[S5]: Later This Season on The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach…


The trailer starts out with a breathtaking view of Shanghai. Jenisa’s voice is heard saying the voice over.

Jenisa: “Wooo! Shanghai!”

Yu Garden, Shanghai

A gong sounds and fun oriental music plays. We see a large table set up in the middle of a large, scenic garden — reminiscent of the RHOSLC Pho Luncheon. Lorelei, Imani, Grace, Jenisa, Mona, and Sheridan all sit at the table. Gemma is standing at the head of the table holding a sake bomb up in the air.

Gemma: “I want to take this moment to thank you all for joining me on this trip! China is so dear to me! It’s where my family is from and it’s just so rich in culture and I hope you all soak it in and enjoy your time here!” She holds her sake up higher. “Cheers!”

The ‘Wives all raise their shots and cheers as well. Imani is grinning and clapping, she nods her head at Gemma.

Imani: “You’re finally opening up more!”

We now see Grace, Lorelei, and Jenisa milling around a high end jewelry shop in a mega-mall. They gawk at all the jewelry in cases. Grace grins at an extravagant necklace hanging in a case. She turns to a store attendant and points to it.

Grace: “How much is this?”

Attendant: “13,216,800 Yuan.” He says in a thick accent.

Grace raises and eyebrow and looks to the girls.

Grace: “How much is that?”

Another attendant nods to Grace.

Attendant: “2 Million U.S dollars.”

The girls all gasp.

Lorelei: “Girl, you’re set once you get that money from Dimitri.”

Lorelei, Grace, and Jenisa laugh.

The shot changes to show the massive Huangpu river at night time. We see a large boat with the girls on the deck, all glammed up, over looking the vibrant view of Shanghai all lit up at night. We get a close up shot of Lorelei as she leans in and shivers on Imani, champagne flute in hand.

Lorelei: “This is so nice! I didn’t know China had the views!”

The camera pans to Mona who is nodding.

As the shot changes, so does the music. Gemma leads the girls into a humble, traditional Chinese house. There is an older Chinese woman smiling and greeting them. Gemma puts her arm around the short woman.

Gemma: “Ladies, this is my Auntie Meng! She’s my dad’s mother’s sister.” She smiles.

Grace: “So nice to meet you Meng! You have a very nice home.” She bows.

The screen goes to black and it now later, the girls are still at Auntie Meng’s home. Now they are seated on the floor at a low table, sipping tea together around it. Gemma is glaring at Jenisa from across the table, the rest of the girls are silent and watch.

Gemma: “You want to go Jenisa? Because we can go.”

Sheridan: “Goodness gracious.” She cringes.

Mona: “Are we really going to do this in front of Gemma’s aunt?!” She looks around the group.

The screen goes back to black. Now the girls are still in the dining room but everyone is standing up. Mona and Imani try to restrain Jenisa from moving forward as she yells at Gemma from across the room who Grace and Lorelei are doing the same thing to.

Jenisa: “You have no money! You have no man! You’re a fucking broke, disgusting snot!”

Gemma: “This was all planned by YOU! YOU are a disgusting TRAMP!”

Auntie Meng watches on the ground in horror, Sheridan is holding her, trying to comfort her. She looks directly into the camera.

Sheridan: “Can somebody step in?! Now?!”

The screen goes dark again and quick one second clips play of security rushing in when Jenisa and Gemma get into a physical altercation. The ‘Wives can be heard screaming and seen running around the room. Auntie Meng is crying. For a brief second Jenisa can be seen grabbing Gemma’s hair as Gemma claws at her face. Jenisa and Gemma are screaming at each other.



Sheridan is outside of Auntie Meng’s house now as crew members rush in. She is shaking her head.

Sheridan: “I’m appalled. I didn’t sign up for this ratchet bullshit…” She is upset. “I signed up for Olivia, Lauren, Ren…not this shit!”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Where is the class Beverly Beach?!”

Dramatic music still plays as we proceed onto the next part of the trailer. Mona is in her kitchen and she leans against the counter as she talks to her husband, Adam, who is sitting at the island. Mona takes a shaky, deep breath before speaking.

Mona: “So…I met with the private investigator the other day to further the search of finding my biological parents…”

The camera shows Adam, who looks shocked and upset. The screen fades and shows just a few moments later. Adam is now very heated and red in the face.

Adam: “It’s a big fucking waste of time…” He does a gesture with his hands. “And money! You have a family right here!”

Mona is shaking her head and she sighs. The scene is now at a resort that overlooks a beautiful turquoise ocean. Some of the ladies are on the pool deck. Mona is burying her face into Jenisa’s chest and sobbing. Grace and Vivian sit on the adjacent pool chair and face Mona, trying to comfort her as well.

Mona: “He’s gone!”

Grace’s girlfriend, Vivian, strokes Mona’s head now.

Vivian: “Mona…”

Mona’s Confessional

“I don’t even know what’s happening with my marriage now. It’s unraveling and…and…I don’t know what to do.” Tears stream down her face.

The music changes again, the women stand in the middle of a Chinese market eating street food. Imani rolls her eyes at Gemma.

Imani: “This is why I don’t mess with you…” She points to Gemma. “Stay out of my fucking life.”

Gemma chuckles and flips her hair.

Gemma: “Imani, please. You got caught up AGAIN and now you’re mad!”

The girls all look at Gemma and the scene changes. It is a couples dinner at Grace’s house. We get a shot of Vivian & Grace, Gemma & Stavros, Imani & Derek, and Sheridan & Martin all sitting around the table. They are in the middles of a discussion.

Imani: “Martin, a whole physical fight was started and provoked by Gemma.” She looks to Sheridan’s boyfriend.

Gemma: “BY ME?!“ She chuckles. “Oh that’s so stupid.”

Gemma’s finacè, Stavros, places a hand on her shoulder.

Stavros: “Calm down, G. Stop”

Gemma: “I will never start a fight but I’ll end one.” She glares at Imani.

The scene changes to Gemma, Lorelei, Imani, Sheridan, Grace, Jenisa, and Mona sitting at a table in a fancy restaurant. The dining room has floor-to-celing windows showing that they are up somewhere high and all of Shanghai lit up at night is their backdrop. Lorelei is focused on Grace.

Lorelei: “You’re acting as if you’re the one who wants to be married to me. You’re acting like a scorned lover. This is very unbecoming of you, Grace.” She glares.

Mona gasps and grabs onto Jenisa.

Grace: “You’re the one drinking the fucking Kool-Aid. It’s pathetic. You know what, go fuck yourself.” She gets up, angrily.

The camera pans to all of the girls at the table and their reactions are shocked. Sheridan turns to Mona and whispers.

Sheridan: “I don’t know what the fuck is happening but I enjoy watching Imani, Lorelei, and Grace scream at eachother.”

Mona laughs.

Mona: “They might bust up Grace’s hearing aids though, they better watch out!”

The music changes and we can see the inside of Sheridan’s crowded restaurant, Bell Camp, on it’s opening night. Sheridan is seen talking to social media influencers and Adele from Connitucut Wives and Elle from Ladies of Twitter.

Adele: “Oh, you look so stunning Sheridan! This place is beautiful! Here’s a bottle of champagne to celebrate!” She hands her a bottle.

Elle: “It’s amzing!” She laughs. “Did we both bring the same bottle of champs, Adele?” She looks.

Lorelei’s extravagant outdoor wedding set up in Tulum, Mexico is shown. All the guests sit in their chairs. Xavier stands infront of everyone with the wedding party. Lorelei is shown in her dress, about to talk down the aisle. She takes a deep breath and talks to herself.

Lorelei: “I’m so nervous, but here’s to new beginnings.”

The trailer ends.

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Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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