[S5E13]: Bachelorette Blindside

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
28 min readMay 24, 2022


(From L to R: Gemma Li, Jenisa Azizi, Mona Quinn, Grace Faroe, Imani Grimaldi, Lorelei Sullivan, & Sheridan Campbell)

Previously on The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach…
The ‘Wives arrived in Shanghai for Gemma’s trip. Jenisa revealed that Gemma told her that Imani was supposedly talking bad about her, she prepared for a potential confrontation. At the Yu Garden, Mona took Jenisa and Gemma to task for misbehaving at her movie premiere. The night went to hell when Jenisa decided to confront Imani.

Music plays as we get cool shots of Shanghai on the second day of the trip.

The camera pans over the city and eventually we see a huge building; The IFC Mall. It is a huge mall with hundreds and hundreds of stores inside.

The shot switches to follow Lorelei, Imani, Grace, and Jenisa as they walk through the mall. Imani has her arms linked with Grace.

Grace, Imani, Jenisa, & Lorelei

Imani: “This is my first time here! I’m loving it! They have really great stores.” She looks around.

Grace: “They do! It’s amazing here, honestly! We’ve actually shipped some products from House of Faroe here before, if I remember correctly.”

We now see Lorelei and Jenisa who walk side by side, slightly behind Grace and Imani. A woman wearing a full fur coat struts past, catching Lorelei’s attention.

Lorelei: “Honey, the Chinese are RICH!” She laughs and claps. “I’m in actual heaven!”

Jenisa just silently looks around.

Jenisa’s Confessional

“After last night at the street vendors, I’m not sure where I stand with Imani. Lorelei thought it may be a good idea for me to come but now I’m having second thoughts. Imani and I haven’t even spoken a word to one another and I’m starting to ask myself why I’m even here.”

The Wives walk into an expensive bag shop and a worker greets them.

Lorelei: “Come, sit. Before we get to shopping…”

Lorelei takes a seat on a posh, white bench. Jenisa sits next to her and Grace and Imani sit at the ones adjacent to them.

Lorelei: “I just want to know how everyone is. I know last night got a bit…crazy.”

The camera pans to Imani who just looks at Jenisa.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Imani and Jenisa are obviously having some sort of tension right now. I’m just wanting to clear the air and hopefully allow them to be able to see who the common denominator is… Gemma.”

Jenisa clears her throat.

Jenisa: “I mean…last night was very uncomfortable for me…”

Grace tucks a piece of hair behind her ear and nods along. Jenisa now turns to Imani.

Jenisa: “Imani, I’m sorry I walked away while you were trying to talk. I just needed a minute. I was getting very overwhelmed.”

The girls all look at Imani to see her reaction, she rolls her eyes.

Imani: “I’m not even focusing on that, Jenisa. I’m hurt. I won’t lie.” She shakes her head.

Imani’s Confessional

“I’m hurt at the fact that Jenisa would even accuse me of talking about her.

Imani’s Confessional

“Much less in front of our entire group of girl friends. I thought we were actually becoming friends. Gemma directly came for your mothering but you chose to confront me with zero proof? I’m so confused.”

Lorelei: “I think we should let you two have a moment. C’mon, Gracie.”

Lorelei gets up and Grace follows. You can see them in the background as they begin admiring the very expensive designer bags in the store. We go back to Imani and Jenisa talking on the bench.

Jenisa: “So, what are you focused on then?”

Imani: “Gemma has lied before and is the one who has directly come for you about your mothering so for you to believe that I am even said something when I praised you days before that hurt me a lot.”

Imani’s Confessional

“Like — What kind of girlfriend will allow her boyfriend’s baby mama to come around? Hang out with them? Have healthy conversation about their parenting? Praising their parenting? No one! No one will… Jenisa did that for no reason, I have never given her a reason to disrespect me or to not confide in me.”

Jenisa sighs and shakes her head.

Jenisa: “I understand that and I honestly apologize.”

Imani: “I accept your apology.” She nods. “Let’s work on our relationship again, baby steps though.”

The shot switches to Lorelei and Grace. Lorelei is modeling a bag and Grace is taking a picture.

Grace: “That’s beautiful, Lorelei. You have to get it!”

Lorelei: “Oh! It is gorgeous, I’ll take it!” She grins and hands it to a worker to go wrap it up.

Lorelei glances over at Imani and Jenisa still talking, she turns back to Grace.

Lorelei: “Looks like it’s going good? I’m praying it’s going good.” She nervously laughs.

It now switches back to Jenisa and Imani talking.

Jenisa: “I think there’s a few things that are very telling that came from this miscommunication. First, I think we both had preconceived notions about each other. Second, when I spoke to Gemma, I didn’t know what to believe. She was very convincing. I asked her to confront you with me.” She bites her lip. “Clearly, by her actions last night, she’s full of shit.”

Imani: “I’m glad you’re finally seeing through Gemma.”

Jenisa: “Lorelei! Grace!” She summons them over.

Moments later, Lorelei and Grace walk over and sit back down.

Lorelei: “Everyone good?!”

Jenisa: “Yes! We are! But listen here — We have to end Gemma.”

Grace raises her eyebrow.

Grace’s Confessional

She looks confused.
“End her? What are you? The mafia?!”
She laughs.

Jenisa: “Gemma has caused so much chaos between Imani and I…”

Lorelei: “Gemma is a PHONY! She has no loyalty, no allegiance to anyone in this friend group & she has no real ties to any of us. She is garbage.” She shrugs.

Jenisa: “I’m telling you all. All the shit I heard about her being an absolute fraud has to be accurate.”

Imani: “What have you heard?” She raises an eyebrow.

The camera pans to Grace who is intently listening.

Jenisa: “She’s this world renowned club promoter? Bitch where? I haven’t been to one Gemma Li party this year. I think the bank account is dried up.”

Lorelei laughs.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“It is about time the rest of these women are realizing Gemma is just… there. She’s like a ghost. Lurking in the shadows, popping up to cause some drama with some lies and then she goes back into the dark, awaiting to do it all again. She’s a demon.” She nods. “A real demon.”

Lorelei: “Well, I think now that it’s out there about Gemma. It needs to be addressed, she needs to admit her actions if she wants to move forward with the group.”

Jenisa: “Does anyone else think it’s weird that we know nothing about her?”

Grace makes a face.

Grace: “Never really thought about it that much…”

Jenisa’s Confessional

“I know more about what going on in Grandma Grace’s life than Gemma’s and Gemma is supposed to be my friend.”

Lorelei: “Maybe she’s on the run.” She chuckles.

Jenisa: “Who is Gemma Li?”

Grace: “So what exactly are you proposing to do, oh wise one?” She looks at Jenisa.

Jenisa: “I mean the only reasonable thing to do is to kill her.”

Imani and Lorelei exchange a look. Jenisa looks around and starts laughing hysterically. Grace’s eyes widen.

Jenisa: “Kidding! It’s okay, Grace.” She grins.

Grace’s Confessional

“I don’t know if Mona’s been giving Jenisa acting lessons but she seems to suddenly think she’s in the Godfather. The girl’s lost her damn mind, that’s what it is.”

Jenisa: “I suggest we find out who she really is. Hold her feet to the fire for once as an united force.”

Lorelei nods.

Jenisa’s Confessional

“The only one to be an issue is Sheridan but lord knows she isn’t that loyal. She’ll let Gemma go up in flames before she gets a little burnt.” She shrugs and sips her drink. “It’s the truth.”

Jenisa: “Are we all in agreement?” She looks at the rest of the girls. “Cause I’m ready to shop till I drop.”

Lorelei: “I’m in. I never cared for her anyways.”

Grace: “Sure.” She shrugs. “If you take the lead.”

Jenisa: “Of course.”

Imani: “I’m definitely in! The demise of Gemma, girls!” She claps.

Grace: “Now, can we get back to shopping?” She takes a card from her bag. “I have the House of Faroe discount card!”

Jenisa: “Yas!”

The scene ends as the girls get up and start walking around the bag store again.

Music play as we see downtown Shanghai and people walking the street. The camera follows Sheridan, Mona, and Gemma as they walk on the sidewalk. They stop at a traditional looking Chinese restaurant and walk in.

Mona, Gemma, & Sheridan

Gemma: “Here we are!”

Inside, the a chef walks to the front and greets the girls. Gemma and him talk briefly in Mandarin and then she turns to the girls.

Gemma: “This is Pak and he’s the head chef of the restaurant! He’ll be teaching us how to make some traditional Chinese dumplings today, ladies!”

Mona: “Hi Pak!”

Gemma: “Shall we apron up and get to it?”

Sheridan: “Sounds like fun!”

Gemma’s Confessional

“So I arranged for us to do a dumplings making class and more specifically I wanted Sheridan the chef in our group to have this wonderful cultural experience. Who knows maybe her new restaurant will add dumplings to the menu after this class today!”

There is a montage of the ladies and Pak as they make their way into the kitchen. Pak explains the process and and the girls can be seen rolling out the dumpling dough and putting filling in them.

Gemma: “So, Sheridan, how are things with the restaurant going? Do you have an opening date yet?”

Sheridan: “Yes, indeed! I was planning on telling all you ladies at once, but you’re all invited! It’ll be shortly after we return from China. We’re just finishing up some last minute designs. Nate is overlooking all that while I’m here.” She smiles and continues filling dumplings.

Mona: “Love that, babe!”

Gemma: “That’s so amazing!”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I’m so excited for the restaurant to open! I know the girls will absolutely love it.”

Pak continues to help the ladies make the dumplings. He goes to steam them and instructs the girls to sit down until they are finished. They walk out to the restaurant and take a seat at an empty table, taking off their aprons. Pak brings them out water and cocktails as they wait.

Sheridan: “So ladies…last night.” She laughs.

Gemma: “A MESS.” She rolls her eyes.

Mona: “Am I the only one who thought Imani acted like one of my toddlers?”

Sheridan: “When does Imani not act childish?” She laughs. “She loves to stir the pot.”

Gemma: “I mean, if it’s not her it’s Jenisa. No wonder they shared a man.” She giggles.

Mona: “Gemma, what’s going on with all that? I was so lost.” She sips her drink.

Sheridan: “I hate that you didn’t hit it off with Jenisa. I was really hoping you two could move forward.” She frowns.

Gemma nods.

Gemma’s Confessional

“I knew this was going to come up so I guess I need to just address this head on.”

Gemma: “Listen, Jenisa wants someone to blame for her subpar parenting skills and I feel like she wants to pin it all on Imani. She’s an easy target for her.” She crosses her legs and shrugs. “I never heard Imani speak ill of Jenisa’s mothering skills. I just said it do Jenisa could have a reason to attack.”

Mona: “So you made it up?” Her eyes widen.

Sheridan: “Oh wow, Gemma. I thought you were getting past all the fabrications.” She shakes her head.

Mona’s Confessional

“GIRL! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? Did she really start mess on her own trip?”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Gemma, Gemma, Gemma…I thought you were growing! Now you’re going back to doing the same thing you were doing a couple months ago? How can we even defend you?”

Gemma sips her cocktail.

Gemma: “Jenisa told me this information and wanted me to spread it. This lie was created by Jenisa herself.” She twirls a piece of her hair. “I did it because I thought I was being a good friend to her. But in the long run I see it really ruined me rebuilding my friendship with Imani.”

Sheridan: “Wait — What?!” She raises an eyebrow.

Mona: “Seriously?”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Baby, this is some twisted shit! You all thought Imani and I were bad for pranking Pat last year — what is this?!”

Mona: “That sounds too insane to be true.” She shakes her head.

Gemma: “I mean obviously Jenisa won’t own up to it but it’s the truth.”

Mona: “This is alot.”

Mona’s Confessional

“I don’t believe any of this from Gemma. Why would Jenisa want to spread negative things about herself around? It makes no sense.”

Pak brings out the steamed dumplings for the girls to enjoy.

Gemma: “Oh my! These look yummy! Dig in, ladies.” She picks one up with her chopsticks.

Mona: “Delish!” She chews.

Sheridan takes a bite and smiles.

Sheridan: “This is tasty! The tea you just spilt…not so much, girl.” She shoots Gemma a look.

Gemma’s Confessional

“I know I opened Pandora’s box with this revelation but I’m tired of being the one who gets called a liar time and time again. That’s not what I want to be knows for in this group. I thought I was being a good friend and I should’ve know better but I was fooled.”

Gemma: “I think we need one normal dinner here in China, so I would appreciate if we dealt with this back in Beverly Beach.”

Mona: “Yeah, I’m not opening this can of worms.” She shakes her head.

Gemma: “I don’t have time for anymore of Jenisa’s antics.” She laughs.

The camera zooms in on Sheridan as she takes another bite of dumpling.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I’m not going to promise I won’t bring it up.” She laughs. “I like Jenisa and I like Gemma but I don’t know what the hell is going on.”

Gemma: “Let’s pack the rest of these up and take them back to the other girls so we can get out of here.”

The girls start to clean up and the scene fades.

Music plays and a gong sounds as we get a fast motion video of the sun setting over Shanghai. The city comes alive, radiating neon lights.

The camera zooms in on the gigantic Oriental Pearl Tower. Inside, we see a large bustling dining room. the elevator dings and the housewives step out and make their way to the host stand.

Lorelei, Imani, Jenisa, Grace, Mona, Gemma, & Sheridan

Gemma: “Reservations for Gemma Li. There are seven of us.”

The hostess grins and bows.

Hostess: “A pleasure to have you in tonight, Miss Li. I hope your father is doing well.”

Gemma: “He is.” She smiles.

The hostess leads the ‘Wives through the dining room. Glass walls from floor to ceiling give a magnificent 360 view of Shanghai at night. The girls are lead to a private dining room with a large table set up for them with an amazing view. Lorelei does a twirl before she sits down.

Lorelei: “This is so fabulous! The view is to die for.” Once she sits, she takes out her phone and begins taking videos.

Gemma sits at the head of the table and gently sets her clutch next to her plate.

Gemma: “This s is one of my favorite places to dine at when I’m in Shanghai! My father loves it as well.”

Gemma’s Confessional

“I just want this dinner to go smoothly so we can get to the fun part which is a surprise for the night. I hope everyone is ready and in a partying mood!”

The camera pans to Jenisa sitting down next to Imani.

Imani: “You look gorgeous tonight.”

Jenisa: “You too!” She grins. “Love this look!” She motions to Imani.

Mona looks over at Imani and Jenisa interacting, Grace laughs.

Mona’s Confessional

“Hold on a minute. Weren’t these bitches fighting less than 24 hours ago What the — “

Sheridan now notices Imani and Jenisa giggling together. After the waiter takes her drink order she points her finger at the two.

Sheridan: “Oh, this is new ladies. Did we make up after last night?”

The table goes silent and the attention is on Jenisa and Imani who have now stopped chatting.

Jenisa: “Well, Imani and I spoke today…” She looks to Imani.

Imani: “Jenisa and I are in a better place than last night.” She nods.

Jenisa: “Yes. A wonderful place.” She smiles and gives Imani a side hug,

Mona: “Really?!” Her eyes get big.

Grace’s Confessional

“All these women are BAFFLED by the sight of Imani and Jenisa getting on. Joke’s on you suckers! All part of the plan.” She laughs.

Jenisa: “Yeah, Mona! We actually — “

Gemma: “PERFECT!”

All the girls look at Gemma, surprised by her sudden interruption.

Gemma: “Since we’re on the whole thing of making up and good vibes and what not…” She turns to Lorelei. “Lorelei, I want to celebrate you tonight since you’re about to be married…I’ve rented out a club in downtown shanghai for us to celebrate a little bachelorette party if you will!” She does a little clap.

Lorelei’s eye widen, she looks like she’s been taken off guard.

Lorelei: “That is…that is kind of you, wow.”

Mona: “That sounds like so much fun.” She smiles.

Gemma: “I made some calls and got everything taken care of on my own. it’s the least I can do!” She grins.

The camera pans to Grace who looks displeased.

Grace’s Confessional

“You planned a surprise bachelorette? Excuse me, where was the memo for me and Imani to help? It’s weird and out of left field! I feel like Imani and I should have been involved considering we’re the closest to Lorelei in this group. It’s so random for Gemma to have planned it.” She shakes her head. “Bitch.”

Sheridan: “Hey, I’m always down.” She shrugs.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I will definitely go out and enjoy the night. I don’t care about lumpy’s bachelorette party though.”

Gemma: “It’s going to be so much fun! I have my friend who’s an international DJ flying out and some of my other friends will be there too.”

Sheridan: “I’m sure your friends are fabulous.”

Lorelei: “That’s really nice Gemma.” She smiles. “Really.”

Sheridan’s confessional

“This is comical. Lorelei doesn’t have anyone who gives a damn about her except for her botched sister so it doesn’t surprise me Gemma had to fill the guest list with her own friends.”

Imani’s Confessional

“Gemma has friends?”

The girls go back to chatting at the table. Grace turns and taps Lorelei’s shoulder.

Grace: “I’m going to use the bathroom, come with me?”

Lorelei nods and the two girls up. The camera stays at the table but shows Lorelei and Grace as they walk off. We see them in the distance as their mics clearly pick up them talking in a hushed tone.

Grace: “She’s so full of shit, Lor. This whole night and idea she has is a complete ploy for something else, some other big drama!”

Lorelei: “Well, she’s being nice by doing this. i don’t want to be a bitch and not, like, accept the party.”

Grace: “Are you being serious? You were all for pouncing on her a few hours ago! Like Jenisa said, we don’t know this girl. For all we know, she could be a whore who’s fucked half of Shanghai!”

The scene briefly switches back to the table. Gemma is laughing and talking with Mona, Sheridan, Jenisa and Imani.

Gemma: “I didn’t know whether or not to get a stripper! I’m sure some of you would have liked it, but I have them on standby if Lorelei wants them.” She smiles.

The camera switches to show the closed bathroom door. Lorelei can be heard attempting to muffle her mic but subtitles appear on the screen.

Grace: “Whatever. Have it your way.”

Grace suddenly storms out of the bathroom. She gives the camera a dirty look before heading back to the table. Lorelei comes out of the bathroom and trails behind.

Grace’s Confessional

“Lorelei’s quick turn around says alot. She’s let herself be bought.”

When Grace and Lorelei rejoin the table, the food has been delivered and the rest of the girls are eating. Grace sits down and crosses her arms, upset. Sheridan looks at Grace.

Sheridan: “Grace, hun, is everything okay?”

Grace: “Not really.” She looks up at Sheridan.

Gemma: “Grace I ordered you a glass of wine. You seemed angry when you left and I thought you would need it to refuel yourself when you returned.”

Grace narrows her eyes at Gemma.

Grace: “I don’t want anymore surprises from you.”

Gemma looks shocked.

Gemma: “Well the first surprise wasn’t even for you, darling. It was for Lorelei.

Grace: “A surprise that YOU planned when you barely know her. I find that strange. Why didn’t you consult me or Imani? The two that are closest to her?” She raises an eyebrow.

Jenisa watches and Mona rolls her eyes.

Sheridan: “Oh my — “

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I’m going to stay out of this because I just became cordial with Grace and if I call her out for being dramatic it’ll mess up our progress.”

Gemma: “Grace, stop. This isn’t about you. It’s about Lorelei.”

Mona can be heard leaning into Sheridan and whispering.

Mona: “When it’s not about Grace, she get’s angry and finds a way to make it about her. Typical.”

“Is this ole bitch really mad that I didn’t let her plan this bachelorette party? I’m sure she had all her Amazon decorations ready to go in her floral suitcase.”

Lorelei: “Grace, why are you doing this right now? Why are you making this about you?” She looks at Grace confused.

Mona: “She’s looking for a moment.”

Gemma: “Clearly.”

Mona’s Confessional

“I’m so flabbergasted as to why Granny could possibly be angry right now. She’s so rude to Gemma who’s doing something nice for her friend.”

Grace turns to Lorelei.

Grace: “I’m not making it about me. She should’ve spoken to me or Imani. Let us help. But no, she has to go and do what she wants, poisonous little dwarf.”

Gemma: “Little dwarf.” She laughs.”I’m so hurt.” She says sarcastically.

Imani nods, taking a bite of her steak.

Imani: “I agree with Grace.”

Grace’s Confessional

“Jenisa was right. I see Gemma for the sneaky little hobgoblin that she really is and I’m not backing down.”

Lorelei: “Grace, I understand you’re upset about this, but this is a kind gesture from her. You’re being VERY DISRESPECTFUL right now. You need to calm down, right now.” She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. “Why are you acting like this?!”

Grace points to Lorelei.

Grace: “Do not tell me to calm down. Do not pacify me.” She looks pissed.

Sheridan smirks and sips from her champagne flute. Lorelei looks to Grace and sighs.

Lorelei: “You are acting as if you’re the one who wants to be married to me. You’re acting like a scorned lover. This is very unbecoming of you Gracie.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I’m living for this! Lorelei telling a lesbian woman that she’s obsessed with her and she’s acting like she wants to marry her is not a good look though!”

Imani: “Lorelei!” She snaps. “Quit it! Listen to Grace, she has a point.”

Gemma rolls her eyes.

Gemma: “Imani, I mean you and I don’t even talk so why would I consult you about the party? Grace you always have issues. Your family, your health, your neck, your back, blah blah. Why would I want to add more to your plate?”

Mona: “It’s funny because it’s true!” She laughs.

Grace: “You shut up, I’m not talking to you.” She glares at Gemma then turns back to Lorelei. “Lorelei. You’re the one drinking the fucking Kool-Aid. It’s pathetic.”

Lorelei bangs on the table.

Lorelei: “Drinking the Kool- Aid?! I’m being NICE! You need to try it sometime.” She flips her hair and turns her back to Grace.

Grace suddenly stands up.

Grace: “I’m not dealing with this.” She looks at Lorelei. “I love you but you’re blind to what she’s doing. It’s manipulation.” She shoots Gemma a look.

Imani: “Lorelei, I don’t know why you’e acting like this! Grace is right, you don’t know this bitch.” She points to Gemma. “Get some sense!”

Lorelei: “Imani, my god, it is the principle. I’m not going to tell this girl “oh thanks for doing this, but no, fuck you” y’all are really so immature! Grow the fuck up! Both of you!”

Jenisa: “This is too much…”

Gemma shrugs.

Gemma’s Confessional

“I’m glad to see Lorelei not let Grace steamroll over her with her fat ass. Lorelei is growing a backbone right in front of our eyes.” She claps. “Bravo!”

Grace shakes her head angrily.

Grace: “You know what, Lorelei…Go fuck yourself! And YOU…” She points to Gemma. “Have a nice dinner!” She throws her napkin on the table and walks off, Imani gets up and follows.

Gemma gasps.

Lorelei: “Oh go fuck myself? You should fuck your self! You seem like it need a release, babygirl!” She puts a hand up. “Whatever.”

Sheridan turns to Mona.

Sheridan: “ I don’t know what the fuck is happening but I enjoy watching Imani and Lorelei and Grace scream at each other.”

Mona: “They might bust up Grace’s hearing aid though, watch out!” She laughs.

The camera shows Grace and Imani as they get in the elevator to go back down.

Grace’s Confessional

“I’m definitely looking at things a lot more clearly and differently after tonight. Lorelei’s not the friend I thought she was and as per usual, nobody takes my side. I’m an outsider on an island, by myself. Cheers!”

The scene goes back to the table.

Gemma: “So that’s two off the guest list tonight right?”

Mona: “Thank God.”

Gemma: “Pretty girls only! And under 40.”

Mona: “Yasss!”

The camera zooms in on Lorelei who is still pretty silent and goes back to finishing her food.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I am disgusted with this behavior with Grace and even Imani. I get where they’re coming from, but for them to be acting like children is really disgusting.”

Sheridan: “Let’s finish our drinks here and get to the party!”

Jenisa: “I’m so ready!”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“It’s so strange to see the way Grace stormed off. It’s almost as if she has this like lesbian crush on Lorelei and wants to provide everything for her. Grace should really be warning about provided for her daughter who clearly hates her. I see why she doesn’t though look at the way she acts when she can’t control things.”

The scene ends.

Music plays as we see a posh rooftop club that overlooks Shanghai at night. There are lot of people on the rooftop.

Gemma is shown greeting random people that come in. Sheridan, Mona, and Jenisa are seen ordering drinks at the bar.

Lorelei, Imani, Jenisa, Grace, Mona, Gemma, & Sheridan

Mona: “SHOTS!”

Jenisa: “Give me a drink now! Whatever you have, stat!”

Sheridan: “I just know the girls are going to be fighting on this roof and I can’t wait to watch!” She receives her drink from the bartender.

A random man next to her raises and eyebrow and looks at her.

Man: “Oh — “

The camera pans to Imani who is on the opposite end of the bar ordering a drink.

Imani: “I need seven kamikaze shots because my bitch ass sister tried to tell me I need to grow up…” She downs a shot.

Jenisa makes her way over to Imani and grabs her hand.

Jenisa: “Let’s dance!” She pulls her on the dance floor and starts dancing.

The camera pans to Sheridan and Mona who are now dancing together. Gemma gets on a mic and stands on the table.

Gemma: “Hello! Hello! Everybody!”

The rooftop begins to quiet down and the music stops.

Gemma: “Hi! Thank you all for coming! Lorelei Fox is in the building! Everyone congratulate her on upcoming nuptials and lets have a good time!”

The camera pans to Lorelei in the crowd and she smiles, raising a glass.

Lorelei: “Where my strippers at?! I wanna see naked men.” The crowd laughs.

The servers hand out shots to everyone and people begin cheering.

Gemma: “CHEERS!”

Gemma raises the glass then throws the shot back, everyone does the same. The music turns back up and the party continues. Mona is seen taking three shots in a row at the bar then she rushes to the dance floor. The camera pans to Sheridan who is dancing with a random man.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I’m drunk and having fun with this nerd. My man won’t be jealous.”

Sheridan continues to twerk. Throwing it back hard. The camera follows Gemma as she makes her way to the bar, Jenisa intercepts her and pulls her aside.

Jenisa: “Yo!” She sips the drink that she’s holding.

Gemma: “Oh hi little messy!” She sets the microphone down then wiped sweat from Jenisa’s lip.

Jenisa: “You fuckin’ lied to me.” She slurs her words a bit and sways. “Like — Like, actually fuckin’ lied to my fuckin’ face. Whatssss your deal?”

Gemma tilts her head.

Gemma: “Jenisa, do you really want to get into this right now?”

Jenisa: “Yeah, I do.” She hiccups.

Gemma: “I don’t think now is the place or the time.” She crosses her arms.

Jenisa looks down at her arm that doesn’t have a watch on it.

Jenisa: “Oh, it’s time and we’re at place.”

Mona stumbles over to Jenisa and Gemma.

Mona: “JENISA! Ah — What are we talking about?”

Gemma: “Oh, you know, Jenisa starting problems as always…” She rolls her eyes.

Jenisa now hangs on Mona.

Jenisa: “She fuckin’ lied to me.”

Gemma: “Jenisa! I didn’t lie! Stop it.”

Jenisa: “She told me Imani said I was a BAD MOM. I’m a GREAT mom!”

Gemma: “I’m sure you are.”

The camera pans to Sheridan who is looking over at the girls, she stops dancing.

Sheridan: “Wait! I’ll be back. There’s DRAMA!” She runs over to the girls with her drinks.

Mona: “Y’all are talking about how you…” She nods her head at Jenisa. “Told Gemma to tell everyone about your bad parenting?”

Jenisa: “YES! WAIT…” She looks at Mona, surprised. “WHAT?!”

The camera pans to Gemma who sips her champagne.

Jenisa: “Say that again. Slowly.” She looks to Mona.

Mona: “That’s what she told us earlier.”

Gemma: “Because it’s the truth.” She shurgs.

Lorelei is now shown being catered to by men in a special VIP area. She sips her drinks and looks over at the girl fighting.

Lorelei: “Uh, uh. Won’t catch me doing that on my night.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Are these girls really fighting at my bachelorette?! Of course they are!” She laughs.

She giggles as a ripped male brings her another drink. The scene switches back to Sheridan, Mona, Jenisa, and Gemma talking in a circle.

Mona: “Earlier today, Gemma said you orchestrated the whole thing about Imani saying you were a bad parent so you could go after Imani.” She looks from Jenisa to Gemma.

Jenisa: “Are you fucking kidding me?!” She glares at Gemma.

Gemma: “Jenisa, you asked me to use the rumor so you can have a reason to go after Imani. Don’t lie.”

Sheridan cringes watching the interaction.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Mona! You’re the one who promised you wouldn’t bring it up in Japan! Er — China? Wait…Are we in China or Japan?”

Jenisa: “You’re such a fucking liar Gina…Gemma! Whatever your name is.” She rolls her eyes. “Fuck you!”

Gemma: “You’re so jealous that Imani’s with your baby daddy. You would say or do anything to hate her.”

Jenisa: “I’m going to go have fun! Fuck this bitch!” She turns.

Gemma: “You’re a sad pathetic excuse of a human being. Get out of my face.” She walks off.


Mona pulls Jenisa back on the dance floor. All of a sudden Gemma turns around sharply and begins walking back.

Gemma: “Is that a THREAT?!”

Jenisa: “Oh, it’s a promise!”

Mona: “Jenisssssaaaa! Noooo, let’s go drink more.” She begins tugging her.

Jenisa: “Please.” She snaps her head in Mona’s direction.


Sheridan gasps.

Sheridan: “Gemma!”

Mona: “Not the C-word!” She turns to Jenisa. “We need to ignore that girl and get wasted, Jenisa!”

Mona and Jenisa go to dance on the dance floor. Sheridan walks over to Gemma to make sure she doesn’t do anything else.

Gemma: “Seriously, that girl ruins any chance of fun we could ever have together as a group.”

Sheridan: “Gemma, let’s just forget all the bullshit tonight and have fun! I’m sorry that this was all blown up tonight after you asked us to wait.” She shrugs.

The camera follows Imani as she pulls Lorelei away from a group of people she’s talking to.

Imani: “Can we talk?”

Lorelei nods and Imani leads them to the edge of the roof top where there is a hightop table. The two of them sit.

Imani: “Are you good?” She swirls her straw in her drink.

Lorelei looks at Imani and shrugs.

Lorelei: “I’m fine. Are you good? That’s the question, Imani.” She raises and eyebrow.

Imani: “No, I’m not.” She shakes her head. “You’re being a bitch.”

Lorelei: “How so? Explain.” She chuckles.

Imani: “You need to apologize to Grace. She was right tonight.” She nods. “You don’t know that girl.” She points in Gemma’s direction. “Why would she do all of this without us know?! I’m your sister and she’s not even your friend!”

Lorelei cackles and stands.

Lorelei: “Absolutely not. Grace is not getting an apology, she can kiss the crack of my ass. She was dead wrong coming at me like that at dinner. You, on the other hand, didn’t need to be backing Grace’s ass up.” She glares at Imani “Gemma did a nice thing by this. I appreciate it. Y’all are being extremely petty.”

Imani: “This woman has been so nasty to me and the one time she does something nice for me you’re gonna invalidate everything she’s done to me?” She shakes her head. “Are you stupid? You must be.”

Lorelei: “First off, don’t call me stupid. I’m your sister. Have some respect. Y’all are expecting me to just say “fuck you” to this girl who literally did all of this for me. I get it, I get it. Y’all are upset she didn’t include you on it. I understand, but y’all aren’t seeing the positive in it.”

Imani: “This girl was just spreading lies about me last week. Are you really erasing that just because you got a party?” She is visibly very upset. “I’m not about to argue with you Lorelei but you owe me and Grace an apology.”

Lorelei: “You’re a baby.” She rolls her eyes.

All of the sudden the girls can be heard screaming.

Gemma: “OH MY GOD! What is he doing?!”

The camera pans to a big stripper that has taken his huge package out and is swinging it in front of the entire party.

Mona: “HE’S GOT A BIG DICK! LOOK AT THAT THING!” She is seen clutching onto Jenisa.

Mona’s Confessional

“That night? Yeah…I blacked out.” She laughs.


Lorelei and Imani both turn around. Imani’s eye widen.

Imani: “Oh my, girl! What is this?!”

Sheridan: “That’s dick, honey! Don’t act brand new!”

Sheridan comes over and grabs both the sister’s hands and leads them to the dance floor, towards the stripper.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“She’s seen over 100 dicks, why is she playing dumb now. Girl.”

Lorelei gasps and looks at the stripper as they get closer.

Lorelei: “Oh Lord! That thing is big, honey!” She laughs.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I mean…” She makes a face and blushes. “It is big! But…my fiancé is bigger.” She shrugs. “What can I say?! I like them large and extra hard!”

Gemma claps as Lorelei, Imani, and Sheridan join the rest of them.

Gemma: “Yess!”

Gemma’s Confessional

“ I don’t even know where my assistant found this man in Shanghai but apparently he’s a well known stripper in these streets!”

The scene switches to Jenisa slumped over a sink in the bathroom, asleep. Girls are trying to help her. Outside, the final few moments show Lorelei, Imani, Gemma, Sheridan, and Mona all dancing on the dance floor and enjoying themselves.

Gemma’s Confessional

“I hope Lorelei enjoyed this Bachelorette Party I planned for it. It’s a shame her best friend, Grace, was such a big baby she missed out on all the fun. As for Jenisa she’ll be hearing from my lawyers soon if she wants to make threats toward me.”

The episode ends as we get an aerial view of Shanghai at night.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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