[S6E10]: Campy Divas
Music plays as we see a cool neighborhood in Downtown Beverly Beach.
Inside of a wear house with bright graffiti all over it, we see a dance studio inside. An instructor is seen on his phone, sitting on the ground in the front of the studio. To the side, Yvonne is stretching.
Yvonne: “OH JESUS, HELP ME FATHER GOD! Whew, bones do age- I need some milk.” She pants and bends over, putting her hands on her knees.
“I’ve invited Sheridan out on this beautiful Saturday morning to attend one of my clients’ dance classes. Now, I can’t dance a lick but I want the man’s art pieces so let’s move this body!”
We see Sheridan as she walks into the studio and waves.
Sheridan: “Hey! I’m so excited to dance.” She introduces herself to the instructor and goes over and gives Yvonne a hug.
“I love dancing! Can’t wait to get into it and shake my ass and shake off some of the bad vibes from the disaster on Lake Tahoe!”
Yvonne: “I’m so glad you could join me! I think he’s ready to start…” She looks to the dance teacher and begins walking over. “Sheridan, you like Justin Timberlake, right?”
Sheridan: “Justin?” She makes a face. “We are calling that hip hop these days?”
Yvonne: “The warm up is SexyBack!”
Sheridan: “Cry Me a River was a bop!” She laughs.
Yvonne: “I told him to take it easy on me and my elderly knees.”
The girls make their way onto the studio floor. The instructor starts the music and begins teaching the girls basic hiphop dance steps. Yvonne takes her jacket off and throws it.
Yvonne: “Oh! It’s getting hot in here!”
The camera pans to Sheridan who dances, clearly taking herself very seriously. She dances dramatically and a bit off beat, Yvonne watches and laughs.
Yvonne: “Go Sheridan!”
Sheridan has a serious look on her face and as she twerks in the mirror.
“From her facial expressions, you’d think Sheridan was a pro. By her movement, she’s barely a beginner.”
Sheridan does a sexy walk from the back of the studio to the front, she strikes a pose and then ruffles her hair. She then dramatically jumps up and drops into the splits, holding her hands up.
Sheridan: “YEP!”
The dance teacher and Yvonne both just look at her.
Yvonne: “Oh wow!”
“I’ve been a great dancer for years! It’s just something that’s always came natural for me.”
Sheridan: “Oh girl, I’m exhausted! Shall we sit!”
Yvonne: “Yes!” She claps and turns to the dance teacher. “Great class, Rafael! I’m expecting those pieces young man!”
Rafeal: “You got it, Mrs. Langley! Thank you for stopping by, ladies!”
Rafael smiles and exits the room, Yvonne and Sheridan take a seat on the floor.
Sheridan: “Seriously — Thank you so much for inviting me Yvonne! As you can tell I love dancing. I’ve been dancing since pre-k!” She takes a gulp of water.
Yvonne: “Wow, I definitely wouldn’t be able to tell!”
Sheridan: “You’re so funny, Yvonne!” She laughs and nudges her.
Yvonne: “Now Miss Thing!” She gives Sheridan a look. “How’s everything?”
Sheridan sighs.
Sheridan: “I’m going through a lot of shit with the restaurant and my relationship and honestly I feel only you and Gracie are supporting me. I was ambushed at Lake Tahoe and so I left without telling the girls.”
“I don’t feel bad for leaving Lake Tahoe without letting Mona, Monsè, or Lorelei know. I didn’t feel supported and I’m not going to be around that right now.”
Yvonne: “Ambushed by who?”
Sheridan: “Lorelei attacked me and lied saying I talked badly about Mona. When have I ever trusted Lorelei to talk shit to her? After that, she chose to bring up Bree and Vanessa and say untrue things about me.” She looks anxious and takes a drink of water, her hand shakes. “I had a breakdown; I was crying and Lorelei was snickering. She’s just pure evil and neither of the other girls had my back.”
Yvonne: “I didn’t know you and Lorelei were in such a bad place, I really hate that.” She shakes her head.
Sheridan: “She’s had it out for me for years; we used to be close friends and she lacks the ability to move on. She’s dragged out an issue with me for almost four years now! This is year three of the same shit with her! I apologize and she goes backwards. Now — she’s got that big lipped bitch Bree to go in with her to meet with the thief who I’m in a court battle with. It’s just disgusting!”
Yvonne rolls her eyes.
Yvonne: “Bree Bailey. I think our friendship is definitely over for good after what happened the other night.”
The camera pans to Sheridan who looks preoccupied. She starts to get emotional and breaths heavily.
Sheridan: “And — I don’t even know where my husband is. With all this bullshit he hasn’t been home in over a week. I’m just exhausted and just need support.”
Yvonne looks stunned and moves closer to Sheridan, hugging her.
Yvonne: “It’s okay. You’re strong and you’re capable of taking this head on.”
Sheridan: “Thank you babe, I’m just — it’s the stuff in the press with Vanessa saying I talked poorly about him and just him being upset with me because ultimately he blames me for what all happened since I hired her — it’s just all gone to shit. I just — I want him to come home.” She sighs. “But, I’m not going to cry over Martin anymore. I can’t.” She fans herself. “Whew — It’ll all work out.”
“Martin being gone for over a week does make me nervous. Yes, we are divorced but you all know how much I love that man.”
Yvonne: “Do you know where he is? Let’s go confront him. If he won’t come to you, we’ll go to him.” She nods.
Sheridan: “He’s probably at a friends or his mamas house. We have couples counseling next Tuesday so I’m hoping he will come to that and we can get back on the same page. I’m blocked right now.” She looks down.
Yvonne: “Blocked?”
Sheridan: “He blocked my number.” She nods. “I did text and call him over 40 times though.” She laughs. “You know I’m crazy as hell!”
“Honey, in my day there was no blocking. If you wanted to up and disappear, I filed a missing persons report. Yep, yep!” She folds her arm. “Can’t run away when you’re in the newspaper.”
Yvonne stretches her feet out.
Yvonne: “I do think I should tell you, Sheridan. The other night, Bree and I ran into each other at the Beverly Beach Gala…”
Sheridan: “Oh, she was there? I obviously didn’t go without Martin. Who got her an invite?” She laughs.
Yvonne: “She was actually there with another woman’s husband. They were laughing and very close — it was strange.”
Sheridan: “Oh my, what?”
Yvonne: “Yes, her friend Joanna. That’s who’s husband she was with.”
Sheridan: “And she has the nerve to spread rumors about you and your man?” She looks surprised.
“What is with these Beverly Bitches and stealing peoples men?”
Yvonne: “Joanna put Vanessa in contact with Bree, I’m assuming to get dirt on the ladies in the group.”
Sheridan: “That’s so bizarre. Bree is strange.” She gives a weird look.
Yvonne: “Bree believes that she was within her right to talk with Vanessa because you’ve been antagonistic towards her and you two were never friends.”
Sheridan: “I tried to connect with her and she brushed me off repeatedly, sought out my enemy, and was just cold as the Botox that she injects in those puffer lips.”
Yvonne nods and holds her hands up.
Yvonne: “I know! I’m just giving you the information. You’re a big girl, you can handle it.”
Sheridan: “She’s not someone I want to interact with. She’s twice my age and looks like the blow up doll I found in the pool house.” She scoffs.
Yvonne: “I just hope everything gets better.”
She looks at Sheridan. The scene ends as it zooms out from the dance studio.
We see a cool, trendy venue that people are walking into.
A security guard stands at the door and let’s people in if their name is on the list. Inside, there is a bar and huge tv screens. Grace’s friends, family, and the cast of her new spin off ‘Faroe Rules’ fill the room.
Grace talking with her family, including her partner, Vivian, children Megan and Gemini, her sister, Tiffany, close friend Victoria Aspen & her head designer and fellow cast mate, Siobhan Reeves.
Vivian: “This is amazing. I’m honestly so proud of you.” She smiles and holds Grace.
Grace: “Thank you, my love. I still can’t believe it… it’s all so real!”
Tiffany: “You outdid yourself, you really did. House of Faroe has always been a success and now it’ll be even more.”
Grace: “Thanks, sis… that means a lot coming from you.”
“Tonight, some close friends and family are coming together for an intimate, advanced screening of my new show, Faroe Rules!”
Grace watches her daughter, Megan, interacting with Siobhan, whilst Victoria approaches Gemini and gives him a hug as he stares awkwardly at Megan. The scene goes back to Grace and Vivian who watch the kids.
Vivian: “It’s good to see Megan’s here…”
Grace: “I know. I’m really happy she came. It means a lot.”
Vivian: “How’s Gemini taken to it?”
Grace: “He hasn’t said much. It worries me…”
Vivian: “Do you want me to talk to him?”
Grace: “Oh, Viv… I love you for suggesting that. But, this is my mess to clear up.”
“Megan and I are on the road to repair with our relationship but Gemini… he still feels hurt by his sister. There’s a rift between my children and right now… I honestly don’t know how to repair it.”
Grace’s sister, Tiffany, comes back over to Grace and Vivian with a drink.
Tiffany: “What are we talking about?”
Grace: “Just Megan and Gem, that’s all.”
Tiffany’s eyes widen and she clutches Grace’s arm.
Tiffany: “Wait, Megan’s here?!”
Tiffany begins looks around and spots Megan.
Tiffany: “Megan!” She waves. “Hey, baby!”
Tiffany dramatically walks over to Megan and pulls her into a hug as everyone around them giggles.
“My sister… she’s the only person on this earth more over-dramatic and over-the-top than me.”
We get more shots of people at the screening party getting drinks and socializing. The scene switches to show Lorelei exiting a car service and entering the party, skipping to the front of the line and being let in.
“Grace invited me to a special screening of her new spin off and I couldn’t be more proud of her. She is literally thriving in her life right now and I’m glad she is sharing a special moment with me.” She smiles.
We see Lorelei as she makes her way to the VIP area with multiple couches, she goes and taps Grace on the shoulder.
Lorelei: “Gracie! Oh, honey…I’m so proud of you!”
Grace turns around and hugs her.
Grace: “Oh, thank you so much!” She takes her hands. “And thank you for coming here tonight!”
Lorelei: “Of course, of course. I wouldn’t miss this for the world! You nervous?”
Grace laughs.
Grace: “A little bit. It’s a big deal, having my business under the spotlight.”
Lorelei: “I totally understand.” She nods. “It is a big deal! But, don’t you let anyone steal your thunder. You’ve worked hard for this and you can finally showcase yourself in a different light.” She snaps. “Where is the rest of the fam, girl?”
Grace: “Oh, they’re all here! And when I say all here… they really are. Megan’s here tonight.”
Grace smiles as Vivian joins them, she touches Grace’s shoulder tenderly.
Lorelei: “Oh, Aw! I am literally so happy for you right now.” She steps froward and gives Vivian a kiss on the cheek. “Hi, Viv! You look gorgeous tonight.”
Vivian: “Thank you! You do as always.”
Grace: “My sister came all the way from New York as well.”
Lorelei: “Oh wow! That is awesome!”
Grace looks around.
Grace: “Oh, I think we’re about to start! Listen, we’re all having some drinks here after the screening, if you’ll stay for that too?”
Lorelei nods and begins following Grace.
Lorelei: “ Of course! I’m yours for tonight, girl! Xavier has Banks.” She smiles. “Let’s go watch you shine, boo!”
Everyone sits down in in the couches and booths as the screening begins to play. There is a transition and we now are seeing the screening ending. Everyone claps and music plays. People now start getting up and heading to the bar. We see Grace as she talks to the bartender, her sister Tiffany beside her.
Grace: “I will take… a dirty Martini. Shaken, not stirred.”
She winks and he nods.
Tiffany: “And I’ll have a Porstar!”
Grace gives Tiffany a dramatic look.
Tiffany: “Martini! Girl, chill out!”
They both laugh and head back to their private seating area in the venue; a few moments later Lorelei comes over and joins them.
Lorelei: “Fabulous premiere, girl!” She sets her drink down and claps. “I mean… well done!”
Grace: “Thank you.” She smiles. “I didn’t know how it’ll turn out but I’m happy so far.”
We get a shot of Lorelei as she smiles and slicks back her hair.
“Grace’s show was great. It was perfectly Grace.” She laughs. “She should be proud of this moment to have all of her friends and family; Even her daughter, Megan here in this moment.”
Grace: “So — How have you been? I haven’t seen you since we were all at your house with that psychic woman.” She laughs and sips her drink.
Lorelei: “Oh my gosh, that is right! Wow, you’ve been a busy girl. I’ve been okay…I had a blowup with Miss ‘She has roaches in her kitchen’ Campbell.” She laughs.
Grace: “Wait, what” What happened?!”
“I know I might seem shocked in the moment but am I really surprised that Sheridan and Lorelei have clashed again? Nope! They’re like… the Alison DiLaurentis and Mona Vanderwaal of our group. They’re always bound to fight about something.” She laughs.
Lorelei rolls her eyes and crosses her legs.
Lorelei: “Girl… Monsè invited Mona, Sheridan and myself to her lake house in Lake Tahoe, right? We’re all there trying to support Mona in her rough time right now, Sheridan is being SO passive aggressive towards me. You know me, I can pay you dust. After a few times of her doing it, I snapped. We got into… badly.” She looks to Grace. “She was mad about the whole kick out thing at my party and was taking out her frustrations with Bree out on me. Of course, I had Bree’s back in it.
Grace shakes her head.
Grace: “I see, well this is a hot mess. If I can be frank, I understand both sides of it.”
Lorelei sips her drink and looks to her.
Lorelei: “Let’s hear it. “ She chuckles. “Because if I’m in the wrong here, let me know Gracie.”
“Grace and I have come a long way in our friendship. We started off on the wrong foot at first, but here we are two years later, thick as thieves. We fight like normal besties would. So I know she’ll give it to me straight, no chaser.”
Grace sighs and sets down her drink.
Grace: “Okay so… you were well within your right to kick Sheridan out of your house because we know that when Sheridan pops off, it’s nuclear. However, I can see why she’s angry at Bree. Bree is snooping around in something that has nothing to do with her. I’m not surprised Sheridan’s taken issue with her, because from my standpoint it’s almost like Bree’s digging for dirt on Sheridan to use against her… as a weapon.”
We see as Lorelei nods along, listening.
“Bree is doing the exact same thing she did to Yvonne and I don’t like that. I’ve got my eye on her.”
Lorelei: “I don’t see it that way. I don’t see Bree meeting up with the business partner as an ulterior motive. She told me the other day when I was at her house that… the business partner reached out to her and she happily obliged. As would anyone…” She rolls her eyes slightly. “Come on.”
Grace: “The business partner is clearly looking for a moment though. Bree’s talked about wanting to build a friendship with Sheridan and get to know her better. If she really meant that, she wouldn’t have met with Vanessa.”
Lorelei: “I guess I can see what you mean. I hear you, loud and clear.” She nods and shrugs.
“Granted. It is TOTALLY messy of Bree to meet this lady, but I can’t be mad at her because I would’ve done the same exact thing. Bree and I are on the same exact page when it comes to Sheridan and this insatiable business scandal she has going on.”
We get shots of the swanky venue and people dancing to a DJ now; it then goes back to Lorelei and Grace talking in their area.
Lorelei: “Are you excited for your big fundraiser coming up?”
Grace: “I am! I am! It’s been so busy with this party and then the Fundraiser and things, but thank God Sheridan is taking care of all of the decor and food. I just bring the people. Plus Gemini is super excited, it’s close to his heart.”
“Sheridan is collaborating with my son Gemini and I on a charity event that will be held at her restaurant, Bell Camp! All proceeds will be going to a charity foundation that supports LGBTQIA+ youth and they fight for our rights in legislation.”
Grace: “You’ll be there?”
Lorelei: “It is at Bell Camp.”
Grace: “But this is partially my event as well.” She shrugs and makes a face.
Lorelei: “I’ll think about it.”
Grace: “Anyways, I did wanted to actually run something by you as well!”
Lorelei: “Mmm. What is it?” She sips her drink.
Grace: “So, you remember how I’ve mentioned before that House of Faroe has business in Miami with other fashion companies in collaboration collections?”
Lorelei: “Yes yes!”
Grace: “Well, in a few days time I’m headed to Miami as House of Faroe is having a fashion show for it’s latest collaboration collection reveal and I’d love if you could come along.” She smiles.
Lorelei gasps and claps.
Lorelei: “Oh my gosh, Grace! That is so exciting! I’d love to tag along!”
Grace: “Great! I also invited Yvonne, so it’ll just be the three of us in Miami. But I’m super excited for it, we’ll have a great time.” She smiles.
Lorelei: “That’s lovely — You know i love me some Yvonne, honey! We’re going to have so much fun!”
Grace claps her hands together.
Grace: “Yes!” She holds her glass up to toast. “To a good girls time in Miami!”
Lorelei: “To Miami!”
The scene ends as we get one final shot of the Faroe Rules screening party.
We see the Beverly Beach Mega Dome at night. There are colorful light’s pulsing and pouring out from the top; there is a show going on. Inside, we see Doja Cat performing on stage.
Fans scream and videotape her as she preforms. Up in the box seats above the crowd, Mona and Bree dance and drink together. Bree wiggles a bit as she holds up a flute of champagne.
“This might surprise a few people but I’m actually a huge fan of rap and hip hop, you know I have two daughters and they keep me cool. They have me free tickets they got and I know Mona is a fan. Plus…” She giggles. “Doja Cat is amazing.”
“At first I was pissed at Bree for her reaction to my affair but then she invited me to a Doja concert in a skybox…suddenly my annoyance has disappeared.”
Bree: “This is amazing, isn’t it?”
Mona: “Yes! O-M-G, this is so fun! Thanks for getting me out of the house!”
Bree: “I’m so happy to be here with you, I knew you’d love this!” She smiles. “By the way, I wanted to tell you a little something…”
When Bree looks to Mona, she stops dancing and holds a finger up.
Mona: “First — Let me get another drink!” As she walks to the private bar she turns to Bree. “Oh…and don’t tell the other ladies I drank tonight, I’m just splurging because we’re at a Doja concert!”
Bree: “Don’t worry, I won’t tell!” She giggles.
Bree walks over and sits on one of the lounges in the box seat. We see Doja performing behind them. After grabbing a drink, Mona joins Bree.
Bree: “So… really wanted to apologize for being a little insensitive at my Vogue party when you delivered the news about your husband having an affair, I didn’t mean to hurt you, I just was so nervous for it to be a perfect night. I came across as a total bitch.” She pouts a little. “And I apologize for that, I really do.” She places her hands on Mona’’s shoulder.
Mona looks relieved.
Mona: “I appreciate the apology because I was taken aback after I was so vulnerable. But we’re good now!”
“I love Bree and I’ve enjoyed getting to know her. I’m not going to throw that away because she made some nasty remarks. It’s all good.”
Bree: “Thank you for accepting my apology.” She grins. “Again, I was just so overwhelmed cause it was a big deal and I know some of the girls were gonna make some catty remarks and I normally wouldn’t mind but when it’s about my daughters it’s a WHOOOOLE other story!”
“I truly feel sorry for maybe ignoring Mona’s pain and being selfish at the Vogue party but when it comes to these women you know there’s gonna be catty remarks and they’re going to try and diminish every accomplishment so I HAVE to try and make everything as perfect as I can!” She snaps her fingers.
Mona: “I totes get it. I’m upset that the girls were being so unempathetic. I thought I could share what was going on and this group would gather around me…” She glances out to the concert and sips her drink. “I thought wrong.”
Bree: “Well look some of them are absolute assholes and that’s ok, they’re the ones who have no friends.” She snickers. “And, after all; Your true friends are gonna be by your side no matter what!” She crosses her legs and leans back. “I did find Sheridan’s reaction a bit weird… I had no idea she was close to you.” She raises an eyebrow.
Mona: “We’re close! We’ve grown a nice friendship over the past year! She’s been supportive, although Lorelei told me she said some things behind my back…” She bites her lip. “And I’m getting really close with Lorelei so kinda stuck.” She nervously chuckles.
Bree: “Lorelei is an absolute darling, she’s truly had my back through all this crazy drama, I feel like she’s a real one, unlike some others.” She rolls her eyes and leans forward. “Oh gosh, what did Sheridan say about you?”
Mona: “I don’t know exactly what she said, it was all happening during a crazy fight Lorelei and Sheridan got into at Monsé’s lake house over the weekend. I did not expect them to go so hard at each other.”
Bree: “Lorelei did tell me a little bit about it but she didn’t go too much into detail.” She shrugs. “By the way, how are things with Yvonne or Grace? Have you talked to any of them recently? Or are you and Yvonne still going at it with each other?” She looks to Mona curiously.
Mona: “Honestly…I don’t speak to either of them ever and I don’t consider them friends.” She fixes her top. “I heard the shit they were saying about me at your Vogue party and their shady questions. It’s all Yvonne’s doing. Grace is stuck up her ass.”
Bree: “Oh well, don’t worry, now they hate me as well so that makes two of us.” She lets out a shrill cackle. “Apparently they feel like I’m the biggest asshole on earth for going against Sheridan, who by the way was never my friend, she was a fucking ACQUAINTANCE my god!” She sighs loudly.
Mona: “Yea, you two don’t seem to interact at all as friends. You meeting with Vanessa, what’s going on there?”
Bree: “Vanessa reached out to me cause she knew me and Sheridan were apart of the same group of friends and she wanted to get her side of the story out there, and I thought it was right to heard both sides. So now all the girls think I’m some asshole for meeting with her and they think I betrayed Sheridan.” She shrugs. “Whatever, she’s not a friend, nor a nice person. Whatsoever.”
Mona makes a few faces and then looks to Bree.
Mona: “Look, I wouldn’t have done it because Sheridan’s my friend and I support her. She’s the only side that I’m backing. But if you wanted to meet with Vanessa that’s totally your decision.”
“People may say I’m riding the fence but I still think Bree is dead wrong for meeting with her…she brought me to a Doja concert though I can’t be cussing her out here.” She laughs.
Bree: “I mean it’s not like I went out of my way to talk to Vanessa, she’s the one who reached out to me, so that’s a whoooole different story!”
Mona shrugs.
Bree: “And by the way don’t you find Sheridan’s behavior weird? She didn’t give a fuck when Yvonne was berating you and making fun of you for a whole month and now all of sudden she cares about you and wants to be by your side?” She raises an eyebrow. “Something smells fishy, I’m telling you!”
She sniffs a couple of times.
“Yup, it smells hella fishy in here!”
Mona: “Here, let’s go watch the end of the concert.”
The girls get up and walk to the big window to watch the end of Doja Cat’s performance; They continue to talk.
Mona: “People are just afraid of Yvonne and her mouth. If you’re not on her trash team, then you’re not on any team.” She shrugs.
Bree: “Well I’m not afraid of her. In fact, I actually went out of my way to defend you and Monsè when I first came in, and look how your friend paid me back, she threw me under the bus.” She giggles. “That bitch!”
Mona chuckles.
Mona: “Wait so back to Yvonne and Grace yelling at you…they yelled at you for going after Sheridan?”
Bree: “Well yeah, I mean Yvonne was doing the yelling, Grace was just looking and not helping me out. That’s how it always goes. Yvonne’s the one who has an opinion about everyone.” She pours herself more champagne. “You know how it is.” She rolls her eyes.
Mona: “She always has an opinion about everyone, and I always think to myself, when did we ask for it?”
Bree: “I know damn well I never asked for it, girl! Ever.” She cackles. “She even had an opinion about you, by the way.”
Mona: “What’d she say?”
“I don’t like to spread negativity but when something so serious is being said I feel like the person has a right to know.”
Bree: “Well basically she’s sort of alluded to you having some kind of problem with alcohol.”
Mona laughs.
Mona: “She asked me about that right after I talked about the affair! It was so rude.” She shakes her head.
“Have I drank more than I normally do lately? Yes and I’ve noticed that it’s not okay for me to do that when I drink to the point where I can’t taking care of my children. So I’ve stopped.”
Mona: “Bree, I’m not an alcoholic and it pisses me off so much that she’d say that.”
Bree: “I’ve seen you get totally wasted a couple times but I would never think to put such words into the universe, if anything it should be you telling us what’s going on, it’s not our right to assume certain things!” She nods. “It’s a very serious allegation and that’s why I felt like you had the right to know what she had said.”
Mona: “Absolutely, I was drinking way to much and I know that but it’s such a dirty accusation like as an actress people won’t book you for jobs if they sense you drink too much, or your lifestyle is not healthy.”
Bree: “Exactly! It’s hurtful for you character, your career and your family as well, which is why I absolutely removed myself from that conversation and didn’t want to say a single word. You even acknowledging it is a great thing!”
Mona looks down.
Mona: “Grace co-signing her accusation actually surprises me because last year believe it or not she was sympathetic towards what I was going through in my marriage.” We get a flashback to last season when Grace was consoling Mona after Adam left Lorelei’s wedding in Tulum.
Bree: “Well…I don’t know if I want to say Grace was co-signing the accusation, she just didn’t disagree but I mean she didn’t agree either so I wouldn’t know. All I know is these conversations should’ve never happened without you there.”
“Look have I seen Mona get wasted out of her mind? Absolutely I have. But would I ever dare to talk about alcoholism when she’s a public figure? No way.”
Mona: “Enough of these bitches. I think Doja is closing with my favorite song!”
Bree: “Yeah enough with the negativity, let’s have some fun, after all that’s what we came here for!”
Mona and Bree are seen singing and dancing together as the concert closes, the scene ends.
We see shots of Bell Camp at night. There are people beginning to walk in. The attendees are local drag queens, and queer influencers and celebrities.
The dining room has been turned into two long tables and there are beautiful decorations and tables settings. We see people from GLAAD there doing press with Sheridan. Grace and her son Gemini walk around, looking at the tables.
Grace: “So, how do you think this all turned out?”
Gemini: “It looks great…Thanks, Mom.” He smiles.
“Tonight, Gemini and I are hosting our LGBTQ+ event at Bell Camp, with the help of Sheridan. She was really keen to get on board and to be honest… she really gets on with Gemini. This is a nice of celebration and I’m SO excited to welcome all of the ladies.”
As Gemini walks away, Sheridan makes her way back over to Grace.
Sheridan: “Hey diva! Looking so good!”
Grace: “Thank you! So do you! This all looks amazing — thank you for offering to host and be involved with this, it means a lot.”
Sheridan: “Of course, my love!”
“I’m happy to host this event at Bell Camp. I don’t consider myself in a good space with the majority of these women, but I’m just going to stick to myself tonight and keep it cordial. Tonight is for the LGBTQIA+ community and, for Grace and Gemini.”
Outside, we see Mona and Lorelei step out of a car together. Some people take their pictures as they get out. They begin the walk into Bell Camp.
Mona: “Hopefully this is a fun event…”
Lorelei: “It’s an LGBTQ fundraiser, it’ll be fabulous honey!” She laughs a bit and walks behind Mona as they enter.
Grace turns around as Lorelei and Mona walk in.
Grace: “I see color! You ladies look fabulous!” She gives them both a hug and kiss.
Lorelei: “Thank you boo. You know we had to go bright and shine for the cause!”
Grace: “Yesss! It’s giving gay, honey! And I love it!”
Mona: “We love a good blazer, don’t we?”
Grace: “C’mon, Mona!” She snaps.
Sheridan gives Mona a very short and dry hug and barley says a thing. Gemini also is seen mingling and greeting with some of the women. We now see Yvonne who has entered Bell Camp.
“I’m so happy to be here in my all pink to support the LGBT community, Grace, and Gemini. I hope for the sake of cause, tonight is drama free but who am I kidding?”
She slithers over to the women.
Yvonne: “Hello, hello lovely ladies! And Mona.”
Grace smiles and hugs Yvonne.
Grace: “I live for this look! How are you, honey?”
Yvonne: “I’m great!”
Mona: “Oh I see we’re slithering like a snake! On brand!” She rolls her eyes.
Yvonne: “Yes, I decided to impersonate your husband tonight Mona.” She slither walks a little more.
Mona: “You’re not getting a reaction out of me.” She turns and walks away.
The camera pans to Grace who is nervously chewing on her lip.
“ I’m hoping all of the ladies will be on their best behaviour tonight because quite honestly, I’m tired of the fighting and tonight isn’t about any of them. This is my son’s event… I won’t have him embarrassed or humiliated.”
Mona turns back around and goes back to the group of ladies to address Yvonne.
Mona: “But, you do seem to be obsessed with my situation right now, Yvonne. Talking all about me to the other girls.”
Yvonne: “You started with me honey, I’ve already told you we aren’t in the same weight class.”
Mona: “Clearly, I mean look at you…” She makes a face and widens her eyes.
“I didn’t want drama tonight, but her presence just irks me.”
Lorelei, Sheridan, and Grace all look at one another, unsure if to stop it or if it will fizzle out.
“Tonight, I’ve got a few surprises up my sleeve. I’ve invited Bree unbeknownst everyone to hopefully allow everyone who has an issue with her to kind of… hash it out. I’m wanting to invite everyone on a girls trip but… we can’t go if we’re all not seeing eye to eye.”
Yvonne: “You’re right, I was concerned, you’ve been looking frail, foul, and foggy since I’ve met you really. I did ask if you were an alcoholic and I don’t believe your husband is cheating on you. You just can’t divorce from the bottle.” She shrugs.
Mona: “Thanks for your opinion. How about just shut the fuck up and worry about your own life!”
Lorelei uncomfortably looks around as people are starting to notice the disagreement.
Mona: “Stop being miserable and mean. It’s not a good look.”
Yvonne: “If you turn down your outfit, I’ll turn down my opinions. Nice weave!”
Mona: “It is a nice weave!” She shakes it and flips it dramatically. “Let’s see where that hairline is behind that hat of yours, shall we?”
Producer: “Why did you bring up Yvonne’s hairline?”
Mona chuckles and pulls out her phone, Googling ‘Yvonne Langley hairline’. She turns the phone to show the camera.
“The yellow is very bright and loud, much like her after she’s finished her second bottle of liquor by herself. Listen, my hairline is tight and locked down unlike hers. Have you seen that forehead?” She holds up her phone.
Grace gets in the middle and holds her hands up.
Grace: “Okay! We’re not doing this tonight. Enough. Now.”
Sheridan: “This is a fucking fundraiser for the gay community can we stop the shenanigans for once.” She looks at them, sternly.
Yvonne: “I’m sorry Grace and Sheridan, but you know I won’t let someone talk to me in that manner. Ever.” She looks to them.
“The immaturity in this group.” She rolls her eyes. “I blame Lorelei.”
At the end of the table, we can hear Mona talking to Lorelei quietly as the rest of the girls chatter.
Mona: “Hey, is Bree coming tonight? I need some backup.” She laughs.
The music changes as outside of Bell Camp, a black Cadillac stops at the valet. Bree Bailey gets out and walks around. We get a shot of all of the women talking at the table, then the focus changes to Bree who we see walking in behind them. Bree makes her way over to the section of the table the ‘Wives are seated at.
Bree: “Hello, girls. It’s nice to see everyone.”
Mona: “Hey Bree!”
Grace: “Oh, Bree….hi.” She looks then looks to Lorelei.
Yvonne: “Ohhh, I think a monsters here.” She sips her drink.
Sheridan: “For sucks sake”
“This bitch got by security? She’s banned at BellCamp after what she did. The nerve.” She looks annoyed. “Only desperate bitches like Bree shows up at a business owned by someone shes trashed. Hell shes trashed the business but just paid for a $35 valet parking spot. Thanks for ya business boo.”
Sheridan: “Grace, you invited Bree?” She looks.
Lorelei: “I did, Sheridan. Bree! Hello, hello! I’m glad you could make it.” She gets up and hugs her.
Sheridan: “Of course you did, miss messy.” She rolls her eyes. “I’m surprised she’d show her face at my business after the amount of trash she’s talked.”
Grace: “She wasn’t on the guest list….”
“Lorelei inviting Bree tonight and not telling me really doesn’t sit well with me. It’s almost like she’s deliberately trying to cause mess at MY son’s event. You’re my friend… what are you doing?”
Lorelei pulls up a seat for Bree beside her, and the two women sit.
Lorelei: “Wait, wait. Let me explain. Before you all jump on me.” She holds her hands up.
Bree is grinning beside her.
“I see my mere presence is making some of the women very nervous… and I LOVE THAT!”
Lorelei: “I invited Bree. I did so because she hasn’t exactly been welcomed into this group with open arms.” She looks at everyone. “Sheridan, you and she have a bit of a problem and I wanted you guys to like…you know, maybe talk?”
“I don’t think it was messy of me to bring Bree. Everyone knows wherever I go, I’m bringing her. That’s just what it is. They should’ve known better”
Sheridan: “No. Not at this event and not at my restaurant that she has publicly trashed.” She shakes her head.
Bree looks to Sheridan and nods.
Bree: “I agree that this is not the right time, it’s a charity event and I don’t want to take away from something that Grace and her son worked so hard for with this silly drama.”
“Let me make this clear. I don’t fool with Bree and her fat lips. I don’t fool with Lorelei and her fat ass. I don’t fool with fake bimbos.”
Mona: “It doesn’t seem like she’s here to start drama though, so what’s the big deal.” She shrugs and takes a bite of food.
Sheridan: “I wouldn’t expect you to understand, Mona.” She rolls her eyes. “Focus on your issues, babe.”
Mona: “Why am I getting so much backlash?” She looks taken aback.
“If these women let Bree be, they wouldn’t have the drama they keep saying they don’t want to have. Just go on with the party and celebrate the gays.”
The camera pans to Yvonne who grabs a champagne glass from a passing waiter. We get a shot of Sheridan looking upset and whispering to Grace for a little. Bree sits next to Lorelei, where nobody talks to her. Sheridan looks across the table at Bree.
Sheridan: “You know what — actually Bree I’m extremely uncomfortable with you being in my place of business after what you did so I’d like you to leave. Lorelei, you’ll be joining her. Bye ladies.”
Mona’s eyes widen and Bree looks at Lorelei in shock.
Yvonne: “Security!” She raises her hand and squeals.
“Two points for Sheridan, now that’s a boss move. I’m sorry Lorelei, I like you but you had to know this wouldn’t go over well.”
Lorelei glares at Sheridan.
Lorelei: “Oooh, kicking us out? Are you kicking us out? Oh wow. Wow. This is very classless. I was actually wanting to invite you all on a trip to Prague and this is what I get? Tacky!”
Bree starts laughing. Lorelei and Bree start getting up. Sheridan gets up as well and grabs a nearby security guard.
Sheridan: “Can you get Bree Bailey’s Cadillac out of the valet lot? Those two will be leaving. Thanks.” She smiles and points to Bree and Lorelei.
Lorelei: “Bree, girl. Come on. Apparently we’re not wanted.”
“Sheridan kicking me out now is seeming to be revenge for me kicking her out of my house a few weeks ago. She is so tacky and tasteless. Just like her… her whack ass food.” She mumbles. “Bitch.”
Bree: “Before we go, I want you to have this.” She goes over and gives Sheridan a couple $100 bills. “It’s not much, but it’s a start. It may help with your legal fees.” She smiles and walks away with Lorelei.
Grace follows after Lorelei and Bree.
Grace: “Wait a minute! Lorelei!”
We now go back to the table. Mona is now standing awkwardly, looking at Yvonne and Sheridan.
Mona: “I’ll be leaving as well…” She begins walking out.
Sheridan: “BYE!” She waves to Mona and rolls her eyes, turning back to Yvonne. “Yvonne, I really can’t stand those two bitches. And Mona’s ass is kissing theirs…it’s too much.”
Yvonne: “Lorelei is riding with the losers, I want her to choose better for herself. I’m glad you kicked them out, Bree’s oily hairspray was about to give me breathing problems.” She laughs.
Sheridan: “Lorelei has one mission in life — Well, 2 — To suck alot of dick and to bother me.”
The scene now switches to right outside Bell Camp. Lorelei, Bree, Grace, and Mona are gathered.
Grace: “What…was that?” She looks to Lorelei.
Lorelei: “What was what?” She looks clueless.
Grace: “Why did you bring her here?” She glances at Bree. “You knew it would cause drama.”
Bree scoffs and laughs a bit and Mona crosses her arms, watching.
“Oh so now not only have we been kicked out, now I have to listen to Grace’s pretentious ass schooling Lorelei… spare me please!”
Lorelei: “I did not know that. I brought her here because she is my friend and she was excluded, that isn’t right nor kind, Grace.” She gives a look.
Mona can be seen nodding in agreement with Lorelei.
Grace: “I wasn’t excluding you, Bree. I reached out to Bree and she said she wasn’t coming because of it being here. Her turning up has caused drama. I’d be okay about it if this was my event but it’s not… it’s my son’s and I’m not happy about it. You knew how much tonight meant to him.”
Lorelei: “I know, I know how important this was to Gemini. Sheridan is being overdramatic as always and kicking us out was a bit much. She didn’t have to do that. You arent understanding, Grace. Why aren’t you on my side here?”
Grace looks disappointed and sighs.
Grace: “I’m not going to argue in the street with you like this, because I don’t want to get to that level with you. Have a safe journey home and… I’ll see you in Miami, okay?”
Lorelei looks at Grace, shocked and drops her jaw. Grace walks back inside.
“I’m not going to get into arguing with Lorelei because frankly, I don’t need it. I’m going to try and enjoy the ret of the night with Gemini and forget this whole MISHAP ever happened.”
Lorelei: “Let’s go, Bree.” She gives Mona a hug. “I’ll see you later, M.”
Mona: “Bye girls!”
The episode ends as Lorelei and Bree walk off together.