[S6E2]: Yacht In The Mood

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
34 min readSep 26, 2022


(From L to R: Mona Quinn, Yvonne Langley, Sheridan Campbell, Lorelei Sullivan, Grace Faroe, & Bree Bailey)

Music pays as the episode begins with shots of a mega mansion situated on it’s own plot of land. The camera shows the up kept gardens and fountains on the property. It shows the large pool and full sized tennis court. Inside, the camera goes through the extensive hallways and luxe sitting rooms.

We finally land on Bree who sits on a sofa in the grand room. She holds her phone up as it rings. Her personal assistant, Carmen, answers.

Bree: “Carmen, could you remind me what time Bianca’s flight from Tokyo is getting in?”

Carmen: “It was supposed to land in about half an hour but they’re running late so I think about an hour now, maybe more…”

Bree: “Alright, that’s perfect, could you please send the driver to pick her up? And tell them to drive her directly here without stopping at her apartment.”

Bree’s Confessional

“My name is Bree Bailey. I have two beautiful daughters, Blake and Bianca, and my ex husband is Logan Moss, heir to the Moss fortune, you might’ve heard that name.” She cocks her head. “Logan and I were married for 15 years, which is a very long time… in comparison to our divorce. It was so quick, not even a year and we were done! But it still turned into a huge scandal. I don’t think there’s been a more talked about divorce in Beverly Beach.” Her eyes widen.

Carmen: “Anything else you might need? What about Blake?”

Bree: “She just got back from a shoot in London, she’s going to be here soon. The girls are both back home so I wanted to have dinner with both of them tonight.” She smiles.

Carmen: “Okay then, if that’s all for today, I’ll see you in the morning.”

Bree: “Alright, bye Carmen. See you here tomorrow.”

Bree hangs up and starts opening a bottle of wine that sits on the huge coffee table.

Bree’s Confessional

“Logan and I decided not to get nasty in our divorce for the sake of our girls. Both of us love Blake and Bianca so much and want to see them succeed more than anything. He’s a great father so we handled civilly it with the lawyers. He kept the house and all the shares to his company. I got alimony, child support and a big chunk of cash, which I used to buy this house, among other things. I’m still friends with Logan and the girls love it when we spend time together…and no, nothing romantic!” She giggles.

Shots of Bree’s house are shown as she starts describing it’s features.

Bree’s Confessional

“So this house is actually pretty famous, it’s called The Manor. It is 56,000 square feet, it has a 7,000 square feet master suite, 27 bathrooms, a beauty salon, a cinema, a bowling alley, two walk in closets, a gym, oh and two swimming pools of course.”

Bree’s Confessional

“Uh well… I don’t wanna give an exact number, so let’s just say something around $150 million.” She nods. “Yeah.”

It goes back to Bree sitting on the sofa, sipping a glass of wine. All of a sudden, her daughter Blake enters the room and she jumps up, grinning.

Blake: “Hi mom!”

Bree runs over and gives her a big hug and kiss on the cheek. She hands her a glass of wine.

Bree: “Hi, my darling. You look flawless! How was London?”

Blake giggles.

Blake: “Oh, you know, I love London. And our agency is based out there. We might want to think about letting go of our New York apartment since we switched and aren’t based out there anymore.”

Bree: “Yeah, we can definitely do that.” She nods. “Start looking for apartments, but first — Come sit.” She leads her over to the sofa.

Blake: “Wait — I love the short hair! Why’d you take the extensions out , though?” She sits.

Bree: “Well, your moms gotta let her scalp rest while she’s at home.” She winks and sips her wine.

Blake: “So, how are you? How was the party the other night with the other women, did you argue with anyone yet?” She raises her eyebrow and sets her wine glass down.

Bree: “No, I promise I behaved! The party was alright and the girls were super nice, except for a couple of them.” She scoffs.

Blake: “Mom come on, you’re new to this group of women, give them a chance! To be fair, you can be alot sometimes.” She snickers.

Bree: “Hey!” She rolls her eyes. “Look darling, I’m more than willing to give them a chance, as long as they do the same with me!”

Blake: “That seems fair.” She shrugs.

Bree and Blake look as they hear footsteps coming down the hall. The camera turns to show Bree’s other daughter, Bianca, walking down the hall. A butler carries some of her luggage behind her.

Bianca: “I’M HOME EVERYONE!!” She screams.

Bree smiles on the couch and gets up to hug Bianca.

Bree: “Bianca, come here. I was just talking to your sister. How was the flight? Are you hungry, my love?”

Bree’s Confessional

“Logan and I are incredibly proud of our girls. The past few months the girls’ careers have really been picking up after signing with the top modeling agency in London. They’re all over the world booking shoots!”

Bianca: “God mom — Don’t start harassing me.” She goes and sits on the sofa next to Blake. “The flight was fine, and yes, I’m starving.” She gets out her phone and begins scrolling.

Bree: “Oh well that’s perfect!” She walks over and presses the touchscreen house call button. “Ernesto, could you please bring out dinner?”

Ernesto: “Sure, it’ll be ready in 5 minutes!”

Bree: “Thank you so much.” She smiles and turns to Blake and Bianca. “It’s your favorite, girls…Italian food! Now, let’s all wash our hands and head to the dining room.”

The girls get up and the scene fades out.

We see Grace in her living room as she watches a nurse set up three liquid IV bags. She brings out a bowl of fruit and some waters as well.

Grace’s Confessional

“After all the fun and minor chaos of my divorce party last night, I’ve decided to invite Yvonne and Sheridan over for some IV drips to try and get over our hangovers because honey, Ms. Langley was knocking back the drinks like there was no tomorrow!” She laughs. “I suppose, that’s what you get when there’s a free bar.”

Grace & Yvonne

In the driveway, Yvonne shuts her car door and walks up to Grace’s front door. She raises an eyebrow, looking for a doorbell.

Yvonne: “Um, no doorbell? Okay, strange. Let’s knock…” She knocks four times and steps back.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“I’m loving the opportunity to reconnect with Gracie after being out of each others lives for the past five years or so. However, I won’t waste a good polished outfit to come get sedated! I’m pulling up in a sweatsuit and heels. I call it Langley Chic!”

Grace opens the door and smiles.

Grace: “Yvonne! How lovely to see you, come on in!”

Yvonne: “Great to see you. Smooches, muah, muah.” She kisses Grace on the cheek and walks in. “You have a lovely home.”

The women walk to the living room.

Grace: “So, I’ve taken the liberty of having someone set everything up for us in the living room, so we should be ready to go when Sheridan gets here.”

Yvonne: “Now, I’ve never done one of these liquid IV things before, but I’ll try it. Oh! Silly me, Grace.” She hands her the roses she’s been carrying. “These flowers are for you, congratulating you on your new start!”

Grace: “Oh, Yvonne!” She takes the flowers. “ You didn’t have to, thank you so much! They’re beautiful, I’ll definitely put them in some water in my home office, pride of place!”


There is another knock on the door, Grace disappears and comes back with Sheridan.

Sheridan: “Hey, girl!”

Yvonne: “Hey Sheridan.” She smiles a little.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“I’m looking forward to seeing Sheridan after she’s had time to cool off and see that MOST of us were just concerned about her last night and wanted to know what she was going through.”

Grace: “Let’s get started, shall we?”

Yvonne: “Hook me up, baby!”

There’s a montage as the girls lay down in a line and get comfortable on the lounges set up in Grace’s living room. The nurse hooks them to their IV drip.

Sheridan: “This feels so nice.”

Grace: “This is wonderful… nothing takes away the ugliness of after-party like an IV.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“This IV is doing wonders to my body after so much stress with the restaurant and these women playing 20 questions with me last night.” She rolls her eyes.

Grace turns to Sheridan.

Grace: “How are you doing, by the way? I felt bad for how you left the party.”

The camera pans to Yvonne who silently waits for Sheridan’s response.

Sheridan: “Well, I’m not doing particularly well. I didn’t appreciate the gang up with questions last night — I’m not on trial here.”

Grace: “Absolutely. I agree.” She nods.

Grace’s Confessional

“Sheridan’s going through a living nightmare. She needs our support, not us questioning her honesty and integrity. If she wants to talk, then she’ll do so when she’s ready.”

Yvonne takes a sip from her water bottle and holds up her hands.

Yvonne: “Let me just say this — “ Grace and Sheridan turn to her. “I brought it up because it hit the headlines and I want to know why a new business is in trouble.”

Grace: “She’s been in the restaurant and food business for quite a while to be honest.”

Sheridan nods to Yvonne.

Sheridan: “I didn’t appreciate Mona and Lorelei inferring there was some laundering going on. This is a simple case of a woman who stole money from me. A woman I trusted.”

Lorelei: “What exactly happened, Sheridan? Were they, like, washing money?”
Mona: “This would be a good time to clear your name, girl, and explain it.”

Grace: “You were blindsided.”

Yvonne: “I don’t think Lorelei was insinuating that you were laundering money, but Mona definitely was going into slanderous territory.” She shakes her head. “And on your behalf, I checked her on it in the moment.”

Mona: “I wanted to know if you were shocked by all of this or did you have an inkling that it was happening?”
Yvonne: “Mona, that’s not appropriate.”

Sheridan: “I appreciate that. The article that came out didn’t even say anything that alluded to me doing anything wrong. I have a lawsuit against this woman because she was a thief who was robbing me blind because I hired and trusted her to manage the business.”

Yvonne: “So, help me understand. Was she managing the business as in the restaurant or the overall including finances?”

Sheridan: “I trusted her with everything Yvonne — I don’t have a business degree from any college. I went to culinary school!” She laughs. “And of course I’m not in my restaurants kitchen cooking. I admittedly took a hands off approach to the business.”

Grace: “That’s ultimately been your downfall, you didn’t know what was going on.”

Grace’s Confessional

“First rule of business…NEVER take your eye off the ball. I’m hoping Sheridan has learned her lesson here.”

Sheridan: “Yeah, Grace — I was stupid.” She sighs.

Sheridan leans back in her lounge and we get a cool shot of the women’s IV bags lined up.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“What I’m struggling with is that I asked Martin to oversee the financial side of the restaurant and I feel he dropped the ball. I’m obviously not going to share that with my girlfriends because I love Martin, but it’s just as much his fault as it is mine.”

Yvonne: “I think I have something to lift your spirits, Sheridan.” She grins. “I’m hosting a private dinner on my yacht, just the girls. I want you to come obviously but I’m torn on inviting Mona and the Child Bride.”

Grace: “Child bride?” Her eyes widen and she laughs.

Sheridan: “Honestly, I’m taken aback by this new messy side of Mona that I haven’t seen before.” She makes a face.

Grace lets out a sigh.

Grace: “Sheridan, I’d like to say that I’m surprised but I’m really not. Remember when I said last year what I’d heard about Mona?”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I don’t know what is going on with Mona. She seemed different at Grace’s event, and it rubbed me the wrong way. I want to have a chat with her to clear the air.”

Yvonne: “What did you hear?” She sits up a bit. “I don’t even know who the little girl is.”

Grace: “I was told that she’s manipulative and not to be trusted and that she’s not who she says she is. People warned me about getting involved with her.”

Sheridan: “I do remember that…” She plays with a piece of her hair. “I just hoped it wouldn’t be true because I do like her, but last night her behavior was not cute to me.”

Yvonne: “Do you think I should not invite her to the dinner?”

Grace: “I think Sheridan and Mona just need a conversation.”

Grace’s Confessional

“I don’t want to say much since Mona and I are moving on… I think. BUT, Mona was being messy at my party, when really she’s in no fit state to be. I mean, her life isn’t all diamonds and rosè, is it?”

Yvonne: “Maybe you two can have that conversation at the dinner. I mean, it’ll just be us. I just don’t want it to get out of hand.”

Sheridan: “I think that’s necessary, for sure.”

Grace: “Well, I definitely feel refreshed!” She looks up at her empty bag as the nurse starts unhooking the girls.

Yvonne: “Me too! I think I’ll go get a pedicure now, my toes look horrible!”

The girls all laugh and the scene ends.

The camera pans over the NUDITY head quarters. Inside, Lorelei is seen going over designs in a big show room with some of her assistants.

Lorelei: “Yeah, I definitely LOVE THAT!” She takes off her sunglasses and turns to an assistant. “Will you bring in some refreshments, please? I have some friends coming here shortly.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I’ve practically been living in my office working on this new line so I’ve invited Bree and Mona to come see what goes on behind the scenes here at NUDITY! Mona and I haven’t really like connected on a personal level yet and I think Bree and her can really form a friendship.”

Lorelei & Mona

A worker walks in the room, leading Mona.

Mona: “Heeeeey girl! Thie headquarters is giving money, babe!”

Lorelei laughs and gives Mona a hug.

Lorelei: “Thank you! You know I’m extra, hun!” She chuckles. “How are you?”

Mona: “Good, good! Just soooo busy with shooting these movies! I’m actually just taking a little lunch break then heading back to set.” Her eyes widen and she sighs.

Lorelei: “Busy girl!”


Bree now enters the room with a worker, she turns to him.

Bree: “Thank you.” She then blows kisses at the girls. “You two look gorgeous!”

Lorelei snaps at Bree.

Lorelei: “Yessss ma’am!”

Mona: “Okay, Bree! Giving us a look!” She looks her up and down, impressed.

Bree: “You know I had to bring it.” She twirls and laughs. “By the way Lorelei, this place is absolutely gorgeous. I mean, wow! I’ve never seen this section before.” She looks around.

Lorelei’s assistant brings in a bottle of champagne and a charcuterie board for the ladies. Another assistant rolls a rack of shapewear out, Mona watches.

Mona: “So, are we picking some stuff out today, Lorelei?”

Lorelei: “Yes!” She nods. “I actually wanted you guys to pick out whatever you want and to get your input on this maternity line I’m doing. And to talk about, you know…” She raises her eyebrow.

Bree pours three glasses of champagne and then looks up at Lorelei.

Bree: “Oh, I know what you’re talking about.”

Mona takes her champagne flute and sips it, giving Lorelei a look.

Lorelei: ‘What are your thoughts?” She leans in. “The whole divorce party was kind of crazy! Yvonne made her grand return and then just blurted out Sheridan’s business.” She laughs.

Bree: “Yvonne behavior was…interesting.” She bites her lip.

Mona: “I thought the way Yvonne went about it was so wrong. She was trying to embarrass Sheridan instead of be there for her.” She shrugs and then begins looking through the racks of shape wear.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Sheridan and I have had our ups and downs. I don’t want to go backwards with her, I really don’t. But… there’s the itch I can’t scratch of her not willing to do the same with me. I can’t help but think there is more to the story than she will admit.” She clenches her teeth.

Mona turns her head around to face the girls.

Mona: “Also — Who the hell is Yvonne?! Where did she come from? She got all huffy and puffy when I asked a question, like girl you wanted her financial statements at the damn party first! She started the entire conversation.”

Mona: “I wanted to know if you were shocked by all of this or did you have an inkling that it was happening?”
Yvonne: “Mona, that’s not appropriate.”
Yvonne: “So I don’t want to rain on the parade we got going but…Sheridan, what’s happening with Bell Camp?”
Mona’s Confessional

“I felt Yvonne was being a hypocrite by investigating Sheridan’s business ventures in front of the whole group at Grace’s party but then yelling at me when I tried to ask.”

Lorelei nods in agreement.

Lorelei: “I’m not sure what Yvonne’s motives were with doing that big reveal. Maybe she and Sheridan have a past we don’t know about?”

Bree: “I personally didn’t like Yvonne’s behavior, she acted like she was too elite for some of us, and to be honest I felt like she was trying to stir the pot, going around throwing little jabs at all of us. Seeing what would land.”

Lorelei: “You think so, Bree?”

Bree: “Well I might be in the wrong, but that’s what I felt in the moment.”

Mona: “No, I noticed it too, Bree. She was also throwing jabs at my friend Monsè as well.”

Bree’s Confessional

“It really seems that Yvonne thinks she’s better than all of us, but as far as I’m concerned she’s not the richest nor the most famous or influential in this group. Not to mention we’re all on the same show. Maybe she should just take a good look in the mirror and humble herself.”

Bree shakes her head.

Bree: “I didn’t like the way she was speaking to poor Monsè! She went on and on about how weird it was that she got married so young.”

Yvonne: “Girl, you barely look older than 14. A child bride? It’s a cultural thing?…She’s brainwashed.”
Monsè: “A girl becomes a woman at 14 where I’m from. So don’t worry, not a child bride. I know people can be slower in the states…”

Bree: Like, it’s not your business. Zip it!” She huffs out air and takes a big chug of champagne, she now joins Mona browsing the racks.

Mona: “She has a God complex if you ask me.” She holds up a piece to examine.

The camera pans to Lorelei who is silent and watching the ladies browse.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I’m going to keep my mouth shut when it comes to this Yvonne talk. I’ve already battled plenty of headstrong HBICs in my time. Yvonne isn’t one I’d want to get dirty with.” She laughs. “I’ll stay clean on this one.”

Lorelei grabs a cracker from the board and sighs.

Lorelei: “I’m just going to say it. I think there is alot more to the Bell Camp story. It just seems a bit suspect to me, you both don’t think so?” She stares at them.

Bree: “You really think so? I obviously think the whole situation is odd but I don’t know the details.” She looks to Mona.

Bree’s Confessional

“This whole restaurant situation is indeed fishy but I don’t wanna say too much about it because I don’t wanna be called to testify when this whole situation ends up in court, it’s not worth it to me.” She holds her hands up.

Mona: “I don’t know what to think. I want Sheridan to come to us when the time is right to explain everything. For now, I’m just going to support her I think.”

Mona’s Confessional

“I wish Sheridan would’ve stayed to fight the fight and answer the questions to prove everyone wrong. But that’s just me.” She shrugs.

Lorelei: “I just think it’s strange. Your business partner or whatever is stealing or embezzling money from you, you don’t notice? It just kind of screams ‘press’ to me.”

Mona: “Was she maybe only the face of the restaurant and not involved in the finances? Could that be a possibility?”

Bree: “Well, she claims she’s the owner so I don’t think so.” She shakes her head.

Mona: “That’s true!”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I’m definitely on the fence with Sheridan’s whole story. A part of me believes her and thinks she is telling the truth and was blindsided. BUT, a part of me knows how vindictive she can be and I wouldn’t put it past her to set this up for press. We all know how thirsty for the spotlight she can be.” She laughs.

Mona: “At the end of the day I just want to be there for her and that’s it.” She sips her champagne.

Bree: “I wish to be there for her, but I don’t wanna be associated with a scammer if she turns out to be involved.” She gives Lorelei and Mona a look.

Lorelei chokes on her champagne and widens her eyes.

Lorelei: “Ooh! Not a scammer.” She laughs.

Mona: “Scammer?! Oh geez!” She looks shocked.

Bree: “Well wouldn’t that be the appropriate term?” She makes a confused face and giggles a little.

Lorelei: “Well…I mean…” She raises her eyebrows.

Mona’s Confessional

“The definition of a scammer? A person who commits fraud or participates in a dishonest scheme.” She looks up at the camera and tilts her head.

Mona: “Are you girls going to Yvonne’s yacht party?”

Lorelei and Bree both nod.

Lorelei: “I am! Are you two nervous she’ll try and come for you both again?”

Bree: “Not really, if she has the class she always talks about she won’t come for her guests at her own party, I guess we’ll see if she really knows her manners.”

Mona: “Tell ’em, Bree! I think we can handle her.” She laughs.

Mona’s Confessional

“I like Bree, she’s a no bullshit type of gal and I love that. I see us being really good friends.” She smiles.

Lorelei: “I agree. Anyways, let’s get you both some shapewear!”

Bree: “Oh yeah! I need a pair of everything!” She motions to the rack.

Mona: “Let’s do it!”

Lorelei begins helping them try on stuff and the scene ends.

We see people walking the streets of Beverly Beach. The camera stops on one restaurant, it pans up to reveal Bell Camp. Inside, we see people dining and Sheridan’s staff buzzing around. In the back office Sheridan has her glasses on and is feverishly typing on the computer. There is a knock on the door and server peaks her head in.

Polly: “Sheridan, Mr. Steele is here. I sent him to the patio for some privacy, nobody is out there.”

Sheridan: “Thank you, Polly.”

Sheridan gets up and we see her walk out of the back room, through the restaurant, and towards the outdoor patio.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Bell Camp is my baby. Besides my best seller, it’s truly one of my proudest moments and I don’t want to lose it over a bullshit scandal. It’s been about a week since the news hit and things aren't getting better, especially with Martin. Today, I’m meeting with my lawyer because this is becoming a major lawsuit.”

A man is seated at a table for two with a pitcher of water and two water glasses, when he sees Sheridan he gets up and gives her a hand shake.

Sheridan: “Nick Steele! Thank you so much for coming by the restaurant to meet with me.” She smiles and sits.

Nick: “Of course, Ms. Campbell.”

Sheridan pours herself a glass of water and lets out a big sigh.

Sheridan: “I’m just in shock that this woman would do some low down shit like this.”

Nick: “She stole alot of money from you.”

Sheridan nods.

Nick: “But, the good news is the camera footage you sent me has her doing some incriminating actions; and that’s huge.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Vanessa stealing from me is not something I saw coming. I trusted this woman. Her resume and her references; she came to me highly recommended. Alas, my trust was burned.”

Sheridan: “How long do you think this will take?”

Nick: “Well with the amount of evidence, she’d be stupid to let this go all the way to trial. She could be sentenced to several years in prison.”

Sheridan: “And have to pay back what she stole?” She raises an eyebrow and sips her water.

Nick: “Yes.” He nods.

Sheridan: “Good, I’m ready to get what I’m owed.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I’ve seen rumors about my financial state and the future of Bell Camp. Did this hurt me? Yes, in more ways than one. Financially I took a big hit — my husband took a big hit. My pride also. But Bell Camp will not close. Martin and I will continue to persevere through the bad press and the negative impact it has had on us…”

Nick: “I understand, it has really impacted you from what you’ve shared.”

Sheridan: “Oh absolutely, how could it have not. My husband is barely speaking to me.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Martin has been colder than normal lately. We’ve made a lot of progress in couples counseling, but these past few days with our finances struggling due to the restaurant; he’s blamed a lot on me and has said some pretty awful things about me.”

Producer: “Awful like what?”
Sheridan’s Confessional

“Oh you know, I’m a dumb bitch, I can’t manage anything, I’m stupid…the list goes on. Bottom line I disappointed him and myself too.”

Nick: “I’m sorry to hear that. Look, we are going to fix this. Don’t worry Mrs. Campbell. All will be corrected.”

Sheridan: “You got me!”

Nick: “I do. It’s been a pleasure and we’ll be in touch.”

He shakes Sheridan’s hand and gathers his things and gets up.

Sheridan: “I hope you got me…” She mumbles as he walks away.

We get a shot of the marina in Beverly Beach. Fancy yachts line the docks. The camera focuses on Grace who confidently struts down a dock and arrives at a big yacht.

Grace: “I think this is the one.” She looks down at her phone and up. “Yeah — The Echelon.”

She boards the yacht and is helped aboard by some workers. They lead her to an empty deck where the table is set up with some fruit and champagne. Grace looks around.

Grace’s Confessional

“This yacht is pretty impressive! If there’s one thing us Beverly Beach women know how to do, it’s splash the cash! Fabulosity and class!” She snaps.

Mona & Grace

Mona thanks a crew member as he leads her onto the deck where Grace is.

Mona: “Hi Grace.” She smiles and gives her a hug.

Grace: “Hi! How are you? I love the dress.”

Mona: “I’m good! Thanks. Yourself?”

Grace: “I’ve been great, very busy as usual.” She laughs.

Mona’s Confessional

“I have no problem being cordial but I’ll never forget the things she said to me.”

Grace: “This yacht really is fabulous, but I’m wondering where Yvonne is.” She raises and eyebrow.

Both women look around.

Mona: “Isn’t she the host? Weird.”

Bree & Lorelei

The shot switches to Lorelei and Bree as they struggle to board the yacht. Lorelei has one foot on the dock and the other on the yacht, a crew member is trying to pull her over as wind blows her hair all around.

Lorelei: “Whew, this wind is something!” She finally makes it over.

Bree: “Gosh, Lorelei. I almost fell into the water!” She laughs.

Mona and Grace have drinks in hand when they turn around to greet Lorelei and Bree.

Grace: “Wow!” She hugs the two girls. “You all look stunning.”

Mona goes and hugs Lorelei and Bree now.

Mona: “Lorelei and Bree, looking hot!”

The music changes as we get a shot of Sheridan walking down the dock.

Sheridan: “The girls will be pleasantly surprised to see you, diva.” She smirks and turns her head.

The camera pans over to show Lauren Barnes, from Seasons 1–4, walking beside Sheridan.

Lauren & Sheridan

Lauren: “Are you sure Yvonne is okay with me coming? I haven’t seen her in years.”

Sheridan giggles a bit.

Sheridan: “Oh, I don’t even think it’s Yvonne’s event like that. It’s just a get together for the girls. You’ll be fine, babe.”

Lauren’s Confessional

“I’m back! What a long year it was for me…”

Lauren’s Confessional

“ I definitely needed to step away and process my divorce and life changes.” She sighs. “It was a journey but I feel better than ever. I have been so busy keeping my business afloat while doing intense therapy and finalizing my divorce, so I haven’t had much time to hang out with my friends — it will be nice to catch up with everything they have been up to lately. I am ready to get back to the Beverly Beach social scene.”

Sheridan and Lauren walk onto the deck where the other girls are chatting.

Lorelei: “I get it, but — “ She looks over from her conversation with Bree and her eyes widen when she sees Lauren. “Is that Lauren?”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Lauren and I made a great connection when I first joined the show. We’ve kept in contact and I’m glad she’s back around the group!”

Sheridan first walks up to Grace and taps her on the shoulder as she’s pouring a drink.

Sheridan: “Hi, Gracie! You remember Lauren!”

Grace turns around and sees Lauren, looking surprised.

Grace: “Of course! It’s been a while.”

Lauren: “Nice to see you again, Grace.” She smiles.

Grace nods and smiles politely.

Grace: “You too.”

Grace’s Confessional

“Lauren Barnes. What a blast from the past. Let’s just say last time we saw each other didn’t exactly go down well…” Clips play from Grace and Lauren’s feud in Season 4. “Let’s hope it’s better the second time around.” She laughs.

Mona walks up to Lauren.

Mona: “Hi! I’m Mona Quinn.”

Lauren: “Hi Mona, nice to meet you.”

Mona takes a step back and watches as Sheridan and Lauren interact with the other women.

Mona’s Confessional

“I find it odd that Sheridan didn’t greet me when we all arrived. Hm….” She thinks.

Lorelei makes her way over and gives Lauren a warm hug.

Lorelei: “Lauren, glad to see you!”

Lauren: “Lorelei! Hey, babe.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Oh my gosh! Lauren is back?” She begins to laugh. “Lauren and I haven’t seen eachother since…well…since she got arrested. But, I’m glad to see her back and looking healthy.”

Sheridan: “Has anyone heard from Yvonne? Let’s sit and get some more drinks.”

Lauren: “Yes! I could use a glass of wine.”

Grace, Mona, Sheridan, Lorelei, Bree, and Lauren all sit at the table on the deck.

Lauren: “It’s nice to meet you all and see some of you again.” She sips her wine. “For those of you who don’t know, I’m Lauren. I own a party planning business. I’m a proud mom to two wonderful kids and I’m recently, happily divorced!” She laughs.

Mona and Bree nod along.

Grace: “Happily divorced, yay!” She holds up her glass.

Sheridan: “We love that for you, babe!” She smiles and claps. “After all Richard put you through, I’m so happy!”


Out of nowhere, Yvonne enters walks onto the deck.

Yvonne: “I see you all are mingling. Lovely.” She smiles and walks over to the table.

Sheridan watched Yvonne, unamused.

Mona: “What the — “

Grace: “Better late than never. Right, Yvonne?” She raises an eyebrow.

Grace’s Confessional

“ I mean, I know it’s fashionable to be late sometimes… but when you’re the damn hostess?”

Bree: “Yvonne, where’s your manners? You’re late to your own party!” She laughs a little.

Lorelei looks over at Bree and smirks. Yvonne shoots Bree a look as she sits at the table.

Yvonne: “I’m on time, actually.” She looks around the table. “Lauren Barnes?!?!” She makes a face of surprise.

Lauren: “Hi stranger!” She laughs. “Long time, no see.”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Listen, there’s always a ton of things going on in the Langley life. I’m a little late but I’ll send gifts of apology after this. Problem should be solved! I’m a bit perplexed by this familiar face though, what is SHE doing on my yacht?”

Yvonne: “I love the look, are you still with that rotten man? Please say no.” She pours herself champagne and looks up at Lauren.

Lauren laughs.

Lauren: “Actually, I was just telling the other ladies the good news; Richard and I are officially divorced! He is another woman’s problem now.” She shrugs.

Yvonne: “God knows I’ve been on that campaign for years! You look good.” She smiles.

Lauren’s Confessional

“It’s nice to see Yvonne hasn’t changed a bit!”

The camera focuses on Bree who turns to Mona and Lorelei at the table.

Bree: “Girls, want to go inside for another drink at the bar?”

Mona: “Sure!”

Lorelei nods and the girls stand up, making their way inside to the bar.

Mona: “Can you two believe she was late to her own event. How déclassé…” She rolls her eyes.

Yvonne: “What was that, Mona?”

The three women turn around, startled. Not realizing that Yvonne had followed them inside.

Mona: “Oh…nothing!” She giggles.

Yvonne looks Mona up and down before joining the girls at the bar.

Yvonne: “Mmm, let’s keep it cordial. I’d hate for the sharks to get a meal before the rest of us.” She shrugs and turns to the bartender. “A Tito’s soda with lime, please!”

Mona: “I’ve been nothing but cordial.” She smiles.

The shot switches back to Sheridan, Grace, and Lauren at the table outside. They scoot closer together to that they can talk.

Sheridan: “So Lauren, you and Yvonne.” She raises and eyebrow and laughs. “I sensed something there? Are y’all friendly?”

The camera pans to Grace who sips her drink and listens.

Lauren: “Well, now that I don’t have an open relationship for her to despise I’m hoping she’ll actually like me now.” She laughs.

Grace: “You two have history, then?”

Sheridan: “Oh Lordy!”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I could sense some judgment from Yvonne in regards to Lauren. Disappointing because Lauren is a sweet girl.”

Lauren: “I wouldn’t say we have ‘history’ but our views on life did not align at the same time we were in the same social circle.” She shrugs and tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.

[Season 1 Flashback] Yvonne: “Oh, so you choose to be disrespected in your relationship?” [To Lauren]
[Season 1 Flashback] Yvonne: “What kind of whore does that?”

Sheridan: “Well hopefully this will be a reset for the both of you and not a mixing of oil and water…”

The scene transitions back to Lorelei, Mona, Bree, and Yvonne inside at the bar. They now have their drinks.

Yvonne: “So, I want to talk to you, Lorelei, and you, Mona, as well.”

Lorelei: “About?” She looks at Yvonne and swirls her glass of wine.

Yvonne: “I think you two should speak with Sheridan. She’s not very happy with what you had to say about her situation. Especially you Miss Mona.” She looks at Mona.

Mona: “What?” She looks confused. “What did I say about her situation? I’ve been nothing but supportive of her.” The camera gets a cool shot of Sheridan outside, over Mona’s shoulder.

Lorelei looks taken aback and glances at Mona.

Bree: “Weren’t you the one that brought up her situation though, Yvonne?” She raises her eyebrow. “You always talk about manners, and I don’t believe it was classy of you to bring this situation up at Grace’s party.”

Mona: “Yeah — Wait a damn minute…”

Yvonne: “I was but I wasn’t the one who insinuated that she was in on the job. I mean, that was pretty sick of you to say.” She shrugs.

Bree: “Woah! Who insinuated that?”

Mona: “I did not insinuate that, Yvonne.” She rolls her eyes. “In fact, I think it was sick of you to bring up the issue at all. I wasn’t going to.”

Yvonne: “Good thing nobody pays you to diagnose illnesses.” She sips her cocktail. “Remember, you’re an ‘actress’, not a physician.”

Lorelei’s eyes widen and Mona looks offended.

Mona: “And who the fuck are you, Yvonne? No one know who you are. You know what…I’m don with this old lady.” She walks off.

Yvonne laughs.

Yvonne: “Such childish behavior. Look like a child, act like one.”

Mona makes her way back over to the table; Lorelei, Bree, and Yvonne all follow her out. She walks up to Sheridan as she is in mid conversation with Grace and Lauren.

Mona: “Apparently we have a problem?” She looks at Sheridan, upset.

Sheridan, Grace, and Lauren all look at her confused.

Sheridan: “Excuse me?”

Grace: “What’s going on?”

Lorelei takes a seat back at the table.

Lorelei: “This is just messy.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I am beyond confused. Why is Mona coming up and standing over me with this attitude.” She rolls her eyes. “What the hell just happened?”

The camera focuses back on Mona and Sheridan.

Mona: “This girl, Yvonne, is trying to stir up some trouble between us Sheridan and I’m really pissed off. So, do we have a problem?”

The camera pans to Yvonne who looks amused, sitting back at the table. Lorelei nods along with Mona.

Lorelei: “Yvonne told us inside that you were upset with Mona and I.” She looks to Sheridan. “Why are you upset?”

Yvonne: “I actually told you is was disgusting in the moment.” She holds her finger up.

Lauren can be seen eating some fruit and watching everything.

Lauren’s Confessional

“And this is what happens when you serve dinner late.” She shakes her head.

Sheridan lets out a big sigh and looks to Lorelei then Mona.

Sheridan: “Okay, actually yes. I was a bit upset. Mona, what you were insinuating about racketeering was disgusting. If you read the article you’d know that my manager stole from me — I did nothing wrong.”

Lorelei makes a face at Sheridan.

Mona: “I don’t remember at all insinuating that you were involved.” She shakes her head. “I would never think that and maybe I worded what I was asking you incorrectly. And for that I apologize.”

Sheridan: “Well you did.” She looks to Mona. “And that’s exactly why I left because it was low as hell. I appreciate your apology but don’t do that shit again.” She adjusts her dress.

Yvonne: “I think what Mona said was far worse than what Lorelei said.”

Mona whips her head in Yvonne’s direction.

Mona: “Yvonne, shut up! No one asked you!”

Yvonne: “Oh look, the Z-list finds a voice! They’ll want to write more about your outbursts than your movies.” She laughs.

Grace stifles a laugh.

Mona’s Confessional

“I repeat what I’ve continually said. Who is Yvonne and why is she here for the sole purpose to stir up trouble?”

Bree: “I think the whole thing should’ve never been brought up in the first place.” She looks at Yvonne annoyed.

Lorelei shakes her head and looks to Mona, reaching out to squeeze her thigh.

Lorelei: “Mona, you didn’t say anything wrong.”

Sheridan: “Lorelei, why are you even speaking?” She rolls her eyes. “Mona did say that and what she said was slanderous!”

Mona: “Sheridan! These girls.” She points to Lorelei and Bree. “Can tell you that I’ve been nothing but supportive of you and I really want to be here for you through all of this.” She looks down. “Listen — I don’t want to have any issues with you at all, because we’re friends in the end. And if my comment was insensitive, I again apologize because it wasn’t my intention.”

Sheridan nods and the girls look at her.

Sheridan: “I accept your apology but please be careful what you say. I’m in the middle of a lawsuit with this woman and your commentary can be detrimental to me and my business.”

Mona: “Absolutely, it won’t happen again.”

Lorelei: “I don’t get why you’re even mad though, Sheridan. Mona asked a genuine question. We all felt as if the story was a bit off, that’s all.”

Sheridan glares at Lorelei.

Sheridan: “Excuse me? The story was off? Are you fucking kidding Lorelei?”

Lauren: “Lorelei, I dont understand how you of all people can say a story sounds a bit off?” She laughs a bit and looks to Sheridan.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Lorelei is doing what she does best — lying and stirring the pot.

Lorelei: “Why are you getting all upset, girl.”

Sheridan: “You know what you’re doing Lorelei! You are so disingenuous.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“There are some fake ass bitches in this group and what Lorelei said is undoubtedly noted. These women are too scared to even speak up at the table and own up to their shit talking.”

Lauren shakes her head and turns to Sheridan.

Lauren: “This is ridiculous. It’s like she forgot that she lied to us for a year about sleeping with her husband’s son.”

Lorelei smirks and nods.

Lorelei: “I know of nothing! I just made a general statement. I am not the only one who thinks of your story as fraudulent. Don’t come at me, honey. Don’t.”

Mona turns to Yvonne.

Mona: “You. You need to stop what you’re doing. I don’t know what type of agenda you have with this group but I don’t like it. And I’m not the only one who doesn’t.”

Yvonne: “I don’t care who doesn’t like it, Big Head! If you don’t like it, you can leave. I was doing a favor by even inviting you. I’m sure your husband or whoever you have at home is happy to have some peace!”

Grace gasps and Bree places a hand in Mona’s lap.

Bree: “Yvonne, come on! These low blows are the most classless thing I’ve heard all night.”

Mona: “You are so rude to someone you just met.” She looks to Yvonne. “I don’t even know you.”

Yvonne: “Yet you’ve known me enough to throw in my face that you and whoever of your posse dislikes me. That makes no sense, little girl!” She scoffs. “I brought you here and I made it nice.” She points to Mona.

Mona: “My God, you’re so unlikeable.”

Yvonne: “I’m done talking to you, Mona.” She turns and holds up her hand.

Mona: “Good! I’m done talking to you too!”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Let me tell you something and I’ll be very direct. If Mona and Bree think coming for me will be without consequence, ask my enemies. I don’t play fair and I’m not nice! You have just seen the opening act of Pretentious Bitch.”

Grace taps her fork on a glass.

Grace: “Ladies! We’re getting off course! We’re supposed to be having a nice meal!” She turn to Yvonne and whispers. “This is your thing. Your event. Gain some control, come on.”

Grace’s Confessional

“You know the shit’s well and truly hit the fan when I’m the most sane one on this yacht. How the hell did we get here?” She laughs.

Mona turns to Bree and whispers.

Mona: “This is some bullshit.”

Bree: “I know, just ignore Yvonne. She’s insane.”

The captain announces that the boat is docking again. Sheridan turns to Lauren.

Sheridan: “I’m so glad we are back on land. I’m tired of these fake ass bitches.” She begins gathering her purse.

As the girls are getting up to get off, Lorelei makes her way over to Sheridan.

Lorelei: “I apologize. I didn’t mean to upset you. Truly.” She places a hand on her heart.

Sheridan: “Of course I’m upset, you don’t believe me. That’s so insulting, Lorelei. Just leave me alone tonight. We will talk soon.” She nods.

Lorelei: “I respect that. Have a good night.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“At the end of the day I don’t want to go backwards with Sheridan. I made some general statements and asks some questions that I know the others were thinking and I didn’t realize it would take her out of character.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I will definitely be cornering Lorelei soon to get her to tell me who else is talking about me behind my back. What do they say, keep your friends close but your enemies closer?”

Sheridan: “Can we go?” She looks to Lauren.

Lauren: “Yeah, let’s get out of here. Ladies, it was good to see most of you! Yvonne, thank you for the lovely dinner.” She hugs Yvonne.

Lauren’s Confessional

“It’s good to see that I seem to be old news here.” She laughs. “These girls have so much going on and I’m just glad I can drink wine again!”

As the girl get up, Mona turns to Bree.

Mona: “Bree, I’m going to go.”

Bree: “Alright, honey. I’ll see you soon. Text me when you get home!”

Mona hugs Bree and nods.

Mona’s Confessional

“I’m really upset by what transpired tonight. Yvonne said some really below the belt things and I just met the girl! She’s going to make everyone in this group hate each other and walk away with her hands clean. Well, I won’t allow that because I have compassion for these women. She doesn’t give two shits.”

The episode ends as we see the girls getting off the yacht.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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