[S5E14]: The Great Brawl of China

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
24 min readMay 25, 2022


(From L to R: Gemma Li, Jenisa Azizi, Mona Quinn, Grace Faroe, Imani Grimaldi, Lorelei Sullivan, & Sheridan Campbell)

Previously on The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach…
The group was divided in Shanghai after the first dinner. Jenisa, Imani, Grace, and Lorelei hatched a plan to confront Gemma but the plan went hay wire when Gemma revealed she planned a surprise bachelorette party for Lorelei, making Lorelei want to lay off of Gemma. A surprising fight broke out between Lorelei and Imani & Grace.

Music plays as we get a shot of the sun rising over Shanghai. We see the girls getting up in their suites. They are lagging and hungover but eventually all get packed up and onto a bus. We get a montage of them not really speaking to one another and then them boarding a train.

Moments later, we see Gemma sitting in a lounge area of the train. She leans back in her seat.

Gemma: “I’m so excited for you girls to come to Beijing! This is where my family is from and we’re actually going to be visiting with a relative of mine I haven’t seen in years! Auntie Meng!” She smiles.

Awkward music plays as the camera pans to Imani and Grace who sit in their seats across from Gemma. Gemma bites her lip when she notices Grace is scrolling through her phone, clearly ignoring her.

Grace, Gemma, & Imani
Grace’s Confessional

“I am beyond annoyed after last night. Gemma knew exactly what she was doing and then today. She’s acting like nothing happened! Wake up bitch.”

Grace and Imani remain silent. Imani looks out the window.

Imani’s Confessional

“To be quite honest, I give zero fucks about Gemma. I don’t even know why she’s near me considering the mess she TRIED to start. I know a try hard when I see one, and with the one, I’ve truly had it.”

Gemma clears her throat awkwardly.

Gemma: “So, uh, have either of you been to The Great Wall?”

Grace looks up from her phone.

Grace: “I have not. I do not support Trump, sweetie.” She sarcastically smiles and goes back to scrolling.

Gemma giggles.

Gemma: “The Great Wall of China, honey! It’s not affiliated with Trump, ma’am.”

We see Imani rolls her eyes and turn to Grace.

Imani: “Grace, how are you feeling after last night?”

Grace: “I’ll be honest. I’m not happy.” She glances at Gemma.

Gemma’s Confessional

“Clearly Grace is still pissed about the bachelorette party and Imani is just there. Whatever I don’t give a shit.” She rolls her eyes. “They just better not act like clowns around my aunt. She is like well known high society here in Beijing so they better be on their best behavior.”

Gemma: “I’m going to go explore the train.”

She throws her AirPods in and quickly gets up from her seat and walks off into a diffrent carriage. Imani shakes her head.

Imani: “Anyways…I don’t know what’s going on with Lorelei, one day she gets mad at me for not defending her then the next she does the opposite. I don’t stand behind her actions. I think you are 100% right.” She sighs.

Grace smiles at Imani and touches her heart.

Grace: “Aw. Thank you, sweetie.”

Imani nods.

Imani: “I know it feels to be the outcast, Grace. You have tried your best to be Lorelei’s friend and you are entitled to feel the way that you did last night.”

We get a quick shot of the train chugging through the Chinese countryside. We now see Grace who hangs her head sadly.

Grace: “I am hurt. Gemma knew what she was doing but she’s just to ignorant to even stick around and have a conversation! As for Lorelei, right now, I don’t want to talk to her.” She shrugs and makes a face.

Grace’s Confessional

“I’m not totally discounting Lorelei as a friend but right now, I need space. I’m hurting and I need time to heal and think things over. So, Lorelei, social distance your Kim Kardashian behind from me for the time being thank you very much.”

Imani: “I don’t know where I stand with Lorelei on this trip.” She shakes her head. “I don’t know why she keeps interacting with people who despise us but she had a lot to say when I was friendly with Jenisa. The she turns around and does the exact same thing with Gemma!”

Grace: “It’s very hypocritical. I don’t know if she’s taking something that’s messing her up or what but she’s drinking people’s fucking Kool-Aid, that’s for sure.” Her eyes widen.

Imani: “The air must be different here because she won’t stop doing it. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt but when will this stop?” She takes a chug of her water bottle. “She needs to be called out and not diminish our opinions and feelings when we state them.”

Grace nods along.

Grace: “You two definitely need to have a conversation away from everybody else. This group has a habit of involving themselves in things that don’t concern them and it’s quite a toxic trait.”

Imani: “There are a couple women that continue to give their input when it isn’t necessary.”

Grace’s Confessional

“I see how upset Imani is. Her sisters not showing up for her like she should be. If my sister treated me like that, then I’d feel the exact same way.”

Imani: “I have known you long enough to trust you and I know I can confide in you and I thank you for understanding how I feel.”

Imani’s Confessional

“Grace and I have grown so much. Though we do butt heads sometimes, I appreciate her unapologetic self and how she handles things. She will always say how she feels.”

Grace smiles and nods.

Grace: “I appreciate that, sweetie. I feel the same. You can talk to me about anything.”

Imani: “And vice versa honey. I am proud of us, we’ve come so far.”

Grace: “Indeed we have.” She smiles. “I wouldn’t want to have anyone else on my side besides you.”

The music in the scene picks up as Imani and Grace hug. The camera zooms out from the cabin, shows the outside of the train, then zooms into the next cabin where Mona sits alone and sips a mimosa as she skims a Chinese magazine.

Mona’s Confessional

“Last night, chile…” She laughs nervously and shakes her head. “All I remember was dancing up on a fine man. Not sure Adam’s going to like that.”

Jenisa walks into the cabin and sits down across from Mona.

Mona & Jenisa

Jenisa: “The bathroom was pretty clean!”

Mona laughs.

Mona: “Good! Well…” She leans in and looks around. “Girl, what the hell happened last night? I remember nothing and need a recap while the others aren’t around!”

A flashback of Mona dancing on the male strippers plays, she takes a body shot off of one of the guy’s abs.

Jenisa: “Lord Jesus! Me neither! It’s okay though. No videos were posted this morning, none of the other girls said anything to either of us.” She shrugs.

Mona: “All I remember is dancing the entire night and a ton of strippers.” She laughs a bit. “Honestly, I’m kind of afraid that Adam’s going to see me acting a fool.” She sips her mimosa.

Mona’s Confessional

“Adam has a HUGE reputation as a producer in the Beverly Beach community, I wouldn’t want to like tarnish that.”

Jenisa raises her eyebrow.

Jenisa: “Why?! You’re just on a girls’ trip having fun!”

Mona: “I know, it’s probably a stupid thought.” She sighs. “Adam is a little judgey though…”

Jenisa looks at her.

Jenisa: “Care to elaborate…?”

Jenisa’s Confessional

“Mona has been a bit hush hush about Adam. I actually don’t think I’ve ever met him. What’s the big deal of her having a bit of fun?”

Mona: “Yea, let me give you an example because it’s hard to explain. A few months ago I asked him to run lines with me for a movie and when he looked at the lines he told me I was an idiot for taking the role and the movie would end up being complete garbage.”

Jenisa looks taken aback.

Mona: “It’s stuff like that he gets pissy over, so when he sees all this I feel like he might tell me I’m acting like a slut and need to tone it down.” She shrugs.

The camera pans back to Jenisa who still looks disturbed.

Jenisa: “Mona, you realize that’s not normal, right?! I mean Derek and I split and he never treated me like that.”

Mona: “It’s not.” She pauses. “I’m making it out to seem like he’s a terrible human being. He has moments like all of us where things fly out of our mouths without thinking about them first.” She laughs a little.

Jenisa: “Of course! He’s your husband, for better or for worse?”

Jenisa’s Confessional

“I hope Mona doesn’t think I’m being all nosey about her marriage but husbands that treat their wives like the way Adam treats Mona.” She shakes her head. “That’s sociopathic.”

Mona: “Absolutely, for better or for worse!” She smiles. “I love him and we have a wonderful family, but at times he’s like super judgemental. And I bet sometimes I can be annoying too.”

Jenisa: “My piece of advice is to know your worth, mama.” She smiles at Mona.

Mona: “I do, girl. Thank you.” She grabs Jenisa’s hand.

Jenisa: “Listen, Mona. How am I going to handle Gemma?!” She throws her hands up.

Mona: “Chileeeeee.”

Jenisa: “Honestly, I want to hit her.” She looks serious. “Strangle her, possibly.”

Mona laughs.

Mona: “Let’s not do that! Use your words as weapons instead of those hands.”

Jenisa nods.

Mona: “I don’t get her logic though. Why would you make up something about your bad parenting skills to get attention. That’s like insane!”

Jenisa rolls her eyes then crosses her legs.

Jenisa: “I don’t get her logic though. Why would you make up something about your bad parenting skills to get attention?! That’s like insane. We don’t know her, Mona.”

Mona: “Who are we talking about again…?” She says in a ditzy voice and laughs. “Hey I think we’re almost here let’s get back to the girls.” She stands up.

Jenisa: “Alright, mama.”

Jenisa’s Confessional

“Gemma doesn’t know what’s coming for her. Mark my words tonight is the end of Gemma Li.”

The scene fades out.

Music plays as we see a magnificent view of The Great Wall of China. The girls are now seen walking along it, led by a tour guide. Grace lags and walks behind the rest of the group. She is texting on her phone.

Grace, Jenisa, Sheridan, Mona, Gemma, Lorelei, & Imani
Grace’s Confessional

“At this point, I’m just ready for the trip to be over. I have my business to attend to back home in Beverly Beach and now that me and Lorelei aren’t speaking, the atmosphere is definitely more hostile than it ever was before.”

Gemma walks along with the tour guide in the front and they exchange a casual conversation in Mandarin.

Gemma’s Confessional

“I’ve been to The Great Wall plenty of times throughout my life, but I thought it would be a great, like, zen moment for the group especially after such a tense few days.”

The camera pans to Mona and Jenisa who link arms and walks along.

Mona: “The view is gorgeous.”

Behind them, Lorelei carefully looks over the edge.

Lorelei: “Um, this is scary.” She laughs.

Sheridan poses on the side of the wall as a random tourist takes her picture.

Sheridan: “Thanks, girlie!”

Grace stops looking at her phone and grabs Imani’s hand who is slightly in front of her. The pair stop to talk.

Grace: “This feels so awkward…”

Imani: “Very awkward. I hate it already.”

Grace: “I’m upset it came to this between me and her…” The camera shows Lorelei who is still cautiously looking over the edge. “But, it is what it is.” She shrugs.

Imani: “I will try speaking to her tonight, hopefully she has come to her senses.”

Sheridan makes her way over, she puts her hand on Grace’s back.

Sheridan: “Sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear. It’ll be okay, Grace. Everything will work out, hun.”

Grace nods at Sheridan.

Grace: “Thanks, but right now I’m not so optimistic.”

Grace’s Confessional

“I never imagined that me and Lorelei would end up not speaking. It’s a hard adjustment to make for sure.”

Sheridan walks infront of the group and joins Gemma and the tour guide.

Sheridan: “LADIES! Let’s get a quick group photo at the Wall so we can send it to Ren, then, I have something to share with you all!” She grins and claps.

Mona: “Yasss!” She gets together with the girls.

All of the ‘Wives pose together as the tour guide takes their photo. Grace stands to the side and mopes.

Imani: “Come on, smile!” She nudges Grace.

Mona’s Confessional

“Grandma Grace is such a party pooper like go home already.”

The camera pans to Lorelei who poses with Gemma on the other side of the group.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“This little tiff I have with Grace is comical to me, at best. She is sensitive & she blew up on me for absolutely no reason. I’m not falling for the “I’m sad” act. Screw her.” She rolls her eyes.

Sheridan: “Aw thanks babe!” She takes her phone from the tour guide and turns to the girls. “Okay ladies, so as some of you know, I’m opening a restaurant in Beverly Beach and it’s set to have its grand opening next week and I’d love it for you all to come.”

Mona: “OMG! Of course! Sounds like fun!”

Gemma: “Oh my god is it finally ready!!! I’m so happy for you Sheridan!”

Gemma’s Confessional

“This is a big step for Sheridan and I’m all here for it in supporting her!”

Jenisa: “What kind of restaurant?”

Sheridan: “The restaurant will feature my recipes from my cookbook!” She smiles.

Jenisa: “Incredible!”

Jenisa’s Confessional

“Sheridan cooks? I love her but I haven’t seen her cook once. She definitely eats but cooks? Not so much.” She laughs.

Grace: “I’d love to come and support you.” She nods.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Regardless of the tiffs in this group, I’ve had friendships with everyone here, so I hope they will support me back in Beverly Beach.”

Lorelei: “That’s nice. I’ll see if I have availability to come. I’ll let you know if I’m going to RSVP.”

Sheridan: “Thanks ladies! I’m super excited!”

Grace’s Confessional

“Despite the history that Sheridan and I share, I think we’re getting to a good place and going to support her will do both of us some good. Be the bigger person, Grace.” She smiles.

The camera pans to Imani who folds her arms and observes.

Imani’s Confessional

“Why is she taking over someone else’s trip to promote her restaurant? Is this an infomercial?”

Imani turns to Lorelei.

Imani: “Lorelei, can you come here real quick?” She walks over to the side and Lorelei follows.

Lorelei nods.

Lorelei: “What’s up?”

Imani: “Alright, I think we need to talk about your behavior last night. Grace and I have been very hurt as to how you handled that situation. I know you and I will be good, but Grace really is hurting!”

Lorelei sighs.

Lorelei: “Girl, this again?” She flips her hair. “You guys need to let it go.”

Imani: “Yes, this again.” She glares. “You sometimes tend to walk over people’s feelings but the moment the same is done to you won’t stop talking about it. You owe Grace and apology. She has been off since the situation.”

The camera pans to Grace who looks sad on the other side of the wall, Sheridan is rubbing her back and Gemma leans against the wall near them.

Sheridan: “Are you okay, girl?”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Lorelei turning on Grace reminds me of Lorelei turning on me. It shouldn’t surprise me. She couldn’t even be loyal to a dick why would she be loyal to her home girl?!”

Grace: “I will be. Thank you for asking me.” She looks to Sheridan and smiles.

Sheridan: “Don’t let her stress you out.” She motions in Lorelei and Imani’s direction.

Grace: “I won’t let her. I’d rather throw myself into work when we get back. That’s my focus.” She sighs and looks out into the vast distance of wilderness.

Sheridan: “I understand; the toxicity is draining — especially when Lorelei is involved. She never owns her part.”

Grace: “On this occasion, you’re right.”

Gemma walks over and raises an eyebrow.

Gemma: “But — How is Lorelei an issue when she’s as quiet as a mouse? If anything I feel like Imani is more of a problem.”

Sheridan: “It’s both of them but Lorelei puts the battery in Imani’s loud ass. Imani told me that herself.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Imani told me that Lorelei was telling her all types of shit about me. I haven’t forgotten.”

The scene now goes back to the sisters’ conversation. Lorelei shakes her head at Imani.

Lorelei: “I don’t owe Grace shit. Not an apology for last night. Not anything.” She laughs. “Grace is a baby… I think she showed me her true colors by flipping on me like a wild animal. I’m good on her.

Imani narrows her eyes.

Imani: “You’re not loyal! You’re not being loyal right now! I don’t know why you think being stubborn is a good thing when Grace genuinely considers you a friend.”

Lorelei: “It was a KIND gesture, what Gemma did. She and I aren’t besties. I’m not being stubborn, don’t do that.” She sighs. “You’re not understanding the BIGGER picture here. Gemma did a nice thing, it’s my fucking wedding and if I want to be happy for a kind gesture she did, I’ll do it.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Imani is yet again, beginning to piss me off. She doesn’t really have the mental capacity to understand what I am saying. Grace is just really overdramatic and wants it to be about her, I’m not and I won’t do it.”

Imani: “Didn’t this girl lie on me? This is weird. You are being so materialistic right now, who cares about a party? Why do you not care about your friends feelings?”

Lorelei “Let’s just drop this. I’m getting agitated and I don’t want to do this.” She scoffs.

Imani: “No.” She shakes her head. “Why would we drop this? I’m confused. Grace is hurt.”

Lorelei: “She’ll be fine.. Grace can get over it.” She shrugs. “But, I’m done with this conversation, Imani. Drop it.” She looks at her sternly.

Imani rolls her eyes and they make their way back to the group who have now gathered in a certain area. Imani walks over and stands next to Jenisa.

Jenisa: “Hey baby!” She gives her a hug.

Imani: “Hey babe.” She hugs her back.

Sheridan: “Imani, hun, are you okay? You look flustered.” She glances at Lorelei.

Imani: “I’m good, Sheridan.” She smiles softly.

The camera pans to Lorelei as she looks at Sheridan and Imani. She licks her teeth and then scoffs.

Lorelei: “Mhm.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“My sister has never been one to be that bright when it comes to things in life.” She stares blankly. “We’ll just leave it at that.” She laughs.

Jenisa: “Are we ready to go? My feet hurt.” She pouts.

Gemma: “Yeah! We’re close to finishing up here ladies! So the van will pick us up at the bottom and we will be joining my great aunt for some tea and a little chit chat.”

The girls begin walking, following the tour guide back the way they came.

Sheridan: “Fun! I can’t wait to meet your auntie!”

Mona: “Love that, Gemma!”

Jenisa: “Yeah…”

Jenisa’s Confessional

“Her aunt? We already have Grace. Why another old bitch?”

Gemma looks down at her phone.

Gemma: “Oh! We need to hurry! The van’s already here.”

Gemma’s Confessional

“No one killed each other or pushed anyone off the wall so far we’re in the clear for a good day in Beijing!” She smiles.

We get a wide shot of The Great Wall of China and the scene fades out.

Music plays as we see diffrent shots of Beijing. Eventually, we get an aeriel view of the van as it travels through what looks like a traditional Chinese urban neighborhood.

It stops at a house, out infront an old Chinese woman is waiting and waving. The girls get off the van and Gemma leads them to the entrance.

Gemma: “AUNTIE MENG! HELLO. IT. IS. ME. GEMMA.” She screams slowly.

Gemma bows for Auntie Meng and Aunitie Meng does the same for the girls.


Imani: “Why are you screaming?” She raises an eyebrow.

Sheridan: “Her auntie is damn near deaf, Imani have some respect!”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I’m pretty sure Gemma told me her auntie is hard of hearing.”

Gemma: “She is!”

Grace bows infront of Auntie Meng.

Grace: “Hello. How nice to meet you! I’m Grace.”

Auntie Meng welcomes the girls inside her home. She has set up tea for them on a small table on the ground. There are old photographs of Gemma’s family spread out. The girls start kneeling so they can fit at the table. The camera zooms in on Lorelei as she surveys the house.

Lorelei: “This is…very cute. Chic.” She clears her throat and sits.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I can definitely tell Gemma doesn’t come from a long line of generational wealth. Her grandma, or whatever, is living in the slums of China, honey! Oooh!” She shivers. “This is truly, the hood of China.” She laughs. “And I didn’t even know China had a hood.”

Once the ladies are all around the table, Gemma taps on her tea cup.

Gemma: “So ladies, this is my Auntie Meng! She is my dad’s mother’s sister.” She gently puts her hands on Auntie Meng who kneels next to her just nodding and smiling.

Grace: “So nice to meet you Meng! You have a very nice home.” She sips her tea.

Grace’s Confessional

“Even though I’m not really speaking to Gemma right now, I’m the type of person who was raised to respect your elders. I’m going to be polite to Gemma’s aunt, she’s done me no wrong and she’s generous enough to invite us into her home. She’ll probably live to regret that choice!” She laughs.

Auntie Meng starts talking in Mandarin, Gemma translates. The girls all look the the pictures.

Gemma: “Auntie wants to know how we’ve been enjoying China so far?” She looks to the girls.

Mona: “It’s awesome!”

Sheridan: “SO GOOD AUNTIE!”

Mona: “Gemma, do you visit here often?” She inspects a childhood photo of Gemma.

Gemma: “I do!” She side eyes Meng. “Right, Auntie?”

The camera pans to Jenisa who is unamused. She huffs.

Jenisa: “Is there any sugar? Milk? This shit is bitter as fuck…”

Gemma shoots Jenisa a look.

Gemma: “Jenisa, please calm down. Here.” She passes her everything.

Jenisa: “Thanks…I actually have a question for Meng.”

The girls look to Jenisa.

Jenisa: “I’ve noticed this country is very dirty, Why is that?”

Grace, Imani, and Lorelei all gasp. Meng looks at Gemma confused, asking her to translate.

Mona: “Well damn, Jenisa.” Her eyes widen.

Gemma: “Please girl.” She looks at Jenisa sharply. “Do not be rude.”

Grace’s Confessional

“I’m in shock. We are in someone else’s home. The way Jenisa is acting is so disrespectful. It’s not right to flat out disrespect someone’s country. I’m so embarrassed and this woman isn’t even my aunt.” She shakes her head.

Jenisa: “I’m not being rude. I’m asking why this place is dusty and dirty?” She shrugs and sets her teacup down.

Grace: “Jen, come on…”

Sheridan: “Oh My…”

Jenisa’s Confessional

“It’s over populated. It’s dirty. Get over it, grandma.”

Gemma: “Don’t disrespect my auntie like that, Jenisa. Please mind your manners. I know you’re over there being a bitter ass bitch because you’re an unfit mother.” She holds her hands up.

Sheridan: “Oh goodness gracious.”

Jenisa cackles then Gemma glares at her.

Gemma: “You want to go, Jenisa? We can go.”

Imani: “Oh wow…”

Mona: “Are we going to do this in front of Gemma’s frail aunt?” She looks concerned and the camera focuses on Auntie Meng.

Jenisa: “You bring up about me being an unfit mother again, your ass is going right in that coy pond.”

Gemma: “Touch me and your ass will stay in China to rot away in jail.” She snarls.

Lorelei: “No, no! Ladies! Let’s not do this.” She laughs a little. “We don’t do violence, honey.”

All of a sudden Jenisa gets up.

Jenisa: “Let’s go, bitch.” She motions for Gemma to get up.

Sheridan: “Jenisa, no!”

Auntie Meng watches, not understanding what is going on. Grace puts her face in her hands.

Jenisa: “I’m so fucking tired of you.” She points to Gemma. “Actually, EVERYONE is.”

Gemma: “Do you all feel this way?!” She looks around at the group. “Speak the fuck up now!”

The girls remain silent then Jenisa starts walking towards Gemma and Lorelei springs up, grabbing Jenisa’s arm.

Lorelei: “No, no, no, no, no.”

Jenisa: “Who are you, Gemma? WHO is the real Gemma Li?!”

Jenisa starts to get closer, Lorelei keeps trying to hold her back.

Lorelei: “You are better than this!”

Mona: “Jen! No! Sit down!”

The camera pans to Grace who is watching the interaction next to Imani.

Grace’s Confessional

“Jenisa is really showing her ass right now.” She shakes her head. “She looks ridiculous. Like, girl, put your earrings back on and sit down!”

Jenisa: “I’m fine!” She pushes Lorelei off of her and continues to Gemma. “You have fucking lied to every single one of us. You have caused ridiculous amounts of drama. You have lied about your fake made up life!”

Jenisa’s voice starts getting louder and more aggressive. Auntie Meng is cowering in fear. Mona is up now, trying to calm Jenisa down as she is basically towering over Gemma.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“What is going on?!”

Gemma: “I’m tired of you spinning stories.” She shrugs.

Jenisa: “You are a fucking broke, disgusting, snot! You have no money! You have no man!”

Gemma gets up and starts to get aggressive back towards Jenisa.

Gemma: “Everything was planned by YOU! YOU set the shit up to catch Imani in a trap. Bitch, don’t fucking do this shit!” She starts yelling. “YOU ARE AN EVIL TRAMP!!!”

Jenisa: “Your pussy is DRY! Your bank account is DRY!” She points.


Sheridan’s mouth is wide open.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“The way she’s reading her in front of her Auntie who can’t hear any of it.”

Jenisa: “Everything about you is dried up! Fuck you and…” She points to Auntie Meng. “Fuck you too!”


Gemma leans over and shakes the table, sending it tumbling over in Jenisa’s direction. Jenisa breaks free of Mona and lunges at Gemma. She grabs a fistful of Gemma’s hair and pulls her to the ground. Gemma shrieks and security starts rushing in. With Gemma’s hair tangled, she reaches up and starts clawing at Jenisa’s face blindly.

Imani: “NO! NO! NO! What is wrong with you?!”

Grace springs up from the table and away from the altercation.




Jenisa’s Confessional

“Gemma is another version of that bitch Anna Delvey. She’s scammed people for years. Someone will get her. Hopefully the Feds.”


Mona: “Gemma don’t talk to her like that…” She glares as she walks out.

Security has now separated them. The rest of the girls are rushing to get out of the house. Sheridan shelters a crying Auntie Meng and helps her outside.

Sheridan: “Oh my God! We got to get you out of here!”

Lorelei: “That was…oh my God! No!” She walks out with Imani.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I am not one to get physical. I will never throw a punch. I’m usually the one getting punches thrown at me.” She laughs. “I definitely can relate to Gemma, when people can’t handle your mouth, they resort to violence…” She coughs. “Looking at you, Ren.”

Imani: “What the hell?!”

Outside, Lorelei, Imani, Sheridan, and Grace gather.

Lorelei: “That is so, like, ghetto. We are fist fighting in someone’s auntie’s house in China. Come on you girls! Let’s stop this.” She looks down.

Grace: “Agreed.”

Grace’s Confessional

“I am beyond shocked and beyond disgusted. You can say a lot of things about Grace Faroe but I’ve never gotten physical. Not once. As a group, we’ve managed to hold ourselves above what people might think about us and now in a single second… they’ve both taken it away.”

Sheridan: “That was CRAZY!” She makes a face. “I’m appalled. I didn’t sign up for ratchet bullshit. I signed up for Olivia, Lauren, Ren, not this ratchet shit.”

Sheridan’s Confessional


Imani: “I have to leave.” She looks at the group and then glares at the cameras. “Why are the cameras still up? This is not who we are. This is disgusting.” She brushes past one of the cameras hastily.

Imani’s Confessional

“Everyone has talked so much shit about me, my behavior, and the way I carry myself but you can never say I will get physical. This is beyond inappropriate, I don’t condone violence.”

The camera pans to right outside the house. Jenisa is talking to a Producer with Mona, her face looks a little rough. Mona runs her fingers through Jenisa’s hair, fixing it.

Mona: “Jenisa, are you okay? Why are we touching other girls though?!”

Jenisa: “I’m fine.” She looks pissed. “I was pushed. How did she get on this show G? How did she get on this show?”

Producer G: “Um, Jenisa. You just put your hands on her first.”

Jenisa: “I DONT CARE. She’s a fucking asshole. Talking about me as a mother? Get me on a flight tonight.”

Mona bites her lip.

Mona’s Confessional

“Yeah Jenisa flew off the handle, but Gemma started this when she talked about Jenisa’s parenting. This was a MESS!”

As Gemma is escorted out of the building, she sees Jenisa and yells.

Gemma: “Go take care of your son, bitch!”

Jenisa whips her head.

Jenisa: “Fuck you!”

Mona: “Jenisa! Stop!”

Gemma is escorted to a van away from the women.

Gemma’s Confessional

“I am appalled this happen in my aunties home. I cannot wait to hear what my family back in Beverly Beach are going to say to me.”

Mona and Jenisa go back to talking to Producer G.

Mona: “Yeah, I’m going with her too. Book the flight back to California now. I’ll have Adam charter the jet if I have to.”

Producer G: “On it.” He nods.

Jenisa sits on the ground and takes a deep shakey breath. Mona slides down to sit beside her. Jenisa covers her face.

Jenisa’s Confessional

“For the record I didn’t pull her real hair. I pulled the extensions. Gemma can literally sit and spin. I’m over her. She’s lied to legitimately every single person here. Everyone doesn’t even know Gemma isn’t her real name. She’s a fraud. She’s DEAD to me. Fuck her and her no teeth Auntie. Peace China.”

The episode ends.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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