[S5E15]: Drama with a Side of Shade

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
29 min readMay 31, 2022


(From L to R: Gemma Li, Jenisa Azizi, Mona Quinn, Grace Faroe, Imani Grimaldi, Lorelei Sullivan, & Sheridan Campbell)

Previously on The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach…
The girls ended their China trip in Beijing. Imani, Lorelei, Grace, and Jenisa created a plan to go after Gemma, but after throwing a surprise bachelorette party for Lorelei, Lorelei decided to bail. At Gemma’s Auntie Meng’s house, things got very heated when Jenisa and Gemma started going at it resulting in a physical altercation that left the group in shock.

Music plays and shots of Beverly Beach flash across the screen. We get a 4 way split between screens, showing some of the girls doing their day to day activities.

The shot focuses on a big kitchen warehouse. Inside, Sheridan is talking to one of the warehouse workers as aisles and aisles of industrial kitchenware tower behind them.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“The China trip was really weird. I somehow shape-shifted into a peacemaker, or so it seemed, and Jenisa into a Tasmanian devil! I invited Jenisa out today to help me grab some finishing touches for my restaurant because I want to dive in what the hell she was thinking!”

Jenisa: “Sherri, baby?! Don’t freak out…I brought a friend.”

Jenisa, Lorelei, & Sheridan

Sheridan turns around and the camera zooms in on Jenisa and Lorelei walking in together. Sheridan makes a face.

Sheridan: “Oh my…is that Miss Messy?” She laughs.

Jenisa goes up to hug Sheridan and Lorelei walks behind, flipping her hair and sighting.

Lorelei: “Hello.”

Sheridan: “Okay…what is this?”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Jenisa bringing Lorlelei?” She rolls her eyes. “It doesn’t surprise me. She’s been tweeting me aggressive drunk tweets lately.”

Jenisa: “Before y’all start freaking out!” She stands between them. “Hear me out.”

Lorelei crosses her arms and looks at Jenisa.

Lorelei: “Explain. I didn’t know this was a set up.”

Jenisa: “That last day in China was very hard for me and…” She looks at both of them. “I need my friends more than ever. You two I consider two of my closest. Not to mention, I don’t like this riff between you guys. I feel like misunderstandings and nonsense has created this tension. Life is so short! Can’t we move forward?”

Sheridan raises an eyebrow.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I’ve been wanting to have a discussion with Lorelei for weeks but haven’t been able to see her without Imani around. I guess now is the time.”

Lorelei: “I don’t think she and I can move on. It’s too much turmoil. I don’t see her as someone who is kind.” She shrugs.

Sheridan: “Really Lorelei? You say that but I thought we were cool until Imani told me you were the one telling her that I was saying things about her behind her back. We both know that wasn’t true and you just wanted to come between Imani and I.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Sheridan literally did the most malicious thing towards me in NOLA by sharing those screenshots. I put aside my pride and issue with her for weeks to just be kind, but at this point, this conversation is needed if we’re going to move forward.”

Lorelei: “Girl, there was no ‘cool’ with us. I stopped liking you the moment I found out you said and did some grimy shit behind my back last season with your invisible best friend.”

The camera pans to the old man who is working the warehouse, he listens from behind the check out counter and his eyes are wide. Sheridan scoffs at Lorelei.

Sheridan: “If I was talking shit about Imani, why would I talk it with you!?” She looks frustrated. “You’re full of shit and wanted me and Imani to not be cool because you were hurt off some shit from last year. Put your big girl panties on and grow up.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“The only things I’ve ever said about Imani have been on my Twitter or on film. I didn’t sit over there talking about her to her own sister. The bitch is stupid!”

Jenisa reaches over and touches Sheridans arm.

Jenisa: “Woah! Relax, Sherri. Why are y’all fighting like this?”

Sheridan: “This is exactly why Grace is pissed at you now — own up to your side, bitch.” She glares at Lorelei.

Lorelei: “Are you upset?” She rolls her eyes and laughs. “I don’t have anything to own up to. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

Sheridan: “You lied to Imani to make her mad at me! You fed her all these lies saying I was talking about her.”

Jenisa: “Let’s get to the core issue here. Y’all are literally fighting over a miscommunication!”

Jenisa’s Confessional

“Sheridan was dogging out Imani but I’m going to keep my mouth shut.” She laughs.

Lorelei: “Let’s just agree to disagree. We’re not friends, I think we can be cordial at best. I don’t hate you, Sheridan. Let’s just… put this to sleep and move on.” She shrugs.

Sheridan rolls her eyes.

Sheridan: “Whatever, Lorelei. I don’t know why you all hate me when the three of us were so close last year, but it is what it is.”

Jenisa sighs.

Jenisa: “It doesn’t have to be done today or tomorrow but what do you want or need from the other to move back to that fun group you all once were?” She looks at the girls.

Lorelei remains silent and turns to Sheridan.

Sheridan: “I need transparency and her to own up to her part in the fall out. While Imani and I tried to mend fences, she stoked the fire wanting to keep us three apart. I want to know the why…because I miss my girls.” She frowns.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“If I’m being honest. I do miss the fun times with Lorelei and Imani!” Flashbacks play to last season. “It was a good time!

Jenisa: “Don’t respond, Lorelei. Just say what you need from her.”

Lorelei bites her lip then looks back up.

Lorelei: “I need a friend. A true, loyal friend. Not someone who is going to make me question rather or not they have my back.” She frowns at Sheridan. “I’m sorry.”

Sheridan: “I’m sorry too, Lorelei.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I can admit I do have a bit of a stick up my ass. I don’t always admit when I’m wrong. But, I do miss Sheridan. I don’t like fighting with her.”

The camera pans to Jenisa who is grinning.

Jenisa: “I think that’s a great first step, girls!”

Jenisa’s Confessional


The girls begin walking down the aisles of the kitchen supply warehouse together. Lorelei looks Jenisa up and down.

Lorelei: “Now…onto you. You’re not in the clear.” She raises and eyebrow. “How are YOU doing?”

Sheridan: “I’m disappointed in you, mama.” She makes a face.

Jenisa stops walking and turns to face them.

Jenisa: “Okay. First, let me say that I’m sorry. But, like, Gemma was out of line speaking about me as a mother…” She starts to tear up. “It took me a while to get pregnant and when this one stuck. I was over the moon. I’m such a great mom.” She starts crying into her hands.

Lorelei looks sympathetic and starts rubbing Jenisa’s back.

Lorelei: “Oh — I’m sorry, honey. You are a good mother. Don’t let her tell you otherwise.”

Sheridan walks over and gives Jenisa a hug.

Sheridan: “Yes, I know it took you a while and she is so wrong for bring up your child, but you can’t let that take you to such a dark place, Jenisa.”

Jenisa’s Confessional

“About 5 years ago I had a miscarriage. Not many people know that, Not my parents, my sister, not even my friends. I didn’t want to tell anyone because I felt so weak in that moment. Now I know it was a message and not my time. Eli is my son, I would die for him. Fuck Gemma.”

Sheridan steps away after the hug and looks at her.

Sheridan: “You could have seriously got yourself into a Chinese prison — her auntie would have saw to it, too if you didn’t get the hell out of China immediately.”

Jenisa blows her nose and nods.

Jenisa: “I think on top of everything, guys…Gemma is a liar.”

Lorelei: “She is…something.” She widens her eyes. “That’s for sure.”

Sheridan is seen biting her lip.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I love Jenisa — we’ve been friends for a while. I am starting to enjoy Gemma; even if she’s a bit messy — hell we all are!” She laughs. “I don’t know if there is any way I can get the two of them to see eye to eye. They’re both wrong.”

Sheridan: “What does she lie about Jenisa? I mean I know she’s made things up to be messy and cause a stir in the group which most of those rumors flopped.” She laughs. “But what else?”

Lorelei looks at Sheridan and then to Jenisa.

Jenisa: “Well, I think Gemma was arrested.”

Lorelei: “Ooh, honey. She was arrested?” Widens eyes. “What did she do?”

Jenisa: “Her real name is Dorthy. She must have changed it after her DWI. We don’t even know her real name guys!”

Sheridan looks skeptical.

Sheridan: “I don’t know, Jenisa — don’t take it too far that you can’t come back Jenisa. We all know how this rumor game goes. If this is going to cause an earthquake whether it’s true or not, I don’t know if you should reveal it.”

Lorelei shakes her head.

Lorelei: “It’s news to me. On a brighter note, I’m finally coming to a close on wedding planning.” She smiles. “I’m so glad we’re having it in Mexico! It’s going to be fabulous!”

Sheridan: “How fun! I can’t wait. Tulum is gorgeous.”

Jenisa: “Don’t invite Dorothy.” She laughs. “Okay, Sherri, what are we picking out today?”

As the girls go back to shopping in the warehouse, the scene fades out.

Music plays as we see Grace’s fabulous house at night. Inside, Grace is shown looking in the mirror of her master bathroom. Vivian enters and smiles.

Grace & Vivian

Vivian: “You look beautiful! You excited about tonight?” She comes up to Grace and kisses her on the cheek.

Grace: “Thanks, babe.” She smiles. “I’m absolutely excited! It’s not very often we entertain guests.”

Grace’s Confessional

“I love to host when I can. Being a business boss, I don’t have a lot of free time but whenever Viv and I can host a dinner party we do it in style, baby!” She laughs.

Imani & Derek

The scene switches to outside; Imani and her boyfriend Derek are getting out of his Aston Martin. The couple walk up to the door together. Imani holds a bottle of champagne.

Imani’s Confessional

“I’m a little skeptical about this dinner but Grace is my girl and I know the intentions are pure. Sheridan Campbell has come for both of our relationships and has talked very bad about them, so I know Grace wouldn’t just invite her over. In God we trust.”

Grace and Vivian greet Imani and Derek at the door and let them in.

Grace: “Imani, Derek! How lovely to see you both.” She invites them in.

Chefs are working in Grace’s kitchen and we see a big table set up for a dinner party.

Imani: “Oh, it’s lovely to be here, love! You look great.” She hands over the bottle of champagne. “Here you go.”

Grace: “You know I love Veuve!”

Stavros & Gemma

Now, the scene switches to Gemma and her fiancé outside who are the next couple to arrive. Gemma holds a wrapped package and Stavros carries a bouquet of flowers.

Gemma: “Babe, don’t squish the tulips like that!”

Stavros: “I’m not, Gemma. Calm down.”

Stavros glances at Gemma and she sighs.

Stavros: “Relax. Everything will be fine.” He rings the doorbell.

Gemma’s Confessional

“It’s a little awkward being here tonight after the tension Grace and I have had since China and the whole debacle about the bachelorette party I planned for Lorelei. I just want tonight to be good and no drama.”

Vivian opens up the door for Gemma and Stavros.

Vivian: “Hello! Gemma, is it? How nice to meet you! Come in, come in. I’m Grace’s girlfriend, Vivian!”

Gemma: “Hiiii Vivian!” She places her hand on Stavros’ chest. “This is my fiancè , Stavros!”

Vivian: “Well isn’t he handsome. You’ve picked a good one.” She laughs and leads them to the others.

Sheridan & Martin

Sheridan and Martin are next to come. They knock and then let themselves in.

Sheridan: “Hello?”

They walk in, Martin trails behind Sheridan on his phone.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Earlier today I met with Keisha, MJ’s biological mother. I really didn’t feel like coming out with Martin tonight but I didn’t want to no show Grace’s dinner after we’ve just started building a relationship. I made Martin still come because none of the girls have to know about our issues and I don’t want anyone gossiping.”

Grace and Vivian greet Sheridan and Martin. Martin immediately goes to Derek and daps him up after, Sheridan approaches Grace, Vivian Imani, Gemma, and Stavros.

Sheridan: “Hello everyone!”

She goes around and gives her greetings. Gemma turns to Stavros.

Gemma: “Hey, why don’t you go with Vivian to get a drink for Grace and I?”

Stavros nods and as he and Vivian walk off, she approaches Grace.

Gemma: “Can we chat real quick?”

Grace: “Yeah, sure.” She nods.

The two of them walk off, leaving only Sheridan and Imani. They stand and Sheridan forces a smile.

Sheridan: “Hi Imani.”

Imani: “Hello, Miss Sheridan.”

Sheridan glances over at Derek and Martin talking.

Sheridan: “I see Derek and Martin are hitting it off, per usual. Probably discussing basketball.” She laughs.

Imani: “Yes, you know that’s all they like.” She rolls her eyes. “He was excited to come around but nervous as he thought everyone was going to be older than him.”

Sheridan: “Yes, same with Martin. He obviously didn’t want to come.” She laughs.

Imani’s Confessional

“There are two times where Sheridan behaves: When dick is in her mouth or when her EX-husband is around. She acts like a saint when around him, I guess fake til you make it but we all know that relationship is on the verge of breaking.”

The camera follows Gemma and Grace as they walk down the main floor hall. Gemma stops at an office and peaks in.

Gemma: “Can we come in here? Cool!” The girls walk in and she turns to face Grace. “So I just want to make sure we’re good Grace. I don’t want to be here and it be awkward you know. I’m so sorry I didn’t include you in the bachelorette party planning I honestly didn’t know you and Lorelei were so close.”

Grace nods.

Grace: “I appreciate you saying that. Maybe I overreacted, but what was said was said. Let’s just move on and enjoy the night.” She smiles.

Grace’s Confessional

“I have no interest in further conflict with Gemma. Tonight is ALL about love and light, specifically love amongst us couples.”

Gemma hugs Grace.

Gemma: “Thanks, love! Now let’s join the others. I smell that food cooking.” She licks her lips.

Grace and Gemma make their way back to the living room.

Grace: “If you’d like to make your way to the table, we can begin dinner!”

Everyone migrates over to the table with their drinks. Sheridan sits down beside Martin, admiring the table.

Sheridan: “Lovely set up, Grace.”

Gemma: “It is!”

Gemma and Stavros choose to sit across from Sheridan and Martin. Imani and Derek face Grace and Vivian.

Vivian: “On the menu tonight, we’ll be having a nice lobster tail for the main course. A personal favorite of mine that’s been cooked to perfection by Chef Zoe.”

The couple begin chatting and moments later, servers bring out plates for everyone.

Vivian: “Thank you! Wait! Before everyone digs in…” She holds her wine glass up. “Let’s drink to love!”

Imani & Derek: “To love!”

All the couples cheer and begin eating, the camera shows Vivian taking a large bite of her lobster and nodding her head approvingly.

Grace: “So, Sheridan.” She finishes chewing her salad. “ I believe your restaurant opening is tomorrow night, how are you feeling about it?”

Sheridan: “I’m excited for it! Everything is setup, and regardless of what roadblocks are in the way.” She cuts her eyes to Martin and the camera pans to him. “I know it’ll go great!”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I’m not going to let what Keisha told me ruin my happiness for my restaurant’s opening. Martin and I will have to sort out our issues after my event.”

Grace: “I’m very happy for you. You’ve always worked very hard.”

Vivian smiles and looks between Grace and Sheridan.

Vivian: “ I must say, it is nice to see you both come together and move forward. I always thought you were better off as friends than enemies.”

Sheridan: “I am glad the two of us were able to move forward as well, Vivian.” She smiles and looks to Grace. “Grace is a good friend to have.”

Stavros nods.

Stavros: “Gemma told me about your restaurant opening, Sheridan, and that location you got is prime location in Beverly Beach! You’re going to make a killing congrats.”

Sheridan: “Thank you, Stavros! That means alot.” She grins.

Derek: “I hope it is a success, the restaurant business seems to be a hard one to crack.”

Imani: “Despite our issues, I’m happy for you Sheridan. Hopefully it will be the success you want it to be. I plan to fund and create my own business in the next year or so.” She nods and Sheridan smiles.

Sheridan: “Thank you!”

Gemma: “So, Martin, will you be involved with the restaurant at all? Or is it all Sheridan?” She looks over to Martin.

Martin: “It’s all Sheridan. I’m proud of her. She’s making boss moves in the culinary world while I’m out beasting on the court.” He chuckles.

Gemma: “What sport do you play? I’m sorry. I never asked.”

Martin: “My height didn’t give it away?!” He cracks a smile. “I’m in the NBA.”

Gemma: “Oh! Duh!”

Stavros: “She’s a little slow, Martin. Forgive her.”

Almost everyone at the table begins laughing, even Gemma. The camera focuses on Martin and Sheridan. Sheridan sips her wine while Martin wipes off his mouth.

Martin: “Did y’all ladies enjoy China? Sheridan don’t tell me nothing.” He nudges her.

Sheridan rolls her eyes a looks a little uncomfortable.

Sheridan: “Right, babe. I don’t tell you anything.”

Gemma: “I mean the beginning of the trip was great.”

Grace: “It was…enlightening let’s just say.”

Imani: “Weird you mention that because I was just talking to Derek about it.” She intertwines her fingers. “I’m glad Grace was able to host this with our significant other or I would be scared for my life right now.”

Imani shoots Gemma a look.

Grace: “Of course, there’s no way Jenisa is stepping foot in my house.”

Stavros: “Gemma was so disappointed in the behavior of someone in the group at her aunts home.”

Gemma: “Stop.” She kicks him under the table.

Stavros: “No, they should know how you feel.” He looks at the table. “She came home crying to me!”

Imani: “Why would she be disappointed?” She raises an eyebrow.

Gemma: “Why wouldn’t I be disappointed?! Jenisa ruined the tea at Auntie Meng’s house! HELLO!?”

Stavros: “Calm down, G. Stop.” He places a hand on her shoulder.

Grace: “I was so embarrassed by what happened. We were so much better than that…”

Imani: “The whole physical fight was started and poked by you, Gemma.” She rolls her eyes.

The table goes silent. Vivian watches concerned. Sheridan quietly finishes her meal.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“When it comes to Gemma and Jenisa’s beef — I’m not on either side. I love both of the girls but I’m also nervous about what Jenisa shared with me recently.”

Gemma: “BY ME?! That’s so stupid.”

Imani: “You threatened our lives, I’m confused! The location was dangerous, you started arguments, and kept poking at people to START fights… yes you!”

Next to Imani, Derek shakes his head.

Gemma: “I will never start a fight but I will end it.”

“How is Imani blaming this on me? Jenisa attacked me and disrespected my auntie’s home.”

Sheridan: “I just hate to see you two fighting. I love you both, but I don’t think it’s getting resolved soon. I spoke to Jenisa the other day and she told me some things and yeah…I don’t see y’all being friends.”

Grace holds her hands up.

Grace: “Hold on. So we are only giving Gemma flack? How about Jenisa who basically turned into a hood rat?”

Vivian holds Grace’s hand.

Vivian: “Keep it together….”

Gemma: “THANK YOU!”

Sheridan: “I do think Jenisa was just as wrong as Gemma.” She shrugs.

Martin: “Stay out of this mess.” He whispers to Sheridan.

Imani: “It was her trip!” She motions to Gemma. “I think you owe us an apology Gemma. You had no class that entire trip, you didn’t even try to stop the drama.”

Stavros: “Gemma not classy…?” He looks at Imani, annoyed.

Gemma: “Shh babe! Imani, I showed you nothing but grace on this trip. How dare you say I was classless. Are you BLIND?!”

Imani: “Oh girl, just stop! You did some disgusting things on this trip. You look extremely dumb trying to deflect your actions. You are not even remorseful for putting us at stake.”

The camera pans to Derek who looks scared sitting next to Imani.

Grace: “I’ll just say this.” She takes a quick sip of wine. “Jenisa is not innocent. She had me, her,” She points to Imani. “And Lorelei get together to try to take Gemma down.”

Sheridan: “Oh wow…really?” Her eyes widen.

Grace’s Confessional

“I feel it’s important that Gemma knows the truth about Jenisa’s little scheme that she was cooking up in China. After all, if the boot was on the other foot Jenisa wouldn’t hesitate to throw me under the bus.”

Imani: “Grace…Grace…” She looks to Derek then to Grace. “Do you really want to bring this up right now?”

Grace: “Absolutely.” She nods to Imani. “We’re on the subject so why not?”

Gemma: “You need to check your friend, Imani.” She gives a nasty look. “She’s trying to bring you down. Jenisa is looking for any excuse to come for you! She is not your friend!”

Grace nods.

Grace: “I don’t trust Jenisa’s intentions, so I agree with her. I’ve told you before, Imani.”

Vivian: “Enough, now. Come on.” She squeezes Grace’s hand.

Imani: “Please Gemma, you have selective memory. You were the one who tried to say I said bad things about Jenisa’s mothering!”

Derek: “Which is not true just saying. Imani has always praised Jenisa.” He holds Imani’s hand.


Grace and Vivian both look at Gemma, shocked.

Grace: “Okay! Okay! Enough now!” She holds her hands up.

Grace’s Confessional

“If Imani and Gemma think they’re going to throw down Round 2 in my house… they have another thing coming!”

Derek: “Did she really say that, Gemma?”

Gemma: “Yes she did say that!”

Imani rolls her eyes.

Imani: “Please.”

Sheridan: “I think at tomorrow nights restaurant opening the girls should all sit down in my private area and hash this all out. In a civilized adult way!”

Grace: “I agree. A conversation needs to be had. A calm and civilized one.”

Martin: “You think bringing this mess to the restaurant opening is a good idea?” He looks at Sheridan like she’s crazy.

Imani: “Mhm. I don’t want to disrespect you and your space, Grace but I think it’s time for me to go.”

Grace: “Oh no, honey! Don’t leave! Not yet. Stay for desert.”

Gemma sighs deeply.

Gemma: “Listen Imani and you too Derek. I’m sorry if I’ve said anything that fractured your relationship. I was influenced by a hateful spiteful person.” She looks to the couple.

Imani: “I just feel as though you act different when it’s convenient. You have been trying to come for me for the past two months and I’m at a breaking point. I’m staying but stop talking about it.”

Imani’s Confessional

“Gemma is a LIE. Why is she acting this way? She doesn’t care about me, she is the one who spread vicious rumors about all season long.”

Gemma: “Imani, I said one thing about you. This time around it was all your friend Jenisa.” She shrugs.

Gemma’s Confessional

“Did I lie on Imani?Sure I did. But this time around Jenisa was begging me to bring stuff up that I knew wasn’t true. Why? Because Jenisa and I were on a road to friendship and in the end she just needed someone to do her dirty work.”

Grace: “Let’s just get ready for desert.”

Vivian raises her glass.

Vivian: “I’d like to thank you all for coming this evening. We must make this a regular thing!”

The couple all hold up their glasses again and the scene ends.

Music plays as we get a shot of the boujee streets of Beverly Beach at night. We see the outside of Bell Camp, Sheridan’s restaurant. Every table inside is set and servers walk around with some appetizers, there are full bars and a step and repeat. The camera pans to Sheridan posing outdoor on the step and repeat with Martin and Jenisa.

Sheridan & Jenisa
Sheridan’s Confessional

“Tonight is THE NIGHT! So many friends, influencers, and family are in the building for my grand opening.”

We see more of the interior. Social media influencers, bloggers, and the Beverly Beach elite mill around with drinks. Back on the step and repeat, now it’s just Sheridan and Jenisa. Jenisa fixes the front of Sheridan’s dress to cover her up.

Jenisa: “Here you go, babe.”

Jenisa’s Confessional

“I am here for Sheridan! Not here to see Gemma, nor Grace. Keep all those with the letter G to the back of the restaurant.”

Jenisa and Sheridan are seen entering the restaurant after the step and repeat. The camera pans to Elle, former Ladies of Twitter cast member and co-host of Full of Fashion, Adele, a cast member from Connecticut Wives, and Amy, host of Getting Real Tea, posing all together on the step and repeat. As they come inside, they look around.

Adele Gary (CTWives), Elle Stonewell (Lot & FoF), & Amy Lopez (GRT)

Amy: “This is so amazing! Oh my gosh!”

Adele: “This is stunning!” She links arms with Elle. “Definitely giving Beverly Beach vibes!”

Elle: “I love this place already! How fab!”

Sheridan excuses herself from Jenisa and makes her way over to the three of them.

Sheridan: “Oh my gosh, thank you guys for coming!” She gives Amy, Adele , and Elle hugs.

Adele: “Oh you look so stunning, Sheridan! This place is beautiful! Here’s a bottle of champagne to celebrate!” She hands her the bottle.

Elle screams and hugs Sheridan.

Elle: “It’s amazing!” She laughs and looks at Adele. “Did we both bring champagne, Adele?” She holds up her bottle.

Adele: “Well, that’s what ladies do! At least classy ones.” She laughs.

Amy: “I didn’t bring champagne! But I brought some nice wine.” She hands it over.

Sheridan smiles and takes it.

Sheridan: “Thanks, Amy! I love wine!”

Sheridan sips her drink and stands with Amy, Adele, and Elle.

Sheridan: “I’m so happy you all are here! How are things in Twitter and Greenwhich?” She turns to Amy. “Filming any new Getting Real Tea?”

Amy: “Yes! It’ll be back this summer!”

Elle: “Girl — Twitter is just amazing! Since I’ve left Ladies, I’ve just been so much happier, it’s like a weight was lifted off of me! Now I just work, plan charity events, and take care of my kids and family.”

Adele: “Oh lord, Greenwich is too much!” She laughs. “It’s been a shit show since a certain event. Let’s just say she who shall not be named and myself WILL NEVER be friends again. But my son and I have been going back and forth to Greece to check on my parents!”

Elle: “Greece is beautiful! I was just there!”

Adele: “We’ll have a group trip there, Elle!”

Amy: “I’ve never been!”

Elle: “Sheridan and Amy! You both come too.”

Sheridan sighs.

Sheridan: “Oh Adele, I hate seeing you and Alexis fight on social media. I wish you two could get past whatever issues you all have.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Yes I keep up with the drama on Connecticut Wives and Ladies of Twitter.” She laughs. “I’m a whore for reality television!”

Adele: “Sheridan, I would love to move past with her but she holds onto grudges like her husband likes to hold onto men. Damn did I just say that out loud!”

Elle: “Ooooo.” Her eyes widen and she sips her champagne.

Sheridan: “I’m not even going to ask! Oh my!”

Adele: “I don’t think you want to even know the story of it!”

Elle: “So Sheridan how has the Beverly Beach been treating you? Hopefully as amazing as this restaurant will!”

Sheridan: “Things have certainly gotten better! Martin and I are in relationship counseling and I’ve recently gotten to a better place with Grace and even Lorelei — her evil sister not so much but at least she came tonight to support me.”

Amy: “Not Imani!”

Elle: “That’s good to hear though!”

Adele: “I’m so glad to hear you’re keeping these barbie beach bitches in line! You really are thriving.”

Sheridan: “Let’s go back out on the step and repeat and get a few pictures then I need to go in and visit with the girls! I’m sure the blogs will eat these pictures up.”

Sheridan, Elle, & Adele

She laughs and goes back out to the step and repeat. Time passes as we see more guests enter. Gemma, Lorelei, Grace, and Imani are all shown entering and making their way to Sheridan.

Gemma, Lorelei, Grace, & Imani

Grace: “Wow! I love this!”

Gemma: “OH MY GOD IT’S SO CUTE! CONGRATS!” She hugs her.

Lorelei: “Sheridan, congratulations on this, honey.”

Imani: “Oh this is beautiful.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I think it’s best for us all to just play nice tonight and be supportive of Sheridan. I know if I was launching a business and my “friends” caused a scene I would be livid. SO best behavior!”

Jenisa joins the girls and is shown greeting everyone in the group except Gemma. Imani smiles and wraps her arms around Jenisa’s waist.

Imani: “You look gorg! How are you? Everything okay?”

The camera focuses in on them as the other girls stand around them and chat.

Jenisa: “I’m great, how are you?”

Imani: “Good! The reason why I’m asking is because Grace hosted a couples dinner the other night. Gemma, Sheridan, and I were invited. Let’s just say you were a topic of discussion.” Jenisa can be seen glancing at the girls. “We want to discuss it as a group tonight. Hopefully we’ll get to some resolution. Just warning you.”

Jenisa raises an eyebrow.

Jenisa: “Oh? What was said? Derek mentioned something but said to ask you.”

Jenisa’s Confessional

“I’m not surprised I was the topic of conversation. I’m interesting. Gemma and Grace aren’t.”

Imani: “I don’t think it’s my place to say.” She shrugs. “i don’t want to be messy but there was something said along the lines about how you hate how I’m with Derek, how you control people and more to it.” She shakes her head. “I don’t think I should be telling you this. There’s a lot that was said. Let’s just wait. Time to celebrate your girl.”

Jenisa: “Oh Lord.” She chugs back her drink.

We get more shots of Bell Camp packed as people mix and mingle. The camera pans to Sheridan as she takes a microphone and stands up on a seat.

Sheridan: “Excuse me! Everyone?”

The crowd goes silent.

Sheridan: “Thank you all so much for coming out to the grand opening of Bell Camp Restaurant & Bar! I hope you all enjoy the cuisine we’ve prepared — straight from my cookbook for you all to enjoy with cocktails inspired by our fabulous mixologist team! I couldn’t have done this without the support of all of you here and for that I thank you! It was quite the journey to get this all together and many of you helped me with the design plans…” The shot cuts to Gemma. “And some even picking out the cookware…” The camera cuts to Jenisa and Lorelei. “I appreciate all the support.” She smiles. “Here’s to Bell Camp and now let’s try some good food!”

The restaurant erupts into applause. We get a shot of all the ‘Wives standing, smiling, and cheering for Sheridan.

Jenisa: “Yes bitch!”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“For Sheridan to pull off such a fabulous event like this is really impressive. Being in the restaurant industry is cutthroat! Her decor and aesthetic is pleasing to the eye… even if the moniker sounds like some prison in New York.” She laughs.

Sheridan rejoins the group.

Sheridan: “I had them set up a private room for us to dine in just so we can talk as a group.” She smiles and starts walking.

Sheridan leads Gemma, Lorelei, Imani, Jenisa, and Grace to a private backroom. A large table it set up for them and some food is set out on the table for everyone to share. The girls all sit.

Sheridan: “It’s a shame that Mona and Ren couldn’t make it after all the support I’ve given them.” She flips her hair. “Anyways, I wanted to bring the group together to chat about all the drama in the group and it’s best we do it in here — in private away from the crowd.”

Gemma sighs.

Sheridan: “So the elephant in the room — Jenisa and Gemma.”

The girls look at the two of them. Jenisa coughs and Gemma sips her drink, Imani nods.

Imani: “There was alot said at Grace’s dinner.”

Grace shoots Imani a look.

Gemma: “Yes, there was. “ She glares at Imani.

Imani: “Gemma basically said you are jealous of my relationship with Derek, Jenisa.”

Imani looks at Jenisa then we see Lorelei sip her drink through her straw very loudly. Gemma rolls her eyes.

Gemma: “This again? I’m not beating a dead horse.”

Imani: “You don’t want to beat a dead horse NOW but you had a lot to say THEN.” She chuckles. “Don’t do that, Gemma. You were very vocal last night!”

Gemma: “Imani what do you want? I apologized to you. Jenisa and I are done. Fuck her. Don’t start shit with me again.”

Grace: “Not today…” She pats Gemma’s hand.

The rest of the girls are shown nibbling on food and sipping their drinks.

Grace’s Confessional

“If I’m being honest, I could believe Gemma. Jenisa’s got a lot of history with Derek and poor Imani is a pawn in her game. She wants to get her wrinkly little claws into Derek and Imani is being manipulated. Plain and simple.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“We’ve been talking about Jenisa’s feelings towards Imani and Derek for months now.” She sighs.

Imani: “No no no. You behave and stop with the profanity I don’t need you to be acting like you did at your Aunt’s house. We said we were going to discuss this as a group.” She looks around.

Sheridan: “Can we get to a place of healing? This drama is old news ladies. We can’t keep going back and forth over the same drama.”

Jenisa: “Imani. You know me. I’m not entertaining this. Gemma, you are not who you say you are. You have prior convictions. Arrests. DWIs. Name Change. You are as FAKE as they come.”

Gemma: “This is stupid. Jenisa is making up lies, yet again.”

Jenisa: “It’s no lie, Dorthy. You are fake as fuck!”

Sheridan: “The lies in this group need to stop!”

Gemma: “Now who the fuck is Dorthy?! You’re so stupid, Jenisa. Go smoke another joint…or crack.” She waves her hand.

Jenisa: “You’re never going to tell the truth.” She narrows her eyes at Gemma.

Lorelei: “This isn’t productive.” She sips her drink.

Jenisa: “So where are we doing here?!”

Jenisa: “You’re just a jealous ex baby momma.” She points to Jenisa. “I mean look at Imani then look at you!” She laughs. “I’d be mad too! You’re a delusional little cunt so SHUT THE FUCK UP!”

Sheridan shakes her head and eats the last piece of her steak.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“At this point they have both did things to hurt others and are both in the wrong. Can we move on?”

Grace: “I have a question.” She looks between Gemma and Jenisa. “I want to know id either of you are willing to own your part in what happened in China?”

Jenisa: “Grace. I absolutely own whooping that bitches ass and if given the chance I would absolutely do it again. So yes, of course, I own it.” She smiles.

Gemma looks disgusted and Sheridan stares directly into the camera.

Sheridan: “Woahhhh. My God!”

Grace looks at Jenisa disapprovingly.

Grace’s Confessional

“I cannot believe what I’m hearing. Not only has Jenisa gotten physical, she shows no remorse and is now threatening to do so again. Unbelievable!”

Jenisa: “Sorry if that wasn’t the answer you wanted but that’s the answer I have to give. She’s a toxic trick from China Town. Tootles!” She laughs.

Grace: ‘Woah now! Let’s not address her like that. Gemma’s race has nothing to do with this.” She shakes her head.

Gemma: “Go smoke more crack and have several seats stupid bitch.” She leans back in her seat and drinks her wine.

Jenisa begins filing her nails.

Jenisa’s Confessional

“I’m not going to sit and go back and forth with Gemma. She’s tired. She’s bored. She is not who she says she is. I don’t want to hang out with people who get drunk and drive a car. It’s irresponsible!”

Jenisa: “Let’s move onto something more important! How I got my girlies Sheridan and Lorelei back together.”

Sheridan and Lorelei smile but Imani and Grace look at the two of them, confused.

Sheridan: “Yes! Jenisa brought Lorelei and I together and we have moved on.”

Lorelei: “I’m glad we were able to get back to a place of positivity!” She grabs Sheridan’s hand.

Grace rolls her eyes and Imani raises an eyebrow.

Imani: “Aw…”

Sheridan: “You ladies should learn from this!”

Imani: “Wow! Lorelei is a chameleon, I never know with her!”

Grace laughs.

Imani: “Congrats ladies, really!” She begins clapping. “I wonder how long this will last!:

Lorelei narrows her eyes at Imani.

Lorelei: “What’s that suppose to mean?”

Imani’s Confessional

“I hate to say it but Lorelei is a fake BITCH. Sheridan set her up in NOLA with Grace and now she’s running back to her, she must really want a wedding gift or a catering discount because…”

Sheridan: “Imani, girl. With time and effort you and I could make up too.” She blows a kiss.

Imani: “I’m good over here!” She blows a kiss back with a fake smiles. “I rock with the real ones, unlike Lorelei.” She looks at her sister.

Lorelei: “Alright, Imani. You stay over there and be mad.” She sighs.

Imani: “Mad at what? I’m confused… weeks ago this woman was dogging, spitting, shitting, and more on YOU!” She motions to Sheridan. “Now you want to make up? I’m confused. You do you, but you are treating Grace like shit if willingly decided to makeup with Sheridan but won’t give Grace the time for a sit down?” She cocks her head.

Lorelei glares at Imani.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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