[S5E3]: Cheap Shots

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
33 min readApr 12, 2022


(From L to R: Gemma Li, Jenisa Azizi, Mona Quinn, Grace Faroe, Imani Grimaldi, Lorelei Sullivan, & Sheridan Campbell)

Previously on the Real Housewives of Beverly Beach…
Lorelei’s New Years party went off with a bang when Sheridan brought her friend (and the baby momma of Imani’s new boyfriend) to the party causing Imani to take it as a personal attack against her. The evening didn’t turn out to be a total bust, Xavier proposed to Lorelei! Grace brought her friend Mona Quinn into the mix. Mona is a famous movie actress! Grace took Mona to dinner to meet Lorelei and Imani but unfortunately, the sisters were a little less than impressed. In order to get to know some of the ladies better, Gemma planned a private pool day. Drinks started flowing and the lips got looser, leading to Gemma telling Ren, Sheridan, and Jenisa that Imani has been claiming to be the mother of Jenisa’s child. Uh oh!

Cheery music plays as Episode 3 begins. The girls are shown going through their everyday lives. Ren is in her boutique working on the computer, Lorelei and Imani are at the zoo with their daughters, Jenisa is shown smoking in her dispensary with some of her workers, Gemma is working out with her fiancè, Mona is driving her two sons in car seats around, and Sheridan is taking pictures of a meal she cooked to post to her Instagram. The music dies down as the shot finally settles on Grace Faroe. She is sitting on a large sofa in her home, she is staring at her phone on the coffee table in front of her. Grace’s partner, Vivian, walks in with two cups of tea and sits down beside her.

Vivian & Grace

Vivian: “Hey, is everything okay?” She hands Grace a tea and looks at her concerned.

Grace: “I suppose…” She nods and takes the cup. “I’m just thinking about Megan.”

Vivian furrows her brow.

Vivian: “It’s a tough situation. Megan is your daughter but also Dimitri’s.” She rubs Grace’s back. “Has Dimitri been in contact?”

Grace: “Of course her hasn’t.” She scoffs. “He’s loving this. Him and his new fiancè…” She rolls her eyes.

Grace’s Confessional

“Not having Megan around has been really tough. Our relationship just hit a breaking point…”

“And then…she moved out. Does my soon to be ex husband care that our daughter and I aren’t getting on? The answer is NO.” She shakes her head.

Vivian: “Screw him and his new fiancè” She chuckles.

Grace: “She’s younger, hotter, everything I’m not.” She laughs.

Vivian nudges Grace’s shoulder then wraps her arms around Grace.

Vivian: “Hey! You’re hot!”

Grace: “Thanks, mama.” She smiles.

Vivian: “You know, it’s been a while since Megan left. Maybe she’s had time to calm down?”

Grace: “Maybe…” She sips her tea.

Vivian: “Why don’t you give her a call?”

Grace glances down at her phone and bites her lip, she looks concerned.

Grace: “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.”

Grace’s Confessional

“I get where Viv is coming from, I honestly have been considering giving Megan a call but every time I get close to it I just can’t pull the trigger. But Megan and I’s issues run deep. It can’t all be fixed with a simple phone call.”

Vivian: “Look, just give her a call and invite her to dinner this weekend. Be the bigger person and extend the olive branch. That’s your blood. You’ve got to start somewhere, right?”

Grace sighs.

Grace: “I suppose you’re right.”

The music cuts out as a nervous Grace picks her phone up off the coffee table. Vivian watches as Grace unlocks her phone and dials Megan’s number. She turns the phone on speaker and sets it back down on the table. We hear the ringtones. There is a click and Megan picks up.

Megan: “Hello?”

Grace smiles a bit then gathers herself before responding, Vivian gives her a thumbs up.

Grace: “Hey Megan. This is Mom. Are you okay?”

There is an uncomfortable moment of silence before Megan responds.

Megan: “Yeah.”

Grace: “I just thought I’d ring you to see how you are…”

Megan: “Okay.”

Grace sighs.

Grace: “I’d also like to invite you to come home for dinner a night this weekend. Spend some time here? See your brother?”

There is another defining silence from the other side of the phone.

Megan: “I am home now, with Dad.”

Grace: “You know what I meant, please? If not for me, then for your brother. Gemini misses you.”

Megan: “I’m not doing this. I’m over it.”

Megan hangs up the phone abruptly before Grace can respond. Grace’s eyes begin to tear up.

Grace: “I can’t with this…”

Grace leans into Vivian and now starts to sob. Vivian rubs her back and comforts her.

Grace’s Confessional

“It’s so hard when your own child won’t even speak to you. It really makes you feel like crap.” She sniffles.

Vivian: “You’ll get there with her eventually. Don’t give up, this is worth fighting for.”

The scene ends as Grace continues to cry into Vivian’s shoulder.

Music begins as we get a stunning ocean shot off of Beverly Beach. The camera flips around to show a shopping center with a trendy looking pizzeria.

The camera inside captures Sheridan walking in and getting a table for two. She sits down and looks around as she waits.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Look, I adored Imani last year and I will apologize again for repeating Lauren and Ren’s thoughts of her on camera. It was wrong of me. Now our little fracture in our friendship is turning into a huge crack because now she thinks I’m bringing Jenisa around to intentionally hurt her. I hope we can move forward today and get everything cleared up, because she deserves to know what one of her so called friends are saying behind her back.”

The music changes as Imani struts into the restaurant. The host walks her back to Sheridan’s table, she turns to smile at the worker.

Sheridan & Imani

Imani: “Thank you.”

Imani sits down cooly. She looks over to Sheridan who is half smiling.

Imani: “Sorry for being late, I have been running errands all morning. How are you?”

Sheridan: “Good, good.”

The girls look at eachother as their conversation halts and there is an awkward silence.

Imani’s Confessional

“I feel like Sheridan doesn’t have a brain of her own to be honest. I will say that she is a better person when you get to know her one-on-one and isn’t around that gnat Ren Rose. I was willing to have a conversation one on one because I am human and I have said things to people that are wrong, does this mean we will be besties again? No, but I’m open to anything. Just not a friendship.”

Sheridan clears her throat before talking again.

Sheridan: “Well — Thanks for coming. I really just wanted to meet up and clear the air with you. I feel we fell out over a small tiff when we had been building a strong friendship last year…”

Before Imani can respond, their waiter comes over and introduces himself.

Waiter: “What can I get you lovely ladies to drink?”

Sheridan: “I’ll do a glass of the Pinot Grigio.”

Imani: “I’ll do a Belvedere soda with lime. Thanks.” She smiles.

The waiter walks away and the girls go back to their conversation. Imani sighs.

Imani: “I don’t know Sheridan. I feel like you’ve done and said so many vile things behind my back.” She shrugs. “Of course we built a strong bond last year but part of me feels as though it was never a friendship but more so of an alliance against Pat. Last week at the New Years Party…” She wags her finger. “That…that made me view you in a different light.”

Sheridan: “Imani I — “

Imani: “No! Listen. You can be friends with whoever you want but you bringing Jenisa to the party I felt like was delebritaly trying to hurt or embarrass me. That’s where I have the issue.”

Sheridan shakes her head.

Sheridan: “Let me say this, I will own that in the moment I was being petty by bringing her to that particular event but, I do want you to know that I had built a friendship with Jenisa before I even knew you were involved with the father of her son. I’m not a manipulative person, I didn’t befriend her just to spite you.”

Imani lets out dramatic laugh that makes the couple at the next table over glance at the girls.

Imani: “Oh girl, stop it. You asked me in front of everyone what his name is, that you saw him on Instagram, etcetera. You were fishing for me to bring him up in front of her and everyone else. You were so turned up about the fact she was there, there was obviously a malicious intent there. You were sooooo happy when she revealed it, giddy even. Even if you befriended her before you knew or not, this instance that happened just last week. I don’t know how your feelings can switch in a matter of days. For me, you’re not being sincere.”

As Imani leans back in her seat the waiter comes back over and brings their drinks. Sheridan takes a sip of her wine before speaking.

Sheridan: “Like I said, I absolutely own it.” She shrugs. “I chose to be petty at the New Years party.”

She sets her wine glass down and Imani looks at her like she’s crazy.

Imani: “Okay…but petty for what? Because I haven’t done anything to you.”

Imani’s Confessional

“Sheridan is being a little bipolar right now and acting as though I am the reason why we’re here. You ruined our friendship, you’re the one that switched up on me!”

Sheridan: “I took the petty route because honestly, I was hurt about the comments you made on Watch What Happens Live. Jenisa has never said one bad thing about you, I really was being petty and I feel bad.” She looks at Imani.

RHOBB Season 4 WWHL Reunion Special on The Andy Network

Imani: “Sheridan! I was hurt about what you said about me during the Seychelles trip last year. What?!” She starts to get animated. “I had your back last season only to find out while it’s airing that you were talking major shit about me behind my back. I didn’t just come at you out of nowhere. You disrespected me and I retaliated.”

Imani looks furious and Sheridan looks at her and nods.

Sheridan: “I understand. I will apologize however many times I need to. I just want us to move forward so we’re not always fighting around the group.”

Imani raises her eyebrow.

Imani: “Well, how can I know you’re not going to do petty shit or say things behind my back? It’s pretty hard for me to even think about moving forward, especially after your friend is around trying to put me on blast over a man.”

Sheridan: “Actions speak louder than words, I can assure you Jenisa has never talked shit about you to me.”

Imani: “I don’t care about that girl because I have never met her. Her issues or your issues with me aren’t my issues. I can agree to moving forward but I just don’t want you to keep doing petty shit like you did during that trip or last week.”

Sheridan smiles a bit.

Sheridan: “Noted.”

Imani’s Confessional

“The truth is a small part of me does miss my friendship with Sheridan, we had fun together. I feel like I have known Sheridan for decades, even though she’s older than me. I do feel sorry for her sometimes because of what she’s been through and how she’s unable to reproduce. I have a soft spot for people, I can’t lie.”

The waiter makes his way back over.

Waiter: “Enough time to look over the menu? What’s looking good to eat for you two?”

Imani: “I’ll do an order of the charred cauliflower for the starter and for my entree I’ll have the pear & prosciutto pizza.”

Sheridan: “Can I please just do the Calabrian kale caesar salad.”

The girls hand their menus back to the waiter and he takes off.

Sheridan: “Now that we've agreed to move on, here’s one of the first tests of my friendship loyalty.” She purses her lips. “There’s someone in this group that is talking about you…”

Imani rolls her eyes.

Imani: “What now?! I’m used to it…”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I’m telling Imani about Gemma’s loose lips at the pool in hopes this helps her see I’m not the enemy and I’m actually her friend. A good friend.”

Sheridan: “The girl you introduced to us, Gemma, invited Jenisa, Ren and I to a pool party and she told Jenisa that you were telling people that Derek and Jenisa’s son is your own son.”

Imani’s mouth drops open.

Imani: “That’s a big fat lie!”

Sheridan: “I obviously don’t believe you would claim someone else’s child as your own, but Jenisa was livid.”

Imani: “I never even want to mention Derek’s name to begin with because our relationship is new, why would I claim someone’s else’s child as my own? Jenisa’s mad?!”

Sheridan: “I told her to talk to you directly and that it was probably a misunderstanding.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Gemma knew exactly what she was doing by dropping that bomb on Jenisa. Just as any mother, Jenisa is very territorial when it comes to her child. I mean I would be mad too if I heard some random woman dating my ex husband was claiming my child as her own. But I don’t know Gemma and I feel like there’s a good chance she’s lying.” She shrugs.

Imani: “Let’s be clear, your friend is the one who proudly labeled herself as a baby mama, I could’ve gone on with my day and ignored her presence!” She holds up her finger. “As for Gemma, she’s a groupie and thirsty to be in this circle, it’s evident! Who says shit like this? This is meddling between two women trying to get us to turn on eachother.”

Imani’s Confessional

“At this point my heart is beating extremely fast and I'm just seeing red. I appreciate Sheridan for relaying this to me, but this just proves to me that no one here is genuinely my friend. What the fuck is Gemma trying to do? She’s turned on me in two seconds!”

Sheridan nods.

Sheridan: “Girl, I didn’t believe it at all. Jenisa was really upset about it so I wanted to give you the heads up in case it comes up in the group. Gemma seems to be a bit snakeish and trying to get in where she fits in. Be careful girl.”

Imani: “What’s there to be careful? What is Jenisa going to do? Absolutely nothing! I’m not scared of those two and I will for sure address it.” She looks pissed. “Thank you for telling me though.”

Sheridan sips her wine.

Sheridan: “Mhm…Are you still going to go to Gemma’s Tequila Tasting though?”

Imani: “Oh, you best bet I will show up and confront little miss Gemma Li for her lies.”

Sheridan laughs a bit and shakes her head.

Sheridan: “This is going to get messy.”

The scene ends as the waiter brings out the food.

The scene begins with a shot of Gemma’s green Lambo zooming into valet line of a posh restaurant. She is helped out by a valet boy and she tosses him her keys as she proceeds into the restaurant.

She is brought out to a two top table on the patio that overlooks the beach.

Gemma’s Confessional

“So tonight Jenisa and I are meeting for a few drinks. Being that we’re the new girls in the group, we have to stick together, right?” She grins.

The camera follows Jenisa as she walks out onto the patio and waves at Gemma.

Jenisa & Gemma

Jenisa: “Hello pretty!”

Gemma: “Hey girl!” She gets up and hugs Jenisa then sits back down. “I hope this table is okay with you. I also ordered us some drinks already!”

Jenisa: “Now you’re talking! This is perfect, it’s gorgeous!” She motions out to the view. “Now remind me — You haven’t been in Beverly Beach long, right?”

Gemma shakes her head.

Gemma: “No! I haven’t. I come and go because my family has a beach house here and I’m looking to open something up business wise here as well. I usually stay in L.A. or New York. What about you?”

Jenisa: “I actually grew up here in Beverly Beach! I moved to New York City for school but decided to come back here when I started dating my ex, Derek, he plays ball here.”

The waiter brings out drinks and Gemma sips hers.

Gemma: “Ahhh, Derek. Imani’s current boo.” She raises an eyebrow. “So are you and Derek like, on good terms? How long ago did you guys end your relationship?”

Jenisa: “Today, we are on good terms.” She nods. “But who know what tomorrow will bring. Our son, Eli, is three now and we broke up after his first birthday so It’s been a minute. I’ve been dealing with his ‘boos’ ever since then.”

Jenisa’s Confessional

“I always make sure to have a good relationship with Derek’s skanks. If they are going to be around my child I need to know they aren’t klepto crack whores.”

Gemma: “That’s great to hear you two are on good terms! That’s always the best situation when a kid is involved. So, have you spoken to him about running into Imani?” She looks curious

Jenisa sips her cocktail.

Jenisa: “I haven’t” She shakes her head. “To be honest, he’s been calling but I’ve been ignoring. I’ll see him tomorrow when I drop off Eli but I’m sure she’s already ran to him crying. I want to talk to her one on one. I know nothing about her but I want her to know I’m a grown woman and I can be around her and things don’t need to be weird between us. Certainly no animosity on my end, she can have Derek all she wants.”

Jenisa’s Confessional

“I’m not saying a whole lot about Imani in front of Gemma. After the pool day, I’m even more confused about their relationship. Gemma comes in as Imani’s friend but the second she gets the chance she’s putting Imani on blast. I don’t trust that.”

Gemma: “Imani is a nice girl! You’ll enjoy her once you get to actually meet her for more than a few seconds. I’m sure the others in the group have chirped a bit into your ear about the sisters…”

Gemma’s Confessional

“The one thing I told myself coming into this group of friends is that I wouldn’t judge someone based off others’ opinions. I want to give everyone a fair shot at getting to know me and vice versa.”

Jenisa: “I’m curious on what you thought of the girls so far. I felt a bit uncomfortable the other day at the pool. Sheridan and Ren were grilling you a bit.”

Gemma looks confused.

Gemma: “Were they? I thought they were just curious and wanted to know more about me.” She laughs.

Jenisa: “I mean…You tripped over your words a little, no?” She chuckles. “Or was it just the champagne?”

Gemma: “I honestly don’t even remember what I said, too many glasses of champagne. That day was a bit fuzzy.” She giggles half heartedly and bites her lip.

Jenisa: “It happens, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I know you explained it a little at the pool but I’m still a bit confused. What is your relationship with Lorelei and Imani? Like, how do you know them?”

Gemma: “Well, I know them through my work. They’re always at the biggest festivals, concerts, and club openings.”

Jenisa raises her eyebrow and sips her drink.

Jenisa: “So you just know them through work?”

Gemma: “No, we’ve built a friendship over the years. So, we’re friends if thats what you’re asking.” She nods.

Jenisa’s Confessional

“Are you buying this? I don’t know if I buy this. Listen, I don’t know Gemma enough to know truths from lies… but something about all of this feels off? She’s so vague about it all.”

Jenisa: “Cool. I was just curious. That’s great though. They seem great.”

Gemma’s Confessional

“I’m not claiming to be butt buddies with Imani or Lorelei. I’m friends with them that’s it.” She shrugs.

Gemma: “So I’m hosting a tequila tasting tomorrow afternoon I would love for you to come. I’ve invited some of the others, it’s something small and intimate.”

Jenisa: “Oh that sounds great!” She smiles. “I’ll be there. Would love to see a Gemma event in action.”

Gemma: “It’s going to be cute.”

She does a small clap and the camera zooms out on the patio. The scene ends.

Music plays as shots of a luxury shopping center in Beverly Beach flash across the screen. We see stores like Chanel, Burberry, and Louis Vuitton.

The camera follows Lorelei as she struts into a boutique. Lorelei is greeted by Mimi, the owner of the boutique, with a glass of champagne.

Lorelei: “Mimi! Hi, hun! I’ve got a couple of girlfriends coming, keep the champs on tap.” She laughs. “They love a good shopping experience.”

Mimi: “Of course, Lorelei. Only the best for you.” She grins.”My girls have already pulled some stuff for you all.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I’ve invited Ren and Mona out for a good old fashion shopping day at my girlfriend, Mimi’s, boutique. Ren and I always have a bit of an up and down relationship, but at the end of the day… We’ve grown to care about one another. I also want to give Mona another chance to see what she’s all about.” She laughs.

The camera quickly zooms in and focuses on Mona as she walks into the boutique. She waves and smiles warmly at Lorelei and Mimi.


Mona: “Hey girls! How are you?”

Lorelei walks over and gives Mona a hug.

Lorelei: “Hey gorgeous! I’m fabulous, how are you?” She looks Mona up and down and smiles. “I’m loving the floral.”

Mona: “Thank you! I’m great. Shopping is literally my favorite thing to do so I’m glad you invited me out!”

“I didn’t think Lorelei and I have connected yet, so I’m glad she invited me out for a shopping day to get to know each other better! I’m happy Ren is coming too because honestly being one of the new girls in this group is hard! I’m just trying to get to know everyone and I want everyone to get to know me.” She smiles.

Mona looks around the boutique, smiling and admiring it. Mimi pours champagne into a flute and brings it over to Mona.

Mimi: “Thanks for checking out my boutique! I’m excited to have you girls today.”

Mona: “Wow thank you! I want everything in here! Soooo cute!”


The music changes as we get a shot of Ren getting out of her car and walking to the boutique. She looks calm, cool, and collected as she nonchalantly blows a bubble with the gum in her mouth.

Ren’s Confessional

“Surprisingly I receive a text to hang from Lorelei of all people.” She lets out a deep sigh and rolls her eyes. “I mean, she barely even spoke to me at the New Years party so I’m not sure why she wants to hang out now but my therapist advised me to go, plus I wanted to congratulate her personally on her engagement.” She shrugs.

Ren walks into the boutique and smiles. She approaches the ladies and first gives Lorelei a double kiss on her cheeks.

Ren: “Hi doll.”

Lorelei: “Hey honey!” She turns and looks at Mona. “Ren, this is Mona. She’s a good friend of Grace’s.”

Mona smiles and waves. Ren looks her up and down before flashing a quick smile.

Ren: “Hi, I’m Ren! I love your outfit! So…fun.”

Mona: “Hi, Ren! So nice to meet you. Thank you, you look great.”

Another worker brings out a champagne flute for Ren and Mimi introduces herself.

Mimi: “Now you ladies enjoy and look around. If you want us to hold anything just yell out and we’ll bring it up to the counter for you.”

The girls begin perusing through the store.

Lorelei: “So, Mona…” She sips her champagne. “You were telling us the other night at dinner you were a Hallmark actress, right?” She looks at Ren with a subtle smirk.

Mona: “Hallmark?!” She looks at Lorelei, surprised.

Ren: “Oh yeah, I think I’ve seen you in a few Lifetime movies?”

Mona: “No, honey. Those are the actresses that make a couple thousand dollars a movie. I get paid millions and get personally asked to shoot movies. I’m on a different level.”

The camera zooms in on Ren and Lorelei who give eachother looks, a bit taken aback.

Mona: “And, yes — I’ve done a few Lifetime movies because the filming schedule accommodates my family more sometimes.” She smiles and goes back to browsing through clothes.

Ren: “Oh wow…” She looks surprised. “That’s quite impressive, Mona.”

Ren’s Confessional

“I’ve met this girl for five minutes and I see how she’s a friend of Grace’s” She rolls her eyes and begins to imitate Mona. “I’m an actress! I make millions! Blah, blah, blah…Okay, we get it honey.”

Lorelei sips her champagne and nods.

Lorelei: “I apologize, I didn’t mean any offense by it. I just hadn’t seen you in anything of grand gesture.” She chuckles. “But, honey, I love a good actress! I’m going to have to watch a movie you star in.”

Mona: “Oh no, it’s all good! I’m not one to get offended easily, except if I feel like you’re intentionally trying to a be a bitch.” She looks up at the girls and laughs.

Mona’s Confessional

She sighs and shakes her head.
“Does Lorelei have dementia? Am I crazy or did we not talk about my family the other night at drinks with Grace?”
She chuckles. “Agh! I’m trying with Lorelei but It’s coming apparent she just really has no genuine interest in trying to be my friend, in my opinion. It’s like she’s already written me off. But, I’m just going to play nice for now.”

Lorelei: “So, are you married? Any children?”

Mona: “Yes…I’m married to my hubby Adam. We have two children together, Jackson who’s two and Harrison who’s five.”

Lorelei looks at Mona before going back to examining a dress.

Lorelei: “Mm…boys? Good luck with that…” She laughs.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I really want to get to know Mona, I do.” She nods. “But I mean, trying to get to know her is like chipping paint away. Boring, dull, and of no interest.” She clicks her teeth. “We’ll have to liven her up a bit.”

Lorelei: “So, Ren, how have things been with you? I know we haven’t talked in a while and we didn’t get a chance to talk that much at New Years.”

Ren sips her champagne and turns to give Lorelei her attention.

Ren: “Things have honestly been so good at home but work is hectic at the moment we have lost so many sales due to COVID.” She sighs. “But we are slowly seeing some progress again.”

Lorelei looks at her and nods.

Lorelei: “COVID has really taken away from a lot of businesses. Mine as well, so I relate.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I would think it was actually Ren’s lack of originally when it comes to her business that lost the sales, not COVID, but… Mmm, what do I know?” She smirks.

Mona: “Ren, what type of business do you own?”

Ren: “I have my own swimsuit line called REN. We are really huge here in the West Coast.”

Mona: “Ooh! I’m going to have to check it out. A girl can never have too many cute swimsuits.”

Ren: “Lorelei, how are you feeling about getting married again? That’s pretty exciting.” She smiles. “Congratulations by the way.”

Lorelei: “I’m actually so excited to be a wife again.” She turns to fill Mona in. “I went through a divorce last year and now as of this weekend I’m engaged! I loved being a wife. I just had a bad marriage.”

Mona: “Wow! Congratulations! I’m glad you found happiness again!”

Lorelei: “Yeah!” She holds a top up in the mirror. “Mona, one of Ren and I’s new friend is having a little tequila tasting in a few days. You should come along and meet some of the other girls. I’m sure Grace got the invite too.”

Mona: “I’d love to come along! Thanks for inviting me.”

Ren: “All the girls will adore you.”

Ren’s Confessional

“So far Mona is giving me DC mom, Tia meets Tamera vibes. I don’t know why Lorelei is inviting her to Gemma’s event because she didn’t contribute much today, but I guess we’ll see. She does seem very nice though. I just hope she doesn’t get into any arguments because the girls would eat her alive.” She laughs.

Mona: “I hope they will like me! This whole girl group thing is new to me so I’m really trying my best.”

Ren pats Mona on the back and smiles.

Ren: “Awwwww!”

Mona’s Confessional

“I’ve never really had a close knit group of girlfriends before. I know I’m just getting to know some of them but entering an established group as an outsider is going to be difficult, but I’m up for any challenge.” She smiles. “I just hope the girls are accepting of me.”

The scene fades out as the girls settle up at the registers.

Exciting music plays as we get cool aerial shots of Downtown Beverly Beach and the tall buildings that line the skyline.

The camera zooms in on a rooftop terrace of a tall building. The camera captures Gemma as she walks out on the terrace and is greeted by her party planner. The two of them talk through the last minute details of the tasting. When he leaves, Gemma goes over and begins talking to the bartender. The camera zooms in on Jenisa as she walks out.

Jenisa & Gemma

Jenisa: “Hiiiiii! Wow, this is amazing! And look at you, gorgeous!”

Gemma: “Hey Jenisa!” She gives her a hug.

Gemma’s Confessional

“So today I’ve invited the group over to a rooftop tequila tasting. I’m really excited to have everyone over for a good daytime kiki. Hopefully no one is getting grilled like before.” She laughs.

Jenisa: “So how many tequilas are we tasting and can I start now?”

The girls laugh.

Gemma: “You little lush! The tasting starts when everyone arrives and the bar should be open soon. I was just talking to Sebastian!”

The camera pans to the tall, dark, and handsome bartender who is setting up the bar.

Jenisa’s Confessional

“Open it now, lady! Open the fucking bar now!” She does a crazy face then bursts into laughter.

The camera switches to a shot outside of the building. A chauffeur is opening the door of an SUV and Imani and Lorelei step out.

Imani’s Confessional

“I am full of rage still after what Sheridan told me Gemma has been saying about me. The thought of me walking into this tasting- whew! I’m going to need every drop of tequila here to have this stupid and pointless conversation with Gemma tonight. However, I can be a lady and have a decent conversation which is the only reason why I’m showing up, the old Imani would come in swinging.”

Lorelei & Imani

Imani and Lorelei are now in the elevator going up to the rooftop.

Imani: “Girl, I’m really not looking forward to this. I can already smell the BS.” She files her nails while looking irritated.

Lorelei: “Well, let them try it with you tonight.” She shakes her head and locks arms with Imani as the elevator beeps open.

The sisters walk out and look around.

Lorelei: “Ooh…this is cute.”

The camera pans to Gemma and Jenisa deep in conversation.

Imani’s Confessional

“Of course — The last two people I want to see are the only ones here.” She rolls her eyes.

Now noticing Lorelei and Imani, Jenisa and Gemma turn around to face them.

Gemma: “Hey ladies! You both look fab!”

The camera zooms in on Jenisa who awkwardly lags behind.

Jenisa’s Confessional

“Tonight, I’m going to have to speak with Imani. If what Gemma says is true, she’s going around saying that my child is her child?! Seriously, if that’s true that’s beyond whack. My goal is to come to an understanding of who said what because this just seems outrageous.”

After Lorelei and Imani get done greeting Gemma, Lorelei approaches Jenisa.

Lorelei: “Bob, honey, bob! I love a good bob!” She plays with her hair, laughs, then gives Jenisa a hug.

Jenisa: “Yes girl! I love the outfit.”

Imani and Jenisa look at eachother and nod.

Jenisa: “Evening.”

The elevator pings open and Grace and Mona step out together.

Mona & Grace

Grace: “We’re here!” She waves the bottle of whiskey in the air.

Imani: “YESSS, honey! What an entrance!” She quickly makes her way over to Grace to give her a hug.

Mona: “It’s beautiful out here.” She takes her sunglasses off and looks around.

Imani: “Hey girl! Cute little dress.” She hugs Mona.

Lorelei: “Hi Mona, glad you could make it.” She hugs her as well.

Grace raises the whiskey bottle once again.

Grace: “Where is the hostess with the mostess at?! I have a gift for the hostess!”

Imani: “The hoe-stess is over there!” She points to Gemma. “Good thing you brought that bottle cause you know these girls are thirsty buckets.”

Gemma raises an eyebrow at Imani.

Gemma’s Confessional

“Did she just call me a hoe-stess?”

Grace and Mona make their way over to Gemma. Grace greets her and hands her the bottle.

Gemma: “Aw, thank you Grace!” She now looks to Mona. “Hey, thank you for coming. I’m Gemma Li and you are?”

Mona: “Gemma! I’m Mona. A pleasure to meet you.” She smiles and hands Gemma a gift bag she’s holding. “Just a little something since you’re hosting today.”

Gemma: “Ahh!” She squeals. “You’re too sweet.” She hugs Mona.

The elevator dings again and this time Sheridan steps out with her shades on.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“This is about to be a shadefest and I’ve come prepared with my shades, girl.”

Sheridan: “Hello ladies! Who’s ready to get some TEQUILA?!” She walks up and hugs Imani and Jenisa. “Hey boos!”

Jenisa: “Sheri, baby! Look at you!”

Imani: “Hey girl, cute shades.”

Jenisa’s Confessional

“Hold up. Did Sheridan hug Imani? I must have missed a few episodes…?”

The camera pans to Grace and Lorelei who stand back and watch the interaction. Grace rolls her eyes.

Grace’s Confessional

“Oh Lord… Sheridan Campbell is in the building. She must not have the right address. The Alcoholics Association and Pole Dancing Class are next door!”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I just know Grace just almost died when she saw Imani and I are cordial. She lost 10 years of her life. I’m sickening!”

Sheridan approaches Mona and smiles.

Sheridan: “Oh hello, honey. We haven’t met yet, what’s your name babe?”

Mona: “Hi! I’m Mona Quinn. It’s nice to meet you.”

Sheridan: “Well I’m Sheridan Campbell, so nice to meet you Mona Quinn. You look fabulous!”

We get a beautiful shot of the building far away and the terrace the girls are on is lining the horizon. The girls continue to chatter before Gemma grabs a glass from the bar and begins clicking on it with a metal straw. The girls quiet down.

Gemma: “Okay so — I just received a text from Consuela and Ren isn’t going to be able to make it today. Gracie has a fever so she just wants to stay home and make sure she’s okay. That means, we can start the tequila tasting!”

Mona: “Yes! I’m ready to DRINK!” She claps and laughs.

Gemma: “Let’s head over to the seating area and our amazing, amazing bartender for the night, Sebastian, will be serving us some tequila flights.”

Music plays as the girls all head over to the open seating area on the terrace. They sit at a long table set up for them that has a breathtaking view of Beverly Beach and the hills and valleys around the city. The girls all sit down and the sun casts a burnt orange across them.

Sheridan: “Wooow. This is beautiful.” She puts her shades on.

The camera focuses in on Jenisa and Lorelei who have sat next to eachother and are now chatting.

Jenisa: “I know we don’t know eachother well but your engagement was adorable.” She smiles and gently touches Lorelei’s arm.

Lorelei: “Aw, thank you honey! That’s so sweet.” She nods.

Jenisa: “Do you have a wedding date set?”

Lorelei: “We do have a date set! But, we’re keeping that a secret for now.” She smiles.

Jenisa: “That’s very exciting!”

Jenisa’s Confessional

“Lorelei seems like a cool chick. It’s weird, from the conversation the other day, my perception of her was way off.” She shrugs.

Sebastian brings out a tequila flight for each of the seven ladies. The girls are giddy with excitement. Sebastian begins explaining the differences in the tequilas.

Sebastian: “To taste them, you must inhale before you take your first sip, then sip the tequila, then inhale again through your nose and swallow it over your tongue. Enjoy!”

Gemma: “Here we go! Let’s get to tasting.” She does a shimmy.

As the girls are deciding which one to sip first, Jenisa takes the first glass off her flight and downs it as a shot.

Jenisa: “Delish!”

Mona begins laughing at her.

Mona: “I think we’re supposed to sip, but what the hell!” She picks up one of her glasses and takes the shot. “Whewww!”

Gemma: “Fuck it — Everyone, let’s take a shot shall we?!” She holds up her glass.

Sheridan takes her shot and sticks her tongue out.

Sheridan: “Whew! That was everything though!”

Lorelei downs not only one but two of her glasses as shots, Grace watches her with an eyebrow raised as she sips her glass.

Lorelei: “This is some good shit! This tastes expensive, mmm!”

Gemma looks across the table and Imani and motions to her full glass.

Gemma: “Imani, whats up? Something wrong?”

Imani shakes her head, chugs her shot, and smiles.

Imani: “Oh, no, no! Quite the contrary. The other day I met up with Sheridan, actually. We agreed to move to a better place so I’m just happy I’m on a good page with mostly everyone.” She says in an overly cheery tone and smiles again.

The side conversations at the table dies down. Lorelei watches her sister intently. Sheridan remains quite and looks towards Gemma and Imani.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I don’t know what Imani is doing, but she’s doing something. I’m keeping my lips locked unless of I’m addressed.”

Grace: “Good for you, Imani.” She smiles.

Gemma looks a bit confused but shakes her head.

Gemma: “Yeah, good for you. You need a friend in your corner I guess.” She sips her tequila.

Imani chuckles and shakes her head.

Imani: “No, I don’t need anyone in my corner. You will after this though.”

Jenisa: “Excuse me! Hello!” Her eyes widen.

Gemma: “Oh Imani, what do you even mean?” She rolls her eyes.

Imani: “Sheridan and I had a long conversation…” She motions to Sheridan and the other girls at the table look at her. “She mentioned how she met up with you, Ren, and Jenisa at the pool.” She cocks her head. “Did you say something about how I apparently am going around town claiming Derek’s child as my own?”

Lorelei: “Ohhhh.” She covers her face.

Jenisa raises her hand.

Jenisa: “Woah, woah, woah. Derek’s child AKA my son? Why is my child being brought up here?”

Grace watches the interaction.

Grace’s Confessional

“Hold up. Jenisa’s questioning why her child is being brought up? Bitch, didn’t you bring the damn child into the conversation in the first place the other night?”

Imani: “I never said anything about your child, Jenisa.” She turns to Jenisa. “Gemma is making shit up.”

Gemma: “You did say that. Am I lying?” She throws her shot back.

Lorelei: “Gemma!” She gasps. “Why are you being like this?”

Gemma: “I’m not being any sort of way!”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Gemma, Imani, and I have been good friends for quite some time. It’s horrific to see that she’s talking ill of my sister. Imani barely even clued me in on what going on so I’m really just as shocked as everyone else, but I’m always going to have her back.”

Imani: “You are so corny Gemma.” She rolls her eyes. “I wouldn’t dare to even repeat that BS and you know that. You are so thirsty to be in this group of women you would spew any lie that pops into that big forehead.”

Grace lets out a drunken cackle.

Jenisa:WHAT is being said about my child?! IMANI! I need to know, NOW!

Imani turns back to Jenisa and glares at her.

Jenisa: “Did you hear me? Who the fuck are you?!” She makes a face.

Imani: “Jenisa, don’t speak to me unless I speak to you, please! I will address Gemma, then you.” She turns back to Gemma.

Lorelei shakes her head and clicks her tongue.

Lorelei: “Gemma, you’re being messy. Imani is your friend. Why would you talk about your friend anyway? To bitches who don’t like her.” She motions towards Sheridan.

Sheridan cracks a smile and does a little wave as she applies lip gloss.

Gemma: “Nobody is scared of you two.” She glares at the sisters.

Imani: “Look at you! You’re so drunk right now you don’t even know what you’re saying or doing. It’s a shame. No wonder why all those clubs are in foreclosure, right? And you’re so worried about me spreading lies?!” She gets up and points across the table towards Gemma.

Gemma: “GET AWAY!”

Gemma smacks Imani’s hand, Imani recoils and Lorelei gasps. Mona and Grace look at eachother, shocked. Sheridan gets up, trying to settle Gemma back into her seat.

Sheridan: “Ladies, lets calm it down! Let’s keep hands to ourselves.”

Imani laughs and gathers her belongings, Lorelei does the same. As Imani is walking out, she grabs an ice bucket from the table.

Imani: “Gemma, you deserve to be crowned as the try hard of the group.”

She walks behind Gemma and tries to put the bucket on her head, ice water drenches her. Gemma puts her hands up and grabs the bucket, throwing it to the ground.

Imani: “Yep! That fits you!” She begins to walk towards the terrace door, she turns around. “Now excuse me ladies, I’m leaving!”

Gemma grabs the bucket off the ground and hurls it towards Imani’s back, it misses and clanks to the ground. The girls all scream.


Mona: “Oh. My. God.” She grips Grace’s wrist looking completely blown away.

Sheridan: “Oh my gosh — “

Jenisa: “Why are you running away?”

Imani: “Running away from who? You?” She turns back around to face the table. “I’m leaving because she’s clearly drunk and going through alot. There’s no reasoning with that mess.” She points to Gemma.

Lorelei walks towards Imani and ushers her towards the door.

Lorelei: “No, don’t let these girls do that to you.”

Imani: “Go get your moment elsewear!” She points to Jenisa as her and Lorelei walk out the door.

Lorelei: “Oh now that was foul. Disgusting.”

The shot goes back to the table and pans to Gemma who is cold, shivering, and drying herself off with a napkin. She sniffles.

Gemma: “That was horrible. I’m sorry girls I got to that level.”

Sheridan grabs her purse and coat from the table.

Sheridan: “I have to go. That was a sign. Bye ladies.”

She says her goodbyes and walks out. Jenisa looks Gemma up and down.

Jenisa: “What kind of hood rat, Jerry Springer nonsense is this.”

Mona shakes her head and looks to Jenisa.

Mona: “That was just out of this world. It was a lot and not a great first impression for some of these ladies”

Mona’s Confessional

“I don’t know what all this is about but the way some of these ‘women’ behaved tonight? My children don’t even act like this.” She looks in disbelief.

The camera pans to Grace who is standing near the side of the roof, fumbling trying to light a cigarette.

Jenisa: “So, are we done with the tequila? Mama got a sitter for this.”

Mona: “Oh hell no, Jenisa!”

Jenisa: “Mona, let’s hit the bar?”

Mona: “Let’s go. I’m done with all this nonsense.”

Music plays as the episode ends on a frame of a nighttime view of Beverly Beach.

Next Time on The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach…

Jenisa and Imani have a much needed sit down to clear things up without the other ladies around. Xavier gives Lorelei a tough ultimatum surrounding the wedding. Mona and Jenisa bond during a fun night out on the town. Ren hosts an event to get feedback on her new swimwear line and invites the girls on a trip to New Orleans. Ren gets more than feedback from the ‘Wives when Grace, Imani, and Lorelei show up with a bone to pick.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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