[S5E9]: Road to Recovery
Previously on The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach…
On their final night in New Orleans the girl’s played a game of truth or dare which ended up with Sheridan ousting Lorelei and Imani as the ones who were trying to spread rumors about Grace. Despite feeling betrayed by her only friends, Grace met up with the sisters in Beverly Beach to shop for Lorelei’s wedding dress and the trio smoothed it over. Mona was met with resistance from her husband, Adam, when she brought up trying to find her biological parents. Grace left her own Spiritual Cleanse event after feeling attacked by the women again, but not all was lost after some of the ‘Wives were able to forgive one another.
Music plays as we see downtown Beverly Beach. Gemma walks the deck of an empty rooftop pool. She approaches the bar and sits at one of the high stools.
“Today I’m meeting up with Ren at this venue my friend is the GM for since I heard she needs a spot for her revamp party. So I offered to show her this space just to give her an idea. I don’t feel like I’ve made an attempt to have a connection with Ren so this is going to be a good little one on one for us to chat without the others around.”
We get a cool shot of Ren walking in. She joins Gemma at the bar and sits, giving her a side hug.
Ren: “Hi hun! So good to see you.”
Gemma: “Hey! My friend Tomas will be out shortly to give you a little tour of the space here.” She smiles.
Ren: “Yes, please.” She fans herself. “It’s so hot and I haven’t got all day.” She looks a bit annoyed. “How are you though?”
Gemma: “I’m good! How are you?”
Ren: “I’m okay.” She nods.
There is an awkward silence until footsteps can be heard. Gemma turns as a man walks onto the pool deck with an iPad.
Gemma: “Oh! Here he is! Tomas! Come, we don’t have all day, love.” She waves him over.
Gemma stands as she greets Tomas with a hug and kisses on both of his cheeks. Tomas introduces himself to Ren and gives the ladies a tour of the rooftop space. All through out the tour, Ren looks very impressed at the venue.
“I have to admit I did NOT have high hopes for Gemma with finding a venue but she’s actually really good at her job and I love this space. I could definitely see myself throwing an event here.”
At the end, he gives them the pricing and final details.
Ren: “Thank you so much, I loved it! I will definitely be in contact with you.”
Tomas: “Of course, a pleasure meeting you Ren.” He gives her a hug. “Please enjoy some drinks at the bar inside. Put them on my tab, Gemma.” He winks at Gemma then gives her a tight hug.
Gemma: “Thank you, Tomas! So nice of you! Shall we go, Ren.” She turns. “I know it’s a warm day.”
Ren nods and the girls follow Tomas inside. They head to the other bar and he disappears into an elevator. A bartender makes them cocktails and they sit at a high top table.
Ren: “Gemma, this place isn’t half bad! I really like it!” She sips her cocktail. “I think I need to book it.”
Gemma: “I’m glad you like it! So how is your revamp going? Hard, I’m sure.” She twirls a piece of her hair.
Ren: “Honestly it’s been a super easy transition but it’s alot! We are going in more of family friendly direction and it’s something I’m just getting use too. Juggling working and being a mom and good wife to Aaron is hard.” She shrugs. “But I’m more than committed. I want to be able to excel for our family.”
Gemma: “That’s amazing! I’ve hit a rough patch with my fiancé about kids and family.” She frowns. “So we’re working on it right now. He wants me to stop working to start a family. It was one of the reasons why he proposed, because I said I would slow down — not completely stop.” She bites her lip. “I just like what I do. It makes me feel like someone.”
Ren nods, looking at Gemma sympathetically.
Ren: “Yeah it’s tough, I definitely dealt with the same thing from Aaron earlier in our marriage and it caused some issues.” She furrows her brow. “How are you feeling about everything overall? Do you want kids?”
Gemma: “I do want kids but when I’m ready when I’m ready! Not when he tells me or my overbearing mother.” She rolls her eyes. “I literally have no one in my team. The last thing Stavros, my fiancé, told me was I wasn’t getting any younger and should really decide now if I want children.” She sips her drink.
Ren: “Oh my god, I swear this is giving me PTSD! My husband ended up getting another women pregnant. If I were you, I would have the damn baby and hire a nanny to make him happy.” She chuckles. “It’ll make your life a hell of alot easier.”
Gemma laughs.
Gemma: “I mean I could always do that but Stavros is traditional. He’s Greek so he has his family values and things.” She sighs. “I don’t know.”
“I don’t want Gemma to make the same mistake I made by not getting pregnant when Aaron asked. It lead me now taking care of his illegitimate child. I love Gracie but if I was more obedient I wouldn’t be in this situation.”
Ren: “It’s really a tough situation but just do what you think will make you happier in the long run.”
Gemma: “Yeah.” She nods. “I do want to talk to you about something. I feel like I’m not fitting in with this group. I feel like I haven’t made any genuine connections with any of the ladies. Am I doing something wrong? I’m so lost and confused.” She shakes her head.
Ren thinks before responding.
Ren: “Hmm…I do feel like you’re misunderstood but after our meeting today I see a lot of myself in you and I want you around.” She smiles. “You’re a good person! You’re just dealing with alot.”
Gemma: “Thank you Ren!” She smiles. “That means alot to me and I appreciate our friendship.”
“I think Ren and I really had some sort of a breakthrough today. We actually had a conversation and got to know each other on another level. It feels good to know that she wants to see me around this group and befriend me.”
The girls finish their cocktails.
Ren: “Shall we get out of here?”
The scene ends.
The scene begins by showing a park. The camera focuses on Jenisa’s son, Eli, running around with a few other kids. Sitting on a picnic blanket in the grass, Jenisa and her mother watch Eli play as they snack on chips and hummus.
Farrah [Jenisa’s Mother]: “Eli is just too cute. I wish he’d stay this size forever.”
Jenisa smiles a bit.
Jenisa: “He’s fun but a handful. Thanks for helping Derek with Eli while I was away in New Orleans, by the way.”
Farrah: “Of course, my baby!”
“After NOLA I desperately need some mommy and me time… no not with Eli.. with MY Mommy! She's my rock and I need some motherly advice.”
Jenisa: “So I told you I’ve been around Imani, Derek’s new girl…”
Farrah: “I’ve seen pictures. She thinks she’s a model?”
Jenisa: “She’s interesting for sure. It’ll be interesting to see how we bond or not. Derek doesn’t say a ton about her. Thought she was a booty call at first.” She shrugs and chomps a chip.
Farrah: “So how was Louisiana?”
Jenisa: “I had fun. The others were a bit stales. We were suppose to be having fun, I think they thought I was drinking too much.”
Farrah looks at her daughter skeptically , she glances in Eli’s direction. The camera shows him playing with others on the slide.
Farrah: “Well…did you drink too much? You kno — “
Jenisa: “It wasn’t like that. I was on vacation.” She shakes her head.
Farrah: “Just don’t embarrass yourself now. You have Eli now.
Jenisa: “I won’t, Mom.”
Farrah: “I’m just worried because you remember what happened after the divor — “
Jenisa: “I KNOW! I’m being safe.”
Farrah: “Jenisa you don’t have to come at me I’m just concerned.” She frowns.
Jenisa: ‘ELI! Come here, buddy!” She looks back at her mother as Eli comes over. “There’s no reason to be concerned. I’m fine. I was having fun on vacation with the girls.”
Farrah: “Okay, okay.”
Eli comes over and flings himself into Farrah’s arms.
Eli: “Grandma!”
Jenisa smiles as they embrace.
“I understand her concern but I don’t need someone else adding on to the nonsense train with the rest of the bimbos. Especially, my mother.”
The scene ends.
The scene starts off with Sheridan walking down the street.
The camera goes off of her and pans over Sheridan’s restaurant construction site. We see Sheridan walk in and look around.
“My restaurant is about a month out from being fully ready for a soft opening!” She squeals. “I am so excited yet so nervous! Today I’ve invited Ren and Gemma to the site to help me with some decision making for some design elements. The two of them are so fashionable and have great taste so I know they’ll help me make the best decisions!”
Outside, Gemma pulls into the parking lot in her green Lamborghini. She gets out and makes her way into the building, Sheridan turns around with a grin.
Gemma: “Hey girl!” She looks around. “This place is turning out amazing!”
Sheridan gives her a hug.
Sheridan: “Thanks diva! It still has alot of work to go.” She laughs.
Gemma: “I can tell! But at least you’re closer to the finish, right?” She flips her hair.
Sheridan: “Yes!” She looks at her phone. “Ren should be here any minute now.”
Gemma: “Yay! Love Ren! We actually met the other day and we totally hit it off totally unexpected.”
Sheridan: “She told me! It definitely made me smile because I enjoyed hanging out with you on the trip so to hear Ren is also connecting with you. I was like yassss!” She laughs.
“Ren and I really had a great convo the other day and it made me feel hopeful for a friendship. Sheridan is another girl who I could see myself befriending if I open up a bit more. I’m glad to finally be making some connections.”
A handsome man walks into the restaurant carrying a briefcase. Sheridan grins and gives him a hug.
Sheridan: “How are you, babe?” She kisses him on the cheek.
He turns to Gemma and sticks his hand out.
Nate: “Nate Berkus, nice to meet you!”
Gemma shakes his hand.
Gemma: “Oh hello! Nice to meet you! Gemma Li.”
Sheridan: “My friend Nate is one of the top interior designers in the United States”
Nate: “Oh Sheridan, don’t give me so much credit.” He chuckles.
The camera pans to show Ren walking into Sheridan’s restaurant space. She gives both Sheridan and Gemma a double kiss on their cheeks.
Ren: “Hi my loves!”
Gemma: “Hey sweetie! Mwah!”
Sheridan: “Hey diva!”
Ren struts over and gives Nate a hug.
Ren: “Nate! Long time no see!” She squeezes his arms. “Oooh! Have you been working out?” She winks.
Nate laughs and shakes his head.
Nate: “Ren Nichols-Rose! Still a fire cracker I see.”
Sheridan: “Nate here was just getting ready to show us some design options for the restaurant!”
Ren: “Oh yes, Sheridan and Nate working together? This is bound to be fabulous.”
Nate starts to show the ladies designs for the restaurants color pallet and the ladies give their feedback and make faces as music plays over the scene. Nate packs up all his belongings and says his goodbyes and leaves. Sheridan gets the girls water bottles and leads them to an outside patio area in the back where they sit at a table.
Sheridan: “Thank you guys so much for helping me with those choices! It’s going to really look fabulous when it all comes together for the opening next month. I’m so stressed though.”
Gemma: “I’m sure you are! A month is so soon. Trust me, I know. I had to put my beach club on hold.” She sighs. “My wedding is just sneaking up on me.”
Ren: “It’ll all turn out. Just take a deep breath, take it all in, and don’t forget to sit back at times and just enjoy the success of your cookbook and the restaurant opening and your relationship.” She holds Sheridan’s hand.
Sheridan sighs.
Sheridan: “Speaking of which, I wanted to also talk to you ladies about something else before we go.”
Gemma: “What’s up?” She uses her hand to shield her eyes from the sun.
Ren nods.
Sheridan: “Well, Martin and I are deep into counseling and are making a lot of progress but we’ve hit a point where it’s time for me to fully heal and I think after talking with my counselor and even Jenisa — I think I need to speak to Keisha, the woman he slept with and had a child with while we were married.”
Ren: “Sheridan are you sure?” Her eyes widen. “What would be the purpose of that?”
“Talking to Keisha is the next step for healing but it is so unnerving. This woman hates me, and honestly I don’t like her either. She knew Martin and I were married when she chose to sleep with him, but it’s time to move on.”
Sheridan: “Just have to make peace with her for the sake of moving on with Martin — if we want to continue to be together, I have to co-parent with Keisha. I adore MJ and he’s of the age where he knows Keisha and I don’t get along. It’s time to come to an agreement so I can heal from the pain she caused me.”
The camera pans to Gemma who is looking lost.
Gemma: “I’m sorry but who’s Keisha.”
Ren laughs at Gemma but Sheridan looks over, annoyed.
“Sometimes I don’t know where Gemma’s head is at.”
Sheridan: “Gemma, I just told you. She’s the woman Martin slept with while we were together and the mother of his child — Keep up, girlie.”
Gemma: “Oh right! I’m sorry.” She giggles and sips from her water bottle.
Ren looks to Sheridan.
Ren: “I think you should be an obedient wife to Martin and just let the past go, Keisha will never be you and never have the ring. MJ is a child born out of wedlock.” She shrugs. “I think you should just let it go.”
Sheridan raises and eyebrow and Gemma nods along.
Gemma: “I think you should let the past go too Sheridan and just focus on your future with Martin. Don’t let it eat you up inside.”
Sheridan: “You’re right, I’m just so conflicted. Martin said he will support me 100%, though he too didn’t sure I should try and speak to Keisha. I just want to be the bigger person and try!”
Ren: “Do you really think you’re going to make progress by talking to Keisha?”
Sheridan: “I honestly hope so, but based on our track record — I don’t know.”
“I thought by sharing with Ren and Gemma about potentially meeting with Keisha that they’d boost me up to be more confident and instead they have me second guessing Jenisa’s idea.” She laughs.
Sheridan: “Thank you girls, I appreciate you both — but, enough about that whore!”
Ren: “If you need backup, Consuela has cousins.” She winks.
Sheridan: “So bad.” She laughs and shakes her head. “But that energy cleanse the other day? Y’all, I’m confused.”
Gemma: “OMG ME TOO! I found it, like, so strange that Grace didn’t want to participate when it was all her idea. Like what was that?”
Sheridan: “She’s a drama queen honey she pulls those stunts all the time in this group, you just kind of have to ignore it. I was more surprised that Jenisa was talking mess to Mona and I about Lorelei but is now chasing her and begging for a lunch date.”
“I know Lorelei’s husband invests a lot of money into local businesses but surely Jenisa’s weed company isn’t hurting so much that she has to chase behind Lorelei.”
Gemma: “OOP!” She giggles. “Jenisa gives me flip flop vibes, sorry.”
Ren: “Jenisa, I adore her, but she’s been giving me a ratchet vibe lately and reeks of marijuana and Patchouli oil. It’s a little embarrassing.” She twirls a piece of her hair.
Gemma and Sheridan both laugh.
Sheridan: “She’s definitely a character. I thought maybe she’s just overdoing it due to anxiety of fitting in.”
Gemma: “There’s a difference between being a character and being a mess and embarrassing. She was so embarrassing in NOLA! She had to be dragged out of the bar. Grace, Lorelei, and I didn’t want anything to do with the mess.” She makes a face.
Sheridan: “I definitely think she gets nervous around the group and over indulges in substances to calm her…and then her switch flips and she’s blackout and on another planet.” She brings her knee up and rests her chin on it. “Gemma, you say Lorelei doesn’t want to deal with the mess yet she agrees to a lunch date with Jenisa?”
Gemma: “Listen, Lorelei and I are on the road to recovery so I don’t want to say anything…BUT…I think she needs friends and she’s just giving Jenisa a chance even tho she doesn’t like like her.”
Ren: “Lorelei is super pathetic. Why are you doing lunch with your sister’s boyfriend’s baby momma? What an idiot. It’s quite literally pointless to befriend that bitch.”
Gemma: “I don’t know…” She drinks her water.
“Ren does makes some valid points.”
Sheridan: “Lorelei is a lonely desperate woman. She sought for love and acceptance in the arms of her own stepson. She needs a therapist..”
Ren: “I — “ She chokes on her water.
Gemma: “WELL DAMN!”
Sheridan: “Dicks, friends, and pills won’t fill the hole that exists in her heart. Only a therapist can begin to help her heal.”
Gemma: “Jesus!” She covers her ears.
Sheridan laughs and rolls her eyes.
Sheridan: “Relax, Gemma. Lorelei knows all I’m stating is facts.”
Gemma: “Okay I’m going to pull a Jenisa and be nosey. Where do you and Grace go from the point you guys are at now? Clearly she wanted you to chase her in the sand.”
Sheridan: “I’m in a forgiving mood. I may reach out and invite her to dinner.” She cracks a smile.
Gemma: “That’s nice. She’s a nice older lady.”
Sheridan: “Older indeed.”
Ren silently rolls her eyes.
“Grace is a none factor across the board. That women is impossible deal with in anything less than a small dose. Good luck Sheridan.”
Sheridan: “Okay ladies, I have to head out! MJ has a junior league game today and I promised Martin I’d meet him there! See you all soon divas!”
The scene fades as the lades head off into separate directions.
We get a shot of Lorelei getting out of her car and strutting into a restaurant. A host leads Lorelei out to a table where a women is sitting on a full patio.
Jenisa stands up and hugs Lorelei, Lorelei smiles.
Lorelei: “Hi!” She takes her seat and immediately a waiter comes and fills up her water cup, she also orders a tea.
Jenisa: “How are you, pretty?”
Lorelei: “I’m really good. Just busy with the wedding, but thank you for inviting me out to lunch. I appreciate the distraction.” She laughs.
“I’ve not really gotten a chance to meet with Jenisa one on one, away from the group and I’m hoping this lunch will potentially allow us to get to know one another a bit better.” She shrugs.
Jenisa: “Of course, of course.” She stirs her drink with a straw. “After that weird event the other day, I thought we should take the time to chat.” She shakes her head.
Lorelei: “That cleansing thing was a mess.” She laughs and looks up. “Oh my God.”
Jenisa: “Is that what it was? A cleanse?” She raises an eyebrow. “It was more like a colonoscopy with no anesthesia.” She makes a face. “That’s what I wanted to talk about though — I don’t get Grace. I know y’all are friends. Like, what’s her deal?”
“Grace runs her mouth from here to there and then runs when people try to talk to her it’s weird.”
Lorelei chuckles and flips her hair, she quickly takes a sip of her hot tea that the waiter brought out. The girls order salad.
Lorelei: “Grace is just in my opinion, misunderstood. She rubs a lot of people the wrong way and I don’t know…” She shrugs. “I have a sense of loyalty to her. She’s always had my back, even when we weren’t even friends. I think that makes her a decent person.”
Jenisa: “I just don’t know why she dragged us all to the beach to not say a word and run away?”
Lorelei: “I don’t know why she ran away. To be honest with you, I haven’t spoken to her since the spiritual cleanse. I do know she feels outcastes by alot of the group.”
The camera shows Jenisa who is nodding along as she listens to Lorelei.
Lorelei: “This group is just really fractured right now. We’re all not getting along and it’s just… It’s sad. I wish things could be different.”
Jenisa: “Well, can I ask you — You know your sister and I have gotten close which is really awesome, especially for my son. She did tell me that you are having some issues at home.” She looks at Lorelei concerned. “Is everything okay?”
“If Lorelei is having issues at home, there’s no way she can be focused on issues with the group. I’m here to help.”
Lorelei looks extremely taken aback, she gathers herself.
Lorelei: “I’m having issues at home?” She shakes her head and looks clueless. “I’m fine, this is the first I’m hearing about problems in my home life.” She laughs.
“I am highly annoyed at this point. One, at the fact that Imani has continued to tell my private business with women I haven’t been too friendly with is frustrating. She doesn’t know when to shut her fucking mouth. And two, Jenisa bringing this up at a casual lunch. We’re not friends like that yet.”
Jenisa: “Oh! I’m so sorry, I don’t mean to pry obviously. I just didn’t know what was happening. You seemed…not present in New Orleans and then again at the beach the other night.” She shrugs. “I just figured you must have your mind elsewhere, is what I’m trying to get at.” She laughs.
Lorelei nods and smiles.
Lorelei: “I’m just stressed with the wedding planning, like I said. It’s alot to deal with, that’s all.”
Jenisa: “Of course! I can’t image how planning a wedding wouldn’t be stressful.”
Lorelei twirls a piece of her hair.
Lorelei: “While we’re on the subject of New Orleans, have you talked to your friend Gemma yet? Because she doesn’t appear to be your friend.” She looks at Jenisa.
Jenisa: “Ummm, not really. I haven’t talked to her since we got back from the trip. Why? Did I miss something?”
Jenisa and Lorelei thank the waiter as he brings out their micro-green salads. Lorelei shakes her head as the girls begin to eat.
Lorelei: “I just think Gemma was so phony. Obviously, at the time you and I weren’t really friends with one another, and neither were you and Grace. At the bar crawl, she was your only friend in that moment and I told her to help you out while you were intoxicated and she said…she didn’t care about you.” She makes a face.
“I can’t remember what all Gemma said that night. To be honest… it’s a bit of a blur, but I remember she said something along the lines of ‘not giving a fuck about Jenisa’.” She blinks. “Something like that.”
Lorelei: “You don’t want a friend thats not going to have your back. You know, Grace can be alot to deal with, but I know she has my back.” She laughs.
Jenisa: “Yeah, you’re right. I think Gemma believes she’s better than all of us. Yet the word on the street about her beg to differ.”
Lorelei widens her eyes and crosses her legs as she finishes chewing a bite of salad.
Lorelei: “Please indulge me on what the streets are saying about Miss Gemma Li, honey!”
Jenisa: “She’s broke? Her business is crumbling? I mean, we’ve been around her for a couple of months now. Has she thrown any events?!”
“Gemma is a club promoter and all about partying and having a good time yet she hasn’t planned a single one? And no, I’m not counting her serving us flights of tequila on the rooftop of her apartment a party.” She looks at the camera.
Lorelei gasps and laughs.
Lorelei: “Broke?! Ooooh, girl. This is messy.” She nods. “How do you know this.”
“I mean, Gemma allegedly being broke isn’t a far fetched allegation. She’s never stuck me as someone who has real, true money. She’s always appeared to live beyond her means.” She clenches her teeth. “If this is true, then… yikes.”
Jenisa: “I mean people talk but the proof is in the pudding, Lorelei! Have you been to a Gemma run event yet?!”
Lorelei smirks and holds back a laugh.
Lorelei: “No, I haven’t.”
Jenisa: “I rest my case.” She sips her drink.
“I’m not spilling tea cause I’m angry. I just hate when people are fake. Gemma seems fraudulent. Much like Grace, why is she here?”
Lorelei: “Messy boots, baby! Messy boots!” She laughs and stands up. “This lunch was exciting, girl. Very informative. But…I’ve got to run! Appointment with my planner.” She giggles.
“Jenisa is a messy bitch. Dare I say? I may actually kind of like her. A messy bitch is a bitch you need to keep around.”
Jenisa stands up and hugs Lorelei.
Jenisa: “Oh have so much fun!”
The camera shows Lorelei walking out and the scene ends.
Music plays as we see Sheridan’s beachfront home as dusk settles in over Beverly Beach. Inside, Sheridan is popping a bottle of champagne in her living room.
She places two glasses on the coffee table and takes a sip of hers.
“Contrary to popular belief amongst some of the heathens in this group — I am a good person. Part of being a good person is moving on and taking the high road. Saying that, I’ve invited Grace over to my home. I’m tired of fighting with this woman. Our petty beef has nothing on the issues I have with the demon sisters.”
Outside, Grace’s car is seen pulling into Sheridan’s driveway. Grace checks herself in the mirror before exiting the car and making her way up to Sheridan’s front door.
“So, after the cleanse event I hosted… I was very upset. What surprised me was that Sheridan contacted me out of the blue and asked me to come over to her house so we could talk, one-on-one. I have no idea what to expect but my expectations aren’t that high. In all honesty, I’m tired of fighting with Sheridan now. Let’s just see how this one plays out.”
Grace rings the door bell and clears her throat. A few seconds later, Sheridan opens to door.
Sheridan: “Hi, Grace. Welcome to me home.” She leads her inside. “I can’t remember, is this your first time here?”
Grace looks around as they walk to the living room.
Grace: “I think so, it’s really breathtaking. Who designed it?”
Sheridan: “Thanks! I had Nate Berkus help us with the interior. It has a gorgeous beach view. Love this place!” They make it to the living room. “Have a seat! Would you like a glass of bubbly?”
Grace sits down on the sectional.
Grace: “I’ll take a glass, yes, thank you.”
Sheridan pours a glass for Grace from the bottle she just opened and hands it to her.
Sheridan: “Okay, so…” She leans back on her couch. “I called you over here because the attacks are getting out of control and quite frankly they’ve went too far — on both of our parts.”
The camera zooms in on Grace who is nodding.
Grace: “I agree. In all honesty, I’m tired of fighting with you. I’m just… tired of everything.” She sighs.
“I do recognize that I play a part in what’s went down between me and Sheridan. I just want to move forward and I’m hoping she’ll be able to see that.”
Sheridan: “It’s exhausting.” She sips her champagne. “There is a huge divide in the group and I think the two of us play a big role in the divide. I hope that if the ladies can see that you and I can move cordial and drop the tasteless insults — that they can too.”
“I don’t expect Grace and I to be best friends overnight; but I think a truce to not go below the belt with each other is something we are capable of accomplishing. We can co-exist for the sake of our friend group. I hope!”
Grace: “I see where you’re coming from. There’s a toxic atmosphere in the air within the group for sure.”
Sheridan: “Yeah and I think the two of us have certainly contributed to that vibe with our constant back and forth, so I really would like to call a truce with you and move forward with a promise to not go below the belt with each other. I’m sure we will not exactly see eye to eye as we never really have, but there’s no sense in either of us being so vile to each other.”
There is a silence as Sheridan looks to Grace for her response, Grace bites her lip but eventually nods.
Grace: “I would definitely like to move forward. I’d like nothing more than to be cordial with you.”
Sheridan: “Good, now we can cheers to moving forward with grace…” She chuckles. “… and class and no more below the belt attacks on eachother?”
Grace raises her glasses a smiles slightly.
Grace: “Yes, of course. To moving forward.”
“Am I glad to be civil with Sheridan? Yes. Will I ever trust her? Probably not. But, we can’t get along with everyone, right?”
Sheridan: “Cheers! Well with that, let me show you the rest of the house.”
She stands up, Grace follows.
Grace: “Please do! It’s certainly fabulous.”
“Time will tell how far our truce will go, but I truly do hope it lasts. Fingers crossed it doesn’t bite me in the ass.”
The scene fades as Sheridan leads Grace out of the living room. The episode ends.