[S5]: This Season on The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach…
The trailer starts off with a beautiful shot of the coastline of Beverly Beach. There is no noise besides multiple people inhaling and exhaling slowly and the occasional seagull squawk. The camera pans to Gemma, Ren, Lorelei, Imani, Sheridan, Grace, and Jenisa who all stand in a circle on the beach holding hands. They are dressed in all white and have their eyes close as they breath in and out. There is an older woman there, making her way around the circle touching each girl’s forehead with a crystal. The spiritual guide begins to speak.
Lola [Spiritual Guide]: “Visualize a beam of energy running from inside of you all the way into the center of the earth. This beam is grounding you, it’s grounding your chakras...”
The camera focuses now on Lorelei who keeps her eyes closed as she lets out a shaky breath. The spiritual guide continues to speak in a slow, soft voice.
Lola [Spiritual Guide]: “Think of any negativity going on in your life and let that go. Exhale…”
Dramatic music begins as the scene quickly changes to a fancy restaurant. Lorelei and Imani are gathering their belongings to leave a table the other ‘Wives are sitting at. Cleary upset, Lorelei turns the table of women before walking out.
Lorelei: “Ren, you and your failing business will be bankrupt by tomorrow. Don’t ever come for me again. Have a goodnight.” She death glares Ren.
Imani tugs her sister’s arm.
Imani: “Let’s go Lorelei. Ren is disgusting.”
Sheridan shakes her head and sips a champagne flute. Ren looks back at sisters, disgusted.
The camera pans to Mona at the table who has her mouth open in shock then the scene switches back to the girls on the beach. This time the camera focuses on Ren. The spiritual guide lays a crystal on her forehead.
Lola [Spiritual Guide]: “Exhale….”
The scene flips to Ren, Grace, Imani, and Lorelei dressed up, bickering next to a pool at night time in someone’s backyard for a party. Grace seems to be getting heated with Ren.
Grace: “Not only did you body shame Imani, you came after my business saying it was garbage and you also shamed my sexuality.” She glares at Ren.
Ren looks taken aback and gives Grace a nasty look.
Ren: “Why is this being brought up now? Is this an ambush?!” She looks at Imani and Lorelei.
For the final time, the scene switches back to spiritual cleanse on the beach. All the girls continue to shut their eyes and hold hands.
Lola [Spiritual Guide]: “One last time…Exhale…Let all of that negativity out…”
This time the camera focuses on Jenisa and the scene switches. Jenisa is walking around a crowded movie premiere, screaming. Other attendees watch her in shock.
Gemma rolls her eyes and shakes her head, standing near Jenisa watching the spectacle.
Gemma: “No struggle here. Maybe worry about your struggling parenting skills. Where’s your son right now?” She raises an eyebrow. “With his father probably, like always.” She smirks.
Jenisa whips her head in Gemma’s direction and glares at her.
Jenisa: “Don’t fucking talk about my kid.”
Gemma: “Or what?” She takes a step forward.
The camera pans to Imani, Grace, Mona, Sheridan, and Lorelei who watch in horror. Mona has her face buried in her hands.
“This group?” She chuckles. “I think we might need something a little stronger than a spiritual cleanse.”
Sheridan’s Voiceover: “This season on The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach…”
Grace, Ren, Lorelei, and Imani all stand at an outside fashion shows as models in swimwear walk the stage. They clap and cheer, Ren looks very excited.
The scene changes to Sheridan and Jenisa, clearly drunk and dancing on eachother on top of a bar. Other people in suits and gowns cheer them on as they take shots, Jenisa slips and falls onto the bar, pulling Sheridan on top of her and the pair laugh.
Jenisa and Mona sit on a rooftop decorated with modern furniture. On the table there are flights of tequila, it is clear an event just took place. Some of the girls are getting up and walking off from the table. Jenisa looks around confused.
Jenisa: “Soooo…are we done with the tequila? Mama got a sitter for this.” She raises her eyebrow.
Mona: “Oh hell no, Jenisa!” She shakes her head.
Jenisa: “Mona.” She points to her. “Let’s hit the bar, stat!”
The pair laugh and high five.
Mona: “Let’s go!”
Sheridan’s restaurant opening is briefly shown. It is packed. Adele Gray from Connecticut Wives, former Ladies of Twitter star, Elle Stonewood, and Getting Real Tea host, Amy Lopez, are shown walking into Bell Camp together. They approach Sheridan.
Sheridan: “Oh my gosh! Thank you ladies so much for coming!”
Elle: “It really is amazing!” She hands Sheridan a bottle of champagne.
The music switches up again.
We get a cool slow-mo shot of an airboat ripping through the Louisiana swamp. It changes to GoPro footage of Gemma, Ren, Sheridan, Jenisa, and Mona all on the airboat screaming, laughing, and having fun.
Jenisa: “Hold on to your weaves, girls!” She laughs and clutches her sunglasses on top of her head.
Gemma: “WHERE IS THE SEAT BELT?!” She desperately grabs around the boat seat, her hair whipping in her face.
Sheridan holds onto the sides of the boat as it bucks up and down.
Sherian: “Lawd! I might have an orgasm!”
The girls all laugh and continue to scream.
Oriental music plays as Gemma, Lorelei, Imani, Sheridan, Grace, Jenisa, and Mona all wander through a busy, traditional Chinese street market. They walk down a row of vendors and there are rows of pig corpses hanging under the tents. Noticing them, the girls squeal and point.
Mona: “AHHHH!” She covers her eyes.
Grace’s eyes widen and the camera pans to Lorelei who is gagging next to her. She holds up her hand to block her view of them.
Lorelei: “Not the swine, honey. Ew.” She gags again.
Onlookers laugh and point as Imani stands over a nearby trash can at one of the vendors.
A gong sounds and we get a wide shot of the Great Wall of China. As it zooms closer, we see the ‘Wives walking along it following a tour guide. Jenisa and Mona walk along cautiously and hold hands. The camera pans to Sheridan who is having a photoshoot courtesy of Ren’s maid, Consuela. Lorelei quickly peaks over the edge of the wall.
Lorelei: “Um, this is scary.” She laughs nervously.
Mona: “This view is gorgeous.”
Jenisa leans in and whispers to Mona.
Jenisa: “You think I can smoke here?” She pulls out a joint discreetly and shakes it.
Mona: “Yeah, just don’t burn down the wall!” The girls laugh.
We get a stunning shot of the ocean and as it zooms into shore, we see a cool resort right on the beach. By the pool area of the resort, Mona, Grace, and Vivian sit on lounge chairs talking. The camera pans to Sheridan and Gemma who are taking shots with their boyfriends’ Martin and Stavros.
Martin: “Viva la Mexico!” Sheridan kisses him on the cheek after he takes a shot.
Gemma hangs around Stavros’ neck after she takes hers and cheers.
Gemma: “Whew, girl! That was strong.” She makes a face and turns to Sheridan. “Everything here in Mexico is so strong, especially tequila!”
The music switches and the next part of the trailer begins. Xavier and Lorelei are standing next to eachother on the grand staircase of a fancy hotel. Xavier speaks into a microphone to the hundreds of party guests.
Xavier: “I wanted to thank you all for coming tonight.” He motions out to the crowd. “Although tonight is New Years Eve, I also have a surprise up my sleeve.” He hands the microphone off and turns and takes both of Lorelei’s hands. “Baby, I know you and I have been through it all…I wanted to ask you something in front of all of our friends.” He gets down on one knee and pulls out a ring. “Will you marry me?”
Lorelei’s eyes widen, she covers her mouth, and she begins to tear up.
Lorelei: “Of course, yes baby!”
Lorelei puts the ring on and Xavier gets up and embraces her then gives her a kiss. The party erupts into cheering and clapping. The camera pans to Imani off the side wiping her eyes and smiling.
“Ahhh! I can’t believe it! Your girl is getting married.” She grins and holds up her ring.
The music changes from sentimental to dramatic as Lorelei and Xavier sit in a nail salon. Lorelei sits in a chair with her daughter, Banks, bouncing on her lap. Her and Xavier are in deep discussion.
Xavier: “Lorelei, I want you to make up with my mother before the wedding.”
Lorelei: “Xav — “ She looks shocked.
Xavier: “No, you know how important it is to me that she is there on our wedding day.”
A quick flashback from Lorelei and Xavier’s mother fight in Season 4 plays.
“I’m really starting to get annoyed with the constant badgering of apologizing to Xavier’s mother Toni. I don’t think Xavier knows the constant put downs this woman has hammered me with.”
The scene switches to Grace and her girlfriend Vivian on a couch in their living room. Vivian sits next to Grace and rubs her back.
Vivian: “You know, it’s been a while since Megan left. Maybe she’s had time to calm down?”
Grace: “Maybe…” She sips her tea.
Vivian: “Why don’t you give her a call?”
Grace glances down at her phone and bites her lip, she looks concerned.
“It’s so hard when your own child won’t even speak to you. It really makes you feel like crap.” She sniffles.
Dramatic music plays as a group of girls stand in a circle outside of a big wood building. On the horizon you can see a swamp with a dock and and airboat parked at it.. Mona, Jenisa, Ren, and Gemma all pay attention to Sheridan as she talks.
Mona: “A DM? From who?”
Sheridan: “It was from a Twitter role play blogger account. It was a warning that Grace had sent them some disgusting things about me and said she would be appearing on a talk show soon where she will be revealing a lot more about some of the ladies in the group.”
“It’s like this year Grace is on this warpath of mass destruction to be a total bitch to anybody and everybody she encounters. And I thought her and Pat were bad last year…” She widens her eyes. “Jeez.”
The ‘Wives are seated at a table in a fancy restaurant. Mona is scolding Grace.
Mona: “Today you acted like you were the Queen of England walking into her palace. It was embarrassing.” She looks at Grace sternly.
Grace: “I am a fucking queen, Mona.”
Mona looks at her then shakes her head and laughs.
Mona: “Honey, that you aren’t. Farrrrr from it so don’t get it twisted.” She sips her drink.
“Look, I’m all about loyalty but I’m loyal to one face, not someone who has two.”
“Mona Quinn is definitely not what she appears to be on the outside. But…I suppose that’s every person who fucks their way to the top is really like, right?” She smirks.
The girls are all on a bus at nighttime. Everybody watches as Grace stands up from her seat and starts pointing at Sheridan a few rows in front of her.
Grace: “Just keep refreshing your phone all night. I know you’re desperate and have nothing else going on.”
Sheridan rolls her eyes and swats her hand.
Sheridan: “Miss Faroe is full of shit.”
Grace: “Listen up, little girl. At least I can move on from a marriage that’s over, you can’t even let go of your ex husband. I pity him for living with you. It must be jail putting up with your hoe ass.”
The music dies down as we see Grace at a table inside of a restaurant with the other girls. Grace bangs her hands down on the table causing all the girls to jump and go silent. A few nearby tables give the girls nasty looks and begin whispering to their servers.
Grace: “STOP! None of you and I mean NONE of you at this table know what I’m going through.” Her voice starts to get shaky. “So if you want to come at me, then go ahead. I’m more than capable of sticking up for myself per usual.”
We see Jenisa Azizi walking into her dispensary. We get multiple shots of her smoking throughout the season.
“Sup bitches, I am Jenisa Azizi…Persian Princess and Queen of the Green.” She laughs.
Sheridan and Jenisa sit in the lounge of a dispensary and talk. Jenisa puffs a joint.
Sheridan: “You know Imani Grimaldi?” She raises an eyebrow.
Jenisa: “Wanna laugh?” She grins. “My baby daddy Derek is currently dating Imani…or hanging out? I don’t know the extent of it but I know they’ve been together for a little while.”
“What a small fucking world.”
Sheridan’s mouth hangs open.
Sheridan: “Oh my — Ren wasn’t lying when she told me Imani was busy.”
The scene changes to Gemma, Jenisa, Sheridan, and Ren chatting on a rooftop pool. Gemma flips her hair and holds a drink as she sits on the edge of the pool and talks to the other ladies.
Gemma: “Imani told me she had a son and honestly the way she was talking I thought she had a child that came out of her own vagina.” She laughs. “I guess she meant your son Eli?”
Jenisa looks shocked, Ren cringes and Sheridan’s mouth is open.
Jenisa: “Wait — Excuse me. That’s not her son. In any way” She shakes her head. “She isn’t married to Derek.” She turns to Sheridan. “Did you know she said this shit?”
Sheridan shakes her head.
Sheridan: “No, I know nothing about this!”
Gemma: “Whoops.” She shrugs and continues to sip her champagne, she lets out a small burp.
The scene switches to a fancy party in a spacious, old timey room where most of the girls are mixing and mingling. We see Lorelei and Imani talking with one another and then the camera pans to the doorway as Sheridan and Jenisa walk in together. Imani and Lorelei look in their direction then the scene turns to black and white.
Dramatic music plays as the camera follows the Lorelei and Imani through the crowded party. They talk in a hushed tone. The camera struggles to keep up with them.
Lorelei: “What the fuck was that?!”
Imani: “This is because of your friend Sheridan.”
Lorelei: “My friend?! She was your friend.”
Imani: “Seriously, Lorelei. Shut up. Not right now.”
Lorelei: “Don’t tell me to shut up — “
Imani: “I’m going to flip the fuck out.”
The scene switches to the ‘Wives all sitting around a dinner table in a house. Lorelei is glaring at her sister from across the table.
The camera pans to Imani.
Lorelei: “How are you going to befriend someone that was trying to take you down a few weeks ago?”
Grace shakes her head as she watches.
Lorelei: “What kind of fake shit is that?” She looks at Imani.
Imani: “Lorelei, you’re my sister and you know my loyalty is to you.” She is upset.
Lorelei shakes her head.
Lorelei: “Imani, shut up. I’m about tired of you. You’re riding for the wrong motherfuckin’ team.” She leans back in her chair.
“Imani is just like her father. She is someone who cannot get over something, she has anger problems. She’s deranged and sometimes I wonder how they hell we’re related.” She blinks. “She’s nuts.”
“I really hate to say it but Lorelei is a fake bitch. She must really want a wedding gift or a catering discount because…”
For the final part of the trailer, the music changes to signal something dramatic. Lorelei, Grace, Imani, and Jenisa stand inside of a high-end jewelry shop and chat. Lorelei tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.
Lorelei: “Now that it’s out there, it needs to be addressed. Gemma needs to admit her actions if she wants to move forward with the group.
All the girls nod in agreement.
Jenisa: “I agree 100%. Who even is Gemma Li?”
Imani and Lorelei laugh.
Grace: “What exactly are you guys proposing we do?”
Jenisa: “I mean…the only reasonable thing is to kill her.”
Imani and Lorelei look at eachother and Grace looks concerned. Jenisa looks around the group and starts laughing hysterically.
Jenisa: “Kidding! Obviously.”
The screen freezes in black and white as Jenisa laughs, then it suddenly turns all black except for sound of yelling, screaming, and furniture being pushed over indicating a physical altercation.
Gemma’s Voice: “GET HER OUT, SECURITY!”
We finally get footage of the scene. It is outside of a traditional Chinese house. Crew members with cameras and security guards are trying to get in the door as some of the Housewives walk out of the house. Lorelei is seen shaking her head, walking with Imani.
Lorelei: “This is, like, so ghetto.”
Imani: “This is disgusting.” She faces a camera, breaking a fourth wall. “Why are the cameras still up? This is not who we are.”
The camera pans to Mona who is outside talking to a Producer.
Mona: “Get me out of here. Book the flight now, I’ll have Adam call the jet if I have to.
Sheridan is seen watching from the sidelines as security brings Jenisa out of the home, she has a look of disapproval on her face.
Sheridan: “I’m appalled. I didn’t sign up for ratchet bullshit. I signed up for Olivia, Lauren, and Ren…not this.” She shakes her head.
“Where is the class Beverly Beach?!”
Meet The Cast:
Imani Grimaldi returns this season, but this time in a full time capacity. She begins a new relationship with famous NBA player Derek Jackson. When a new wife who has history with Derek enters the group, things get complicated. Despite Lorelei’s relationship with some of the women, Imani ventures out on her own to form new friendships and rekindle old ones causing Lorelei to question her sister’s loyalty.
Grace Faroe comes into the season still dealing with her ongoing, public divorce. When her daughter, Megan, moves out, Grace is unsure of how to cope. Grace’s less than happy attitude rubs some of the women the wrong way and causes drama amongst the group. In one of her lowest times, Grace will find out who her true friends really are.
Lorelei Fox starts the new year off by getting engaged to her ex husband’s son, Xavier. Lorelei quickly finds out how much stress is involved in planning a destination wedding. Not only that, Lorelei must complete Xavier’s request of making up with his mother before the wedding. Lorelei is determined to stay happy and content leading up to her big day. She will do anything to achieve this, even if it means cutting off a friendship.
Sheridan Campbell is coming into Season 5 off the high of a successful cook book launch the previous year. With business booming and a high demand for her recipes, Sheridan takes on the next big feat of opening her restaurant Bell Camp. Though she is excelling in her professional life, her social life could use a little help. Once again Sheridan finds herself at odds with Lorelei and Grace, when Sheridan exposes a behind-the-scenes secret about The Faroe all hell breaks loose and lines are drawn in the sand.
New housewise and world famous club owner, Gemma Li, is introduced to the group by Lorelei & Imani. Gemma has moved to town with fiancè Stavros to settle down and start a family — or so he thinks. Despite Stavros’ and her family’s requests to stop working and become a mom, Gemma is determined to open up a new club in Beverly Beach. Gemma struggles to find her footing in this new group of women after they deem her as untrustworthy. Arm her with a secret and some champagne, Gemma Li is sure to stir up some trouble.
Mona Quinn is a famous actress from Beverly Beach and one of Grace Faroe’s clients. Wife and mother of two children, Mona finds herself turning to her newly found friend group to distract herself from her not so perfect personal life. Despite being brought in by Grace, Mona quickly forms a close friendship with fellow new housewife Jenisa Azizi. Initially Mona is underestimated by the group due to her mellow demeanor but she proves everyone wrong when she takes Grace head on during the first cast trip to New Orleans, showing the girls a side of Mona they never thought they would see.
The self proclaimed Queen of the Green, Jenisa Azizi, immediately makes waves when she comes into the group. New friend, Sheridan, decides to bring her to a New Years party where she comes face to face with her baby daddy’s new girlfriend, Imani Grimaldi. Jenisa’s unfiltered mouth and tendency to over consume alcohol causes some of the women to take her to task. Right off the bat, Jenisa and Gemma bump heads resulting in a heated rivalry that spirals out of control.
The OG of BB, Ren Rose, returns for her fifth season as a friend of the housewives. In an attempt to save her struggling business, Ren does a revamp of her swimsuit line which receives some negative reviews from the other women. It’s the Battle of the Beverly Beach It Girls Round II when Ren and Lorelei find eachother clashing again.