[S6E4]: Marriage Woes

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
29 min readOct 3, 2022


(From L to R: Mona Quinn, Yvonne Langley, Sheridan Campbell, Lorelei Sullivan, Grace Faroe, & Bree Bailey)

Music plays as we get a shot of Los Angeles. The camera zooms down on a studio, the audio gets quiet and we can hear an interview going on.

Dakota Williams is in her chair, interviewing Mona in front of a live studio audience.

The camera pans to show Monsè, Lauren, and Sheridan in the front row of the live audience.

Dakota Williams: “One last question for you, Mona. On your first season of ‘Housewives’ we saw alooooot of your co-stars shading your…” She clears her throat. “Acting career. What do you have to say to them?!” She gives Mona a look.

Mona: “Dakota, none of them could be an actress like me, honey! Haters gonna hate!” She blows a kiss at the camera.

Mona, Lauren, Monsè, & Sheridan

Dakota and the audience laugh as the set starts to shut down. Monsè, Lauren, and Sheridan are seen getting up with the rest of the audience and leaving the set. Mona stays behind and we get footage of her chatting with Dakota a little bit more after the cameras stop rolling.

Mona’s Confessional

“I was invited by my friend, Dakota Williams, to come on her talk show and discuss the new movies I’m in…and Housewives, of course!” She laughs. “I invited Monsè and Sheridan to come with me to see me in action. Sheridan asked to bring Lauren so, why not.” She shrugs.

Lauren’s Confessional

“I am thrilled to be here at Dakota’s studio again. It’s been a while since I’ve been. I have only met Mona once, so I thought seeing her interview may help me get to know her.”

The scene transitions to Mona sitting in her dressing room as her glam team touches up her makeup. There’s a knock on the door and then Sheridan, Lauren, and Monsè come in. Mona turns around and smiles.

Mona: “Hey girls! Thanks for coming.” She gets up and gives them each a hug.

Monsè: “You were great out there.” She rubs Mona’s back.

Lauren: “Yeah! Really great show. Thank you for extending the invite to me.” She smiles.

Mona: “I’m so happy you came, Lauren. It was fun! I’m glad we’re getting to know each other.”

Sheridan: “Lauren is a good friend.” She smiles. “I knew you’d all hit it off with her.”

Mona’s Confessional

“ A lot of people told me that Lauren and I are alike, so I’d love to get to know her more.”

The girls all take a seat as Mona turns hers to chat with the girls.

Mona: “So — What did you all think of the interview?”

Monsè: “I love a good Dakota Williams interview!” She laughs. “You killed it, girl! I was laughing the whole time. Everyone’s going to love it.”

Monsè’s Confessional

“I’m so proud of Mona. There’s a lot of haters out there, but she’s the one raking in the cash and making a name for herself. Who’s really losing here?”

Lauren: “Like I said, loved it! Dakota is hilarious and you were right there with her.”

Sheridan: “It was fun! I’m hoping it brings you some more buzz on your latest movie.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“When your films debut on streaming apps, you have to put in even more work to bring attention to their release. Mona is working her ass off!”

An intern at the Dakota William’s show brings in a tray of champagne for the ladies and they thank him.

Mona: “Sheridan, Lauren, I haven’t seen you two since that yacht party. How is everything?”

Lauren: “I’ve been fine.” She nods. “But I can’t believe how everyone has been treating Sheridan — It’s crazy.” She frowns.

Sheridan: “I’m still processing how I feel about that and the way some of you women have been moving lately in our circle.”

Mona raises an eyebrow but before she can respond, Monsè reaches over and rubs Sheridan’s arm.

Monsè: “I’m so sorry for what you’re going through with Bell Camp, Sheridan. It seems like alot. I’m here for you though, girl. Whatever you need.”

Sheridan: “Thank you, Monsè. I appreciate that, sweetie.” She gets up and gives Monsè a hug. “It’s just the lies that are being spread in the press and with some of the girls.” She sits back down and looks at Mona.

Mona: “I feel really bad for what you’re going through Sheridan and how messy these ladies are getting. I want to apologize, again, If anything I said felt like an attack I didn’t mean it and it wasn’t malicious.” She crosses her legs.

Sheridan nods.

Sheridan: “I hear that and I truly do want to move forward with you Mona. I just need a little more support and the benefit of the doubt. If you read the stories; I haven’t done anything illegal. This is a woman who is chasing clout and using me to do so.”

Mona: “Absolutely, this woman is crazy. I have nothing but love for you and only wanted you to get your side of the story out.” She sips her champagne.

Mona’s Confessional

“I truly love Sheridan, like she’s such an amazing person and if my questions jeopardized our friendship I’ll take full accountability.”

The camera pans to Lauren and Monsè whom are smiling.

Sheridan: “I appreciate that. Lorelei told Lauren and I that there were many girls in the circle questioning me; so that honestly made me apprehensive to come to Monsè’s dinner the other night — speaking of which…how was that?”

Mona just looks to Monsè.

Mona: “I don’t remember a damn thing that happened, I was so drunk.” She laughs.

Monsè: “Don’t worry about not being there, Sheridan. I get it but we missed you! Mona was definitely the most lit there, at least in terms of alcohol.” She shakes her head. “But to answer your question, it was a mess.” She laughs. “Yvonne had the nerve to come after my marriage in my own home!”

Sheridan: “Oh my goodness.”

Lauren: “What’s new?” She shakes her head. “She came after my marriage when I first met her too.”

Mona: “She’s a terrible human being, sorry.” She shrugs.

Mona’s Confessional

“Let’s see, Yvonne brings up all of Sheridan’s issues on this platform, she misconstrues what I say and creates a rift with Sheridan and I, then she goes after Monsé’s marriage. That’s only three of the many things she’s done after being here for 5 minutes.”

Lauren’s Confessional

“Am I shocked to hear this? Not really. I can’t help but laugh. These girls should not take her personally-that’s just the way she is.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Yvonne is no stranger to dramatics but she normally doesn’t come for someone out of the blue. I need to pay attention more to their dynamic to really feel it out.”

Monsè: “She’s disgusting. I gave her the benefit of the doubt by inviting her and she turned it around on me in 2.5 seconds.”

Sheridan: “I wonder what is going on with her. I hate that she was disrespectful at your event, Monsè.” She bites her lip.

Monsé: “It must be those rumors about her boyfriend being married when they met. She’s deflecting if you ask me.” She shakes her head and starts digging through her bag.

Sheridan’s mouth drops.

Sheridan: Wait — Who’s boyfriend is married?”

Mona: “Yvonne!”

The camera pans to Lauren who looks shocked.

Lauren: “WHAT?!”

Monsè: “Miss Yvonne is apparently not as classy as she claims to be.” She begins nodding and then quickly adds. “Allegedly.”

Monsè’s Confessional

“Honestly I’m still not over the way Yvonne treated me at dinner. I invited her to my home. I gave her a hot meal!”

Mona: “And I mean, maybe the times were different back in the 1960s but I don’t think it’s classy to be a homewrecker.” She smirks.

Sheridan: “Oh my goodness, girls.” Her eyes widen. “Is that confirmed? I don’t want to adding fuel to any unconfirmed rumors — especially when I am battling that myself.”

Lauren throws her hands up in the air.

Lauren: “Who cares if this is confirmed — I can’t believe this is even a rumor about her.” She cackles.

We get a shot of Sheridan still looking concerned.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Disagreements in this group happen; but I’ve learned my lesson over the years to fueling rumors… and I don’t want to be involved in this!”

Monsè: “You know what you’re right, Sheridan. But if that’s what’s floating around about her, I just can’t believe she’d attack me like that.”

Sheridan: “Well — I think it’s not too late for the girls to try and move into a more positive direction and try and build toward friendships…so with that I want all 3 of you bitches to come with me to my parents estate in Quebec! With all the articles, I need a break!!!” She laughs.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“My head is exploding in Beverly Beach. With the latest story out; my relationship with Martin is incredibly strained and I need to get away for a bit. Quebec is calling!”

Mona: “Yassss! That sounds like so much fun!” She jumps up and down in her little chair.

Monsè: “Yesss, this is exactly what we need! I’m so excited!”

Lauren: “I can’t wait to get away for a bit.” She claps.

Mona’s phone beeps and she checks it, then looks to the girls.

Mona: “Girls, we need to get going. The jet is waiting back for us at the air strip, we need to get back to Beverly Beach,”

Sheridan: “Yes! Let’s go. I got to pick MJ up from school…”

As the girls get up and start exiting the dressing room, the scene ends.

Grace is shown walking out of the House of Faroe building and to her car, where she gets in and begins to drive.

Grace: “Lunch, lunch, here I come.”

Grace’s Confessional

“My days are usually long and busy, so I don’t have time to grab myself lunch. I leave that to my MANY assistants.” She laughs. “But luckily this afternoon, I’ve found a gap in my schedule and decided to make the effort of getting my own food.

Grace is shown pulling into the Drive-Thru and speaking to the order machine.

Server: “Welcome to McDonald’s. Can I take your order?”

Grace: “Hi, yes, could I please get a medium cheeseburger with extra lettuce and tomatoes, with a side of french fries.”

Server: “Yes, what will your drink be?”

Grace: “I’ll have one of your limited edition caramel and vanilla lattes. No extra foam.”

Server: “Will that be all?”

Grace: “Yes, thank you.”

Server: “If you’d like to make your way to the next window…”

Grace: “Fabulous.”

Grace drives around to the window, paying and getting her order; She parks up in the car park and begins to eat her food.

Grace’s Confessional

“All the best bosses got by on fast food. I am no different. I will take a McDonald’s over caviar and tadpole’s assholes any day of the week, trust me!” She laughs.

Grace’s phone begins to ring and her eyes widen as she looks at it.

Grace: “Oh my God…”

Grace quickly swipes to answer.

Grace: “Megan? Hi.” She puts the phone on speaker.

Megan: “Mom, hi.”

Grace’s Confessional

“This is such a shock. I was surprised to see Megan at my divorce party a couple weeks ago. We haven’t talked since, I’m trying to give her space. I know it takes time but to actually get a call from her… it gives me hope.”

Grace: “Is everything okay?”

Megan: “Yeah…um…”

Grace: “Is there something I can help you with, honey?”

There is a long pause.

Megan: “I wanted to say I’m sorry. For the way I’ve treated you and let things get between us.”

Grace: “Oh, Megan… you don’t need to apologize. It was a tense situation, we were all under pressure.”

Megan: “I feel bad though…” You can hear her crying.

Grace begins to tear up.

Grace: “Listen, this is a new beginning. It’s time to move forward, right?”

Megan: “Yes.”

Grace: “Do you think we’d be able to work on things?”

Megan: “I’m open to that.”

Grace is now crying.

Grace: “You know how much I love you. You’re my daughter and I have never gave up on hoping we’ll be okay. I pray every night.”

Megan: “Thank you, mom.”

Grace: “I’ll speak to you soon, okay?”

Megan: “Okay, bye.”

Grace: “Bye.” She hangs up and wipes her eyes.

Grace’s Confessional

“This phone conversation with Megan leaves me feeling really hopeful about our future. She’s open to working on things, which tells me that either Dimitri’s spoken to her or she’s had time to think. I just want to leave everything in the past and somehow move forward. Fingers crossed!”

The scene ends as she goes back to eating.

We see Lorelei’s mansion in Beverly Bluffs. Inside, she is seen walking into her kitchen and she begins plating takeout food.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“So, Banks’ birthday is tomorrow and Grace texted me and said she’s got a special surprise for Banks! I’m so curious as to what it could be. She and I are in a good place right now and we haven’t really had a chance to have girl time so I’m honestly excited to see her!”

Outside, Grace’s car is shown driving slowly through the gates as they open and into Lorelei’s massive driveway. She steps out of her car and carefully retrieves a hung garment bag. She carries it carefully up to Lorelei’s door and knocks. Lorelei opens the door.

Lorelei & Grace

Lorelei: “Hi girl! You look so fabulous, honey. Come in, come in!” She hugs Grace and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

As they walk in, we get a shot of Banks as she plays with some toys in the living room with Lorelei’s nanny.

Grace’s Confessional

“Little Banksy Boo is turning 3, so of course Auntie Faroe had to design a dress for her birthday party. House of Faroe only caters to the best and Banks… she’s royalty! This is also a great chance to catch up with Lorelei and touch base, we’ve both been so busy with our lives lately.”

Lorelei: “Go ahead and go to the dining room. I ordered us some Chinese, I hope that’s okay?”

The camera switches to the living room as Grace picks up Banks and gives her a hug.

Grace: “Sounds great! You know I love some Chinese food, even if it does give me flashbacks from last year.” She laughs and sets Banks back down to play.

Lorelei laughs as she comes into the dining room, carrying two plates of food, she hands one to Grace. There is already a bottle of white wine on the table and two glasses.

Lorelei: “Ooh, girl. Don’t remind me! I’d try and give baby girl some…” She looks to Banks in the living room with the nanny. “But she doesn’t do Chinese.” She shakes her head. “Catch me up, how are you doing?”

Grace: “Everything is in a really good place actually. I have some really good news to share with you…”

Lorelei takes a bite of food and makes a face.

Lorelei: “Oooh, about?”

Grace finishes up pouring a glass of wine for each of them and then looks to Lorelei.

Grace: “Basically, I was approached with an offer from a network that wanted to film at House of Faroe and give me my own show!” She claps her hands together excitedly.

Grace’s Confessional

“House of Faroe… wow, it’s come such a long way and now for it to be showcased on TV, for people to see what my business is truly about, the kind of people who work for me. It’s definitely something I’m proud of.” She smiles.

Lorelei: “Not your own show!” She laughs and claps. “Grace, I’m so happy for you girl! This is really amazing, honey.” She clinks wine glasses with Grace.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Grace getting her own little show will be good for her. I think she needs something she can fully dive right into and just make her own.”

Grace smiles widely.

Grace: “Thank you. It feels like my hard work has really payed off and it’s not just down to me, it’s down to the people I have working for me. They really are outstanding people. You know me, I only hire the best!” She laughs and takes a sip of wine. “By the way, I um…had a call from Megan the other day.”

Lorelei: “And how’d that go?” She makes a curious face.

Grace looks down and plays with her food.

Grace: “It went surprisingly well… she seems open to repairing our relationship. Dimitri must’ve talked to her like I asked him to. It’ll take time though.”

Grace’s Confessional

“I’m happy that Megan and I are at least on speaking terms again, because that’s some progress. There’s still a lot more to be made but most importantly we have time.”

Lorelei smiles a bit and nods.

Lorelei: “I am glad to hear that, Gracie. I’m happy that things in your life are looking up.” She takes a bite of food and shakes her head. “Mine? Not so much.”

Grace: “What’s going on? Is everything okay?” She looks concerned.

Lorelei: “You know… ever since the miscarriage a few months ago, I’ve just wanted to kind of dive deep into my work. Well, I’m working on a maternity line and it’s just really stressful. Being a newlywed, trying to launch a new line, etcetera. It’s a lot. Then… I’m still healing. You know?

Grace: “I understand that.” She nods.

Lorelei’s Confessional

I don’t think I ever fully took the time to heal and grieve my miscarriage. That was a baby that was made out of nothing short of pure love and for me to just lose them, it- it was hard.” She tilts her head back. “I think burying myself into a new project was a distraction, until it wasn’t.”

Grace: “Forgive me for assuming, but it seems like you haven’t properly stopped to grieve for the loss you suffered. Instead, you seem to have buried it and it’s weighing you down, am I right?”

The camera pans to Lorelei, she gets quiet and grabs a napkin.

Lorelei: “Ugh, Gracie… you always make me cry.” She laughs a little and tears up, nodding. “No — You’re right. It’s alot. I don’t think I’ve fully processed it.”

Grace gets up and goes over to the other side of the table and just gives Lorelei a hug. When she pulls back she holds Lorelei’s hand and looks at her.

Grace: “Listen to me, okay? You’re allowed to hurt and you’re allowed to cry. Nothing about that makes you weak or any less the person you are.”

Lorelei nods and dabs her eyes, looking at Grace.

Lorelei: “That is so sweet, Grace.”

Grace walks back to her side of the table and grabs the garment bag next to her chair.

Grace: “Anyways! I have brought a little present for you and my little Banksy Boo!”

Lorelei: “Aw! Here, let me go get her.”

Lorelei gets up and walks to the living room. Moments later, she re-enters with Bank’s holding her hand as she walks beside her.

Lorelei: “Babygirl, Auntie Grace got you a present!” She points to Grace and the garment bag.

Grace: “Hi, honey!” She unzips the bag and holds up the dress. “This is for you…for your special day.”

Banks’s eyes would light up but she’d hide behind Lorelei, looking shy. Lorelei laughs.

Lorelei: “Don’t be shy, mama. Tell her thank you. You know better.”

Banks: “Thank you.” She covers her face and giggles.

Grace: “Oh, you’re welcome! It was my pleasure.”

Grace’s Confessional

“ It warms my heart to be able to do this for Lorelei and Banks. Anything that can put a smile on Lorelei’s face is a good thing right now and I’m going to try my best to do that.” She smiles.

The girls sit back down at the table as Banks goes back to the living room.

Grace: “You missed one hell of a night at Monsè’s by the way.” Her eyes widen.

Lorelei: “Oh gosh, what happened?” She laughs.

Grace: “Where do I start? Yvonne came in on 10. She ended up arguing with Monsè and getting kicked out of the house.”

Lorelei: “Oh wow! Yvonne has never really been known to act like that. I wonder what is her deal?” She shakes her head.

Grace: “ She made some sort of jab towards Monse’s husband but Monse’s reaction was… disproportionate to what Yvonne said to be honest. It didn’t warrant her being asked to leave.”

Grace’s Confessional

“Monsè strikes me as a bit of a mean-girl… mean-girl meets lapdog. Mona doesn’t get along with Yvonne, so Monsè doesn’t get along with Yvonne. What’s next? Is Monsè going to come for me because of Mona and I’s history?”

Lorelei: “Well, I’m sure this ‘please leave my home’ moment will not be in vain. I’m sure we will hear about it for moments to come.”

Grace: “To top that, Mona got over served. Badly.”

Lorelei: “Mona getting shit faced is shocking to me.” She blinks. “Wow.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I didn’t go to Monsè’s dinner because I had a family night in, but from the looks of it, I’m glad I didn’t”

Lorelei stands up.

Lorelei: “Thank you for coming over and for Banks’s beautiful dress, she’ll be wearing it tomorrow! I really appreciate it. Now, it’s time to get the little one to bed.”

Grace: “Yes! I’ll speak to you soon.”

The scene fades as Lorelei walks Grace out.

Cameras pan to show the large, decadent dining room of the Beverly Junction Country Club.

We see Yvonne come in and make her way to the hostess station. The hostess smiles.


Hostess: “Hello Ms. Langley. I’ll take you to your usual table.”

We see the hostess and Yvonne weave through the tables.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“I’ve invited Bree to join me for a lunch overlooking the gorgeous golf course at my club in Beverly Junction. I’m hoping she can provide some answers to my pressing questions.”

Yvonne sips some tea as she scrolls on her phone. The hostess escorts Bree to the table.

Hostess: “Your guest, Ms. Langley.”


Bree: “Hello, Yvonne. Thank you for the invitation, this place is lovely.” She looks around.

Yvonne sets down her phone and smiles a little.

Yvonne: “Thank you for coming. Please sit. I love the outfit.”

Bree: “Oh thank you!” She sits.

Bree’s Confessional

“Yvonne’s invitation was definitely unexpected, and I’m not too sure what’s gonna happen, but I hope it’s at least going to be cordial, we don’t need to be besties but I mean, we’re grown women god God’s sake!”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“That hair, dated. Those sunglasses, basic. The shoes, too big for her wrinkled toes.”

A waiter immediately brings Bree a tea and she thanks him.

Yvonne: “So, I want to first say that I feel we haven’t been able to get to know each other because of the noise within the group. We really have no issues, so I thought it’d be nice to sit and talk.”

Bree: “I agree, there’s always so much going on with this group it’s kinda hard to get to know each other on a more personal level.” She sips her tea. “Is there anything in particular you wanted to talk to me about?”

Yvonne: “I have to be honest.” She sighs. “Since you’re the only one who allegedly knew me before I rejoined the group, I’m curious if you’re the one peddling this rumor about my boyfriend and I.” She keeps her eyes locked on Bree. “Let me be forthcoming with you about this situation.”

Bree nods.

Yvonne: “A little over a year ago, I met a man at the bar in this very country club who had just filed for divorce. He was looking for a good time and as someone who’s been divorced, I know the pain. So, the attraction that grew was natural and organic. When the divorce was finalized 4 months ago, we decided to enter a committed relationship. I would never try to break up a home.”

Bree: “I understand, I personally never thought much of it cause it’s really none of my business but his ex wife’s been spreading a lot of stuff around town, so maybe you may want to have a one on one with her, and maybe you should tell that to the girls as well, since the other night in the heat of the moment I feel like it wasn’t very clear.”

Bree’s Confessional

“I mean, had Yvonne told this story the other night at Monsè’s dinner party the whole thing would be over already, it’s so simple! And by the way, even if she had broken up a home would that be so weird in this town?” She giggles.

Yvonne: “I appreciate that but next time, can you come straight to me and not someone who you know I don’t get along with?”

Bree: “Sure, next time you’ll be the first one to know if something like this happens again.”

The waiter comes up and asks the ladies for their orders.

Yvonne: “Oh, wow. I definitely want to eat. I’ll have the lobster and shrimp burger with a side salad. Bree, what would you like? The meal is on me.”

Bree: “Oh! I’ll have the same as you, sounds delicious! Thank you.”

Yvonne: “There is one last thing I want to ask you. It felt like since the day we met, you took to Mona and Monsé. Why is that especially if you said we’ve met and mingled?” She raises an eyebrow.

Bree: “Well honestly I kind of felt bad for them, especially Monsè cause she’s so young and new to this group and you tend to voice your opinions so strongly, it must be intimidating for her.” She bites her lip. “But I also wanna say I’m cordial with everyone else as well, I just haven’t had the chance to get to know everyone on the same level.”

Yvonne: “That makes sense, I get how you could feel that way. Listen, I know I’m a pretentious, assertive bitch- it’s been my reputation and my strongest weapon for most of my adult life. But Monsé is in Beverly Beach with the big girls, she’s not in Haiti with her best friends and cousins. It’s time to grow up.”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“From this conversation, I’m definitely open to building a friendship with Bree. However, as my friend, you can’t ride the fence especially not with my enemies, so I’ll be keeping a close eye. She’s auditioning right now.”

Bree: “Yeah I get what you’re saying, I guess having lived in here for so many years I kind of felt like I could guide her, but at the end of the day she’s a grown woman and she gotta be able to stand her own ground.”

Yvonne: “Especially if she’s going to start drama with the Dame of Beverly Beach!”

Bree giggles.

Bree: “Yeah well, she’s signed up to join this group of women, she’s gotta prove she can hold her own.”

Bree’s Confessional

“I have to admit it, Yvonne is funny, she’s smart, I feel like we have more things in common than I thought.”

Yvonne: “Let’s have a toast to a new budding friendship, maybe this is the start of something quite dangerous.” She smiles and lifts her tea cup.

Bree: “I sure hope it is!” She lifts her teacup.

Yvonne: “Time will tell.”

Yvonne smiles and cocks her head and then the scene fades out.

The camera pans across Lorelei’s mansion. In her back yard, and extravagant all pink Barbie party is set up outside.

There are blow ups, a miniature roller coaster, and a Barbie store. Lots of children play outside while parents keep a watchful eye. Lorelei holds her daughter, Banks, hand as they look at everything going on.

Banks & Lorelei

Lorelei: “Oh my goodness! You see all the Barbie stuff, mama? It’s all for you.”

We see Banks grin and look around. Lorelei then scoops her up.

Lorelei: “Okay — I’m going to go give you to Pamela so you can go play with your friends because Mommy has her own friends coming, and I need a drink before that.” She chuckles and carries Banks off to the nanny.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Today is Bank’s 3rd birthday party! I’ve invited some of the girls to come out and celebrate with us. I didn’t invite some of the ones who I feel would’ve just caused some unnecessary drama… My baby’s day doesn’t need any of that.”


Out front, Grace is seen stepping out of her car with two large Harrod’s bags. A valet dressed in a pink uniform hops in Grace’s car as she walks to the backyard.

Grace’s Confessional

“In keeping with the Barbie theme, I have come today as Vintage Glamour Black Barbie. I can’t believe Banksy Boo is turning 3! It seems like only yesterday that she was so small!”


The next wife shown walking in is Lauren. She cranes her neck to look around the large basket full of huge balloons in it.

Lauren’s Confessional

“Although my last interaction with Lorelei was bizarre, I am here for the baby she conceived with her now husband when she was technically still his step mother.” She smiles.

Mona & Monsè

Mona and Monsè pull up to the valet station. They get out with gifts in hand. We see as they walk together to the backyard and gawk at everything.

Monsè: “This is EVERYTHING!”

Monsè’s Confessional

“I thought I threw my son a lavish 5th birthday, but this is next level. Little girls are different, honey!”

We see Mona and Monsè as they approach Lorelei, Grace, and Lauren who already have drinks.

Mona: “Lorelei! Where’s the birthday girl?”

Lorelei hugs Mona.

Lorelei: “She is right over there with the nanny!” She points and we see Banks. “Thank you for coming, honey!” She looks over to Monsè. “You too! You look fabulous. Thanks for coming.” She smiles.

Mona: “This is so extravagant Lorelei, I wish I had a party like this when I was five!”

Lorelei laughs.

Lorelei: “Well, you know Banks’s mama is over the top. Only the best for her.”

Grace comes over to greet Monsè and Mona.

Grace: “Hi!”

Mona: “Hi Grace.” She smiles politely and waves.

Monsè: “Hey, girl. You look cute today.”

Grace: “You too! i love this.” She smiles and motions to Monsè.

Grace’s Confessional

“Monsè genuinely looks like a Barbie… a little girls toy.” She pauses. “How old is she again?”

Sheridan & Bree

We see Bree and Sheridan as they enter the backyard. Bree holds a large present and the camera pans to Sheridan who is empty handed. They approach the girls.

Bree: “Hi Lorelei, sweetie. This is for the birthday girl!” She holds up the present. “I hope she likes it.”

Lorelei: “Oh Bree! Thank you so much and thank you for coming! Here, my assistant will take it.” She waves someone over.

Sheridan: “Hey divas! Pretty in pink, girls!”

Lorelei: “I think we’re all here, I have a table set up for us across the yard with some treats. Let’s go sit.”

The girls make their way over to an elegantly decorated table for the women. Pink desserts like strawberry cupcakes, frosted donuts, and cake pops are on display at the table. There are several bottles of rosé as well.

Sheridan: “Ooo yummy!” She grabs a strawberry cupcake.

As the girls gets situated, Bree looks up from pouring herself a glass of rosé.

Bree: “So, you ladies wanna hear something exciting?” She grins.

Sheridan: “Sure, whatcha got for us?” She licks her fingers.

Mona: “Spill! Spill!”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I know nothing about Bree. We haven’t really connected. I hope that when I invite the girls to Quebec I can get a little closer to her.”

Bree: “Well you know, I’ve been talking about it with Lorelei and with some other friends and I’ve decided that it’s time for me to get out there and seriously get into the dating scene, since as you know I haven’t had any serious relationships after my divorce from Logan… so yeah — I’m about to get some!” She laughs and cheers.

Monsè: “Yesss girl!” She snaps.

Lorelei: “As you should. Life is way too short to be living alone. I’m excited for you.” She winks.

Grace: “Yes, Bree! Good for you.” She claps.

Mona: “Go get a mans!”

The camera pans to Lauren who says nothing and sips her rosé.

Lauren’s Confessional

“That is not as exciting as you think, girl.”

Sheridan smiles and claps.

Sheridan: ‘That’s awesome, Bree. Are you interested in men, women, or both? I may have some basketball players for you!”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Martin has a lot of friends if she is interested in athletes — men or women! The WNBA got some sexy females.” She laughs and winks.

Bree: “Well — I’ve had my fair share of experiences but I definitely prefer men, Sheridan.” She giggles.

Monsè: “I got you too, Bree! I’ve got all the actors you want on speed dial.”

Mona: “Oooh! I already have some ideas.” She smiles at Monsè.

Sheridan: “One thing is that you’re in good company, Bree. You will for sure get some dick between all of our connections! Athletes or movie stars, we got ya covered!”

Bree: “Well thank you girls! I’ll take you up on each and every one of your offers! I’m really excited to date.”

Bree’s Confessional

“I know it may sound silly to some people but for me this is a big deal, I haven’t been in a relationship in years! I’m not used to being Bree and doing things for me. I’m used to being mom or wife.”

Sheridan: “Lauren how are you doing in that regard?” She looks across the table. “Are you back on the search yet?”

The girls all look to Lauren and she shakes her head.

Lauren: “I dated around for a while but I am just focusing on my company for now. One of my kids is in college and the other will be on the way shortly, so I am getting ready to start soon.”

We see Lorelei as she makes a face and then pops a little candy into her mouth.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I wouldn’t think Lauren would have found anyone to court her, only because… no man wants a lush.” She blinks. “She likes the bottle, honey.”

Lauren’s Confessional

“Truthfully, I’ve been seeing a much older man for a while now. He is a Senator in California.

Lauren’s Confessional

So, whenever we get a weekend away, its nice. It’s the perfect relationship for me right now but I am not ready to open up to the ladies about him. I don’t need the judgement.”

Mona: “Good for you, Lauren.”

Sheridan: “I love that. You’re a good mama.”

Bree: “Sounds like you’re in a good place.” She picks up a cupcake. “By the way, does anyone know why Yvonne didn’t come? I just had lunch with her the other day and it was honestly a good and honest conversation…”

Grace raises an eyebrow and Monsè rolls her eyes.

Mona: “Yvonne? Honest?” She laughs.

Monsè’s Confessional

“Yvonne and ‘honest’ go together like Leo DiCaprio and women his age.” She snorts.

Mona: “Was she even invited?” She looks to Lorelei.

Lorelei: “No. She wasn’t invited. She doesn’t have kids, I don’t know her like that and I just didn’t want to risk the drama.”

Bree: “She invited me over at her country club for lunch and we just talked about our different views and opinions. It was oddly pleasant to be honest!”

Sheridan: “Interesting!”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I wish Yvonne would have come out tonight for Banks birthday. I honestly wanted the opportunity to observe how she interacts with the group to see if what I heard in LA was actually true.”

Lauren: “Is it true that her boyfriend is married?”

Sheridan: “LAUREN! God bless.” Her eyes widen and she laughs.

Lorelei: “Jesus, not married.” She side eyes the camera quickly.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I wasn’t there for this dinner party, so I’m not going to participate in this Yvonne talk. If she is messing with a married man, then I can’t talk. It would be biased of me considering my situation in the past.”

Lauren: “What? She would ask if the rumor was anyone else.” She shrugs.

Mona: “Where there’s smoke there’s fire, I guess.”

Bree: “Well, he’s divorced now. That’s what she told me at lunch.”

Monsè: “Okay, but what about when they got together?” She looks at Bree.

Sheridan: “So they were separated I’m sure when they met…”

Grace: “ Look, I don’t think it’s right to speculate about someone’s life… she’s not here to defend herself, that’s not fair.” She looks around the group.

Mona: “It’s not like she hasn’t done it to anybody else before, please.”

Grace: “But I’m trying to shut this down. I’m being a real friend.”

Mona: “Okay, Grace!”

Grace’s Confessional

“Listen, Mona Quinn’s life is far from perfect so she’s certainly not one to judge.”

Lauren: “I will just ask her myself next time I see her, then.”

Bree nods.

Bree: “I do think she’ll address it next time we all get together, I’m sure she’ll want to clear the air.”

Sheridan: “Girls, before we all disperse for the night; I did want to take a moment to invite all of you women to my parents estate in Quebec this weekend!”

Bree: “Oh wow, that sounds amazing Sheridan!”

Grace: “Yes!”

Lauren: “I can’t wait to go with you all.”

Mona raises her hand, looking cautious.

Mona: “Are you inviting the elder as well?”

Sheridan: “Everyone is invited and we are going to have a good time with no drama! Just fun, friendship, and laughter!”

Mona rolls her eyes.

Mona’s Confessional

“Sheridan’s got high hopes for this trip. If you don’t want drama, don’t invite Yvonne.”

Monsè: “I can’t wait.”

Lorelei: “This trip will be fun! Sheridan, I assume I get 2nd best room, right?” She laughs. “Just kidding!”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I wasn’t kidding. Quebec isn’t very pleasing to the eye, so.. if I’m going, I want the best room.”

Sheridan: “Oh, hunni. We shall see!”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I have a feeling that I can get the girls and Yvonne more on the same page in Quebec.”

Bree: “Wait a second! Who’s getting the best room?!” She looks around.

Bree’s Confessional

“I am definitely excited about Quebec and can’t wait to go… do I think it will be drama free? Absolutely not, but hey, as long as no one gets killed it’s a success.”

Sheridan starts to get up.

Sheridan: “Well I’m getting the best room, girls! I deserve it.” She rolls her eyes. “Now, I’ll see you bitches in Quebec. I’ve got things to deal with.”

The girls watch Sheridan leave, confused. The episode ends.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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