[S5E1]: New Year, New Tea
Cheery music plays as landmarks in sunny Beverly Beach are displayed on the screen. People in designer clothes sit outside and eat at trendy restaurants as stunning sports cars zoom past them. All of the sudden, deep moaning and grunting can be heard in the background noise as the camera pans to an Orangetheory Fitness building. Inside, Lorelei sits on the ground and uses a rag to wipe sweat off her face.
Lorelei: “Oh my god…” She sighs. “These classes always kick my ass.” She smiles and turns to Grace who sits right beside her.
Grace: “Girl, I can’t believe you convinced me to come here! I haven’t had a workout like that in a LONG time.”
The girls giggle as the other people in the class get up and head out of the room. The instructor waves at them. Lorelei and Grace both take long swigs from their water bottles as they remain on the floor.
“Grace and I have had a turn of events! The two of us had a rocky start, but these past few months we’ve actually started to become really good friends! Dare I say I actually like Grace.” She laughs.
Lorelei: “So…I know things have been crazy, but how have you been, honey?”
Grace: “It’s a mixed bag of emotions to be honest with you. House of Faroe has been doing immensely well but things at home…” She shakes her head. “I don’t even know.”
“If someone had told me this time last year I’d be going to a workout class with Lorelei Fox and opening up to her about my problems…I’d have called them a pathological liar!” She laughs.
Lorelei frowns.
Lorelei: “Oh, really? What’s going on at home? Let’s talked over here.”
The two women get up and walk out of the building. Outside of the building there is a bench and Lorelei and Grace take a seat.
Lorelei: “What’s going on?”
Grace: “Well, you know I was having issues with my husband, Dimitri, last year after we seperated?”
Lorelei nods as she puts her hair into a ponytail
Lorelei: “Yeah, I remember.” She furrows her brow.
Grace: “The separation caused a major rift between me and Megan. One so big that she lives with Dimitri now…and I never see her or speak to her. It…hurts.” She frowns.
Lorelei gasps.
Lorelei: “She…She left the home? Oh my gosh. That is awful, honey. Do you think he had something to do with it?”
“Grace’s daughter leaving the home to live with her dad is every mother’s worst nightmare after a separation. You don’t ever want the kids to feel torn between two homes. I — I feel for her. It’s sad.”
Grace: “Of course he did! It’s classic Dimitri. He uses manipulative tactics to get his way. The real catalyst for me and Megan was the cease and desist I sent Dimitri a few months ago. Things really snowballed from there.”
Lorelei: “That is sad.” She shakes her head. “I really hope she can let go of the anger and is able to listen to your side, Gracie.” She rubs Grace’s arm. “I’m praying for you, honey! Megan is also young, she’ll come around.”
Grace smiles.
Grace: “Thank you. I appreciate it.” She takes a drink from her water bottle. “Anyways! Enough about me, what’s going on with you? How’s that cute little one of yours?”
Lorelei: “She’s fabulous!” She smiles. “Banks is entering the goddamn terrible twos though.” She widens her eyes and shakes her head. “I mean…Mommy is stressed, okay!” She laughs.
Grace: “Aw, I remember those days. Lord knows how I got through it. How are things with Xavier…and dare I mention the T word.”
Lorelei: “Lots of wine, I bet! But…yes, let's talk about that. Xavier and I are fine, we’re in a great place. He just keeps his life with me separate from his life with his mother. We literally cannot bare to be without each other, he had to comprise.”
Grace nods.
Grace: “I’m glad he’s finally began to listen to you and understand how you feel. The fact he wasn’t doing that last year was making you so unhappy and it was evident. As for that woman… she’s a horrible human being. I was in one of my favourite restaurants the other month and she was there having a luncheon with some friends and it’s clear the company she keeps are just like her. You won’t change people like that, honey, and unfortunately that’s the way the world is.”
“Life is full of people who will stop at nothing to make you unhappy. I learned long ago that if I can’t emotionally see you then you can’t get to me.”
Lorelei touches her chest and smiles sweetly.
Lorelei: “Aw, that’s sweet of you to say. I’ve moved on from last year, really. It’s old news.” She shrugs. “But…are you coming to my New Years Eve party?! You never texted me back an RSVP.” She playfully glares at her. “I want you there!”
Grace: “Of course I’m coming.” She laughs. “Sorry for not texting back, I thought I did! I’ve just been swamped at the office juggling everything.”
Lorelei: “All good. I am a little stressed though. Imani and Xavier were so bent on planning it to give me time to relax.” She shakes her head. “I want to be in control of all aspects. I love to host a good over the top New Years party every year. I want it to go off without a hitch.”
“I’ve been in Beverly Beach for 3 years now and I’ve always thrown the most lavish New Years Eve parties, even when I lived in LA. Imani asked if she could do it this year & asked Xavier for help. Why? I don’t know.” She laughs. “Whatever, it takes some work off my plate. I just pray it isn’t a mess and my names attached to it.”
Grace: “Well, any excuse for a party, right?”
Lorelei: “Yeah! Plus, the girls in Beverly Beach love free booze.”
Grace snickers and shakes her head. The scene ends.
Music plays as the camera follows a sleek Range Rover as it zooms through the streets of Downtown Beverly Beach. It pulls into a parking lot of an office space and Ren gets out. She takes off her sunglasses as she waltz into her REN Swimwear office.
“A lot of positive changes have occured since last year at home with Aaron and baby Gracie. I have to admit our first year with Gracie was tough, I was having trouble bonding with a child that I didn't conceive and I was never that interested in being a stepford wife to begin with. But thankfully, we managed to get past that and me and Gracie are stronger than ever, she even started calling me mommy.” She nervously laughs. “I’m more determined than ever to be a good role model for her, so lately I’ve been focusing on elevating my swim suit line, REN. I haven’t had much time to put into it the last year but now I’m ready to get back to it.”
Ren greets her inhouse staff. She walks to her private office space and begins looking through fabric samples that were placed on her desk.
Ren: “This is terrible…who approved this?” She whispers to herself as she throws most of the samples in the garbage can.
“Today I’m meeting with my sales coordinator, LaQuan, to go over how we can elevate and put some new life back into the REN brand!”
Ren is now sitting at her desk, typing on her laptop. Her assistant, Rita, knocks on her door and peaks her head in.
Rita: “Mrs. Rose, LaQuan Leakes is here to see you.”
Ren stops typing and smiles.
Ren: “Send him in.”
LaQuan enters the room confidently and goes straight for a seat across from Ren.
LaQuan: “Hi Queen!” As he sits, he sets his briefcase down on her desk.
Ren stands up and goes around to the other side of the desk to give LaQuan a hug.
Ren: “Hi diva! I feel like I haven’t seen you forever.”
LaQuan stays seated and pauses opening up his briefcase to look at Ren.
LaQuan: “Honey, chile…I love you, doll but I gotta skip the pleasantries for now. We gotta talk business.” He looks disappointed as he pulls paperwork out of his bag. “Sales are down 40% from last year, some of our retail partners aren’t to happy about it.”
Ren goes back to sit behind the desk and she frowns at the papers.
Ren: “This can’t be…I…I’ve been working hard to make sure this is a sustainable luxury brand! I don’t believe it…” She grabs the papers and begins looking through them.
LaQuan: “Have you?” He cocks his head and gives Ren a look. “Or have you been running those Twitter fingers fighting with all them lil girls. Going on trips, lunches, and whatnot. You missed 4 meetings last month alone…meetings where I have to cover for you. I know more about your brand than you do! Your staff keeps quitting…you need to get your priorities together, Ren. A lot of money is on the line for you and Aaron. If we continue at this rate, we could be looking at bankruptcy.” He shakes his head, disappointed.
“I’m absolutely dumbfounded at what LaQuan is saying to me right now. Yes, I admit, I haven't been focusing on the business as much as I could but working and being a mom, and still having ME TIME is hard work. I’m trying to find the balance.”
LaQuan: “I suggest a strong revamp.” He taps his finger on her desk then gathers his briefcase and purse. “I’m gon’ give you a lil minute to let all this marinate but next time I see you, you need to have a strategy.” He gets up and briskly walks out.
The camera pans to Ren who has her head in her hands, she lets out a loud scream that startles the staff in the office. The scene ends.
Music plays as a black SUV pulls up to an abandoned lot right on the beach. It pulls over into the parking lot. The driver gets out and walks back to open the door for Imani. She extends her hand to him as she steps out of the car. She looks up at the abandoned building and makes a weird face.
Imani: “Where has this girl got me going…” She says to herself.
“It’s a new day in Beverly Beach but the drama never stops!” She winks at the camera. “No, last year was a draining year. I don’t even know how I had the energy to constantly get these girls together, but as my therapist always says: “There’s a light at the end of the tunnel”… and I’m the light of Beverly Beach, that’s why they stay using me to run their mouth. However, this new and improved 2022 Imani is not all about drama, I have friends that actually make me laugh and have loyalty to me unlike some of these girls.”
A bright green Lamborghini races up to the front of the building and parks. The engine revs before it is turned off. The doors fly open and a pair of designer heels hit the pavement. Gemma Li takes off her sunglasses and waves at Imani.
Gemma: “Imaniiiiiiii!” She squeals in a high pitched voice as she gives Imani a hug.
Imani: “Ooh la la! I see the club business is doing you good.” She points to the car and chuckles. “How are you, my love?”
“Gemma Li is a very successful club owner and promoter. Lorelei and I have run in some of the same circles as Gemma. I have reached out to her to find me a DJ for Lorelei’s New Years Party that I am planning with my future brother-in-law…whoops! Did I say that out loud?” She laughs.
Gemma: “Yes, girl!” She flips her hair. “I’m good, I’m good. I’m just trying to get this new beach club off the ground.” She motions to the building. “My realtor contacted me and I thought the location was nice.”
Imani looks at the building again and raises her eyebrow.
Imani: “Well, it seems like you have a lot of work to do if you’re going with this space, girl…”
“I have clubs all over the world! Let’s see…” She looks up, thinking. “Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Dubai, Mykonos, etcetera!
Now I’m looking to open one in Beverly Beach! It is far from done, this space I’m looking at is not up to par but once I put my touch on it, it’ll be the hottest club here.” She winks.
Gemma unlocks the door and the two women walk into the abandoned building.
Imani: “Very spacious…”
Gemma: “I wanted to get your opinion though, do you like it? Can you see the vision?”
Imani: “Listen, I’m not seeing it right now but I’ve been to a few of your clubs and they are amaze. I have full faith you can pull this off.” She smiles. “Soooo did you find a DJ for the party yet?”
Gemma: “Yes!” She smiles. “I sweet talked my friend DJ Ark, he plays in all the hottest beach clubs in Ibiza. He’s in Las Vegas this weekend doing a set at Encore, but he’s agreed to fly to Beverly Beach for the night just to do Lorelei’s party.” She does a little clap.
Imani: “Oh my god, I am so grateful for you! Great job, Gemma!” She celebrates. “I want everything to be perfect because this is a very important party. Xavier and I took over control because Xavier is going to propose!”
Gemma: “Awe! Lorelei is one lucky girl, Xavier is very cute.” She giggles. “I can’t wait to see it.”
Imani: “It’s kind of like a hybrid New Years and engagement party.”
Gemma: “Love that!”
Imani: “I am so excited for her, you know, with everything going on. She truly deserves this. I just hope it really works out this time, you know? She’s a tough cookie for sure but sometimes the side comments about her family get to her.”
“Lorelei is a very sensitive person but hides her emotions very well. I can tell she genuinely is in love with Xavier though. Her and Xavier are good together though. I hope this time it works out for them, they both followed their heart no matter how messed up the situation was.”
Gemma: “That’s amazing. This will really be a beautiful way to bring in the new year.”
Imani: “Thanks so much for your help, doll. I knew I could count on you.”
The scene fades as Imani gives Gemma a hug inside of the abandoned building.
Music plays as we get footage of people walking through Downtown Beverly Beach. We get shots of the expensive shops and restaurants that are in the area. Finally, the shot settles on a trendy, high-end dispensary. Inside the showroom, Jenisa Azizi is chatting with an employee who is working the counter.
Jenisa: “I cannot believe how huge this location has been.” She grins. “I hope the new pop up in Malibu will be just as successful.”
Employee: “It will be! There’s some new items coming in, right? Cookies and cakes from the THC bakery in Portland?”
Jenisa: “Yes! I actually have a friend coming by today to check some of the new product out.” She nods. “She’ll be my little guinea pig.”
Employee: “Oh fun!”
“Sup, bitches! I am Jenisa Azizi, Persian Princess and Queen of the Green.” She laughs. “I’m a single mom to my little prince, Eli. He is my entire life! Today, I’m having my friend Sheridan out to my dispensary to try some new goodies before I open up a new pop up location.”
The music changes as a white Aston Martin zooms into the parking lot of the dispensary. Sheridan steps out of the car and walks into the dispensary.
“You didn’t think I’d be a one and done, did you?” She winks.
Sheridan: “Hey pretty lady!”
Sheridan walks in and waves, Jenisa and her employee turn to her. She walks over to Jenisa and gives her a hug.
Jenisa: “GORG! There she is! Do a twirl, bitch!” She points to Sheridan. “You look SNATCHED!” She grins.
Sheridan does a twirl then grabs her long braid, she laughs.
Sheridan: “YASSSS!”
“After a rocky last year, I wanted to expand my social circle more. I started hanging out with some really cool people and ended up meeting Jenisa who has got me hooked on her good weed.” She laughs. “We met at the gym and really hit it off. She’s so cool! She runs a very very successful dispensary in town. I think her weed has done wonders for Martin and I’s relationship.
Jenisa: “I’m doing wonderful! Come with me to the back room. I have some good shit back there for you to try.”
The women laugh and Jenisa leads them into a comfortable lounge area located in the back of the building. The women sit on the white couches and Jenisa starts to roll a joint.
“These past few months, I have really enjoyed my time hanging out with Sheridan. She’s my kind of girl. Real, no bullshit. I don’t want to and I can’t deal with any fraudulent activity.”
Sheridan: “This is such a dope spot…” She takes the joint that Jenisa lit up and takes a hit. “and this…top notch.” She nods as she exhales. “I think this is what makes Martin and I less stressed so we can actually talk out our issues. Seriously.”
“Martin and I are working on our relationship. After last season and the issues we’ve faced the past couple years, he and I have decided to go into couples counseling to commit and really work on us getting back together as a family again.”
After taking a few hits, Jenisa turns around and yells to her employee.
Jenisa: “Bring in the choc chip cooks!” She turns to Sheridan. “You want that relationship to be more on fire? You gotta eat some of these new edibles we got in.”
Her employee scurries back with a tray of individually wrapped cookies. Jenisa picks one up and hands it to Sheridan.
Sheridan: “Ohhh, thank you! I can’t wait to try.”
Jenisa: “So tell me! What’s happening with Martin?” She cocks her head. “Last time we saw eachother, you only kinda touched the surface.” She furrows her brow.
Sheridan: “Well, he's finally cut off the side chicks and I truly feel that without them in the picture, I can properly heal and process his infidelity that produced my step son.”
“Truth is, I have forgiven Martin for having a child behind my back. Now it’s time for him to prove he’s loyal to me and only me.”
Jenisa smiles and takes another hit before passing it back to Sheridan, her eyelids hang and her eyes are starting to get red.
Jenisa: “Good…Good…” She says softly. “Thank God for that. How is your relationship with Martin’s…” She pauses and looks confused. “Wait…who was it again? Martin’s son’s mother? So Martin’s baby momma?”
Sheridan shakes her head and blows out a cloud before setting the joint in the ashtray.
Sheridan: “She’s a toxic, broke bitch. I have to deal with her for the rest of my life…” She shrugs and looks to Jenisa. “
Jenisa: “Listen, if I could be any word of advice. Meet with her. Talk to her. You will be interacting and helping her raise that kid.”
“I truly sympathize with Sheridan. I’m a single mom and I know how important it is to have a relationship with my sons father. But if his father comes with another woman. I have to be able to trust her ass too.”
Jenisa: “You want to have a good relationship with her for not only you but also Martin and especially that boy.”
Sheridan: “Yeah…Yeah…” She nods along but looks lost.
Sheridan looks at Jenisa and the pair burst out laughing.
Sheridan: “Wait…I’m like so sorry, I totally forgot what we were talking about.” She plays with a strand of her hair and has a dopey grin.
Jenisa: “It’s okay girl. I could tell. Meeting with Martin’s baby mama, good idea!” She does a thumbs up then takes a sip from her water bottle.
Sheridan: “Ohhhhh yeahhhh! That’s definitely part of the healing process and moving forward with Martin as a family unit.”
Jenisa: “I’m so glad. I hope that conversation goes well. Hey, bring the bitch some cookies! That’ll help loosen her up.”
The girls laugh.
Sheridan: “Speaking of baby daddy’s…how’s it going with Derek?”
Jenisa: “Derek is Derek. Thank God he’s supportive and comes to see Eli or I’d lose my fucking mind.” She chuckles.
Sheridan: “If you don’t mind me asking, what made you decide you couldn’t stay with him anymore?” She looks to Jenisa. “What was the end all be all?”
Jenisa: “Oh, bitch — He’s a cheater. He’s a pro athlete!” She scoffs. “New city every week. More hoes for him to love on. I was over it.” She shakes her head.
“I was married to Derek Jackson an active player for Beverly Beach’s NBA Team. We dated for a few years in college, got married when he was drafted, had Eli and then our marriage fell apart because he just couldn’t be loyal. Right now, me and Derek are in a good place. It took some healing but at the end of the day Derek is a great father to Eli…when he’s not preoccupied with nasty pussy.” She laughs and looks behind the camera. “Can I say that?”
Sheridan: “I should have known! You know, Martin is a retired athlete.” She rolls her eyes. “They all cheat. I’m sorry that he cheated on you though, you’re a bomb ass chick.”
Jenisa: “Thanks baby!” She smiles and pats Sheridan’s hand. “So wait — What are you doing for New Years? Mama needs a party, I haven’t been to any non-work related social events in months.”
Sheridan: “Girl, come with me to my friend Lorelei’s New Years Eve bash! I think we’re allowed to bring a plus one and Martin isn’t going to be in town. It’s going to be at the Beverly Beach Hotel.”
Jenisa: “That sounds like a good time, but wait…Lorelei? That name sounds familiar.” She pulls out her phone and begins scrolling.
Sheridan: “Oh! You know ole big booty Lorelei?! The one who left her husband for his son?”
“No judgment!” She giggles. “You do you, Miss Lei!”
Jenisa turns her phone around to show Sheridan her Instagram.
Jenisa: “This her?”
Sheridan: “Yes!” She nods.
Jenisa: “You know…She’s Imani Grimaldi’s sister, right?”
Sheridan rolls her eyes and huffs.
Sheridan: “Yes. You know Imani too? She’s a mess right now.”
“Imani and I haven’t chatted since she got offended that I repeated that she was a prostitute on national television…”
“I didn’t realize that it would air! I’m so sorry babe, truly!”
Jenisa: “Wanna laugh?” She grins.
Sheridan: “Oh gosh, what has Imani done this time?”
Jenisa: “Derek is currently dating Imani…or hanging out? I don’t know the extent of it but I know they’ve been together for a little while.”
“What a small fucking world.”
Sheridan’s mouth hangs open.
Sheridan: “Oh my — Ren wasn’t lying when she told me Imani was busy.”
Jenisa: “I don’t know the girl myself so I can’t judge.”
Sheridan raises and eyebrow.
Sheridan: “Well, how would this work? Maybe you shouldn’t come…I don’t want Lorelei getting mad at me. I don’t really want to piss Imani off any more either, we used to be friends and the last time I saw her she was screaming at me.”
Jenisa shakes her head.
Jenisa: “No, no, no. It’ll be fine. We’re all adults here. Like I said, I don’t know Imani. I haven’t met her yet but Derek did mention the name to me. I like to give all of Derek’s little girlfriends a chance.” She shrugs. “Plus — I don’t like to embarrass myself at parties.”
Sheridan: “Well, she’s what you would expect her to be. Just don’t get crazy with her extra ass because, trust me. She’s as extra as it gets.”
Jenisa: “Of course. I will be on my best behavior. I’ll bring some goodies so we can all feel relaxed.” She smiles.
Sheridan: “Some of the girls need some of this good shit!”
Sheridan and Jenisa start to get up and the scene ends.
Music begins as we get a shot of the grandiose Beverly Beach Hotel. Guests are starting to enter for Lorelei’s New Years Eve party. Inside, Lorelei, Xavier, and Imani admire the party space. It’s a beautiful parlor with a large lounge area with a plethora of fireplaces and leather couches. Servers in suits are scattered throughout the large room with trays of hors d’oeuvres.
Lorelei: “Okay…Okay…You guys did good. Nice job, babe.” She looks over at Imani and rubs Xavier’s back. “I’m impressed.”
Xavier: “I told you. We got this, right Imani?” He laughs and reaches over playfully taps Imani’s arm.
Imani: “Yeah! I just love how this turned out.” She smiles.
Lorelei: “Alright, I’ll be right back you guys. I’m going to go grab a drink from the bar.”
As Lorelei walks towards the bar, Xavier turns to Imani. He is smiling and rubbing his hands together.
Xavier: “You ready for this, sis?”
Imani: “I have been thinking about it all day. I almost threw up. Does she know anything about it?”
Xavier shakes his head.
Xavier: “Not a single clue. She’s going to be shocked. I’m ready…” He nods. “I’m so ready.”
“It’s Lorelei’s day! However, I have a headache thinking about the fact I have to deal with this secret within me and seeing her ladies tonight. I hope everything goes well and no one tries to make it their moment, Lorelei deserves this!”
Imani: “You have the ring?” She raises an eyebrow.
Xavier: “Of course!” He winks and taps his jacket pocket.
The shot switches to outside where Grace emerges from the back of an Escalade. Her girlfriend, Vivian, walks around to Grace’s side of the car and links arms with her. The couple enters the hotel’s lounge where people are starting to fill up the party. They walk up to Lorelei and Imani who are standing around and chatting.
Grace: “Hey ladies! Happy New Years Eve!” She smiles.
Imani gives Grace a hug.
Imani: “THE Grace Faroe?! You’re here and fabulous, per usual, honey! Happy New Years. Hi Vivian!” She gives Grace and Vivian both a kiss on the cheek.
Grace: “Yesssss Imani with the gold!”
Vivian: “Hello beautiful!”
Lorelei smiles sweetly and looks to Grace and Vivian.
Lorelei: “I’m so glad you two could make it. Happy New Years, girls.” She hugs the couple as well.
Grace smiles and looks around.
Grace: “This looks amazing! I love it! Great atmosphere.”
Vivian: “It really is!”
Gemma is shown taking pictures with a friend in the entrance of the hotel. She looks at herself in her phone camera before walking into the venue. She looks around in awe at the place, her eyes shoot over to a man setting up a DJ booth and she smiles.
Gemma: “Aweee, I’m glad they booked him.”
She spots Lorelei, Imani, Grace, and Vivian. She heads over to the girls and hugs the sisters.
Gemma: “Hey girls! Happy New Years.”
Lorelei: “Gemma! My gosh, you look stunning baby!”
Gemma: “Thank you, Lorelei!” She winks.
Imani: “Gemma! Thanks for attending, beautiful.”
Gemma: “Of course, of course.” She turns to Grace. “Hey gorgeous, I’m Gemma.”
Grace stands with Vivian, holding her drink and she smiles at Gemma.
Grace: “Hello! I’m Grace, this is Vivian.” She turns around and pats Vivian’s chest. “So nice to meet you, you look gorgeous.”
Gemma: “Nice to meet you both!” She smiles at Grace and Vivian.
“This Gemma…you know the scene in Bridget Jones, where she goes to the Tarts and Vicars party? Yeah…THAT.” Her eyes widen and she laughs.
We get a montage of Ren and her husband Aaron walking in and greeting the girls.
“The annual Beverly Beach New Years Eve party is FAB! I never miss it, it’s the one night a year everyone looks forward to because it’s so luxurious and only the best of the best get to attend…so my question is why is Lorelei hosting it?” She looks confused. “I don’t know, but I’m here.” She shrugs.
Lorelei puts on a smile and gives Ren a hug.
Lorelei: “Oh hey, Ren. Aaron. Glad you two could make it.”
Lorelei gives Imani a look and Grace and Vivian don’t interact as Ren and Aaron stand awkwardly in the circle.
“You know — I don’t know how Ren got in the guest list. I’m shocked. It’s amazing what pussy can buy you in Beverly Beach.” She shrugs. “Interesting.”
Gemma turns to Ren and smiles.
Gemma: “Hello, I’m Gemma Li! I think I’ve met you once before in Ibiza last summer, Ren Rose, right?” Ren nods. “I was promoting a friend’s new club and I think we booked you to host the event!” She sips her champagne.
She looks at Gemma for a moment before responding.
Ren: “Oh yeah…oh my god! Hi! Yes! I remember you. How are you?”
“I have no idea who this Gemma girl is…I meet so many promoters on a daily basis. But she seems cute.”
Quirky music plays as the scene switches to Sheridan and Jenisa getting out of the back of a car in front of the hotel. Sheridan climbs out of the backseat before Jenisa. Jenisa swats in front of her and makes a spitting noise.
Jenisa: “Ah! Your feathery butt is getting in my mouth. Pfttttt!”
The girls belly laugh as they are finally both out. They hold red solo cups and some of the older attendees in fancy gowns give them up-and-downs as they walk into the hotel.
Jenisa: “I guess we gotta get rid of these before we go in. Come on, give it to me I’ll go throw it away.”
Sheridan hands her cup over to Jenisa and follows behind her as she walks to the trash can.
Sheridan: “Remember, behave! Some of these bitches are wild.”
Jenisa: “Best behaviour, I promise.” She winks.
Sheridan takes two Fireball shooters out of her purse before they go in.
Sheridan: “Cheers!”
Sheridan waves as her and Jenisa hold hands and approach Lorelei, Imani, Ren, Grace and Gemma.
Sheridan: “The party has arrived, divas!”
She laughs and spins Jenisa around. The camera pans to Grace who rolls her eyes at Sheridan’s entrance. Imani stands next to Grace and leans in and whispers.
Imani: “Oh lord, here we go.”
Ren: “Sheridan! Jenisa!” She goes up and hugs the girls.
Jenisa: “Hi, Ren, baby!”
Sheridan and Jenisa introduce themselves to Gemma, Ren’s confessional plays as a voice over.
“I do give a lot of money to Jenisa’s business…” She laughs “But I’ve only ever really met her one other time before, briefly. Sheridan and her haven’t been friends that long but they became super close…fast.” She shrugs. “Supposedly she’s a really fun girl. If Sheridan vouches for her, I’ll definitely give her a chance.”
As Sheridan, Jenisa, and Ren talk, Lorelei approaches the group. She taps Sheridan’s shoulder.
Lorelei: “Hi! Thank you both for coming.” She hugs Sheridan and looks at Jenisa.
Sheridan: “Hey, babe. Thank you for having us.”
Jenisa: “You must be Lorelei!” She goes in for a hug. “Sorry, I hug!” She laughs. “Thanks for having me, I’m Jenisa.”
Lorelei smiles.
Lorelei: “Oh, nice to meet you Jenisa! You’re gorgeous, honey.”
Jenisa: “Likewise! I’ve been following your Instagram…Stunning.”
Imani now walks over, Sheridan watches Imani carefully as she comes to stand next to Lorelei. She looks at Sheridan.
Imani: “Sheridan, hello.” She half smiles and turns to Jenisa. “Nice to meet you, I’m Imani.”
Sheridan raises an eyebrow and looks to Jenisa for her response. Jenisa plasters a large smile on her face and gives Imani a hug.
Jenisa: “Jenisa! I’m a hugger. Nice to meet you too.”
“I guess Imani doesn’t know who I am…or she’s a really good actress.” She chuckles. “Either way, I’m glad I got to meet her a bit tonight because if Derek is seriously going to date her, she’s going to be around my child and that’ll require me to get to know her.”
Lorelei taps her nails against her champagne flute.
Lorelei: “Ladies — Let’s head to the lounge area now! We can have some more cocktails and Xavier picked us out a special selection of cuban cigars.”
Grace turns to Vivian and smiles.
Grace: “I’m going to head into the lounge with the other women, will you be okay?”
Vivian: “Yeah, of course! I spotted an old colleague.”
Grace: “Great!” She gives Vivian a kiss.
Lorelei, Imani, Sheridan, Ren, Grace, Jenisa, and Gemma make their way down the grand staircase and head farther into the venue. They walk into a classy old room filled with luxurious leather couches set up in square sitting areas. The ‘Wives pick a section and sit in it, on the table, there is a large box full of cigars. Around them, there are a few other sections where guys are already smoking.
Ren: “I didn’t know you were into cigars, Lorelei.”
Lorelei sits back, smirks, and lights one on her mouth.
Lorelei: “A good cigar is one of the finest luxurious in life.” She puffs out smoke.
Jenisa now turns to Gemma, whom she is sitting next to.
Jenisa: “Ok I have to admit…when I first saw you I was kinda freaking out! I was like ‘Oh my GOD, is that Gemma Li?!’ I’m Jenisa Azizi by the way.”
“Gemma Li is literally an icon in the promoter business. I’m trying to kiss her ass for a discount on the next event I book.” She laughs.
Gemma smiles at Jenisa.
Gemma: “Hi Jenisa! I remember you.”
Jenisa: “Well you look gorg tonight.”
Gemma: “You too.”
“Jenisa has been in my DMs for like 3 months now. It’s flattering but a bit annoying to say the least.” She cringes.
Ren watches the interaction between Gemma and Jenisa and sips her drink.
“It’s like the first day of school watching these girls interact. It’s very cute but I’m wondering how long it’s gonna last.”
The camera pans to Lorelei, Grace, and Imani who sit on the couch together and watch the interaction as well. Lorelei looks over at her sister and Grace and mutters in a low voice.
Lorelei: “These girls are cute, huh?” She raises an eyebrow.
Grace takes a sip of her drink then shakes her head, chuckling.
Grace: “They seem…lively.”
Imani: “Well Grace, I know you and I didn’t act like that last year.” She laughs. “They seem too excited.”
“Listen — I like a nice girl but Jenisa seems a little to excited to be here with the group tonight. Wow, I meet a lot of fans everyday but this one is next level. She knows everyone here.” She shakes her head.
Sheridan: “Girls!” She says loudly. “Girls, girls….Listen Jenisa here has the best weed in Beverly Beach.” She grins and points to Jenisa.
Jenisa: “Oh my God! I almost forgot!” She perks up. “Ladies, I brought some of these new edibles we just got in at the dispensary. Anyone want one?” She begins digging around her purse.
Ren: “Oh, I’ll take one, girl! I love your dispensary, it’s such an elevated experience.” She smiles and grabs a cookie.
Jenisa: “Thanks Ren! And be careful with the cookie… they have magical powers.” She grins and shakes her hands.
“My cookies literally make your pussy wet!” She laughs. “Some of these ladies look a bit dry. Have a cookie! Or 10!”
Grace raises her eyebrow at Jenisa then looks away to face Imani.
Gemma: “So what’s everyone’s relationship statues in the group if you don’t mind me asking.”
Ren: “I’m married!”
Sheridan: “It’s complicated.”
Jenisa: “Single!”
Lorelei: “I have a boyfriend, Gemma.” She smiles.
Grace: “And I have a girlfriend.” She nods. “Speaking of which, Imani — How’s your dating life? I saw you’ve been posting with a man.” She smiles and nudges Imani.
Sheridan: “Oh yeah! He looks so familiar to me.”
Ren leans in and whispers to Sheridan.
Ren: “Was it a man or was it just of her in the mirror.” The girls giggles.
Imani gives Ren and Sheridan a look before responding to Grace.
Imani: “Of course shady Faroe is asking me about this.” She laughs then crosses her legs. “My dating life is something right now. I’ve met this amazing guy who has potential.” She blushes. “But that’s all I can tell you right now. You know people stay making assumptions so I will tell you more privately.” She looks around the group.
Lorelei looks at Imani and smirks.
“I’m delighted Imani seems to have met someone! Maybe now there won’t be any RUMORS this year.”
Sheridan: “We’ve all seen the pictures, hun. Isn’t his name Derek?”
Imani: “Well if you have seen his pictures and know his name, why are you asking darling?” She gives Sheridan and annoyed look. “Yes, it’s Derek.”
“Sheridan is acting a little too inquisitive right now. Girl, don’t you got a book full of three step omelettes to sell?!” She shakes her head. “Leave Imani alone!”
Sheridan: “I’ve definitely seen him somewhere but I’m still thinking.”
Jenisa: “Wait…Derek?” She thinks then turns to Imani. “You do know who Derek is, right?”
Imani: “Derek, yes! My boyfriend. We’re speaking on him?”
Ren raises her eyebrow and looks at Jenisa.
Jenisa: “Derek is my son’s father.” She smiles.
Ren chokes on her champagne. Grace’s mouth drops and Gemma gasps.
Sheridan: “OH! That must be how I know Derek!”
Lorelei gasps overdramatically while grabbing her chest.
Lorelei: “I am about to fall the fuck out, chile.”
The camera pans to Grace who is watching the interaction in disbelief.
“Say what?” Her eyes widen.
Lorelei looks to Imani with concern, locking arms with her. Imani raises an eyebrow and looks to Jenisa.
Imani: “Yeah…I knew he had a beautiful child.”
Jenisa: “Yes, that’s my beautiful boy Eli. He came out of my vagina.”
Jenisa shifts in her seat and crosses her legs. Grace looks over at her and makes a disgusted face. Ren turns to Imani.
Ren: “She’s his baby mama, honey.”
Gemma shakes her head and laughs.
Jenisa: “You know, after Derek…Well — I don’t have to explain the details. Surely you know how a baby is made.” She smirks.
Imani: “Oh wow, why didn’t that vagina keep Derek.” She laughs and looks around at the other women. “I don’t know why this is a topic of conversation.”
Jenisa: “Cause this vagina is expensive and he couldn’t afford it anymore.” She wags her finger and swivels her head.
Ren turns to Sheridan and whispers.
Ren: “This is getting tasteless…”
Grace rolls her eyes.The camera pans to Imani and the episode ends.
Next Time on The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach…
The New Years party continues with a meltdown and Lorelei’s engagement. Grace works on designing a dress for movie star Mona Quinn. Gemma let’s some gossip about Imani slip to some of the ladies, leaving them confused to where her loyalty lies. Lorelei & Imani meet up with Grace and Mona for dinner.