[S6E11]: Miami Ice
Music plays as we get cool shots of Miami, Florida.
The camera pans to a fabulous hotel in South Beach. Grace is seen walking around her massive hotel suite that overlooks the ocean.
Grace: “Okay! We’re good!” She smiles at herself in the mirror.
There is a knock on Grace’s hotel room door and it begins to poke open. We see Yvonne coming in.
Yvonne: “Hello? Grace, you here? I’ve freshened up!”
Grace comes out of the bathroom and smiles.
Grace: “V! Come in, sit down.”
Yvonne is seen making her way into the room.
“I am so excited to be here in Miami with Grace to see her fashions and check out a few of the other lines that are here as well.”
Yvonne sits down on the bed, exasperated.
Yvonne: “I could never be a designer, you all just travel travel travel and it’s always work.”
Grace laughs.
Grace: “It can be exhausting but honestly, some of the places I’ve been to… Dubai, New York, Milan, Sydney… just fabulous.” She grins.
We get a shot as Lorelei walks down the hall of the hotel. When she gets to Grace’s suite she enters.
Lorelei: “Hey girlies!”
Grace and Yvonne both look to Lorelei.
Grace: “Hey!”
We see Yvonne just sip her drink and begin looking around the room. Lorelei sits on a nearby chair and crosses her legs.
Lorelei: “I forgot how much I just love Miami. It’s much more down to earth than Beverly Beach.”
“I’m surprised to still be included on this trip with Grace and Yvonne after the disaster at BellCamp the other night. I’m hoping we can just all just move on from it and have a fun trip!”
Grace: “Definitely and the beaches here are a sight for sore eyes. I always take walks every-time I come here. Anyways, is everything okay back home with Banksy-Boo?”
Lorelei: “She is lovely.” She coughs slightly and sighs, looking at Grace.
Lorelei: “I- I actually want to talk to you both about what happened the other night at the charity event. Grace, I felt like you didn’t have my back and it felt like you chose Sheridan’s side.” She glances at Yvonne.
Grace: “I can see how you would think that.” She nods. “I wasn’t choosing sides, I was acting in the best interests of the event, which you know my son spent a lot of time and effort planning. It was very important to him.”
Lorelei: “I understand that Grace, believe me, I do.”
The camera pans to Yvonne on the bed as she rolls her eyes.
Yvonne: “Lorelei, what you did was clearly a way to make another jab at Sheridan, but you didn’t understand the real impact and that didn’t sit well with me.At the end of the day, it was about Gemini and I’m quite appalled that you’d want to be friends with Bree after who she’s shown herself to be.”
Lorelei: “But… what does mine and Sheridan’s issues have to do with you? You and I are fine or so I thought? Are you… insinuating that we aren’t okay?”
“Yvonne and I have always been good. We had a little bump in the road a few months ago, but I thought we agreed to just have each other’s back and keep it moving. She’s self involving herself into my drama with Sheridan and I’m confused as to why.”
Yvonne: “I’m not saying that at all. I stay out of the issue between you and Sheridan because that doesn’t concern me. I do have an issue that you want to keep Bree around because that doesn’t feel like you’re being a good friend to me.”
We see Grace as she stays silent and looks between the two women.
Yvonne: “You’ve seen how she’s treated me even before Sheridan, yet you keep acting as if she’s a civilized or reasonable person.”
Lorelei nods at Yvonne, listening.
Lorelei: “I get that. I can see how you feel that way.” She runs her hands through her hair and shrugs. “I just can’t throw Bree away. She’s been a really good friend to me. Like, she was one of the people who helped me through my divorce with Morgan and I’ll always be in her debt for it.”
Grace: “You shouldn’t feel like you’re in debt to a friend though?” She raises an eyebrow. “That’s not how friendships work, or at least they don’t with me.”
Lorelei stands up and puts her hands on her chest.
Lorelei: “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying what she’s said or done is right. Just because I don’t correct her in front of you all, doesn’t mean I don’t have conversations with her privately.”
“Friends… shouldn’t feel like they owe each other for supporting each other. It’s… not right.”
Yvonne: “But do you see how inviting someone who’s been nothing short of a nuisance to an event seems like you don’t see anything wrong with what she’s done?”
Lorelei nods.
“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to fully move past the behavior I’ve seen from Bree thus far. She just makes one offense after another and I’m tired of it. I really am.”
Lorelei: “I do. I admit. I brought Bree to completely…” Flips middle finger up. “to Sheridan. I knew she would ruffle her feathers, but I completely forgot and disregarded your feelings as well, Yvonne, and for that… I apologize. I’m not perfect.”
Yvonne: “I don’t expect you to be perfect and I can accept your apology.” She nods.
Lorelei smiles a little.
“I won’t hold this against Lorelei because her bad intentions weren’t meant towards me.” She laughs. “But she can’t say I haven’t warned her about this.”
Lorelei now turns to Grace.
Lorelei: “I apologize to you as well Grace. I know it was a special night for your son. I’m sorry. I don’t want to fight with either of you! I love and adore you both.” She looks at the girls.
Grace: “It’s not primarily your fault, but I appreciate your apology. You know much I value our friendship and I don’t ever want to get back to the bad places we’ve been in the past. Shanghai last year was… rough to say the least. I accept your apology of course.”
“Lorelei’s a good friend in the sense that she can own when she’s in the wrong and apologize. It might take a bit of persuading to pull it out of her BUT she does it.”
Lorelei gets up and gives both of them a hug.
Lorelei: “Alright! Now that we’ve kissed and made up, can we PLEASE go get something to eat?!”
Yvonne gets up and does a little clap.
Yvonne: “I’m starving!”
Grace: “Yes! We’re going to a place that I KNOW you’ll both just love. But first… I’m gonna change. I’ll meet you both downstairs.” She laughs.
Yvonne: “I’m going to run back to my room, I think I forgot my phone.”
The scene ends as Yvonne sprints down the hallway and Grace laughs.
Back in Beverly Beach, we get shots of people out on a hot summer day. We now see a swanky nail salon with it’s own parking lot. Sheridan pulls up in a new Jaguar XF. She gets out and struts into the nail bar.
“Today I invited Monsè out to get our nails done. I left Lake Tahoe abruptly and I want to talk to her about why I left and fill her in on what happened at my restaurant with some of the ladies. I hope she will understand my point of view.”
As Sheridan is looking at color options, she turns around as Monsè enters.
Monsè: “Hey girl! You look cute today.”
“I’m glad Sheridan invited me out today. I was so shocked when she left Tahoe without telling and I really hope she’s okay.”
Sheridan: “Hey gorgeous!” She waves and smiles. “Thank you for coming on such short notice!”
Monsè: “Of course!”
The two girls pick out a color and then sit next to each other at the station; nail techs start filing away. They are each brought a little glass of champagne. They take their glasses, look at each other grinning, and clink them.
Monsè: “Cheers!” She takes a sip. “So, I’m actually really glad we get a chance to talk after Tahoe. You had us worried. Are you doing okay, babe?” She furrows her brow.
The camera pans to Sheridan who sighs.
Sheridan: “I’m fine but — I just didn’t feel supported by any of you girls and I went into a dark place of feeling alone so I had to leave. Lorelei is so cold towards me and Mona seemed to not care at all so I just had enough.”
Monsè puts her free hand on her chest and looks surprised.
Monsè: “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. There was so much going on and we were there for Mona. I never wanted to make you feel alone.” She shakes her head. “I was just trying to calm everyone down.”
Sheridan: “ I just entered a dark space in my mind with Martin leaving and I hadn’t told anyone besides Ren that — so for me to share with you all be met with such a cold response was really fucked up.” She sips her champagne.
“I understand we were there to support Mona, but this is a sisterhood. I’m going through a lot of shit too and need my sisters to rally around me too. I can’t always be the shoulder these bitches cry on.”
Monsè: “I totally get it. It was a chance for all of us girls to bond and we should’ve been there for you.” She smiles. “I hope we can move on. You’ve been nothing but sweet to me in this group, and I really want to support you, girl.”
Sheridan: “Thank you, I really do appreciate you and your friendship.”
“I can definitely forgive Monsè; I think it was just a miscommunication with her and she felt overstimulated with all going on — Lorelei and Mona — after how they acted at the charity event…I’m not so sure I can move on with them as quickly.”
Monsè: “I do too. I just want us to build each other up, not tear each other down.”
“I feel terrible. Sheridan’s been through a lot and these girls are not always the kindest. If I don’t show up for her, who will?”
Monsè: “Speaking of which…how was your Bell Camp event? I was so sad to miss it.”
We get a shot of the nail technical doing their gel nails.
Sheridan: “We certainly missed you! Unfortunately, Bree and Lorelei were escorted out by security and Mona chose to follow them.”
Monsè’s jaw drops.
Monsè: “Oh my — What happened?!”
Sheridan: “Well you know what Bree did to me; meeting with Vanessa who I’m currently in a lawsuit with…so I obviously don’t want her in my place of business.” She rolls her eyes. “And then Lorelei was the one who invited her so I told her to follow Bree out the door.” She shrugs.
Monsè: “Of course Bree would show up uninvited! Why would she even want to come when she’s been hating on you and your business nonstop?”
“Tsk tsk, it’s always the same story with Beastly Bree. Lorelei should know better than to bring strays around a classy establishment.”
Sheridan: “She did it for a moment, I guess! She wasn’t there long. I just couldn’t believe she’d be that miserable — and Lorelei inviting her in order to be messy? It’s just so low brow and makes a mockery of the LGBTQIA+ community — they tried to overshadow their moment!”
Monsè: “That’s really disappointing, honestly. I tried to give both of them a chance, but I feel like they’re getting into some mess every time we get together. Especially that Bree Bailey.”
“Lorelei and Bree made a mockery of what was supposed to be a wholesome fundraiser for the LGBTQIA+ community. They attempted to take the spotlight off this community for some messy shit. All because they wanted to poke at me — idiots!”
The girls are instructed to put their hands under the drying light.
Sheridan: “Lorelei is incapable of moving on. She holds onto shit from the past and Bree is nothing but an old bulldog that Lorelei has on payroll as her body guard. She’s very clearly having her strings pulled by Lorelei and what hurts me the most is that Mona is blinded by all the bullshit and really left with them.”
Monsè: “You’re so right. One day Bree is friendly and the next she’s digging dirt on people she doesn’t know. I never know where Bree’s head is at but I guess it’s been up Lorelei’s ass this whole time.” She chuckles then bites her lip. “You know I love Mona, but I’m actually really surprised that she would walk out with them. I thought she had your back more than that.”
“Mona didn’t care if I was okay…not at Lake Tahoe and not at Bell Camp.” She shrugs and sighs. “I don’t know, man. I don’t know.”
Sheridan nods.
Sheridan: “When we get to Prague, I don’t know how this is going to go babe but I want to try and talk to Mona away from those two weirdos. Mona isn’t like them — I still have faith even though I’m mad at her; I think we can talk some sense into her.”
Monsè: “I think so too. Knowing Mona, she just probably wanted to make sure everyone was okay.”
“I’m a little surprised by Mona, but I know my girl has a good heart. I think this is all just a big misunderstanding.”
Monsè: “But anyway, thanks again for meeting with me, girl. If no one else, I’ll have your back from now on.” The girls get up and hug.
Sheridan looks down at Monsè’s shirt and gasps.
Sheridan: “Oh shit, girl! I smudged my nail on your shirt. My bad!”
The scene ends as the girls laugh.
Music plays and we see South Beach, Miami lit up at nighttime. A Sprinter van pulls up infront of a trendy, new restaurant and Grace, Lorelei, and Yvonne get out.
They strut into the restaurant and Grace pulls down her dress a bit. People watch as they are lead to a private table.
Yvonne: “I wonder what’s yummy here…” She puts on her glasses to read the menu. “ My daughter says she heard of this on the Tik Tak.” She looks up. “Lorelei, I’m sure you’re on the Tik Tak app and Grace, you probably are too.”
Grace laughs.
Grace: “I know House of Faroe’s media sector recently set up an account. But me… I don’t have it. Gemini does though!”
“I’m not on TikTok or whatever it’s called. I have however, made appearances on there in Gemini’s dance videos.”
Lorelei: “What about TikTok?” She raises an eyebrow.
Yvonne: “Oh, is it TikTok?” She starts laughing, embarrassed. “Thank you for telling me. Anyway, my daughter said that this place is rated high but she didn’t tell me what to get to eat.”
Lorelei: “Well, honey, she is correct! I’ve heard nothing but great things about this place.”
Grace: “This place is really good! The seafood platter is out of this world.”
“Now that Yvonne, Grace and I are fine, I can’t help but wonder if having all the women to my little trip in Prague is still a good idea. Everyone is just so divided right now.” She shakes her head.
A waiter comes over and introduces himself, he asks for their drink orders.
Lorelei: “Shall we do shots?” She looks at Yvonne. “I want to see you let loose, mama!”
Yvonne: “I’ve never been loose, but you may see me drunk.” She giggles and the camera pans to Lorelei.
Grace: “Shots, I’m ready to turn UP!”
Yvonne: “Fine. Let’s get a shot of something strong so I only have to take one.”
Lorelei claps a bit.
Grace: “Fireball!”
Lorelei: “Ooooh, purrr!” She snaps and turns back to the waiter. “Can we get a round of Fireball? Make them doubles.”
Lorelei turns back to Grace and Yvonne and winks, Grace claps her hands together.
Grace: “Yesss!”
A few moments later, the server comes back with a few shots and drinks and then walks back off. Lorelei grabs a shot and raises it.
Lorelei: “To… friendship! Cheers bitchesss!” She downs hers without hesitation.
“What can I say? We all know I can drink some of these bitches under the table.” There is a flashback to Season 4 when Lorelei gets drunk and falls down on a yacht. “Now… rather or not I can hold said drink is debatable.”
Yvonne takes it straight back, as her face returns down to the table; she has a coughing fit and then lets out a delicate sneeze.
Yvonne: “That was definitely strong!”
We see Grace as she downs her.
Grace: “Whewww!” She makes a face. “Now that’s one way to start a night!” She laughs.
Lorelei: “Fireball is always the way to go if you wanna have fun!” As the girls order food, she asks the server for another round and then picks up the cocktail infront of her. “You guys… do you think this girls trip to Prague will go well?”
Yvonne: “I don’t like half of the girls in the group and they always have something to say to me. So…not well, bitch.” She chuckles.
Grace: “I’m not going to tempt fate… there’s a lot of discord right now. However, playing devil’s advocate… it could do us all some good to get away.”
“Prague is a fabulous place. I’m not passing up the chance to go there!”
Yvonne: “I love having a good time. I think I’d have to convince myself to want to deal with some of the girls then I’d have to convince Sheridan…” She turns to Lorelei.
Lorelei: “I actually was on the fence about her going. Like, I don’t want to exclude anyone. I’d love her to go, but she’s rocky with a lot of us. I’d say, no?”
She looks at the two ladies and Yvonne chuckles a little bit and shakes her head.
Yvonne: “She is but I’d be too with how she feels about some of the treatment she’s gotten.“ She looks to Lorelei. “She actually felt very ambushed by you ladies at Lake Tahoe.”
Grace: “What actually happened at Lake Tahoe?” She looks confused. “I wasn’t told what went down…”
Lorelei: “Lake Tahoe… was a complete mess. Sheridan started it and then was upset when I reacted back.”
We get a flashback of Sheridan spraying Lorelei with her jetski multiple times and then Lorelei and Sheridan going at it.
Yvonne: “I don’t think Sheridan will attend if she’s not given any apologies.”
“ I’ve been here before. Lorelei and Sheridan fight like cat and mouse and then inevitably make up, then fall out again, then make up again… If you ask me, they’ll be fine.”
Lorelei downs the second shot and looks at Yvonne like she’s crazy.
Lorelei: “APOLOGIES?!” She talks a bit loud and Grace ‘shushs’ her. “Why? Apologize for what?!”
Yvonne: “For the ambush, for trying to get information about her from an employee that’s suing her, for bringing Bree to the charity event.” She moves her fingers around. “There’s alot of apologies that need to go around.”
Grace: “Not just from Lorelei, though.” She sips her drink.
Yvonne: “Of course not, from a few of the ladies in the group.”
“I’m sensing that Lorelei is getting the brunt of the blame here when really the blame lies mostly at Bree’s door. Lorelei’s taking the fall for her friend but it’s backfiring onto her and it’s not a good look. Worst of all, Bree’s perfectly happy to let her die on that hill. Not right.” She shakes her head.
Lorelei: “I- well, uh… I think we can maybe discuss before I issue an apology to Sheridan. She owes me one too.” She finishes her drink and crosses her arms.
Yvonne: “That for you two to figure out. All I can do is get her there.”
“Oh — I don’t owe Sheridan the clown shit. If anything, she owes me an apology. She always starts with me and then when I give her a reaction, she folds like a crusty lawn chair and plays victim. She is not a victim and I won’t be made to think she is.”
Grace: “I think I can speak for us all here in saying that I’m tired of the fighting. We all just seem to be going in circles as a group and if we’re taking a trip together… I want peace. I don’t want to discuss the same bullshit we’ve been talking about for the entire summer.”
Lorelei nods towards Grace and leans on Yvonne, clearly lit.
Lorelei: “Yeahhhhh, Yvonne. I just want us all to have fun and just enjoy the trip. Just bring Sheridan and tell her to pull the stick out of her wide ass.” She laughs loudly and rests her head on Yvonne’s shoulder.
Yvonne: “I’ll try…”
Grace: “Okay! On that note, more drinks?” She laughs.
Lorelei pops her head up eagerly.
Lorelei: “Yes! Bartenderrrrr!” She holds up her shot glass and taps it. “More please!”
Yvonne shoots Lorelei a look.
Yvonne: “You better get something in your belly, I’m not carrying you out of here. I raised my kids, I don’t do strollers and I don’t do back rides.”
Grace and Lorelei laugh and the scene fades out.
Music plays as we see the coastline of Beverly Beach. In town, Mona waits inside of a Mercedes Dealership.
She walks and admires some of the new cars in the show room.
Mona: “Pretty!”
“Bree invited me out car shopping. I don’t know anything about cars but they’re fun to look at!”
Bree can be seen walking into the dealership. Mona smiles and goes to hug her.
Mona: “Hi Bree! How are you, babe?”
Bree: “Hi sweetie! I’m good, how about you?”
Mona: “I’m good! Just dropped the kids off at school for their first day!”
Bree: “Aw, that’s sweet. This summer has gone by so fast…”
“Blake needs a new car, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to invite Mona and have a one on one conversation with her. I love Mona and I feel like it’s right to have a serious discussion with her.”
A nice salesman named Trey introduces himself to the ladies and takes them to look at some cars. They walk around and Bree gets in some.
Bree: “Hmm…I really like that one…” She points. “But I know Blake would like this one…” She pats the car that they are standing by.
Trey: “How about I give you some more time to explore each car and decide? Just come to get me whenever you’re ready.”
Mona: “Thanks, Trey.”
Bree: “So helpful!” She looks at Mona. “By the way, how’s Adam doing?”
Mona shrugs.
Mona: “I don’t know, he’s not my problem anymore. I keep asking if he wants to see the kids but he makes up some excuse everytime.”
“Adam and I haven’t really talked since I confronted him about the cheating. I said I wanted a divorce and that’s what we’re gonna do.” She tears up. “ I’m not crying because of Adam anymore, I’m crying because it’s the end of a family.”
Bree looks surprised.
Bree: “Oh gosh, that’s sad, the kids should always be a parent’s priority. Have you discussed the future of your marriage? Or is he completely absent…”
Mona: “I don’t even know where my marriage stands because we don’t talk. I feel like the cheating was the last straw.” She frowns. “It’s really stressing me out because divorces can be so grueling and I know it’s only gonna get worse if that’s what we decide.”
Bree: “I can totally understand what you’re saying and I can also relate on some level because my marriage was ruined by infidelity as well, but I made the mistake of staying way too long, some men just can’t be faithful…”
“My heart breaks for Mona, infidelity not only ruins a marriage and makes you lose respect for your partner but it also damaged your self confidence and self respect… I just hope she’s not gonna be so hard on herself cause it’s absolutely not her fault.”
Bree walks over to Mona and takes her hands.
Bree: “I want you to know that I, as your friend, am going to support you in whatever decision you make, I don’t want you to ever feel alone, okay?”
Mona: “Thank you.” She starts to shed a tear. “ I’m trying to stay strong for my kids because they’re the ones who matter.”
Mona and Bree continue to talk as they walk back over to the first car.
Bree: “That goes to show just what an incredible mother you are! Your kids will grow up and they’re gonna see that, don’t worry.”
Mona: “Enough about me!” She wipes a tear and sniffles. “Anything going on in your love life? It’s gotta be better than mine.”
Bree giggles and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, looking a bit uncomfortable.
Bree: “Well yes, there’s this man I’ve been seeing for a while… I haven’t really talked about it cause he’s very well known, and we both decided not to make a spectacle out of our relationship. Only Lorelei has met him briefly.”
Mona squeals.
Mona: “Ahhh! That’s so sexy, keeping it secret!”
Bree: “Well yeah, it’s a bit weird cause I feel like I’m a teenager again with this whole thing.” She blushes. “But we’re really living in the moment and enjoying it, it’s good!”
Mona: “I want to know who it is so bad! Do you plan on telling anyone eventually?”
Bree: “Well eventually yes, we’re just waiting to see where it goes cause if we made it public it would be a pretty big deal and I wouldn’t want a lot of drama around it if it’s just gonna be a short fling, you know? So we just want to be sure before telling the world.”
Mona: “Totally!” She laughs. “Don’t tell the girls anything about the relationship because you know they’ll have something to say.”
Bree: “Well, do they ever NOT have an opinion about something?” She laughs and climbs into the front seat and Mona gets in the passenger. “They’re probably still talking about what happened at Bell Camp.” She rolls her eyes. “I am so done with all the drama and negativity honestly!”
Mona: “Our group is so divided right now! I don’t know how we got here!”
“On one side we have the pretty girls, me, Bree, Lorelei, and Monsè. On the other side we have; No hairline, looking for a moment, and a designer with no style.”
Bree: “It’s honestly frustrating, especially with Sheridan. A grown woman who attacks other people’s physical appearance when she gets into an argument? It’s honestly ridiculous.”
Mona: “I’m frustrated with her too because she was giving me the cold shoulder at Bell Camp! Like, is she jealous that I’m closer friends with you and Lorelei?”
Bree: “She’s just mad cause she’s at odds with me and Lorelei and wants everyone to be on her side, and since you’re not going against us now she’s going to go against you, that’s how she operates. High school behavior.” She shrugs.
“I really cannot believe a grown woman would talk and argue the way Sheridan does, she sounds like a teenager.”
We hear a sound effect of Sheridan screaming “FUCK YOU!!!! AND FUCK YOU!!!!” from the Psychic Party in the background, Bree shivers a little.
Mona: “It’s disappointing because she’s been supportive during this whole time for me. I want to be supportive of her but I can’t if she doesn’t let me in. What pissed me off even more was everything Yvonne said. Saying that my marriage problems are fake.” She scoffs.
“Girl are you stupid? There are pictures of him with another girl that were sent to me from a third party. Why would I want my husband to cheat on me?”
Bree: “Yvonne seems to have a problem with you, she’s argued with me as well but she’s never gone as nasty as she’s done with you, I wonder what the reason is. I actually liked her, but then after all that he said she said bullshit happened in Quebec we fell out and I don’t know that we can be friends after that.”
Mona: “I think it’s because I didn’t immediately kiss her ass when she came back into this friend group.”
Bree: “I feel like that was exactly the same problem she had with me in the beginning, cause she’s so used to everyone bowing down to her and we both didn’t do that.”
Mona shakes her head.
Mona: “I don’t ever see us being friends. We don’t jive at all.”
Bree: “I just don’t know that I can be friends with someone who expects everyone to act as if she’s better than them. She might just need a reality check.”
Mona: “Also, Grace cosigning everything she says bothers me as well.”
Bree makes a face of pain and then laughs.
Bree: “I will never understand Grace. She never takes a clear stance, she’s basically always there ready to support Yvonne no matter what.”
Mona: “She is, she’s a follower and personally I think she’s afraid of Yvonne. But I digress.” She laughs. “I’ve got to go Bree I have to get to the set for a new movie! you going with this one?”
Bree: “Oh, don’t worry darling! Yes, going with this one!” She pats the wheel. “Thanks for the help, lovie!”
Mona: “Always! Blake will love it.”
The scene ends as the girls get out of the car in the Mercedes showroom.
We see a section of downtown Miami bustling as people in extravagant outfits walk red carpets and pose. At one of the shows, Grace is seen prepping House of Faroe models backstage as they are about to walk the runway.
Grace: “Okay, okay…listen up!” She claps her hands to get all the models’ attentions. “ This is Miami Fashion Week, okay? We are going to KNOCK this out of the park, like we always do. Remember… style and precision wins. Boys… suave.”
“Miami Fashion Week is a huge deal. To have House of Faroe be one of the top designing companies and me one of the top designers and CEOs… it’s definitely a privilege. To… share your creations with the world, it’s such a great feeling. I’ve always said that House of Faroe is my third baby!”
Right next to the runway, Lorelei and Yvonne sit first row. Lorelei crosses her legs and takes some videos of the venue and posts them to her InstaStory.
“You can say a lot of things about Grace, but nobody and I mean NOBODY can knock her drive. She dominates the fashion industry and deserves every bit of this moment.” She snaps. “You go, girl!”
Yvonne checks herself out in her purse mirror next to Lorelei.
Yvonne: “I feel like I’m a little too bright. Hopefully the pictures don’t come out bad.” She laughs and turns to Lorelei. “Do you think Gracie is nervous?”
Lorelei: “Oh, I don’t think so. Nervous is barely in that girl’s nature.”
“I mean, she’s been in fashion for 20 years- that’s like a lifetime in this industry. She shouldn’t be nervous, she’s an elder whose already made her mark. She shouldn’t be nervous one bit!”
The lights dim and the crowd quiets down as the models begin walking down the runway. Influencers and photographers take pictures of the House of Faroe collection.
At the end of the show, Grace is shown walking the runway with her models and the audience claps. She smiles and waves.
“I always try to switch it up with any collection I release or showcase. House of Faroe has a niche market, but we still stay diverse. Both culturally and graphically. The thing about fashion… you’ve ALWAYS got to make a statement!”
Yvonne turns to Lorelei as the crowd starts to disperse.
Yvonne: “You want to go backstage?”
Lorelei nods and gets up, grabbing her bag.
Lorelei: “Yeah, let’s do it boo.”
Yvonne: “I’m not your boo. I’m older than you, boo.” She laughs and sips her drink.
Lorelei laughs as well and playfully nudges her.
Yvonne: “Ouch! These bones are old, be careful!”
The girls walk backstage to find Grace.
Lorelei: “Gracie! Congratulations honey! I’m so proud of you.”
Yvonne: “Gracie, you did spectacular! Not one model fell or stumbled in their heels.”
Grace hugs Lorelei and Yvonne.
Grace: “Aw, thank you so much! I’m so happy with how it worked out and that you both could be here in Miami with me! I mean, this whole thing couldn’t have been made possible without my designers. Siobhan, specifically.”
“Siobhan Reeves is my top designer at House of Faroe. She’s a STAR! I knew when we secured the show that I had to have her on it. Talent knows no boundaries with that girl.” We see scenes of Grace and Siobhan working together on ‘Faroe Rules’.
Grace: “What did you guys think of the models? Hugo’s good, right?”
Lorelei: “It was fabulous and everyone looked great.” She smiles at Siobhan and Hugo. “You’ve got yourself a good team, honey!”
Yvonne: “Absolutely! If you can sneak away, Lorelei and I found this rooftop after party.”
Grace: “Afterparty?” She raises an eyebrow. “Yes, I’m definitely there! I have a couple of things to finish up here first, but I’m totally up for that!”
Yvonne: “I’ll send you the address. Bring Siobhan, I definitely want to get to know her.”
“Langley Lesson Number 5- Never miss an opportunity to network with beautiful women with talent. You may need them one day.”
Yvonne: “Okay, Lorelei. Let’s go get in the car. Grace, we’ll see you later.”
Grace: “See you later!”
The episode ends.