get to know me so bad, and then threw me under the bus a couple hours later so…” She raises her shoulders dramatically and makes a face. “It is what is is, right?”

Grace looks between Sheridan and Bree.

Sheridan: “How could I throw you under any bus when I don’t even know you. We haven’t had a conversation? Your anger is misplaced. Monsè did you dirty, babe! Not me.” She glares at Bree.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Sue me for wanting to get to know a woman I’m letting sleep in my family home!”

Bree: “You were literally pushing Monsè to say my name in front of all of the girls, you kept asking her who told her about Teddi, over and over again! Let’s be honest!”

Sheridan lets out a loud laugh.

Sheridan: “Girl, I didn’t know she’d say you! I was pushing her to reveal who told her, absolutely!”

A waiter brings out a large array of appetizers for the ‘Wives. As they dig in, Sheridan looks up.

Sheridan: “You need to own your shit, Bree. You have an issue with me because you aren’t owning what you did.”

Bree drops the cauliflower wing she was eating and makes a confused face.

Bree: “Didn’t you say it was someone between me and Lorelei? Come on, just admit you wanted to make me look bad, it’s cool. I don’t even care. It’s the lying that pisses me off.”

We now see a shot of Grace and Lorelei eating but also listening.

Grace’s Confessional

“I have to admit… Sheridan’s right. Bree needs to own her part in this whole mess. She brought what Yvonne had told her in confidence to the group, which kick started everything. Monsè’s actions spurred from Bree’s and it’s clear for all to see.”

Bree: “Sheridan, I own my shit, and if I were going around gossiping I’d say just that, but the matter of the fact is I DID NOT DO SUCH THING! I told Monsè something in confidence, and she was someone I thought I could call a friend.”

Sheridan:I said that because Monsè looked at you both and asked if you all would own it. So of course I looked at y’all! You’re making an issue with me out of nowhere, Bree.”

Bree rolls her eyes.

Bree: “Alright, sure. I’ll pretend to believe that.” She looks around.

Sheridan: “Monsè literally said it was one of the girls there and it was clearly not me. Even Lorelei is quiet because she knows your issue is misplaced.” She looks to Lorelei, frustrated.

Lorelei looks back at Sheridan and shakes her head.

Lorelei: “Mhm, no. That’s not why. I’m on Bree’s side here.” She nods to Bree. “I think the whole issue with the two of you is just a HUGE misunderstanding, you guys… how about you both just shelf this and agree to disagree and start fresh, huh?” She shrugs and looks between the two. “Because this, this is going nowhere.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Bree is really just misunderstood in this group. A lot of them kind of brush her aside and treat her poorly. I feel like she can’t be her true self in this group.” She looks sad.

Grace: “I agree, there’s definitely been a miscommunication.”

Sheridan: “All I heard from that was that you’re saying you’re on Bree’s side but you literally just agreed with what I was saying. You’re so funny, Lorelei.” She laughs.

Lorelei looks a bit confused but then smirks and shrugs her shoulders.

Lorelei: “Well, I drank a little bit before I got here. Sue me, bitch!” She throws her hands up and laughs.

Bree: “Sheridan, you need to shut up. You and that other bitch are making it seem like I went around talking shit about Teddy, which never happened. All I did was tell something to a friend in private. That’s all.”

Sheridan: “I haven’t tried to make it seem anything, babe.” She cocks her head. “You have a selective memory. Maybe it’s your age?”

Grace cringes.

Bree: “Oh, the age digs! That’s so original.” She cackles a little and sips her drink.

Bree’s Confessional

“I could go low and attack Sheridan’a soon to be failed restaurant but I haven’t, because I’m not at her low level, sorry.” She smiles.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Sheridan has a history of going below the belt and people seem to forgive and forget with her. She used to throw age digs to Grace all the time and now she’s doing the same with Bree. It’s disgusting. It’s mean.”

A waitress now walks over to the table and interrupts.

Waitress: “Ms. Campbell, can you please step away for a moment?” She looks around at the table. “I’m so sorry.”

Sheridan: “Oh please, get me away from this delusion.” She quickly gets up. “Gracie, excuse me.”

As Sheridan and the waitress walk away, we get a hot mic moment between Bree and Lorelei.

Bree: “That’s right, she has wayyy bigger things to worry about.”

Lorelei laughs a bit.

Lorelei: “Oh, come on. That’s not very nice, girl.”

We go back to Lorelei, Bree, and Grace at the table. Grace turns to Bree.

Grace: “ I’m sure you’ll both work this out, Bree… Sheridan’s pretty easy-going when you get on the same page as her. I mean, it took me and her a long time to get to this point!” She laughs.

Bree: “Well, Grace — “ She does a deep sigh. “So far Sheridan seems to be a bit slow, cause I’ve explained the situation over and over and she still won’t get it so, I don’t really care about getting on the same page as her. As for Monsè — I don’t even care to acknowledge her, quite frankly.” She shakes her head and downs her wine.

Lorelei: “Not slow…”

Grace: “Just…” She hols her hands up. “Give it time.”

Bree: “I guess I can try, but I won’t force anything.”

Bree’s Confessional

“Sheridan just lacks comprehension skills, now maybe I see why she could’ve gotten played by her restaurant manager… oops I said I wouldn’t go there.”

The ladies are brought out their entrees. After a while of eating and some drink refills, the conversation starts back up.

Lorelei: “That final dinner in Quebec was absolutely insane. Like everyone truly lost their minds.” She makes a face. “Bree, how are you feeling towards Monsè now after the whole dinner debacle?”

Bree: “Look, I honestly felt betrayed cause I stuck up for her against Yvonne when they first met, and now for her to turn around and just purposely make me look like an asshole is fucked up.” She looks at Lorelei and Grace, upset. “I truly feel like she disliked Yvonne and didn’t like the fact that me and her were starting to get along and so she did that in order to make us fight, I really believe that…” She sighs. “I mean, it is what it is, right?”

Grace: “Monsè does come across as quite conniving. At least, that’s the vibe I’ve gotten so far.” She takes a bite of steak.

Lorelei: “I agree with Grace.” She frowns and takes a sip of her cocktail. “She doesn’t seem very loyal to her friends. She threw you under the bus the first chance she got to take the heat off herself.”

Grace: “It’s like she has an ulterior motive…a hidden agenda.” She raises her eyebrow.

Lorelei: “Oh, Grace…” She chuckles.

Grace’s Confessional

“The more I get to know Monsè, the more I don’t like what I see. She moves in a sneaky way… and I don’t like that.”

Bree sighs and nods.

Bree: “I can see it now, it really opened up my eyes… well we may not see her at my party next week so maybe that’s a good thing.”

Grace: “Oh, yes! The cover reveal! I’m super excited for it, I have an outfit picked out and everything.”

Bree: “Oh my gosh.” Her face lights up. “I’m so excited you have no idea, and the cover looks so terrific, I got a copy yesterday, I can’t wait for you to see it!”

Bree’s Confessional

“I am so excited, I mean to be on the cover of Vogue at such a young age is such a big deal. I’m a very, very proud mom! I just hope everyone can behave, I’m gonna be so happy I won’t have time for any drama.”

Grace: “I can’t wait to see it. House of Faroe has been on the cover of magazines, I’ve met Anna Wintour personally so it’s very exciting.”

Bree: “I know, Anna’s going to be there as well. So that’ll be really cool. By the way you guys can bring a date, so feel free to bring your spouse, a friend, whatever!”

Grace’s Confessional

“I’ll actually be surprised if I see Anna at the party because honestly, is the Bailey family dynasty a big enough deal?”
Producer: “Has Anna Wintour been at any of your events?”
“Of course she has! House of Faroe has been on the runways of fashion week, duh!”

Grace: “Vivian enjoys a night out, she’ll be delighted to come!”

Lorelei: “Well, I can’t wait! It’s going to be so much fun. I’m happy for you Bree!”

The girls continue eating.

We see the sun rising over Beverly Beach. There is no music. We see a row of nice cafès and restaurants. A seagull squawks and we see a woman sitting at a table as Bree walks in, smirking.

The episode ends.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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