[S5E12]: “Am I Speaking Chinese?”

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
28 min readMay 18, 2022


(From L to R: Gemma Li, Jenisa Azizi, Mona Quinn, Grace Faroe, Imani Grimaldi, Lorelei Sullivan, & Sheridan Campbell)

Previously on The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach…
Lorelei attempted to get Grace and Mona to see eye to eye but it ended with no resolution. For the first time after their blowout at the movie premiere, Jenisa and Gemma sat down one on one. Gemma told Jenisa that her new friend, Imani, has supposedly been talking about her parenting. Gemma invited the girls on a trip to China.

Music plays as we get multiple cool shots of Shanghai, China.

We see the bright city and bustling streets of downtown. The camera zooms up to show an aerial view of sprawling urban jungle that is Central Shanghai. Our next shot follows a Sprinter van that is driving on the freeway, towards the outskirts of the city. Inside; Gemma, Jenisa, Imani, Lorelei, Grace, Sheridan, and Mona are all dressed in traveling clothes and are looking out the window. The camera pans to Lorelei who is grinning as she looks at the scenery.

Lorelei: “I didn’t get good sleep on the plane but I need to stay up to check out the views!”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Gemma hosting a trip to China is fabulous. I love the food, the fashions, the vibe. I hope we can all have a great time.” She holds her fingers up and crosses them.

Gemma grins and stands up.

Gemma: “I’m glad you have a good first impression of China, Lorelei!” She claps her hands. “Attention! Girls!”

The camera pans to the rest of the girls on the van who fall silent. There is faint snoring heard and the camera pans to Jenisa who is asleep with her mouth open and sunglasses on, Mona shakes her and she wakes up.

Jenisa: “AH! Sorry!” She wipes her mouth.

Gemma: “For the first part of our trip we’re going to be staying at Amanyangyun! It is a fabulous, fabulous resort right outside the city that my family and I stay at.”

The camera shows the van peeling off the freeway and onto a calmer road, surrounded by nature. Gemma looks out the window.

Gemma: “We’re almost there! Here’s the deal, I booked two wonderful suites each with four individual bedrooms. I’ve split it up like so…” She looks at the girls. “Grace, Lorelei, Imani, and I will be staying in one suite. Jenisa, Sheridan, and Mona will be staying in the other suite. Does that work for everyone?”

Lorelei and Imani both nod.

Imani: “Yes!”

Sheridan smiles.

Sheridan: “Of course.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Gemma planned these suites strategically. She put friends with friends which at this point is a pretty good idea! We need people to be amicable, not wanting to kill each other. I feel much safer sleeping with Jenisa and Mona.” She laughs a bit.

Gemma: “Good! We’ll have about two hours or so to get ready and settle in then we’re going to go to the garden then a cruise to see the city at night!”

The bus pulls up to the impressive Amanyangyun resort. We get multiple shots of the resort. The girls all admire it as they get out of the van.

A wait staff of seven all stand along the entrance path, they hold a drink for each of the ladies. A beautiful woman greets them and starts to lead them in.

Imani’s Confessional

“Look, I don’t now how to pronounce this place or how Gemma is paying for this, but a vacation is a vacation and I’m ready to get out of Beverly Beach. Plus, this place is nice.”

The lady who greeted them explains that the workers will deliver their bags to their suites. Private staff members set up to serve each suite spilt the girls up and lead them to where they will be staying. The scene switches to Jenisa, Sheridan, and Mona’s room after they’ve been settled in for a few minutes. Jenisa is still walking around the suite and exploring.

Jenisa: “This place is beautiful!”

The camera pans to Sheridan who is seated on the floor criss cross and has started to do her makeup in the large floor to ceiling mirror.

Sheridan: “I wish we had a little more time to rest. I barely slept on that 18 hour flight…” She cracks her back and goes back to getting ready.

Jenisa: “I feel that. I feel asleep on the van.” She laughs.

Mona walks out of her room, already ready. Sheridan smiles at her.

Sheridan: “Yes mama! We’re going to the garden and you are definitely giving garden vibes.”

Jenisa: “You looks cute!”

Mona twirls and giggles.

Mona: “Thanks bitches! I’m ready to explore China. I have a feeling this’ll be much better than the New Orleans trip!”

Jenisa: “Let me change really fast…”

Jenisa walks in her room and moments later she walks out.


Jenisa: “How’s this, ladies?”

Sheridan: “Yesss girl! We are the flower queens today!” She laughs.

Mona: “Yasss!” She snaps. “Fierce!”

Jenisa takes a seat on the couch behind Sheridan doing her makeup. Mona pours three glasses of wine and delivers one to Sheridan first.

Sheridan: “Thanks, honey!”

Mona then grabs the other two and takes a seat next to Jenisa on the couch.

Jenisa: “Thank you, Mona!” She takes a sip. “Guys, I have something to tell you.”

Mona: “What’s up?”

Jenisa: “So I met with Gemma.”

The camera pans to Mona who rolls her eyes, Jenisa turns to her.

Jenisa: “Which Mona, again, I want to apologize for what happened at the movie premiere.”

Mona: “I appreciate that and I accept your apology.” She nods. “I wish the other one would’ve apologized as well.”

Sheridan: “You must tell us how your meeting went with Gemma!” She raises an eyebrow and looks at Jenisa.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I’m hopefully that Jenisa and Gemma can get to a better place. Is it likely? Now that’s different.”

Jenisa: “Of course I held her feet to the fire. I demanded why she would speak about me as a mother. She claims that Imani has been feeding her information about me being an absentee parent.” She shrugs.

Mona: “Wow! Really?!”

Jenisa: “I don’t know what to believe.” She takes a sip of wine.

Jenisa’s Confessional

“Imani and I have been building a great relationship. I don’t know what to do.”

Sheridan: “What a miserable bitch.” She shakes her head. “This doesn’t surprise me at all.”

Mona: “I think it honestly could be true. Imani doesn’t seem very authentic to me.”

Jenisa: “I told Gemma we have to speak to Imani together if it’s legit. She hesitated, but agreed. So I guess we’re going to find out who the liar is tonight.”

Sheridan: “That sounds like a good plan.” She nods. “Imani is miserable and is known to plot behind the scenes with her sister, hell, look at the whole talk show thing with Grace! It’s tricky though because Gemma has also been caught making up lies to stir the pot.”

Mona: “Can those four stop being so obsessed with us. It’s giving stalker vibes at this point.” She purses her lips.

Jenisa: “This trip is going to be interesting.”

Sheridan keeps doing her makeup in the mirror as she talks.

Sheridan: “Only time will tell who is telling the truth. I just hope you don’t end up getting knifed, Jenisa.” She looks back at her. “You’re too kind.”

Jenisa: “I guess we shall see!”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I don’t know who to believe in this situation— while Gemma and I have gotten closer, I do remember her rocky start with this group. Imani has no moral compass so her talking about Jenisa behind her back isn’t far fetched…reclaimed prostitutes will do anything!”

Mona: “Okay, girls. I’m going to go call the kids real quick before we head out.”

The scene changes to Imani, Lorelei, Gemma, and Grace’s suite. They are already all gathered in the suite’s living space having a drink and chatting.

Imani: “I’m really excited for today. I’m going to be taking you all to the famous Yu Garden then I have a river cruise on a yacht set up for us tonight to show you the incredible skyline of Shanghai!”

Grace: “Nice.” She smiles and sips her drink.

Grace’s Confessional

“China really is a beautiful place. I’m honored to be here agin. I remember coming about…20 years ago?” She thinks. “It’s changed alot but it’s still beautiful.” She smiles.

Gemma: “I have an auntie who lives in Beijing so we’re going to travel there for the last two days of the trip!”

Grace: “I love that! I can’t wait to meet her.” She smiles.

Imani lets out a sigh before leaning back into the couch.

Imani: “I’m somewhat nervous to meet up with the rest of the ladies.” She taps her nails on her glass and bites her lip.

Lorelei looks over and Imani and Grace furrows her brow with concern.

Grace: “Really, Imani?”

Gemma: “Why? It seems like you’re in a good standing with everyone. Correct me if I’m wrong.”

Imani: “Every time I’m around Sheridan I feel as though she comes after my daughter and my relationship. I know my mouth and tongue are sharp but that is my weakness. I don’t want her to get me to my ugly side of. She continues to poke, poke, poke and I’m afraid I’m going to explode.”

Grace: “That’s Sheridan Campbell. Welcome to the club.” She nods.

Grace’s Confessional

“I understand why Imani might feel nervous around this group. There’s some intimidating people. I think me, Imani, Gemma and Lorelei are in good company with each other, whilst everyone else is in the other house… or should I say the lion’s den? It’s hard to come around the group especially when you feel like you or your family is being constantly attacked. So I get Imani, I do.”

Imani: “My daughter’s father is very strict when it comes to her being on television. He doesn’t mind it but he also doesn’t want her to be utilized as a storyline like Sheridan wants me to treat her and her name.”

Gemma sighs.

Gemma: “Yeah, children should be off limits.”

The camera pans to Grace who is nodding silently.

Imani: “She doesn’t even have a child. Not one. But let’s end this here…”

Lorelei: “Then you need to address it with her. Children are innocent & should be left alone.” She crosses her legs.

Imani: “I don’t want to get dirty.”

Imani’s Confessional

“Sheridan is just nasty and she has her people who continue to enable her. She keeps pressuring me to treat my child as an object. The moment she has a human come out of her will be the moment she acquires my respect. Until then, keep my daughters name out of your mouth.”

Grace: “Listen, if you need to get dirty, get dirty. Some of these women only understand it that way.”

Gemma: “I just hope we can all have a good time while we’re here. I’m a little concerned because China does NOT tolerate the yelling, the fighting, and the BS….especially in public settings.”

Gemma’s Confessional

“I’m so excited to have the group here in Shanghai but also just a bit hesitant. I just hope we can have a good trip with minimal drama.”

Lorelei laughs and runs her hands through her hair.

Lorelei: “Let’s just hope we don’t have to leave anyone here stuck in jail, chile.”

The scene fades out and ends.

We get really cool shots of the stunning Yu Garden. People fill the garden and walk around, looking at all the buildings.

The camera zooms in to show the ‘Wives walking through the entrance of the gardens, close to the buildings. The camera pans to Sheridan who is walking slowly and without a purpose in the middle of the walkway. People try to walk around her until Gemma eventually grabs her and pulls her back to the group.

Jenisa, Sheridan, Gemma, Grace, Imani, Lorelei, & Mona

Gemma: “Ah! I love it here!” She smiles and links arms with Sheridan.

Sheridan: “It’s…Wow! I’ve never seen anything like this before. But I’m just looking at your shoes! They were a choice, honey!” She laughs and points to Gemma’s shoes.

Gemma: “Ah!” She sequels. “These are Chanel, girl! Very comfy and the walk isn’t long.” She laughs.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Gemma looks like a hobo in this garden. If I wouldn’t have come with her I would have assumed she was one of those homeless people scouring around the garden.”

A few feet away, Grace does a big twirl as her skirt flies up and makes an impressive display. She giggles and spins around. People point and take videos, Grace doesn’t seem to notice. The camera shows Imani and Lorelei who are huddled together talking.

Imani: “At least it’s a nice day and everyone looks pret — “ She looks at Grace twirling. “Decent.”

Imani’s Confessional

“Why is she wearing that? I’m confused. We’re out for lunch not applying for jobs, get serious, Grace!”

Gemma leads the girls through the park and the building’s in it. They eventually get on trail that leads to a quieter area of the park. It has plenty of shade provided by beautiful trees. Under one of the large trees, a long table is set up and catering staff is preparing food off to the side.

Gemma: “The table is this way!”

The ‘Wives all make it and take a seat at the table. As the girls are getting settled in, they are immediately brought their first course: a beautiful citrus salad.

Jenisa: “Thank you. I’m so hungry. But first…” She pulls out a bunt and sparks it. “Whew! Need a little pick me up.”

Grace looks at Jenisa, surprised, but laughs. Gemma’s eyes widen but she just eats her salad.

Gemma’s Confessional

“Is this chick for real?!”

Jenisa: “So what’s on the docket for the trip?” She takes another hit and leans back in her chair. “Oooh, I feel good.”

The camera pans to some of the caterers who are speaking in Mandarin and pointing to Jenisa. Gemma raises her eyebrows and listens to them. She interrupts the conversation and reaches across the table to Jenisa.

Gemma: “Honey, they’re asking you to put out your joint.”

All of the ladies look at the workers who are talking then back at Jenisa.

Jenisa: “Oh no!”

Gemma: “They said it’s extremely rude and disrespectful.” She pouts. “So if you don’t mind putting it out…Right now.”

Jenisa shrugs. She takes one last hit, ashes the blunt on the ground then blows the smoke right in Gemma’s face. Gemma begins swatting and choking.

Gemma: WOW Jenisa!”

Jenisa: “My bad!”

Sheridan: “Gemma, hunni, do you have asthma? Where is your inhaler.”

Gemma takes a sip of water and fakes smiles.

Gemma: “I’m good ladies….ANYWAYS.” She clinks her knife against her glass and stands up, sake shot in hand. “Excuse me! Excuse me!” The chattering dies down. “I want to take this moment to thank you all for joining me on this trip! It’s going to be an adventure that’s for sure and I hope I don’t disappoint. We will be here in Shanghai for two days and then visiting my auntie in Beijing after we go to The Great Wall. China is so rich in culture and I hope you all soak it in and enjoy your time here! I’m happy to show you my heritage.” She raises her shot. “Cheers!”

Grace: “Cheers to that!”

Imani: “You’re finally opening up more!” She smiles and raises her sake.

Sheridan: “Fabulous!”

Mona: “Cheers!”

Mona’s Confessional

“Gemma made a nice speech and It’s apparent that’s she’s trying to show more of herself. I support her in that aspect but look, I’ve got a bone to pick with Gemma. She pops up here and there so I don’t really know her, but then she comes to my premiere and make a complete embarrassment of my career. Really!?”

All the girls take their shots then go back to talking. Lorelei turns to Sheridan.

Lorelei: “We’re going to the Great Wall?”

Sheridan: “I’ve never been there but I’m happy I’m going to be able to check it off my bucket list!”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I’m excited to learn more about Gemma and her culture. I hope the sisters behave. The laws in this country are stricter than the USA.”

Jenisa: “So Mona.” She peaks her head out to talk to Mona a little farther up the table. “Your movie premiere was amazing! That was the last time we were all together, correct? Thank you for having us.”

Mona: “Mhm.” She bites her salad and looks annoyed.

Grace: “I actually enjoyed myself. Thank you, Mona.” She nods.

Gemma: “It was a great movie!”

Imani: “I took my daughter to the movies with my boyfriend the other day and the location wasn’t offering it.” She frowns.

Jenisa: “How did it do in the box office?”

Jenisa’s Confessional

“I heard the movie was a hit…In Iran.”

Mona: “The movie did great, what wasn’t great was the behavior you all portrayed.” She looks around the table.

Jenisa: “Well I apologized for my role in that! For sure, it was a gross display.”

Grace looks at Mona, confused.

Grace’s Confessional

“Behaviour I portrayed? Bitch, I was on my best behaviour all evening.”

Mona: “I was embarrassed by the way you all behaved, I had so many A Listers coming up to me asking what the hell happened.”

Lorelei sips her water and shrugs.

Lorelei: “I didn’t do anything.”

Mona nods and looks at Lorelei.

Mona: “I wasn’t including you guys…” She motions to Sheridan, Lorelei, Grace, and Imani. “What I was referring to was, Gemma, I haven’t heard from you at all. You played a key part in all this bullshit.”

The camera pans to Gemma who has been playing with her food. She looks up, startled.

Gemma: “What would you like to hear?”

Mona rolls her eyes.

Mona: “Maybe an apology. Jenisa was kind enough to give me one.”

The camera shows Jenisa who nods.

Gemma: “I didn’t cause a scene at your event though. Jenisa did.”

Jenisa: “Woah woah! Don’t place the blame on me.”

Mona: “You were part of the argument, Gemma. don’t try it.”

Gemma: “I did not cause that.”

Lorelei, Imani, and Sheridan watch intently. Grace lets out a laugh.

Grace’s Confessional

“I love that Gemma has enough backbone not to bow-down to Mona. You go, girl!” She laughs.

Mona: “And what are you laughing at, Granny?” She whips her head in Grace’s direction.

Sheridan: “Oop!”

Gemma: “Mona, don’t start with your stupid little comments.” She rolls her eyes and flips her hair. “Don’t ruin the trip because you’re mad about your 50% score on Rotten Tomatoes.”

Imani’s Confessional

“Mona needs to calm down. Babe, get your moment with Gemma don’t drag other people in it to make yourself relevant.”

Grace just sips her drink, still laughing at the situation. Mona glares at Gemma.

Mona: “Just be quiet, we’ve had enough of your rehearsed low blows.”

Gemma chuckles and shakes her head.

Gemma: “Mona, if you want a sorry…” She looks at her blankly. “I’m sorry. There. Happy? Let’s move on.” She smiles.

Mona: “Great, let’s move on.”

Gemma: “Now go rehearse some more lines for your movie.”

Imani lets out a laugh.

Imani’s Confessional

“Ren is slowly being buried and Gemma is rising from the dead, honey you are winning this! Props to her. Finally!”

Mona fakes smiles and whispers under her breath.

Mona: “And you keep being a hoe.”

Mona’s Confessional

“Who the hell is this Gemma girl? She popped up for her five minutes of fame at the wrong time.”

Gemma: “Okay girlies.” She gets up. “Let’s get going because we need to start getting ready for tonight’s activities.”

Everybody finishes up their lunch and begins getting ready to leave.

Gemma’s Confessional

“I actually loved Mona’s movie and I was going to have a screening of it at my home for my friends and family but you know what never mind. Corny.” She smirks.

The scene ends as the girls get up and walk off.

Music plays as the sun sets in Shanghai and the bright neon lights bring the city to life. We see thousands and thousands of people walking the busy main streets.

We see a cool view of the massive Huangpu River that surrounds Shanghai. The camera shows the girls as they get out of the van and strut down the dock together to a large yacht. Crew members help them on.

Jenisa, Gemma, Lorelei, Mona, Grace, Sheridan, & Imani

As Jenisa steps on the boat, she trips and falls. The music stops.

Jenisa: “OH FUCK!”

The music starts back up as Gemma struts on and walks over Jenisa on the ground, she looks at a crew member as she boards.

Gemma: “Someone should help her…”

Two stews rush over and help Jenisa up.

Jenisa: “Lord Jesus.” She dusts herself off.

Lorelei, Mona, Sheridan and Grace are the next to climb aboard the yacht. Mona and Sheridan go to the bar set up inside while Lorelei immediately walks out on the deck and looks up at the city towering over them.

Lorelei: “This is so nice! I didn’t know China had the views.”

Grace smiles and waits as Imani comes on board.

Grace: “Ooh! You look good tonight!”

Imani grins and squeezes Grace’s hand, leading them to the bar.

Imani: “Thanks to you!”

Imani’s Confessional

“I was styled by Grace tonight! I’m happy to be wearing the Faroe Collection. It’s the least I can do after bashing her livelihood last year.”

At the bar, Mona and Sheridan were just served their drinks. Mona turns to Sheridan.

Mona: “I’ll be right back.”

Mona walks off and approaches Gemma.

Mona: “Hey Gemma, can I talk to you real quick?”

Gemma rolls her eyes.

Gemma: “Mona, the boat hasn’t even moved yet. Don’t make me throw you off with your slick comments. But fine.”

Sheridan watches as Mona and Gemma make their way outside to an empty seating area located on the deck.

Sheridan: “Well, I hope that chat goes well.” She sips her champagne.

Outside, Mona and Gemma take a seat on one of the couches. The wind blows their hair a little.

Mona: “First, I’m going to ignore that little comment you just made and be the bigger person.”

Mona closes her eyes and takes a deep breath in and then lets it out. Gemma makes a face and sips her drink.

Mona: “I want to apologize for getting so angry with you earlier, I got a lot of backlash from the premiere from a ton of bloggers and press for the whole wine toss. So again I’m sorry for getting so heated with you.”

Gemma sighs.

Gemma: “Okay. I’m really sorry if I was the cause of any of that. I’m not the drama type of girl trust me I try to just have fun. So I’m really sorry. Like that other apology was shitty, this one is real.” She leans over and hugs Mona.

Mona: “Same, I’m not the type of girl that holds onto things so let’s just move on and have a good fucking time.” She smiles.

Gemma: “Of course! Let’s grab a drink and enjoy the views.”

Gemma’s Confessional

“I do feel for Mona, actually. I know I wouldn’t want anybody messing with my coins and I can see how we put her in a really bad position. No matter if Mona and I are getting along, I’m a decent human so I would never want to destroy her life or career or anything.”

The yacht starts moving and there is a montage of the girls socializing and getting drinks. When the boat gets far enough out, the captain tells the ‘Wives and they all flood out onto the deck to get a breathtaking view of the Shanghai skyline.

Imani: “Oh my! Oh my God!” She squeezes Lorelei’s arm. “This is gorgeous!”

Lorelei nods, holding her champagne flute.

Lorelei: “This is literally so breathtaking.”

Mona: “So pretty here!”

The camera zooms in on Jenisa who’s looking out at the view.

Jenisa: “Mhmmmm.”

Jenisa’s Confessional

“I think since we are on a boat and these bitches will have to jump and swim to get away. It’s time to figure out the real story between Imani and Gemma.”

The camera follows Jenisa as she makes her way to the other side of the group and approaches Gemma smiling.

Jenisa: “Gemma, can you follow me to the lower deck? I want to show you something and chat.”

Gemma: “Ooh, all these talks! I feel like I’m on the Bachlorette.” She giggles. “Don’t throw me off, bitch!” She gives Jenisa a look.

Jenisa: “I won’t, I promise.”

Gemma follows Jenisa as they make their way inside, down the steps, and then out to the lower deck.

Gemma: “What’s up?” She shivers.

Jenisa: “So I had obviously the plane ride to think about everything we talked about. I want to make sure that everything you told me about Imani and what she said is true. 100% true.” She nods.

Jenisa’s Confessional

“Before I met with Gemma, I had an amazing day with Imani, Derek and Eli. But I need to make sure what Gemma said wasn’t bullshit so I don’t look dumb or blow up a real friendship Imani and I potentially have.”

Gemma sips her drink before responding.

Gemma: “Er…From my recollection, yes. It is true. I mean, I don’t have the best memory and I got into some trouble similar to this last time with you two. But I want to say I’m like 75% sure she said it drunkenly.” She shrugs.

Jenisa: “I still would like to ask her about it with you. You made that promise to me.”

Gemma: “Okay.” She sips. “But not tonight. I’m having fun.” She raises her cup. “This should be discussed between us not in a group setting. That never works with these women.”

Jenisa just looks at Gemma then pulls out a blunt and begins to spark it.

Jenisa: “I’m going to smoke. You can stay if you want or head back.” She lets out a big cloud and leans against the wall.

Jenisa’s Confessional

“I’ll make the calls tonight, Gemma.”

Gemma walks over and snatches the blunt from Jenisa’s lips and tosses it into the water.

Gemma: “Not tonight, sweetie” She shakes her head and scrunches up her nose. “Just no.”

Gemma struts inside and the camera zooms out from the boat and gives as an aeriel view. Music plays as we get a montage of the boat coming back into shore. The girls thank the captain and the crew as they exit the yacht and head up towards the street. Lorelei scurries off the boat with Jenisa.

Lorelei: “Girl, I’m hungry.”

Jenisa: “Let’s get food!”

Mona: “I’m down! Chinese food is so good.”

Gemma: “You’ll love the street vendors! There’s a big area of them right across the street.”

We see all of the women go to vendors nearby and order. We see shots of the interesting street food. Dead pigs hang. There are scorpions on sticks. There are people making steamed dumplings.

All of the girls get something and head to a large wooden picnic table in the middle of the street vendors. Christmas lights hang in a tree above them and the locals of Shanghai bustle around them creating a cool atmosphere. Jenisa, Mona, and Sheridan sit on one side of the table while Grace, Imani, Lorelei, and Gemma sit on the other.

Jenisa: “This is delicious.” She shovels food in her mouth.

Grace: “I love Chinese food so much! Has to be my favorite type of food.” She uses chopsticks to plop a dumpling in her mouth.

Grace’s Confessional

“Chinese food… there’s something about it. It’s just perfect!”

The camera pans to Sheridan who is taking a bite of a cheese burger. Imani finishes eating some noodles and raises and eye at Sheridan.

Imani: “Sheridan, you know how to cook any Chinese food or just carbs like what you’re eating?”

Sheridan rolls her eyes.

Sheridan: “I cook healthy food — not filth. You could learn some things from me. I know you prefer microwaveable frozen meals.” She winks.

Imani: “You’re eating a whole cheeseburger girl, get serious!” She laughs.

Mona: “What’s wrong with a cheeseburger?”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“We are in China. You should be eating the cultural food choices this country has to offer. It’s funny, actually. Sheridan’s wide ass of course has to eat a cheeseburger, which she should in fact lay off of.”

Sheridan takes a big bite then waves the burger in the air.

Sheridan: “The cheeseburger is deliciousssss!”

“The girls are pressed that I ordered a cheeseburger on vacation.” She rolls her eyes. “Relax!”

Imani: “Okay, that’s it. I need to address something.”

All the girls look at Imani.

Imani: “First and foremost, I don’t wanna beat around the bush. This is solely directed at you Sheridan.”

Sheridan: “Mhm Imani? What is it, sweetie?” She leans in acting overly interested.

Imani: “The past couple of weeks I feel as though you have been utilizing my child as though she’s some sort of object. It’s been to the point that I’m looking at you sideways and just nitpicking little things at her for no reason. I want to hear your piece behind why, since we were friends. ”

Gemma slurps her noodles and looks between the two women. The camera pans to show Jenisa’s annoyed reaction. Lorelei nods in agreement with Imani.

Sheridan: “Oh! That’s right! You have a child!”

Imani: “And here you go again!” She throws her hands up. “Yes, I have a child Sheridan. One of my own. One you should respect.” She glares at her.

Sheridan: “I’m sorry that I forgot that you had a child.” She nonchalantly throws a fry in her mouth. “I honestly forgot because we don’t see your child very often.” She shrugs.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Imani is being dramatic. I don’t talk badly about her child. Does she even know who her baby daddy is? Everyone knows about her past.”

Imani: “Children should be off limits. period.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I think Sheridan constantly mentioning Imani’s child is a way of projecting her own insecurities. She’s upset that she’ll never be able to carry a child herself and is envious of women who can. It’s sad, honestly. She’s bitter.”

Jenisa looks to Imani.

Jenisa: “So we’ve established that it’s not okay to talk about children, right? But according to Gemma it’s okay for you to talk about my parenting.” She raises and eyebrow. “Make it make sense.”

Mona’s eyes widen and the camera pans to Gemma who just awkwardly looks around.

Imani: “Come again, Jenisa? Are you talking to me? I’m confused.” She looks around dumbfounded.

Grace’s Confessional

She looks confused.
“I…what is going on? Since when did these two have an issue?”

Jenisa: “Gemma told me that you’re speaking down about me and bashing my parenting. Her reaction at the movie premiere was because of you.” She shakes her head. “She as calling me an unfit mother.”

Imani looks offended and taken aback.

Imani: “That’s odd considering I was praising your co-parenting with Derek the day after that little premiere and you were the one who brought up Gemma because of something she said directly to your face about your child?”

Jenisa: “I met with Gemma…” She nods her head at Gemma. “After we hung out and she told me all of this.”

Imani: “Did I skip a chapter? Is this one of your little side storylines you create behind people’s backs?” She raises an eyebrow.

Jenisa: “Don’t deflect. Just let me know if that’s true or not.”

Gemma continues to quietly eat.

Imani: “Considering Gemma apologized to me the other day, what makes you think I would do that? I’m not just buddy buddy with everyone.”

Jenisa: “Gemma are you going to say something or keep stuffing your fucking face?!”

Grace leans in and whispers to Lorelei.

Grace: “What is happening right now?”

Lorelei: “Girl, I don’t know. Alot of rumors and madness.”

Imani: “This is why I can’t fuck with you!” She points to Gemma down the table. “Stay out of my fucking life! I never even had a conversation with you pertaining to this. We aren’t friends like that.”

Gemma: “Imani, PLEASE! You got caught up again and now you’re mad.”

Sheridan’s eyes widen as she finishes nibbling on her cheese burger.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I can’t keep up. One minute Imani is coming at me and now she’s fighting with Gemma and Jenisa? Imani is unhinged. There is too much she-said, she-said in the group. What is the truth? Do we even care? It’s alot of finger pointing.”

Imani: “Caught up with?”

Gemma: “You talked shit about Jenisa!” She rolls her eyes. “You’re a pathetic little bitch. Own your shit and shut the fuck up.”

Mona watches the argument in amazement, she glances at Jenisa.

Imani: “I don’t know if your ears are full of wax but you could never catch me associating myself with someone as worthless as you.”

Gemma: “Worthless? Bitch, look at me and look at you!” She starts to get heated and the argument is drawing attentions to the locals. “You’re trash! Go to the gutter where you belong!”

Grace: “Oh, Gemma. Come on.” She looks shocked.

The camera pans to show a group of girls recording the ‘Wives on their phone in shock.

Imani: “Yeah, yeah. Whatever.”

Mona’s Confessional

“I absolutely think Imani talked shit about Jenisa’s parenting. She seems like she has no filter.”

The camera pans to Jenisa who has her face in her hands. She seems to be crying, Mona rubs her back. Imani turns to Jenisa.

Imani: “Jenisa, you and I were developing a friendship and now you see all of this is a lie.”

Jenisa: “This is too much!”

She gets up and starts walking away from the ladies to take a break. Mona follows her, comforting her.

Gemma: “I should’ve let her smoke that joint…”

Sheridan is frantically stuffing things in her purse. She gets up and begins following Jenisa and Mona.

Sheridan: “Jenisa!! Don’t run! JENISAAAA!!”

At the table, Imani only looks to Lorelei and Grace.

Imani: “I don’t know what’s going on.”

Lorelei: “Gemma, you’re being mess. Come on, stop this behavior.”

Grace, Lorelei, and Imani all look to Gemma.

Gemma: “I mean, I honestly don’t even remember what we discussed! I don’t even remember what the fuck I ate for breakfast the day before!” She looks down.

Lorelei links her arm with Imani and rests her head on Imani’s shoulder.

Lorelei: “This all seems like a lot of miscommunication and shit starting. That I thought we were over with.”

We now see Gemma gathering her stuff and she lets out a sigh.

Gemma: “I’ll meet you all back in the s\Sprinter when your ready.” She walks off.

Imani turns back to Grace and Lorelei.

Imani: “I have never spoken to Gemma. I don’t know why Jenisa is even saying these things she doesn’t even believe because I was praising her mothering skills. We were actually creating a friendship then this happened!”

Grace can be seen nodding.

Grace: “You know we have your back.”

Grace’s Confessional

“This night has went to shit. I have no clue what the hell happened. I’m hearing Imani’s a liar, then Gemma’s a liar, then Jenisa’s a liar…”

Imani: “I’m just still so confused, like, these girls are actually crazy. I have no idea what they are talking about and they are just straight up spewing lies! The last time I had a conversation with Gemma was when she apologized to me.”

Imani’s Confessional

“I don’t even have it in me to keep talking about this. Just plain dumb…”

Lorelei shakes her head.

Lorelei: “She is crazy. She was just fine with you earlier today and now she’s doing this?” She gets up. “Come on, let’s go back to the house.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Gemma is an odd woman. She has no loyalty to anyone. She’s proven it time and time again. She’s on an island by herself & is only concerned about herself. She’ll do anything and everything to create a story.”

The scene now switches to Jenisa, Sheridan, and Mona who are huddled at the entrance to the street vendor area. Tears stream down Jenisa’s face. Sheridan is breathing hard from trying to catch up with them.

Sheridan: “Girl, are you okay?”

Jenisa: “I don’t know who to believe.” She blows her nose with a tissues. “This is so fucked up.”

Mona: “It’s stupid! Imani is a fraud.” She crosses her arms.

Sheridan gets closer and wraps her arms around Jenisa.

Sheridan: “I’m so sorry this is happening to you. I don’t even know who to trust with this group to be able to even give you advice.” She laughs a little.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“The sisters probably planned this. I don’t trust them.”

Jenisa: “I’m just tired.” She hangs her head. “Let’s go back to the resort.”

Mona: “Yeah, let’s go back.”

Jenisa’s Confessional

“I don’t know what to think now. I have established a close relationship with Imani. I don’t want to believe it but Gemma made it seem this was true.. I don’t know what to say.”

The episode ends as the girls walk back to the nearby sprinter van.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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