[S5E19]: Reunion Part II

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
23 min readJun 14, 2022


Imani — Lorelei — Jenisa — Andy — Sheridan — Grace — Mona

The camera pans across the stage that is decorated in oriental decor. The housewives sit on their couches and smile as Andy Cohen sits in the middle.

Andy: “Hello and welcome back to the Season 5 Reunion! Let’s get to it — Mona Quinn was introduced to the group by Grace. Shortly after, cracks started to form in the friendship and the two of them quickly went from friends to foes. The seemingly meek mannered Mona went after Grace. In a supposed battle of David vs Goliath, Mona showed another side of herself making the match more than even.”

We get a package of Grace introducing Mona to the girls. We see them start to grow hesitant and shade each other in confessionals. At the dinner the first night in New Orleans, we see Mona call Grace out on her behavior. On Bourbon Street the next night, Grace and Mona have their big blowup. We then see them arguing again at Lorelei’s peace tea.

Andy: “Mona, do you think Grace was reasonable to react the way she did when you said that she was acting ‘bitchy’ when picking rooms in New Orleans?”

Mona: “Absolutely, I used the wrong word and my delivery was off. I should’ve taken her to the side and told her that her behavior was unacceptable.”

Grace nods.

Grace: “Thank you for recognizing that.”

Mona: “I’ve already apologized for that, in the scene and on Twitter.”

Grace: “Forgive me, but it feels more real and genuine to hear it in person.”

Andy: “It did seem like as the season went on, Mona, you started to kind of chime unnecessary comments at Grace or try to pick a fight with her even when it wasn’t between you two.”

Andy: “Do you feel like sometimes maybe you went a little too hard on Grace?”

Grace: “Yes!” She looks at Mona.

Mona sucks her cheeks in and then responds.

Mona: “No I don’t, after NOLA I started noticing all the things that I didn’t like about her and I commented on them. Some of those were observations, and some of those were gimmicks trying to get a laugh. I’m not going to feel bad for saying what I think.” She shrugs.

Grace: “That’s called being a bully.”

Mona turns to Grace, taken aback.

Mona: “I am not a bully.”

Jenisa: “Mona’s no bully. Grace used Mona. Let’s call it like it is.”

Mona: “Exactly.”

Andy: “Who here thinks Mona was being a bully?”

Mona: “Oh, now it’s a poll because The Faroe made a blanket statement ?” She chuckles and rolls her eyes. “Using the buzz word of the day…Please.”

Grace: “Mona jumped on the bandwagon against me. Jenisa’s bandwagon.”

Jenisa laughs.

Mona: “Actually, Jenisa jumped on mine.”

Jenisa: “True!”

Sheridan: “I don’t think bully is the right word; but I do think when Mona fell out with Grace — she fell out with Grace.” She crosses her legs. “I want to bring my two girlfriends together and try to fix what is broken between them because they were friends before.”

Lorelei: “Yeah, I don’t think Mona was being a bully. I do think she definitely was looking for any and every moment to go for Grace.”

Imani: “I don’t think she was a bully but the timing was off. Switching up on your friend to fit in with the rest was very odd. Lorelei and I were the only ones to have Grace’s back.”

Grace: “We weren’t even friends though?!”

Sheridan: “Grace, you don’t mean that. You’re hurt.”

Mona: “Great! Yes! Let’s clear this up! WE WERE NOT FRIENDS!”

Grace: “This is literally so frustrating, me and Mona NEVER had a friendship. We were business associates. I designed a dress for her.”

Mona: “And all of you attacked me for betraying my friend when we weren’t even FRIENDS!” She looks to the ‘Wives.

Andy: “I do think we saw a turning point between you two in Tulum for Lorelei’s wedding! It didn’t last that long but it was something!”

Grace: “Oh God, that reception…”

Andy: “Why show Mona sympathy when she opened up to you and then throw it in her face not even 24 hours later?”

Grace: “I felt so bad when I saw that played back. Genuinely.”

Sheridan: “You did.” She nods. “Grace told me when the episode aired.”

Mona: “I was VERY hurt by that.”

Grace: “I know we’ve had our differences but I wish I’d never said that to you. You were vulnerable and I’m so sorry. I’ve been where you’ve been and I should’ve supported you instead of putting you down. I hope you can forgive me for that.”

Mona: “I can and I had never attacked you on your situation with your children and ex husband so I don’t understand why we got to the place of attacking each other on a personal level. It was vulgar and disgusting.”

Grace nods.

Grace: “Absolutely and for that, I am deeply sorry. I’m not excusing my behavior but I guess I saw similar patterns with what I went through with Dimitri in which he invalidated how I felt and didn’t respect me. I don’t want that for you, no matter how bad things are between us.” She sighs.

Mona: “We can move on from that.” She nods. “But something I want to circle back on that I noticed during the season is I feel like I got a lot of the blame for betraying whatever ‘friendship’ I had with Grace. Particularly, Imani and Lorelei always using it as a vessel to attack me. But in reality, Grace was the one who threw the first punch at Ren’s event.” She pulls out a big piece of poster board from behind the couch.

Lorelei: “Not the receipts .” She lets out a cackle. “Oooooh my!”

Mona: “She brought me around this group, but then didn’t want me around the group. It makes no sense. She told the women that I was boring and shouldn’t be on the NOLA trip and that was before I said a single negative thing to her.”

Andy looks to Grace.

Grace: “I was trying to separate personal from professional. That’s natural. Plus, you were basically at home all the time, you’ve never been on a girls trip before!”

Mona: “Then why did you recommend me to Production and bring me on the show? That was my point of joining, to get to know the ladies and get out of my comfort zone.”

Sheridan: “Mona was fun on the trip. I’m glad she came at the end of the day.” She smiles.

Mona: “Thank you, Sheridan!”

Andy: “Mona, I want to address your relationship now.”

Clips of Mona and Adam’s fights during the season are shown.

Andy: “Girls — what did you think about Mona and Adam’s relationship? Jenisa, I believe you said it was abusive on the most recent WWHL?”

Mona sighs. Grace shakes her head and looks at Mona, pointing to Jenisa.

Grace: “And this is your friend?”

Sheridan: “My heart broke for Mona watching their scenes. Adam can be extremely disrespectful to Mona. I hate it for her.”

Jenisa: “Going off of what I saw and what I know, yes, I think he is abusive.” She turns to Mona. “I’m sorry, Mona. I say this because I love you. I would also like to clarify — Abuse is a broad term.”

Mona: “Let me make this CRYSTAL clear.” Her voice is shaky with anger. “Adam Quinn has never laid a hand on me, he has never touched me. And that comment made him and I very angry. Because he is not abusive in a physical way. That’s what people assume when you say abusive.” She scolds Jenisa.

Jenisa: “Mona — He verbally abused you all season. Like, let’s be real here.” She looks around. “We all saw it.”

The rest of the girls can be seen looking down or away. Mona gives Jenisa a sharp look.

Mona: “I’m not disagreeing with that, but I don’t like the word you used. You could have said that you don’t like the way he speaks to me.”

Grace: “I get where Mona is coming from because I would be annoyed if someone went on TV and talked like that about the person I was with. Jenisa, you should’ve talked to her in private and not went on WWHL and say that. It was tacky.”

Jenisa: “We have talked in private a lot.”

Grace: “You embarrassed and humiliated her on TV and I’m sorry Mona, but this girl is not your friend.”

Mona: “Grace, she is my friend.”

Sheridan: “Jenisa wanted a moment so she talked her shit about her ‘friend’ Mona’s relationship.”

Jenisa: “Sheridan you don’t even have a relationship to comment on. Stay out of it. Mona and I have a real friendship.”

Sheridan makes a weird face then laughs.

Mona: “She just used the wrong word and Adam did not like it. Neither did I.”

Andy: “Moving on! Though Sheridan was working on opening Bell Camp, she’s never too busy to stir the pot! Season 5 began with Sheridan at odds with Grace, Imani, and Lorelei but things only got worse. At the infamous Game Night in New Orleans, Sheridan revealed some screenshots that made people question their friendships.”

The package plays of Sheridan telling the girls in New Orleans that Grace is going to go on a Twitter talk show and trash the cast. We see the rumor spreading throughout the group. Finally, at dinner, the topic is brought up and the girls get in a screaming match. At game night, Sheridan shows the receipts and reveals it was Lorelei and Imani

Andy: “Before we get into the whole Talk Show Gate stuff, by a show of hands: Who thinks Sheridan is the pot stirrer or bone collector of the group? And Sheridan, do you think you are?”

Lorelei: “She knows she is.” She raises her hand.

Grace shakes her head.

Grace: “ I think that belongs to Jenisa, actually. She’s the ultimate shit-stirrer.”

Mona: “I personally think it’s the one who’s not here!”

Imani: “I don’t think she is that because she doesn’t do it to everyone within the group — I think she is vindictive.” She purses her lips.

Sheridan: “I think I deliver bones and mention the shit that comes to me. Imani, Lorelei, and I all chat and Lorelei told us about the talk show..”

Andy: “Yes — Let’s talk about the whole talk show debacle. I’m assuming the show you were talking about was WWHL with The Andy Network?” He looks at Grace. “Now, I’m not going to get into what was said because I don’t think Grace necessarily said anything damaging.”

Andy: “I think it was the principle that Imani, Lorelei, and Sheridan were talking in a chat and it seemed to be Lorelei and Imani the ones pushing Sheridan to go after Grace for the storyline? Can you guys just clear this up for us on what happened?”

Sheridan: “That’s how I felt too, Andy.”

Grace: “I wasn’t happy when I found out.”

Lorelei: “Wait, let me clear this up.”

Andy: “Go ahead, Lorelei.”

Lorelei: “I sent that text to my sister and Sheridan back a few months ago. Sheridan and I were still friends at the moment. I was drinking a little and Grace told me some stuff in confidence and I indulged with my girls. It wasn’t like I did it to be malicious. I wasn’t WANTING Sheridan to go after Grace.”

Andy nods.

Imani: “I will say this, Grace. At the time, you and I weren’t fully friends. I was told that you were going on a talk show and when I got informed that you were going to discuss us, I thought it was all a lie to gather attention. I didn’t even know you actually were interviewed by anyone, in fact, I’ve never seen anything aired ever since. This was MONTHS ago.”

Lorelei: “Sheridan just wanted any chance to try and expose Imani and I.”

Sheridan: “I was pushed to bring it up on camera by the sisters.”

Lorelei: “Lies.” She rolls her eyes.

The camera pans to Grace.

Grace: “Let me clear this up. I did not go onto the talk show to talk smack about anyone sitting here. I’ve got more important things to talk about, like my business. I went on there to promote my business.”

Andy: “Lorelei, Imani, is that why you think Sheridan shared the screenshots of you two? To try to expose you?”

Imani: “I think that her agenda was to expose me at the reunion.”

Lorelei: “Oh absolutely! Sheridan is someone who will take down someone by any and all means necessary.”

Sheridan: “They wanted me to do their dirty work, Andy. I don’t regret it all. I showed the girls and the world since it was being painted that I was lying. I wasn’t going along with their narrative.”

Grace: “I’m glad she shared the screenshot, actually.”

Imani: “I never mentioned the interview until Sheridan did.”

Sheridan: “Before I showed the screenshots they were piling on me and acting like they had no involvement. They are masters at lying.”

Lorelei laughs at Sheridan.

Imani: “Okay, girl…like that is so believable.”

Lorelei: “You really are something, Sheridan.”

Imani: “I didn’t know we had this much power over you!”

Lorelei: “Right?!” She taps Imani’s arm and makes a face.

Sheridan: “I mean, the cameras show everything that Lorelei has done on this show. She’s always caught in some bullshit.” She laughs to herself. “You, Imani, are a puppet. We need to clip those strings, babe!”

Imani ignores Sheridan, turning to Lorelei.

Imani: “She’s crazy! Mental!” She shakes her head.

Sheridan: “The ultimate gas lighters, right there.” She points to the sisters.

Grace: “Hold on, can I say something about this whole situation?”

Andy nods and the girls look to Grace.

Grace: “When this whole thing came about, I was confused as to why it was such a big deal. After all, I went on there to talk about my business. But when the screenshot was shared and I found out Lorelei was the mole, I was very upset. I’ll be honest…” She looks to Lorelei. “It felt like a big F-U to our friendship! I came back from NOLA and honestly, I called Production and was ready to walk away. I was so mad, it was ridiculous.” She sighs.

Sheridan nods and Lorelei looks at Grace, emotionless.

Lorelei: “I’m sorry. I already apologized to you.”

Andy raises an eyebrow.

Andy: “You quickly forgave her though, I mean even in the same episode! Did you feel like you just needed Lorelei and Imani during the season and that’s why you were quick to forgive, Grace?”

Mona: “That’s a good question.”

Grace: “The whole thing made me realize that I needed to look out for myself for the rest of the season. Nobody here truly had my back and that’s the truth.”

Sheridan: “I agree, Grace.”

Imani: “Grace, I’m not going to beg you or force a friendship but my intentions were real.”

Lorelei raises an eyebrow at Grace.

Lorelei: “Wait. You don’t think I had your back?”

Grace: “I’m not saying you didn’t have my back, that’s how I felt. If I’m saying that’s how I felt, then that’s how I felt.”

Lorelei: “Interesting.” She clicks her teeth. “Alright. That’s fine, Gracie. I know where we stand.”

Imani: “Sheridan was like a sister to me…” We get a shot of Sheridan as Imani turns to address Grace. “I truly had your back because I was hurt by her and I was trying to help you understand that I went through the same thing. I feel used by you now.”

Lorelei nods along with her sister.

Grace: “Imani, you need to shut up.”

Lorelei: “Oh wow, so unbecoming of you, Grace!”

Imani: “Okay girl, you will not get anything out of me. I won’t let you deflect.”

Grace: “You pretended to have my back all season and then you threw me under the bus in Mexico at the reception. I haven’t forgotten.” She glares.

Imani: “You’re fake. Period. You can feel that way but I did not throw you under the bus.”

Grace: “You were caught on camera!”

Mona: “It’s always someone else’s fault…”

Imani: “Always!” She chuckles.

Andy: “Let’s move on. Sheridan wasn’t the only one to stir the pot this season. Loose lips paired with a little champagne got newbie, Gemma Li, in a little bit of trouble this season. Rumors ran ramped throughout the group when Gemma got in the middle of Jenisa and Imani.”

The package plays and shows Gemma telling Sheridan, Ren, and Jenisa that Imani talks badly about Jenisa’s parenting. We see Jenisa confronting Imani and getting upset about it at Gemma’s tequila tasting. We see Jenisa and Gemma yelling at Mona’s movie premiere. We then see Gemma tell Jenisa the only reason she did it was because Imani told her to so she’d have a reason to go after Jenisa. We see Jenisa confront Imani at the food vendors in China and get upset.

Jenisa: “Wowie.”

Andy: “Jenisa, why believe her the second time and come at Imani again? By that time, you and Imani had a friendship, correct me if I’m wrong? You hung out. Do you regret playing into Gemma that second time in China?”

Jenisa: “When Gemma and I had our sit down she seemed so genuine. I didn’t fully believe Gemma that’s why I came up with the plan to confront Imani together. I’ll be honest, she did play me for boo boo the fool. I regret following along with it because it did put a dent in my relationship with Imani, but i’m glad we got to the other side.”

Imani purses her lips.

Imani: “Jenisa, you are my girl but I need an apology. I felt set up and in fact, you were trying to set me up. You know Gemma is a pathological liar and you still decided to attack me.”

Jenisa: “I sincerely apologize. It was absolutely wrong. I should have known from the jump.”

Grace: “That’s what Jenisa does. She preys on people and then manipulates them.”

Mona: “That’s not true.” She shakes her head. “That’s what you did to me.”

Imani: “Shut up, Grace! My gosh.” She looks back to Jenisa. “Thank you, I still don’t appreciate you trying to get me to admit that rumor. I felt gaslit.”

Jenisa: “Well, I apologize again.”

Andy: “Sheridan, Grace, Lorelei, and Imani…last season I think most of you fell victim to absurd rumors that started to over take the group thanks to Pat. What are your thoughts of Gemma coming in and doing essentially the same thing this season?”

Jenisa: “Gemma isn’t here so that speaks volumes already.”

Grace: “Gemma should be here to tell her side of the story. We’ve heard Jenisa’s, we should be able to hear Gemma’s too. She should be here.”

Imani: “I brought Gemma into this circle… and I was abused by her for months.” She flips her hair. “She needs psychological help.”

Sheridan: “I don’t understand Gemma Li. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt and tried to befriend her but she continuously lied on the women all season. It was off behavior.”

Andy: “I wouldn’t be surprised if we never saw Gemma Li again…Eventually, the queen of green had decided she’d had enough of Gemma Li. Jenisa devised a plan to confront Gemma about her constant lying with Lorelei, Grace, and Imani. Things took an interesting turn when Jenisa finally got her confrontation at Auntie Meng’s home in Beijing!”

Clips of the girls in Beijing play. We see them arrive at Auntie Meng’s home. We see Jenisa disrespecting the home and China and then them getting into a huge argument. We then see the physical altercation and the girls being pulled out of the home.

Jenisa: “Yikes!” She cringes.

Andy: “Before we ask Gemma and Jenisa questions, I first want to know what everyone’s reaction was to them getting physical? Did you feel like it was good or bad for the show?”

Grace: “It was bad. She brought this show down completely. I felt ashamed.”

Mona: “Terrible for the show. I felt embarrassed.”

Sheridan: “I think it was pathetic. This is a classy show and Jenisa was involved in multiple altercations. Auntie Meng didn’t deserve that in her home.”

Jenisa: “There was a lot of nasty declassing of the show prior to this incident. The way some of these girls behaved is somewhat being forgotten about…”

Imani: “I mean, can I be honest? I feel like I’ve always been treated on the show because of what I may potentially say or do. It seems like Jenisa and Gemma got a pass and more screen time.”

Grace: “I agree.”

Sheridan: “I actually agree with Imani. There were instances last season she was removed from the scenes before getting violent. Jenisa was allowed to provoke and get violent on camera multiple times this season.”

The camera pans to Jenisa who rolls her eyes. Clips play from Season 4 where security has removed Imani from the scenes after getting into a heated verbal argument with Pat.

We then see the clip of Jenisa and Gemma getting heated at the movie premiere and another clip of their physical altercation in China.

Lorelei: “Violence is not who we are or what we do on this show.”

Grace: “Absolutely.”

Imani: “I felt like I was treated unfair in scenes. Other people get a pass, every time!”

Andy nods.

Andy: “I understand that, Imani! I’m sorry you feel that way. Honestly, filming this season was a lot and it was hard to wrangle a bunch of personalities! That’s why there’s a smaller cast next season and not everyone is coming back.”

Imani nods once.

Andy: “Jenisa, I want to hear from you now. Why escalate to violence?”

Jenisa: “When it comes to getting physical. Of course I didn’t want to get physical but Gemma pushed me to it. She spoke about my child, my mothering, my business, whether I was high or not all the time. She hurt me very badly. I saw red. I had enough. And all these girls here.. well the ones that have children.. they would have done the same fucking thing cameras or not.”

Grace: “No, I wouldn’t.”

Jenisa: “Well, you would break a hip.” She shrugs. “Not to mention I would kill for my kid. Maybe if you cared about your kid that much, she’d actually speak to you.”

Grace: “No, because I have an image to uphold. Like most of us do, but your business is in the gutter already.”

Sheridan: “That’s B.S, Jenisa. Imani didn’t fight me and I allegedly mentioned her child. Same with Lorelei. Violence is never the answer, Jenisa. Therapy could do you some good.” She smirks.

Lorelei: “Exactly. I would absolutely not get physical. I’ve had multiple moments on this show where I’ve gotten so angry, but I’ve never once thrown a punch. We are better than this. Better than violence. We are grown women, ladies.”

Imani: “I never got physical with any of these ladies. I always know how to speak with my mouth and somehow I always get looked at differently.”

Mona: “I feel like Jenisa has been painted as a violent person when in reality, she is not.”

Grace: “She is a violent person though!”

Mona: “She was defending her son.”

Sheridan: “Mona, with all do respect, are we watching the same show? She got violent on multiple occasions.”

Andy: “Imani, after the China trip you went to Grace’s house for a couple’s dinner where Gemma, Stavors, Sheridan, and Martin were there as well you you all discussed the altercation in China.”

The scene plays as the couple talk about the fight. Grace and Gemma condemn Jenisa for starting everything. We see Imani demand an apology from Gemma since it was her trip and she felt like the altercation was her fault.

Andy: “Did you defend Jenisa because you truly thought she was right or was it because she was your friend and Gemma spread rumors about you?”

Imani: “I was scared by Gemma. I can’t lie. She almost got physical with me early on in the season.” He eyes widen. “I don’t think Jenisa was right, but Gemma was trying to act innocent.”

Andy nods and looks at Jenisa.

Andy: “Jenisa, you did get almost physical at the movie premiere and then again, of course, at Mengs.”

Grace: “I feel like Jenisa wasn’t properly held to the fire as much as she should’ve been. If that had been me, then we’d still be talking about it in 20 years time. That’s how I see it.”

Sheridan: “Exactly! She got a pass all season.”

Lorelei: “I agree, Grace. She for sure got a pass.”

Jenisa cackles.

Jenisa: “Lets be real. It was the two most exciting parts of the season. Without me, we would watch Grace in her horrible fashion and Sheridan open a restaurant she can eat at all the time. BORING! I’ll apologize to Lorelei, Imani, and Mona but I will not apologize for whooping Gemma’s ass.”

Grace: “I’d rather watch that than an episode of the Zeus channel with you. I hear they’ve been calling you.”

Imani: “I don’t think violence is entertaining, Jenisa. I’m a domestic violence survivor.”

Jenisa shrugs.

Jenisa: “And I’d do it again.”

Lorelei: “She doesn’t get it.” She squeezes Imani’s hand.

Grace groans.

Grace: “Jen, that’s not funny. At all.”

Jenisa: “Talk about my kids? All bets are off!”

Sheridan: “Jenisa isn’t cut out for this show. Hell, everyone here is in beautiful gowns and this bitch is wearing a JC Penney prom dress.”

Andy: “We have a question for Jenisa from Rich in Fresno, California: ‘Why do you dislike Grace so much?’

Mona: “Whew…”

Andy: “Also, Dr. Dorian from Twitter would like to know: ‘Why did you feel the need to age shame Grace? She’s a truly successful, older black woman. Surely , we should be uplifting other women instead of putting them down!’

Grace looks to Jenisa. Jenisa takes a deep breath and thinks.

Jenisa: “I don’t know, I don’t dislike her. She’s just there. I don’t think she brings a single thing to the show, we don’t know who she is!”

Grace: “Oh, stop it — You’ve attacked me all season. I’ve seen your tweets, Jenisa!”

Sheridan: “You’re just here and she’s not going to be here anymore.” She whispers to Grace and laughs.

Jenisa: “Yeah, I did it because you’re a cranky old lesbian!”

We see all the girls react shocked at what Jenisa said.

Lorelei: “That’s like, not okay.” She shakes her head and murmurs.

Jenisa: “ You project all your bullshit on us instead of going to therapy!” She points to Grace then stands and twirls.

Imani: “This girl is crazy.” She widens her eyes at Jenisa.

Grace holds her hands up, still annoyed.

Grace: “I need to address something right now. In what world do you all think it’s okay to constantly shame everything about me? My age and my sexuality specifically. It’s…” She tears up. “It’s tearing me down and it’s hurtful! I will never forgive you. Never.”

Jenisa: “Oh, save the tears for Oprah, bitch.”

Mona: “Wow.”

The girls go silent.

Andy: “Grace, Lorelei, and Imani entered Season 5 as a solid team!” We get clips of Grace, Lorelei, and Imani defending each other throughout the season. “Despite hitting a few road bumps along the way, the potential nail in their friendship coffin happened in China. Look!”

We see Gemma announce Lorelei’s bachelorette party and Grace get upset and make a scene at the table. We see Imani defend Grace against Lorelei. We then get a scene of Grace and Imani on the train to Beijing talking about Lorelei not being loyal to them. We see Grace yell at Lorelei that she’s drinking the Kool-Aid. We see Grace at Lorelei’s wedding leaving because she says nobody has her back.

Jenisa: “And that’s a friend?”

Andy: “First question is for Imani from Christina on Twitter; ‘Do you think the show has had a positive impact on your relationship with Lorelei?’

Mona: “She’s back!”

Imani: “Christina, you’re so inquisitive, dahling!” She smirks. “I think Lorelei can be stubborn but she does have my back a lot.”

Jenisa: “Grace and Sheridan tried their best to ruin the relationship of the sisters.”

Sheridan: “Zip it, Jenisa!”

Grace: “No I didn’t! Are you out of your mind?!”

Andy: “Imani, did you think Lorelei was wrong to have a problem with the way Grace acted when the Bachlorette party was announced?”

Imani: “I did think she was wrong, but now that Grace has said that she felt that no one truly had her back I wish I would’ve acted the same.”

Andy: “Lorelei, we saw you, Jenisa, Imani, and Grace plan to take down Gemma. She throws the party for you and you bail. Yet, you were one of the main driving forces to go after Gemma. Do you see how Imani and Grace would be upset?”

Lorelei: “Of course!” She nods. “I still have said multiple times that I wasn’t okay with Gemma. But what people are failing to realize is that she literally threw this at me, we’re in a nice restaurant in China. Like what was I supposed to do? Cuss her out and tell her to shove it? Like no. I have manners and I was being kind.”

Jenisa: “Lorelei was in a tough position.”

Andy: “You mentioned that Grace was acting like she wanted to be married to you and you went in on Grace the rest of the China trip. Do you feel like you went too hard?” He looks at Lorelei.

Lorelei makes a face.

Lorelei: “I mean, that was insensitive, so I apologize. But, I mean it did seem like a tale of a scorned lover.” She laughs.

Andy: “Grace, do you see yourself being good friends with the sisters again?”

Grace: “Absolutely. I have a lot of love for them both. We have our ups and downs, but ultimately we enjoy our time together and we have each other’s backs in the long run.”

Andy: “Alrighty!” The camera pans to Imani. “Imani obviously you and I have talked and you let me know a few weeks ago you would not be returning for Season 6! I appreciate what you brought to the show. Do you have a favorite moment from either of your two seasons?”

Lorelei frowns and grabs Imani’s hand.

Imani: “Oh my!” She fans her face. “You’re going to make me cry, Andy! I loved the show so much. It’s been a ride. I loved reconnecting with my sister Lorelei. Meeting Sheridan and keeping contact with her is another favorite moment because we did have a strong bond, I truly will always have love for her. I loved the drama, I loved the trips. However, the most important thing that came from the show is being able to move on and being independent. After living a lavish life and walking away from that, I was able to be myself again, and this is history repeating itself again.”

Andy and all of the women smile and clap for Imani. Lorelei scoots closer and hugs her. Grace stands up and goes over to give Imani a hug.

Andy: “Thank you, Imani! I know you had some concerns but you really did bring a good energy to the show! thank you for being apart of it! Okay girls! What an amazing, amazing season! It was truly one of the best and I had so much fun filming it. I hope you all enjoyed the finished product! Let’s end this Reunion with a cheers!” He hands out sake bombs. “You guys go around in a circle and let us know your favorite moment during Season 5!”

Mona: “Bourbon Street was the most fun I’ve ever had!” She laughs.

Grace: “I’d say… My favourite moment was reconnecting with the sisters and with Sheridan. We’ve all definitely come full-circle and I have so much more respect and love for them all.”

Imani: “My favorite moment was impersonating Grace in New Orleans!”

Grace laughs.

Lorelei: “My favorite moment was my wedding, obviously!” She grins.

Jenisa: “To be apart of the cultural phenomenon that is housewives was incredible.It was a difficult season for sure but I am happy to get so close with Mona and with Lorelei.. especially Imani. Much like others, I don’t need this to stay afloat.”

Sheridan: “I enjoy and appreciate your friendship. I had a great time in New Orleans, and really appreciated all the women who supported my restaurant opening. It was great to see Beverly Beach OG Yvonne there and my girls Elle from LoT and Adele from CTWives support and appear on the show this season.”

Andy: “Cheers to a phenomenal season!”

We get a wide shot of Andy and all the women taking a shot and celebrating as the Reunion comes to a close.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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