[S4E8] Dragged Brunch
The episode picks up where the last one left off, in the middle of Grace & Lauren’s conversation about microaggressions.
Grace: “What you said about me…It really hurt me. Calling me crazy, psycho, or whatever for standing my ground? I’ll tell you why it hurt me — what was said had certain connotations attached to them. They are what I’d call…microaggressions.”
The camera pans to Laurn who looks taken aback.
Lauren: “I — Grace…Are you serious right now?” She cocks her head and looks utterly confused. “You were the one that made up the fact that Lorelei called you an angry black woman…which she, in fact, did not. That was the entire reason I initially came to your defense, it was under a false pretense.” She shrugs. “You then acted crazy at my house when I was trying to have you guys squash your beef. So yeah, I told my girlfriends what happened. I don’t really think that I am the one in the wrong…like at all! You started this all with telling me and the girls something that wasn’t true to get me on your side and make Lorelei look bad.” She looks to Grace and sips her wine.
Grace looks shocked.
Grace: “Look, I’m trying to rationally break it down to you how I feel. What you said adhere to stereotypes and microaggressions and as long as you acknowledge that what you said was wrong, then we can move on. Plus, I realize that what you said was subconscious and you didn’t realize the truth deep down.”
Lauren bites her lip and looks at Grace.
Lauren: “Okay, Grace…I can understand how the wording I used could be hurtful to you. For that, I apologize. At the same time I feel like you owe me an apology too. Do you agree?”
Grace sighs.
Grace: “I appreciate your apology, I really do.” She looks up and gives Lauren a small smile. “And yes, I agree. I overreacted so I own that and I apologize. I’m glad you can acknowledge what you said and I don’t want to make it a big thing going forward but maybe just think about the implications of certain things.”
“I’m surprised she actually acknowledged what she said, even after she denied it last night at dinner and basically lied to the whole table but…whatever. I’ll take it.” She rolls her eyes.
Lauren: “I can do that.” She nods. “Now, let’s get back to the table so we don’t keep these ladies waiting for dinner.”
“Obviously, that was not going to end in my favor if I pushed the issue. I do see where Grace is coming from but I don’t exactly see how me saying the word ‘crazy’ should excuse her behavior.” She shrugs. “Oh well, one more thing I don’t have to worry about in my life.”
The girls get up.
Grace: “I hope we can start again.” She smiles at Lauren and holds her hand as they walk to rejoin the other girls.
The girls all go silent when they see Grace and Lauren walk back in.
Ren: “Everything good?”
Lauren holds up their linked hands and smiles.
Lauren: “We are at peace! Now let’s eat.”
They find their seats at the table. Grace raises her champagne flute.
Grace: “Cheers to fresh starts!” Everybody else raises their glass.
As the beautiful first course of Zucchini Carpaccio with salt-broiled shrimp is served to the ladies, Elyse turns to Grace.
Elyse: “How’s my attack dog doing?” She smirks and side eyes Lorelei.
Grace sips her drink and turns to Elyse with her eyebrow raised.
Grace: “Attack dog?!”
Ren bites her lip.
Lorelei: “That is what I said.” She takes a bite of her food and nods her head. “Mhm.”
Elyse: “Yes, baby. Apparently that’s what Lorelei thinks you are. My attack dog. She was just telling us while you were in the other room…”
Lorelei nods along and listens to Elyse.
Lorelei: “Because she is. Let’s be honest here…Elyse, we all know you’re full of shit.” She looks around the table at the other ladies.
Elyse: “Am I really?! Oh my goodness!” She does a overexaggerated, fake gasp. “How so? Tell the table!”
Lauren and Ren glance at one another, staying silent.
“Well, Lorelei just blew our entire investigation! We needed to see if Elyse really was trying to pin Grace and I against eachother but I didn’t want us to show our hand this early.” She laughs.
Grace now turns to face Lorelei.
Grace: “So why are you saying this? I gave you an olive branch last night. You seem to constantly want drama with me.” Her tone becomes very serious and she begins pointing at Lorelei. “I’VE TOLD YOU! Do NOT come for me and do NOT keep pushing me. Okay? Don’t.”
Lorelei puts her hand up in Grace’s direction.
Lorelei: “Don’t you know it’s rude to speak when not spoken to? Be quiet and I’ll address you correctly.”
Grace looks shocked, she quickly regains her composure.
Grace: “Shut the fuck up. I’ll speak when I want to speak. Don’t tell me what to do.”
“I get this woman just had a baby…but really? Like damn, her hormones make her act like a total bitch.”
“Grace is always looking for a moment and she’s going to get shot down from me. I wasn’t speaking to her, so…kindly, SHUT THE FUCK UP!” She crosses her legs and rolls her eyes. “She talks way too much…”
Lorelei now turns her attention back to Elyse.
Lorelei: “We all know you don’t really like Lauren. You’re fake. Grace is nothing more than your alliance member and attack dog. Period.” She shrugs.
Lauren’s jaw drops. Elyse looks stunned and quickly turns to Lauren then back to Lorelei.
Elyse: “Excuse me! I actually like Lola more than I like anyone else in this group…Well, except for Gracie. No offense, Ren.”
Ren: “None taken.” She chuckles a bit.
Lauren raises her eyebrow.
“Except for Grace…There it is!” She throws her hands up. “Of course Elyse is loyal to her. I love Elyse. I really hope what she’s saying tonight is true.”
Elyse: “Lorelei, now you’re attacking me again? What are you trying to do? Isolate me from the group?”
Lorelei: “Lies.” She points her steak knife in Elyse’s direction. “Be. Honest. Or has all that Botox seeped into your brain? You have no real friends.”
Grace: “Whoa! Don’t point a knife, now! That’s going to far.”
Elyse: “No real friends?! I can’t with you…” She scoffs. “You’re a horrible excuse for a woman!”
LoreleI: “I didn’t stutter. I see through you, know THAT!”
Ren is sitting back in her chair watching everything go down. She suddenly stands up.
Ren: “Okay ladies enough! Let’s enjoy our last night and this beautiful meal Chef Moro made for us.”
Lorelei: “I’m sorry Ren. I apologize.”
Elyse: “You know if I never see your bloated ass again, it’ll be fine.” She gets up from the table, glaring at Lorelei. “Fuck you, Lorelei. You’re trashy and your head is stuck so far up your own ass.” She throws her napkin on her plate and begins walking upstairs.
“I really cannot believe this woman. I just…can’t! I have friends. How dare she. She’s slept with her stepson for Christ’s sake! I have no friends? Then why am I here? Tell me! Why? My god I can’t even talk about that beast…she gets me so riled up! Elyse doesn’t need this. I can tell you that right now.” She gets out of her confessional chair and walks off.
Lorelei chuckles and yells after Elyse.
Lorelei: “Fuck you, you whore!” She flips Elyse’s back off.
Grace gives Lorelei a dirty look and follows Elyse upstairs. Ren’s mouth drops, Lauren covers her face.
Ren: “Excuse me! This is a sisterhood! Why can’t the two of you just get along!?”
“With this group, there’s always something. I’m over it at this point.” She rolls her eyes. “If they can’t be friends and respect my vacation home, fuck em all! I’m dealing with too much back home with Aaron and becoming a mother. They need to figure out their own problems.”
Lauren shakes her head and looks at Lorelei.
Lauren: “That was something.”
Lorelei turns to Ren and Lauren, clearly upset.
Lorelei: “I’m sorry. I really do want to apologize I went overboard tonight but I feel like the two of them just poke at me until I explode.”
Lauren: “It’s fine, we all have our moments girl. And Grace was way out of line.”
Ren: “Let’s just finish up eating because our flights are early tomorrow. I still have to pack.”
“Tonight was another disaster. I thought Grace and I were the ones having a heated discussion. We walked out into an all out war. Grace and Lorelei are feuding AGAIN. Moral of the story, don’t try to play peacemaker.” She laughs.
The scene ends.
The camera pans over Los Angeles, California. Somber music plays as the sun begins to set over a busy freeway. The shot switches to Sheridan sitting in a hospital waiting room with her ex-husband, Martin, and Martin’s baby momma, Keisha.
“I got a call in Aspen from Martin that his son, MJ, had been in a bad car accident in Los Angeles. I flew out to L.A. immediately to be there for Martin, no questions asked.
Sheridan bites her lip as she looks at a visibly shaken Martin in the seats across from her. Keisha holds Martin’s hand for support as he looks down. Sheridan gets up and sits on the other side of Martin.
Sheridan: “Mar, baby? Are you okay?”
Martin and Keisha look over at Sheridan.
Martin: “He’s in the ICU, Sheridan. He hasn’t woken up yet.”
Sheridan begins to tear up, she hugs Martin from the side and rests her head on his shoulder.
Sheridan: “I’m so sorry, you guys.”
“Seeing my ex husband like this hurts me so much. MJ is his life and soul, and I know if MJ doesn’t wake up — Martin would never be the same.” She looks at the camera sadly and shakes her head.
Martin: “Thank you for being here with me, Sheridan. And Keisha too. You know you’re my rock.”
Keisha rolls her eyes.
Sheridan: “It’ll be okay, baby. MJ is strong just like you.”
Keisha: “You don’t even know MJ like that. Girl, stop.”
Keisha sneers over at Sheridan.
Sheridan: “I — “
Martin: “Keisha, chill.”
Keisha quickly stands up and looks angrily at Martin.
Keisha: “Martin, you don’t tell me to chill. We ain’t dating. You got that little girl up in here with our son.”
She storms off.
Producer: “How did that interaction with Keisha make you feel?
“It hurts me. It brings back into my mind the fact that I couldn’t give Martin everything her wanted because of my infertility. He had to get that from Keisha.”
Martin: “Don’t mind Keisha, babe. She’s just hurting.”
Sheridan nods.
Sheridan: “I know, I know…”
“I say I know Keisha is hurting but I’m hurting too. I don’t mean to be selfish but I wouldn’t wish my situation on anyone in this world. I’m sitting in the hospital with my ex husband and the woman he cheated on me with, rooting for the child that broke our marriage to survive this horrible, horrible accident.” She wipes her tears. “I am a strong woman and I will persist.”
The scene fades out as Martin and Sheridan embrace in the waiting room.
Grace is in her living room, back at home in Beverly Beach. She has set out a large jug of homemade lemonade and a platter of finger sandwiches. Whimsical music plays as plenty of light streams through her living room’s glass wall. She makes one last trip to the kitchen and brings back napkins to her coffee table.
The shot switches to Pat walking up to Grace’s front door.
Pat: “Wow, this is beautiful.” She whispers to herself as she examines Grace’s house. The rings the doorbell and Grace quickly answers.
Grace: “Welcome!” She grins and gives Pat a hug.
“I’ve invited Pat over today for some lemonade and snacks. We really hit it off ever since we met and I’ve got her to thank for giving me the heads up about what Lauren was saying behind my back. I have got to give her the run-down of my side of that crazy Aspen trip because…” She shakes her head and blows out air. “Yeah, it was bad.”
Pat: “This is such a gorgeous house! How are you, pretty lady?”
Grace talks as she leads Pat down the hall towards the living room.
Grace: “I’m doing good. Just catching up on everything since I took a little two day vacation. I’m trying to settle back into work, we’ve got a lot going on.”
When the girls reach the living room, they sit on Grace’s posh chairs.
Pat: “What’s going on with work? I feel like there has been so much madness that we haven’t talked about business!”
Grace: “Oh, yes! I’m excited for what’s to come. The House of Faroe will be making some announcements in the not-too-distant future.” She giddly claps her hands. “We are going to have some really cool collabs coming up and we got some amazing new investors.”
“I’m so proud of what I’ve built with my business. The House of Faroe is huge and we’re expanding even more. The best is yet to come.”
Pat: “That is so exciting! I need you to come by Eddie’s store. When I had some of the other ladies there, they were a bit judgey as you know.” She chuckles.
Grace pours two glasses of lemonade and hands one to Pat.
Grace: “You know some people just don’t have taste or class, especially when it comes to fashion. The good thing is that we do!” She winks.
Pat: “Thank god for that!” She drinks her lemonade. “Wow, this is good! Sooo, how was your little trip to Aspen? Y’all looked cute on Instagram. I’m assuming there was a lot discussed on that trip since we had that Independence Day party just a few days before you guys left.”
Grace: “The trip, yes…” She sighs. “It was a lot. It was quite the roller coaster for me particularly. Lauren created some drama.”
Pat: “Hmmm, what did she do?”
“Lauren brought me into the group but she’s been very standoffish towards me since I started growing friendships with some of the other ladies, more specifically, Grace. Lauren should be careful though, there’s things she fed me that she would want to be kept in the Fireson vault.” She shrugs nonchalantly.
Grace: “The first night at dinner, Lauren had the audacity to call ME out for talking bad about her. Let me say this, I only give you what you give me. That’s how I roll, Pat.” She looks over with a serious expression.
Pat: “I don’t know that that's all about.” She shakes her head. “Lauren has changed for sure. She used to be so quiet and polite.”
Grace: “Well get this, the whole argument was over what you told me she said. I believe you, obviously. I’ll tell you what she did though — she sat at that table across from me and denied the entire thing. I knew she was lying and the fact it was straight to my face made it so much worse.” She looks disgusted.
“Okay, so, bending the truth is fair enough sometimes but straight up lying to someone…” She shakes her head. “Uh — Uh. That’s a no go for me. You lie to me, you betrayed me. Plain and simple.”
Pat: “Wow! I didn’t know that she could be a liar. Let’s add that to the resumè. I’m not surprised though. She likes to play the innocent good girl, but she says these nasty things about people. I just felt a connection with you, I know you’re a real chick and I know you’d do the same for me.”
Grace: “Absolutely.” She nods her head. “I feel the connection to. Anyways — Me and Lauren are going to be civil and she saw my side a bit when I explained everything to her and how I felt. But the worst was Lorelei! I tried to extend an olive branch to her but on the last night she came for Elyse and she came for me. She called me a dog.”
“Lorelei is extremely insensitive when it comes to opening her mouth. Calling me a dog? Unacceptable. She needs to stay at home with her child that came from an incestuous affair. Check that.” She snaps her fingers.
Pat: “So I’m guessing you’re not coming to her drag brunch?”
Grace: “Drag brunch?” She furrows her brow.
Pat laughs.
Pat: “Yeah, that’s how I felt too!” She pulls out her phone and shows Grace.
Pat: “I got this text from Lorelei about attending this brunch. Now…I’m scared. Is it a drag queen brunch or is it a drag Pat for talking about my fraudulent sister brunch?
“Either way, I’m excited for the brunch portion of the dragging.” She laughs.
Grace rolls her eyes.
Grace: “Lord, who knows. I’m glad I’m not invited to this, I do not wish to be around someone like Lorelei. She just gives off way too much bad energy.”
“Even if I was invited to this Drag Your Ratchet Ass Out of Bed and Get Beyond Tipsy Lunch Brunch Date, why would I want to be around these women that think it’s okay to refer to me as a four-legged animal. Hard pass. No thanks.”
Pat: “How about I go and see what happens. I’ll report back — say some prayers for me.” She giggles and grabs Grace’s hand.
Grace: “Oh, I’ll be praying for you.”
Pat: “Cheers Mama!”
The girls clink glasses and the scene fades out.
We get an outside shot of the Beverly Beach stadium. Inside, there is a large concert about to start. The girls and the gays are dressed in skimpy outfits, packing the venue. Close to the main stage; Ren, Lauren, and Elyse are in private box seats above everyone. Ren sips her champagne and dances on Lauren as the opening DJ performs.
Ren: “It’s been so long since I’ve been to a show. We’ve been so stressed. I’m glad Elyse invited us to this.”
“Tonight — Elyse invited Lauren and I to Charli XCX’s show in Beverly Beach. Elyse actually designed Charli’s amazing pride look for last year’s L.A. Pride, so she hooked us up with some amazing box seats.”
Lauren: “Right, let’s just let loose tonight!” She laughs as Ren begins twerking on her, she takes out dollar bills from her purse and begins throwing them on Ren. “Yessss bitch!”
“I was really excited when Elyse invited us tonight, elated even when I found out that Grace would not be in attendance. I have never heard of this performer — Charli….something? I don’t know my kids might know him or something.” She raises an eyebrow. “He’s a him…? Right?”
As the lights begin to dim, Elyse joins the girls with a bottle of Dom Perignon and tops everyone off.
Elyse: “Let’s have some fun tonight, girls!”
Ren: “Yassss mama!”
Charli XCX comes out on stage and begins forming her international platinum hit, ‘Vroom Vroom’. Lauren, Elyse, and Ren all dance on eachother and have fun as the concert goes on.
“It’s soooooo good to be away from all the friction that happened in Aspen. I always have a good time with my girls — Ren & Lauren. We’re here, we’re dancing to gay icon Charli XCX! How could this get any better?”
There is a montage of the concert ending and Charli thanking her fans. The girls make their way out of the venue and to a sprinter van. They are then driven to a nearby club where the after party is. The girls are guided to a VIP section where Ren snaps selfies with fans as she passes them. Charli is shown across the club in the DJ booth. The girls sit down and snap a selfie.
Lauren: “This is so fun, Elyse.” She sips her drink and moves to the music.
Ren leans in so the others can hear her better
Ren: “Yeah, thank you! So how has everyone been since Aspen?”
Lauren: “I’ve just been super busy getting my party planning business up and running.”
Elyse: “I’ve been doing really good. Tessa and I are working on a project together so it’s good spending time with her everyday. Aspen was fun and your house was fab Ren, but I’m glad to be back in B.B.”
Ren nods and looks at the girls.
Ren: “A lot of things on the Aspen trip rubbed me the wrong way. I have to be honest — Grace was doing the most, don’t you think? I’m open to giving her a chance, I admire her work ethic but sometimes she can be overly dramatic and just plain rude.” She looks at Elyse.
Lauren quietly puts her hands in her lap and looks ar Elyse as well.
“Elyse needs to own up to the fact that her friend is a big ole trouble maker. I am fine with Grace but I am not going to be friends with her. Ever.” She looks into the camera very seriously.
Elyse: “Well…” She sips her drink. “You have to understand. Grace is a strong woman, she’s been through alot. I think she just wants everyone to recognize her struggle and what she’s done to overcome that. She doesn’t mean anything by her ruthlessness.” She shrugs.
Lauren nods and gestures between Elyse and Ren.
Lauren: “I don’t think she is the only ruthless one in this group, so that’s not the problem.”
Ren and Elyse look at eachother and then back to Lauren.
Ren: “What do you mean?”
Lauren: “I mean you and Elyse are both bad bitches.” She laughs.
Ren half heartedly giggles.
Ren: “I mean, Grace and Elyse have me beat most of the time.”
Elyse: “But — Ruthless doesn’t mean bad bitch.” She raises her eyebrow at Lauren. “I think that was kind of rude. What’s your issue? What is is that’s got you putting on the wrong nail color?” She motions to Lauren’s hands. “It’s time for a manicure, baby.” She sips her drink.
Lauren rolls her eyes.
Lauren: “Elyse — My issue is that you…” She points to her. “keep defending Grace and her crazy behavior. Lorelei may be a bit much but Grace is on a whole different level I resolved my issues with Grace in Aspen but it just bothers me that you defend her so hard and her actions are defenseless.”
Ren nods in agreement with Lauren, Elyse shakes her head.
Elyse: “I’m not defending her per say. She’s outspoken and if she needs to speak then she should be heard. How everyone is reacting is really something that has to do with them.” She flips her hair. “Why give this all so much energy?”
Lauren: “I don’t plan on giving her any more energy.” She shoots Elyse a look. “I’ll just keep her at a friendly distance.”
Ren: “Elyse, just keep your friend under control. That’s all we’re saying. She has a very aggressive demeanor and it rubs everybody else the wrong way. I can handle her, but picking on Lauren?” She looks to Lauren. “Ridiculous.”
Elyse holds her hand up.
Elyse: “Okay! Okay! Look, I’ll have a talk with her. I definitely don’t want any of my Beverly Beach beauties to be at war with eachother. I almost didn’t survive World War Lorelei last year!”
“I don’t understand why everyone is trying to make Grace out to be a woman who is trouble! If they’d just get to know her I’m sure that they would feel differently. But, when you come at someone with judgy eyes and discounted mascara, you probably won’t see clearly.” She cocks her head.
The scene ends as the girls continue their night in the club.
Fun electronic music plays as Lorelei bounces around an open air gay bar and takes pictures with the drag queens and other LGBTQ+ people there. In the courtyard of the bar, multiple long tables are set up elegantly and there are drinks and immaculate plate settings at each spot. Lorelei finishes posing for a selfie with a furry. She looks around the brunch,
Lorelei: “Where are these bitches…?”
“Now, everyone knows I love my gays.” She snaps. “I’d like to think I’m a queen myself.” She laughs. “I wear just as much makeup as they do! But…they always do it better. I thought it would be a something different to take the girls to this fabulous drag brunch at this local gay bar by my house, I’ve been going here almost every Sunday since I moved to Beverly Beach. I also have a big announcement.” She squeals and claps.
Pat enters the courtyard and she sees Lorelei and walks over. The music turns funny to highlight the awkwardness that it’s just Pat and Lorelei. Lorelei shields her eyes and waves.
Lorelei: “Hello, sweetie. How are you doing? I’m glad you accepted my invite.”
Pat: “Thank you for having me! I love a good Drag Brunch. You look great.” She smiles and nods her head.
“I was surprised to get an invite to this, but after coming in and seeing drag queens, I feel safe. Also, I didn’t know Lorelei was doing drag too! That hair, hunni…that makeup! Who is she painting for?! The dead?”
Lorelei: “Thank you, Pat! You look…” She nods and smiles. “Yeah.”
“I always try to be the bigger person when it comes to confrontation in this group. Patrick isn’t anyone special enough to get me wound up. Bygones.” She shrugs.
Lauren and Ren walk in together, holding pinkies. Pat spins around and waves to them.
Pat: “Hello!”
Lauren: “Hi Pat! Nice to see you.” She gives Pat a side hug.
“I am so happy to be invited to Lorelei’s brunch. A year ago this would DEFINITELY not be happening. I’m glad all that fake sister b.s. was just a blip and she didn’t hold it against us. We trusted Pat and…” She shrugs. “You see where that got us.” She rolls her eyes. “I’ll play nice though.”
Lorelei: “You both look so pretty! Thank you for coming, girls.” She greets the new arrivals.
The camera switches to outside the front of the bar. A chauffeur in a black Bentley pulls up to the front door. Imani and RuPaul step out of the car together. They make their way into the gay bar as people cheer and take pictures. Lorelei stirs her straw and looks up, surprised, at her sister. She lets out a loud laugh and the rest of the girls turn to see Imani and Ru.
“The fabulous… The one they love to hate is back!” She snaps. “I am so happy to be here supporting the gays, honey! Whew! Me and my good judy, Ru, love drag!” She winks.
Ren’s eyes widen as Imani comes closer.
Ren: “Is that…”
Imani introduces Ru to the girls. He excuses himself and goes off to mingle at a different table.
Lorelei: “Imani — You really outdid yourself on that one.”
Ren: “You would show up with the ultimate drag queen.” She laughs and claps.
Imani: “Yessss, girls! Getintuit!” She poses.
“My sister is so overdramatic.” She cackles. “It definitely runs in the family. We are truly some dramatic ass bitches. Only she would walk into this brunch with RuPaul.”
The girls and everyone else at the bar sits down at their designated tables. Famous drag queen, Trixie Mattel, comes out and begins her show. The crowd laughs as she cracks jokes at people in the audience. Pat stands up and throws money.
The show ends and people go back to talking at their table and plates of avocado toast and egg whites are brought out by buff, shirtless servers. Lorelei sits at the head of the long Allison & Wonderland-esque table. She clinks and raises it high.
Lorelei: “Bitches, queens, and everyone in between…Listen up!” The table falls silent as everyone turns their attention to her. “Thank you.” She smiles. “I invited you people here today to discuss something near and dear to my heart.” She crosses her hands against her chest. “My brand. My business. I’m excited to announce that N U D I T Y has partnered with Dior for a special summer line.” She snaps. “That’s right, bitches! I’m dabbling in fashion fashion now!”
Imani: “YASSSS!” She gets up and hugs Lorelei. “N — U — D — T — I — T — T — Y!”
Pat: “Congratulations!” She smiles and tilts her champagne flute towards her.
“Seems like everyone in Beverly Beach has a fashion line…where do we draw the line?”
Lauren claps and does a little celebration dance in her seat.
Lauren: “Congratulations, girl! I can’t wait to see the line.”
Ren claps as well.
Ren: “That’s really great, Lorelei! Offers like that only come a dime a dozen. Mother to mother — I’m excited for you. Cheers.” She smiles.
Lorelei looks over the table and smiles.
Lorelei: “Thank you, girls.” She sits back down.
Imani: “So — how was the ski trip? I haven’t seen you all since.”
Lorelei: “Sis…” She looks at Imani. “It was a mess. a hot mess.”
Pat clears her throat.
Pat: “I actually met up with Grace yesterday. She was telling me a bit about it.”
Lorelei: “What did the sociopath say?” She raises her eyebrow and Lauren coughs to hide a laugh.
Pat: “Well let’s not call her that.” She laughs. “It seems that maybe some miscommunication happened on the trip? I dunno, I wasn’t there.”
Lauren narrows her eyes at Pat.
“Now that I have spoken to Elyse, Pat is the only one left that could have told Grace what I said about her. So I am not saying a THING in front of her now.” She zips her lips.
Lorelei rolls her eyes.
Lorelei: “What do you mean Pat? Miscommunication? What did she say, just spill the tea.” She shakes her head. “Grace’s a weirdo.”
Lauren giggles and sips her drink.
Pat: “I don’t think she’s weird!” She looks around the table at the girls. “I think maybe she’s coming in hot? Listen — We all have big personalities and they clash. What exactly is everyone's issue with her? I’m confused.”
Lorelei: “No! She is a fucking nut job, Pat. Get it through your head.” She nods. “Okay? She is a deranged woman. I’ve never met someone that desperate to be liked! Don’t stand up here and defend that mental ward patient. Elyse already does that. Just — Please don’t” She holds her hand up.
“I really don’t like Grace. I think she’s a follower, I think she and Elyse are in some sort of cahoots to take down Lauren. I believe they’re having sexual relations with one another and I just…” She gags. “I’m over Grace.”
Pat looks taken aback, she shakes her head.
Pat: “Woah! Well don’t talk to me like that now…” She laughs. “You might be able to get away with talking like that to others but not me. I’m asking a simple question?”
Lauren looks over at Lorelei.
Lauren: “Be careful. Pat’ll just repeat everything we’re saying to Grace.” She gives Pat a hostile look.
Pat: “What?”
Lauren: “You know what. You’re a snake and I don’t trust you.”
Lorelei nods her head in Lauren and Ren’s direction.
Lorelei: “Mhm. You better say that, Lauren.” She snaps.
The camera pans to Imani who left and is now drinking a margarita and dancing with RuPaul on top of his table. It goes back to the four remaining girls.
Pat: “Lauren. Babe.” She chuckles. “We’ve been friends for a hot minute. Let’s not sit here and pretend that you haven’t said many questionable things about the people in this group.”
“Lauren’s hands aren’t clean in this Sistergate nonsense.”
Lorelei looks at Pat and gasps.
Lorelei: “Uh — Uh!”
Lauren: “No.” She puts her finger up. “You repeated one comment I made about grace and created an entire situation out of nothing. Don’t try and deflect.”
Pat: “I’m not deflecting! I’m right here, baby! In fact, Lorelei and Imani…” Imani is back at the table and Pat turns to the sisters. “I would actually like to apologize for bringing up that entire rumor. Clearly, I was being fed fake information by someone who wanted to see you hurt.” She glares at Lauren.
Imani: “Thank you, Pat.” She nods. “That means so much to me, I really felt attacked.”
Lauren scoffs.
Lauren: “You think she’s your friend?!” She points to Pat. “She’s the one who told us all that you and Lorelei supposedly weren’t sisters.”
Lorelei glances at Imani and Lauren and then goes back to looking at Pat.
Lorelei: “I appreciate that. But I’d like to know who was feeding you this false information?” She looks at her with a serious look. “I don’t want people like that around my vicinity. So, kindly, who told you.”
Ren watches, intrigued.
Ren: “Yeah, I’d like to know who is the one spreading these crazy rumors as well.” She looks to the girls. “I’m not trying to be next.”
Lorelei: “Exactly, Ren. Who told you, Pat?”
“Pat is beating around the bush. She’s being a major snake and she’s refusing to indulge in this so called “tea” she has. Spill the motherfucking tea, girl. Spill it.” She shakes her head. “This whole Sistergate thing has truly gotten tired so let’s just get to the bottom of it right now.”
Lorelei, Imani, Ren, and Lauren all look at Pat for an answer. Pat looks up and looks straight to Lauren.
Pat: “Lauren, listen — I don’t know if you haven’t been getting dicked down or whatever your issue is as of late but, you have amnesia when it comes to the conversations we had when I moved to Beverly Beach.” She looks at Lauren smugly.
Lorelei’s eyes wide.
Lorelei: “Are you… insinuating that it was Lauren who started the rumor?”
Lauren: “What the hell are you talking about?”
Pat: “Lauren — who told me about Lorelei and Imani.” She continues to look her dead in the eyes.
Ren looks at Lauren. Lorelei looks at Pat with disgust, then then looks at Lauren and shakes her head.
Lorelei: “Girl…”
Lauren gasps.
Lauren: “That is NOT TRUE!” She looks at the other ladies. “That is complete bullshit. No — I’m not doing this.” She gets up and grabs her purse. “You all better not believe this LIAR!” She points to Pat.
Lorelei: “Lauren, no wait! Calm down, honey. Just — Hold on.” She grabs for Lauren.
Lauren puts her hands up, very upset.
Lauren: “No, no. I can’t. I am enraged right now. I need to get out of here before I do something I regret. Sorry Lorelei.” She walks out.
Pat looks at Lauren like she’s crazy and sips her mimosa.
Pat: “I have no reason to lie, I simply asked her a question. Why is she running?” She shrugs.
Ren gets up from the table to go follow Lauren out. On her way out, she stops and hands Imani a napkin.
Ren: “You have mayo and crumbs on your lip, babe.” She struts out. “Valet! Pull up the Benz, me and Lauren have got to go.”
Pat looks around at the empty table besides her, Lorelei and Imani.
Pat: “Well…was it something I said?” She laughs to herself.
The episode ends.