[S6E16]: Reunion Part II

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
33 min readNov 28, 2022


(From L to R: Mona Quinn, Yvonne Langley, Sheridan Campbell, Lorelei Sullivan, Grace Faroe, & Bree Bailey)
Monsè, Mona, Bree, & Lorelei
Sheridan, Yvonne, & Grace

The camera zooms back into the matte black Bell Camp Reunion set. The girls sit on their couches.

Monsè — Mona — Bree — Lorelei — Andy — Sheridan — Yvonne — Grace

Andy: “Welcome back to part two of The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach Season 6 Reunion! Let’s get back into it. Miss Langley first made a splash back in Season 1 for her out spoken personality and strong opinions and man…nothing has changed!” He laughs a bit. “Back in the same pond, but with different fish; Yvonne had to navigate treacherous waters when the home wrecker rumors were about her this time around. Check it out!”

We get scenes of Yvonne and Teddy. We see the scene of Bree and Monsè talking and Bree reveals there was a rumor going around about Teddy and Yvonne. We see Monsè exposing it at her Haitian Dinner. We get the awkward dinner between Yvonne and Teddy’s families. Bree and Monsè talk to Yvonne about it in the Biosphere. The final scene is of Yvonne breaking up with Teddy.

We see Sheridan smiling at Yvonne’s package.

Andy: “Lots and lots to unpack here! Let’s start off with Yvonne…Tre from Twitter asks: ‘How does it feel being back on the show and what’s one major difference you’ve noticed since you’ve been back?’.” He looks to Yvonne.

Yvonne: “I love being back on the show that I helped to start with Ren, Lauren, and Olivia.” She smiles. “I think the show needed to portray Beverly Beach authentically- with wealth, glamor, and lifestyle. I brought that back.”

Andy: “Now, the last time we saw you and Teddy together was at your art gallery opening after you had broken things off with him. Have you seen him since?”

Yvonne: “I have talked with Teddy twice to get him his belongings out of my home, so if that counts.”

She shrugs; Bree and Monsè look to eachother.

Andy: “How is business at the art gallery?”

Bree yawns and Yvonne looks over.

Yvonne: “It’s great….do we need to get Bree her Geritol?”

Bree “I’m good honey, I’m just waiting for a more exciting topic.” She smiles.

Yvonne: “Then you’re certainly not waiting for your package.” She crosses her legs.

Sheridan laughs loudly.

Sheridan: “Not the Geritol! Maybe her daughters are backstage with the coke and that’ll pep her up.”

Monsè covers her mouth in shock.

Bree: “Sheridan Sheridan… always taking about kids, still bitter you’ll never have any?”

Lorelei chuckles.

Mona: “Bree…”

Bree: “She started it.” She shrugs and looks to Mona.

Sheridan: “Hush puffer!”

Andy: “Let’s get back on track…On the night of the art gallery opening why lie to the girls and pretend to still be a couple with Teddy?” He looks to Yvonne. “I mean..it’s not like you’re one to care about others opinions about you that much. What did everyone think of that?”

Grace: “I think she had her reasons for it.” She nods.

Sheridan: “I was surprised about Yvonne not telling us about the break up.”

Mona: “I wasn’t surprised and I probably would’ve done the same.”

Monsè: “It was typical Yvonne. She always has to have things her way, on her terms. She should’ve just set that man free as soon as they ended things!”

Yvonne: “Monsè, you don’t know me to say anything is typical.”

Monsè: “I speak from what I’ve seen, and what I’ve seen is you thinking you’re superior to everyone, when you’re nothing but a Beverly Beach gargoyle. Pass the baton, doll.” She purses her lips.

Yvonne: “I’m actually Beverly Beach Royalty. You floated over here by accident on the SS Gil the Groomer.”

Lorelei: “Yvonne! That’s low!”

Bree: “I think it’s funny Yvonne still pretended to be with Teddy — Coming from someone who always called everyone else ‘full of shit’ or a ‘liar’ but I guess that’s how Miss Langley operates.” She shrugs.

Yvonne: “Well — Miss Bailey operates like a liar, cheat, and scoundrel so I called it like I saw it.” She turns to Andy. “Can we muzzle her during my segment? I promise I won’t speak during hers, it’ll be nap time.”

Grace and Sheridan laugh.

Sheridan: “Not muzzle! Those lips won’t fit.”

Andy: “Bree and Monsè, you two started off on a really good path.” The scene plays of Bree giving Monsè advice on being a working mom. “But then it turned ugly, fast…” We see them fighting about who brought the rumor to the group in the Biosphere and Bree admitting she initially told Monsè to look into it. “Everybody except Bree and Monsè — do you think they should both take equal blame or do you feel one of them is more responsible in facilitating this than the other?”

Grace: “Bree is always responsible. She instigates everything.”

Mona: “I think they’re both responsible for discussing it. But Yvonne likes to talk about everyone in the group, so if she can dish it out can’t she take it?”

Bree nods and Yvonne shakes her head.

Yvonne: “I can take it! I showed up and responded. I didn’t hide and I didn’t run. I also didn’t bring any pop up guests.”

Sheridan: “I don’t think Monsè did anything wrong in that situation. When I helped get to the root of that issue and Bree was exposed that was the turning point in my mind to know how messy she was — and that’s when she started to come for me because I helped expose her.”

Andy: “Bree and Monsè made up in Prague…”

Yvonne: “Okay, good for them…what is there to discuss? Both of them isolated themselves to one side so they had no choice.”

Andy gives Yvonne a look before turning to the other couch.

Andy: “Where do the two of you stand now?”

Bree: “We sure did make up!” She looks over at Monsè and smiles. “We’re great! All of us.” She looks at her couch. “We’re all in a great place, it’s all love over here.” She smiles.

Yvonne: “Over here too!” She smiles at Grace and Sheridan. “And our outfits are better.”

Monsè: “We’re in a much better place! I love Bree and I’m glad we were able to get past this huge misunderstanding. Sorry for calling you a beast, babe.” She laughs.

Bree: “It’s all good, honey. Don’t worry. I’ve been called much worse.” She clicks her tongue and winks.

Mona: “This is nice to see!”

Sheridan: “Be cautious Monsè. She showed who she was in that situation. She unsuccessfully tried to set you up and luckily you had me to help you get out of that situation.”

Sheridan: “Yvonne, you had alot of anger towards Lauren today but from my understanding it was Monsè who brought the Teddy information to the group.”

Lorelei: “Here she goes again.” She crosses her arms and slides down into her seat.

Bree: “I find it more tolerable to just ignore her.” She rolls her eyes.

Andy: “Going back to the Teddy stuff; Yvonne, you’ve told your side of the story. Stating that you guys were not romantically involved while he was married.”

Andy: “But at your dinner with his ex wife, Patrice, and their kids…she claims that you were involved with him while they were still married.”

Yvonne: “Patrice also claims she’s a sane woman….”

Andy: “Who here thinks there was an overlap in the relationship timelines between Teddy and Patrice and Teddy and Yvonne.”

Sheridan immediately shakes her head.

Sheridan: “There wasn’t.”

Yvonne: “I have more self respect than that. I know some of these ladies can’t relate.”

Grace: “Who cares if there was? It’s none of our business!”

Lorelei: “I don’t think there was an overlap.” She shakes her head.

Monsè: “I think there’s a difference between separated and divorced. I would like to see the papers.” She shrugs.

Yvonne: “Show me yours first, ma’am.”

Mona: “I honestly…don’t care.”

Yvonne: “Thank you for your raw honesty, Mona.”

Bree: “Neither do I.”

Yvonne: “Oh — now you don’t care?”

Andy: “Nandra from Kansas City, Kansas says: ‘Yvonne and Teddy are forced and fake! This relationship was clearly just for a storyline. Who brings someone they were dating for three months on the show? And then she just throws him away! What’s the angle?’.” He looks up from his papers at Yvonne. “Yeah, so — Why did you come on the show with him? Did you think he was the one?”

The camera pans to Bree smirking, Yvonne gives her a look of disgust.

Lorelei: “So shady.” She laughs and looks to Andy.

Yvonne: “Thank you for the question, Bree.” She turns to Andy. “He was in my reality and we were in business together for the art gallery, so I brought him on.”

Andy: “Will we see you dating anybody next season, Yvonne?”

Yvonne: “If I’m dating when the cameras roll, yes.” She looks unamused. “I hope to see some of the other ladies get their love tanks filled as well.”

Sheridan: “I just have to say! This is a platform for authentic reality — the storylines have no place here and Yvonne is not the cast member who plots their storylines out each year.”

Lorelei: “No, that’s just you.” She glares at Sheridan. “You planning a robbery next season?”

Bree: “What are they going to rob…?” She looks around, confused.

Sheridan: “You planning to swallow your nephew?” She laughs.

The camera focuses on Mona.

Mona: “I heard a rumor you’re back with your ex, Yvonne.”

Yvonne: “Turn your ears off.”

Mona: “Okay! Just wondering!” She smiles.

Yvonne: “Horace and I are great friends but nothing more.”

Mona nods.

Andy: “This season, our girls got to go up North to Sheridan’s family estate! A good ole fashioned girls trip turned into major drama when a blast from the past returned.”

We get the girls going to Quebec. We see the surprise of Ren arriving. We get the chaotic lunch fight between Lauren and Yvonne. We get Grace and Ren arguing about her being fired as well. We also then see the explosive winery fight.

Andy: “Was anybody happy that Ren showed up, besides Sheridan?”

Yvonne: “I was happy to see her! Just as happy as I was to see Lauren, we have a unique relationship.”

Sheridan: “Love my Ren baby regardless of what people think about her.”

Mona: “It was great to see Ren again!”

Monsè: “I wasn’t mad. She shook things up a bit, kept it interesting.” She chuckles.

The camera shows the ladies who didn’t answer; Lorelei. Grace, and Bree.

Lorelei: “Mhm.” She blankly stares, letting out a cough.

Grace: “Ugh…” She scoffs.

Bree: “No, I was not happy to see her. Both the cast and the crew were disgusted by her. Thank god she’s gone for good.” She widens her eyes and blinks dramatically.

Andy: “As we know, Sheridan and Ren are close friends. There was an agreement that we wanted Ren on in some capacity so we thought Sheridan’s trip would be the perfect opportunity for her to film a little. Fast forward to when the season airs, Ren was not pleased in the way she was presented this season and deleted her account. Has anyone talked to Ren recently? Sheridan?”

Yvonne: “She blocked me on everything. I don’t think she wants anything to do with this platform anymore.”

Sheridan: “Of course I have. We talk daily. She is off social media currently and is 7 weeks away from giving birth to my god daughter.”

Yvonne: “She must be huge by now.”

Andy: “Yvonne, even though you and Lauren started off at odds this season. By the time she left, you two had recovered and were on good terms. How did it feel to finally move forward?”

Yvonne: “I think we needed to get everything out and she’s a great sparring partner. I’m glad to move forward and I wish her the best.”

Sheridan: “Lauren is an amazing girl. She’s also in a happy place away from the cameras now.”

Andy: “Aw! I miss Lauren! But as they say; out with the old, in with the new! This season the fabulous Bree Bailey joined the cast! Armed with money and a savvy sense for business, Bree is the perfect recipe for the ultimate Momager. Bree came into the group wanting to make new friends but quickly gained an enemy in Sheridan Campbell. A series of unfortunate events led to the feud of the summer. Watch!”

We get footage of Bree, Blake, and Bianca. We see Lorelei and Bree having fun together. We get clips of Sheridan and Bree’s minor shade towards one another in the beginning of the season. We see Blake and Bianca being on the cover of Vogue. We then get the process of Bree meeting up with Vanessa and Sheridan exploding at the Psychic Party.

Andy: “I have to say, Blake and Bianca are stunning! Have they gotten any exciting gigs lately?”

Lorelei laughs and points to Andy.

Lorelei: “He’s so shady!”

There is an awkward silence. Grace has a blank expression on her face, Yvonne starts coughing.

Yvonne: “Oof, sorry.”

Sheridan puts her tongue in her cheek and makes a blowjob gesture, Yvonne taps her shoulder.

Yvonne: “Stop it!”

Bree: “They have actually! Blake is going to be in the new Balenciaga campaign, I’m so excited!” She smiles.

Mona: “That’s so cool!”

Lorelei: “I love that!”

Yvonne: “I hope we don’t have to attend that self promotional launch.” She turns to Grace.

Andy: “Great! Great! And how are things with…” He looks around. “The Owner of Twitter? Are you still together?”

Bree: “Oh, we’ll actually no… it was a fun summer fling but after the summer he started getting all weird and possessive, he hated the fact that I was on national TV and he didn’t even want me to film the reunion, and as everyone knows no one tells me what to do, so I broke things off.” She shrugs.

Yvonne: “Oh, come on — You were never with that man, doesn’t he have a child on the way with a younger girl.

Grace: “It felt staged… for a storyline.” She looks to Bree.

Sheridan: “I’m sorry, I just need to say it’s the way that this is the most boring introduction and personal life scenes of any cast member in Beverly Beach history. All six seasons.”

Sheridan: “Hell, at least Jenisa was high all the time and Gemma was all over the place in hers.” She laughs. “People were tuning out and fast forwarding her scenes hence her last minute shift towards the end of the season to save her spot.”

Grace laughs.

Sheridan: “But kudos, bitch, you earned that little bag at the end!”

Bree: “Sheridan, can you zip it? We know you’re in serious financial trouble and you need a moment but can you let others talk? Thank you.” She smiles.

Sheridan: “I fast forwarded through your scenes. They were fake and felt manufactured. She was desperate to get on the show!”

Bree: “Good to know they haven’t shut off your electricity yet!”

Sheridan: “Babe, this is the Reunion you ran those fingers on Twitter while I sat silently waiting to give my commentary here. Best believe I’m going to talk about it!” She jabs her finger in Bree’s direction.

Bree: “I’m all for it, just let other talk. You sound like a rabid dog, Sheridan.”

Andy: “We’re getting off topic! I have a question for everyone. Who here thinks Bree should return for another season?”

Lorelei raises her hand.

Mona: “Bree’s loaded and has a luxurious lifestyle she doesn’t need to beg to get on the show. If Bree wants to come back I’m all for it!”

Yvonne: “She needs something to do, so why not?”

Monsè: “It might be controversial, but what’s the show without some drama?” She raises her hands and looks to Bree.

Sheridan: “Bree should return because she’s a miserable bitch who will go to any low to remain employed. I just hope she has something better going for her next season and stops pimping her daughters out.”

Grace: “I don’t care if she comes back or not. If she needs the check and the attention, I suppose she’d better.”

Bree: “Come on Grace, you can say whatever you want but you know I don’t need the check.” She rolls her eyes. “You’re such a stupid cunt.”

Grace: “Excuse me?” Her eyes widen. “What did you just call me?”

Mona: “She called you a stupid cunt, Grace.”

Lorelei giggles.

Bree: “A cunt, babe. C — U — N — T.”

Grace: “You’re vile, Bree. That is a disgusting thing to call someone.”

Monsè stifles a laugh.

Andy: “Okay, let’s talk abo — “

Grace’s hand shoots up.

Grace: “Wait, Andy. We’re not moving on yet.”

Bree: “Cry me a river, Grace.” She looks bored and sighs.

Grace: “You want to sit up here and call me that? After all the shit you’ve pulled this season? Fuck YOU!” She points to Bree. “And you.” She looks to Lorelei. “You’re supposed to be my friend and you don’t even say anything?”

Bree: “Yes, I’m calling you a cunt, are you gonna cry now?”

Sheridan: “She’s nobody’s friend Grace I’ve said that from the jump! Lorelei is letting Bree fall on the sword at this Reunion. Everyone over here predicted that.”

Monsè: “Uh oh, The Faroe has been activated…” She widens her eyes and puffs out her cheeks.

Lorelei looks to Grace, blankly.

Lorelei: “We are not friends. Did you forget how we ended the season, dummy? When I told you we were done, I meant it.”

The camera pans to Grace who is silent, tears start to form in her eyes. Bree looks over.

Bree: “Dry those up, it’s not over Grace.” She smiles.

Andy: “A major storyline this season was the Bell Camp restaurant drama. Bree got in the middle of it by meeting up with Vanessa, but was it with malicious intent? Amy from Twitter has a question for Sheridan; ‘If Grace or Yvonne were contacted by Vanessa and wanted to share her side of the story on the show and filmed with her, would you have the same reaction you had when Bree met up with her?’.”

Sheridan: “Grace and Yvonne wouldn’t have given a thief a platform. They have highly regarded character and don’t associate with trash.”

Yvonne: “Correct.” She nods.

Bree: “Don’t forget you chose that trash to initially run your business, doll.”

Andy: “Bree, I don’t think you were a close enough friend for Sheridan recognize it had no malicious intent. The two of you had a conversation on the bus in Quebec and agreed to move forwards. Bree, why go and meet with Vanessa knowing that this was probably going to set Sheridan off?”

Grace: “Bree is a blood thirsty bitch.” She nods.

Yvonne: “Because she doesn’t respect the boundaries of friendship.”

Lorelei: “They weren’t friends, Yvonne.”

Yvonne: “It doesn’t matter, they could’ve built a friendship.”

Lorelei: “She chose not to. Get over it. She didn’t want to befriend Sheridan. Mind your business, Yvonne.”

Yvonne: “You do the same, Lorelei.”

Sheridan: “Bree was having a rough time setting herself up for a successful season to leave a mark in order to get that bag secured. She resulted in targeting the big fish in the pond because she knew it would get her attention.” She glares over at Lorelei and Bree’s couch. “What she didn’t count on was coming out looking like a weak piece of shit pawn in one of Lorelei’s childish games.”

Bree chuckles and shakes her head at Sheridan.

Bree: “Okay let’s set this straight once and for all: Me and Vanessa have mutual friends, Vanessa got my number and reached out to me, she wanted to get her story out and I thought it was fair, since Sheridan had been talking about it for months on camera, that’s it. It’s up to the jury and the judge to decide who’s right, all I did was allow her to tell her side of the story.” She fixes her bun. “By the way, we were never friends, Sheridan — I don’t owe you a damn thing.”

Sheridan: “You’re friends with a known thief? Perhaps the law needs to look into your business practices?”

Mona looks over at Bree and lets out a sigh.

Mona: “ I love you but it doesn’t matter if you’re friends or not. You shouldn’t have done that.”

Grace: “You could’ve met with Vanessa off-camera but you insisted on having the camera crew show up with you.”

Bree: “The whole thing happened on camera, and just like Sheridan told her side of the story on the show I thought it was fair game for Vanessa to do the same Grace, understand? Or do you need me to write it down for you?”

Yvonne: “The issue is that you were involved in multiple behind the scene schemes against people who did nothing to you. Do you not see anything wrong with that?”

Sheridan: “Exactly. I went out of my way to try and work on a friendship with her.”

Bree: “I don’t see anything wrong with it, Yvonne. Clearly.”

Yvonne: “And that’s why nobody should trust you, including Lorelei.”

Lorelei turns to Bree.

Lorelei: “They’re mad because this was an iconic moment, Bree. Fuck them bitches.” She pats her shoulder.

Sheridan: “You sought out a thief who was paid $35,000 annually to manage a restaurant for a moment. It’s sad!” She looks to Bree an frowns.

Grace: “Bree, someone literally told me that you phoned up production and demanded for a camera crew to be there to film with Vanessa!”

Bree: “That’s not true, Grace. Ask Andy.”

Mona: “If she’s a cast member on the show she doesn’t need to demand to be filmed. That’s bullshit!”

Bree: “Exactly, Mona.”

Grace: “It is true, I know for a fact it’s true. More than one person has told me that it’s true.”

Lorelei: “Grace, why are you lying?”

Bree: “Grace is just desperate for a moment at the Reunion because this season she was a total snoozefest.” She laughs to herself.

Grace: “I’m not lying. Yvonne received the same information I did!”

Lorelei: “I don’t believe it. Where is the receipts? Show me the receipts?”

Yvonne: “I did also receive that information. But the less time I speak to or about Bree, the better.”

Sheridan: “It doesn’t surprise me that Bree demanded for cameras to be there. We have a group chat and she has continuously threatened to try and bring Vanessa onto the show as her friend next season or to help her get a main spot as if you’d ever hire someone who lives in a 600 square foot studio apartment.”

Grace: “You’re new to this, you can’t go throwing your weight around with Production or are you that big-headed you think you can?”

Bree: “Enough of you — You bore me, Grace.” She turns to face Mona.

Andy: “Who did you guys receive this information from?” He looks to Yvonne and then to Grace.

Yvonne: “Lorelei actually told me about it.”

Lorelei makes a dramatic face and rolls her eyes.

Lorelei: “Chile, one thing about these girls is that they love to try and expose me. Knowing, I’m going to give it DUST!”

Andy: “What exactly did Lorelei say, Yvonne?”

Yvonne: “Thank you for asking Andy, I’ll be glad to tell you.”

Lorelei: “Yes, HoeVonne. What did I tell you?” She looks over at Yvonne, amused.

Bree: “How delightful! We’re getting a Langley Lesson tonight!” She smirks and looks to Lorelei.

Yvonne: “In Miami, Lorelei was in my room and told me that Bree got the other side of the story and that it was going to air on the show since a camera crew was there.”

Grace: “You told me, I remember.” She nods. “And then I heard from a member of Production about it too. It all adds up.”

Mona: “Whew….”

Monsè: “Oh wow…”

Sheridan: “It’s very clear this was her way of securing her contract since her regular life was just so damn boring and we’ve all seen the whole Momager thing play out a thousand times.”

Bree: “Nothing about this is shocking, Yes, she knew I met Vanessa and she knew it was filmed on camera and she told you about it, so what? Even if she told you that it’s not the tea you wanted us to think it was”

Lorelei laughs and shakes her head.

Lorelei: “This isn’t believable. I’m bored. Andy, next segment please?” She looks to him.

Andy: “I agree.” He chuckles. “Switching gears, This season there was an overwhelming amount of support for Sheridan…”

Lorelei: “Paid bots.” She coughs.

Grace: “Not Imani tweeting for Sheridan…” She laughs.

Andy: “Most notably from Sheridan’s HoF sisters who; some came after Bree and Lorelei!”

Sheridan: “And Lorelei’s sister.” She smiles.

Andy: “I want to hear everyone’s opinions, especially Bree and Lorelei’s, was this support annoying or intimidating?”

Yvonne: “I didn’t feel any way about it.”

Mona: “I’m happy she has fans, it’s good to have fans.” She smiles.

Bree: “We were actually laughing about it…” She grins and motions to Lorelei. “It’s so funny how Sheridan needs a whole army to defend her otherwise she’ll have a break down!” She cackles. “It’s hysterical!”

Grace: “She can defend herself perfectly fine. Have you watched this show?” She glares at Bree.

Yvonne: “Of course she has, she’s studied.” She rolls her eyes.

Monsè: “I think the people responded to what they saw. I love Lorelei and Bree, but they went low and people reacted to that.” She frowns at them. “I just think people need to understand that there’s two sides to every argument.”

Mona: “You’ve got it, Monsè.” She nods.

The camera pans to Sheridan who is nodding.

Sheridan: “Yeah, look — I have friends. My friends watch the show and see who you all are. They get all sides of the story because they view the show. I’m not texting them about the shit you all do.”

Lorelei: “The support from Sheridan’s friends wasn’t intimidating at all. Lemme just say this…” She scoots up a bit. “We are all here to perform a show, correct? There’s going to be messy people, villains, the ‘heroes’ or what not. I don’t care how I am perceived. Love me or hate me, I’m not changing.” She looks around.

We see Bree nodding along.

Yvonne: “So then Lorelei, you admit to playing a character and being a villain for the sake of it? That’s not reality. That’s Mona’s ‘career’ — Acting.”

Grace: “She just admitted to being fake…”

Lorelei: “I don’t admit to shit. I’m saying, we all do our jobs. Take that how you will.”

Bree: “Grace you need a hearing aid, she said she doesn’t care how she’s received or portrayed by Production, that’s what she said.” She looks at Grace, annoyed.

Grace: “Shut up, Bree. Be quiet!” She waves her hand.

Mona: “I can’t even engage with the career insults anymore.” She rolls her eyes.

Yvonne: “Sorry Mona, force of habit. I loved your latest trailer for Hallmark.”

Andy: “Let’s move onto Sheridan! This season Sheridan had to face challenge after challenge. After someone working from her allegedly stole from her, she was launched into a world of hurt when her business and relationship suffered.”

We see the Bell Camp storyline play out. We see an upset Sheridan saying that Martin hasnt been home in days. We see her screaming at Bree when she finds out Bree met with Vanessa. We see Sheridan turning against Bree then the final scene is of the last dinner in Prague where Mona tells Sheridan Vanessa is here and Sheridan freaks out.

Andy: “Wow…okay. Sheridan, what is going on with the lawsuit with Vanessa?”

Sheridan: “Our court date is on Tuesday. We feel good about it. We have our security footage as evidence of Bree’s friend stealing large amount of money.”

Yvonne: “Get the cameras rolling for Season 7, Andy!” She laughs.

Bree: “Good for you, you definitely need the money back, the dress is telling!” She grins at Sheridan.

Sheridan: “My dress is telling? You literally are dressed as a nun.”

Bree: “I might be dressed as a nun but it’s Versace, yours is SHEIN? Or ASOS? Cant tell the difference!”

Lorelei: “Mhm.” She nudges Bree. “Remind me to put Vanessa on my payroll after this.”

Sheridan: “Employing a woman about to serve jail time? Sounds about right.”

Yvonne looks at Lorelei; disappointed and disgusted.

Yvonne: “Lorelei, you’ve changed.” She shakes her head.

Lorelei: “So have you.” She looks to Yvonne.

Grace: “Wow, the ego!” She rolls her eyes at Lorelei.

Andy: “Have you and Martin been able to recover on a personal level?” He looks to Sheridan.

Sheridan: “Martin and I are just fine, Andy. We are in counseling.”

Andy: “What was it like watching all the stuff with Vanessa go down behind your back?”

Sheridan: “It was disappointing. Honestly — Bree didn’t owe me anything. Like she said we weren’t friends, though I was trying to befriend her, honestly. I was hurt the most as I often am, by Lorelei. Lorelei is someone I loved like a sister and I feel she personally took this bad moment in my life and used it against me. We made up at the Reunion last year and in the first few episodes she was already plotting on me.”

The camera pans to Lorelei who looks detached.

Yvonne: “She’s probably already started for next season as well.”

Andy: “Now, you and Lorelei have always had a tumultuous relationship. But this season, did it hit rock bottom? Lorelei and Sheridan you both can answer.”

Sheridan nods.

Sheridan: “It did because I truly forgave her and wanted to move forward this season. I had hoped she’d support me much like some of the other girls did — hell Monsè showed up for me consistently and we just started a friendship.”

The camera pans to Monsè who is smiling at Sheridan.

Lorelei: “I truly don’t know. Sheridan and I feel like… sisters. My relationship with her to me, feels like mine and Imani does. Like, we go extremely low and cut to the white meat. Sometimes, we often don’t speak for long periods of times.” She shrugs. “I don’t know if we can move forward. It would have to be effort from both our sides. I don’t hate Sheridan. She gets on my motherfucking nerves and I can’t stand her, but I do not hate her.”

Grace: “Really?” She raises an eyebrow.

Andy: “Do you think you and Lorelei could potentially move forward, Sheridan? Or is the damage done?”

Sheridan: “It would have to be Lorelei showing that she has made efforts to change and truly show up for me; for me to consider moving forward. I owned up to my part in our mess last year and I took the blame and apologized and truly put in effort to move forward only to be blindsided this season by her.”

Yvonne: “I think Lorelei’s done damage to her relationships with all of the women on this couch.”

We see clips of Lorelei and Sheridan fighting throughout the season because of Bree and the Vanessa stuff. We get clips from Lake Tahoe and then we see Lorelei walking out with Vanessa in Prague.

Andy: “Lorelei, why stick behind Bree’s actions? It seemed messy. Did you know it was going to basically ruin your relationship with Sheridan?”

Lorelei shrugs.

Lorelei: “Time will tell. I feel like Sheridan likes to rocks with me and hide her hands a lot. I’m not saying I don’t as well. We’ll see.”

The camera pans to Bree who stares blankly at Sheridan.

Sheridan: “Lorelei if you look at this season you’ll see I didn’t throw rocks at you until you turned against me and attached yourself to the damaging things. I truly wanted to move forward with you.”

Lorelei: “Bree is one of my best friends. I encouraged her to join the show. I wasn’t going to not have her back while she was against literally everyone. Bree,” She turns to Bree. “Have I not corrected you for some of your actions this season? They think just because I don’t do it on camera, it’s not being said.”

Bree nods.

Bree: “You have, you absolutely have. You even said you thought meeting Vanessa was a bit messy on my part. They just don’t want to see that, cause they want to use our friendship against you, it’s sad!”

Monsè: “It’s important to do it on camera, though Lorelei. What good is accountability if she doesn’t have to face anyone but you for her actions?”

Sheridan rolls her eyes.

Sheridan: “I don’t believe it. On camera you co-signed everything she did. You’ve also been very shady off camera to Imani. Andy — Imani and I have made up since she was last on the show and I think that bothers Lorelei. Lorelei flat out refused to film with Imani this season.”

Mona: “I think we should leave Imani out of it she was fired from this show.”

Bree: “Imani? She’s off the show what does she have to do with anything? We don’t care about your friends Sheridan, let’s move on.”

Yvonne: “Lorelei has shown herself to be a very nasty and mean woman this season. She’s shown immense loyalty to Bree at the expense of her relationships with myself and Sheridan.”

Sheridan: “Production asked Imani to return and film with Lorelei and Imani was excited to film with her sister. Lorelei blocked it out of jealously.”

(Blacked Out = Scene Directions)

Sheridan: “Imani wasn’t fired — she walked away from the show.”

Bree: “And we care?”

Mona: “I thought she was fired, my bad.” She giggles.

Lorelei: “That is a lie, Sheridan. You always insert yourself into mine and my sister’s relationship. This… this is the true issue of yours and my problem.”

Yvonne: “And you condone Bree’s messiness so you can pretend to be innocent.”

Lorelei looks at Yvonne, enraged.

Lorelei: “Yvonne, what is your issue with me? Let’s get into that. Because you’ve been coming at me this entire time.”

Yvonne: “Im ready, let’s do it.”

Lorelei: “Speak.” She pretends to takes an imaginary pair of gloves off.

Yvonne: “You have a problem with me because I don’t like Bree.”

Lorelei: “That’s not true — What else?” She stares at Yvonne.

Bree: “It’s the other way around, honey! You are mad at Lorelei for being closer to me than you, you’re petty.”

Yvonne ignores Bree and doesn’t break eye contact from Lorelei.

Yvonne: “You have tweeted at me and called me on the phone to chastise me about it. I don’t like that, these other girls are the ones that like social media battles.”

Lorelei: “We did have a phone conversation, correct. Which you hung up on me.” She nods. “That let me know that we are not friends.”

Yvonne: “I hung up because I don’t do petty stuff — I have a reputation, a brand, and a personality. I’m a pretentious, funny bitch not a petty bitch. That would be you and her…” She points to Bree. “My dear.”

Lorelei: “You called for her pink slip, let’s be transparent, Yvonne. That was low.” She glances over at Bree.

Yvonne: “I said I don’t think she needs to be on the show. That’s nothing compared to accusing me of adultery.” She shrugs.

Lorelei: “I would never want any of the women sitting on either couches fired. Even Sheridan.”

Yvonne: “You shouldn’t because where would you be without anyone to pick at?”

Andy: “Let’s reel it back in…”

Yvonne holds her hand up quickly.

Yvonne: “I’m sorry, Andy — Let me just deal with this.” She leans in and glares at Lorelei. “We don’t come from the same era of this show, I do this on my own. I don’t need anyones presence to be good television.”

Lorelei: “Bitch, first off. Hold on, don’t do that.” She shakes her head.

Yvonne: “Ooo, I’ve been a bitch and a hoe tonight. You are really lovely and friendly, aren’t you?”

Bree: “Not just tonight.” She whispers to Mona.

The camera pans back to Lorelei.

Lorelei: “You’re over here using your slit for married men as well.” She whips her finger in Yvonne’s direction. “I thought we were friends, but I’m guessing not. You’re nothing short of a brittle old woman. I’m done with this conversation and you for the evening. Goodbye.”

Monsè: “Not the slit!”

Mona laughs.

Lorelei: “Let’s move on, Andy.” She turns away from Yvonne.

Yvonne: “Moving.” She looks down and smooths her dress. “Those weak reads, I hope they work in court if she continues.”

Lorelei: “The dementia got you stuck, Yvonne? I said let’s move on.” She snarls.

Yvonne: “Your mother has dementia, not me. Pay for her care and stop talking to me.”

Lorelei: “Oh? The mother jokes? What is this? 5th grade? Do better, honey.”

Yvonne: “It wasn’t a joke.”

Andy: “Let’s go back to Lorelei, Bree, and Sheridan. Why bring Vanessa to the finale in Prague?” He looks at Lorelei and Bree. “At this point was it just to spite Sheridan, not to get Vanessa’s side of the story?”

Bree clears her throat.

Bree: “I’m going to be 100% honest Andy, at that point it was a bit of both, cause Sheridan had talked about my kids and my personal life so yeah, I wanted to humiliate her, but I also wanted Vanessa to speak her truth. I mean we still don’t know who’s telling the truth here.” She shrugs. “Just sayin’!”

Sheridan: “I know the silicone in your lips has fucked up your brain but babe — I have said multiple times that there is footage of that woman stealing from me.”

Mona: “Footage?”

Bree: “I haven’t seen it babe, so why would I believe you?” She looks to Sheridan.

Sheridan: “We know who’s telling the truth. I’ll be sure to host an event and broadcast the security camera footage over dinner at Bell Camp next season after she’s hauled of to county prison.”

Bree: “If you had footage you’d have sold it to TMZ by now, you need the pennies.”

Sheridan: “Why do you feel you know anything about my finances?” She sits back and laughs. “I’ve never insinuated to having financial issues on this show. Yes, my business was stolen from but I’m not broke. I don’t know where that has came from. You tend to reach because you know nothing about me.” She flips her hair.

Mona: “I mean she stole $450,000 dollars, Sheridan. I feel like it’s safe to say that money might’ve been an issue.” She widens her eyes.

Bree: “That came from everyone in Beverly Beach, you’re broke and it’s a known fact. That’s it.”

Sheridan: “Literally, you’re the only person who’s ever said that.” She looks to Mona. “She stole from my restaurant. Not my personal bank account. I can assure you I have more coins in my account than what the Lifetime movies are accumulating in your account, Mona, so don’t worry.”

The camera pans to Mona, who looks taken aback.

Mona: “Really, Sheridan?! Really?!”

Sheridan: “You buzzed in, so I stung.” She shrugs and crosses her legs.

Mona: “I can’t even make a legitimate point without you coming after me? Jesus.”

Andy: “Lorelei, hearing all of this about Vanessa; Do you have any regrets in having Bree’s back so much this season?”

Lorelei: “No.” She shrugs. “Friends are supposed to be there for each other no matter what. Even in the wrong. I didn’t support everything Bree did, but I’ll always have her back. Just like Yvonne always had Sheridan’s back against Bree and I.”

Bree: “Exactly.”

Yvonne: “Incorrect.”

Andy: “Grace and Lorelei, we saw Grace get very upset in the Finale for Lorelei bringing in Vanessa. How is your friendship doing?”

Lorelei: “I don’t speak to Grace. I haven’t since we were in Prague.”

The camera pans to Grace; Tears form in her eyes as she struggles to look to Lorelei.

Yvonne: “Lorelei, do you see how horrible you acting? You’re bringing Grace to tears and for what?”

Lorelei: “I am not acting horrible. This is the real me. Get over it. Y’all can’t handle it?” She shrugs. “Grace lost me that day. She spoke to me like a dog. I will never forget it.”

On her couch, Grace sniffles and turns to Yvonne and Sheridan.

Grace: “Could I get a tissue, please?”

Sheridan reaches over and passes down a tissue, Grace dabs her eyes.

Yvonne: “I really don’t think we’re getting anywhere, Andy. This group is insanely divided.”

Andy: “Grace? Do you have anything to add?

Bree blinks, staring at Grace. Grace shakes her head and sniffles.

Grace: “No, I’m done. Can I leave?”

Bree: “How dramatic, Lord.”

Sheridan: “I — I think the group is divided and that’s what someone’s mission was going into this season. Congratulations, you succeeded.”

The camera shows Bree and Lorelei as they sit on their couch. Lorelei sucks her cheeks in.

Lorelei: “I don’t hate you, Grace. I just think we shouldn’t be friends anymore. I wish you all the best, truly. I do.” She doesn’t make eye contact with Grace and plays with her hair.

Andy: “Damn, well. Okay.” He frowns. “You two need to have a talk eventually.”

Lorelei just looks up and Grace continues to dab her eyes.

Mona: “This is so overdramatic.” She whispers to Monsè.

Monsè: “Always looking for a damn moment.”

Andy: “Okay…before we wrap up we have something to address… On the most recent episode of ‘Reality of Rolepay’, an allegation came out. Christina from Family Hustle has alleged that KP has been sleeping with Sheridan.”

Reality of Roleplay Episode
Reality of Roleplay Episode

Bree: “Who’s that?”

Andy: “Sheridan, what is going on? Is any of this true?”

Monsè: “Now why is KP in it?!” She laughs.

Lorelei looks at Sheridan and holds back a laugh.

Lorelei: “Just go on and admit it, girl! You fucked him, didn’t you? You fucked him and you liked it!” She laughs.

Yvonne: “At least it wasn’t Martin’s father.”

Lorelei: “Be quiet, bones!”

Yvonne: “You be quiet, pencil waist.”

Bree: “Well, if Martin has other girls she should have other men as well! Good for her, she needs a distraction from her financial ruin!”

Sheridan: “Martin doesn’t have other girls Bree, stop with that narrative. Martin and you have never met and Martin has been kind to every woman on this cast he’s interacted with. Leave him out of it” She looks to the ladies. “Absolutely none of this is true.” She laughs. “Martin and I laughed when we saw this before it started getting a lot of traction. We met KP Spice at the Hall of Fame and he was a nice guy, but we barely interacted. Not sure if Lorelei, or Bree, or apparently Christina who has issues with KP on Family Hustle is behind it but it is what it is!”

Andy: “What do you girls think about the rumors? Do any of you think theres validity?”

Grace: “Absolutely not.”

Mona: “So what if Sheridan slept with him? I’d like a piece of KP!”

Lorelei: “I mean, why is it so bad to admit if you did? KP is fine!” She laughs.

Yvonne: “If Sheridan says it didn’t happen, it didn’t happen. Apparently Lorelei leaked the information because she’s so adamant.” She looks to Lorelei.

Monsè: “I don’t believe it.”

Lorelei: “I didn’t. But, I wish I had.”

Andy: “Who do you think is leaking this?”

Bree: “I mean why don’t you ask Christina, Andy? She’s the one who heard it.”

Sheridan: “I’m in love with Martin Campbell. I don’t sleep with others when I’m in a relationship. That’s not my style. The fact so many of you are fueling that fire and making a mockery is disrespectful to Martin and I. Say what you want about me, but Martin has never once been rude to any of you.”

Bree: “Yeah…. Okay…. Whatever makes you sleep at night.”

Sheridan: “Bree you need to seek help. You truly have a terribly evil spirit.” She glares.

Bree: “Go cry about it.” She cackles.

Sheridan: “You’re a great example for those daughters.”

Bree: “God you’re obsessed with my daughters, maybe try adoption since you’re infertile?”

Sheridan: “Maybe check them in rehab for the cocaine addiction and put them into therapy for them to unpack the trauma from you pimping them out to the highest bidder. Oh wait you won’t do that because you’d be disgraced in this business for all the shit they’d expose about you.

Bree: “Go feed your partner’s bastard child and stop worrying about my daughters, thank you so much Sheridan.”

Yvonne: “Kick her while she’s down, Sheridan.”

Lorelei: “If I could, Andy, I’d like to address Sheridan before we wrap. It’ll be quick.” She interrupts.

Yvonne: “Haven’t you done that enough?”

Andy: “Okay, Lorelei.”

Lorelei looks at Sheridan, stands up and walks over to her couch. Kneeling beside her.

Lorelei: “I’m coming to you as a woman. I would like to move on. I think if we stop letting others interfere with us, we could get back to a good place. You’ve just got to stop bringing my sister into things, okay?” She looks sincere.

Sheridan looks down at Lorelei and considers.

Sheridan: “I receive it Lorelei but actions speak louder than words. I am cautious to move forward. Truly. This is the last time I can do this at a Reunion with you.”

Lorelei nods.

Lorelei: “I understand. The door is cracked on my end.” She gets up and walks over to her couch. “All this fighting I just — Can’t. No.” She sits back down.

Andy: “This is good! Any progress is good progress! Alright. Well this was truly an incredible season. One for the books. Before we close out let’s say one highlight of your season. Monsè, you can go first.”

Monsè: “My highlight was definitely getting to meet so many amazing, accomplished ladies… and the rest. Whether we got along or not, we’re all bad asses and I’m proud of the show we put together this season.”

Grace: “I’d say um… being in a better place personally, being able to reconnect with my daughter. That was uh… really special, yeah…” She hangs her head and looks withdrawn.

The camera zooms in as Mona whispering to Bree.

Mona: “Grace didn’t do anything today and now she’s all moapy.” She laughs and rolls her eyes.

Bree: “She’s looking for a moment, she actually texted me she was going to do some theatrics to revive her image on the show for next season.”

The scene goes back to the ladies talking about their highlight of the season.

Lorelei: “My highlight was expanding my brand and business, this season.” She smiles.

Sheridan: “Oh goodness — this season was rough for me. There wasn’t much good. I guess my highlight would be my friendships with Yvonne, Grace, and Monsè…and I guess I’ll include Mona but we definitely had our ups and downs this year and I’m not sure where we stand after today and really getting to share my childhood estate with them and a piece of my Canadian culture.”

Mona: “Well it’s been a horrible season for me and this is so like insignificant but when we were at Monsé’s lake house riding on the jet ski’s, I felt so free. Normally Adam and I would ride them together when we’re there and the fact that I did it by myself and felt amazing in the process tells me I’m gonna be okay.”

Bree: “A highlight for me would be… probably getting to know these two amazing girls…” She points to Mona and Monsè. “And obviously all the laughs I’ve had with this one.” She playfully squeezes Lorelei’s arm. “And I have to say it was really fun to try something new, and I have to say I really enjoyed it, we’ll most of it.”

Mona smiles at Bree.

Yvonne: “I’m walking away from this season feeling refreshed and renewed. I am happy to still have great friends in Grace and Sheridan, disappointed in where my friendship with Lorelei is, and hopeful about where I can go with Monsè and Mona since our issues really aren’t that deep.”

A staff member brings out a tray of champagne flutes for the ladies for the end of the season cheers.

Andy: “Thank you for an outstanding season! Let’s do a final cheers to close the night out! Here’s to the end of Season 6.” He holds his glass up.

Mona: “Cheers!”

Yvonne: “Another one in the books!”

Lorelei: “Alright, y’all! It’s been fun. Time to take this wig off, honey. Whew!”

The girls all cheers and the season ends.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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