[S5E8]: Game Night

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
36 min readMay 2, 2022


(From L to R: Gemma Li, Jenisa Azizi, Mona Quinn, Grace Faroe, Imani Grimaldi, Lorelei Sullivan, & Sheridan Campbell)

The episode begins with a nighttime shot of the house the girls are staying in while they are on vacation in New Orleans. Shouting, cheering, and the clanking of glasses can be heard inside. Fun music plays and the shot switches to a decorated living room Ren has set up for her slumber party game night. The girls are all in their pajamas and are drinking from opening bottles of champagne and wine.

Lorelei, Imani, Ren, Grace, Sheridan, & Jenisa

Sheridan is seen taking a shot and then leaning on Jenisa as she sticks her tongue out in disgust.

Sheridan: “Agh! Doesn’t go down like it did in college.”

They laugh.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“If this little game night goes anything like dinner; I’ll be sipping my champagne and laughing at the girls making complete fools of themselves. I’m not getting involved.” She shakes her head.

The camera pans to Grace and Lorelei who sit together on the couch, they look bored and remain silent. Sheridan raises and eyebrow.

Sheridan: “I think some of the girls need some of your stash to calm down tonight.”

Jenisa: “Should we toke up?” She raises an eyebrow.

Sheridan: “Please!”

Jenisa pulls out her dab pen and takes a hit.

Jenisa: “Anyone else wanna hit?!”

Sheridan: “Me first!” She takes a few puffs and hands it back to Jenisa.

Jenisa looks around and finally lands on Grace and extends it to her.

Jenisa: “Take a hit, mama.”

Surprisingly, Grace shrugs and takes a puff. She starts having a coughing fit after and the girls laugh. Gemma walks into the room.


Gemma: “Heyyyyy!”

Gemma’s Confessional

“So after the bar crawl I had a massive headache and needed a nap so I skipped out on dinner, although I heard just about everything through these paper thin walls. So now I’m up and ready for this pajama party!”

As the girls begin to chatter and greet Gemma, the camera focuses on Imani who moves to sit next to Lorelei and pulls her in for a private chat.

Imani: “You need to stop. You know my loyalty is to you.”

Lorelei looks at Imani.

Lorelei: “I don’t know that.” She shakes her head.

Imani: “We’ll talk later.” She pats her hand and goes back to her original seat.

Ren stands up, holding a big box.

Ren: “Ladies! Look here, let’s get started.” She opens the box and there are two stacks of cards inside. “Tonight we’re playing a game. It’s simple. Truth or Dare. You pick either a Truth or a Dare card, You will complete it and then you pick the next person to go.” She smiles.

Grace: “Truth or Dare?” She raises an eyebrow.

Sheridan: “Let’s get this party started!” She stands up. “I’ll go first!”

Sheridan picks a Dare card from the pile and holds it up.

Sheridan: “I’m fearless! Let’s go!”

Lorelei laughs.

Lorelei: “Oh, this is messy.”

Imani: “Oh we really startin’, huh?” She makes a face.

Mona: “Damn!”

Sheridan looks to her side. The three girls to her right are Grace, Lorelei, and Gemma. She thinks.

Sheridan: “Oh gosh…Kill Grace, obviously.”

Grace holds her hands up.

Grace: “Hey, I’ll fire the bullet myself! Happily!”

Sheridan: “Marry Lorelei because she has the most money from the family she’s married into…twice.”

Lorelei cracks a smile.

Sheridan: “And I’d fuck Gemma. She probably has good skills with that mouth.” She winks.

Gemma laughs

Gemma: “Well cheers to that!” She holds up her drink. “My man is satisfied.”

Lorelei: “That was shady, but correct.” She snaps.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Sheridan may be alot of things but the bitch ain't stupid.”

Sheridan: “Who’s next?! Hm…i’ll be kind and pass it on to miss Grace. The Faroe looks like she’s dying to play.” She laughs and hands the box off to Grace.

Mona: “More like dying for attention.” She mumbles to herself.

The camera pans to Imani on the end of the couch, snickering.

Imani’s Confessional

“No because it’s true! Grace LOVEESSS attention, like the woman loves herself more than anyone in this world.”

Grace takes the box.

Grace: “Thank you, honey. I’m doing Truth.”

The girls all silently look at Grace. She looks down and sighs before facing the other women.

Grace: “Wow…Um, I suppose…” She begins to tear up. “Everything that was said about me by ex husband. Those vicious lies and…and…homophobic comments. All of this lead to my daughter moving out and not speaking to me. That all together was…” She begins crying. “Hard.”

Lorelei makes a face and pats Grace on the back. Imani frowns and begins patting Grace’s back as well.

Imani: “It’s okay…”

The camera pans to Ren and Jenisa who are quietly sipping their drinks.

Ren’s Confessional

“Grace is preparing for her Emmy I see.”

Sheridan is seen applying her lipgloss.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“When it comes to Grace — her story is heartbreaking, but she it’s hard to believe because of the amount of lies she’s told in this group. Sorry! Just being honest.”

Grace is seen wiping her eyes with a tissue.

Grace: “Sorry! I didn’t want to get emotional tonight. It’s not about me.”

Gemma shakes her head and reaches over to pat Grace’s thigh.

Gemma: “That’s just oh so horrible, Grace!”

Gemma’s Confessional

“Homophobic, vicious lies, daughter not speaking to her. Jesus what a stressful life to live at such an old age.” She shakes her head.

Jenisa coughs.

Jenisa: “So who’s next?”

Grace: “I’d like for Imani to go next.” She gets up and hands the box over to Imani.

Imani: “Oh no! I don’t want to do.” She laughs nervously and reluctantly takes the box.

Imani holds up a Dare card.

Imani: “I’m the realest here, I’m ready!”

Grace shakes her head and laughs.

Grace: “Oh, Lord…”

Mona: “This’ll be good.”

Lorelei: “Ooooh, who made these cards? So shady!” She giggles.

Jenisa: “Imani, play dead and be Grace!”

Jenisa laughs to herself as Grace shoots her a death glare. Imani now gets up and runs into a nearby bedroom, everyone looks confused. A few moments she bursts back into the room in a dress, imitating Grace.

Imani: “THE FAROE IS HERE!” She poses. “YOU DON’T SPEAK TO ME UNLESS I SPEAK TO YOU, SHERIDAN!!!” She starts pointing at Sheridan and all the girls are laughing. “SHERIDAN YOU’RE A LIAR!”

Jenisa: “YASSSSS!” She stands up and claps.

Gemma: “OH MY GOD!” She covers her mouth.

Sheridan: “Nuh uh! You got it right!” Tears are coming out of her eyes.

Mona: “That was good!”

Ren is belly laughing on the couch. The camera pans to Lorelei who is trying to hold back laughter despite Grace hysterically laughing right beside her.

Grace: “Okay…Okay…I can respect that.” She holds her hands up, still laughing.

Grace’s Confessional

“Imani…” She laughs. “She got it pretty accurate. Sometimes it’s good to laugh at yourself and you know this silly little game was a good reminder of that.” She shrugs. “I can’t take everything seriously all of the time. But we all know…there’s only ONE of The Faroe.” She winks.

Imani gets up and passes the box to Lorelei.

Imani: “Lorelei! You go!”

Lorelei: “Oh my gosh…” She smiles. “I’ll do Truth.” She pulls from the box.

Gemma blinks rapidly as she sips her drink.

Grace: “Ohhh!”

Lorelei looks a little shocked but immediately turns serious, she looks at Sheridan and motions her head.

Lorelei: “I don’t trust Sheridan.”

The living room goes silent. Sheridan sips her champagne and nods.

Sheridan: “Feelings mutual, love. After all the things you’ve been caught up doing recently.”

Mona’s eyes widen, Lorelei laughs.

Lorelei: “Bitch.” She mumbles under her breath.

Sheridan shakes her head at Lorelei with a big fake smile.

Sheridan: “Be careful.” She winks.

Sheridan turns and leans in, whispering to Jenisa.

Sheridan: “She really should tread lightly tonight. It’s funny that she wants to try me.”

Lorelei looks at Sheridan and smirks before handing the box off to Mona.

Lorelei: “Alrighty, Miss Snoozefest. Surprise us.”

Mona glares at Lorelei and does a pathetic fake laugh. The camera pans to Gemma who is giggling.

Mona: “Ha. Ha. You’re so funny!” She reaches into the box. “Truth.”

As Mona is reading the card, the camera pans off of her and to Lorelei and Grace whispering. Another angle catches Sheridan watching them and narrowing her eyes.

Mona: “I’m not rea — “

Sheridan abruptly interrupts Mona, she is staring at Lorelei and Grace talking.

Sheridan: “Lorelei.”

The girls all look at Sheridan confused, Sheridan is now shaking her head.

Sheridan: “Lorelei, let’s not talk about what you don’t want to get out.”

Lorelei stops talking to Grace and rolls her eyes.

Lorelei: “Girl, come out with it then.” She leans forward.

Imani: “Okay girls, relax. It’s Mona’s turn.”

The camera pans to Mona. Sheridan is now staying quiet and sipping her champagne.

Sheridan: “Let’s not go there.”

Lorelei: “Go where? These big empty threats…Boring.” She laughs.

Gemma: “What’s going on…?”

Jenisa watches, confused.

Sheridan: “Okay girls…I haven’t been completely honest with you.” All eyes are on Sheridan now. “Lorelei is the one who told me Grace was going on a talk show to talk shit about me and some of the other girls.”

Ren: “Oh wow! Been told y’all this hoe was fake as fuck but nobody listened.” She sips her drink.

Imani: “What…”

Mona: “Hold on.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I tried to protect Lorelei and blame it on a random blogger, but she wants to push. Well let’s push, bitch.”

Lorelei gasps.

Lorelei: “That is a lie.” She turns to Grace.

Grace: “Sheridan, you are laughable. Really.”

Imani: “When was this? I don’t believe Lorelei would do something like this, Sheridan. She doesn’t even trust you to tell you this.”

Lorelei: “I never said that. Sheridan is full of fucking shit.”

Sheridan shrugs and looks at the girls cooly.

Sheridan: “Shall I pull out the receipts, Lore-lie?”

Lorelei suddenly throws a pillow at Sheridan. Sheridan and Ren move to the side quickly to dodge it.

Lorelei: “Girl, fuck off!”

Jenisa is seen taking a few more hits off her dab pen.

Jenisa’s Confessional

“Why can’t we have one fun night? It’s exhaustinggggg.”

Sheridan begins scrolling through her phone and Grace turns to Lorelei.

Gemma: “Damn, she really got receipts?”

Grace: “Lorelei, I know it’s not true. She’s a talking load of bullshit.” She rolls her eyes.

Grace’s Confessional

“I don’t know why this is even a thing right now. Sheridan knows it’s not true, Lorelei knows it’s not true, I know it’s not true…Everybody in the room knows it’s not true! The lies, the lies, the lies!”

Lorelei: “Sheridan, you are a PIECE OF SHIT. Why make up some bullshit about me? Why not focus on trying to bring a baby into this world? Focus on shit that matters, you bitch!”

Grace’s jaw drops and she laughs.

Jenisa: “OH MY GOD! Lorelei!”

Ren: “Whoaaaaa.”

Mona: “Lorelei, Jesus Christ.” She shakes her head.

Grace: “Sheridan started this, she needs to be able to handle the heat she’s getting.”

The camera pans to Sheridan who is still scrolling through her phone. She finally stops, smiles, and holds it up. the girls gasp as they look at the screenshots.

Jenisa: “Well that does it!”

Ren: “Typical Loraliar.” She rolls her eyes. “Explain yourself.” She turns to Lorelei.

Imani’s mouth is open.

Imani: “Are you serious, Sheridan?” She looks at her. “Why would you do that?”

Lorelei looks at Sheridan and chuckles.

Lorelei: “And that is why I said I don’t trust her.” She points to Sheridan.That right there!”

Imani: “This is why no one in this group trusts you, Sheridan. This is disgusting.”

Grace looks a bit shaken, she takes a deep breath then looks at Lorelei.

Grace: “Wait, did you really say this?”

Lorelei looks at Grace then looks away. She gets up and then gets in Sheridan’s face, Imani jumps up to hold her back.

Lorelei: “FUCK YOU!” She turns and sprints out of the room.

Lorelei Running

Gemma: “Lorelei!”

Imani: “No no no!” She follows after Lorelei.

Jenisa: “OH my GOD!”

Sheridan shrugs and laughs.

Sheridan: “I told her not to try it with me! I tried to protect her and she wanted to change up on me.” She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.

Grace stands up, upset, and ties her robe quickly. She grabs her purse off the couch.

Grace: “Mother fucker, I am out. That does it. I need a car back to my hotel.”

Grace is shown storming out to the front of the house and out the front door. She is taking her mic off.

Grace: “Fuck off. I’m done for tonight.”

Grace’s Confessional

“At this point, I can’t trust anyone in the group. I just want to go home and not talk to any of them ever again.” She shrugs and looks at the camera sadly. “That’s the God honest truth.”

The scene switches to Imani and Lorelei in a bedroom. The sisters sit on the bed and Imani rubs Lorelei’s back.

Imani: “Girl, Sheridan’s been waiting for this. You can’t give her a reaction.

Lorelei shakes her head, her voice is shakey.

Lorelei: “Imani, I fucking hate her! She’s a mother fucker! Fuck her and fuck her rotten eggs, fucking bitch!”

Imani: “I know, I know…” She sighs. “She did the same to me. I will never be friends with her ever again. That was disgusting.”

Lorelei is seen burying her face into her sister’s shoulder as Imani plays with her hair.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I’m not going to confirm or deny I said anything about Grace. Because…Well…” She shakes her head. “Shit.”

Imani: “It’s okay. Even if you said it, it’s okay. You just need to be real with me and Grace. Don’t let Sheridan get involved, she loves a moment. Don’t give her this.”

Lorelei: “God, I’m so done with her. She is dead to me. She’s like a mini Ren, both evil as can be.”

The scene switches back to Jenisa, Mona, Sheridan, Gemma, and Ren left in the living room.

Jenisa: “So…is the game over?” She sips her drink and looks around.

Mona: “I guess so, but like, I’m already kind of tipsy. Anyone want another shot?”

Gemma raises her hand.

Gemma: “ME MONA!”

Ren: “Pour one for me, I definitely need it.”

Sheridan: “Me too. I don’t think the sisters are too happy with me after tonight, but it needed to be done.” She shrugs.

Mona: “This group is exhausting.”

Mona shakes her head and the rest of the girls laugh. The scene ends.

Music plays and we get shots of Beverly Beach. The girls are back to doing their day to day activities. Grace is in her House of Faroe office working with some of her team to design a dress, Gemma is seen talking to a contractor in her new club space, Jenisa is dropping her soon Eli off at Derek’s house, Imani is shopping, Lorelei is laying out by her pool with Xavier, Sheridan is meeting with her assistant to go over menu items for her new restaurant.

The scene lands on Mona who is unpacking from New Orleans in her bedroom. Her husband, Adam, walks into the room and sets his bag down.

Mona: “Hey honey, how are you?” She looks up from her unpacking and smiles.

Adam shakes his head.

Adam: “Ehhh, I’m alright. We’re delayed two weeks on this movie and it’s blowing my mind. Where are the kiddos at?” He sits down on the bed.

Mona: “Surprisingly they’re napping, longer than expected. It’s been calm for a few hours.” She laughs.

She looks over at him and he’s on his phone. An awkward silence falls amongst them as the camera zooms in on Adam not paying attention. Mona frowns.

Mona: “So, do you want to hear about my trip?”

Adam looks up from his phone and furrows his brow.

Adam: “Your what? I’m sorry, I told you it’s been a stressful day.” He looks to Mona, phone still in his hand.

Mona: “That’s alright.” She forces a sad smile. “I went to New Orleans with some of my new girlfriends and I was just going to tell you about how it went.”

Adam: “Oh okay…Was it fun?” He glances down, occasionally scrolling through his phone.

Mona puts a pair of shoes away in her closet then joins Adam on the bed.

Mona: “For the most part yes, it’s been hard trying to get along with all the women and like vibe with them but I think I’m getting somewhere. It’s the elder, Grace, that I continue having issues with. Her and her botched minion.”

Adam: “Did you say Grace? That fashion designer who made your dress for the premiere a few weeks ago? I thought you two were friends?”

Mona: “We were.” She sighs. “But her behavior on this trip was so rude and dismissive. She needs help.”

Mona looks to Adam and he is back to texting.

Adam: “Ahhh. That stinks…” He says unenthusiastically.

Mona: “Babe.” She looks at Adam, upset. “Can you put the phone down so we can actually talk like a married couple would?” She cocks her head.

Adam closes his phone and glares at Mona.

Adam: “Mona, I told you I’ve had a bad day I need to work not listen to your bullshit.”

He gets up and immediately walks out of the bedroom. Mona looks stunned.

Mona: “Wow. Real productive Adam!” She yells after him.

Mona’s Confessional

“Adam, lately, has been glued to his phone and work. We used to have positive fun conversations but now it seems they always end negatively. I don’t know why.” She shrugs. “It sucks though.”

The scene ends as we get a shot of Mona covering her face and sniffling.

The scene begins as we get a wide shot as the camera pans over Beverly Beach, showing all the traffic of rush hour. The setting sun casts a warm glow over the city.

It transitions to Imani and her boyfriend Derek who are sitting in the back of a black SUV on the interstate. They hold hands, Imani turns from the window to look at Derek.

Imani: “See, I’m getting used to all these random little dates you keep taking me on.” She laughs. “Don’t stop, k?”

Derek grins.

Derek: “You know I would do anything to make you happy. I never want to see you not smiling. You make me happy and you make me feel like home.” He leans over and kisses her.

Imani’s Confessional

“I will say this. Imani is really in love. After my last relationship with Marco and the physical abuse he put me through it left me traumatized to date again. The relationship led me to start my organization ‘Imani Helps’ which centers around helping women come forward with the stories and just transform their lives once again and give them hope that they can start again. This project was my lover for the longest but Derek came along and showed me what true love is. I really was putting my energy into other women to avoid starting over, very hypocritical but here I am. Starting again.”

The car is now off the interstate and driving through the streets of Downtown Beverly Beach. The driver pulls into a large, dark garage and stops. Derek looks at Imani.

Derek: “Okay, this place means a lot to me. I know you show me your wins and loses, and I want to show you a place where I encounter both.”

Derek gets out of the car then goes around to open the door for Imani, he helps her out.

Derek: “Cover your eyes.”

Imani: “Uh — “

Derek: “Just cover your eyes.” He hands her a blindfold.

Imani’s Confessional

“Derek and I are growing and learning more about each other to the point I’m becoming attached. I hope his past relationship with Jenisa never intertwines with ours, I know it won’t because I’m strong and not insecure.”

Derek is now leading Imani, still blindfolded, onto the empty court of the huge Beverly Beach NBA center. Out in the middle of the court, there is a table for two set up with flowers and dinner waiting.

Derek: “You can open your eyes.”

Imani opens her eyes and smiles, she turns to Derek and gives him a kiss.

Imani: “Aww, the NBA center. Where we first met!” She blushes. “This is so thoughtful.”

The couple makes their way over to the table and Derek pulls out Imani’s chair for her. They both sit down.

Derek: “So, this is getting very serious and it can be uncomfortable for the both of us as you had issues in your past relationship and I made a mistake in my last relationship.”

He pours a glass of champagne for Imani and then himself. Imani nods as she takes a small bite of salad. She covers her mouth as she chews.

Imani: “We are at a point where everything is beautiful. You treat my daughter Natalia amazing, you constantly just do little things to keep the spark going but of course the past can’t be avoided. I trust you now, but how can I know you’re not going to do what you’ve done in other relationships.”

Derek: “I made a mistake. I am happy that you and Jenisa are now getting along, but I feel like you need to allow me to show you I’ve changed. Eli changed my life and you make me feel safe.”

The camera pans to Imani who is smiling ear to ear.

Imani’s Confessional

“What I love about Derek is how he is able to express how he feels without having to keep those feelings inside and feel insecure. Perhaps the past relationship was toxic because things are getting serious and I still haven’t thought of a red flag… yet.”

Imani: “ I completely trust you. I know how women can be very catty and at the end of the day, you and I are you and I. We’re together. Jenisa asked me in New Orleans to have a play date with us, Eli, and Natalia.”

Derek: “Jenisa doesn’t bother me, we all can hang out because I’m over her. Nothing will ever happen between her and I. We’re just coparenting.”

Imani: “Well, let’s enjoy this beautiful night and have the play date then, let’s not make it about that situation. I know you and judge what you show me.”

The scene ends as they begin to eat the main course.

Music plays as we get shots of the Downtown Beverly Beach streets on a beautiful day. The shot changes to show an event going on outside of Jenisa’s dispensary. There are tents set up and people are milling around and talking.

Standing under the biggest tent, Jenisa has her company t-shirt on and is talking to a customer.

Jenisa: “They’re our new marijuana infused drinks! Try and buy!” She giggles and hands a sample to the woman.

Jenisa’s Confessional

“Today I’m doing a big fundraiser event at my dispensary to give out some great deals and attract some publicity. Most importantly, all the proceeds I make are going to St. Jude, a wonderful organization for sick children. I invited Sheridan and Mona to my storefront to help a bitch out! Sheridan is giving out some incredible treats and Mona is taking tons of pictures! I’m so happy.” She smiles.

Mona, Jenisa, & Sheridan

The camera pans to Sheridan who is in the tent besides Jenisa’s. She is helping hand out edible samples. She takes the trash of one of the patrons.

Woman: “This was amazing!”

Sheridan: “Oh, really? I’m so glad you enjoyed it!” She smiles.

We now see Mona who is sitting down at a table and signing autographs. She hands a fan back a signed movie poster.

Fan: “Oh my God! I love your movies, Mona!”

Mona: “Awww, thank you so much.” She gets up and hugs the girl.

Mona’s Confessional

“I’m really honored to come today to Jenisa’s dispensary and raise money for a charity she holds dear to her heart. We’re growing a beautiful friendship and I’d do anything for her!”

Jenisa walks over to Mona and Sheridan’s side of the event.

Jenisa: “Girlies! Let’s head inside for a second. We deserve a union break.” She laughs.

Sheridan: “I need a water!” She takes off her plastic gloves and flings them in the trash, then begins to follow Jenisa inside.

Mona takes one final picture with a family, she turns to the crowd.

Mona: “Thank you all!”

They clap and Mona makes her way inside to find Jenisa and Sheridan. The three girls sit in the lounge area inside. Jenisa hands out water bottles and sparks a blunt.

Mona: “So, how have you two been since New Orleans?”

Jenisa: “Lord, that trip was something out of a horror film. It was fun at some points, but those heifers are legitimately nuts.” She shakes her head.

Mona: “The only night I had fun was when I got drunk. I guess I just have to get hammered to be around these bitches.” She laughs.

Sheridan: “The girls are just so fake.” She takes a swig from her water bottle.

Jenisa: “What was Lorelei on?” She takes another hit of her Backwood.

Mona: “I don’t know, but she’s psycho. I thought the two of us were building a friendship and then she randomly called me out of my name at dinner.”

Jenisa hands Sheridan the blunt and she takes two hits then passes it back to Jenisa, she coughs a little and shakes her head.

Sheridan: “I have no idea what has gotten into Lorelei. You know I was good friends with her but these past few weeks she’s been out of control!” She shrugs. “Maybe wedding stress?”

Jenisa: “It seemed like even Imani thought she was off.”

Sheridan nods.

Sheridan: “Because Imani knows Lorelei is the girl who told me about Grace’s upcoming talk show apparence, not a blogger.”

Mona raises an eyebrow.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I don’t know what type of fakery the sisters have going on, but I am not playing with them.”

Jenisa: “Maybe it is just the wedding though. Do you like Lorelei and Xavier as a couple?” She looks to Sheridan. “You’ve known them as a couple longer.”

Sheridan: “I mean she did cheat on his daddy with him. So I’m not sure it’ll last.”

Mona: “Oh my God! That’s what happened?!” She looks shocked. “That’s her ex-husbands kid?”

Sheridan: “Yes. She screwed her step son behind her husband’s back and ended up leaving him for his son.” She purses her lips. “Lorelei is scandalous!”

Mona: “Jesus Christ, this girls got some serious issues.” Her eyes widen.

Jenisa: “I’ll have to ask Lorelei about it at Grace’s thing she invited us to.” She laughs. “Just kidding! But what exactly is an energy cleanser by the way?” She ashes her blunt and looks around.

Jenisa’s Confessional

“Grace having this energy cleanse is odd. If anything, the lady needs energy. She’s tired, old and boring.”

Mona: “I don’t know and I don’t care because I won’t be going.” She shakes her head. “After the way Lorelei and Grace treated me in New Orleans, there’s no way in hell I’m going to an event of Grace Faroe’s.” She crosses her arms.

Jenisa: “Ugh! I want you there!” She pouts.

Mona: “I’m not going to be set up to be attacked by that bitch.”

Jenisa turns to Sheridan.

Jenisa: “You’re coming, right?”

Sheridan: “I honestly don’t want to go. Grace is going to showboat and want everyone to kiss her ring. It wouldn’t surprise me if the sisters are doing damage control with her now.” She rolls her eyes.

The camera zooms out of Jenisa’s dispensary and across town to a fancy street lined with shops. The scene transitions to a limo pulling up in front of a bridal shop. Music plays as Lorelei, Imani, and a handful of Lorelei’s close friends get out of the limo and enter the shop.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I’m so excited to be trying on wedding dresses! I’ve invited my close girlfriends and my sister, of course to help me find that special dress. I had originally invited Grace as well, before the trip, but…we haven’t spoken since New Orleans. I’m not going to, like, disinvite her. I know she’s not coming.”

Inside the boujiee bridal store, Lorelei and company are greeted by the store manager and a team of employees who hold a glass of champagne for each of the ladies. As the employees go pull some dresses, the girls all browse and look at the expensive dresses. Imani nudges Lorelei and points to a very ornate dress on a manniquin.

Imani & Lorelei

Imani: “I think you should get that one! It’s so you.”

Lorelei looks at Imani like she’s crazy and shakes her head.

Lorelei: “Uh no! That is hideous.”

The sisters walk back to the area where you try on dresses. Lorelei sits on one of the posh couches and motions for Imani.

Lorelei: “Imani, come sit. I wanna talk to you before the whole dress fitting all gets started.”

Imani sits down and lets out a heavy sigh.

Imani: “I’m so exhausted after that trip. I’m emotionally drained and I haven’t been able to sleep the two days we’ve been back!” She looks over at her sister and frowns.

Lorelei nods along in sympathy.

Lorelei: “I know. New Orleans was an actual catastrophe. I’m just upset that we really let those bitter bitches get in between us. I don’t like fighting with you anymore, we’re too grown to be having petty sister fights.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Imani and I both seemingly had some slight issues with each other and let it bubble up…” She laughs and shakes her head. “Okay — I had some issues with her and let it bubble up. But now I feel a bit stupid and petty about it all.”

Imani: “I think you should communicate how you feel before you try to chop my head off. It’s the healthy thing to do! Come on, you know better than this!”

Imani looks to Lorelei and she is nodding.

Imani: “I don’t know why you tend to get so defensive over the smallest stuff. I’m glad we’re good. I don’t ever want you to think I’m betraying you. You know that’s not me.” She sits up and squeezes Lorelei’s hand.

Lorelei looks down at them holding hands and smiles.

Lorelei: “I know. It’s something I’ve really got to work on. You know I harbor stuff then blow up and act a fool.” She laughs.

Imani: “Mhm!”

A silence comes over the girls as they finish laughing.

Lorelei: “So you know, I invited Grace pre-NOLA” She frowns. “I don’t know if she’s going to come though. That whole situation with Sheridan and the DM on the last night….” She shakes her head. “It probably made her question my — our — friendship with her.”

Imani: “Well, if she comes all you can do it keep it real with her.” She shrugs.

Music plays as we get a shot of Grace’s car pulling up infront of the dress shop. She gets out and in a cool slow motion shot she walks to the door and enter.

Grace’s Confessional

“I left New Orleans VERY upset and VERY heated. However, I’ve had some time to think and collect myself. Maybe it’s time to talk to Lorelei rather than just cutting her off and running away. I want to know the truth.”


Grace is seen greeting and mingling with some of Lorelei’s friends at the front of the store, the camera pans to Lorelei and Imani who watch from the back section. Lorelei clutches her stomach then turns to Imani and widens her eyes.

Lorelei: “I’m, like, actually so nervous to talk to her.”

We see one of Lorelei’s friends pointing Grace back in the direction of the sisters. Grace smiles and starts to make her way over. Imani waves.

Imani: “Grace! Come in. Sit between us.”

Imani scoots over and pats the seat between her and Lorelei. When Grace sits, Imani gives her a side hug.

Imani: “It’s nice to see you!”

Grace: “Thank you.”

The camera pans to Lorelei who remains silent and sips her champagne. An awkwardness takes over the scene at the fact that Grace and Lorelei have not acknowledged each other.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I legitimately almost had a full on heart attack. Like…my actual soul left my body and she is nowhere to be found! I didn’t think Grace was coming.” She laughs. “I’m so fucking scared.”

Imani clears her throat.

Imani: “We might as well break the ice.” She looks at Grace. “We were just talking about the New Orleans trip and you. I know it seemed like Sheridan and Mona were trying to come after you the whole weekend.”

Grace: “I do feel that way, yes.” She nods.

Imani: “Where are you two?” She motions between Grace and Lorelei.

Lorelei looks at Grace and smiles slightly.

Lorelei: “Hey Gracie…I don’t know. Where are we?”

Grace holds her hands up.

Grace: “Look, we’re good, okay? I’m good, we’re good.”

Imani: “Are you sure? That sounded very passive aggressive.”

Grace: “Sorry, I just wanted to rip the band-aid off. I’m not the kind of person to tip-toe around the subject no matter how awkward it may be.” She looks at the sisters.

Lorelei: “I’m sorry, Grace. I know you’re probably thinking I broke your trust by sharing something you told me in private. This was a time, when Sheridan and I were friends. I didn’t think she’d use it as ammo against me to try and ruin our friendship.” She grabs Grace’s hands. “I don’t want you to feel like you can’t trust me anymore. It wasn’t told with malicious intent.”

Grace nods slowly.

Grace: “Sheridan didn’t use as ammo against you, she used it to hurt me. That woman…” She tears up. “She will do anything to tear me down. Why would you tell her something about me, knowing she’d use anything she could get against me?” She begins to cry.

Lorelei begins rubbing her back.

Lorelei: “Don’t you allow that woman to make you cry, Grace. She is so foul and so, so evil that she would do the most hurtful things to people. I don’t even want to discuss her anymore, to be honest.”

Grace shakes her head and wipes her eyes.

Grace: “I’m just tired of it… I’ve had enough. I can’t take anymore of her hate or her bullying tactics.”

Imani gives Grace a hug.

Imani: “It’s okay, Grace.”

Grace’s Confessional

“This whole fallout with Sheridan is past the point of being remotely engaging. It’s turned really nasty and that is probably partly my fault but, I’ve had enough. The problem is Sheridan hasn’t. What she’s been doing to me is malicious and hurtful. It’s bullying and it’s cruel. I’m done.”

Lorelei: “Enough of the sad talk! This is suppose to be a fun day! I’m getting married bitches.” She claps and laughs as the camera pans to show Grace still solemn. “Help me find my dream dress!”

Grace smiles sadly.

Grace: “Of course, this is about you.”

The scene ends.

We see the beautiful coast of Beverly Beach. You can tell, the sun is just beginning to set.

The camera zooms in on an area set up with multiple white ground clothes set on the sand and some candles. Grace is on the beach talking to a woman. We see Sheridan make her way from the parking lot to Grace and the woman. Sheridan gives Grace a little smile as she struggles to walk out on the sand.

Grace & Sheridan

Sheridan: “Oh, I see we both decided to wear white.” She laughs.

Grace: “Yes…That was the dress code.” She looks at Sheridan blankly.

The woman walks over and greets Sheridan with a hug.

Lola: “Welcome! Welcome! I’m Lola. I’ll be your spiritual guide today.”

Sheridan: “Hi Lola! Nice to meet you.”

Grace’s Confessional

“Today, I’ve decided to host a spiritual cleanse. I’ve hired Lola, who comes highly recommended. I just want some closure. We need some good energy to bring us closer together as a group and help us air some stuff out in a peaceful setting.”

Gemma is the next housewife to the beach. She waves as she approaches the group.


Gemma: “Hello!” She greets Lola and the ladies and looks around. “Where do I sit?”

Grace motions to the ground covering beside her.

Grace: “Here, Gemma.”

She goes and takes and seat and Sheridan smiles at her.

Gemma’s Confessional

“Listen, I don’t think a spiritual cleanse will work for some of these girls. I think they need an exorcism.”

Sheridan: “Gemma, I think I have the same boots!”

Gemma: “Great fashionistas think alike.”

Lorelei is walking out to the beach and the camera focuses on Jenisa who is walking a little ways behind her. Grace smiles at Lorelei and Jenisa as they approach.

Jenisa & Lorelei

Grace: “Hi, ladies.”

Sheridan: “Hi Lorelei! Love the dress.”

Lorelei smiles at Grace and ignores Sheridan. Lorelei and Jenisa find their seat. The camera focuses on Lorelei who is playing with a piece of her hair.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I don’t know why Sheridan is attempting to speak to me. I have no desire to ever be friends with her again.”

Lola: “Girls! Let’s all have a seat. Is everyone here?”

Grace leans in.

Grace: “Who are we still waiting on?”

Jenisa: “Ren and Imani I think? Mona let me know this afternoon that she wasn’t coming. ”

Grace rolls her eyes.

Sheridan: “Imani is probably sitting in her car waiting for Ren to walk up. You know she loves and entrance.” She laughs to herself.

Jenisa’s Confessional

“Ren is always late. It’s so fucking rude. She doesn’t even wear that much makeup. Like put on your muumuu and get to the beach.”

Grace turns to Lola.

Grace: “We can start, they can just join in when they show up.”

Lola: “Great!” She gives Grace a hug. “Thank you for contacting me, Grace. I’m excited to cleanse this group.” She smiles at the girls.

Grace: “Of course! Thank you for agreeing to this, we aren’t the easiest group.” She nervously laughs.

Lorelei: “Give us all the good energy, chile.”

Jenisa: “What exactly is a spiritual cleanse?”

Lola: “I’m glad you asked.” She smiles. “We are going to do some poses and exercises to realign your chakras and being in this head space will give you a good, clear forum to verbally release any negativity in your life and just let it all out.”

The girls all nod.

Grace: “I thought it would be a good opportunity for us to air our issues, personal or in the group, in a safe environment. A way to…reboot.”

Lola: “Ladies, please stand up and we can begin.”

As the girls are getting up and standing in their places, Ren and her maid Consuela make their way onto the beach. Imani drives in to the parking lot just a few seconds later and joins the girls.

Imani & Ren

Imani: “Sorry I’m late!”

The girls all greet Ren and Imani. Imani goes and picks a spot out next to Lorelei, Ren stands next to Sheridan.

Lola: “Okay ladies, now that everyone’s here let’s quiet down and start. To begin, stand up straight and upright. Firmly place your feet on the ground and close your eyes. Visualize a beam of light going from the core of the earth and out through you, grounding your chakras.”

We get shots of all the girls closing their eyes and doing what Lola says. Lorelei is zoomed in on as she holds back a laugh and goes through the motions.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I wouldn’t have pegged Grace as a spiritual person. This is very… different. But, I’m here to support never the less.”

Lola: “Think about anything negative going on in your life. Any stress, any drama, and heartache and exhale, letting it go.”

Lola begins walking around and touching a crystal to each girls forehead as they exhale.

Lola: “Exhale…Now that you’re grounded and in a relaxed state, is there anybody that wants to let the group know what negativity they are letting go? Saying it out loud can release the hurt and also lead to healing between some of you.”

Jenisa: “Yes, I would like to go.”

The girls all look to Jenisa and Lola motions to her.

Lola: “Let’s start with you, hun!”

Jenisa: “Personally, I would like to release Grace. She’s the most negative.” She smirks.

Lorelei: “Oh!”

Imani covers her face.

Imani: “Here we go. Not even 5 minutes in, it’s getting old.”

Gemma shakes her head and Grace ignores Jenisa.

Lola: “This is a place of positivity, Jenisa.” She smiles. “Why don’t you take this time to address Grace and maybe explain why she brings negativity to your life.”

Jenisa: “Sure!” She shrugs and turns to Grace. “I think we maybe just got off on the wrong foot? I came in and you didn’t really give me a chance or try to get to know me. You were very judgmental.”

The Wives all intently watch. We see Consuela sneak up behind Ren’s back and poke her, then hand her a granola bar.

Ren: “Thanks, hun.”

The shot focuses on Grace who is nodding.

Grace: “That is the way you feel, Jenisa and that is okay.”

Lola smiles at Grace.

Lola: “Great! Grace accepts the way you feel. Now maybe you can start a path to recovery.”

Jenisa just blinks at Lola and Grace rolls her eyes. Lola now motions to Ren and Consuela.

Lola: “What about you two? Any negativity you want to release?”

Consuela looks nervous as the girls look at them.

Consuela: “I want all girls to be happy and friends!”

Ren: “Consuela, shut up! Go get my SPF.” Consuela scurries away and Ren thinks. “Hmm. I have an issue with Lorelei finding any reason to be a bitch and an asshole to me. I get it. You want my life but honey, I can’t help it. Grace, take the stick out of your ass. Imani…” She rolls her eyes.

Sheridan snorts from laughing.

Sheridan: “I’m sorry!”

Grace: “Oh, Jesus…” She mutters and looks up.

Lorelei: “So tacky.”

Jenisa: “Ren! Come on.”

Lola clears her throat and looks uncomfortable.

Lola: “Thank you for sharing, but like I said, positive!”

Ren shrugs and begins applying the sunscreen Consuela brought back for her.

Lola: “Is anyone looking to mend a relationship in the group and release any negativity pertaining to that?”

Gemma’s hand shoots up.

Lola: “Yes, doll?”

Gemma turns to the sisters.

Gemma: “I would like to apologize to Imani for what I said about her being a wannabee baby momma. Lorelei, I understand you were just standing up for your sister and being protective so I’m sorry ladies.”

Imani: “We’re good.” She smiles. “Thank you.”

Lorelei puts her hand over her chest and grins.

Lorelei: “That’s sweet of you, Gemma. I accept your apology.”

Jenisa smiles and Sheridan claps.

Sheridan: “We love an apology! I honestly forgot you were the source of that, Gemma.”

The girls laugh and Lola watches them.

Lola: “See! Healing! Anyone else?”

Everyone looks around the group at one another. The camera zooms in on Grace.

Grace’s Confessional

“I want to speak up about the issues I have going on with Sheridan but after the brow-beating I’ve been given by Jenisa and Ren. I don’t think I can take much more.”

Grace remains silent.

Sheridan: “I’d like to go.”

Lola nods and Sheridan turns to address Lorelei first.

Sheridan: “I want to let go of the disappointment I have in my heart for Lorelei. I don’t know why you’re lying, but I’ve heard you’re going through it so I’m going to let it go. I just pray you’ll be honest moving forward.” She now turns to Grace. “Grace, I want to let go of the anger I have for you. You treat us all like shit and we are beneath you, but I know that stems from your insecurities so I forgive you.”

Grace shakes her head and looks away from Sheridan.

Ren: “Wow, that was strong of you.” She pats Sheridan’s back.

Lola: “Any responses, ladies?”

Lorelei: “She can keep it. I’m good on her.” She points to Sheridan. “We can co-exist like Ren and I do.”

The camera pans to Ren who is nodding in agreement.

Grace: “No response. I have nothing to say.”

Jenisa looks at Grace funny.

Jenisa: “Then why are we here? I’ll go home if you’re just going to sit there looking like the Virgin Mary. You invited us here to talk, so talk.”

Lola: “This is a safe place for sharing!”

Gemma: “Share with us, Grace! Maybe your hurt can help rebuild your friendships.”

Grace looks at Jenisa.

Grace: “ I’m not going to talk because everything I say gets twisted and turned back on me. I’m not going to talk because I’m hurting. I’ve had enough.”

Jenisa: “Okay then why are you even apart of this group?”

Ren: “Spare us the victim role, Viola Davis.” She rolls her eyes. “You’re not getting an Emmy here.”

Imani: “Hold on now.” She raises her hands. “It’s understandable that Grace feels this way. Everyone gangs up on her.”

The camera pans to Grace and a single tear falls from her eyes.

Grace: “Well, maybe you are right. Maybe I don’t need to be part of this group.” She walks away towards the parking lot.

Grace’s Confessional

“I’m just at my breaking point right now. I don’t even want to be around this toxic atmosphere. Why did I think this was a good idea in the first place?”

Producers follow Grace and she starts taking off her mic. Lola frowns.

Lorelei: “Gracie, don’t worry about them girls.” She starts to walk off after Grace.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Being in this group for the last 3 years, I’m used to the constant gangups and it literally doesn’t effect me anymore, Grace on the other hand hasn’t experienced it yet and is getting it pretty bad. It’s sad to see.” She frowns.

Lola: “I pray this group finds the good energy is desperately needs…”

As Lola begins to pack up the ‘Wives remain standing on the beach. Imani turns to the group.

Imani: “See! No one is willing to hear her out, it’s just a series of constant gang ups. No one but Lorelei and I are friends with her.” She points to herself. “Everyone just wants a reaction out of her and it’s getting cruel.”

Ren: “You guys hate her, stop being fake!” She shoos her hand.

Jenisa: “It’s hard to care about her because we don’t know her! She never opens up!”

Jenisa’s Confessional

“This is exhausting and so fraudulent. Why am I getting sand up my ass just for old lady Grace to walk away crying? I couldn’t even tell you her favorite food and time and time again she just runs away.

Imani: “Jenisa, how can you expect her to open up when you guys jump down her throat every chance you get.”

Sheridan: “Imani, stop it — You were just coordinating pranks on Grace just a few months ago, now you’re sitting here as her pitbull.”

Imani: “Sheridan, Ren, Jenisa…you made her cry!”

Jenisa: “Good! Glad we got something out of her tonight.”

Imani: “We should be checking on her! Why are we enjoying this?” She looks at Jenisa disgusted. “This is nasty.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Imani is screaming that we need to go check on Grace? Bitch, you’ve been listening to too much Destiny’s Child, honey. This isn’t the ‘Cater 2 U’ music video!”

Ren shrugs as Consuela comes over to help Ren with her bags.

Ren: “I’m leaving. Fuck the fake shit.” As she walks off with Consuela she turns to face the girls. “Remember, Grace Faroe is not the victim.”

Lorelei makes her way back, shaking her head.

Imani: “How is she?”

Lorelei: “She left.” She shoots Sheridan a look.

As the girls are packing their things and getting ready to leave, Jenisa makes her way over to Lorelei and Imani.

Jenisa: “Hey Lorelei, can we chat quickly?”

Imani raises and eyebrow, Lorelei looks at Jenisa.

Lorelei: “Sure.”

Jenisa smiles and pulls Lorelei aside. They are standing on the beach as the sun is beginning to set. It gives their conversation a picturesque back drop.

Jenisa: “Listen I hope me and you can establish a friendship. Me and Imani are in a really good spot. I know you’ve been going through some stuff so I’m always an ear.”

Lorelei nods.

Lorelei: “Thank you. I appreciate that. We can start fresh.”

Jenisa: “I’m so happy!”

Jenisa gives Lorelei a hug and Lorelei is clearly a little taken aback, but she hugs her anyway.

Lorelei: “Good.”

Jenisa’s Confessional

“Looks like Graces Energy White Party Cleansing Crystals Soirée worked for at least Lorelei and I! So maybe this is the beginning of something new. As for Grace…Mona is the actress here.”

The episode ends as we get one last shot of the beach.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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