[S6E3]: Culture Shock

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
38 min readSep 28, 2022


(From L to R: Mona Quinn, Yvonne Langley, Sheridan Campbell, Lorelei Sullivan, Grace Faroe, & Bree Bailey)

The episode opens showing the fancy shops in Beverly Beach’s luxury shopping district. The camera gets a shot of Mona walking on the sidewalk an entering a nice shoe store.

She greets the owner as she comes in and begins looking around at shoes.

Mona’s Confessional

“I’ve invited Yvonne out because I want to clear things up with her. As much as I can’t stand her attitude, I hate conflict and fighting with other ladies so I want to patch things up. Maybe we can restart.”

Mona & Yvonne

The camera pans to show Yvonne as she walks into the store and takes off her sunglasses.

Yvonne: “Where is this girl?” She looks around.

Mona turns around and waves a bit.

Mona: “Hey Yvonne!”

Yvonne: “Oh! There you are!” She walks over. “I thought you were one of the interns here…”

Mona: “Funny.” She fakes a laugh.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“So, I’m meeting with Mona today to get some understanding. I’m not interested in tolerating her bullcrap so hopefully she comes correct today.”

Mona: “So, are you a shoe girl?”

Yvonne: “I love a good shoe! I’ve got an entire closet-full actually.” She picks up a pair of heels and examines them. “I’m surprised you like shoes. You seem like a barefoot kind of woman.”

Mona clenches her jaw but ends up plastering a fake smile on her face.

Mona: “Honestly, I just like to shop in general. I don’t care what it is.” She laughs.

Mona’s Confessional

“I’m trying! I really am!”

Mona: “Let’s sit down for a minute.”

Mona takes a seat on a nearby chair and Yvonne follows suit, sitting next to her.

Yvonne: “I figure you have something to talk about?”

Mona: “Yea there is, so first off we definitely got off on the wrong foot. I don’t really know you and you seemed very distant right from the start.” She cocks her head. “And then what pissed me off was when you started mess between Sheridan and I for no reason. You tried to basically hurt our friendship.”

Mona’s Confessional

“Yvonne is sneaky, calculated, manipulative. Everyone bows down to her like she’s God and I don’t understand that. So of course starting mess between Sheridan and I, she’d be able to gain an ally for her ‘team’ that she’s creating.”

Yvonne shakes her head.

Yvonne: “You tried to hurt your own friendship by insinuating that Sheridan was knowledgeable about what was happening.” She gives Mona a look. “I didn’t like that and neither did she.”

Mona: “I didn’t insinuate that she knew what was going on, I asked her the question so she could clear her name. There’s a lot of speculation around all of this and I want her to be vindicated!”

Yvonne: “Mmm.”

Mona: “What I don’t understand is why I being made out to be the villain when you were the person who brought it up and wanted to stir the pot.” She looks at Yvonne, confused.

Yvonne: “To me, that comes across as you’re just trying to be messy and I’m not interested in that. I’m interested in what this situation does to her and that’s why we aren’t the same.” She crosses her legs.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Look, I’ve known Sheridan for a few years. Whether I was on the show or not, we were at the same social events so excuse me for defending her against your baseless claims.”

Mona: “So we’re saying the same thing about eachother.” She laughs and shakes her head. “Jesus help me.”

We get cool shots of the shoes in the store before going back to Mona and Yvonne’s conversation.

Mona: “My whole reasoning behind questioning Sheridan was so she can let everyone know what the truth is. Clearly there’s more coming out about her situation even today in PageSix. So I think addressing it head on is the way to go. I don’t know, maybe that’s just me.” She shrugs.

Mona’s Confessional

“Something came out in PageSix today about the person who’s suing Sheridan, telling her side of the story and saying that Sheridan’s pretty much lying. So of course I have questions who wouldn’t?”

Yvonne: “PageSix? A blog? What is a blog, you read blogs?” She rolls her eyes and looks at Mona inquisitively. “It’s not happening to you, Mona, so who cares how you think it should be handled?” She takes a deep breath. “I don’t care about what the lowly woman from Hawthorne is saying. She’s lucky to be employed.”

Mona: “I read blogs when they pertain to my close friends. Listen — I know it doesn’t involve me but I want to help Sheridan navigate her way through it all and come out more successful. At the end of the day we both want Sheridan to be alright.”

Yvonne: “You know what, Mona. I want to like you but you’re irritating. Let’s just agree to disagree.”

Mona chuckles.

Mona: “I’m going to be honest — I don’t particularly like you either, so I’m fine with agreeing to disagree. We can be cordial.”

Yvonne nods.

Mona: “This isn’t coming from me, but Monsè did want me to extend an invitation to you for an upcoming Haitian dinner she’s having at her house. She wants to show everyone her culture.”

Yvonne: “Will her husband be there?”

Mona: “Gil? Yeah, probably.” She raises an eyebrow.

Yvonne: “Great, I’ll be there.” She smiles and gets up. “I need to run, but before I do — “ She digs through her purse and pulls out a $100 bill and hands it to Mona. “Here. Get yourself something nicer than what you have on.” She turns and walks out the door.

Mona holds the $100 bill and laughs in disbelief.

Mona: “What a bitch!”

The scene ends.

Music plays as we see the outside of Monsè’s house. In the living room, she is seen working on her laptop and cell phone simultaneously. The door bell rings and she closes her devices and walks across the huge room to the front door. When she opens it, Bree is on the other side smiling.

Monsè & Bree

Bree: “Hi pretty lady!” She hugs Monsè.

Monsè: “Hi Bree! Lovely to see you again, come on in.”

They walk and Bree looks around.

Bree: “Wow! Your home is absolutely lovely, Monsè.”

Monsè: “Thank you so much! I had some sushi delivered. Want something to drink?”

She leads Bree into her kitchen.

Bree: “Yes, thank you. I’ll have a glass of whatever white wine you have?”

Monsè: “Of course. I’ll have one myself, what the hell.”

The girls laugh.

Monsè’s Confessional

“Today, I’m excited to have Bree over for a little girl chat. I’ve been pretty overwhelmed with work lately, and Mona thought Bree might have some good advice for me as a working mom. It seems like she always makes time for her daughters no matter what, and that’s admirable.”

As Monsè pours the glasses of Chardonnay, Bree sits at the island and gawks around at the impressive kitchen. The camera pans to the beautiful plated sushi.

Bree: “You’ve really got amazing taste in interior design! Seriously!”

Monsè: “Thanks, love. But, I’ll tell you a secret. It’s all my husband.” She chuckles and hands Bree her wine glass. “Gil is way more into all of this stuff.” She motions around. “I have to say that I’m glad we’re finally getting a chance to know each other better one on one!”

Bree: “Me too! From the first time we chatted at Grace’s party I just knew we’d get along great!”

Bree’s Confessional

“Monsè seems like a sweet, genuine soul…and that’s not easy to find around here.” She smirks. “Plus, we are both new to this circle of women so we can also relate on that level.”

Monsè: “Tell me, who is Bree Bailey?” She sips her wine then leans on the counter.

Bree: “Well — I’m a mom and a manager, let’s say a ‘momager’. “ She laughs. “My daughters are my main occupation and my source of happiness, I’ve been following and helping them with their modeling career ever since they were 12, and it’s so great to finally see it starting to pay off!”

Monsè nods along and smiles.

Monsè: “Wow, that’s amazing! I think I’ve seen some of their work before. They are gorgeous.” She picks up a sushi roll and plops it in her mouth.

Bree: “They sure are, I’m a proud momma! Now what about you? You have a child, right?”

Monsè: “That’s right! I still have a little one, though. His name is Bastien and he’s 5, still in the cute phase. I also run a film production company with my husband Gil, that’s how we know Mona and Adam.” She clears her throat. “I have to admit, though, it’s so tough balancing a growing business with motherhood. I feel like I never have enough time for my little boy these days. How do you manage it all with your daughters?” She looks to Bree.

Bree takes a sip of wine and nods.

Bree: “I know exactly how you feel, at first it’s so tough managing your work, your social life and your duties as a mother, especially when your kids are little! In my own experience it really helped sharing the duties and chores with the father of my daughter.”

Monsè nods.

Bree: “You know, I’m fortunate in the fact that even after the divorce Logan wants to be the best dad he can be to our girls. You’re fortunate because you have your husband here, living under the same roof so co-parenting shouldn’t be an issue.”

Monsè: “I love that! Gil is the best! He’s so hands on. That’s one of the things I love most about him.”

Bree: “As for your job I truly believe family always comes first, especially kids, cause you only have one chance to see them grow up and slowly become adults on front of your own eyes, and that’s something that I think no parent would ever want to miss!”

Monsè thinks and then nods.

Monsè: “You’re so right. I think I need to make the time for my son. Free time is never going to just fall in my lap in this business.” She laughs.

Monsè’s Confessional

“I’m so grateful for Bree’s advice. Her daughters are bad ass and I’m sure she had a lot to do with it. Modeling is not an easy business to get into.”

Monsè: “Anyways — Enough of the boring stuff! What’s been going on with the group? Mona sounded stressed out when I talked to her after that little yacht thing you guys went to?”

As Bree is putting a few rolls of sushi on her plate, she sighs.

Bree: “Yvonne’s yacht party was…a lot. First of all Yvonne, was nowhere to be found for like 30 minutes and no one knew if she was gonna show up, she eventually did and well… after a while her and Mona got into it. This pretty much sums it up.” She shrugs.

Monsè: “30 minutes?! I thought she was the queen of etiquette.” She rolls her eyes. “What were they fighting about?”

Monsè’s Confessional

“Tsk, tsk, Yvonne. Late to your own party and fighting with the guests? Looks like you need a few more etiquette lessons.”

Bree: “Oh you know, they brought up what happened at Grace’s party. The whole restaurant situation with Sheridan and the fact that Mona was questioning her, which I think is bullshit cause Yvonne was the one who brought it up in the first place!” She scoffs.

Bree’s Confessional

“This whole Sheridan situation is driving me nuts! It’s all confused and shady, not to mention the hypocrisy in Yvonne’s part!”

Monsè: “Right! I don’t know how I feel about this lady. Yvonne seems to need a lot of attention.” She nods and leans on the counter. “Do you know her very well?”

Bree finishes chewing her sushi before speaking.

Bree: “Look, I’ve been around for a few years and we’ve seen each other around at parties and stuff like that, she seems like someone who loves to be the centre of attention and likes to provoke people. You know, people talk about her and her bad behavior so the attention isn’t on her boyfriend. Now that’s messy.” She gives Monsè a look and takes a big sip of wine.

Bree’s Confessional

“Do I know Yvonne very well? No. Have I heard stuff? Hell yeah! We live in Beverly Beach and the people here looooovvvveee to talk. Yvonne Langley can pretend she doesn’t know me at all or doesn’t remember me, but we’ve ran in the same circle of friends for years. So yeah, I’ve heard quite a few things about her from people I know wouldn’t lie.”

Monsè: “Oh?” She raises her eyebrow. “What’s up with her boyfriend?”

Bree: “I don’t know the details and I’d rather not spread misinformation.” She shakes her head. “But, I heard how they got together, or how they met, was a pretty shady. I’m sure if you ask around someone else has probably heard it too.” She shrugs.

Monsè: “I may have to do some digging then.” She laughs. “As much as Yvonne loves the spotlight she may just end up telling us herself.”

Bree: “I’m sure it won’t take you long to get to the bottom of it.”

Monsè: “It just baffles me because Yvonne is ,like, the queen of hypocrisy. She’s the all about etiquette then shows up to her own event 30 minutes late. She’s speaking on my marriage and how I got with my husband and now apparently there’s something going on with hers. I mean, come on.” She rolls her eyes.

Bree: “I wouldn’t stress over it too much.”

Monsè: “I’m not going to but I definitely want to address it. Speaking of, will you be here Wednesday night for the traditional Haitian meal?”

Bree: “Oh yes! I’m so excited. I was just telling Blake and Bianca about it the other day.”

Monsè: “I’m excited for people to expiernce my culture and see what it’s about.” She smiles.

Monsè clinks glasses with Bree.

Monsè: “Okay, this has been super fun but I should probably get back to work. Thank you so much for the advice Bree. We should totally do this again!”

Bree: “It was a pleasure! Make sure to tell me if you find out anything more about Yvonne!”

Monsè’s Confessional

“I like this Bree Bailey chick. I think I’ll have to keep her around for a little while.” She laughs.

As Bree walks out the scene ends.

We see Mona as she is cleaning up her kitchen. Adam is in the living room on his computer. The doorbell rings and Mona goes to answer it.

Mona: “Hi Dana! Come in!”

Dana, Mona and Adam’s therapist, walks in and greets Mona and Adam. Adam puts his computer away as the girls make their way to the couch and they begin to talk.

Dana: “So how have you two been?”

Mona looks at Adam.

Mona: “I think…we’ve been doing better. There are still a lot of arguments but instead of them being left open ended, we are finding solutions for the conflict.”

Adam: “I wouldn’t say that…”

Adam looks at Dan and Mona looks surprised.

Dana: “How would you say things are going then?”

Adam: “I don’t know. We’re coexisting but haven’t talked about what the real problems are.”

Dana: “What are those problems for you?”

Adam shrugs.

Adam: “ Her not paying attention to me, her lack of intimacy, her constant nagging and complaining. That’s a big one. I give — “

Mona: “Hold on…”

Adam: “Don’t interrupt me.”

Mona stays quiet and Dana listens.

Adam: “I give my wife and my children everything. I provide for them, and there’s always a problem. When will it ever be good enough for her.”

Dana: “Mona, please respond…”

Mona is tearing up a bit.

Mona: “Adam, I’m grateful for the life you’ve given this family. But this feels one-sided. I am your partner, your wife, we do things together. Just because you are the man, does not mean you’re the sole provider and leader.”

Adam: “That’s interesting. How much do you make compared to what I make?”

Mona: “It’s not just about money but what we both bring to this family.”

Adam: “You wouldn’t have this family if it wasn’t for the money I work for.” He looks at Dana. “See what I mean, she’s always got a problem with what I say.”

Dana: “We’re sort of getting off track, Adam do you understand that you’re in a partnership and that you two are supposed to work together.”

Adam: “I understand that, the point I’m trying to make is that she’s ungrateful of what I’ve given her.”

Mona: “Why are you assuming I’m ungrateful because im not at all! I just told you I was grateful of the life we have!”

Adam: “This isn’t fucking effective at all.”

Adam gets up and walks out of the room; Mona starts to cry; Dana sits next to her and gives her a hug.

Dana: “I’m sorry Mona, but he’s not ready for the conversations you’re ready for. He’s only focusing on surface level issues, when there are issues so deep in your relationship which if not resolved…I fear your marriage is in trouble.”

Mona wipes her tears and sniffles.

Mona: “I know, I know. I’m so tired of this fighting and counseling. When will it end. I just want it to end!”

Dana: “ I understand, it’s a decision you two need to make if you want to continue counseling or move forward on your own.”

Mona sighs.

Mona: “ Thank you Dana for coming by, I’m sorry this wasn’t such a positive experience.”

Dana: “Of course, take care of yourself Mona. I’ll show myself out.”

Dana leaves and Mona bursts into sobbing once she’s alone. The scene ends.

The scene opens up with showing Downtown Beverly Beach. We see a trendy juice bar and hear the bell on the door jingle as Sheridan walks in and takes a seat.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Today I invited Lauren and Lorelei out for some juice and to just chat. Lorelei has been incredibly annoying when it comes to what is happening in my life and hasn’t really supported me at all so I hope this conversation goes well and she moves on from her hating ass ways.” She rolls her eyes.

Lauren & Sheridan

A few moments later, Lauren arrives and sees Sheridan in the corner. She smiles and walks over, giving Sheridan a hug.

Lauren: “Hey! How are you doing?”

Sheridan: “Hi Lauren. I’m doing okay.” She sighs.

Lauren takes a seat and frowns.

Lauren: “I saw the article this morning so I know you must have some emotions right now.” She looks concerned.

Sheridan: “Just another day of bullshit!”

Lauren: “Isn’t that how it goes sometimes.” She laughs.

Lauren’s Confessional

“I wanted to make sure that I was here for Sheridan today because I have had my fair share of bad press. Not only with my business but who could forget my arrest and the press that came with that.” She shakes her head and chuckles. “Sheridan’s strong and she’ll get through it.”

Lauren: “Well, this place is super cute! What juice do you want? I can grab one while we wait for Lorelei.”

Sheridan: “The Sunshine is my fave. Thanks, doll.” She smiles.

Lauren: “So very fitting! Be right back.”

As Lauren walks up the counter, the shot switches to outside. Lorelei is seen exiting her car and walking into the juice bar. We get a slow-mo shot of her as her hair flows in the wind. She takes her sun glasses off when she enters.


Lorelei: “This is a nice little spot!”

She walks over to the table.

Sheridan: “Hey Lorelei, thanks for coming on such short notice.”

Lorelei nods and takes a seat. Lauren walks back over with a tray of juices.

Lorelei: “Hey Lauren.” She side hugs her.

Lauren: “Hi, Lorelei. I got an extra juice thats all yours.” She sits.

Lauren’s Confessional

“You know, Lorelei and I were getting closer but after my arrest, she just kinda ghosted me. Even Grace would keep in contact more than her. It kind of made me understand that I am disposable to her as a friend. And that’s ok. But I am weary of her. We didn’t call her LoreLIAR for nothing.”

Lorelei turns to Sheridan.

Lorelei: “I know the last time we saw eachother it wasn’t pleasant to say the least.” She laughs a little.

Sheridan: “Yeah. I felt attacked the last time I saw you quite frankly.”

Lorelei shakes her head and puts her sunglasses on top of her head.

Lorelei: “Well I don’t want you feeling attacked.”

Sheridan: “Why were you acting like that towards me, Lorelei? It was very weird…like I’m going through something and would appreciate your support and you’ve been less than supportive.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I don’t understand why Lorelei won’t support me. Like it’s weird. Does she know Vanessa? Like, what else could it be?”

Lauren: “I agree. I think it was odd that you wouldn't just have her back especially knowing everything she has been, and continues, to go through.” She sips her juice.

Lorelei looks at Lauren and then back to Sheridan.

Lorelei: “I’m sorry if you think I’m not being supportive. It’s just — The stories aren’t really adding up, you know?” Sheridan makes a face. “There’s all these articles dropping about you Sheridan and it’s kind of like… crazy. It makes me kind of question things.”

Sheridan: “Well the original article that caused you to gossip said nothing bad about me, Lorelei.”

Lauren’s Confessional

She shakes her head and throws her hands up.
“Here comes Lorelei, the fair weather friend! Dropping another one because of some article in TMZ.”
She shakes her head.

Lauren: “That’s not fair, Lorelei. You’ve known Sheridan for years and you are questioning her based on articles and quotes from people that you don’t even know? It doesn’t make sense to me.” She crosses her arms.

Lorelei: “I get that, I’m not saying I fully believe the articles, but you know where there is smoke there’s fire.”

Sheridan rolls her eyes.

Sheridan: “You chose to spin the article negatively towards me as if you are holding onto past feelings against me when we said we were moving forward.”

Lorelei looks shocked.

Lorelei: “Oh, you’ve got it all wrong. I’m not spinning anything, Sheridan. I’m not the only one speaking negatively about this whole scandal. I mean it’s truly the talk of the town. The shit looks suspect, let’s be 100 percent here.”

Sheridan: “You are literally the only woman I know who is spinning the stories from the press into negative stories about me! Hell, the story that went out today still doesn’t implicate me of doing anything wrong and was more so about her insulting my intelligence and my relationship.” She looks mad and sips her juice.

Lorelei: “Okay — “ She holds her hands up. “Whatever. While we’re here…” She turns to Lauren. “Miss Thing, I don’t really like that you were chiming in on Yvonne’s yacht. You haven’t been around enough recently to be doing that.” She flips her hair.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Lauren’s back and while I’m really indifferent to it, I forgot how much of a follower she can be. She chimes her little ass into shit that doesn’t involve her. Sometimes it makes me just want to…” She pretends to swat something. “Like, go away!” She laughs.

Sheridan: “Lauren is a close friend of mine so of course she is going to chime in to take up for me. If you had any close friendships you would understand that.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Her own sister didn’t take up for her so it doesn’t surprise me she acts this way. No sense of loyalty to anyone. Including…never mind. I am not going to go there this year.”

The camera pans to Lauren who’s expression has softened.

Lauren: “You know, I should not have said anything at Yvonne’s party. I was just thrown off by your strong opinion on Sheridan’s life. But, I shouldn’t have said anything.”

Lorelei: “Thank you. You guys…” She sighs. “We’ve all known each other for a long time. I don’t want to keep fighting with you both. We keep doing this merry go round cycle of apologizing, doing foul shit to each other and then fighting and repeating.” Sheridan and Lauren both nod. “I’m ready to drop it but I don’t like getting all the heat for it and I don’t want to get in trouble if it comes up again because I’m not the only woman saying things. Let’s make that clear.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“If I didn’t apologize we would’ve never gotten off this topic. At this point I’ve apologized so much in the group I don’t know if I even mean it anymore.” She laughs.

Sheridan: “Who else is speaking negatively about me? Mona apologized. Yvonne apologized. Definitely not Gracie. Who’s left?”

Lauren raises an eyebrow.

Lorelei: “I don’t want to throw anyone under the bus. I’m sure it’ll all come out eventually who’s been talking about it.” She shakes her head. “It’s not place to say.” She laughs.

Sheridan rolls her eyes and fakes a yawn.

Sheridan: “You’re like talking to a piece of cardboard, hun.” She laughs.

Lauren’s Confessional

“She can say that its being said but not who is saying it. Of course. Give us names or I don’t believe it.” She shrugs.

Lauren: “Maybe you need some more of that sunshine drink?” She looks to Sheridan.

Lorelei awkwardly gets up and gets her things.

Lorelei: “I need to get back to the husband but uh…good talk? I’ll see you ladies later.”

Sheridan barely looks up and gives a weak wave as Lorelei walks out. Sheridan and Lauren giggles to each other and then the scene ends.

Music plays and we see the outside of Monsè’s home as the sun is beginning to set.

Mona pulls up and parks in the driveway. She gets out and knocks a little on the door.

Mona: “Wait — What the hell? Why am I knocking?” She laughs and opens the door.

Inside, we see a sneak peek of a large, decorated Haitian inspired table. We also see a shot of a chef prepping pots and pans. The camera then follows Mona as she makes her way upstairs and into Monsè’s glam room, a large room off the Master bedroom. In her room, Monsè is getting her makeup done by her glam team.

Mona: “Hey girl! You look gorgeous!” She also greets the glam team.

Monsè turns a little and her make up artist pauses so she can kiss Mona on the cheek.

Monsè: “Thanks, gorgeous! You look fab! Come, sit. They can touch you up to. ” She motions to another chair and her make-up artist continues.

Mona: “I’m so excited to cook! I can’t wait to eat Haitian. I love the stuff you’ve made me try.” She laughs.

Monsè: “Ohhh, Chef Pierre is wonderful! He’s going to teach everyone how to make that real, authentic Haitian food. She crosses her legs as her make-up artists mists her face. “So, how’s everything been? You went to lunch with Yvonne recently, didn’t you?” She glances at Mona who is starting to get her make-up touched up.

Mona closes her eyes as her mascara is being retouched, she lets out a big sigh.

Mona: “GIRL, I actually look her shoe shopping because I didn’t want to cause a scene in public…”

Monsè: “Oh, that was smart!” She giggles.

Mona: “In the end we just agreed to disagree on the whole Sheridan issue. But she’s making me out to be the bad guy because I asked questions.”

Monsè: “Wait what?! I know I had a couple drinks but she was definitely leading the charge on that one.”

Mona: “Right! So, I’m not going crazy. You noticed that too?”

Monsè: “Of course! This lady has some serious issues. She needs to own up to her behavior too, especially if she wants to act holier than thou all the time.”

Monsè’s Confessional

“I’m a great judge of character. Yvonne’s vibes were off from the start, and it looks like she’s proving me right.”

Mona looks over at Monsè.

Mona: “Monsè…She was so rude and dismissive to me one on one. You know how I get when someone dismisses me.”

Monsè finishes getting her makeup done and turns her chair to talk to Mona.

Monsé: “Oh no! Did you go off on her, girl?” She laughs.

Mona: “No I kept my cool, because I wasn’t about to pop off at a store with people around.” She sighs. “I’m just really disappointed in the way she treated me.”

Mona finishes getting her makeup retouched. The girls thank the glam team and they walk out.

Mona: “And to top it all of at the end of the meeting she hands me a $100 bill and told me to get some new clothes. Who does that?”

Mona’s Confessional

“What does Yvonne do where she can just hand out $100 bills left and right? Hmm. sketchy business dealings is what I think.”

Monsè: “Oh my God! She’s horrible!” She rolls her eyes. “Yvonne needs to be careful. There’s rumors floating around about her and one day somebody’s gonna let it slip if she doesn’t clean up her act.”

Mona raises an eyebrow at Monsè and nods. Monsè shadily sips from her water bottle.

Mona: “I’ve heard some things too. I knew this old lady was trouble. We agreed to be cordial but I have no problem putting her in her place. I don’t know. I just hate adding stress to my life because I’m dealing with Adam too right now…”

Monsè: “Agreed. You need to focus on your family. We should just nip the group drama in the bud, this is how issues snowball. Maybe tonight’s the night. Why hold it off any longer?”

Mona: “If that’s what you want to do, then I have your back.” She shrugs. “It’s your thing.”

Monsè: “And you know I have your back too.” She smiles and looks down at her phone. “Shoot, we need to start getting dressed. The girls will be here any minute!”

The camera follows Mona and Monsè as they walk out of the glam room and into the master bedroom, they close the door behind them. We get a cool transition when a second the door closes, it opens and Mona and Monsè walk out fully dressed.

Mona & Monsè

Music plays as they make their way down the staircase and into the kitchen where Chef Pierre is waiting. We also get a cool shot of the large dining table in Monsè’s dining room that she had decorated for the event.

Monsè’s Confessional

“Tonight, I’m having the ladies over to teach them how to cook some traditional Haitian recipes. I’m hoping that by sharing my culture with them I can bond a little bit more with this group. I’m actually excited that Yvonne is coming because this is a chance to show her my true authentic self and if she still has a problem with me after tonight?” She shrugs.

Mona: “Wow! It’s so cute in here.”

Monsè: “Right!” She gives Chef Pierre a hug. “Chef, I can’t wait to get cooking!”

We get a shot of the front door as Bree knocks, and then walks in cautiously.


Bree: “Hello? Girls? Is anyone here?” She plays with her ponytail.

Monsè: “In the kitchen!” She yells.

Bree makes her way to the kitchen and Monsè and Mona both give her a hug. She shakes Chef Pierre’s hand.

Monsè: “You look good, girl!”

Bree: “Thank you and thank you for inviting me! I’m so excited. I’ve never tried Haitian cuisine before.” She shakes her head.

Monsè: “Of course!1 It’s delicious and Chef Pierre, here, has the best Haitian restaurant in Beverly Beach!”

Chef Pierre: “Ah, you’re too kind Miss Monsè!”

Monsè: “Once all the ladies are here we can get started.”

Mona: “I need a strong drink!”

Monsè: “Go to the lounge.” She points. “I hired a bartender for tonight.”

As Mona walks up to the lounge, Bree and Monsè stay and talk in the kitchen.

Bree: “So who’s coming tonight?”

Monsè: “I actually invited everyone. Lorelei and Sheridan did reach out and let me know that they are busy tonight.”

Bree: “Nice, it should be an interesting night.” She smiles.

Outside, Yvonne gets out of the back of a car on the phone.

Yvonne: “I don’t care what you have to do, the date is set for the gallery to open. Not a day later, you got that? Bye, I have some girls to pretend to like.” She hangs up her phone. “Ready?”


She turns and the camera pans to Grace who has gotten out of the other side of the car.

Grace: “Ready!”

The two women make their way up to Monsè’s door.

Grace’s Confessional

“I’m really excited for Monsè’s dinner tonight. I love to explore different cultures and foods, particularly Haitian. Beautiful country… just beautiful.” She smiles. “Plus Monsè is new to the group so it’s a perfect chance to get to know her and most importantly get a taste of her culture.”

Grace: “The text said to just walk in, right?”

Yvonne: “That’s what I read!”

Yvonne and Grace walk in and follow the chattering to the kitchen. Mona, Monsè, and Bree all turn to look when they walk in.

Monsè: “Welcome ladies. Thank you for coming, you both look gorg.”

Grace: “Thanks for inviting us.”

Bree’s Confessional

“I’m really curious to see how Yvonne is going to behave with Monsè. I mean she’s coming to her house, I would expect her to be nice but you never know with her!”

Yvonne nods and smiles.

Yvonne: “Thank you, Monsè. I would say you have a beautiful home but homes are owned. Not rented.”

Monsè looks a little shocked then glances at Mona who gives her a look and shakes her head. Bree rolls her eyes. Grace just looks down.

Bree’s Confessional

“Welp! We got our answer. Yvonne is going to be Yvonne. We’re in for a long night.” She laughs.

Yvonne: “Your outfit and hair though, stunning.”

Monsè: “Thanks Yvonne.” She says with a tight smile.

Mona can be seen taking a large gulp of her drink as Monsè starts handing our aprons to the girls.

Mona’s Confessional

“The geriatrics have arrived and they’re already on their disrespectful shit. Tonight, besides Monsè, my other best friend is going to be that bartender because I’m going to need him to keep the drinks coming to deal with all of this.”

Monsè: “Okay ladies! Should we get started?”

Grace: “Yes! I’m not exactly dressed to cook but I’ll try my best.” She laughs.

Bree: “So excited.”

Mona: “Yayy! Cooking!”

Yvonne: “Let’s do it.”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“I entered the house with only Grace as a friend, I intend to leave just the same. I don’t believe in phony pleasantries or being disingenuous about who I don’t care for. The Three Bobbleheads will never have a place in my social circle.”

The girls gather around the island so Chef Pierre can brief them.

Chef Pierre: “Welcome ladies. My name is Chef Pierre, I run a Haitian restaurant here in Beverly Beach called Bon Bagay and I’m from Haiti just like Miss Monsé. Today, we’re going to be cooking Soup Jomou, the traditional Haitian Griot, and for dessert, some banana beignets!”

Bree: “Oh wow that sounds delicious.”

Yvonne: “I hope not, it’s known to make me gassy!” She fans the air jokingly and Grace laughs.

Chef Pierre laughs as well.

Chef Pierre: “No Cremas tonight ma’am. You all have your aprons on so lets get to it.”

Mona: “Let me just get another drink for while we cook.”

The camera shows Mona as she giggles heads to the bar. The rest of the women begin prepping the food and chopping up vegetables.

Bree: “So, anyone know why Sheridan isn’t here?” She looks up from chopping an onion with a concerned look. “How is she doing?”

Grace: “I’ve spoken to her. She’s got a lot going on to be honest so I wouldn’t take it personally, Monsè.” She looks to her.

Monsè: “Of course not, I know.”

Mona makes her way back into the kitchen with a fresh drink.

Mona: “What are y’all talking about?”

Monsè: “Sheridan not being here today.”

Mona tries to lean back on the counter, but miscacluates the distance and falls a little. She catches herself and giggles.

Mona: “Oops. Oh, I texted herrrr. But, she never wrote back about tonight.” She shrugs and sips her drink.

Grace: “Given recent circumstances, are you surprised.” She glances up from the meat she’s seasoning.

Mona: “We made up! We’re good!”

Grace just raises an eyebrow.

Grace: “Oh, okay.” She goes back to prepping the meat.

The camera pans to show Monsè, Bree, and Yvonne who are working with the food and listening as well.

Yvonne: “I wouldn’t have texted you back either if you insinuated I helped defraud my business…” She says under her breath as she stirs a pot on the stove.

Bree being in ear shot, turns around and looks at Yvonne.

Bree: “Yvonne, she never said that. Mona just asked questions like we ALL did.”

Yvonne: “Oh, you’re here?”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“With Mona acting as a business and finance expert I’m starting to wonder if she has experience with a failing business.” She shrugs. “Takes a fraud to know a fraud, right?”

Mona: “I asked LOTS of questions.” She laughs and stumbles a little, catching herself on the counter.

Grace: “Uh — I never asked questions.” She raises her hand.

Bree: “Well, Grace…everyone here has said something. Yvonne is the one who brought it up, actually.” She looks back to Yvonne. “So now we’re all at fault if she’s offended.”

The camera shows Chef Pierre looking a little scared as he cooks on the stove next to Yvonne. Monsè holds up her hands.

Monsè: “Okay, I feel like this is getting kind of crazy. Sheridan’s not here but I get what everyone is saying. We’re all just curious.” She nods her head and looks around. “There’s always hearsay in the media so why not go straight to the source? ”

Mona: “I think she needs to be open annn honesst!” She purses her lips and flutters her eyes after downing her drink.

Bree: “Exactly! Not to mention it’s literally in the press, it would be ridiculous to pretend like nothing’s happening. Isn’t Sheridan’s former manager claiming she mistreated her or something like that?”

Mona: “I read that!”

Bree’s Confessional

“I don’t wanna seem like a total bitch by bringing it up in conversation but it’s stuff we have all read so why are we pretending like we don’t? Come on.”

Grace: “I… don’t think we should be speaking on it, since she’s not here.”

Mona: “She chose not to show up though right. Gotta show up and mention it all!!”

Monsè: “Grace does have a point, Mon. It’s one thing to talk to Sheridan about things directly and another to go behind her back.”

Yvonne turns around from her pot and lets out a large sigh.

Yvonne: “You know — Some of you girls live by the blogs yet have never made a headline.” She scoffs.

The camera pans to Grace as she brushes past Monsè and Mona to use the sink.

Grace’s Confessional

“Mona Quinn is the biggest hypocrite. Mention it all? You haven’t mentioned your husband… Hmmm! I don’t know why everyone is so pressed for Sheridan to be open and honest. Stop forcing the girl! She will talk when she’s good and ready and as a REAL friend, I’ll be here waiting. “

Mona: “Where’s your headline? I’ve never heard of you before.” She sips drink and laughs.

Monsè: “I know that’s right…” She mutters as she glances up at the confrontation.

Yvonne: “Mona, shut up.” She rolls her eyes. “You’re whole face wouldn’t even fit in a headline photo with that forehead of yours.” She brings the contents of her pots over to Chef Pierre.

Grace’s eyes widen

Mona: “Girrrrrl relax it was just a joke you’re so uptight my goodness.” She rolls her eyes and laughs.

Yvonne just shakes her head.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Sheridan made it clear that it is overwhelming on its own, why compound that with questions to satisfy your curiosities? The two of you are barely acquainted.”

Monsè: “Alright ladies, this way to the dining room! Chef Pierre is going to finish everything up for us and serve us.”

As the ladies walk to the living room, the camera catches Mona and Bree stopping by the bar.

Mona: “I’ll just do Casamigos on the rocks with a lime, thanks.”

The girls all sit down at the table, Mona and Bree walking in a moment later with their drinks. Monsè, Bree, and Mona sit on one side while Grace and Yvonne sit on the other.

Monsè: “Ladies, my husband Gil will be joining us for dinner in a bit. He’s just putting our little boy to sleep upstairs.” She smiles.

Mona: “Yay! Gil!” She sips her drink.

Monsè’s Confessional

“I’m a little nervous to bring Gil around this group, but he’s so sweet, I can’t imagine anyone having an issue with him.”

Yvonne: “How old is he again?”

Bree looks to Yvonne and raises an eyebrow.

Mona: “Does it matter?” She makes a face and laughs a little.

Yvonne: “It does, I want to know if I’m talking to a peer or an elder.” She cocks her head.

Monsè: “He’s 33, sweetie. He could probably be your son.” She smiles and Mona laughs.

Grace: “Well, I’m excited to meet him.” She nods.

Monsè smiles and turns to Grace.

Monsè: “Thank you, Grace! You guys will love him. He’s the sweetest.”

Mona nods eagerly.

Mona: “He’s like sooo nice, you guys! Adam and him are good friends!”

Yvonne: “Wait, is Adam your husband?” She looks to Mona.

Mona: “Mhmmm.” She nods and finishes the rest of her tequila.

Yvonne: “Oh okay!” She shrugs. “I didn’t know you were married, congratulations.”

Gil, Monsè’s Husband

We get a shot of Gil coming down the stairs. He walks into the dining room and Monsè grins, getting up to greet him.

Gil: “Hello everyone! I’m Gil! It smells amazing, I can’t wait to eat.” He flashes a devilish smile. “How’s the cooking night going?” He walks over and gives Monsè a hug an a kiss. “Mona, you look lovely. No need to stand.” He gives her a hug from behind.

As Gil sits the camera pans to Grace and Yvonne who have their eyes locked on him.

Grace: “Wow, Monsè!” She laughs and clutches Yvonne’s arm.

Yvonne: “Mmm, delicious.” She smirks and looks over at Grace. “Girl, stop salivating.”

Bree: “Hi Gil! Nice to meet you, Bree Bailey.”

Gil: “Hi Bree.” His dimples flash and Monsè intertwines her arm with his.

Now that everyone is seated, Chef Pierre starts bringing out the food. Everyone gawks over it and starts to dig in. Chef Pierre also serves the table the signature cocktail of the night, a Haitian tropical rum punch. We hear chatter at the table but the camera zooms in on Monsè and Mona. Mona downs her half-full drink and begins sipping the rum punch, Monsè raises an eyebrow and leans in to whisper.

Monsè: “Girl, how much have you had to drink?”

Mona: “OhIdunno, I’ll be fine.”

Monsè: “Okay…just watch yourself.” She looks concerned but goes back to the conversation at the table.

The camera zooms in on Mona who sways a little in her seat and continues to sip her drink.

Grace: “How long have you two been married for?” She nods to Monsè and Gil across the table.

Gil: “Quite a while, 14 years!” He takes a bite of food and looks to Monsè.

Monsè: “Yep, it’s been a ride but somehow I still love him just as much as when we first met.” She squeezes his arm.

Grace’s Confessional

She is counting on her fingers then looks to the camera.
“How old is Monsè again?”

Yvonne: “So Gil, what did you have in common with a young teenager?” She leans forward and raises an eyebrow. “You know, when you first met.” She cuts her eyes to Monsè.

Grace chokes on her drink and begins coughing. Bree looks to Yvonne in shock.

Bree’s Confessional

“Here she goes again.”

The camera pans to the couple to show their reaction. Monsè tightens her jaw but then Gil begins laughing uncomfortably, stroking Monsè’s hand.

Gil: “Well, uh, we were both pretty young.” He shrugs and takes a sip of his cocktail.

Yvonne: “How old specifically? 14 and 18? That’s a pretty big gap.” She shakes her head while clicking her tongue.

Grace puts her head in her hands.

Bree: “It’s not a big deal, come on.” She glares at Yvonne.

Mona: “YEAH YVONNE! It’s not a big deaaaal.” She folds her arms and looks to Yvonne with droopy eyelids.

Mona’s Confessional

“Why is she likes this? Someone tell me why! So rude, so distasteful! Shame on her!”

Grace’s Confessional

“If there’s one thing to know about Yvonne, she speaks her mind. But girl, we’re in this woman’s house. Use your words better!” She laughs.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Every one of these girls is delusional if they think that’s normal. You would never let your daughter marry someone at 14!”

Monsè’s Confessional

“Yvonne doesn’t know who she’s messing with, and she better reel it in before she finds out.”

The camera pans back to Monsè and Gil.

Monsè: “I was 15 and he was 19, babe.” She flips her hair. “Trust me, plenty of our friends married men your age.” She looks annoyed.

Grace: “Wow.” Her eyes widen and she takes a bite of her food.

Yvonne: “Plenty of women aim to look like me at my age including you, sweets.” She does a huge fake smile.

Mona: “And howold that?! 70?!” She snickers to herself and Bree is seen laughing as well.

Monsè: “Yvonne, I’m Haitian so I typically respect my elders but for you, I’ll make an exception.”

Gil puts his hand on Monsè’s arm to get her to calm down, but Monsè brushes it away. On the other side of the table, Yvonne looks amused.

Yvonne: “Let her say what she has to say! Come on, give it to me child bride.” She narrows her eyes.

Monsè: “Who do you think you are, Yvonne?!” She puts her elbow on the table and begins pointing towards her. “You treat everyone like we’re beneath you and I’m starting to get sick of it.”

We get a shot of Grace as she looks between Yvonne and Monsè.

Monsè: “For someone who claims to be so proper, you seem to be lacking a bit of class.” She scoffs.

We see a frightened yet eager Mona; drunk and ready to get involved.

Yvonne: “I treat you as you are to be treated. None of you here run in my circles besides Grace.”

Mona: “My question still stands…WHO ARE YOU THOUGH?!” She begins banging on the table and Gil reaches over to comfort her.

Yvonne rolls her eyes and puts her hand up, looking at Monsé.

Yvonne: “I didn’t claim to be anything but Yvonne Langley, heiress and businesswoman. Take cues and notes, not jealousy and envy.”

Monsè: “Sweetie — No one is jealous of you and your non existent reputation.”

Yvonne: “You should be jealous of my age — appropriate relationship. You were robbed of a childhood, I feel sorry for you.”

Bree audibly gasps and Gil cringes. Grace nudges Yvonne.

Grace: “Okay, maybe take it down a little?” She whispers.

Yvonne: “She wants to challenge me, I’ll make her work for it.”

Monsè: “Yvonne, please. I know the only reason you’re worried about how I got with my man is because you don’t want people questioning how you got with yours!” She cocks her head.

Grace: “Have you heard something, Monsè?”

Monsè just looks to Yvonne.

Monsè: “Your man was married when you got together, wasn’t he?”

Mona: “OOOP!”

Monsè’s Confessional

“Checkmate, bitch.”

Yvonne: “There it is…that’s your silver bullet?” She laughs. “You want to try and tell half truths?”


The camera pans to Bree who is quietly sipping her drink.

Monsè: “By all means, clear it up for me.” She holds up her hands. “Let’s hear about your relationship since you’re so worried about mine.”

Yvonne: “When we met, he was still legally married and he was unhappy. We were friends, we talked and bonded over being divorced. When he filed those papers, he became fair game.”

Bree’s Confessional

“That’s what they all say.” She smirks.

Monsè: “If that’s the story you wanna tell…” She sips her drink.

Gil leans in and whispers to Monsè.

Gil: “Keep it civil.”

Grace’s Confessional

“Hmmm… Miss Monsè is slowly revealing herself to have quite the nasty streak. Where did the fun, good-time girl go? Or was she just a facade for what lurked underneath?” She raises an eyebrow.

Yvonne: “I don’t care about a rumor, you can’t tell me what I did! I know the story because I lived it just how you’re living here because your parents sold you off.”

Monsè: “Sold me off?! Are you fucking kidding me?!”

Mona: “WOW! Yvonne is a BIG, OLD, FAT, BITCH!” She laughs and sips from someone’s wine glass.

Yvonne: “You should hang your head low and think twice before you ever try to come for me. You are a nasty, ill-advised, broken little bimbo from Haiti and I pray for you.” She snarls at Monsè.

Monsè: “Hit a nerve?” She smirks.

Gil puts a hand on Monsè’s shoulder.

Gil: “Alright, ladies. I think that’s enough. Yvonne, we appreciate you coming but it’s probably best that you leave.” He looks sternly at Yvonne.

Yvonne begins getting up.

Yvonne: “I’m leaving. I won’t be accused of adultery. Are you kidding me?”

Grace holds her hands up.

Grace: “Okay, whoa…wait a second.”

Yvonne stands at the table and motions between Gil and Monsè.

Yvonne: “I’ve gotten more from any relationship than you will ever get from this arrangement.” She begins walking out.

Bree’s Confessional

“Well well well… apparently Yvonne can question everyone’s relationships and careers but the moment you do it to her she runs away shouting. Interesting!”

Monsè: “Bye! Don’t let the door hit your saggy ass on the way out!”

Gil: “Monsè, calm down, babe.”

Yvonne turns around, grinning and waving.

Yvonne: “Goodbye Child Bride! Goodbye Drunken Fivehead! Goodbye Predator!”

Grace: “Oh, come on!”

Mona: “BYE BIG BITCH!” She waves.

Yvonne: “Grace, come on. I rode with you, girl.” She snaps and walks out.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“They have declared war and I’ll tell you one thing about my war chest: it’s nuclear and it won’t miss the chance to blow your head off. We will meet again ladies.”

The camera pans to Monsè, Gil, Bree, Mona, and Grace. They all look somewhat in disbelief.

Monsè: “God.”

Grace stands up from her seat and smiles at Monsè and Gil.

Grace: “Monsè, Gil, thank you for the lovely evening.” She looks to Monsè and motions to a slumped Mona. “She…too much to drink.” She walks out the door. “Yvonne! I’m coming!”

Monsè turns to Gil, Bree and Mona and sighs.

Monsè: “I’m so sorry. This isn’t how I wanted the night to go.” She shakes her head.

Mona: “It’s okaaaaaayy. It’s not your fault.” She slurs her words heavily.

Bree scoots over and rubs Monsè’s arm.

Bree: “Don’t worry about it, darling. It’s alright. We understand.” She smiles.

Monsè’s Confessional

“I got a little too heated tonight but family is the most important thing in Haiti. Mess with mine and you’ve got another thing coming.”

All of a sudden, Mona puts her head in her hands and starts sobbing. Gil, Monsè and Mona all look at her perplexed.

Bree: “Oh God, baby, why are you crying now?” She races over to embrace Mona.

Mona: “I — I just feel so bad for Monsè! They ruined the dinner.”

Gil chuckles.

Gil: “Let’s get you upstairs to the guest bedroom. I’ll text Adam to let him know you’re spending the night.” He pulls out his phone and begins texting.

Monsè is now trying to get Mona to stand, Bree is helping her.

Monsè: “I’m okay, love. You are for sure spending the night.”

Bree: “I can help you get her up the stairs before I leave!”

Mona’s Confessional

“No. I don’t remember what happened that evening.” She tears up just a little and looks away from the camera.

We get a shot of Bree and Monsè helping Mona up the stairs as Gil carries her stuff. The episode ends.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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