[S5E4]: A New Rose
Previously on The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach…
Sheridan & Imani met up and aired out their grievances, eventually making up. In order to prove her loyalty, Sheridan let Imani know about some damning claims Gemma has been making about her behind her back. Jenisa attempted to feel out where Gemma’s loyalty lies withen the group but left the one on one feeling even more confused. Lorelei invited Ren and Mona to a shopping day where the veteran Housewives tested Mona’s patience. All of the girls got together for a tequila tasting Gemma was putting on, it went left when Imani decided to confront Gemma which ended in an ice bucket being thrown.
The episode opens up with random shots of beautiful Beverly Beach coastal scenery. The camera shows a gorgeous sunset out over the ocean then switches to a shot of a restaurant with an amazing view.
A blacked out Rolls Royce pulls into the valet area. A tall Grecian man gets out of the driver's seat. The valet attendant opens the passenger door and out pops Gemma Li. Gemma and the man link hands and make their way into the restaurant and then out onto the balcony where a reserved table waits for them. Stavros, Gemma’s fiancè, pulls out her chair for her.
Gemma: “Thank you.” She grins. “I love this place! So glad we came here instead of Nobu, so overdone.” She shakes her head and smirks.
Stavros: “Me too, the view is beautiful from here, babe. Have you checked out the homes I sent you?”
Gemma: “Uhhh…”
Her eyes are glued to her phone screen as she furiously texts on it, her phone is constantly making notification noises. The camera pans to Stavros who awkwardly waits for her response. Gemma finishes typing and stuffs her phone into her clutch.
Gemma: “I’m sorry, babe! I promise, no more work tonight. What were you saying?”
Stavros: “It’s fine, I was just asking if you looked at those homes I sent you? I really like that one in Beverly Bluffs.”
Gemma shakes her head and makes a pouty face.
Gemma: “I’m sorry, love. I haven’t. I’ve been so busy with work and I had this disastrous tequila tasting the other day…” She bites her lip.
Stavros is now reading the menu, he does not look up as he responds.
Stavros: “Always work. Well, we need to make a decision soon because the lease on the condo is up in two months and we need a home. A home to raise our family in.” He glances up at her.
“So Stavros and I met when I was working a music festival in Miami and he asked for my number and I actually gave him my girlfriends number because I wasn’t single at the time.” She laughs. “A couple months later there he was in my DMs asking me out to dinner and newly single, I agreed.”
The scene continues as the server comes out to the table and Stavros orders for them.
Stavros: “Have you found a venue for the engagement party yet?”
Gemma: “I met with the wedding planner the other day and we’ve narrowed it down to two locations.” She whips out her phone and shows him pictures. “Which one do you like more?”
Stavros swipes through the photos and hands her back the phone.
Stavros: “I like the second one more, but I would much rather have it at my family’s compound.” He sips his wine.
“Stavros was very mysterious in the beginning, I mean I didn’t get to meet his family until like two year after we started dating. I ended up finding out that I’m dating an heir to a shipping fortune and here I thought I was with some basic hot shot real estate broker from Beverly Beach!” She laughs. “We’ve been together for four years now and he finally popped the question to me last summer in Lake Como, Italy. Now we’re in Beverly Beach trying to find our forever home to raise our family in.” She looks at the camera and forces a smile.
Gemma swirls the wine in her glass.
Gemma: “I don’t want to burden your family with any of this and besides it’s our wedding! Not theirs. It should be about us and what we want.” She shrugs.
Stavros: “Gemma, you know my mother is dying to assist you in any way she can, so please let her do something. You know she helped plan Anastasia and Spiro’s”
Gemma: “I’ll see what I can find for her.” She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. “Maybe she can help pick out the floral arrangements for the engagement party or something.”
Stavros: “Please, anything to get her out of my hair!” He cracks a devilish smirk and Gemma laughs. “So…I got a call the other day from Anwar about a property you went to scope out?”
Gemma: “Yeah, I went to check out a property for a poten — “
Stavros cuts Gemma off.
Stavros: “A property for what, Gemma?” He looks at her, annoyed.
Gemma: “Excuse me! Don’t be rude.” She narrows her eyes at him. “Let me finish. I went to check out a property to build a new beach club on. I want to open a club here in Beverly Beach!”
Stavros lets out a deep sigh.
Stavros: “I thought we talked about this, babe. We moved to Beverly Beach to settle down and prepare for our new lives and to start a family.”
The waiter brings out their meals and the couple thanks them. As Stavros begins cutting his steak, they go back to their conversation.
Gemma: “Stavros, I’m not ready to stop working yet. I want to continue to build my brand and you know that!”
Stavros chuckles and shakes his head.
Stavros: “No Gemma, you promised me after the wedding next year that we would start working on a family and your work can take a back seat. You’re planning on building a beach club? You know there is no way that could possibly be done by then. We agreed to get engaged if you stopped working and I’ve been flexible.”
Gemma: “You know who you sound like right now? My mother.” She rolls her eyes and leans back in her chair. “I can’t with you right now. I’m not even hungry.”
Stavros: “Well your mother is right, Gemma.” He chomps his steak. “Maybe you should start listening to her for once instead of fighting her on literally everything.”
Gemma: “Please stop.” She glares at him then looks around. “We’re in public.”
Stavros: “Did you know she called me the other day? Your family is at the beach house here and they want us to visit.”
Gemma stares blankly at Stavros, not giving him a reaction.
Stavros: “No, you didn’t know that because you don’t answer her phone calls because you’re afraid to confront the truth.” He scoffs.
Gemma: “What’s the truth, Stavros? What is it?!” She continues to glare at him.
Stavros sets down his utensils and looks Gemma in the eyes.
Stavros: “The truth is you’re a 34 year old party girl who isn’t getting any younger and can’t settle down with a man who loves her so much and not to mention, could provide the world to her. You know money isn’t an issue, I don’t get it!”
Gemma’s eyes begin to water up. She dabs them with her napkin.
Gemma: “Wow. Just…Wow. How long have you been holding that one in?” She picks up her wine glass and takes a sip.
Stavros: “I want children, Gemma.” He leans back in his seat and folds his arms. “And a wife who wants them as well.”
Gemma shakes her head and looks down. Stavros stands up and pulls out some cash and tosses it on the table. He offers his hand to her.
Stavros: “Let’s go. I’ll get the waiter to box it up and bring it to valet.”
“I know I promised all these things to Stavros and I do love him dearly. For that, I get why he’s mad. I just don’t know how he could expect me to stop working just to give him children though. I can be a mother and a businesswoman at the same time I just don’t know how he doesn’t see that.”
Gemma gets out of her seat and grabs his hand as they walk out of the restaurant and to valet. As they wait, Stavros grabs her and hugs her tightly.
Stavros: “I love you so much.” He whispers in her ear.
The valet pulls up with the car and the waiter brings out a big bag full of food. Stavros thanks him and opens the door for Gemma. The scene ends as he hops in the car and the couple drives off.
Music plays as a dark green G-Wagon pulls into the parking lot of a restaurant. Jenisa gets out and walks into the cute brunch place. She walks right up to the hostess stand.
Jenisa: “Two please.” She smiles and holds two fingers up.
“I decided to text my baby daddy, Derek, to get in touch with his new girlfriend Imani to sit down and talk with her. I didn’t like the way Gemma’s tequila tasting went down.” She shakes her head. “I think she’s coming hard for no reason. She has to understand how bringing up my child will get me upset. I hope we can clear some stuff up today.”
An engine revs as a Ferrari whips into the parking lot. Imani gets out and locks her car and tosses the keys in her purse. She begins strutting towards the restaurant.
“After that mess of an event Gemma hosted, Jenisa got in contact with my boyfriend Derek to invite me out to brunch. Though, I don’t trust this girl, I feel like I am grown enough to have a decent conversation with her. At the end of the day, she has never done anything to me. Things are getting serious with Derek so I will be in situations where I’m around her child.”
Imani walks in and smiles at the hostess.
Imani: “I’m meeting up with someone and I think she’s over there.” She squints and points to Jenisa’s table and walks over. “Hey girl.”
Jenisa looks up from her phone and smiles.
Jenisa: “Hey! Welcome.”
Imani sits down across from Jenisa and immediately begins looking through the menu.
Imani: “Thank you for inviting me, what a cute place this is.” She looks around.
Jenisa: “Yeah! It really is.” She nods. “So I ordered us some mimosas, while we wait for them I think we should get right into it.” She folds her hands on the table. “I think, honestly, things are being taken out of context and it’s a big misunderstanding.”
Imani looks up from the menu and now fully focuses on Jenisa.
Imani: “Well, what do you think the misunderstanding is?” She furrows her brow.
“The thing that bothers me is that this really is a misunderstanding! If she stood there on New Years Eve and had a conversation with me, we would have had a pleasant one where I could explain I wasn’t there for malicious intent. I’m a little nosey so of course I want to see who my baby daddy is dating.” She shrugs and smirks. “Wouldn’t any girl?”
Jenisa: “That I’m around this group for your embarrassment.” She shifts in her seat uncomfortably as Imani makes a face. “Listen — I actually didn’t know that you were going to be at that party Sheridan brought me too and after the whole Derek situation was brought up, I wanted to chat with you but you quickly left the premises.”
“She didn’t know I was going to be at Lorelei’s New Years party?” She rolls her eyes. “Girl — please. My own sisters party?” She shakes her head. “I’m not sure why Jenisa is lying but if it’s to make peace, whatever. I’ll entertain it.”
Imani: “I respect you as a person and that’s why I was open to having a discussion with you one-on-one today. You’re new to this group and last year I was constantly ganged up and I will never allow that to happen because when I respond my delivery may be misunderstood.”
Jenisa: “I understand bu — “
Imani: “I just met you the other day. The day I met you, you came in with a bang and was going on about how I was dating your baby daddy and even mentioned your vagina.” She taps her nails on the table. “Why is that my business, you know? Then you come for me when I was trying to hash it out with Gemma at her event. What was that?!” She looks annoyed.
“The three time I have been around Jenisa she has discussed Derek. Why does she expect me to talk about what once was? Why is any part of their past relationship my business?”
Jenisa: “Okay, I think what got me to that nasty place at the tequila tasting was the fact my child was brought into it…” She motions to Imani. “You were mentioning my child for reasons I don’t understand and reasons you have yet to explain to me.” She now is starting to get irritated.
Imani: “I didn’t bring up your child, Jenisa.” She glares at her.
The waiter brings out two mimosas for the ladies. They thank him and continue to go back to their heated discussion.
Jenisa: “Gemma also said that you have been trying to claim my son as your own. I was like, bitch he came out of my vagina!”
“I did the heavy pushing. When I cough I pee now!”
Imani: “Jenisa? Are you serious? What grown woman would ever do that?” She begins to laugh.
Jenisa: “I don’t know! That’s why I’m coming to you, I knew it sounded crazy but..” She begins to laugh a bit now.
Imani: “Gemma is a mess and every time she’s around the circle, she’s drunk. However, I am here telling you woman-to-woman I have never said that ever and I respect your family, your son, and your co-parenting arrangement with Derek and I would never get in the middle of that.”
Jenisa: “I appreciate that.” She smiles. “I don’t know any of these girls well so of course when I heard it I saw red. I assume you would do the same but now I’m thinking some of these girls just like to stir the pot.”
“Gemma is a try hard, it makes me cringe so bad. She wants to have her moment, stir the pot, see if she can get Jenisa and Imani to fight more…dumb girl. Her personality is acting drunk and getting crunk.” She shakes her head.
Imani: “Oh, I absolutely would have been pissed, which is why I walked away. I don’t have an issue with you. Of course I felt a little attacked by you at the New Years party but I wouldn’t claim your child as my own. That’s something only a very weird individual would do.”
Jenisa laughs.
Jenisa: “Yeah, definitely. You should know when it comes to Derek, we co-parent well. At least for today. As long as he pays child support and doesn’t disappear from Eli’s life, we’re good. I don’t think you’re a crazy person so I’m definitely okay with you being around Eli.”
Imani sips her mimosa.
Imani: “That’s between you and him. You, me, and Derek are grown enough to separate everything and not have this be awkward. Derek and I are at an early stage and right now I’m just enjoying him. I’m sure we could all get together for a cute little play date or something.”
Jenisa: “I agree! I would absolutely love that.”
Imani nods.
Jenisa: “But, If I can… since I’m also getting to know all these ladies. I’m confused why Gemma would go there when it was a blatant lie.” She furrows her brow.
“I actually believe Imani for now. Gemma seems a bit messy and maybe she has an axe to grind with the sisters so she’s making shit up? At the end of the day, I don’t care. As long as my buttons aren’t pushed, I’m good.”
Imani: “You know, I’m just as confused as you and I don’t know what’s going on and why she’s acting like that. My sister and I were friends with her and she suddenly put that out there, I think she’s going through something. I mean she’s drunk every time we see her.” She crosses her legs and sips her mimosa again.
Jenisa: “I think this might have to be a conversation for another time, with Gemma. I don’t need her spreading lies especially when it pertains to my family.” She frowns. “Well, I appreciate you coming and I hope this is a start of a friendship?”
Imani: “I hope so! I enjoyed having this conversation. Sorry for walking away earlier.”
Jenisa: “No problem! Now let’s get out of here.”
The girls begin getting up and the scene ends.
Cheery music plays as the scene opens with Lorelei pulling her white Tesla into a parking lot of a building. There is a montage of her pulling up and parking. She gets out and then goes to the back seat to get her daughter, Banks. She slings Banks on her hip, puts on her sunglasses, then begins walking towards the beauty lounge.
Lorelei: “Alright baby girl. Mommy and you are going to have a little girls day! You wanna get your toes and nails painted, baby?”
Banks nods.
Banks: “Ya!” She smiles.
Lorelei laughs and kisses Banks on the forehead.
Lorelei: “Alright sweetie, let’s go.”
“My daughter is the absolute light of my life. I mean…I’m actually obsessed with her.” She grins and tears up a bit. “Sorry… She’s my mini me and the older she gets, the more I just love her! Banks has been going through a bratty stage and I think it’s because I’ve been so busy with work and the wedding that she’s maybe feeling a little lonely.” She pouts. “So today I am taking her on a little mommy-daughter date at the spa just to spend time with her, just us girls.” She smiles.
Lorelei walks into the spa and greets the staff. A staff member shows her and Banks to a room where a big white robe is waiting for Lorelei and a mini version of it for Banks is hanging right beside it.
Lorelei: “Oh my god! This is too cute!” She grins at the worker.
Staff: “You can meet us back out in the spa area.”
Lorelei closes the door and moments later she comes out with Banks in their matching robes. They take a seat at one of the spa chairs and a worker begins taking care of their feet. Banks giggles and squirms as her feet get tickled by the pedicurist. Lorelei watches and laughs as well.
Lorelei: “Ahh, I love this. You having fun mama?”
Banks giggles and hugs her mother. Lorelei leans back in her chair and closes her eyes, smiling. Moments later a voice breaks the serenity of the spa.
Xavier: “There’s my girls!”
Lorelei opens her eyes to see Xavier enter the room. Banks claps.
Banks: “Dada! Dada!”
Xavier smiles at Banks and goes over and gives her a hug, he then gives Lorelei a kiss on the forehead. She smiles. Xavier sits in a vacant chair next to Lorelei.
Lorelei: “What a nice surprise, babe.”
Xavier: “I was in the area, thought i’d stop by. Don’t worry…I know it’s a girls day so I won’t stay long!” He winks. “You know, Banks is looking more and more like her mama every day.” He blows Banks a kiss.
Lorelei: “I did carry her for nine months, the least she could do was look like me.” She laughs.
Lorelei finishes getting her pedicure and the ladies leave. She picks up Banks and puts her on her lap then turns to talk to Xavier still in the seats.
Lorelei: “So, I’ve finally hired a wedding planner! He is really good. He’s done a ton of celebrity weddings and his portfolio is to DIE for.” She begins bouncing Banks as she becomes restless.
Xavier: “That’s great, baby!” He reaches across and playfully nudges her. “But…how much does her cost?” He raises and eyebrow. “Celebrity wedding planner equals big money.”
Lorelei smirks a bit then mumbles under her breath, looking away.
Lorelei: “He costs $25,000…” She shyly turns back to Xavier to see his reaction.
“I mean, the wedding planner is a high end planner.” She shrugs. “It’s a normal price! I know this marriage to Xavier is going to be forever so I wanted this wedding to be extravagant. I’m going to be pulling out all the stops.” She smiles. “Money’s never been an object for me or Xavier so I’m sure he’ll be alright with the cost.”
Xavier: “LORELEI!” He widens his eyes. “$25,000?!” He cocks his neck and looks at her like she’s crazy. “God damn…” He bites his lip and thinks for a second. “This man better give us a better wedding than the royals themselves.”
A huge smile of relief is painted on Lorelei’s face.
Xavier: “There’s a catch though!” He holds his finger up. “I want you to make up with my mother before the wedding.”
Lorelei: “Xav — “ She looks shocked.
Xavier: “No, you know how important it is to me that she is there on our wedding day.”
Bank coos and Lorelei lets her play with her finger, she looks back up at Xavier. She sighs.
Lorelei: “Okay…I get that. I know that she’s your mother and she’s always going to be in your life and in Bank’s life.” She nods. “The thing I don’t understand is why do I have to be the bigger person and reach out to her? I feel like she owes me an apology after coming in my house and disrespecting me last year.”
Xavier: “Because you always rise above things. That’s what makes me love you. You’re always apologetic and you admit when you’re wrong.” He now smiles.
Lorelei makes a face.
Lorelei: “I know. I — I just…” She shakes her head. “I’ll reach out to her but I need to do it on my own times. Just let me be happy in this moment with you. Let’s not talk about her, okay? I just don’t want to say anything rude.” She looks down at Banks.
Xavier sighs, looking slightly frustrated.
Xavier: “Okay, baby.”
“I’m really starting to get annoyed with the constant badgering of apologizing to Toni. I don’t think Xavier knows the constant put downs this woman has hammered me with. But one thing is for certain, If I want to marry this man I have to make things right with Toni. Even if it kills me.” She rolls her eyes.
The scene ends.
Fun music plays as we gets shots of people walking up and down the streets of Downtown Beverly Beach at night. Bars line this particular, clearly upscale street. People dressed in all designer walk around.
The camera pans to this neon bar that is all lit up. Inside at the bar, Jenisa sips a martini then hits a dab pen as she waits for someone.
“Mona and I seemed to have an immediate connection when we met at Gemma’s event. I’m excited that she called me to get together and have a fun Saturday night out on the town! I knew she was my type of girl. A good time girl!”
Mona walks in and sees Jenisa.
Mona: “Hey bitch!”
Jenisa turns around and jumps off of the stool and hugs Mona.
Jenisa: “YAY! What’s up, hooker?! Glad you made it.”
“First off, that tequila tasting was a circus…but I was glad I went because I actually had a really fun time with Jenisa! We were ignoring the drama, drinking, and just being light hearted. I really wanted to get to know her better so we’re meeting up.”
The two girls sit at the bar and face eachother.
Mona: “How are you babe?” She quickly turns to the bartender and orders a tequila on the rocks and turns back to Jenisa.
Jenisa: “I’m good! How are you?”
Mona: “Good as well! Super busy with work and everything.” She lets a huff of air out. “It’s like I’m filming almost every day and I’m trying to take care of my sons! Don’t tell anybody this but I think I’m signing on to a new reboot of a very popular sitcom soon. So my plate is just getting fuller.”
Jenisa: “Shut up! That’s so exciting I think i’ve actually seen you on a few shows. When I saw you at the tequila tasting, I knew you looked familiar.” She sips her martini.
“Oh — I immediately checked her IMDB. She’s been on a few good shows, actually! She played Dead Hooker #2 in an episode of Law & Order…An extra in The Walking Dead…” She laughs and shakes her head. “She’s gonna kill me for that!”
Mona thanks the bartender as she receives her drink.
Mona: “I’m happy you recognized me because some of those bitches at that event thought it was funny to shade my acting career.” She rolls her eyes. “It’s whatever though. I know I’m more successful than all of them.” She laughs.
Jenisa giggles along as well.
Jenisa: “Yeah! Fuck them! Is it me or did all the women we met at Gemma’s little thing seem a bit…old? Dried up? Miserable? All of the above?” She chuckles and downs her martini and immediately orders another one.
Mona: “I’m actually nervous coming into the group on the fact that they all seem like they’re bored and want to fight about pointless nonsense. Like when I’m not at work I wanna have fun! I went to that tequila tasting to let loose and drink, not fight! I didn’t even know what they were on about…”
Jenisa: “Okay. Lemme give you the run down.” She holds a finger up. “Imani, Lorelei Fox’s sister, is dating my ex and the father of my son, Eli.” She holds up a second finger as Mona nods along, eyes wide. “The other day Gemma told me that Imani has been going around claiming Eli as her own son. Once I heard that I was ready to pull hair, honestly.”
Mona shakes her head in disbelief and holds her hands up.
Mona: “Woah, woah, woah, woah…Wait a second. Hold up! Imani is saying that your son is hers? Also — girl code! Why would she even date your ex in the first place? That’s so messed up. I have so many questions.”
Jenisa: “Well Imani and I actually spoke the other day. She claims she never said that and I believe her but time will tell.” She shrugs. “In her defense, we didn’t know eachother. We had never met until this New Years party we were both at. She can date whoever she wants, including Derek and his dirty dick.” She laughs.
“Imani seems like a nice girl and I have nothing against her. But honestly, she’s just his flavor of the month. They don’t last long, they never do.”
Mona: “Oh, okay.” She nods. “I thought that Imani girl was acting like a total toddler at the tasting to be honest.”
Jenisa: “She’s an odd one for sure. She’s very hard to read. I think there might be a chemical imbalance or something.” Her eyes widen. “Anyways, whats do you think of the group?”
Mona: “I like Lorelei and Ren so far. Grace I’ve known for a while but she’s kind of just there. I don’t know much about the other girls but they seemed nice.” She sips her drink.
Jenisa: “OH MY GOD. I was going to ask you about Grace! She seems like she’s not getting laid. Very uptight.” She makes a face. “Not my type of people.”
Mona: “I really like Grace one on one, she’s created some AMAZING designs for me but when I saw her with the group she was so different.”
Jenisa: “How do you mean?” She raises an eyebrow.
Mona: “Like, she seems all into herself around the group. It’s like she thinks she’s better and it’s The Grace Show. I don’t know, I could be delusional but she just seems different.”
Jenisa: “She did seems very judgmental.”
Mona: “Ooh, judgmental is a great word to describe it.” She nods.
“Look, I’m all about loyalty but I’m loyal to one face, not someone who has two.”
Jenisa: “I’m just going to avoid her for the time being. How about Gemma? You think she’s a liar like Imani said?”
Mona: “I didn’t really talk with Gemma so I can’t make that judgment about her, but throwing a bucket at Imani was not a good first impression.” She makes a face.
Jenisa: “Yeah, that was weird to me. I’m so glad we’re on the same page though.” She chuckles and high fives Mona.
Mona: “It was so childish at the tasting, like do they need to go back to elementary school?”
Jenisa: “I’m really glad we were able to go out together tonight for some cocktails! You’re going to have to come by my dispensary.”
Mona: “I’d love to!” She looks at her phone. “I got to get back to the sitter but we’ll talk soon.” She gets up and hugs Jenisa. “Bye, babe!”
The scene ends.
Music plays as we get shots of Beverly Beach’s most elite neighborhood; Beverly Bluffs. The shot switches to Ren & Aaron’s mansion.
Out back there is a party set up complete with a DJ booth, tables, drinks, and shirtless servers carrying around trays of appetizers. There is a large runway laid out in the middle of the yard. Ren is outback with her business partner, LaQuan, mingling with the handful of guests who are already there.
“Before celebrating the rebrand of REN, I wanted to invite some close friends and the ladies over for a sort of focus group to get a better understanding of how to appeal to the different consumers in Beverly Beach and around the world. Not all of these women have taste but that doesn’t mean they can’t weigh in on a project that’s near and dear to me.”
The shot switches to the front of Ren’s home. Grace kisses Vivian and then gets out of her car.
Grace: “Bye baby! See you in a little.”
She closes the car door and makes her way to Ren’s front door. She gently knocks then lets herself in. Consuela stands in the foyer and smiles.
Consuela: “Hola miss Grace! Welcome to Casa de Ren!”
She gives Grace a comment card and then takes her coat. Grace smiles and talks in a slow, loud voice.
Grace: “Yes! Yes!” She nods. “THIS VERY NICE!”
The camera pans to Consuela who just nods and smiles. Grace makes her way into the backyard and greets Ren.
“Now, listen…Me and Ren Rose are by no means the best of friends.” She shakes her head. “But I do applaud a businesswoman and I’m all about empowering women. So, here I am.” She smiles and holds her hands up.
Next, Lorelei and Imani walk into the backyard together.
Imani: “Hey! Hey! Hey! The Faroe!”
Ren and Grace turn around, Grace meets the sisters for a hug and kiss on the cheek for each.
Grace: “You both look fabulous!”
Ren stays back, plasters a fake smile on her face, and sips her champagne.
“Seeing Imani come into my home being loud and startling my help is no surprise.” She shakes her head. “But, I invited her so who am I to complain?”
Imani: “Grace, honey, you look even more fabulous! I wonder what you’re getting fed because you’re glowing.”
The girls giggle and Imani gives Grace another side hug.
Grace: “Hey, business is booming! What can I say?” She smiles.
“Even though I’m still scream-mingggg at the fact that Ren found out and told everyone Grace’s line was being sold on the discount rack at Marshall’s, Grace isn’t the one whose brand is failing. We’ve seen the tabloids…” She shakes her head. “That’s not what I’m trying to get at though. I’m proud of Grace for showing up and being open to give Ren advice about her brand.”
Lorelei is handed a champagne flute by a server and then makes her way over to Ren and hugs her.
Ren: “Welcome, welcome.”
Lorelei: “Thank you for the invite.” She looks around. “The set up is really cool but I’m wondering what this is all about.” She holds up her comment card.
Ren: “Oh! I’ll tell you!” She waves Grace and Imani over. “So, I wanted to get you ladies together to get your opinions on the new direction for the REN brand. We expanded our sizes and want to appeal to more of the everyday woman and since we are all diverse…Some of us are gay…” She motions to Grace and Grace raises her eyebrow. “Some of us are single moms…” She motions to Imani who makes a face. “I thought this would be the perfect time to get your input.”
She shakes her head.
“Expanding sizes? Preaching about diversity?” She looks straight at the camera. “Honey, me liking women has NOTHING to do with my clothes. Like what does that even mean?!” She scoffs. “So stupid…”
“Was that a dig? How is me being a single mom going to help you expand your brand? If you want to lower the prices, just say that.” She laughs. “Don’t make it about motherhood.”
“Not expanding her sizes!” She shakes her head and chuckles. “Business must really be slow for her to extend to the bigger woman to generate more sales.” She shakes her head. “The last time I saw an obese person in Beverly Beach was…” She thinks. “Well, I haven’t.”
Ren: “I’m super excited! Sheridan was suppose to come today but I got a message from her earlier wishing me the best but saying she can’t make it.” She frowns. “That’s fine! The show must go on.”
Grace: “Must be the night her AA group meets…” She says to Lorelei.
Ren: “You girls go sit down, I’m going to start the runway.”
There is a montage of the small group of guests sitting at tables in Ren’s backyard after she makes an announcement. There is runway that runs it way through the middle of it.
All of a sudden models of all different shapes and sizes walk out of Ren’s house in a line and begin making their way down the runway one by one. Lorelei widens her eyes.
Lorelei: “Ooooh, now this is on brand.” She claps and analyzes the models.
Grace looks around and remains silent, not giving a reaction. Imani squints and watches each swimsuit carefully. Ren nervously glances at the ladies.
“I usually don’t care about their opinions but REN is my everything so I’m really hoping for some actual good feedback so I can move my brand in the right direction. My swimsuit line is my baby, just like Gracie. I can’t let it die.”
The show goes on and other attendees, along with the women, write on their comment cards. It ends and everyone claps. Ren stands up and bows and says her thanks. She sits down and faces the women with a smile on her face.
Ren: “So what did you guys think?”
Grace takes a big sip of her drink then clears her throat before responding.
Grace: “It’s…um….” She looks up to think. “It’s good. You…um…nice.” She bites her lip. “Yeah.”
Ren looks confused.
Lorelei: “I mean…it was something.” She nods. “I liked the idea of the inclusivity. I can tell you really put a lot of thought into this new revamp line.”
Ren half smiles and turns to Imani.
Imani: “They for sure scream Ren…”
“At the end of the day I’m real and upfront. This is just ‘Ren: The Deluxe Edition’, nothing is different or new about the designs. They’re all already in her shop, it’s just different sizes. I find it very hypocritical how she’s trying to cater to women with curves but she body shamed me all last year.”
Ren smiles at the girls.
Ren: “Well thank you guys. I can’t wait to read all of your feedback. You guys are right…” She nods and smiles. “I did do a fabulous job!” She picks up her champagne flute. “Let’s go celebrate!”
The camera pans to Lorelei who tries to hide her smile at Ren’s statement. Grace chuckles into her drink and shakes her head. The ladies get up from the table and Ren leads them to the pool area that over looks the city. They stand on the edge and look out.
Lorelei: “This is a great view, and look!” She points to another mansion down to the right of Ren’s house. “My house! Beverly Bluffs really is worth it.” She sips her champagne and turns to Ren. “So, do you have high hopes that this soft rebrand will help generate more sales for your business?”
Ren: “That’s what I’m hoping!”
“I truly want to know more about Ren’s struggling business. I wouldn’t wish anyone bad luck on a business venture because I know how challenging and risky it is to be a business owner. I built my shapewear line, NUDITY, from the ground up.”
Ren, Lorelei, Imani, and Grace are now gathered, standing in a circle with their drinks and the backdrop being Beverly Beach in the valley.
Ren: “I don’t usually talk about this but I don’t come from much I was raised in a bit of a rough environment so this business is my bread and butter. A lot of people think I rely on Aaron but I really am self made. So I’m hoping that this will help us grow even more.”
Lorelei and Grace nod along with Ren.
Grace: “I admire your determination and drive, you still have room to grow though. This is a good start.”
The camera pans to Imani who looks at Ren with a poker face.
Imani: “I hope you make millions from this, Ren. I really do.”
Ren: “Thank you.” She smiles.
Imani: “BUT, last year you were body shaming me…Nonstop.”
Lorelei’s eyes widen. Grace watches the interaction, entertained. Ren looks at Imani genuinely shocked and with her mouth open a little.
“One thing about my sister is she knows how to clear a room.” She laughs. “I mean, she just has this ability to butcher peaceful moments.” She nods and laughs once again. “That’s Imani for you!”
Imani: “What made you want to expand your brand to plus size clothing?” She sips her drink then looks at Ren, cocking her head.
Ren: “I want my brand to unite women of all sizes, Imani. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes!”
Imani: “See this is what I’m getting that. If inclusivity is something you value all of a sudden, why constantly take digs at my body last year?”
Ren looks annoyed now.
Ren: “Yes, Imani. I talked about your weight and surgeries but after all is said and done, you have gorgeous style and carry yourself well.”
“Imani has had a lot of work done. A LOT am I really body shaming if it’s not HER body?! Genuine question.”
Lorelei looks at Ren and makes a face.
Lorelei: “Girl — you called Imani fat every chance you got last year. It’s just…it seems like this was a calculated move that this is what your new rebrand is all about. You know what I mean?” She raises an eyebrow.
Ren: “No, I don’t know what you mean.” She shakes her head at Lorelei.
Imani rolls her eyes.
“I’m not going to drag this out any further, but do I believe that Ren is being genuine? No. She’s just a high school bully that is nearing middle aged. Her designs are boring, they are going to flop harder than the dirty warehouses Gemma calls her clubs. Ren is disgusting and so is this fake act she’s putting on of wanting to be inclusive.”
Grace raises her hand.
Grace: “Not only did you body shame Imani, you came after my business and said it was garbage. And you shamed my sexuality as well. Just saying.” She shrugs.
Imani nods in agreement at Grace. Ren looks between the three other ‘Wives.
Ren: “Wait. Why is all this being brought up now? Is this an ambush?”
Grace: “No! Of course not. We were talking about issues and I just want to be honest with you because sometimes it feels like you can be a little mean girl to anybody that’s not Sheridan.”
“Ren said a lot of hurtful things to me last year, specifically concerning my business and my sexuality. Was I hurt? 100%. Am I still bitter towards her? Absolutely. Will I accept an apology and forgive her if she offers one? We’ll see…”
Imani: “Like today you brought up single mothers in your little spiel and pointed at me. I am a single mother but was that necessary to even bring up in front of people? This is why I go crazy at you, I feel like with you it’s a lot of backhanded compliments and little jabs.”
Lorelei: “To have real friendships you have to be transparent. We’re just trying to be honest with you, Ren.”
“This did somehow turn into a little bit of am ambush but I don’t care. The truth is Ren hasn’t been a very nice person and I don’t think a single one of us is buying this new ‘nice’ facade she is putting on that comes along with this rebrand.”
Ren shakes her head and downs the rest of her champagne. She takes a deep breath.
Ren: “Listen — If I offended you guys I’m sorry! Truly, I think everyone here has something to offer. Last year I was just in a really weird place with Gracie and Aaron. I just want to move forward with all of you.” She turns to Imani. “Imani, I’m realizing you’re sensitive the more I get to know you. I realize I shouldn’t joke with you as much.” She nods.
Imani looks at Ren funny.
Imani: “I — You know what, nevermind.” She shakes her head. “We’re fine, Ren.”
Ren quickly pulls out her phone, sends a text and puts it back away. All of a sudden, a cajun band dressed in purple, green, and gold march into the pool area Kenya Moore Haircare style, startling the girls.
Ren grins and claps her hands as Lorelei, Imani, and Grace look at the band in confusion. Ren screams over the band, the girls lean in to hear her.
Ren: “So, this discussion was perfect timing because for a while now, I’ve truly been wanting to connect with you guys better. I have planned us a fab vacation to New Orleans! I thought it would be a fun girls trip.”
Imani gets up and dances.
Imani: “Yasss, NOLA!”
“I’m sure Ren feels right at home in New Orleans, honey! They got the NOLA Red Light District, the drinking, the party scene…100% Ren!”
The band stops playing and purple and gold confetti are shot into the air by the band. Grace claps her hands.
Grace: “Oh wow! I love New Orleans. This is going to be great!”
Imani grabs Grace’s hand and squeezes it. She smiles at her excitedly.
Imani: “I love it there, honey! I’m so excited and totally in. What about you, Lore?”
Lorelei smiles a nods.
Lorelei: “I’m always down for a little girls trip.”
Ren: “Great! Great! Thank you guys.” She waves at the band and they begin to walk off. “I’m going to invite Sheridan of course. I thought it would be fun to have Gemma and Jenisa come? Also Mona…why not?” She shrugs.
Grace: “I suppose…Mona has babies at home. I think she may be too boring for the New Orleans nightlife but if you want to invite her..” She shrugs.
“I don’t really want Mona on this trip because as time goes on, I don’t trust her. She’s a client and I’m not typically friends with clients. Not only that but since I’ve been around her people have approached me and warned me about her. That she’s a diva, a bully, a manipulator, a gas lighter…the list goes on! I’m sleeping with one eye open.”
Lorelei looks at Ren and shakes her head.
Lorelei: “Absolutely not. Gemma and Jenisa…those two bitches are nothing short of evil and I don’t want them around me.”
Ren raises her eyebrow.
Ren: “What happened? Did I miss something? I thought Mona was your friend.” She nods to Grace. “And what's this about Gemma and Jenisa? I kind of like them.”
Imani: “Gemma has spread vicious rumors about me.”
Ren: “The ones about you claiming Jenisa’s child?”
Imani: “Yes! She is thirsty. Have you not seen how excited she gets when we’re around her?”
Lorelei: “Gemma has told false lies about my sister and literally assaulted her! Jenisa…eh she’s a follower and one in the same as Gemma, both of them are trash.”
Ren shakes her head.
Ren: “Wow Imani…If you’re going to be involved with Derek it could be a good idea to get on good terms with Jenisa at least.”
Imani: “Oh, I made up with Jenisa that other day and we’re all good. She invited me to brunch and we talked about it.”
Lorelei gives Imani a disgusted look and grabs her sisters arm.
Lorelei: “Wait a minute. You made up with that girl?”
Imani raises her eyebrow and yanks her arm out of Lorelei’s grip.
Imani: “I don’t have an issue with her, I think she should come, actually.”
Lorelei death glares Imani.
Ren: “Good!” She claps. “So Jenisa is in. I’m so tired of all the petty drama, we are a sisterhood and we need to expand this circle a little more. So, Mona and Gemma are coming as well. This is my trip.” She looks at Lorelei.
Lorelei rolls her eyes and mutters.
Lorelei: “This was bullshit…”
“I am totally not here for Gemma or Jenisa and her hairy pussy coming along to New Orleans. This trip is about to be something else.” She nods. “Trust me on that.”
Grace sips her drink and sighs.
Grace: “Well, buckle up baby! It’s going to be a bumpy ride!” She laughs.
Imani: “I just don’t want people to make me look crazy when I retaliate. I will defend myself if I have to, just so you know.” She shrugs.
Ren raises her glass.
Ren: “Cheers to sisterhood and NOLA!”
Everybody cheers, even a reluctant Lorelei, and then the episode ends.
Next Time on The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach…
Mona hosts her annual Beverly Beach Women’s Brunch and invites Sheridan and Gemma. All the girls head down to the Big Easy where room selection drama drives one of the ladies to book a hotel. At dinner on the first night in New Orleans, Mona calls Grace out on her behavior causing a lively spat between the two friends.