[S5E16]: Trouble in Paradise

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
22 min readJun 2, 2022


(From L to R: Gemma Li, Jenisa Azizi, Mona Quinn, Grace Faroe, Imani Grimaldi, Lorelei Sullivan, & Sheridan Campbell)

Previously on The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach…
The girls got back from China and dealt with the fallout after Gemma and Jenisa’s physical altercation. Jenisa helped create peace between Sheridan and Lorelei. Grace’s Couples’ dinner got lively when Imani declared she thought Gemma was the catalyst for the fight in China. Sheridan had the opening night of her restaurant Bell Camp. The night ended on a bad note when Gemma and Jenisa started going at it again, and then Lorelei and Imani!

Music plays as the episode begins right where the last left off; Bell Camp’s opening night. Sheridan, Lorelei, Imani, Grace, Gemma, and Jenisa sit at the private room in Bell Camp.

Sheridan, Jenisa, Gemma, Lorelei, Grace, & Imani

Jenisa holds her glass of wine up.

Jenisa: “Let’s move onto something more important! How I got my girlies Sheridan and Lorelei back together.”

Sheridan and Lorelei smile but Imani and Grace look at the two of them, confused.

Sheridan: “Yes! Jenisa brought Lorelei and I together and we have moved on.”

Lorelei: “I’m glad we were able to get back to a place of positivity!” She grabs Sheridan’s hand.

Grace rolls her eyes and Imani raises an eyebrow.

Imani: “Aw…”

Sheridan: “You ladies should learn from this!”

Imani: “Wow! Lorelei is a chameleon, I never know with her!”

Grace laughs.

Imani: “Congrats ladies, really!” She begins clapping. “I wonder how long this will last!:

Lorelei narrows her eyes at Imani.

Lorelei: “What’s that suppose to mean?”

Imani’s Confessional

“I hate to say it but Lorelei is a fake BITCH. Sheridan set her up in NOLA with Grace and now she’s running back to her, she must really want a wedding gift or a catering discount because…”

Sheridan: “Imani, girl. With time and effort you and I could make up too.” She blows a kiss.

Imani: “I’m good over here!” She blows a kiss back with a fake smiles. “I rock with the real ones, unlike Lorelei.” She looks at her sister.

Lorelei: “Alright, Imani. You stay over there and be mad.” She sighs.

Imani: “Mad at what? I’m confused… weeks ago this woman was dogging, spitting, shitting, and more on YOU!” She motions to Sheridan. “Now you want to make up? I’m confused. You do you, but you are treating Grace like shit if willingly decided to makeup with Sheridan but won’t give Grace the time for a sit down?” She cocks her head.

Lorelei glares at Imani.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Imani is just like her father. She is someone who cannot ever get over something. She has anger problems, she’s deranged. In times like this, I wonder how the hell we are related.” She sips from her Red Bull. “She’s nuts!”

Lorelei: “Imani!” She snaps. “Get over it! Sheridan and I made up. We’re not best friends, but we’ve moved on. I’m not ever going to fuck with Grace again because she and I were close and for her to do me like she did in China…” She scoffs and flips her hair. “Girl, bye!”

Grace looks at Lorelei in shock.

Grace: “Are you kidding me?”

Grace’s Confessional

“Wow. You never want to be my friend again? That…hurts…” She tears up.

The camera quickly pans and zooms in on Jenisa as she gets up from the table and starts walking to the front of the restraunt.

Jenisa’s Confessional

“I see how this night is going and it’s time for me to exit to the left. Not Irish but definitely using the Irish Goodbye.”

We see Jenisa as she shakes her head getting into the back of an SUV.

Jenisa: “Crazy, crazy, crazy.”

The scene goes back to the private room. Lorelei, Imani, Sheridan, Grace, and Gemma remain. Imani is sternly speaking to Lorelei.

Imani: “I don’t care about you and Sheridan being friends! This is not a competition… you are my blood, Sheridan isn’t special! understand that.” She turns and points to Grace dramatically. “Grace had your back through it ALL and now you want to kick her to the curb?”

The camera zooms in on Grace who is nodding along. Sheridan raises her eyebrows and chuckles a little.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Imani is so jealous of me.” She laughs. “I don’t blame her though. Look at me and then look at her. I’m a Queen and well…she’s Princess Fiona.”

The camera shows Lorelei’s reaction, she rolls her eyes and looks annoyed. She starts moving her hands to mock Imani.

Lorelei: “Blah, blah, blah. I sure do. I sure do.” She nods. “I’m good on my end. Imani, accept that and move on.”

Imani looks like she’s about to say something and then stops, clenching her fists tight. She turns to Grace and blows out air.

Imani: “I’m sorry, I tried.”

Grace: “It’s fine, Imani. She doesn’t care. She won’t return my calls even though I want to fix this.” She glances at Lorelei.

Lorelei stands up and grabs her bag.

Lorelei: “I’m going to go. I don’t feel like being around this mess. Like, I’m getting fucking married in a few days…” She looks at Grace and then goes around the table to give Sheridan a hug. “Sheridan, I apologize. Great food and great restaurant.”

Sheridan: “It’s okay, Lorelei. I understand.” She smiles and sits back down.

Gemma chokes on her drink.

Gemma: “Lor — no.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Grace is the biggest cry baby. She will victimize herself to make herself feel like she is not a backstabbing, two face bitch. I don’t need that. I don’t need any of that.”

As Lorelei walks out of the room, the camera pans to Grace who is now covering her face. She is crying.

Grace: “Is this seriously it? After everything I’ve done she just walks away from the friendship? I want to fix this.”

Grace’s Confessional

“Lorelei’s words…they, they really cut m deep…” She nods then sniffs. “Yeah, I’m devastated.”

Sheridan: “Don’t cry, hun.” She pouts. “You know was well as I do that time heals all wounds.”

Imani goes and hugs Grace.

Imani: “It’s okay. You’ll be fine.”

Imani’s Confessional

“I feel for Grace! Lorelei is very weird when it comes to friendships. However, time heals all wounds as Sheridan said.”

Grace is now crying into Imani’s arms.

Grace: “She never wants to speak to me again!”

Imani is seen shaking her head and comforting Grace. The scene ends.

The next scene begins with fun music as we get cool nature shots of Tulum, Mexico. We see the beautiful turquoise ocean and the lush forests. We get an aeriel view of a beautiful resort on the prestine white beach.

The camera zooms in on one villa. Inside, Imani is changing into a bikini and checking herself out in the mirror.

Imani: “We’re in Mexico, baby! No time to waste!”

Imani’s Confessional

“After all the stress Lorelei and I have gone through these past two weeks, I’ve decided to just put everything to bed and let her enjoy her week! Weddings are a lot and Lorelei can be a lot… at the end of the she’s my blood and no one knows me better than her and viceversa, let’s have a fun time!”

Imani walks out the large sliding door and right onto some lounge chairs set up in the sand, underneath the palm trees. She lays down on one.

Imani: “Oh my God! This is Beverly Beach sun right here.” She begins applying sunscreen.

Lorelei: “I know, right? So gorgeous here!”

Imani & Lorelei

Lorelei walks out from the villa and takes a seat on the lounger right next to Imani. Imani shields her eyes to look over at Lorelei and smiles.

Imani: “I love how our bodies look SNATCHED! We took those workouts seriously, honey!”

Lorelei: “Okay, honey!” She laughs and claps.

Imani: “So, how are you feeling? Is it hitting you yet?”

Lorelei: “It actually is hitting me…Like, I’m getting married tomorrow! How crazy is that?!”

Imani smiles softly then sighs.

Imani: “I just wanna say, you know it gets uncomfortable with us and this group sometimes, we are both fighters, but we are sisters before that. Whatever has happened in the past two weeks, I want it to be done! This is your week, you deserve it… you should be nothing but happy.”

Lorelei stands up and gives Imani a hug.

Lorelei: “I know. We can fight and do all that but I know at the end of the day, you’ll have my back and be happy for me, as I will with you. I love you.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I’ve invited all the girls out to Tulum for my wedding but I can’t help but be a bit… stressed. I’m nervous about my wedding, I’m still debating on making up with Grace, it’s-it’s a lot. I just want my wedding to be perfect. But getting this talk out of the way with Imani and reiterating that we will have each other 100% no matter what makes me feel so much more at peace.”

Lorelei takes Imani’s hand and smiles.

Lorelei: ‘Look at me! I’m all grown up.” She laughs.

Imani: “You’re growing and glowing. This is your big day sissy! Enjoy it to the fullest, everything was worth it and you’re finally here.”

The camera shows a quick shot of their view, a beautiful beach with crystal clear water.

Imani: “I must say that I’m really sad about you and Grace. She’s been begging to hear from you and it’s just something about it that breaks my heart.” She looks over. “You can tell you mean a lot to her, don’t you think you should give her the time of the day before it turns into pure sourness.”

Lorelei grabs her water bottle and takes a sip.

Lorelei: “I mean… I get that. I did care about Grace, like, we really had a rough beginning to our friendship, but once we got past that, we became the best of friends. Her turning on me was like really hurtful.” She sighs. “ I know she’s going to be here in Mexico and I’m not gonna like… kick her out or disinvite her or anything. I’ll be willing to hear her out, I just don’t want anything to stress me out before tomorrow.”

Imani nods and smiles.

Imani: “I think it’s for the best. She genuinely considered you a friend, why not give her the time of day?”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I know Imani really likes Grace so I understand what she’s trying to do. But, Grace really hurt me and I can’t just move on at the drop of a dime. Grace can be stubborn as we all know and I don’t see her apologizing to me anytime soon.”

Imani: “You’re not losing anything. Remember we both were stubborn for years, and I feel like this is the perfect time to just restart and finally come to a conclusion. Whether you wanna be friends or not, that’s fine!”

Lorelei: “I hear you. I’ll hear her out tonight…” She stands up. “But, God. Let’s go inside. This Mexican heat is about to melt by fine ass.” She laughs.

Imani: “THANK YOU! Yes! Inside!”

The scene ends as we see Lorelei and Imani going back inside their villa.

In the main building of the Tulum resort, we see the ‘Wives and their significant others checking in. Grace & Vivian, Sheridan & Martin, Mona & Adam, Gemma & Stavros, and Jenisa are all shown standing in the lobby with their suitcases, chatting. We get split screen shots of each couple being escorted to separate villas via golf carts being driven by workers. It lands on Mona and Adam as they are walked to the front door of the villa.

Worker: “I’ll go get your luggage, I’ll be right back. Here’s the key.” He hands a key to Mona.

Mona takes it and unlocks the door, before opening it she turns to Adam.

Mona: “I’ll let you go first because I have a surprise for you!” She grins and steps out of the way.

Adam raises an eyebrow then approaches the door.

Mona’s Confessional

“Adam and I have been disconnected lately. Not only because of the search for my parents but also because he works a lot and we haven’t gotten the chance to get away and spend quality time with each other. I’m hoping this little trip will help us get back on track.”

They both walk into the room. Rose petals cover the bed, there is a platter of chocolate strawberries on the table next to a bottle of champagne and two glasses.

Mona: “Surprise!”

Adam: “Wow. So nice.” He looks around.

Mona looks happy. She sets her purse down on the bed and then begins jumping on it. Adam immediately goes to a chair, takes off his shoes, then whips out his phone. Mona frowns.

Mona: “Babe…” She gestures around the room. “See what I did? Come over here, c’mon!” She motions with her finger with a sultry look.

Adam: “Mona.” He sighs and looks up from his phone. “I don’t want to do this right now.”

Mona: “You don’t want to spend time with your wife? What the actual fuck Adam!?” She scrunches up her brow and gets down from the bed.

Mona’s Confessional

“I prepared this whole surprise for him and for us to reconnect, and this is how he reacts. That. That hurt me.”

We get a shot of the room and everything Mona did. The camera pans back to Adam.

Adam: “Honestly, I don’t want to do anything right now.”

Mona: “Why not?”

Adam just shrugs and looks back down on his phone. Mona goes over and sits on the arm of his chair, massaging his neck.

Mona: “Do you feel okay?”

Adam: “I’m fine.”

Mona: “Are you worried about the kids?” She cocks her head.

Adam: “The kids are fine.” He continues texting.

Mona looks incredibly annoyed. There’s silence except for Adam feverishly touching his phone screen. Mona abruptly jumps up and faces Adam.


Mona grabs Adam’s phone and chucks it at wall and it shatters. Adam looks up at Mona in disbelief. At that very moment there is a knock on the door and the worker comes in with their luggage.

Worker: “Is everything alright?”

Adam jumps up from his chair and glares at Mona.

Adam: “I’m done. We’re done. I’m leaving, you’re a fucking bitch?”

Mona stands there, stunned.

Mona: “What?”

Adam: “You heard me. You’re fucking crazy.”

Adam promptly brushed past the worker, who watches in horror, and grabs his suitcase and starts to make his way out of the villa. Mona frantically follows, talking to him but he doesn’t acknowledge her.

Mona: “Adam, all I wanted to do was reconnect with you on this trip, but clearly you don’t want that. So, what do you want? Are we done? Because if we are, I’m sick of wasting my time on an asshole like you!”

Mona stops outside on the porch of the villa. Adam remains silent and goes down the stairs and hops in a golf cart out front. He gets in and starts driving to the main building.

Mona’s Confessional

Mona begins crying and starts to get up from her chair.
“I need a minute.”

The scene ends.

We get shots of the beach and the resort.

The camera zooms into the spacious pool deck of the resort that has plenty of chairs to lay out on, private cabanas, and a full bar with staff. Sheridan, Martin, and Jenisa stand at the bar. Martin slaps Sheridan’s behind.

Jenisa, Sheridan, & Martin

Sheridan: “Oh my gosh stoppppp.” She laughs and playfully pushes him.

Martin: “We about to have some fun in Mexico.” He smirks.

Sheridan: “Oh hush!”

Jenisa: “Stop! You’re reminding me I don’t have a man.” The three of them laugh.

The camera pans to Grace and Vivian who sit out on lounge chairs, admiring the view with frozen drinks in their hands.

Grace & Vivian

Grace: “Wow, I just love this.” She turns to Vivian and smiles.

Vivian: “Me too! Might I say, you look beautiful, my love.”

Grace: “Oh shhhh!” She giggles.

We now see Gemma and Stavros walking down to the pool deck hand in hand together. They first see Grace and Vivian in the chairs, they make their way to them.

Gemma & Stavros

Gemma: “Hello Grace! Vivian!” The couple gets up and gives Gemma and Stavros a hug.

Vivian: “It’s good to see you both!”

Gemma: “Likewise.” She smiles and takes a seat at the end of Grace’s lounge chair. “May I?”

Grace: “Of course!”

Gemma turns to Grace as Stavros and Vivian begin to converse. She shields her eyes from the sun as she talks.

Gemma: “So, have you talked to Lorelei yet?”

Grace hangs her head.

Grace: “No, I haven’t. Maybe her tonight at the cocktail hour, but I’m not sure. I know it’s her day and I’m not going to add any pressure so the ball is in her court.”

Grace’s Confessional

“Lorelei and I currently aren’t on speaking terms and I’m not going to lie, it’s upsetting. But Lorelei also made it clear she’s got nothing to say, so I’ll respect that. Our group decided to all get together on the pool deck for a drink or two before Lorelei’s cocktail hour she’s hosting the night before the wedding so she can have more time with the guests. This could be my opportunity, but I don’t know yet because I don’t want to push it.”

Gemma: “I think it shows you care for her still being here. It’s a gesture that I’m sure won’t go unnoticed by her. You’ll both get your time to talk.”

Gemma smiles and Grace nods as Vivian puts her arm around her. Jenisa walks over carrying a tray of shots.


As she begins handing them out, Gemma raises an eyebrow and takes one.

Gemma’s Confessional

“Jenisa stomping in here with her Timberland boots and Forever 21 clearance rack tee.” She shakes her head. “She needs help. ASAP.”


Mona walks down to the deck.

Mona: “Hi everyone.” Her eyes are red from crying, she sniffles a little but wears a brave face.

Jenisa: “Finally! Here! Shot!” She hands her one.

Gemma: “Mona!” She looks at Mona and raises an eyebrow. “Wait, what’s going on? Are you okay?”

Mona sits on a nearby chair and plasters a fake smile on her face.

Mona: “Oh yeah! I’m good, babe! So excited for the wedding!

The camera focuses on Grace and Vivian as Vivian nudges Grace.

Vivian: “Is she okay? She doesn’t look — “

Grace just shrugs.

Stavros: “Here you go! Nothing a nice margarita can’t fix.” He hands Mona a drink and she thanks him.

Sheridan and Martin make their way over to the group. Martin lays down on a lounge chair and Sheridan rests between his legs.

Sheridan: “I hope everything is really okay, babe.”

Mona laughs a little and looks down.

Mona: “Everything’s fine! What are we talking about?” She looks around at the group.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Mona did not show up my for my restaurant opening and now shows up to Mexico in tears. I hope everything is okay with her. Maybe she got recasted on one of her commercial projects?”

Jenisa looks at Mona sideways.

Jenisa: ‘Where’s Adam?”

Mona: “He’s uhh…in the room.”

Jenisa gets up and grabs Mona.

Jenisa: “Come here.”

Everybody watches as she leads them to a group of chairs away from the group. Jenisa sits Mona down.

Jenisa: “Bitch, what’s wrong? You look a bit sound.”

Mona looks taken aback and pauses before answer.

Mona: “Adam and I literally just got into another fight.” She sighs and starts tearing up again.

Jenisa: “Oh no! What?! How?!”

Mona: “He ignored me the entire flight…I mean the ENTIRE flight. And when we got here he walked into the room and sat on his phone. Like hello! Your wife is standing right here maybe talk to her.”

Mona begins sobbing and Jenisa hugs her.

Mona: “So I like confronted him about it and he left. He’s gone. He’s probably sitting at the airport on his fucking cellphone.”

Mona’s Confessional

“I don’t even know what is happening with my marriage. We were good until I got back from China and it’s started to unravel. I don’t know what to do.”

We see as the couples back in the group watch, trying to see what’s going on with Mona. Gemma frowns.

Gemma: “Aw. I wonder what’s wrong.”

Sheridan: “I bet it’s something with her husband, I definitely heard Adam. Plus, they came here together and he’s no where to be found.” She looks around.

Martin: “Poor, girl.”

Vivian furrows her brow at Mona crying then turns to Grace.

Vivian: “Grace…look. She’s crying. You know what it’s like to have bad martial issues! Come on.”

Vivian stands up and extends her hand to Grace. Grace looks at her suspiciously and reluctantly takes it. They make their way over to Mona and Jenisa.

Grace’s Confessional

“Vivian is forever the peacemaker. Despite mine and Mona’s issues, she’ll see a connection. She’ll want to make it right somehow and that’s something I love about her.”

Jenisa is comforting Mona but they look up when Grace and Vivian arrive. Vivian walks over and rubs Mona’s back.

Vivian: “Mona…This just breaks my heart to see you cry.”

Grace sits down beside Mona and looks at her.

Grace: “Listen to me, if anyone knows about problematic spouses, it’s me. Don’t let it get to you. You let him get inside your head, you lose. You’re stronger than this.”

Jenisa smiles a bit as Mona looks to Grace.

Jenisa’s Confessional

“Usually when Grace opens those meat suckers I get a headache. Today, the bitch is doing good. where has this grace been for the last few months?”

Mona: “How do I not feel sad when he ignores me, Grace?!” She begins crying uncontrollably.

Martin, Stavros, Gemma, and Sheridan sit at the bar drinking and all turn to look when they hear the cry.

Sheridan: “What is happening?!” She sips her drink and widens her eyes.

Stavros: “Is there a dying dog somewhere?”

Gemma: “Oh my god, babe!” She giggles.

The scene goes back to Grace, Vivian, Mona, and Jenisa. Grace rubs Mona’s back and frowns.

Grace’s Confessional

“Seeing this emotional side to Mona is definitely shocking. But when it comes to her husband, she needs to stand up for herself. A woman should never let a man get her down or tell her what to do. A woman should feel happy in her marriage and unfortunately with Mona, that doesn’t seem to be the case.”

Grace: “You need to tell him how you feel! If he doesn’t listen, then you’re not the problem. He is.”

Mona: “Thank you, Grace.” She smiles sadly at Grace, Vivian and Sheridan then gets up.

Mona: “I need a minute, guys. I’m going to my room to freshen up and put my makeup back on. I’ll meet you all out here in 30 to go to the cocktail hour?”

Jenisa: “Sounds good!”

Grace and Vivian nod. As Mona walks away, she talks to herself.

Mona: “My fucking life is falling apart.”

The episode ends.

Music plays as we see the fabulous set up for Lorelei’s cocktail party the night before the wedding.

It is at the iconic, GITANO, a beautiful restaurant in the jungle located in Tulum. Wedding guests stand and mingle.

Imani, Lorelei, & Xavier

Lorelei and Xavier stand arm and arm talking to a friend, behind her is Xavier’s mother, Toni. She is eyeing down Lorelei. The camera pans to Imani who is talking to a tall male. We see Grace and Vivian walking into the party holding hands.

Grace’s Confessional

“Even though Lorelei and I aren’t on great terms right now, I still wanted to come to tonight’s cocktail party. This is her wedding and the last thing I want to do is ruin any of it for her.”

Sheridan, Martin, Grace, & Vivian

Grace and Vivian are seen grabbing a drink at the bar and making their way over to Imani. Next, Sheridan and Martin walk in.

Martin: “You think her marriage with him will be longer than with his daddy?” He whispers to Sheridan.

Sheridan: “Hush!” She laughs.


Mona is seen walking in right behind them. She applies lipgloss and then joins Sheridan and Martin.

Mona’s Confessional

“Even though I’m in a really fragile state right now I’m going to push forward and celebrate Lorelei and Xavier. Gotta put on that happy face!”

The camera pans to Gemma as she walks in alone a few moments later.

Gemma’s Confessional

“So when Stavros and I got back into the room we had a little bit of a wild time. He was drunk off his ass on that 1942 and couldn’t even get out of bed to come to the pre wedding party. I have a massive headache but I’m here for my girl Lorelei nonetheless.”

Gemma joins Sheridan, Martin, Grace, Vivian, Mona, and Imani who have all congregated together. Lorelei walks over to the ladies with her future mother-in-law, Toni. She holds a champagne flute and smiles, giving all the ladies a hug.

Lorelei: “You all look fabulous.”

The camera pans to Grace as Lorelei stops right before her and goes back to stand with Toni. Grace frowns and Vivian glances at her.

Lorelei: “I wanted to introduce you all to Toni, Xavier’s mother.” She motions to her.

Sheridan: “Hey Toni!”

Gemma: “Hey miss Toni!”

Mona: “Hi, Toni! I’m Mona!”

Grace raises and eyebrow and whispers to Vivian.

Grace: “This is the woman I was telling you about…”

Toni: “Hello. Nice to meet you all. I guess you all are my soon to be step daughter’s friends, huh?” She coughs. “I didn’t know she had many of those with her track record.”

The camera pans to Lorelei who is biting her lip but eventually forces a smile.

Toni: “Are any of you in this wedding?” She nods her head at Imani. “I know you are.”

Sheridan: “Not me, hunni! I’m lucky to be invited.”

Mona: “I’m not!”

Gemma: “Oh no, we’re here to support.”

Toni: “It was lovely meeting you all, I’ll see you ladies tomorrow at the wedding.” She smiles and waves them off, she gives Lorelei a stank look before she leaves.

Lorelei looks back at the group.

Lorelei: “A pleasure, right?” She chuckles. “Wait, where’s Jenisa?”

Sheridan: “I think Jenisa was drunk and high so she won’t be here tonight, we left her in her room.”

Lorelei: “Oh — “ She sips her champagne and turns to Grace. “Grace, can we talk?”

Grace looks surprised and looks to Vivian, Vivian nods her on.

Grace: “Yeah, sure.” She nods.

Lorelei leads Grace to a private corner of the party. They sit on an empty couch.

Lorelei: “How are you doing? Thank you for coming by the way.”

Grace nods and smiles slightly.

Grace: “Of course I came. This isn’t about me, it’s your wedding. I’m not going to let a little tiff stand in the way.”

Lorelei: “That’s nice of you. I appreciate that. I’d like to move on? But, I think you owe me an apology, first.” She crosses her legs.

Grace nods.

Grace: “You’re right, we need to move on. In terms of an apology. I did overreact so I apologize for that. The reasoning behind it however, I stand by.”

Lorelei thinks.

Lorelei: “I appreciate that.” She smiles a little. “I apologize for my part in it as well. I don’t want to fight with you, Grace. I pictured us two really enjoying my wedding together and I still want to do that.”

Grace smiles.

Grace: “I want that too! The last thing I’d want to do is hurt you. I have a lot of love for you...”

Grace’s Confessional

“At the end of the day, me and Lorelei have really become close like sisters. To fight with her and not be speaking has been hard…” She tears up. “Really hard.”

Lorelei gets up and gives Grace a hug.

Lorelei: “Okay, we’ll let’s enjoy the rest of this party, huh?”

Grace: “Yes, let’s do that. I quickly want to give you this.” She pulls out two boxes from her purse.

Lorelei looks at the boxes and raises an eyebrow.

Lorelei: “Girl, what is this?”

Grace: “It’s two matching engraved watches for you and Xavier. I had them specially crafted and flown in from Bosnia.” She smiles. “I hope you like them.”

Lorelei gasps and tears up a little.

Lorelei: “Grace, this is so sweet. Oh my God.”

Grace: “Of course I had to use my designer contacts when it came to your wedding gift!”

Lorelei and Grace make their way back to the ladies, holding hands. All the girls turn.

Lorelei: “I just wanted to let you all know that… Grace and me? We’re good.” She holds their hands up and Grace grins. “My wedding is tomorrow and I’m genuinely happy to have each and everyone of you guys here with me and I- I love you all.” She starts to get teary eyed again.”

Vivian: “Wonderful!”

Mona: “Glad you guys could makeup!”

Imani: “That’s what I’m talking about! Im glad you two fixed it.” She claps.

Gemma: “This is so fabulous!”

Imani: “Yes! Only miserable people fight.” She side eyes Gemma.

Lorelei: “With that being said, LET’S PARTY BITCHES!” She holds up a shot. “I expect everyone to be hungover for the wedding tomorrow.”

She laughs and all of the girls take a shot. The camera zooms out of the jungle with the party still in full swing and the episode ends.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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