[S5E11]: No Apologies
Previously on The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach…
Jenisa mended fences between her two friends; Lorelei & Mona. Ren and Sheridan confronted Imani about constantly defending Lorelei despite Lorelei not always having her back all the time. A major blowup between Jenisa and Gemma at Mona’s movie premiere caused them to get kicked out.
The episode begins with footage of the beautiful neighborhood of Beverly Bluffs. The camera focuses on one specific mansion.
All of a sudden, we can hear giggling and the dribbling of a basketball. We now see inside Derek’s mansion. Imani and him are playing on the court, Imani is trying to steal the ball from Derek.
Imani: “Ha! It’s mine!”
The camera zooms in on Imani’s feet, she is attempting to run in heels.
Derek: “I’m letting you win! You know I own this shit.” He pulls a move and steals the ball back from Imani, he dribbles down the court and makes a basket. “I’m the best here in Beverly Beach!”
Clapping can be heard. The camera pans to Jenisa who is walking into the court with her and Derek’s son, Eli.
Jenisa: “Good shot, D! Hey guys!” She smiles.
Imani: “Oh, hey girl! How are you?” She approaches Jenisa and gives her a hug.
Jenisa: “I’m good! Ready to shoot some hoops.”
“Co-parenting has been rough but surprisingly Imani has been doing really well and she’s even more likable then I thought.”
Derek: “Hey my handsome boy!” He goes and picks Eli up, hugging him. “You’re daddy’s lil man.” He gives a side hug to Jenisa. “Hey Jenisa.”
Imani smiles as she watches Derek and Eli interact.
Imani: “I personally think he looks more like Jenisa but okay.” She laughs and turns to Jenisa. “Natalia is with her dad tonight. We co-parent but we don’t have the relationship you two have.” She smiles and glances back at Derek and Eli.
Jenisa: “We are very lucky! Right?” She pinches Derek and giggles.
Imani raises an eyebrow.
“Part of me believes that Jenisa has feelings for Derek still but I am a very secure woman. I don’t want her to misconstrue Derek’s niceness as if he’s wanting to get back because he, himself has stated that without me asking… I like her but boundaries need to be established.”
Derek: “How’s everything going between you two and the group? You know I really don’t want you two to be fighting over anything. We’re maintaining the peace of this family.” He squeezes Eli one last time and puts him down.
Jenisa: “I think we’re doing okay!” She grabs onto Imani’s arm.
Imani: “So far everything has been good. In the beginning it was a little rocky but we bonded over our children.” She smiles.
Jenisa: “The other night was rough though.”
Derek: “What happened?” He looks to Jenisa, concerned.
Jenisa: “Well…this chick Gemma, who by the way wants to meet with me…” She turns to Imani for a second and widens her eyes. “She went off because I don’t want to be associated with her.” She shrugs. “What did you think about that, Imani?”
The camera pans to Imani as she crosses her arms.
Imani: “I would never comment on anyones mothering because we have people in our circle bringing up Natalia as a weapon made for TV. Derek says you are a great mother, so I’ll take his word.” She nods.
Jenisa: “I’ve just seen Gemma’s true colors.” She shakes her head. “She went off on me saying how I’m an unfit mother ’cause I smoke pot?” She laughs. “Please.”
“Gemma looks like she smokes meth.”
Derek: “You two are amazing mothers. I don’t know why this is even a conversation right now. Our child and Natalia are well taken care of and healthy. That’s all it matters.”
The girls nod.
Imani: “I just think Gemma’s very insecure and wants to be liked by everyone which is why she is saying things off the radar. I don’t know what made her come after your mothering but you know who you are and that’s what matters.”
Jenisa: “She’s disgusting and she’s desperate.” She makes a face. “Mona told me she’s planning a trip to China. She hasn’t asked me to go yet. Wonder if that’s why she wants to meet with me.” She bites her lip.
Imani: “She hasn’t asked me to go either.” She shakes her head. “I didn’t even know she could afford to take anyone to China.”
“China, girl?! Get serious.” She rolls her eyes. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she forgot to add the ‘town’ at the end to make herself look like she’s something…with her big ass forehead.”
Derek: “This sounds like lady stuff! Let’s get hopping, right buddy?” He looks at Eli then swiftly steals the ball from Imani’s hand. “Let’s go!” He begins running.
Jenisa: “Go have fun.” She smiles.
Jenisa turns back to Imani.
Imani: “I have to say that I’m disgusted by Sheridan as well. She keeps attacking me and coming for my child.” She flips her hair. “She doesn’t know that my daughter’s father is very controlling or my history with him. She just wants to go and create some bullshit rumors.”
Jenisa nods.
Jenisa: “I haven’t talked to Sheridan in a minute. I hope everything is okay with her. Obviously it’s no excuse to talk about children, but she doesn’t have any of her own so maybe she doesn’t understand the magnitude.” She shrugs.
Imani: “That’s the thing. She should be the last one in this circle bringing up someone else’s child because she doesn’t know.” She is annoyed.
Jenisa: “Maybe you guys need to have a sit down. Talk it out. When we are around everyone it gets toxic.”
Imani: “We’ll just have to wait and see. You never know with her.”
We see Derek and Eli playing on the court and then the camera zooms out from Derek’s house.
Music plays as the camera moves a street away to show Lorelei’s house. It zooms in. In the backyard, Lorelei is seen placing cupcakes in a small tea party area she has set up.
“I’ve invited Mona & Grace over for a little adult tea party. With them both not getting along, I’m hoping I can help forge a breakthrough with the two. I want to help because Grace is my closest friend in this group and I’m starting to actually really like Mona!”
The camera follows Mona as she makes her way down the steps located on the side of the house and into the backyard. She holds a bottle of champagne and unlocks the gate, walking in.
Mona: “Hey girl!” She grins and gives Lorelei a hug and the bottle.
Lorelei: “Hey Mona! So glad you could make it.”
“Since I made up with Lorelei, we’ve actually been getting along…somewhat. But NOW she wants Geritol Grace and I to become friends. We’ll see about that girl” She raises her eyebrows and sips a martini.
Outfront, Grace pulls into Lorelei’s driveway in the middle of a phonecall.
Grace: “Yes, Paulina. It’s me. Could you please arrange a meeting with the Forbes account for tomorrow? I think it’s important that we sit down with them to run through some things. Thank you. I’ll see you back at the office in a couple of hours. Have that ready when I get back. Goodbye.”
Grace hangs up, gets out of the car, and walks to the backyard. As we get a shot of her walking down the side of the house to the gate, he confessional plays.
“I don’t exactly know what’ll come out of today. Hell, Moan-a-lot probably will just do what she always does. Act her way out of a situation.” She rolls her eyes.
Lorelei and Mona turn around mid conversation as Grace approaches.
Grace: “Hello, hello!”
The camera immediately pans to Mona to get her reaction. She politely smiles and waves. Lorelei goes to Grace and gives her a welcoming hug.
Lorelei: “You look fabulous as always, Gracie! Let’s sit, girls!” She motions to the little tea table set for three.
The girls all sit down. Music plays as we get shots of them pouring tea and putting little finger sandwiches on their plate. After taking a loud sip from her teacup, Lorelei looks at the women.
Lorelei: “How are you girls?”
Grace: “I’m doing well. Business is really picking up at the House of Faroe to be honest.”
The camera pans to Mona who covers her mouth as she finishes up chewing.
Mona: “I’m great!” She takes a sip of her tea.
“I really don’t want to be here right now.” She laughs.
Lorelei smiles and nods at them.
Lorelei: “That’s wonderful, Gracie! Running a business in the middle of everything going on lately is tough, I know.” She sighs. “But…I’m sure you two know why I invited you both here?” She glances up at Mona and Grace as she pours herself more tea.
Grace: “I had my suspicions, yes.” She rolls her eyes.
Mona: “I’d like to know!”
Grace chuckles.
“You’d like to know? Bitch, read the room. This is an intervention.”
Lorelei: “Well, Grace…” She turns to her. “Mona and I recently got the chance to hash out our issues and we’ve reached a point of resolution. I, as you know, will always have your back. I just think what you two have going on can be squashed and I want to help you guys do it.” She sips her tea.
Grace holds her hand up.
Grace: “I appreciate that Lorelei, I really do. But there’s no issue from me. I really don’t even care about the whole situation anymore. The Faroe has moved on.”
Mona: “Oh, you want me to have a conversation with this one?” She scoffs. “There’s no changing on my end until I get an apology.”
Lorelei clenches her teeth at Mona’s reaction.
“I know Grace can be a hardheaded ass woman and Mona is very similar. This may not be an easy feat… but I am determined to not let them leave here until they fix whatever it is they have going on.”
Grace sips her tea while avoiding eye contact with Mona. Lorelei looks between the two of them as the awkward silence continues.
Lorelei: “Well, we’re not going to get anywhere if the two of you don’t speak to one another. Why don’t we start with…what fractured the friendship you two had?”
Mona nods.
Mona: “Agreed, the issue began when I started to realize that she’s two-faced. She was one way around me and acts another way around the women.”
Grace: “The thing is though, there wasn’t a friendship to start with. It was a business arrangement.” She puts her teacup down. “I wish everyone would stop saying we were friends, because in my eyes, we never were. We were mutual acquaintances at best.”
“In all honesty, I’m really over this whole thing. Mona can be in her corner and I’ll be in mine. Thank you, have a nice day!” She cocks her head.
Lorelei widens her eyes.
Lorelei: “Oh, Grace…Come on. That’s not very nice. You two were friends, let’s cut the shit.” She laughs. “I think you two were friends and something happened and you both just disconnected.”
Mona: “I think we were beginning to form a friendship, you’ve worked with me for the past couple of months.” She looks to Grace.
Lorelei smiles and then looks to Grace as well.
Grace: “Yes, I worked with you because despite EVERYTHING I’d heard and been told about you. I’m a professional woman and I put personal stuff aside for the sake of my business. Once our business has concluded, I saw no reason to continue being fake when you’ve shown me that what everything people have said is true.” She shrugs and tosses a sweet into her mouth.
“Mona’s got a notorious reputation as an actress, and not a good one. I knew what I was taking on when I decided to work with her. She proved everyone’s point when I’ve seen what she’s really like.”
Mona: “Oh I’m sure you’ve heard soooo much about me. With the talking voices in your head.” She rolls her eyes. “Delusional.”
Grace: “I’m not going to argue with you, love.” She shakes her head and turns her body away from Mona. “You’re not worth my time.”
Lorelei watches and sips.
“This is proving to be a little bit tricky.” She laughs. “These two women are just so hard headed, neither of them are willing to talk about the real pressing issue. They’re just stuck on the fact that they don’t feel like they’ve done a single thing wrong.”
Mona: “And there it is! Cold, dismissive, and rude. That’s exactly who you are.” She glares. “You think dismissing me makes you look superior, when in reality you just look like a bitch.”
Grace turns back to Mona.
Grace: “And what about you?” She points. “You came into this group and immediately sided against me. What sort of person does that make you? What sort of FRIEND does that make you? Tell me that, Mona.” She huffs and dramatically turns back around.
Mona: “I told you! Were you paying attention! You showed me a side of you that I didn’t like, I called you on your shit and you didn’t like it!”
Grace holds up a peace sign, still not facing Mona.
Grace: “Vice versa, love. Vice versa.”
Mona: “When have I ever dismissed you? Name one instance, right now.”
Grace: “I just did! Or were you not listening.” She looks over her shoulder.
Mona: “No you didn’t.” She shakes her head. “Try again!”
“This…is impossible. Like, seriously.” She rolls her eyes and scoffs.
Grace: “I introduced you to this group, correct?”
Mona: “Doesn’t mean I need to bow down to you and act as your follower!”
Grace holds her hands up, getting annoyed.
Grace: “Let me finish.”
Mona: “You asked me a question, so I’ll speak when I want to.” She makes a face.
The camera pans to Lorelei who is seen hiding a laugh behind her teacup.
Grace: “I introduced you to this group of women. I didn’t expect blind loyalty from you, I don’t expect it from anyone in this group. What I wanted from you was a little understanding. Instead, you turned on me and sided with the people in this group who hurt me the most. That shit hurts, Mona.”
Lorelei looks to Grace and nods.
Lorelei: “Okay! We’re getting somewhere! Good, good. Mona, can you see where she is coming from at least?”
Mona: “I didn’t side with anyone Grace, I saw you be disrespectful towards Ren on the NOLA trip, and then you’ve consistently dismissed me as if I’m below you ever since I came into the group.”
Grace shakes her head and laughs.
Grace: “Unbelievable. You are unbelievable.”
Mona: “I am just stating the facts. I’m not getting emotional over this because I thought we weren’t friends, but you are.”
“No wonder her ex husband hates her. Jesus Christ, she’s insane.”
“Even when I’ve opened up to her about my hurt and my pain, she STILL finds a way to deflect responsibility. No remorse and no accountability. Well done, Mona. Gold star in both areas!”
Lorelei looks at the two ladies and lets out a puff of air.
Lorelei: “Okay, so…Where do we go from here? I think it’s clear you two are both more hurt than you care to admit.”
Grace: “Look…” She pauses. “I’m just saying it didn’t take all that much for you to turn your back on me. You claimed that we were building a friendship but then you did this. Good for you.” She looks at Mona.
Mona: “I didn’t do anything, I don’t control the many faces you have, or the behavior you portray.”
Grace: “You know what? I don’t need to be your friend, Mona nor do I want to be. We can attend events and whatever, you stay in your corner and I stay in mine. I’m good.” She turns back away from Mona.
Lorelei looks at Grace, concerned. Mona begins clapping.
Mona: “Wow! You’ve finally said something that makes sense!”
“At this point, it’s like I’m repeating bashing my head against a brick wall, one that keeps talking back at me. Mona’s poisonous and I don’t want someone like that in my life.”
“The Faroe can go sit in her corner, but I most certainly won’t be in mine. Nobody puts me in a corner.”
Grace stands up and grabs her bag, turning to Lorelei.
Grace: “Are we done here?”
Mona leans back in her chair and sips her tea. Lorelei looks uncomfortable but nods at Grace.
Lorelei: “I think we’ve made as much progress as we’re going to have. Thank you for coming, love.” She stands up and hugs Grace.
Mona: “Goodbye.” She waves.
Grace smiles at Lorelei.
Grace: “Thank you.”
As she walks out, her mic picks up audio as she gets in her car and slams the door.
Grace: “Unbelievable. Mona’s such a bitch. This whole group is ridiculous. Constantly on at me. I don’t even need to do this show. Like, I’m richer than all of them. I’m good.”
Back in the backyard, Mona and Lorelei sit at the table still. Lorelei sighs and Mona shrugs.
She has her hands on her forehead.
“Aghhh! I am completely stressed out after witnessing these two. It was like Mayweather vs Pacquiao. I need a drink… or several.” She laughs.
Mona: “Well, more tea?”
The scene ends.
Music plays as the exterior of Mona’s house is shown.
The camera captures her unlocking her front door and walking inside. Her husband, Adam, is sitting at the kitchen counter on his laptop.
Mona: “Hey babe, whatcha working on?” She sets a shopping bag down.
Adam looks up from his laptop.
Adam: “Budgets for this new cartoon movie the production company is working on.” He goes back to typing.
Mona smirks and walks over to him. She begins to close his laptop.
Mona: “So — “
He grabs her hand and stops her, looking up at her.
Adam: “Mona, what are you doing?”
Mona: “I’m just closing your laptop so we can talk.” She laughs nervously.
Adam: “You don’t need to close it for me. I can do it myself.” He shuts it and looks to her.
Mona: “Okay… well if you’re busy we can talk another time. I don’t want to interrupt you, it didn’t seem like you were doing much.”
Adam: “ Maybe don’t assume, and just ask for once.” He huffs. “And no. Let’s talk since it needs to happen right now.”
She gives him a look.
Mona: “I’m not talking to you when you’re like this…” She starts to walk away.
Adam: “Get the fuck back here, Mona, and talk.”
Mona stops in her tracks and turns around, she’s glaring at him.
Mona: “DON’T speak to me like that, Adam. What is your problem?!”
Adam: “My problem is I was working! And you came in and didn’t even ask to have a fucking conversation, you just closed my laptop!”
Mona: “I’m sorry for not asking you, now can we talk.”
Adam: “What?! Spit it out! We’ve been here all day.”
Mona sighs and pauses before going to the cabinet and pouring herself a glass of wine.
Mona: “I met with a private investigator the other day about furthering the search for my biological parents. I really liked what he had to say. He assured me that with the information I gave him from the past that they’ll be able to track certain candidates down and if they agree we can do some DNA testing.”
Mona stops and looks up for Adam’s response, concerned by the silence.
Adam: “That’s great, Mona.”
Mona: “Really? That’s all you’ve got? ‘Great’.” She raises an eyebrow.
Adam: “Do you want to know what I really think Mona? Do you?”
Mona: “Tell me.”
Adam: “It’s a big waste of time and…” He gestures. “Money! You’re going to find absolutely nothing like you did the four other times you tried to look. This time is no different. Stop trying to cope with your past and move on. Live in the present with your amazing life and children.”
Mona looks at Adam, shocked.
Mona: “I don’t know what type of day you’ve had but you’re being a dick right now.” She begins crying.
Adam: “You asked…” He looks annoyed.
Mona: “No! You’re an asshole! Is it bad that I want my kids to grow up with some grandparents and maybe some extended family if I can find them!? Is it bad that maybe I want to have some god damn parents to talk to!? You don’t understand!”
Adam: “You’re right, I don’t. BUT YOU HAVE A FAMILY RIGHT HE — “
The kids wander in and start yelling for mommy and daddy to make them food. Mona and Adam quickly regain their composures. The scene ends.
Music plays as Gemma is shown walking into a wine bar and sitting at a hightop table.
A women in a classy dress comes over and takes her order. Gemma orders a bottle of Chardonnay and then pulls out her lipgloss and begins applying it.
“I called up Jenisa to invite her out just so we can chat and see where we stand. Our last encounter ended on a bad note and I want to know why. The movie premiere should have never gotten to that level.”
Jenisa is shown parking on the street and hopping out of her car. She struts towards the bar with her sunglasses on.
“I’m walking into this meeting with my walls down. I’m giving Gemma one last chance to explain why she was so vile the last time we saw each other. Let’s see how this works out.”
Jenisa walks in and makes her way right to Gemma.
Gemma: “Hey Jenisa! Have a seat!” She gives a small smile and pours her a glass of wine.
Jenisa: “How are you?”
Jenisa sits across from Gemma and puts her bag down on the seat beside her.
Gemma: “I’m good. How are you?” She sips her wine.
Jenisa: “I’m okay…” She lets out a loud sigh and folds her hands on the table. “Still a bit shaken up about the last time we were together…”
Gemma rolls her eyes subtly.
Gemma: “Well, I could say the same. The rudeness just came out of left field from you…”
The camera pans to Jenisa for her reaction, she just raises her eyebrow.
Gemma: “BUT before we continue this conversation I need to know that you’re, you know… in the right frame of mind for us to talk.” She looks Jenisa up and down.
“I just want to make sure Jenisa isn’t high on her own supplies, or whatever. I need to know I’m speaking to Jenisa — Not someone who is so stoned out of her mind that she’ll forget what we talked about an hour from now.” She shrugs.
Jenisa: “I’m sorry, what does that mean?”
Gemma sips her wine and laughs. The camera zooms in on the wine glass.
Gemma: “Did you smoke before you came here is what I’m asking.”
Jenisa: “No. I didn’t.” She shakes her head and looks at Gemma skeptically.
Gemma: “Good.”
“Of course I did!”
Gemma: “So, what caused this rift between us?” She motions. “Because I feel like we were getting along fine until the other evening.”
Jenisa: “I never had an issue to be honest.” She shakes her head. “I’ve heard some things about you and, well, actually a few of the ladies pointed out a few things I didn’t like.”
Gemma: “Well what are these things?” She cocks her head. “I’d like to clear them up if I can.”
Jenisa: “In New Orleans, you didn’t have my back at all. You also said a few things too, according to Lorelei?” She sips her wine.
Gemma: “Have your back with what though?” She makes a face. “Have your back with your drunk antics in the bar? Listen, I own night clubs and I think you should party up until what ever age you are — but that’s just not how I roll, I’m choosing not to participate, so It’s really not my problem.” She holds her hands up.
Jenisa: “It was vacation. I was having fun.” She glares.
“What is with these ladies?! They don’t like to let loose and have fun?”
Gemma: “I get that, but don’t put all the blame on me. Grace nor Lorelei wanted to deal with you either.” She flips her hair. “If I recall, Lorelei kept saying ‘go get your friend’. So, is she not your friend because I’m confused? Why is she telling you this stuff?” She looks at Jenisa.
Jenisa: “Grace and Lorelei aren’t my friends. Lorelei wasn’t my friend at the time.”
Gemma laughs and finishes her glass of wine, Jenisa raises her eyebrow at Gemma.
Jenisa: “I don’t know what’s so funny…”
Gemma: “Ohhhh, so NOW you and Lorelei are friends?” She nods her head and smirks. “Got it!”
Jenisa: “I mean we’ve established a friendship. Her sister is dating my son’s father, it only makes sense. Speaking of — You went fucking below the belt about me as a mother.” Her tone changes as she glares at Gemma. “Who do you think you are?”
Gemma: “Girl, don’t try that with me.” She rolls her eyes. “You went below the belt too. If you talk about my business and my money, I will go down in the mud with you.”
Jenisa: “I am a great mother.”
Gemma looks at Jenisa and nods.
Gemma: “I’m sure you are a great mother, Jenisa. I am sorry if I hurt you or spoke ill of your child in any way. I do agree that family should be off limits, I was caught up in the heat of the moment.”
Jenisa shakes her head.
Jenisa: “I mean you haven’t even seen me with my kid so I don’t understand why you would even have an idea of my parenting.”
Gemma: “And you haven’t been to any of my events because I don’t invite random people. Maybe if you and I were closer I would invite you. But, that’s a long ways from here.”
Jenisa: “I guess so.”
Gemma pours another glass for each of them.
Gemma: “I’m curious,, who even brought up this supposed issue between us?” She furrows her brow.
Jenisa: “Imani and Lorelei.”
Gemma: “Oh gosh.” She rolls her eyes.
Jenisa: “What?”
Gemma: “I apologized to them already at Grace’s little energy cleansing thing so I don’t know if them asking was genuine or was it just to cause trouble?”
Jenisa: “Oh — “
Gemma: “And, I mean, I only threw those mothering insults at you because a little birdie told me you were an unfit mother.” She sips her wine. “I won’t name any names.”
Jenisa: “I’m sorry? You can’t just say that and not tell me who’s calling me unfit. I’m assuming It’s Grace?”
Jenisa looks to Gemma for any give aways. Gemma shakes her head no.
Jenisa: “Who?”
Gemma: “Imani.” She widens her eyes and takes another sip.
Jenisa dramatically chokes and clutches her chest.
Jenisa: “Did you say Imani? I don’t believe that! We just had a play date, we’re in a great spot.”
“There’s no fucking way.”
Gemma throws her hands up nonchalantly and looks away.
Gemma: “Believe what you want but I don’t lie.” She shakes her head. “I have no reason to lie.”
Jenisa: “Then confront Imani with me. If this is true, you’ll have no reason not to.” She shrugs. “Your standing on facts.”
Gemma: “Oh, no, no, no, no, no.” She shakes her head furiously. “I’m too busy dealing with this drama.” She points between them.
Jenisa smirks.
Jenisa: “No, no. I’ve heard you’re planning a trip…and I’m assuming you’re about to invite me.” She shrugs. “So let’s cut to the chase. When we’re away we can go after the rumor head on. Together.” She looks at Gemma seriously.
Gemma thinks for a second then responds.
Gemma: “Well… that invite was up in the air but I feel like we’ve made progress today so yes I would like to extend the invite to China. I’ve already invited all of the ladies already. I’m not sure if Ren will make it, I know she’s dealing with a crisis in her company right now.”
Jenisa smiles.
Jenisa: “Well Gemma we have the opportunity to be really good friends. You have my back, I’ll have yours.”
Gemma: “Yes! Let’s try this again!”
Jenisa: “Let’s shake on it.”
The girls shake hands.
“I don’t trust Gemma but if what she’s saying is true then Imani has quite the tidal wave coming for her ass.”
Jenisa: “To a true and honest friendship!”
“Listen I’ll say whatever I need to say to get this bitch off my back. I know a snake when I see one and this one is a huge slimy snake.”
Gemma: “To a true and honest friendship! Cheers!”
She raises her glass and the episode ends.