[S4E9]: Gettin’ Handsy
Music starts the episode off as a montage of the Housewives doing their day to day activities plays.
Ren walks through a warehouse where her line is being produced with her Creative Director.
Ren: “This is all so fascinating…” She looks around.
Grace is in the middle of a business meeting discussing when to launch her upcoming line. She turns to her employees.
Grace: “I just want to know when is the soonest we can release this? Everybody needs to be firing on all cylinders.”
Employee: “It should be all good to go in about a month.”
Grace: “Make it three weeks.” She shrugs.
Sheridan and Imani are joking with one another in an aerial fitness class. Sheridan looks over at Imani who is tangled in her silk hammock.
Sheridan: “Are you for real, bitch?!” She chuckles.
Imani: “Uh, I don’t need the judgement. I need HELP…So come help me, bitch!” Both girls break out into a loud laughter.
Lauren and her mother are seated at a lunch spot.
Lauren: “Ahhh I’m so glad you’re in town, Mom.” She smiles. “We had to go to your favorite spot.”
It stops on Lorelei who is in her N U D I T Y office looking over new designs for her collaboration with Dior. She holds some up to her employees.
Lorelei: “You know, these designs really need to be on point. I want to go BIG! I mean…global domination. We are soooo fortunate to land this Dior account. “Cherie” is something I’m extremely passionate in. As you know, this is N U D I T Y’s first time branching over to regular designs and I want it to go flawlessly.”
Lorelei’s employees, Francesca & Marnie, nod along to Lorelei.
“My business and my brand have always been about women empowerment. I want to make women look and feel their best when it comes to putting on clothes. We all have our ‘trouble’ spots so I came up with N U D I T Y shapewear, it’s inclusive shapewear for women of all shapes and sizes. Now…after 5 years of constant evolution, I want to dabble in the regular fashion industry while still keeping true to myself and my shapewear roots.”
Lorelei: “Well…What are your thoughts? These are just prototypes and concept ideas.”
Francesca: “I LOVED the first piece. Very Mugler. I would buy that in a heartbeat. It does a really good job of blending the shapewear foundation of N U D I T Y with the high class evening wear Dior is looking for.”
Marnie: “I agree.” She smiles and nods at Francesca. “All of them are very you. I love them all.”
Lorelei: “I’m so happy to hear that. I get nervous everytime we come out with a new collection of shapewear, so doing dresses has me even more stressed.” She smiles.
The coo of a baby can be heard. Xavier walks into the room, gently knocking on the door. He is carrying their daughter, Banks. Lorelei gasps the goes over to her family and hugs them. Francesca and Marnie both let out ‘awhs’.
Xavier: “Hey baby…” He looks at Francesca and Marnie. “Ladies.”
Lorelei: “What a pleasant surprise!” She gives Xavier a kidd and grabs Banks, speaking in her baby voice. “Hi, hi sweet girl! Awwww, mommy missed you so much.” She kisses Banks all over and the baby laughs. She turns to her employees. “You guys are free to go, we’ll pick this back up after lunch.”
She smiles and the other women exit the room. Xavier closes the door and sits down in a lounge area. Lorelei sits across from him and crosses her legs. She begins to breastfeed Banks. Xavier laughs.
Xavier: “Well, just go right ahead and feed her. How’d you know that was what I needed?” He smiles at his family. “I ran out of your supply a little bit ago and knew she’d be hungry so I decided to just swing by and surprise you. How’d your day going, babe?”
Lorelei: “A mother knows her baby. I knew miss thang was hungry.” She smirks and looks down at Banks then back to Xavier. “I’m okay. I’m like really stressing over this line with Dior. It’s such a huge opportunity and I’m honestly scared I’m going to bomb it so bad.” She bites her lip.
Xavier: “You’re not going to bomb anything, baby.” He reaches over and squeezes her hand. “You’re so freaking talented and smart. Everything you touch turn to GOLD!” He laughs. “Dior should be lucky they contacted you for this line. Their sales are going to go through the roof.”
Lorelei: “Aw, I love you. Thank you for that Zay. I needed that.” She softly smiles at him.
Xavier looks at her and sighs. He leans back in the chair and crosses his arms.
Xavier: “Well, you might take those nice words back in a second.” He looks nervous as he looks Lorelei in the eyes, very seriously. “I talked to my mom the other day and she is really upset that she hasn’t seen Banks since the day she was born and wants to come visit.”
Lorelei: “Uh, hell no.” She looks at Xavier like he’s crazy. She finishes breastfeeding Banks and places her back in her carrier.
Xavier: “I…already said yes.” He shrugs.
Xavier tenses up and Lorelei looks over at him, extremely annoyed.
Lorelei: “No. Your mother always has a problem with me. I’m over it. She’s always got something to say about me or to me. It’s getting tiring…you know I’m tried.”
Xavier: “I mean…You gotta give it to her. We didn’t exactly begin a normal relationship. We had an affair while you were married to my father, her ex husband.”
Lorelei: “Zay, I get that. I do…but, that’s no excuse for her to be a bitch to me. She’s always been mean even when I was with Morgan!” She clears her throat. “She told your father one time that she was ‘going to fuck me up’.” She laughs. “She’s so low rent.”
“Xavier’s mother…” She rolls her eyes. “Morgan’s ex wife. Listen — Toni and I don’t get along. We never have.” She shakes her head. “When I was married to Morgan, she really just tried everything to get us to divorce. Now that I’m dating her son I think it’s fair to say she hates me. She’s went as far as telling Xavier that I cheated on him, that Banks isn’t actually his, that I’ve attacked her…” She laughs. “I could go on. She’s crazy.” She flips her hair and looks into the camera. “Like — Really crazy.”
Xavier makes a face at Lorelei.
Xavier: “Now hold on Lor. That’s my mama. We’re not going to be doing this.”
Lorelei: “Oh — So it’s okay for her to call me a bitch and a whore and claim that she’s going to ‘drag my hoe ass up and down the street’? But I call her low rent and you’re upset? Zay, don’t do that to me.” She scoffs.
Xavier: “I never said it was okay for her to do that! You’re really on another level right now. That’s my mom. The woman who raised me.” He shakes his head and looks down at Banks. “Banks is her granddaughter and I’m sure as hell going to have her in my daughter’s life. You’re going to have to accept her.”
Lorelei: “I’m on another level?!” She glares at Xavier. “What do you mean?! I’ve tried and tried to accept her and she constantly just keeps spitting in my face. I’m not about to have that old bitch laying up in my home and have to fake like I like her ass.” She stands up, frustrated, and shakes her head. “No way.”
Xavier: “Lorelei. That’s enough. We’re not calling my mom a bitch. Have you lost your mind?”
Lorelei whips around and looks at Xavier.
Lorelei: “No, actually, it isn’t enough. She and I need to have a discussion before I EVER let her near our daughter. She’s crazy. She’s deranged. You know what she said to me before? She told me right before I gave birth that your father never touched her and he hit me because I deserved it. That I was a whore that needed to be put in place.” Tears stream down Lorelei’s face.
Xavier looks shocked.
Xavier: “She said that?”
Lorelei: “Yes! Like…” She wipes her tears. “I’m literally about to push out Banks and she whispered that in my ear. I’ll never forgive her for that.” She shakes her head.
Xavier: “I’ll talk to her about that because… that’s just unacceptable. You’re the mother of my child and she’s my mother. I’m — I’m just…so exhausted. I need you two to get along for the sake of my sanity because this is really weighing on my soul. Be the bigger person.”
Lorelei: “Over my dead body.” She grimaces and leans down to give Banks a kiss. “We can talk more when I get home but I need to get back to work. I have deadlines to hit.”
Xavier walks over and picks up Banks. Without hugging Lorelei bye, he heads to the door.
Xavier: “See you tonight.” He walks out.
The scene ends.
Ren walks out onto a beach where a fancy yet intimate beach picnic is set up. She hugs her event planner who is finishing up some final touches.
Ren: “Oh my god I love this. The girls are going to love this.” She claps. “Yay!”
“Tonight, I invited Grace and Pat out for a beach front dinner to catch up. Lorelei’s drag brunch last weekend was bad…I know Pat and Grace are clearly tight and kind of on the outs of our friend group so I’m hoping to get to know them a little more. They’ve been wildin’ out and I just want to get to the bottom of all the gossip and rumors going on in the group. It’s time to move on.”
Ren says goodbye to her event planner as a car pulls into the beach parking lot. Grace and Pat get out and walk out to the picnic setup together. Ren stands up and gives the girls a double kiss on the cheek.
Ren: “Hey honey.” She goes to Grace first. “You look fab…per usual!” She smiles and looks at her outfit. “Is this House of Faroe?!”
Grace: “Yessss girl, you know it!”
After Ren is done greeting Pat, she looks around.
Pat: “Oh wow, I love this set up!”
Grace: “This is so serene, I’m excited for our little picnic.”
Ren laughs.
Ren: “I can’t even take credit for it. My event planner, Stefania, is amazing.”
The girls sit down and Ren pours everyone a glass of champagne.
Pat: “So…Grace, you missed quite the show over the weekend. The drag brunch was so much fun! A little hostile though.”
Grace: “Ohhh, the drag-ass brunch?” She laughs. “You called and told me a little bit about it after but I need full details.”
Ren glances at Pat.
Ren: “Yeah, things were interesting. On the bright side, RuPaul was there.”
Grace nods and sips her champagne.
“I’m intrigued to hear what went down and Lorelei’s attempt to show she’s ‘woke’.” She chuckles and rolls her eyes.
Pat: “I don’t even know what happened.” She shakes her head and looks to Ren. “We were having such a great time then Lauren got a little crazy. I’m afraid things are bad at home or maybe she's not taking some sort of medications she should be taking…She’s really off lately.”
“Of course I know what happened! I brought up truths and Lauren shit her bloomers. She needed to deflect and get out of there stat. The fact of the matter is that Lauren introduced me to the these girls. She of course gave me a little run down before I came in. She said some not so nice things about the girls, especially Lorelei.” She shrugs. “I’m growing closer with the some of the other ladies so it doesn’t really sit right with me that she’s trying to back peddle now.”
Ren finishes chewing a piece of bread.
Ren: “Lauren is stressed because she’s now a single mother and she has a business. To be fair — You two have been really hard on her.” She side eyes Pat. “She’s not usually one to act out of character.”
Grace and Pat look at one another.
Grace: “Look, I only gave Lauren what she gave me. We’ve moved on now. I don’t know Lauren well but it does seem like she’s going through something.”
Pat: “I have not been hard on Lauren at all. Lauren is my friend but she’s pretending to be something different. It’s coming off very fake.”
Ren folds he hands.
Ren: “I think the issue is that there has been a lot of talking behind people’s backs. I think it’s time we as friends just address eachother directly. Pat, Lauren likes you she’s just overwhelmed. It’s just putting her in a really bad place within the group when you’re telling everyone it was Lauren who actually told you that the sisters aren’t actually sisters.” She looks at Pat.
Pat: “I just arrived in Beverly Beach, what would be my motive to go after people? Much less one of my friends here. One thing about me is I am not a ‘yes man’. I let my friends know when they are wrong and I love Lauren but it’s time for her to take accountability for the things she says behind people’s backs. She can’t just put information into people’s heads then get away with it. There’s blood on her hands…as well as mine.” She shrugs.
Ren picks at her teeth, clearly thinking.
Ren: “Yeah…”
“I’ve been Lauren’s friend for many many years. She acclimated me into the elite Beverly Beach circle…she does have the tendency to spill tea when she’s had too many. But I just don’t know what to believe when it comes to this situation.”
Grace: “I know Lauren is your friend and you’ve got every right to want to defend her, Ren…but there’s got to be a limit to that. There’s just some things you can’t defend.”
Ren: “I dunno — It just doesn’t make all that much sense. When you told us this information, Lauren was genuinely shocked to me. She’s not that great of an actress. Plus why not call her out then?”
Pat: “Because I was being a good friend! I was just shocked she wasn’t one back to me after I started getting all the heat for it. I just wish Lauren was a friend to everyone like everyone in this group is to her. I would be willing to talk this out with her, calmly. If she acts like she did the other day…more things will be revealed that will truly have this group in shambles.”
Grace nods in agreement.
Grace: “I am willing to try and build a friendship with Lauren but if she continues to exhibit this behavior and go behind people’s backs saying damaging remarks… then our little peace treaty we have is off.” She shrugs.
“If I were Ren, I’d be having serious doubts about my friendship with Lauren. I’d question If I could even trust her at all. Ren really needs to watch her back.”
Pat: “Ladies — Enough of the gossip. Let’s enjoy the beautiful weather and fantastic food. Cheers to getting to know eachother better!” She grins and hold sup her champagne flute.
Grace: “Cheers!”
Ren: “Cheers to that!”
The scene ends as we get a wide shot of the picnic.
The camera follows Sheridan as she walks through the halls of a hospital.
“Since MJ’s accident, Martin has not left his sons side. I certainly don’t blame him. Seeing how good of a father he is in this moment really makes me admire Martin. Though — It also makes me a bit sad knowing I couldn’t give him this.” Her smile fades and she looks down.
Sheridan walks into MJ’s hospital room where he is asleep on his bed. Martin sits in a chair right next to his bed, he is reading something on his iPad. Sheridan holds up a Kit-Kat and a Sprite.
Sheridan: “Martin, I got you a snack.”
Martin looks up and smiles.
Martin: “Thanks, Sher.” He takes them.
Sheridan looks over at MJ.
Sheridan: “Any improvements today?”
Martin: “The doctors are expecting him to be ready to leave by Thursday. He’s just wiped out though.”
Sheridan: “That’s great to hear he’s leaving soon!”
“I am beyond happy MJ is making a full recovery. While we have not had the closet relationship, I am in love with his father and I would never want to see Martin hurt.”
Martin: “Yeah. How’re you? Thanks for taking time out of your day these past few days to come up here. I appreciate it.”
Sheridan: “Of course, Martin! I’m doing good. I just sent out the invites to the girls for my tasting tomorrow.”
“I’ve just been working on my cook book and then heading to the hospital every day since I’ve gotten back from Aspen. I invited some of the girls to a private tasting of some of the recipes featured in my upcoming cookbook. It’ll be nice to take a break from this nightmare and see my friends for a night.”
Martin: “Good. It’ll be good for you to have an event so you can at least have a little distraction from this.” He motions around the hospital room. “Let’s go out in the hallway. I gotta talk to you about something.” He sighs and Sheridan follows him out of the room.
Sheridan: “What’s up?” She raises an eyebrow.
Martin: “So, Keisha and I talked about what to do moving forward with MJ getting released from the hospital, going to physical therapy and getting back to normal…”
Sheridan: “Yeah?”
Martin: “Well, we think for a couple weeks until MJ is back to better health that I need to stay over at Keisha’s to help her with him.”
Sheridan blinks rapidly, taken off guard.
Sheridan: “Oh — Um…”
Martin: “I’ll be staying in a spare room! And I promise you my interest there is only taking care of my son. You know Keisha was a one night stand and a mistake.”
“While I understand taking care of MJ is important, of course I’m uncomfortable with Martin spending a couple weeks living with the woman he cheated on me with.”
Sheridan: “But why can’t MJ come live with us? I can help take care of him.”
Martin: “Sheridan, you’ve never wanted anything to do with MJ because of the situation…”
Sheridan: “But I want to — “
Martin: “You just don’t want me to stay at Keisha’s.”
Sheridan: “It’s not that.” She looks down.
Martin: “It is! You don’t trust me.” He rolls his eyes. “But I am staying with Keisha and it is what it is. MJ comes first. My child comes first.” He looks Sheridan in the eyes.
Sheridan: “Right. I got to go, Martin.” She holds back tears.
Martin: “You just don’t get it. Stop.” He shakes his head at her.
Sheridan: “You’re right, Martin! I don’t fucking get it because I can’t reproduce.”
Martin: “I didn’t mean it like that…”
Sheridan: “I’ll see you in a couple of weeks. Keep me updated on MJ.”
Tears stream down her cheeks as she turns and leaves. The scene ends.
Sheridan is in a large industrial kitchen inside of a culinary school. She is prepping and plating some of her recipes for her tasting.
Sheridan: “Whew…It’s hot as hell in here.” She fans herself.
We get a shot of a black Range Rover pulling up to the culinary school. Grace gets out and begins walking into the building.
“Culinary tasting?” She makes a face. “I’m here to support Sheridan, that’s it. I know NOTHING about cooking.” She laughs.
Sheridan turns around as Grace walks into the kitchen.
Sheridan: “Welcome, baby. Thanks for coming.” She smiles and waves at Grace.
Grace: “Air hugs!” She fans herself and looks around. “It’s hot in here! Am I the first here?”
Sheridan: “Yes ma’am! And I was just saying that. I brings the heat with my meals.” She grins.
Ren and Lauren both walk into the kitchen.
Lauren: “Hi ladies! Thanks for inviting me, Sheridan.” She gives her air kisses. “I’m so hungry. I can’t wait to try your stuff.” She looks around. “Now where can I get a cocktail?” She laughs.
Sheridan: “Thank you girls for coming!” She smiles at Lauren. “I’ll pour some wine for us when I serve you guys the meals.”
Ren: “Woo! I’m so excited. Hopefully this is all vegan and gluten free.”
Sheridan: “Oh girl — “ She laughs.
Grace: “So are we cooking? A word of warning… I’m not a cook. I do not cook. I’m here to support you.”
Sheridan: “Don’t worry, everything's cooked. All y’all are doing is tasting the food and telling me which ones to put in the cookbook! Go have a seat at the table.”
The girls all migrate to the table. Shortly after, Lorelei walks in.
Lorelei: “Hey girls.”
She greets everyone politely, even Grace.
Sheridan: “Hey love!”
Ren’s eyes widen.
“This is the roughest I’ve ever seen Lorelei look. I hope she’s okay.” She makes a concerned face.
Grace pats an empty chair besides her.
Grace: “Want to sit here?” She smiles.
Lorelei: “I’ll sit here. Sure.” She sits besides Grace.
“Look. Like I said, me and Lorelei will never be friends. We can bicker and everything, but we can be civil around eachother for the group. Manners cost nothing.” She does a big fake smile.
“I’m here by the skin of my teeth. Let’s be real I really didn’t wanna be around these hookers.” She laughs. “But my sister and Sheridan are really tight and Imani couldn’t make it tonight so…” She shrugs. “I’m here to support Sheridan.”
Sheridan: “Has anyone heard from Elyse? Is she coming?”
Ren shakes head.
Ren: “I don’t think she’s coming.”
Sheridan: “Well then — Let’s get started, ladies.” She snaps her fingers. “COURSE ONE, PIERRE!”
The ladies sit at the table and the server begins to bring out all the plates of different meals. Grace looks in awe at the food on the plates.
Ren: “Oh wow, this looks divine.”
Lorelei: “This is beautiful, Sheridan.” She looks at her plate, shocked. She takes a bite. “Oh my God — You’re hired!”
Sheridan: “Thank you, loves! How’s it taste?”
With a mouth full of food, Grace puts both her thumbs up.
Lauren: “Wow, this is amazing.” She takes another large bite of the dish.
“Sheridan? Oh! She can cook, hunni.” She nods. “She looks like you know… one of those bimbo girls, but she can throw down in the kitchen.”
Sheridan laughs.
Sheridan: “I’m glad you’re all enjoying!”
The camera pans to Ren who takes one small bite.
Ren: “Oh! I’m so full.” She takes a gulp of her water. “I’m surprised Imani isn’t here, she would have a field day…all this food.” She smiles devilishly and looks around the table.
The happy music dies down and Lorelei looks over at Ren and nods.
Lorelei: “She would’ve come. She just quite frankly didn’t want to be around the group right now. Which we’ll have to respect.”
Sheridan: “Mm, was it because of the drag brunch. Lauren was telling me about it the other day.”
Grace looks over at Sheridan.
Grace: “Yes, I’m curious. I heard it was…eventful.” She now looks at the other women.
Ren: “It was…Lorelei’s drag brunch.” She looks to Lorelei.
Lorelei: “We had some fun, but some accusations were thrown, but…what else is new?” She laughs uncomfortably, glancing at Lauren and sipping her water.
Lauren sighs.
“I was trying to avoid talking about this for a few more courses but here we go!”
Lauren: “Firstly, Lorelei I am sorry about how I left. I hope I didn’t embarrass you guys.” She looks to Lorelei. “Secondly, I stand by calling Pat a snake and a liar.”
Grace furrows her brow.
Grace: “And what makes you say that?”
Lorelei looks back at Lauren, emotionless.
Lorelei: “But…is it true? Did you tell Pat those false things about Imani and I?”
“I don’t put it past any of these bitches in this group to be plotting against me. Not even Lauren.” She makes a face. “We all know half of them don’t really like me.” She cackles. “So I mean, it is what it is I guess. I still want an answer from Lauren though!”
Every wife at the table turns towards Lauren and waits for her to respond. Lauren shakes her head.
Lauren: “Absolutely not. She told ME that Imani wasn’t your sister. That’s why I came to you to ask you about it. I didn’t want a repeat of what happened last year because I value your friendship.”
Ren: “Me and Grace actually had dinner with Pat yesterday and she insists that you told her before she started hanging out with us and now you’re back peddling. I don’t believe it but why would she make this up about you? What’s her incentive?”
Lauren looks around confused and huffs out air.
Lauren: “I have no idea why she would just make that up! I swear I did not tell her that Lorelei and Imani were not sisters. I was with other people when she told me that…I don’t understand why you guys would believe this weird, random woman that moves here out of nowhere.”
Grace: “Who used to be your friend.” She rolls her eyes subtly and picks at her plate.
Sheridan: “Lauren’s right. In her defense, Pat told us flat out when she was showing us her swimwear that SHE knew Imani.”
“Lauren, Ren, Elyse, and myself were all at Pat’s boyfriend’s surf shop. Lauren reacted like she heard it for the first time. Why are people having selective amnesia in this group?”
Ren: “Pat was trying to say that Lauren fed her that information and Lauren was just…acting.” She glances at Lauren.
Lauren: “Acting — Are you kidding me right now, Ren?”
“Do these bitches really not believe me? Ren’s even questioning it?! Wow. After all that I have overlooked with miss LoreLIE. Sheridan, the new girl in the group, is defending me more than some of my friends I’ve had for years. Very interesting.”
Lorelei listens into the conversation and quietly eats her food. Grace turns to her and whispers.
Grace: “Are you okay? This seems rough, I know…”
Lorelei sips on her water and looks to Grace.
Lorelei: “This is too much. It really is. It’s always something, seriously.”
Grace gives Lorelei a sympathetic look. Lorelei makes a confused face.
Lorelei: “I’m fine though.”
Sheridan: “I mean, I want to know who has Lauren’s back with this. Is Pat the snake here?”
The camera pans to Ren who shakes her head and shrugs.
“Ren — Speak up and defend Lauren! What is going on?” She rolls her eyes. “These women need to stop riding the fence and jump to their friend’s side already.”
Grace: “Lauren doesn’t have the best track record, does she? Forgive me for having my doubts if she’s really telling the truth.”
Sheridan: “She’s telling the truth, Grace!” She gets animated and stands up a bit. “I was there when she was told by Pat. Ren was too… This is so frustrating!”
Ren: “Listen, I don’t remember how it came up but I do remember Pat was the first one to bring it up.”
Lauren: “Thank you!”
Grace chuckles and shakes her head.
“I’m looking at Ren across the table right now and she looks doubtful. She’s thinking what I’m thinking…Lauren’s lying through her teeth.” She has a smug look on her face.
Servers bring out more plates of food. Lorelei raises her hand and the table goes silent.
Lorelei: “I haven’t said anything. I’ve literally not said who I believe…” She looks at the girls. “You guys haven’t been very nice to me in the past. I’m just trying to take baby steps with this group because I honestly do not know what to believe.”
Ren holds up her hands.
Ren: “This is Sheridan’s day. I’m not going to ruin it by getting into all of this mess. But I agree, Lorelei. I don’t blame you.” She shrugs.
Grace: “Okay then let’s just drop this. She has a baby, she’s stressed. I mean…” She looks Lorelei up and down. “She’s exhausted, clearly. No offense.”
Ren let’s out a small giggle at Grace.
Ren: “I’m sorry…”
“As a mother I can sympathize with Lorelei. She’s caring for a new born baby, she’s tied. She doesn’t need to be worrying about who’s spreading schoolgirl rumors behind her back. Lauren’s looking desperate, I think she’s surprised her friends aren’t automatically taking her side. She is trying to force her side of the issue down Lorelei’s throat and it’s clear Lorelei is not in the place to hear it.”
Lorelei: “No, you’re right. I am.”
“I’m really about to flip shit. These girls constantly keep bringing me up in places when I’m not even around half the time. I’ve got too much on my plate at home and I don’t need this negativity. I was about to snap.”
Sheridan: “Well ladies — I don’t think this is going to be solved today so let’s just taste some more food, yeah? I need to know what you think needs to go in the book.”
“I am really disappointed in Lorelei tonight. I was confident that they would all have seen Pat is so obviously the problem. The only good thing that came from tonight is now I actually know who has my back.”
Ren points her fork down at her Branzino.
Ren: “Sheridan, you should definitely include this in the book. I love it.”
Sheridan: “Thank you ladies for coming out tonight and supporting me.” She smiles.
Grace: “Thank you for having us, Sheridan! All the food was fabulous. I need to grab a doggy bag for Viv.” She laughs.
The music disappears and the girls continue eating. They start talking casually knowing they are wrapping up filming the scene.
Ren: “Seriously Sheridan, so good.”
White noise plays of the girls using their utensils, otherwise it’s silent. Some of the girls start getting up and saying their goodbyes. A camera zooms in on Lauren who looks really agitated and is not eating. She breaks the silence.
Lauren: “No — You know what, Sorry — This is really going to bother me. Lorelei, I honestly don’t think we can move forward with our friendship if you don’t believe me. I have two witnesses right here…” She points to Ren and Sheridan. “How can you not believe me?”
Grace’s eyes widen and Lorelei looks taken off guard. Lorelei then rolls her eyes.
Lorelei: “Lauren, I never said anything. We can have a one on one conversation without the others around. Let’s just wrap it and call it a night tonight.” She sighs. “I gotta get home to Banksies.” She puts on her coat and begins getting up from the table.
Lauren shakes her head.
Lauren: “Lorelei, there is nothing to speak about if you leave this table. Either you believe that I started that rumor or believe I didn’t. I don’t think it’s anymore complicated than that.” She stares down Lorelei.
Grace: “Let’s leave it for now. Time and place?”
Lorelei turns back around and glares at Lauren.
Lorelei: “You don’t have to snap. I don’t fucking believe you.” She shrugs. “There, I said it.”
Grace gasps, Ren rolls her eyes.
Ren: “So now you’re doing the same thing to Lauren that you did to Olivia and Elyse last year? Lie?” She turns to Lauren. “Lauren, I told you not to be so quick to trust her.”
Lorelei: “That is ENOUGH! I am sick of this shit. Shut it down, all of it. Leave me the fuck alone.” She snatches her bag off the table.
Everyone gets up and begins heading towards the door, some Production members are seen unmicing the girls.
Lauren: “Whatever. I don’t need to be involved in your mess ass life anyways.” She turns around and waves to Lorelei who is exiting through the kitchen door behind her. “I have plenty of shit to deal with and all you do is add drama and craziness to by life. Bye.” She puts her hand in Lorelei’s face.
A small scuffle is heard and Grace steps in front of Lorelei and grabs Lauren’s hand.
Grace: “Don’t put your hand in her face. Don’t do that.”
Ren storms over and yanks Grace’s hand from around Lauren’s.
Ren: “You don’t touch her.” She steps infront of Lauren.
Lauren: “Bitch!” She glares at Grace.
Crew members rush in to get between the girls. Lorelei pushes past them and out the door, Grace follows behind her.
Lorelei: “You guys are ridiculous.”
Ren and Lauren look at eachother.
Ren: “Those girls are foul.”
The scene ends as Grace and Lorelei walk outside to their cars.