[S6E14]: Czechmate

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
32 min readNov 17, 2022


(From L to R: Mona Quinn, Yvonne Langley, Sheridan Campbell, Lorelei Sullivan, Grace Faroe, & Bree Bailey)

The episode opens open with shots of Prague. In the hotel, we see some of the women getting ready. Mona, Bree, and Lorelei meet up in the hotel lobby. They walk outside and onto the historic streets. Lorelei links arms with Bree and Mona.

Lorelei, Bree, Mona

Lorelei: “You guysssss, I’m so glad you both came out with me. I wanna see what the bar life in Prague is like.” She laughs.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“After that horrible dinner, where we barely got to even eat happened last night, I thought it’d be fun and relaxing to just go out to a local bar and try some new stuff.”

Bree: “Oh my God, girl. Yes! Finally it’s just the three of us, no negativity in here! Woohoo!”

Bree’s Confessional

“I wanna have fun with my girls, enough of the screaming and arguing, we aren’t all friends and we definitely won’t change that today, but we can still have a great time!”

Mona’s Confessional

“These are my girls, these are the people I claim as my friends. The other three, good riddance.” She laughs. “Sheridan’s going to be so pissed.”

The three women make their way down the street and into a local pub. They go and take a seat at a high top table.

Lorelei: “I want a beer! I hear beer down here is suppose to be good.”

Bree: “Ohh, I’ll have a beer too, I’ll have the strongest one they have! I love a good beer.” She looks down at the menu.

Mona: “I’ll just have a sparkling water for now!”

Lorelei: “Not water… Mona.” She looks at her, making a face and laughing. “Fine.”

Mona: “I’ll have a sip of yours, Lorelei! I’m sorry but I probably shouldn’t be drinking. It’s just better for me.”

Mona’s Confessional

“After using alcohol as a coping mechanism and realizing how toxic drinking is for me. I need to cut it out entirely because it brings back so many depressing memories.”

Lorelei shrugs and goes up to the pretty bartender and orders two beers and a water.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Mona not drinking is sort of… filling the idea of the others claiming she’s an alcoholic.” She purses her lips. “I mean, girl you can let loose and get shit faced! I promise. I will take care of you.” There is a flashback of Lorelei not caring for a drunk Jenisa in New Orleans last year.

We see Lorelei as she makes her way over with the girl’s drinks, with the help of the bartender.

Bree: “Anyways, about last night… that was a shit show huh?” She giggles. “God…those bitches.”

Mona: “A total shit show, I was really nasty with Grace. I kind of feel bad…actually I don’t.” She smirks.

Lorelei sits down, handing Bree her beer.

Lorelei: “I don’t know what that all was about! They are all just so mean. Like they truly just want to hate you for no reason, Bree….”

Bree: “They just decided to make me the enemy, and whoever is associated with me is automatically a a shit person.” She rolls her eyes.

Lorelei turns to Mona.

Lorelei: “And yeah… what was that at the end?” She laughs. “With you and Gracie?”

Mona: “I called her the ‘c’ word.” She cringes.

Bree giggles and Mona and sips her beer. Lorelei looks at Mona and groans before laughing.

Lorelei: “Not a cunt.”

Mona: “I’m sick of her bullshit! She’s constantly wanting an issue with me!”

Bree: “With you? She’s looking for issues with everyone, remember how she was saying Monsè was weird or mean a while ago? Right…”

Mona: “First Grace talks about our glam.” She looks to Bree. “Then, she tells me to stop talking at the dinner table when we were all having a conversation.”

Lorelei raises her eyebrows.

Lorelei: “Grace told you to stop talking? Oh my God.”

Mona: “I know! I’m sick of it. I told her to stop talking to me in general and leave me alone. I’ve done absolutely nothing to her.”

Bree: “That’s right! You’ve been bullied enough by Sheridan and her minions!”

Lorelei looks between the two women and nods.

Lorelei: “I- I don’t know what’s going on with Grace. She’s drank the kool-aid and now has been tainted.”

Mona: “She totally has, she’s Yvonne’s puppet. I really think Grace is scared of her.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Grace is my friend, my GOOD friend. But, anyone who isn’t dumb could see that Grace was desperate for Sheridan to like her and the second she did… she clung to her like a little girl who didn’t get any love as a child. It’s… it’s sad. I would have thought she’d be more stronger than that. Like stand up! Stand up!” She makes a face.

Bree: “I think Grace tries to come off as cool and collected but she just looks like a fool with no opinions, but hey I might be wrong.” She shrugs and sips her beer.

Mona: “What else was happening though there were like two fights going on at the same time.”

Bree: “Oh well Sheridan started going on and on about the whole Bell Camp fiasco situation, same old stuff!”

Mona: “Sheridan almost came at you, Lor!”

Lorelei makes a face.

Lorelei: “She did. You saw how animalistic she became? It was like she almost morphed into a man and was going to just attack me. It was so disgusting.”

Bree: “She’s slowly morphing into you, Lorelei. Let’s be honest.”


Mona: “Bree…”

Bree: “I mean girls, it’s true.” She shrugs.

Bree’s Confessional

“I mean don’t y’all see it? It’s creepy to me how Sheridan tries to be Lorelei, but fails miserably, it’s like SHEIN versus Versace sweetie.”

Lorelei: “Speaking of Sheridan. Mona; Bree and I have something planned for our good sis, Sheridan.” She looks to Mona and she raises her eyebrow. “We thought it would be nice if we invited Vanessa to Prague to kind of, you know… set the record straight with Sheridan once and for all. Sheridan has this huge platform and has been telling everybody her side but… what about her? What about Vanessa. She’s a nobody and no one knows her side.” She smirks a bit. “She’s already here, she’s at a different hotel, settling in. She’ll be joining us at dinner tonight.”

Mona’s mouth drops and she grabs Lorelei’s beer out of her hands and begins chugging it.

Mona: “Are you for real?” She looks between Bree and Lorelei. “Like, is this a prank or something?”

Lorelei laughs at Mona and then looks serious and blinks.

Lorelei: “We’re totally serious.”

Bree: “Think about it — She deserves to be heard, she doesn’t have the same platform as Sheridan! It’s unfair if she’s innocent!”

Mona:Does she deserve it?” She makes a face. “Shouldn’t we be supporting our friend Sheridan?”

Bree’s Confessional

“Friend, Mona? God I love Mona cause she’s a sweet soul but girl, I think it’s pretty clear me and Lorelei aren’t friends with Sheridan at this point.”

Lorelei: “She does deserve it. We should be women supporting other women. Sheridan has bashed this girl in front of us and to everybody!”

Bree nods along to Lorelei speaking.

Bree: “This poor woman is being slandered in the media by Sheridan and all her friends! We still don’t know the whole story, so it’s just right that we give her a chance to speak her truth.”

The camera pans to Mona who raises an eyebrow and looks at the girls skeptically.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Sheridan hasn’t been a friend to me or to Bree. What we are doing isn’t meant to be maliciou — “ She pauses and clears her throat. “I’m not even going to sit up here and lie. It was meant to be a big” She sticks her middle finger up. “to her. You fuck with us, we’ll fuck with you 10x harder.”

Mona: “I-I’m legit speechless. I’m gonna be completely honest girls, I don’t like this.” She shakes her head. “No matter how much shit you’ve gotten into with Sheridan this is straight up messy.”

Lorelei: “You don’t have to be involved. I know you and Sheridan are getting to a good place.”

Mona’s Confessional

“Oh hell no, I’m not co-signing this one. Bringing Vanessa on the trip is super messy and bound for fighting to occur. Wasn’t this supposed to be a peaceful trip?”

Mona: “You should ship Vanessa back to where she came from.”

Lorelei nods, sipping her beer.

Lorelei: “I’m not saying that this isn’t messy or petty. I’m copping to it, 100 percent. But…What’s done is done.” She licks her lips.

Bree finishes her drink and leans in closer to Mona.

Bree: “Sheridan has said some nasty stuff about me, Lorelei, my daughters, Lorelei’s daughter…I mean, let’s be real. Sheridan is the queen of messy, we’re just giving her a taste of her own medicine.”

Mona: “I’m just — “ She puts her hands up. “I’m staying out of it.”

Lorelei: “Understandable.”

Mona’s Confessional

“They do make good points though, Sheridan hasn’t been nice to them at all…so they’re giving her the same energy they’re getting. It’s — ugh this sucks.”

Lorelei: “Well, enough about those girls. Let’s try this Koleno, stuff. It’s like pork knuckles or some shit.” She laughs. “It’s apparently big over here!”

She walks up to the bar and orders some.

Bree: “Oh gosh pork knuckles?” She cackles. “Oh well, when in Prague!”

A few moments later, they are brought out their meal. Mona looks at it, disgusted.

Mona: “What the hell?”

Lorelei: “We’ll fatten right on up. We can finally catch up to Sheridan.” She laughs.

Mona cuts off a piece, eating it hesitantly and acts confused while chewing.

Mona: “Well…mmm…no!” She spits it out. “I don’t like it.” She chuckles.

Bree chews on a little pieces.

Bree: “Well it tastes… interesting, it’s definitely something new, I kinda like it girls!” She giggles.

Bree’s Confessional

“Oh I will try anything, any cuisine, any dish, count me in! I may not always like it, but I’ll always try it.”

Lorelei looks at the plate and covers her mouth.

Lorelei: “Oh God — I- I don’t think I am hungry actually. This beer really filled me up. It’s the wheat.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I am… disgusted. I heard good things about it and this look like somebody got their coochie cut off and roasted. What is this, honey?!” She gags. “I cannot and I will not eat it. No. No ma’am. I am good on the Kaleno.”

Mona: “So what’s going on after this, Lorelei?”

Lorelei: “We’re going to go back to our rooms, have a little time to ourselves. I’m going to meet with my fabric sourcer and then we will all meet up with the other ladies for a little catch up time before dinner! Sounds good?”

Bree: “Yeah, except for the part when we meet the other ladies.”

The girls laugh and the scene ends.

The camera pans to the hotel’s spa room. We see Monsè walking into the relaxation room with a robe on. She sits in a chair and a woman comes over and begins massaging her feet.

Monsè: “Ahhhhh.”

Monsè’s Confessional

“ I am so glad to be getting some me time today before our final dinner in Prague. I love the ladies, but with all the drama, your girl needs to decompress!”

We see Bree enter the room with a robe on and carrying a glass of cucumber water.

Bree: “Oh hey, look who’s here!”

Monsè look up at Bree and gives her a fake smile as she sits in the station next to her.

Monsè: “Oh, hey Bree…What a surprise. What brings you down here this morning?”

Another lady comes over and begins rubbing Bree’s feet; Bree looks over at Monsè.

Bree: “Oh, I just got back from the pub. I want to release some toxins before I drink again tonight.” She laughs.

Monsè: “I feel you girl. Between the drama and getting sick last night, it’s been a lot…”

The room goes silent and the girls just look around.

Bree’s Confessional

“This is a bit awkward. Monsè and I haven’t had a real conversation ever since we had our big argument in Quebec, but I guess it’s time for us to talk!”

Bree looks over at Monsè.

Bree: “Talking about drama and arguments, I really wanted to talk about what happened between the two of us, I really would like to put it behind us, it was so stupid after all.”

Monsè: “You know, I’ve been feeling the same. To be honest I just felt like you left me out to dry with Yvonne. I just wanted everyone to own what they said and not to get stuck with all the blame for the rumors.” She shrugs.

Bree sips her water and nods at Monsè.

Bree: “I see where you’re coming from. I personally felt like I was thrown under the bus with the whole Yvonne situation, it was just a huge misunderstanding because that conversation took place weeks before the Quebec trip and it was made to look like it had just happened a couple days before, so that’s what really set me off.”

Monsè: “I get you, and I’m sorry for that Bree. My only intention was to clear the air. I never meant to throw you under the bus.”

Bree: “I am really glad we are finally talking about this one on one, without other people chiming in.”

Monsè: “I agree.” She nods. “Everything gets so messy when the whole group gets involved.” She chuckles.

Monsè’s Confessional

“I’m glad me and Bree are finally airing out our issues. I’ve always admired her as a person and a businesswoman, and I hope this is a fresh start for both of us.”

Bree: “I understand now, and I accept your apology.” She smiles. “I also want to apologize for anything negative I might’ve said to you when we were arguing, you know I’ve always respected you.”

Monsè: “Aww I appreciate it. Let’s just let bygones be bygones and have a fresh start. Come here, Lips.”

The girls laugh and get up as their foot massages end, they give each other a hug.

Bree: “Alright girl, I think it’s time to go get ready for dinner, I have glam waiting!” She giggles. “See you later gorgous!”

The scene ends as Monsè and Bree walk out of the relaxation room together.

We get shots of all of the women getting ready for dinner. In Lorelei’s large suite, we see her pouring herself a glass of champagne.


Lorelei: “I got the fabric. Final night. Thank God.” She laughs to herself. “These bitches are going to cause me to have a heart attack.”

Grace is the first to walk into Lorelei’s suite.


Grace: “Lorelei? You here?”

Lorelei: “Yes honey!” She hugs Grace and pours her some champagne. “How are you, girl?”

Grace: “I’m feeling great.” She smiles.

Mona is next to walk in, she hugs Lorelei.


Mona: “Hey gorgeous!”

Lorelei: “Hey sweetie! You look fabulous.”

The camera pans to Grace who walks to the little table of appetizers and takes one, clearly avoiding Mona.

Grace’s Confessional

“I’m not even talking to Mona tonight. This is the final night of our trip and I’m not going to let her inappropriately timed glam ruin things.”

Mona’s Confessional

“Her and her devil suit can stay in the corner where she belongs.”

Monsè & Sheridan

Sheridan and Monsè enter the suite together.

Monsè: “Hey ladies! Everyone is looking gorg! Lorelei, that body suit is EVERYTHING!”

Mona: “Monsè, love the pink!”

Lorelei: “Hello Monsè! Hello Sheridan.” She smiles deviously.

Sheridan looks Lorelei up and down.

Sheridan: “Anyways, what’s to drink?”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I’m so over this Prague trip. Yvonne shamed me so I covered my pussy up tonight for dinner — well kind of!”


Bree walks into the suite, carrying her own glass of wine.

Bree: “Hey girls! Good evening.”

Bree’s Confessional

“Tonight I’m going to be on my bestest behavior, mark my words!” She winks.

Sheridan looks at Bree and smirks.

Sheridan: “Is that a wig?” She laughs. “Oh, well, alright girl!”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Bree looks completely different. A wig does her good. She looks much younger. Those lips are still awfully plump though.”

Bree’s Confessional

She mocks Sheridan.
“Is that a wig?” She rolls her eyes and cackles. “Are you wearing SHEIN? The answer is yes to both, girl!”

Sheridan: “Is Yvonne sleeping or will she be joining? Get ready to be shamed Mona!” She grins.

Mona: “That old bitch could never pull this off!” She twirls.

Grace rolls her eyes and then the camera pans to the door as Yvonne walks in, struggling to walk in her heels.


Yvonne: “Goodness grief!”

Monsè: “Can you breathe all right, Miss Langley?” She chuckles.

Yvonne: “I’m fine, baby. Surprised you can see me with those bangs!”

The scene switches to Mona and Lorelei who are talking quietly between eachother, away from the group.

Mona: “Did you see what came out earlier? About Bree?”

The camera pans to Bree who stands awkwardly and checks her phone as Sheridan, Grace, Yvonne, and Monsè talk. We go back to Lorelei and Mona.

Lorelei: “I did, but I… I knew already.” She makes a face. “She told me a while back ago, but I knew it was her business to mention to everyone.”

Mona: “Oh okay, she told me about a rich boyfriend! But not that it was you know who.”

Lorelei: “Yes, honey.” She nods and laughs, they rejoin the group. “So, ladies, how was your day? What did everyone do? I had a great meeting with my partners earlier today. We found some fabulous fabrics.” She smiles.

Mona: “That’s great news!”

Grace: “That’s wonderful! I hope there’s some print in there somewhere, I do love a print.” She sips her drink.

Bree: “That’s amazing, girl!”

Monsè: “That’s great Lorelei, congrats!”

Lorelei: “Thank you, guys!” She smiles.

Yvonne: “I hope it doesn’t look too much like SHEIN or FashionNova.” She clicks her tongue.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“The young people today have the means but they lack the creativity. Everything looks the same, let’s bring originality back!”

Lorelei: “Of course it won’t. I don’t spend all this money for cheap garments, honey!” She laughs.

Yvonne: “Maybe you can teach Mona and Bree that lesson…”

Sheridan: “Yvonne, hush!” She giggles.

Mona’s Confessional

“She didn’t just talk about my fashion did she?”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Both of those ladies are wearing dresses straight from the racks of Ladies for Less. I’m not impressed!”

Mona rolls her eyes.

Mona: “Anyways — Lorelei’s got the coins! And so does someone else…” She giggles.

Lorelei turns to Bree, mumbling.

Lorelei: “Tell them.”

Bree: “Why should I? They’ve read it, they know, screw them.” She whispers and rolls her eyes.

Lorelei: “Yes, just get out with it. Might as well.”

Sheridan and Yvonne watch Bree and Lorelei whispering, and then glance at eachother.

Sheridan: “What are we even talking about? Who cares! Let’s take a shot and go to dinner!”

Yvonne: “Is she still mad that we didn’t sit at the table with her?” She gives Bree a look.

Bree: “It’s not about that, it’s about some articles that came out today.” She sighs and looks to the girls. “I don’t even care — everyone can think what they want.”

Sheridan: “Articles about who? Me again? Rest girl.”

Yvonne: “People are writing articles about you?” She raises an eyebrow. “Or are you selling them?”

Sheridan: “You always keep up with the press I see.” She gives Bree a look.

Mona: “I, for one, am happy for you Bree!”

Bree: “We’re not talking about printed papers, nowadays articles are written online, look it up.” She glares at Yvonne. “And thank you Mona! At least someone here isn’t a total a-hole.”

Sheridan: “The article is about you, Bree? I didn’t see anything. Page 6? TMZ? Bossip? Mediatakeout? Perez Hilton?”

Grace: “Not Page Six.” She laughs.

Lorelei: “Oh Lordy.” She sips her drink and observes.

Monsè: “Girl, what’s the tea? Spill. I’m hungry.” She looks to Bree.

Mona: “Let’s support Bree! She’s in a new flourishing relationship!”

Bree: “Monsè, basically — I happen to be dating Elon Musk, that’s it. And it’s all over the news, which apparently some women don’t read.” She looks at the girls.

Bree’s Confessional

“They probably can’t read.”

Sheridan: “ELON MUSK? PUH-LEASE.” She starts laughing uncontrollably.

Grace: “What?!” Her eyes widen.

Yvonne: “Isn’t he dating a 21 year old?”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Where did she meet Elon? In her dreams or her fantasies? I’m not sure he’s interested in a woman who has a bald head and brown teeth.”

Grace’s Confessional

“Bree… and Elon Musk?” She laughs. “Oh, come on. She’s basically BTEC Abby Lee Miller at this point. Last time I checked, Elon aimed higher, richer… and younger.” She shrugs. “Just saying….” She thinks. “You know what, I met Elon Musk once… I had dinner with him actually. 19…96! He smelt like burnt brisket, and not the good kind.”

We get a shot of Sheridan still cracking up, Lorelei looks over and hold back a slight laugh; covering her face and sinking into her seat.

Sheridan’s Confessional

She is laughing.

Mona: “This is so uncalled for guys!”

Monsè: “Wait what?!” She grins at Bree. “Good for you, girl!”

Grace: “Bree, this can’t be true. Come on…” She laughs a little.

Mona’s Confessional

“Just be supportive for five minutes! Whether you fake it or not! Let’s be positive!”

Bree scowls at Sheridan still laughing.

Sheridan: “Okay, okay, are we joking here? Please, someone be serious.” She stops laughing and wipes the tears coming from her eyes.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“These girls are so mean. Bree is in a happy relationship and Sheridan is making light of it. She can’t keep a man to save her life so she need to be asking for tips. Maybe if she’d focus on her lopsided ass coochie, she’d have one of her own.” She makes a face.

Bree: “Sheridan why you laughing? You took back your ex after he came inside another girl didn’t you?”

Sheridan: “What does Martin have to do with you dating someone out of your league?” She rolls her eyes. “You know what — don’t answer that. I don’t care!” She pours herself a shot and takes it. “Let’s go, ladies!”

Sheridan grabs her purse and begins walking to the door, Bree and Lorelei glare at her.

Bree: “That’s right — You don’t wanna get into relationship discourse with your sad history Miss Campbell.”

All of the other women begin walking to the door, Mona shakes her head.

Mona: “I’m starving. Hopefully we can actual get to the meal part tonight.”

Bree’s Confessional

“Well what could I expect from a group of women who let their husbands fuck other women or date married men, I mean let’s get real.” She rolls her eyes. “It’s whatever.”

The scene ends as we see the girls walking out of the hotel and onto the Sprinter van.

We see the girls as the walk into a beautiful restaurant. They are escorted to a large table. Mona, Bree, and Lorelei sit on one side while Sheridan, Yvonne, Grace, and Monsè sit on the other. There is obvious tension as the girls quietly examine the cocktail menus. We get a cool shot of both sides.

Bree: “Keep these bitches away from me, I might strangle one of them.” She leans into Lorelei and whispers.

Lorelei: “No you won’t.” She pats Bree’s back. “Come on, be a lady.” She winks and flags a waiter down. “Can we get a round of double tequila shots for the table? Thank you.” She smiles.

Bree: “I’ll behave, just for you girl.” She winks back.

The camera pans to Sheridan who sits in between Grace and Yvonne, she holds a pocket mirror up to her face as she reapplies some lipgloss.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“This trip has solidified my feelings towards Lorelei and Bree. I feel like I’ve tried multiple times over these last few months to wipe the slate clean with Lorelei and she’s continuously came for me and involved Bree. Bree is her own person, and after trying to get it right with her — she did something unforgivable. I think it’s time for me to tell them both…I’m done with their bullshit.”

As the waiter brings back a round of drinks for the silent table, Yvonne clears her throat.

Yvonne: “Can we be real for a second?”

The women all look to Yvonne.

Yvonne: “Sheridan mentioned to me earlier that she’s had a rough time trying to navigate this group with Bree and Lorelei.”

The camera pans to Lorelei and Bree; Lorelei shakes her head and Bree rolls her eyes.

Yvonne: “I’m just wondering how things get resolved because truthfully, as I’ve said from the beginning, Sheridan’s situation doesn’t involve us. Especially not a new woman who’s come around to sneak, slither, and slander.” She cuts her eyes to Bree.

Bree: “I didn’t slander nor slither, I just spoke my mind, if you don’t like it it’s not my problem.” She shoots back her shot.

We see Monsè as she takes her shot and watches the exchange.

Monsè’s Confessional

“Surprisingly, I agree with Yvonne. This drama is getting way out of hand.”

Sheridan takes a deep breath.

Sheridan: “Can I speak on this? I want to address each of you one by one.”

Grace raises an eyebrow at Sheridan and Yvonne nods.

Yvonne: “Absolutely! We’re not having fun, girls!” She looks to the table.

Sheridan: “Let’s start with Bree…” She turns her head. “I did nothing to you to warrant you to go out of your way to involve yourself in my business. I was nothing but kind to you before and during our trip in Quebec. I told you I wanted to get you know you. Your issue with me was so out of left field and distasteful. Unforgivable and simply weird of a woman who doesn’t even know half of this group well enough.”

Sheridan narrows her eyes at Bree as she leans back and takes a big sip of her cocktail; Yvonne eagerly scoots forward and holds up a finger.

Yvonne: “Only one correction, Sheridan.”

The camera cuts to Bree who rolls her eyes at Yvonne chiming in.

Yvonne: “She doesn’t know any of us well. Who is she in Beverly Beach? A basket case charity.”

Lorelei: “That’s not right, Yvonne. Come on.”

Yvonne: “It’s not right but it’s okay!”

Monsè sips her drink and whispers to Mona.

Monsé: “This is getting good, girl.”

Bree: “Okay, now that old Yvonne has said her piece — Which nobody asked for — I can respond to you, Sheridan.” She looks to Sheridan.

Sheridan nods.

Yvonne: “You’re older than me with that stiff hair and oddly shaped dress. I bet the color would fade if I touched you.”

Mona looks to Yvonne.

Mona: “This isn’t getting anywhere, what’s the point?”

Lorelei: “Exactly, Mona.”

Yvonne: “It’s not getting anywhere because no apologies are being made.” She points to Sheridan. “Is Sheridan supposed to just forgive and forget with no apology or remorse?”

Grace: “True that.”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Mona is good for throwing a little sentence in here and there, but it’s never substantive.”

Bree sits back and smirks.

Sheridan: “I’m waiting on Bree to address what I said — If she doesn’t want to address it we can leave it there.”

Bree: “I was waiting for everyone to stop talking for us! Sheridan, I don’t have an issue with you, I just spoke my mind honestly and openly, as for Vanessa all I did was listen to her, that’s it. How did I harm you? I didn’t, end of the story.”

Grace rolls her eyes.

Sheridan: “You harmed me because you went out of your way to reach out to a woman you didn’t know; to try and get information about me. At that time, I was STILL trying to be your friend and give you a chance. You did all this for what? Make Lorelei happy?”

Grace’s Confessional

“Bree refusing to take accountability for the fact she went behind Sheridan’s back in a malicious manner is just… wrong. Just fucking own it!”

The camera pans to Lorelei who is finishing a text under the table. She puts her phone in her purse and looks up at the table.

Lorelei: “You know what. Hold on. I’ll be right back you guys, bathroom.” She gives Bree a look.

Bree quickly gets up as well, the two women walk away from the table. Sheridan and Grace look a little confused by their abrupt exit.

Grace: “Since when did half the table just get up and leave half-way through a meal?” She looks around.

The camera pans to Mona who is shaking her leg nervously. She looks over at Sheridan.

Mona: “Sheridan, come here.”

Mona’s Confessional

“I have to tell Sheridan before this goes down. I need to stay loyal and true to her as we’re rebuilding our friendship.”

As Grace, Yvonne, and Monsè begin talking; Sheridan goes over and sits in Lorelei’s chair, next to Mona.

Sheridan: “Wha’s going on? What is it that you want to tell me?” She raises an eyebrow curiously.

Mona keeps glancing at the door and then leans in to whisper to Sheridan, her voice is high pitched and shaky.

Mona: “Vanessa’s here.” She looks at the door once more. “They’re going to get her right now.” She shakes her head.

Sheridan’s mouth drops and she looks at Mona in disbelief.

Sheridan: “Are you fucking kidding me?” She looks straight at the cameras. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

The scene quickly switches to Lorelei and Bree greeting Vanessa in the front of the restaurant.


Lorelei: “Hey, girl! Hey! I’m glad you made it here safely.”

Bree: “Hey sweetie, looking good!”

Vanessa hugs both the girls.

Vanessa: “Thank you for inviting me, I really appreciate this opportunity!” She smiles. “Plus, Prague is beautiful! Well, I’m ready for dinner! I’m starving!” She laughs a bit.

The scene goes back to the ‘Wives’ table. Mona looks at Sheridan wide eyed as she begins getting up from the table.

Mona: “This is such bullshit….”

Sheridan begins quickly walking away from the table.

Mona: “Wait, Sheridan! Wait!” She springs up and begins following her.

Yvonne looks to Grace.

Yvonne: “Do you know what’s going on?”

Grace: “I don’t…Oh. My. God.”

Grace’s mouth falls open as she sees Lorelei and Bree walk back into the dining room with Vanessa.

Lorelei: “Hi girls! I’m sure you know who this is. I just wanted her to be able to say her side of things.”

Vanessa: “Hi ladies! I’m Vanessa.”

Bree: “We both thought it was the right thing to do to give Vanessa the same platform that Sheridan has to speak her truth.” She looks around. “Where is Sheridan?”

Yvonne, Monsè, and Grace all look at Bree, Lorelei, and Vanessa in shock.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Initially, I thought Sheridan was repulsed by Mona’s breath but apparently Bree invited her newfound friend to do just what I said- stir up confusion and cause unnecessary chaos.”

Outside in the alley of the restaurant, Mona has caught up to Sheridan. Sheridan has taken off her mic pack and has thrown it; subtitles appear when she speaks.

Mona: “Sheridan, hold on, hold on!” She tries to grab her. “Let’s take a breath!”

Sheridan turns around and screams.


Mona: “I know, I get it. But let’s breath.” She gives Sheridan a hug.

Sheridan begins tearing up.

Sheridan: “I’m done with this toxic shit Mona! I’m done with Bree. I’m done with Lorelei and I’m done with the Real Housewives of Beverly fucking Beach!” She begins sobbing.

We see the side door open; Grace pokes her head out and whenn she sees Sheridan and Mona, she rushes out.

Grace: “Sheridan…come on, baby…” She holds her. “What they’ve done is wrong but walking out and walking away isn’t the answer, honey and you know it. I’ve done it too many times.”

Mona looks to Grace, perplexed.

Mona: “I…actually agree.”

Sheridan shakes her head and wipes her face, still crying.

Sheridan: “there’s no going back Gracie — I’m done.”

Mona: “You’ve got to set that bitch straight! C’mon, girl!”

Back inside at the table; Lorelei, Bree, and Vanessa sit and Monsè and Yvonne look at them.

Monsè: “Sheridan was like, really upset. She ran out of here, her and Mona.”

Lorelei: “Really?” She smiles a bit.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I didn’t realize this was going to cause such reaction from Sheridan. I mean, I figured she’d be upset but she is going animalistic. I think she’s finally broke. She is broken down. Like she broken whore she truly is.” She nods. “I won, I won.”

Yvonne is typing on her phone and doesn’t look up.

Yvonne: “I’m not saying anything until they come back.”

Monsè cocks her head and nods.

Monsè’s Confessional

“They’re so crazy for this. This is someone’s livelihood we’re talking about. I’ve lost respect for Lorelei after stooping this low.”

The scene switches back to Grace, Mona, and Sheridan in the alleyway.

Grace: “Go back in there and show that you will NOT let this get you down. Be the strong person I know you can be. I have never known you to back down or walk away… for God’s sake don’t start now.”

Grace’s Confessional

“Sheridan’s in a state right now, but walking away isn’t the answer. She needs to face this head-on so it can all be done with.”

Sheridan: “I’m done here.” She shakes her head and gets up, walking towards a Production van that pulled up. “Take me back. Now.” She opens to van door.

Mona looks to Grace, defeated.

Mona: “Ugh, she’s done, Grace. Let’s go back.”

Grace: “Okay….” She lets out a big sigh.

We get a shot of the Production van Sheridan is in as it drives away into the night.

Sheridan’s End Card

Mona and Grace watch it and then walk back inside. Back at the table, Monsè quietly sips her drink. Lorelei is seen taking another tequila shot.

Lorelei: “Whew! That’s strong.”

Mona and Grace reenter the dining room and walk back to the table.

Mona’s Confessional

“Did this really need to happen? We couldn’t have done this back in Beverly Beach and had a good last night of our trip. The vibes are so off.”

Mona looks at Vanessa who has taken her seat.

Mona: “Oh — I was sitting there Vanessa.”

Vanessa: “My bad babe! Here!” She gets up to let Mona sit.

The girls all sit back down at the table, Grace looks to Lorelei.

Grace: “Lorelei…what the hell?”

Lorelei: “What?” She looks to Grace cluelessly.

Monsè: “I want to hear what this one has to say. That’s a bold move showing up here after everything you accused Sheridan of!” She points to Vanessa.

Vanessa: “I’m really not here to cause trouble. I’m here to clear my name! The fact of the matter is Sheridan and Martin were not paying us…there was no money being given to me like an employer should be giving their employees!”

Yvonne: “Are you being paid by Bree?”

Vanessa: “What — No!”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Not that the girl has any money to spare. I mean, that cover her daughters did was low budget.”

Bree: “Yvonne, you’re so obsessed with me, get a life.” She rolls her eyes and sips champagne.

Yvonne: “I have a life, you’re running around with informants.”

The camera pans to Grace and Lorelei who are still having a conversation.

Grace: “What the hell is all of…THIS!” She gestures to the table. “What are you playing at?!”

Lorelei looks at Grace, upset.

Lorelei: “Why are you yelling at me right now? This didn’t involve you.”

Grace: “Because you’re WRONG!”

Yvonne, Monsè, Bree, and Vanessa all now focus on Grace and Lorelei.

Grace: “You’re wrong and you know you’re tacky as hell and low-down for doing this. I thought so much better of you!” She scoffs.


Grace: “I’ll yell if I want to yell! How else do I get my point across, you dumb bitch? Listen!”

Grace’s Confessional

“Lorelei’s my friend and I love her but I can’t sit on the side-lines right now and not say anything. True friendship is calling each other out when you’re in the wrong and holding each other accountable.”

Lorelei gasps.

Lorelei: “Wow, dumb bitch? Dumb bitch? Goodbye.” She waves her off dismissively.

Mona: “Grace, don’t call her a bitch. Don’t do that.”

Grace: “Lorelei, I’m your friend but I can’t and won’t defend this. You’ve crossed a line and gone way too far this time.”

Lorelei: “I’ve gone too far? WHY DON’T NOBODY CALL SHERIDAN OUT?! She can do no wrong and can come at me all the time, but the second I retaliate and match her energy, I’m wrong?

The camera pans to Bree and Yvonne who are now getting into it.

Yvonne: “Bree — Clearly you need to lay up under Elon instead of trying to play around with this bitch.”

Yvonne shoots a disgusted look to Vanessa and Vanessa looks scared.

Bree: “Oh trust me Yvonne, me and Elon do a lot of things, maybe you and Teddy can learn something, if he hasn’t dumped you yet.” She winks.

Yvonne: “Am I the only one that’s disturbed by the fact someone brought an enemy to our friend group trip?” She looks around the table. “This is not normal behavior.”

Mona: “I’m disturbed!” She raises her hand.

The camera pans to a quiet Vanessa who looks uncomfortable.

Bree: “Is it normal to always harass someone the way you did to Mona? Or me?” She looks to Yvonne.

Yvonne: “I didn’t harass you, stop trying to play the victim. Also didn’t harass Mona, be very careful with how you use these words. You don’t have the assets for a lawsuit.”

Mona: “Well…” She makes a face.

Bree: “You did, from the moment I met you, and you did harass Mona, there’s footage you dumbass!”

Yvonne: “Dumbass?” She raises an eyebrow.

Bree: “Yeah, dumbass.

Monsè: “If the shoe fits…” She chuckles.

Yvonne: “I’ve had enough of you, you wiggled your way in this group for a come-up and you have the nerve to call me a dumbass?” She whips her finger at Bree. “You’re a toxic trick!”

Bree: “Don’t get worked up, your wig is falling off.”

Bree attempts to get up and reach across the table to flick Yvonne, Yvonne recoils back and Monsè springs up and pulls Bree back.

Bree: “Haha, got you, bitch!”

Yvonne: “Girl, don’t touch me! I’d be wrong if I hit you but here you are in my personal space.”

Monsè: “Girl, don’t do it! She’s not worth it!”

Mona: “Stop fighting! Stop it!”

We see that Lorelei and Grace havE started fighting again.

Lorelei: “Wow, Grace! Just wowwwww.”

Grace: “You shut up for a second, please.” She glares at her.

Lorelei looks taken aback and clutches her chest.

Lorelei: “Grace…”

Lorelei then gets up and walks over to Grace and gets in her face.

Lorelei: “FUCK YOU!” She screams. “We are done! You’ve never spoken to me like this.” She flips her off. “You can fuck off! I’m done. I’m out of here!”

Lorelei knocks a glass off the table and it shatters, she storms out.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“These bitches have lost their rabbit ass minds. I mean… something that truly had nothing to do with them, they inserted themselves into.” She holds back tears. “I know what I did was wrong. I do. But, I always get the brunt of Sheridan’s shit and no one ever says anything to her, but when I act out, I’m always the bad guy. It’s not fair. It’s… bullshit and I’m just over it. I’m over these girls, i’m over it all. Grace has officially jumped ship and she and I will never be friends again.” She rubs her hands together. “Done.”

Lorelei’s End Card

Grace looks in shock. Monsè covers her mouth. Vanessa is also shocked.

Grace: “Oh, God…”

Vanessa: I’m just — gonna go.” She quickly gets up.

Monsè’s Confessional

“Beverly Beach has officially gone batshit.”

Mona: “So no one is going to stop and act civil?” She looks around, angry. “Great, I’m out.” She gets up and begins walking away. “Disrespectful bitches!”

Monsè: “Mona!”

Mona’s Confessional

“I’ve truly had enough of these women constantly bickering and fighting. It’s so annoying, just STOP!”

After Mona and Lorelei leave, Bree turns back to Yvonne and continues going in on her.

Bree: “Maybe if you had a personal life you’d stop focusing on other happier women, have a nice night.”

Yvonne shakes her head and laughs at Bree.

Yvonne: “What a pitiful woman, she needs the Lord.”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“I was told that I was going to be around a classy, wealthy, accomplished group of ladies who wanted friends. Instead, I got a group of annoying, backstabbing bats who only like chaos.”

Only Grace, Yvonne, Bree, and Monsé remain at the table.

Monsè: “I can’t believe this… So much for a nice dinner.”

Grace: “Monsè…Just…” She holds her hand up. “Just be quiet. Please.”

Monsè looks over at Grace, offended.

Monsè: “Grace, you be quiet. I’m sick of your superior attitude.”

Grace: “Shut up, just shut up.” She waves her hand. “It’s enough tonight. We don’t need… you. We haven’t needed you.”

Yvonne: “Girls, stop it and let’s get dessert. Let’s end the night off with the girls who have couth and class.”

Grace looks at Yvonne and snorts.

Grace: “Girls? Do you see Molly Ringwald sitting here?” She laughs.

The camera pans to Bree who just sits in her chair, smirking.

Bree’s Confessional

“I probably lied when I said I was going to be on my best behavior tonight, but hey at least I tried… kinda.” She cackles. “But hey, I have no remorses or regrets, I stand by everything I did… well maybe one thing I do regret, I shouldn’t have flicked Yvonne’s nose, I got one of her boogers stuck to my finger.” She gags. “Beverly Beach is a city full of surprises, this is NOTHING like I ever thought it would be!”

Monsè: “Grace, don’t start with me. This dinner has already been enough hell.”

Grace: “Then stop speaking!”

The camera pans to Yvonne who looks fed up.

Yvonne: “Okay women! End this bickering and let’s not ruin the fun we can have without those crazy girls!”

Monsè: “I will be happy to stop talking if it means being done with you.” She glares at Grace and pretends to zip up her lips.

Grace: “Thank you. Now, let’s have dessert…”

Grace’s Confessional

“Things have been easier for me this time around. I think I’ve finally clicked with this group. I’m at a place in my life where I’m comfortable with a lot of different things around me. I have a show that’s performed well for my business, House of Faroe is doing better than ever, my family is slowly being put back together and my friends… let’s just say I know who I can count on. Who knows what the future holds for me but what I do know is… The Faroe is and forever will be a blueprint for those who follow her.” She blows a kiss to the camera.

The season ends as we get one final shot of Prague.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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