[S4E5]: Bad Press
Intense music plays as the neon pink ‘House of Faroe’ sign in Grace’s office opens up the episode. In the main lobby area, people bustle around with clothing, paper, and fabric samples. The view switches to inside of Grace’s private office where she is going over some papers on her desk.
“I’ve worked very hard for my business. I didn’t come from much and being a minority, sometimes there’s not much expected of us. We aren’t expected to go to college or get a good high paying job or start a business. We aren’t expected to do well. One thing I vowed to do when I was a little girl was to prove everyone wrong and I’ve done that ever since. I created a successful fashion line. House of Faroe was my first baby.”
Grace’s creative director knocks on her office door and swifty comes in. Grace looks up and smiles, she takes off her glasses.
Grace: “Arthur! Good morning.”
Arthur: “Good morning, Ms. Faroe!”
Grace: “What have we got today?”
Arthur sits down across from her and lays out papers.
Arthur: “Well, the designs for your new collection need to be finalized today. I have taken the liberty of photo copying some samples of the mannequin sketches from some of the undecided designs. I need you to choose the final designs that will go into production.”
Grace: “Yes, yes, of course. Pass them over.”
“Being a businesswoman isn’t as easy as some people may think. Yes, I’m not exactly knee deep in the practical aspect, but there’s a lot of work that needs to go into the creative side which I am responsible for. If the collection and fashion shows aren’t amazing and up to par, then that’s a reflection on my name and the brand that I’ve built. We have to keep one upping ourselves, we can’t fall out of the public eye. That’s what I’m constantly trying to avoid.”
Grace begins sifting through the sketches Arthur placed on the table, setting them either to the right or left of her.
Grace: “No, no, NO! No, no, no definitely not! Maybe, possibly, perhaps…oh no! That…maybe, okay, yeah, sure, wow…yes! We’ll have that one, yes, yes!”
She finishes going through the sketches. Arthur sits and watches her, he is clearly nervous.
Grace: “I suppose you can understand how I’m feeling right now…” She puts her hands together and looks at Arthur seriously.
Arthur: “Enlighten me, Ms. Faroe.”
Grace stands up and walks over to the decanter of whiskey near her desk, she pours herself a glass.
Grace: “Want one?”
Arthur gulps and shakes his head.
Arthur: “No, thank you.”
Grace snickers and takes a sip of her drink.
Grace: “I’ll tell YOU how I’m feeling Arthur…” She slinks back over to her desk and sits down. “Disappointed.” She leans back in her chair.
Arthur: “That’s…unfortunate.”
Grace: “Yes…yes, it is. I thought my designers had more in them. I thought we had a design team with the potential to come up with sketches that would put the other fashion houses of Beverly Beach to shame.”
“I can be a nightmare boss sometimes, yeah. I know. But who isn’t?” She holds her hands out. “I rule my business with an iron fist and I’m firm. It’s because I have to be. The fashion industry is a cut throat business. There’s no time to sit around and tip toe around people, that’s a lesson I’ve learnt over the years. You lose a lot of potential opportunities that way.”
Arthur: “I’ll get onto the design team, shall I?”
Grace: “Yes, you do that. Tell them that if I don’t see at least 12 promising designs, I’ll be conducting a review accompanied with an employee sweep. Then we’ll really be separating the men from the boys, per say.” She has a stern look on her face.
Grace’s Confessional:
“Okay…I may be a bit of a bitch when it comes to being a boss.” She laughs.
Arthur stands up, speechless.
Grace: “Well? What are you still doing here?” She waves her hand. “You’re dismissed.”
Arthur: “Yes, Ms. Faroe.” He bows his head and scurries out of the room.
A few moments later, Grace’s partner Vivian walks into the office. Vivian leans against the doorway.
Vivian: “Keeping your foot on the gas, are we? Arthur looked pretty shook up, don’t be hard on him.” She pouts.
Grace looks up from her desk and smiles.
Grace: “Darling, you know me! It’s the price you have to pay for success in this world.”
She gets up and goes over to hug Vivian. After the two embrace they walk over and sit on the sofa in the corner of Grace’s office.
Vivian: “I just thought I’d stop by and see how you were doing…you know.” She glances down then holds up a bag and a smile appears on her face. “I brought those donuts you like.”
Grace smiles and takes the bag.
Grace: “You wanted to see how I was doing after the blogs that came out this morning?”
Vivian lets out a nervous laugh.
Vivian: “Yes, that.”
Grace sighs and pulls out her phone, scrolling through.
Grace: “Of course Dimitri did ANOTHER interview about me. Typical.”
“Things with my ex husband aren’t great right now. We recently finalized our divorce but that’s not the end of our issues. After I got divorced, I realized I was attracted to women. So I came out as gay, which led me to meet Vivian. We haven’t been together all that long, but I know she’s the one.” She grins. “Unfortunately, my ex, Dimitri, disagrees with my newfound happiness. He’s done several interviews about me, slating me, accusing me of being unfaithful during our marriage, calling me all sorts of homophobic names and worst of all…he’s dragging our children into it.” She shakes her head. “Miserable bastard.”
Vivian: “You musn’t let this get to you. You know everyone believes your side of the story. He’s a liar and everyone knows it!”
Grace: “Do they though? He can be a pretty convincing liar.” She bites her lip.
Vivian: “I’ve heard you talk about how manipulative he could be.”
Grace: “That’s not the worst of it with what I told you. I dread to think the lengths he’ll go in a bid to stop me, you, Gemini, and Megan from being happy.”
Vivian: “Well, we’re happy as a family, with the kids. That’s the main priority. As far as I can see, we’re winning and he’s losing.”
Grace’s Confessional:
“Vivian has been my rock throughout all of this. And most importantly, my children love her. Besides being a businesswoman, being a mother is my other job and it’s important to me. Yes, they can be a bit of a nightmare sometimes but I wouldn’t have it any other way.” She smiles.
Grace: “I fear Dimitri will get worse. Especially since Gemini came out to him.”
Vivian: “He knows”
Grace nods her head.
Grace: “Yeah, Gemini mentioned that he told his father the other night. Megan’s mentioned some things too. He says his father is taking it well but I’m not so sure. It really wouldn’t surprise me if he uses this to score points against me.”
“My son, Gemini recently came out as gay. I don’t know if me starting a relationship with a woman prompted it, but whatever did, I’m proud of him and I love him no matter what. Nothing could ever change that.”
Vivian: “Don’t read into it.”
Grace: “I know, I know. I just want to be prepared.” She reaches over to hold Vivian’s hand. “I can see the headlines and narrative DImitri will try to push through.” She now holds her hands up. “MOTHER GRACE FAROE TURNS HER SON GAY.”
Vivian and Grace burst out laughing.
Grace: “Right, get out of here. I have work to do.”
Vivian stands up and salutes.
Vivian: “Aye, aye Captain!”
Vivian walks out and Grace grins. The scene ends.
The camera pans over and into Sheridan’s house where she is in her kitchen, taking some food out of the oven. She sets the food down on her island and perks up when her doorbell rings. Whimsical music plays as Sheridan makes her way to the front of her house and opens to door for Lorelei.
Sheridan: “Lorelei! So good to have you in my home. Come on.”
Lorelei smiles, steps in, and gives Sheridan a warm embrace.
Lorelei: “Well, thank you for having me! You have a gorgeous home, girl!”
“I’ve invited Lorelei over today just to chat and for her to get to know me better. While we’ve been around one another and in the same circle for a little bit; we’ve not had a lot of time one on one to get to know eachother.”
Sheridan leads Lorelei to the kitchen where she has plates set up next to the fresh croissants she had just pulled out of the oven.
Sheridan: “Help yourself!” She motions to them. “So, you’re wanting to practice making a meal, eh?”
Lorelei: “Yes!” She tucks her hair behind her ear. “I cook, but like…” She makes a face. “I can burn water.”
The girls laugh.
“I’ve kind of really refrained from getting to know Sheridan intimately just off the fact that I know she and Ren are best friends.” She shrugs. “Ren and I obviously haven’t always seen eye to eye and I’m not a friend stealer.” She laughs.
Sheridan begins getting pots and pans out of her cupboards.
Sheridan: “I want to start with something small and easy, so I’ve already prepared the main entree — creamy garlic chicken — but I wanted to show you how to make some homemade pasta because pasta is so versatile.”
Sheridan gets fresh ingredients out of the fridge and begins teaching Lorelei how to make the pasta mixture. Lorelei looks over at Sheridan as she cracks an egg.
Lorelei: “So, is this something you’re passionate about? Cooking?”
Sheridan: “Yeah.” She nods. “It’s been kind of something that has helped me cope throughout my life. It was always something that I’ve enjoyed doing and found comfort in doing. I’ve recently decided to just jump in and so I enrolled in culinary school. I want it to not only be a passion but my job as well.”
Lorelei looks impressed and nods.
Lorelei: “That’s actually really awesome! It’s never too late to chase your dreams, you know some people feel like if you didn’t go to school for it right away or didn’t start at a super young age, you can’t do it.”
Sheridan: “Exactly! It’s been great for my mental health, especially with my recent divorce.”
Lorelei: “Oh, that’s right. You are a divorcee like me. How’s that been? Like has the divorce been smooth and all?”
Sheridan sighs.
Sheridan: “It’s been difficult. We actually still live together but that isn’t even the hardest part.”
Lorelei gasps overdramatically while Sheridan starts putting the dough in the pasta maker.
Lorelei: “Wait…Oh my gosh, girl!” She laughs and looks around. “Is he in the house now?”
Sheridan shakes her head.
Sheridan: “No, he’s out with his kids at a trampoline park for a daddy-son date.”
Lorelei: “Ah, that’s nice.” She nods. “So — He’s good with your kids then? Seems like he’s very good.” She helps Sheridan collect the noodles as they come out of the machine.
Sheridan stops and looks a little uncomfortable.
Sheridan: “Well, it’s his children from a different woman. I’m not able to biologically have kids myself…”
Lorelei: “Oh — I’m sorry. I didn’t know, honey.” She frowns.
“My ex husband and I tried to have a child for a number of years. We took a number of tests and it turns out that I’m infertile and not able to carry a child.” She blots her eyes with a tissues. “He assured me it wouldn’t impact our marriage…and months later we got a knock on the door. He had knocked up some Instagram model from Los Angeles. I am still dealing with the fact that I wasn’t enough and wasn’t capable of providing a child for my husband. It hurts me to my core and it ruined our marriage.”
Sheridan: “I can’t lie it’s been tough. We tried so hard and at the end of the day it was all my fault. I completely ruined our marriage and he cheated on me.”
Lorelei makes a face.
Lorelei: “Mmm…That is horrible. That really is sad.” She shakes her head. “No man should cheat just because his wife can’t bare children. I’m so sorry you’re going through all of this.”
“I think cheating in general is unacceptable. I cheated on my husband and it was wrong. So, so wrong. But I can’t even imagine…I cheated due to being in an abusive relationship but Sheridan’s ex cheated because they found out she couldn’t have children? Unforgivable.”
Lorelei walks over and gives Sheridan a hug, Sheridan embraces it.
Sheridan: “Thank you.”
Lorelei: “Aw, yeah girl. Anytime.” She pulls away and smiles.
Sheridan: “Anyways, enough of that. Let’s put this pasta in the pot and get to cooking.”
Fun music plays over a montage of edited shots of Sheridan and Lorelei in kitchen. First they put their noodles in the pot then Sheridan cracks open a bottle of red wine and pours them each a glass. They lean against the island as they watch the pasta boil.
Sheridan: “So that other night…whew…”
Lorelei begins sipping her wine, she then rolls her eyes.
Lorelei: “What went down at the Independence Day party was really, honestly too much.”
Sheridan nods in agreement.
Sheridan: “It was really uncomfortable. I don’t like seeing you and your sister be treated so oddly by the other women. Quite frankly I thought you were treated badly by the others.”
Lorelei: ‘It’s honestly something that I’m used to.” She shakes her head. “I don’t wanna sound like I’m vain or anything but like…when you’re a pretty girl, you’re always going to be a target. I’m sure you, yourself, have experienced this. I just happen to be the target of this group for the second year in a row.” She shrugs.
Sheridan sips her wine and then sighs.
Sheridan: “Well it sounds like Pat has a larger issue with your sister…”
“I really thought about it and it seems insane to me that Lorelei and Imani would make up being sisters. I’m going with the innocent until proven guilty approach with this whole sister nonsense, I’m going to believe Lorelei and Imani. With Lorelei, I feel compelled to tell her what Pat has been saying about her sister.”
Lorelei looks at Sheridan disgusted.
Lorelei: “Who is that hideous woman anyways? She really kept saying I knew her and the real gag is…I’ve never met her in my life. She must’ve been some fan I ran across on the street. Stalkers do exist, honey.”
“What do I know about Pat? Hm…Let me think. I know Pat’s behavior towards me at the party was…” She puts her finger in her mouth. “Toxic. She seems like an old bitch who tries to fit in with young women. Like…stay in your lane, you old biddy.”
Sheridan laughs.
Sheridan: “She invited us to some swim shop a few days before Independence Day. We all dragged her new swimwear line…to her face.” She giggles. “Oh my gosh let me stop and tell you exactly what she’s said about Imani because I don’t do the ‘gossip behind eachothers backs’ fakery.”
Lorelei looks at Sheridan with a serious look.
Lorelei: “What did she say about my sister?”
Sheridan: “She said that Imani burned her real family when she married her now ex husband. She said you and Imani met at some yoga class or something and y’all aren’t actually sisters.” She now begins counting on her fingers. “She said Imani is broke and did some fraud shit to her real siblings like emptying their bank accounts. It was a whole lot of mess. She says she has mutual friends with Imani who have told her all of this.”
Lorelei looks unfazed and swirls the wine in her glass, she looks at Sheridan.
Lorelei: “That is a bunch of bullshit. I’ve never in my 37 years of existence been questioned about being related to my own sister. Hold on — “ She scrolls through her phone for a few moments before finding something and showing the screen to Sheridan. “Can’t fake a baby photo. Imani is my HALF sister. I grew up with her when I was younger.”
“I definitely believe Lorelei. Why would her and Imani lie about sisterhood? The photos don’t lie either.”
Sheridan: “I believe you girl. I don’t understand why this Pat woman is stirring the pot and why some of the girls appear scared of her?”
Lorelei laughs.
Lorelei: “Because the women of Beverly Beach are weak. They don’t do well when women speak up. They’re all meek, fragile, followers. They have a pack mentality. If you have a problem with somebody in their little clique, then you have a problem with all of them.”
“I don’t doubt that the other women are scared of Pat. I, however, am not. Neither is Imani. Why? I know we’ve both individually dealt with bigger and badder bitches that are a lot scarier than that old woman.”
Sheridan: “Well, hopefully Pat learns to stop meddling in people’s business or we may have a problem. I was talking to Ren the other day and she mentioned she wanted to do a little get away.
Lorelei: “Oh yeah? Do you know where?”
Sheridan: “She mentioned her and Aaron’s ski chalet in Aspen for a weekend. Could be a good time to kind of maybe express your feelings to the other girls.”
Lorelei: “It could be fun. I just hope Pat isn’t coming. Or Grace. Or Elyse.” She laughs playfully and nudges Sheridan. “I’m just kidding. I can get along and I can definitely talk to some people.”
Sheridan: “Good! My main goal is to get to know the girls better. I still haven’t spoken to them. This could be a really go — “
All of a sudden Sheridan’s stovetop erupts with smoke. The boiling water from the pasta pot has overflowed. She races over to take the pot off the heat. Sheridan and Lorelei both giggle.
Lorelei: “Hopefully that’s not a warning sign!”
The scene ends.
Lauren pours three glasses of wine and scurries around her kitchen nervously. She quickly pounds one down and refills it. Her doorbell rings and Lauren goes to open the door. Suspenseful music plays when she opens the door to reveal her ex husband Richard and his new girlfriend who he cheated on Lauren with, Rachel.
“Now that Richard has been seeing Rachel for a while, they have gotten a little more serious. She has moved into the condo with him. We are technically still married but we are very close to finalizing our divorce. We have agreed on everything financially but we are waiting on the court to finish the process.”
Producer: “Can you tell us how much you’re getting in the divorce?”
“I will gladly tell you once it is finalized. Until then, I can say that I am keeping the house, Richard is keeping the condo and the rest is agreed upon.”
Lauren: “Come in you guys.” She smiles.
Richard and Rachel step inside Lauren’s house. Richard gives Lauren and half hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Richard: “Hey mama.”
Rachel: “Hey Lauren.” She smiles sweetly and waves her hand.
The three of them make their way to the kitchen. Richard makes his way to Lauren’s fridge and starts rummaging through. Lauren comes up behind him.
Lauren: “I don’t stock your beers anymore. You can grab a green juice or I can make you some tea if you don’t want the wine?”
Richard: “Ahhh, I guess I’ll take the green stuff.” He grabs a bottle of green juice from the fridge.
“Richard looks like a completely different person. He lost weight, gotten Botox and hair plugs. Rachel has really gotten him into shape. He honestly looks how he did when I first met him. It’s crazy.” She shakes her head. “I am completely over him though…even though he looks really good.” She clears her throat and shifts uncomfortably in her seat.
Rachel: “Well, Lauren. Thank you for letting the kids go to Mexico with us. I know an entire week is a long time and I really appreciate you trusting me. We’re going to have fun though.” She smiles and looks to Richard.
Lauren nods, she sways a little as she leans against the counter. Her eyes are heavy.
Lauren: “Sure, I am glad they will have time to bond with their dad.” She walks over to the counter and grabs a glass of wine. “Anyone else want to join me?” She motions to the two other glasses.
Richard and Rachel both shake their head.
Rachel: “No, actually. We are dieting before our trip! Even though Rich still drinks a beer every day with lunch…” She giggles and pats his stomach.
Lauren lets out a loud, over exaggerated laugh. Rachel shoots Richard a look.
Lauren: “I’m — I’ll just be right back.”
As Lauren saunters out of the room Rachel turns to Richard and begins talking to him in a low whisper.
Rachel: “Wow, that’s sad. She’s drinking alone at 2 p.m…”
Richard rolls his eyes at Rachel and the couple suddenly perks back up as Lauren re enters the room. She sips her wine and goes back to leaning against the counter.
Lauren: “So, are you just going to pick them up on the way to the airport? Should I help them pack?”
Richard: “Yeah, that would be great. Make sure the have everything they normally pack for Mexico.
Lauren starts to roll her eyes but stops herself. She smiles.
Lauren: “Sure, they will have all they need.”
Richard’s phone starts to ring. He checks it and gets up.
Richard: “Excuse me, I need to take this. Sorry girls.”
Richard answers the phone and walks into the other room. An awkward silence consumes the room as Lauren just sips her wine and Rachel looks around the kitchen, tapping her fingers. Rachel keeps glancing at Lauren until she finally leans forward.
Rachel: “I uh — I don’t mean to pry, but do you drink alone like this alot.” She glances at the wine glass in Lauren’s hand.
Lauren looks taken aback and scoffs.
Lauren: “I occasionally have a glass in the middle of the day on my day off. Why?” She glares at Rachel.
Rachel: “Well, when I worked at the bar I saw a lot of people, you know…I just want to make sure you’re okay.” She gives Lauren a sincere look of concern.
Lauren: “When Richard starts getting bored and dating other women behind your back, you’ll start drinking too.” She finishes off her glass of wine and leans against the counter, pissed off.
Rachel scrunches her face up.
Rachel: “No, Richard and I are completely monogamous. He wouldn’t cheat on me.”
Lauren laughs a bit and turns to Rachel, she is now very noticeably swaying and visibly drunk.
Lauren: “Sureeeee. 22 years ago, I met him when he was with his first wife. Then we were together. He met you when he was with his second…” She points to herself. “So, time will tell.” She smirks.
Rachel shrugs and tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.
Rachel: “I guess it will.” She sighs. “Look, I really love Richard and I want us to get along. I love your kids and I want you to like me. It would be easiest on them if we could be friends, or friendly at least.”
Lauren nods.
Lauren: “We are friends. As friendly as we need to be, that’s why I’m being honest with you.”
The girls whip their heads to the doorway as Richard comes back into the kitchen.
Richard: “That was the dealership. We need to get back for a meeting. I completely forgot.” He begins walking towards the door and waves for Rachel to follow him. “Thanks for having us over. We’ll pick the kids up Thursday.”
Rachel: “Bye, Lauren.” She smiles and waves.
Richard and Rachel rush out the door. Lauren stands alone in the kitchen and the camera zooms in on the half drunk bottle of wine. The scene ends.
A beautiful nighttime shot of The Beverly Beach Boardwalk appears on the screen. The colorful lights from the games and rides glimmer against the dark surface ocean. Elyse stands at the entrance when Ren comes up behind her.
“It’s certainly nice to be hanging around some good girlfriends. I mean, these girls and Lauren are the only sane ones in this bunch. I thought we got rid of the crazy. I see it’s still here, just in other forms. Somebody help me!”
Ren: “Hi Elyse!” She hugs her.
Elyse: “Hey baby! Gracie should be here in a minute. Oh — Speaking of the devil!”
Grace approaches the girls.
Grace: “Ren, Elyse! Hi girls!” She smiles.
Elyse: “Gracie you made it! Look at you, fashion goddess.” She laughs.
Ren: “Very cute, Grace.” She hugs her.
“I’m looking forward to meeting up with Ren and Elyse today. It’ll be nice to get to know Ren more and get some information about her traitor friend. Oh sorry, what’s her name again? That’s right — Lauren.”
Grace puts her hands on her hips and smiles at the girls.
Grace: “How are you both doing?”
Elyse: “It’s a new day, Gracie, and Elyse is doing fine.” She looks over at Ren. “I’m leaving all the negative noos behind!” She laughs.
Producer: “Did you mean negative nancys?”
“No. I meant noos. I’ve got my own words, baby. Get with it.” She winks.
Ren: “I’m doing well! Just tired, the baby has been keeping me and Aaron very busy.”
Grace: “Shall we go get some ice cream?” The girls begin walking down the boardwalk. “I have to admit, I’m still recovering from your party.” She grins at Ren. “I had a fair bit to drink.” She laughs.
Ren: “Yeah, Grace. You were lit, I was surprised.” She giggles.
Grace: “Letting loose, what can I say?”
“A girl’s got to have a good time outside the office, right?” She laughs.
Ren: “Well it seemed like everyone was having a blast which is all I wanted.”
Elyse scrunches up her nose.
Elyse: “Ren, baby, the party was a disaster…”
Ren looks at Elyse and raises an eyebrow.
Ren: “How?!”
Elyse: “Some of the guests. I can’t believe how they behaved. And I don’t think some of the girls took onto Tessa too well. Most of them were just plain rude!”
Grace nods.
Grace: “That party was a little awkward for me. I’m going to be honest and upfront with you, Ren, because I feel like I can be.” The girls stop outside of the brightly decorated boardwalk ice cream shop. Grace turns to Ren. “It was awkward being around Lauren because of some information I was given about her.”
Elyse looks at Grace and folds her arms.
Elyse: “What was said about Lauren?”
Ren looks concerned.
Ren: “Lauren? What did you hear about Lauren? She’s one of our best friends.” She glances at Elyse. “I’m sure we can clarify.”
Elyse nods in agreement and Grace shrugs.
Grace: “Well, since she’s been talking about me, I’ll tell you…After I went to her place with Lorelei and things descended into disaster, I found out that Lauren was calling me degranded and insane behind me back. She barely knows me!”
“To hear at Ren’s party from Pat that Lauren has been bad mouthing me didn’t really hurt nor surprise me as I had my suspicions about her when I met her. What it did was make me angry. This woman had met me twice and was already making this outrageous judgments about me! Calling me ‘crazy’ is offensive. Lauren is an ignorant white woman and I cannot do with those people.” She points her finger. “Nuh-uh!”
Elyse: “Lola? No way. I can’t see her saying such things about you, Grace. Now those siamese twins…Lorelei and her sister…Well, they’re capable of anything. But not our Lola. She’s too sweet. Did you talk to her about it?” She looks inquisitively at Grace.
Grace: “I’ve yet to discuss it with her, but I’m not pleased. I must admit, when I met her I had my suspicions and I have heard things about her. I didn’t hold judgment because I wanted to get to know her properly. However, what I’ve heard she’s been saying about me…it makes me see her for the person she truly is. True colors are being shown.” She shrugs.
“One thing I know about Grace is first impressions are everything to her. If you don’t impress her, she wants nothing to do with you. I hope this Lauren isn’t the real Lauren. Maybe all the stress she was under with Richard has now turned her into a, shall I say, mini Lorelei? Oh, the thought of it just sounds terrifying!” She gasps. “But I will have Lauren’s back, regardless.”
Ren raises her eyebrow.
Ren: “Personally, I haven’t Lauren talk about you. I think this could be a big misunderstanding.”
Elyse: “I’m with Ren on this. This just doesn’t sound like Lauren.”
Grace: “I hope not because if she’s saying that about me, she’s out of line. It’s creating a problem and you don’t want a problem with me, trust me.” She looks angry.
“I don’t know Ren very well so I don’t know if she’s telling the truth or not. Mind, she is best friends with Lauren so she could be lying to cover her back. I don’t know.”
Grace, Elyse, and Ren file into the ice cream shop and pick out the flavors they want. Cheery music plays as the man behind the counter smiles and hands them their ice cream cones. They make their way outside and sit on a bench. The neon lights of the boardwalk illuminate their faces in the night.
Elyse: “We need to nip this whole Lauren thing in the bud soon. I think you should first speak to Lola and see what’s going on.” She pats Grace’s leg. “I’m sure this can all be cleared right up. Don’t believe the ‘he said she said’ in this group. It never works out well. I know Lauren and she’s a sweetie at heart.”
Grace bites her lip.
Grace: “From what I’ve experienced so far from her, she doesn’t seem to be. I can’t help how I feel.”
Elyse: “Who told you about this, Grace?” She looks at her curiously.
Ren: “Yeah, I’m wondering where this is coming from.” She licks her ice cream cone.
Grace: “Pat told me and I trust her word. She’s been nothing but kind, open, and honest with me — many of the girl’s haven’t been this way toward me.”
Ren rolls her eyes.
Ren: “I just don’t see why Pat would tell you anything about Lauren. Lauren doesn’t need a mouthpiece.”
Grace’s Confessional:
“I have no reason not to trust Pat. I don’t believe that she would ever lie to me. After all, I’ve heard rumors about Lauren’s true character. People talk about how sly and sneaky she can be and how it’s gotten her into trouble in the past. She’s not the person she claims to be.” She looks into the camera smuggly.
Elyse: “You’re friendly with Pat, aren’t you Ren? What’s her impression of the ladies so far in the group? She’s a fiery one I’ll say.” She laughs.
Ren: “We aren’t very close but I did stop by her boyfriend’s surf shop the other week. Pat is cool but she has a big mouth and it seems like a tendency to over exaggerate. That’s all I’m saying! If Lauren had an issue with you, Grace, she wouldn’t confide in Pat about it.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I like Pat. But from what I’ve seen and heard around Twitter, she’s a little messy and likes to stir the pot so no…” She shakes her head. “I would not take her word for it.”
Elyse and Grace look at eachother and nod.
Grace: “I’ll get this all figured out soon.”
Ren: “I think I may have the perfect opportunity for this to be all worked out and have us bond and get to know the ladies in the group a little better. I would like to personally invite you both to my luxurious ski chalet in Aspen, Colorado!” She smiles and claps. “I invited Lauren, Sheridan, and to come along as well. I just kind of wanted to keep it positive and with close girlfriends.”
Grace smiles.
Grace: “Wow, that’s amazing. I would love to.”
Elyse begins jumping up and down like a school girl.
Elyse: “Aspen! Love! Love! Love! But…” She stops jumping. “Sheridan? Don’t love. I may have to rethink the invitation, Ren.”
Ren: “I think you guys got off on the wrong foot. She’s a good person, this may give you a chance to connect with her.”
Elyse: “She hasn’t been the nicest to me and it seems she always wants to make a scene when she’s in the same room with me.”
“Ever since this Sheridan has come into the group, she’s been nothing but a high school mean girls to me. First, she blurted out I was snorting coke. Secondly, she was just being flat out rude at the Independence Day party. She’s looking for a problem, desperately. I can do without her. She’s just another wannabe Beverly Beach Kardashian.”
Grace: “Look, honey, me and you can have each other’s backs on this trip. I don’t exactly want to be around the sisters or Lauren…but it’s a vacation!”
“Going on a trip with these women…hmmm. I’m down for having a good time but some of the girls are just plain pathetic.” She rolls her eyes. “I’m hoping there’s plenty of champagne and Elyse to get me through!”
The scene ends as the girls finish their ice cream on the bench.