[S5E18]: Reunion Part I

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
23 min readJun 13, 2022


Imani — Lorelei — Jenisa — Andy — Sheridan — Grace — Mona — Ren

The camera pans across the stage that is decorated in oriental decor. The housewives sit on their couches and smile as Andy Cohen sits in the middle.

Lorelei, Imani, Sheridan, Mona, Jenisa, & Grace

Andy: “Hello and welcome to the Season 5 Reunion of The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach. I’m your host Andy Cohen and…Wow! Can you believe we are Season 5?” He smiles and looks around at the ladies. “Anyways, the ladies of Beverly Beach showed up and showed out for a very dramatic and unforgettable season!”

The camera pans to Jenisa, Lorelei, and Imani’s couch who are nodding along.

Andy: “As you can see, the set is based off of the Yu Garden the girls visited in Shanghai.” He motions around. “It’s nick name is ‘The Peace Garden’ but there was no peace.” He laughs. “Lorelei, how are you? You got that newly wed glow!”

Lorelei: “Thank you, Andy.” She smiles. “I’m doing fabulous.”

Andy: “Grace, you look good!”

Grace smiles.

Grace: “Thank you, Andy!”

Andy: “Unfortunately, you didn’t have the easiest season. Ready to get into it?” He raises an eyebrow.

Grace: “Yes, it was pretty rough but I’m ready to set the record straight today.” She nods.

Andy: “That’s what a Reunion is for! Hello Sheridan, how do you think tonight will go? Nervous at all?”

Sheridan: “Nervous? No. Do I think it will be a great night? No.” She laughs. “I hope I’m wrong though, Andy!”

Andy: “Jenisa! You smoke before this?”

Jenisa: “Andy, don’t act like we didn’t do a little puff puff pass action three minutes ago.”

Andy and Jenisa laugh, Jenisa pulls out her dab pen.

Jenisa: “I always have this just incase anyone needs it.”

The camera captures Sheridan rolling her eyes a little and Grace shakes her head.

Andy: “I’m sure some people will be needing it! Mona, think you’ll survive your first Reunion?”

Mona: “Hi Andy.” She grins. “And yes, the song says it best but I will survive.” She winks.

Andy: “Finally, Imani, how are you doing today?”

Imani: “Good, good.” She smiles and crosses her legs. “Ready to get into everything.”

Andy: “Well, let’s get into it! Coming into Season 5, the Beverly Beach ladies had some new blood join the inner circle. Imani stepped out of the ‘Friend’ role and became an official housewife.” The camera pans to Imani. “Actress, Mona Quinn, Dispensary owner, Jenisa Azizi, and Club promoter, Gemma Li, also joined the cast.” The camera pans to Mona then Jenisa.

The package plays and shows Imani, Mona, Jenisa, & Gemma’s first scenes as housewives. We see the new girls get introduced to the group at Lorelei’s New Years Party and Gemma’s Tequila tasting. We see a few scenes of Jenisa & Mona’s budding friendship as they grow closer. We then see scenes between Imani and Derek as they talk about Jenisa being around the group. We then see Jenisa and Sheridan enter Lorelei’s party in the first episode then the package stops.

Andy: “Let’s start off with Imani. The two season’s you’ve been on, you’ve been a target for a lot of gossip. I’m curious, what season was harder for you to film and why? Season 4 or Season 5?”

Imani: “I believe season 4, it was filled with random rumors about me. It was something new everyday.”

Andy nods.

Andy: “That’s when the whole fake sister rumor came out and that prostitution rumor…just to clear the record, you’ve never been a prostitute, correct?”

Lorelei scoffs and shakes her head, Sheridan smirks.

Grace: “Damn, Andy!” She laughs.

Mona: “Starting off heavy.”

The girls all looks to Imani and Imani nods her head.

Imani: “That’s correct. I’ve never been a prostitute.”

Andy: “Mona, I have to admit, I loved your fun friendship with Jenisa. Have you guys been hanging out since filming ended?”

Jenisa and Mona both smile and look at one another.

Mona: “We have hung out and I love my friendship with Jenisa! We do have some things we need to discuss tonight though…”

Jenisa cocks her head, looking surprised. Mona shrugs.

Andy: “Okay…We’ll get into it later. Christina from Twitter asks: ‘Can you list a few movies of note you’ve been in? Why is your IMBD not updated?’ ”

Grace starts bursting out laughing, Mona shoots her a dirty look. Lorelei can be seen smirking while holding back her laugh. Mona looks annoyed.

Mona: “My IMDB is updated, and I think Christina can shove her question up her ass. I don’t appreciate how this cast has disrespected my career on this show. You may think it’s fun shade, but that’s my livelihood. And it’s not fucking funny at all.” She looks at the rest of the girls with anger in her eyes.

Andy’s eyes widen and Lorelei gasps.

Lorelei: “Oooh, Lord.”

Mona: “Next.”

Andy: “Did you feel like the other Wives diminished your career? I mean we did see them cause a scene at an important event for you.”

The camera pans to Jenisa who smiles.

Jenisa: “Which I apologized wholeheartedly for. We know who started the fight that night…” She crosses her legs.

Mona: “Not only did they cause a scene, but every single woman on this stage made a comment about my acting career. I did not appreciate it, because NONE of you have been as successful as me.”

Jenisa: “Successful with acting sure. But let’s not compare who is successful and who is not. We all are very successful.”

Sheridan: “I loved Mona’s film and I want to support her 100% so I’m sorry if you felt I did anything to shade you this season, babe.” She smiles at Mona.

Grace raises her hand.

Grace: “I apologized at the time. I reached out via text and apologized over Twitter as well, even though I did nothing at the movie premiere.” She tilts her nose up.

Mona: “You did not text me, Grace.” She rolls her eyes. “But you did apologize on Twitter, and I appreciate that.”

Lorelei looks confused.

Lorelei: “I never said anything about your career, Mona.”

Mona: “Lorelei, I know you’re coming in today acting dumb but you did talk about my career.”

Mona death glares Lorelei and Lorelei gasps. Imani shakes her head. Andy snickers and then looks to the camera.

Andy: “Time to move on! Jenisa, you came into the group and it was revealed you’re Imani’s boyfriend’s child’s mother…” His eyes widen. “That’s alot! Imani and Jenisa, we saw you two start to form a friendship, then there were a few bumps in the road.”

Scenes from China play as Gemma tells Jenisa that Imani has been talking about her parenting skills. Andy taps his note cards against his knee and looks to the girls curiously.

Andy: “Where do the two of you stand and any more playdates with the kids and Derek?” He furrows his brow.

Jenisa: “Imani and I are in an amazing place. We have really established a bond that has thankfully continued post filming.”

Imani: “I’m good with Jenisa, she’s never done anything to me and I believe she’s a great person and mother.”

Grace rolls her eyes.

Andy: “Love to hear it!” He smiles and nods. “Imani, do you still believe that Sheridan bringing Jenisa on the show was an attempt to embarrass you or stir up drama?”

Lorelei coughs and nods, Imani glances at her before answering.

Imani: “Yes — But…Jenisa and I ended up becoming very close so I guess thank you Sheridan.” She shrugs.

Jenisa: “Oh — Sheridan knew what she was doing.”

Sheridan makes and face.

Jenisa: “There were conversations prior to filming.”

Andy: “What do you mean, Jenisa?”

Jenisa: “I don’t think Sheridan thought I was going to be a housewife.”

Lorelei crosses her legs and smirks.

Lorelei: “Mmm.”

Imani: “And this is why I attacked Sheridan all season long, she knew what she was doing!”

Grace raises her eyebrows.

Grace: “I can believe you having conversations with production, Jenisa, but we’ll get to that.”

The girls all looks to Sheridan.

Sheridan: “I didn’t realize Jenisa and Imani were connected. That is a lie, Andy. Production connected me to Jenisa for the show. I actually didn’t know her prior!”

Lorelei begins cackling.

Lorelei: “Nah uh! Not y’all not knowing eachother.”

Jenisa: “Sheridan, I don’t want to drag you so early into the night. We’ve known each other for years.”

Sherdian: “Drag me, FRIEND! We’ve known each other? Girl where are the photos?! I’ve known Ren for years — I’ve known Imani and Lorelei. You? Girl we met when you auditioned like a thirsty fan after watching these past few seasons.”

Grace’s eyes widen.

Andy: “Okay okay! Let’s shut it down for a second. We’ll get to the two of you. Now for our next part…” He turns to the cameras. “The OG of BB, Ren, was back for her fifth season. She struggle with her business and got into it with some of the girls. Was the queen finally dethroned this season when her sudden disappearance left one question on everyone’s mind: Where the hell is Ren Rose?!”


The camera pans to Ren who is now sitting next to the women, smiling.

We get a package of Ren meeting with her business partner, LaQuan. We see her at Lorelei’s New Years party asking Xavier for his number for business help. We see her at her focus group get into with Imani, Grace, and Lorelei. We then see everyone asking where she is in China.

Grace looks disinterested and Lorelei sighs and then rolls her eyes.

Andy: “Ren, do you mind letting us know what happened when you stopped filming? You don’t need to get into detail but did you stop filming because of a conflict IRL?”

Ren: “First off, let me say, the queen will NEVER be overthrown. Let me make myself very clear I started this shit.” She holds up a finger. “And sometimes, a bitch needs a break.” She dramatically sweeps her dress to cross her leg.

The camera pans to Lorelei who is holding back a laugh.

Andy: “Fair enough! Life’s hard and you can’t always be on Twitter.” He shrugs. “We saw you start to form a little bond with Gemma. Why did you think you were one of the only ones to form a connection with Gemma this season?”

Jenisa: “Where is Gemma?” She laughs.

Ren: “Gemma is a follower, she needed someone and she stole my storyline for season 1–2 so we had to relate somehow?” She laughs. “I always thought she was a puppet.”

Grace: “And you’re what? The puppet master?”

Jenisa: “Grace, stop speaking to the queen like that!” She says sarcastically.

Andy: “Imani, you had a problem with Ren at her focus group event because she made previous comments on your appearance. Did you still feel like Ren was being hypocritical about her inclusive swimwear launch?”

Ren snaps her head to glare at Imani.

Imani: “I truly could care less about Ren… I mean, yes, it did bother me and I find it very hypocritical. She’s always throwing some weird dig, turning up, or saying something random shit to secure camera time.” She shrugs.

Grace and Lorelei both nod.

Imani: “It’s tired, it’s been years, move on. It’s very obsessive.” She rolls her eyes.

Ren: “I don’t need camera time, sweetie.” She shakes her head at Imani. “You’re the one who used your sister to get on a show.”

Imani: “Okay, sweetie. You came in turning up.”

Ren: “You’re not a housewife.”

Imani: “Okay!”

Andy: “Ren, have you and Xavier done any deals together?”

Grace’s eyes widen and she looks to Lorelei. Lorelei sits up straight and turns to Ren, glaring at her.

Ren: “Me and Xaviar are in touch and have done some business transactions. He’s a wonderful man.” She winks at Lorelei.

Mona laughs.

Sheridan: “Well, maybe he can be the bridge between Ren and Lorelei.”

Lorelei shoots Sheridan a look.

Imani: “Classless.”

Grace: “Wow…” She shakes her head.

Andy: “Lorelei, what do you have to say about this situation?”

All of the girls look to a flustered Lorelei.

Lorelei: “I think she is a liar. My HUSBAND, wouldn’t be caught dead working with her. He knows how much I dislike her. Ren is just trying to cause mess, dust.” She puts her hand up.

Ren: “Do I need to bring out the receipts, baby girl?”

Mona turns to Ren and her eyes widen.

Lorelei: “Bring them! We can all forge some documents together.”

Ren pulls out her phone and begins scrolling. All of the girls watch with anticipation. The Reunion stage is silent. Ren finally hands over her phone to Andy. Sheridan scoots close.

Sheridan: “Let me see!”

Andy reads the texts.

Ren: “I think he’s a nice man that got caught by a master manipulating whore. We are just friends though. He does love Lorelei very much.”

Imani: “I can’t make this up… the cursing, the lies, maybe you’re a better actress than Mona.”

Mona scoffs and Andy nods then hands Ren’s phone back to her.

Andy: “There’s nothing flirty about the texts, just what looks like a potential business deal a few months ago.”

Ren: “Like I said, business transactions.”

Lorelei laughs.

Lorelei: “Anyways, I’m not giving this woman anymore of my time. She is irrelevant to me and my life. Goodbye.” She smirks and looks away.

Andy: “Thanks so much for coming in Ren! It was good seeing you.”

Ren: “Can I say something, Andy?”

Andy: “Of course!”

Ren: “At the end of the day my life is going great and wish everyone on this stage nothing but the best even Lorelei and Imani.”

Grace: “Yeah, okay.” She rolls her eyes.

Lorelei: “She’s still here?” She laughs. “Bye girl, go on!”

Andy: “Moving on! Sheridan Campbell worked hard last year to publish her now award winning cook book! This year she took on a much more challenging feat; opening a restaurant! Take a look!” He points and smiles.

The package plays and shows Sheridan visiting her empty restaurant space at the beginning of the season. We see as the work progresses and restaurant starts coming together. A clip of Sheridan inviting all the girls in China to her restaurant launch. We then see the Bell Camp opening and the cameos from Elle and Adele.

Mona claps.

Andy: “So, have any of you girls eaten at Bell Camp since it’s opened?”

Mona: “I have, many times!” She raises her hand.

Grace: “I have, the food is some of the best Beverly Beach has to offer!” She smiles.

Jenisa: “It’s open?” She scrunches her nose.

Andy: “You were at the opening, Jenisa.” He laughs.

Jenisa: “Oh! Yeah…It’s great.”

Sheridan shakes her head.

Sheridan: “Thank you Mona and Grace. It’s been a great experience.”

Andy: “Next time I’m in Beverly Beach, I’ll have to try. Sheridan, how’s the restaurant doing and what’s next for you?”

Sheridan: “Owning a restaurant definitely has its ups and downs and surprises.”

Andy: “Great, Great. So — I want to point out. Jenisa, you came on as Sheridan’s friend and it seemed like you guys had a pretty solid friendship throughout the season, I mean you never went against eachother. But as the season started airing, Jenisa, your confessionals were a little shady and then Sheridan starting replying on social media!”

The camera pans between Sheridan and Jenisa. Sheridan nods.

Andy: “I’m going to ask with you both here to answer… Are the two of you still friends?”

Sheridan: “I’m confused — as the season progressed, she turned on me out of nowhere. You know, we were introduced in pre-production after Jenisa was cast and I did think we’d vibe. I was shocked to see what she was saying behind my back.”

Lorelei’s eyes widen.

Jensia: “No, we aren’t friends because truthfully — I feel used and I feel like Sheridan didn’t have my back at all this season. Whenever she had the chance to screw me over or not have my back, she did. I tried to get her and Imani to speak and work things out. Everything I did was genuine.” She turns to Sheridan. “Sheridan, you’re a fucking liar.”

Lorelei: “Whew!”

Grace: “Jenisa used Sheridan to get on this show and then she threw her under the bus. That’s how it looks.” She shrugs.

Jenisa: “Butt out old lady!”

Sheridan’s eyes widen.

Sheridan: “Stop the cursing. This is a classy show. We met during pre-production and you were a different person than who you became once the cameras were rolling.”

Jenisa: “You are such a lying sack of shit. It’s pathetic.”

Sheridan: “We got to know each other in the weeks prior to filming and I did see a friendship; hence I never came for you on the show but it was a new friendship. I never once trashed you on this show.” She looks to Jenisa. “Jenisa be real. Where are our photos before this season together? We did not have a solid friendship before you were cast.”

Jenisa: “Sheridan, you Photoshop your pictures horribly to prove you have a relationship.”

Imani bursts out laughing.

Imani: “I’m sorry!”

Jenisa: “I’ll take accountability when Sheridan takes accountability of being a shit friend.”

Sheridan: “Are you kidding me?!”

Grace: “That’s not nice, Jen…” She shakes her head.

Sheridan: “Jenisa is HIGHly delusional.”

Andy: “Well I don’t see a resolve coming from this anytime soon…”

Jenisa: “When in any conversations you had with anyone this season about me did you have my back?” She cocks her head at Sheridan. “Answer me that..”

Grace: “She had your back, Jen. She did!”

Sheridan: “There’s no need to answer her.” She turns her body. “I won’t see her again after this reunion.”

Jenisa: “Who is your friend here, Sheridan?” She looks around. “Andy, hopefully you have another friend to bring on for Sheridan next season so she can have a storyline. NEXT!”

Lorelei is seen thoroughly enjoying the antics.

Sheridan: “I am friends with the girls sitting on the same couch as me. I have history with Imani and Lorelei and consider them friends who I have fallen out with recently. Ren is my friend too.”

Andy: “Okay, we gotta move on. A restaurant opening wasn’t the only big accomplishment within the group! We had our beautiful bride, Lorelei, get married to Xavier this season! After facing scrutiny for her relationship, has Lorelei finally found her fairytale ending?”

A package begins to play. We see Lorelei’s New Years party from Episode 1. It shows Xavier getting down on one knee and proposing to Lorelei in front of everyone. We then see Lorelei wedding planning, tasting, and trying on dresses. We see the girls travel to Tulum and Lorelei walk down the aisle at her destination wedding.

Andy: “How has married life been treating you, Lorelei?”

Lorelei: “It’s been fabulous. It’s honestly just been pure bliss.” She smiles.

Andy: “You guys are a stunning couple! Imani, do you get along with your new bother-in-law?”

Imani: “Of course I do, I helped plan the engagement party!”

Andy: “Christina from Twitter would like to know: ‘Did any wedding guests bring up your situation with Xavier’s father?’

Mona: “How many questions did this woman send?”

Imani and Grace laugh.

Mona: “She seems VERY bored.”

Lorelei: “No. We only had people there who were truly happy for us. No negative vibes.”

Andy: “I do have to admit, Lorelei, the situation does seem a bit weird to the outside viewer. You know, when you first joined the show in Season 3 you were married to Xavier’s father, Morgan, then it came out you cheated on him with Xavier…do you and Morgan have any sort of communication?”

Sheridan: “Lord.”

Mona: “I found it hard to comprehend when I first met Lorelei.” She laughs.

Sheridan: “It still is hard to comprehend.”

Imani: “I don’t think it’s hard, she’s in love and she moved on.”

Lorelei clenches her jaw and glares at Andy.

Lorelei: “What is this? I dont want to talk about him. He’s over and in the past. Let Morgan go, folks. I’m married now.”

Mona: “But he’s your baby’s grandfather right…he’s family?”

Jenisa looks at Mona and mouths ‘Stop’.

Andy: “It’s a TV show, you signed up to be here!” He shrugs. “Do you regret any of the way you went about starting Xavier and your relationship?”

Lorelei: “Do I regret it? I do. I mean… it obviously wasn’t the most palatable situation. But, people are calling me a groomer and all kinds of vile things because of some of the women in this group. It’s disgusting.”

Andy: “Well — Love is love! As long as you’re happy, it doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks or says! Lorelei, I must know! Any plans for little ones anytime soon? Perfect gene pool!” He laughs.

Sheridan: “ Awww I bet Lorelei and Xavier will make pretty babies. Her child with Morgan is precious.”

Lorelei looks at Andy smiling a little, but she starts to get sad.

Lorelei: “That was actually something that we had planned. We wanted Banks to have another sibling, but…” She sighs and frowns. “I- I had a miscarriage a few weeks ago.”

Sheridan makes a sad face.

Sheridan: “Aww that’s so sad. I’m so sorry, Lorelei.”

Andy: “I’m so sorry to hear that, Lorelei. I’ll be thinking about you, Xavier, and Banks.”

Jenisa reaches over and holds Lorelei’s hand while Imani rubs her back.

Grace: “I’m so sorry.”

Lorelei looks to Sheridan.

Lorelei: “I actually want to apologize to you. I’ve been horrible and I’ve said nasty things to you about not being able to carry a child and dealing with a loss of one, it opened my eyes. I’m sorry.”

Sheridan: “Thank you for that.” She nods. “I’m so sorry you are going through this. I wouldn’t wish that pain on anyone. Can I give you a hug?”

Mona yawns and Lorelei nods. Sheridan gets up and gives Lorelei a hug.

Jenisa: “I just have an observation to piggy back off of that apology, and this is no shade. Sheridan, do you talk about others children because you don’t have one? Like do you not know how it feels?”

Grace gasps in shock.

Jenisa: “No shade. Just curious.”

Mona: “Jen, I don’t think this is the appropriate time.”

Sheridan: “Can we run back when I’ve talked negatively about peoples children?”

Jenisa: “I mean…” She looks to Imani.

Sheridan: “On the show — not references to children on social media.”

Mona: “Sheridan, I love you but you did talk about Imani’s child.”

Sheridan: “I need to see the receipts — where is the footage of this? What did I say poorly about a child? This has been brought up multiple times and I’ve been confused.”

Jenisa: “Imani, can we just address this because Sheridan, you can’t keep doing all this.”

Sheridan: “Can someone remind me what I said — I will own it and I want to apologize but I don’t remember.” She looks around.

Grace: “I mean, you’ve never spoken about my children to my knowledge.”

The camera pans to Imani.

Imani: “Sheridan did talk about my child. She was out for me on social media and wanted me to treat my child as an object. She’s been on TV multiple times. I was very hurt by that.”

Andy: “What was said exactly?”

Sheridan: “I’m being honest Andy, I don’t remember. Imani, I’m sorry if I talked negatively about your child on camera. I don’t remember that, and I don’t think I’d ever talk bad about a kid, but if I did like some say I’m sorry.”

Grace: “Can I say something?” She raises her hand and Andy nods. “Sheridan, I realize that this season, I made several comments about your infertility and I feel terrible for that. I’m very sorry and I hope you can forgive me.”

Jenisa rolls her eyes.

Sheridan: “Grace, of course I forgive you. I’ve said not so nice things about you too and I want to truly move on with you babe.”

Grace nods and smiles at Sheridan. Imani holds out her phone and hands it to Andy.

Imani: “Since production is always being shady with me I had to pull my own receipts.”

Sheridan: “Oh Andy, is that a tweet? I thought we were talking about aired footage.”

Imani: “Girl, you always bring everything up tweets or footage.”

Andy: “Well, you did talk about Imani’s child whether it was on air or not..” He looks to Sheridan.

Jenisa: “Yeah, does it fucking matter?”

Imani: “We’re on a show together, tweeting about me… keep up.”

Sheridan: “I have never met your kid. You don’t film with your child. You don’t have custody. Where did I lie? I said nothing bad about your kid.” She looks at Imani.

Jenisa: “Wow, Sheridan. I don’t know the person sitting here.” She points. “You have changed so much from being on the show. Just own that you are a nasty disaster on Twitter and else where.”

Sheridan: “Jenisa, I just said that about you — stop repeating things already said.” She laughs.

Imani: “It’s been with Lorelei too! Sheridan’s fake and she’s refusing to apologize.”

Andy: “Claiming the courts won’t give Imani full custody is damaging to her and her child though. you can see that, right?”

Imani: “You don’t need to meet or see my kid Sheridan! What’s wrong with you?”

Sheridan: “It’s a fucking tweet! They bully me on Twitter and I bully back.”

Imani: “It’s MY child! Stop making everything about you.”

Mona: “Children should be off limits though. I’ve said that throughout the season.”

Andy: “Imani, do you accept Sheridan’s apology from earlier?”

Imani: “Yes, I can move on, but she keeps throwing ‘buts’ after that apology.”

Sheridan: “You all get to joke about my infertility, my relationship among other things and I can’t clap back?”

Imani: “About an actual child?” She recoils. “Girl — you are crazy! Why would you go after my child when you can simply target me.”

Sheridan: “I reciprocate energy. I didn’t say anything bad about the adorable kids. I love kids!”

Lorelei: “I’m getting a head ache.” She looks at Andy and chuckles.

Sheridan: “I am targeting you by saying you don’t have custody of your children — I was insinuating you are an unfit mother.”

Imani: “You are nasty. You know what you doing, you want to appear like this classy girl but you keep going below the belt and coming after my child.”

Jenisa: “Exactly! Everything is calculated.”

Lorelei nods.

Sheridan: “I didn’t say anything bad about your kid, she doesn’t deserve it. You are an unfit mother incapable of loving that adorable child or taking care of her. I feel sorry for your child. She needs her mother.”

Lorelei looks disgusted.

Lorelei: “Sheridan, don’t do that. Don’t go there.” She shakes her head. “Come on.”

Imani: “You don’t know anything about me or my parenting! You did say things about my children. You are disgusting.” She glares.

The camera pans to Grace who has her head in her hands. Mona watches with big eyes.

Andy: “Yikes! Okay girls, this isn’t going anywhere.”

Sheridan: “You need to stop worrying about being famous on a television show and try and enter Natalia’s life.” She point to Imani.

Imani: “You want me to get low and mention your infertility so you can use that on me?”

Lorelei reaches over and places her hand in Imani’s lap to calm her down.

Mona: “This is rough…”

Andy: “Let’s move on.”

Imani shakes her head with frustration and looks at Lorelei. Sheridan shrugs and has a smug smile on her face.

Andy: “The Faroe came into this season with a chip on her shoulder and a bone to pick. Unfortunately, as her personal life started to fall apart, her attitude created a rift within the group.”

We see the first scene of Grace in Season 5 calling her daughter Megan and Megan rejecting her and taking Dimitri’s side. We see the girl’s arriving in New Oreleans and Grace creating a fuss about not wanting to share a room with people. We get a montage of Grace’s multiple dramatic walk outs at group events throughout the season. The package ends as Grace has a melt down at Lorelei’s wedding reception in Tulum and grabs her girlfriend, Vivian, and leaves.

The camera focuses on Grace who just sighs and readjusts herself in her seat.

Grace: “Wow.”

Andy: “We saw you really struggle with the fallout of Megan moving in with your ex husband, Dimitri. I imagine that must be heart breaking. Are you in a better place now with your family?”

Grace: “It’s a long process.” She frowns. “Megan and I still currently aren’t speaking, but things are slowly getting better with Dimitri since our divorce is about to be finalized.”

Andy: “That’s good. I wish you nothing but the best of luck!” He smiles then looks down and reads from a card. “Margaux from Greenwich, Connecticut has a question for Grace: ‘Have you ever thought your arrogant attitude is the reason for your lack of social connection with this group and do you think you should consider changing the way you speak to people, including your staff?’

Sheridan reaches over and rubs Grace’s hand. Jenisa laughs.

Mona: “Yes Margaux!” She claps.

We get a shot of the sisters, Lorelei and Imani, who just remain quiet. Grace raises her eyebrow.

Grace: “I wondered if she’d come crawling out of the woodworks. I don’t think I have an arrogant attitude.”

Jenisa scoffs then gives Grace a look.

Jenisa: “Well, you do.”

Andy: “Who here thinks Grace has an arrogant attitude?” He looks to the girls.

Mona raises both of her hands. Then, Jenisa raises both of her hands as well then stands up.

Mona: “And I think she should absolutely change the way she speaks to people as well!”

Lorelei looks around.

Jenisa: “I’ve never seen such arrogance. From the first day I met her to the time she brought us all together to apologize to her, to complaining about Lorelei’s bachelorette.” She rolls her eyes.

Grace: “Shut up.” She looks to Jenisa.

Sheridan: “Does Jenisa have to speak during every segment?! Zip it, girl!”

Lorelei and Imani both crack a smile.

Jenisa: “That’s why we’re here, girls!”

Andy: “Grace, Have you seen any of the women since you left Mexico in the last episode?”

Grace: “I have.” She nods. “I had lunch with Lorelei and Imani. I’ve also been to dinner with Sheridan and Martin.”

Andy: “Cool! I know you had personal issues going on but you were truly acting like a diva. It’s like, we see these little outbursts. We saw it in New Orleans at the house, we saw it at dinner that first night, we saw it in Shanghai…do you ever watch it back and think that maybe you could change the way you react?”

The couches go silent as they anticipate at Grace’s answer, she thinks for a moment.

Grace: “Listen, I’m at a point in my life where I’m accepting who I am. There’s certain things I see on the show that I don’t like and honestly, I went through a lot this season and that reflected on the way I behaved, including saying some things I regret.”

Lorelei nods and smiles at Grace, Mona makes a face.

Andy: “I respect that! One thing that really surprised me this season was Grace and Sheridan making up. The two of you were practically oil and water when you both joined in Season 4! Did any of the girls expect them to make up?”

Mona: “As a newbie, I don’t know what their relationship was like last season so I can’t say!”

Lorelei: “Not really. It still appears to be a bit, put on for me.”

Sheridan: “Grace and I had great moments in season 4 when we were away from the group. We continue to build a friendship outside of the group setting.”

Jenisa: “I expected them to make up because Sheridan needed a friend. Ren jumped ship and I became close with Mona.”

Grace: “You know something, Jenisa? You’re right, Sheridan does need a friend. A real friend, not a fake one like you.”

Imani: “I’m still confused by it. I had Grace’s back all season long and as we saw how Sheridan treated me, she just covered her face and gasped, or whatever she did. Part of me believes that Grace is intimidated by Sheridan.”

Lorelei: “Agreed, Imani.”

Jenisa: “She probably has something on her.”

Grace: “That’s not true, Imani. I am intimidated by nobody.” She shakes her head.

Sheridan: “This is so ridiculous. Be mature, girls.” She gives a stern look.

Andy: “Katya from Mesa, Arizona has a couple questions for Grace: ‘What have you learned about yourself this season? Do you have any regrets?’

Grace laughs.

Grace: “I’ve learned how to use my words more wisely and I’d also say that I’ve learned not to open myself up to women who don’t respect or validate my feelings, which is a few people sitting here right now and someone who just left out the backdoor. In terms of regrets, I have a few. I wish I hadn’t went as far with Sheridan, as that got really dark and Lorelei, my freakout in Shanghai against you was unwarranted. And…” She looks to Mona. “I want to apologize to you, actually.”

Mona: “Thank you for the apology.” She nods.

Imani chuckles to herself and Jenisa and Lorelei both look surprised.

Andy: “This seems like a good place to end it for tonight! Catch us tomorrow for Part II of the Reunion where we get into more of the drama that went down this season!”



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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