[S4E3]: Fall From Grace

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
25 min readSep 7, 2021


(From L to R: Ren Rose, Grace Faroe, Lorelei Fox, Elyse Sewell, Lauren Barnes, & Sheridan Campbell)

Elyse sits at a large empty table in a beautiful outdoor section of a nice restaurant. She sips on a glass of wine while she waits for her friends to arrive.

Elyse’s Confessional

“Can you believe this? It’s a new year and a new Elyse. Except for the fact that I was traumatized! Traumatized I tell you…after the events of Lola’s brunch! I invited some of the girls out because I need some support. I’m just so heartbroken to be treated that way by Lorelei and her sister. I’m not the pariah! I mean… look at me dammit!”

Grace and Lauren walk in together.

Grace, Lauren, & Elyse

Elyse: “Grace and Lola! Welcome, welcome.” She gets up and hugs them both. “Did you ride together?”

The girls sit.

Lauren: “No! Our cars pulled up at the same time, how funny is that.”

Grace turns to Lauren and gently places a hand on her shoulder.

Grace: “I forgot to tell you when we were walking in but honey, you look fabulous.”

Lauren: “Thanks girl, you too. We color coordinated!” She motions to their outfits and laughs.

Grace’s Confessional

“Erm…next question? Ha! I’m joking…jury's still out.” She smiles and flips her hair.

The camera focuses on Pat who pulls off her oversized, expensive sunglasses as she walks into the restaurant. Grace waves her hand in the air.


Grace: “Patricia!” She smiles. “Over here!”

Pat approaches the table and starts the circle of air kisses.

Pat: “Hey ladies!”

Pat’s Confessional

“I’m calling this lunch my first encounter with the ladies. Lauren’s brunch was a mess. Too many bitches getting too much sun. I did get amazing vibes from Grace and Elyse so I’m happy to meet up with them again.

Elyse: “You look hot, mama!”

Pat: “This old thing?” She spins around and laughs.

Once Pat is done greeting everyone, she sits down and joins the rest of the women. A waiter brings out a tray of drinks. Elyse lets out a deep , dramatic sigh. She sits in her chair, fanning herself.

Elyse: “I must say…I’m just… so heartbroken.”

Grace turns to Elyse very concerned. She rubs Elyse’s arm.

Grace: “Talk to us, honey. We’ll listen.”

Lauren: “Are you still upset about yesterday?”

Elyse begins to do what seems to be her version of crying, no tears come out though.

Elyse: “Yes, Lola! Did you see them all came after me! Oh — and that new wannabee Kardashian, SherMein, I mean… My god! How dare she just say that I was a drug addict!” She wipes her eyes.

Lauren raises her eyebrow and sips her Tito’s club soda.

Lauren’s Confessional

“Am I missing something? I love Elyse, but didn’t she bring up Lorelei’s drug claims last night? She kind of started everything.”

Elyse: “I do have to say Pat, I live for your fashion and I just want to thank you for being a shoulder to cry on yesterday.”

Pat: “Of course, mama!”

Pat’s Confessional

“Elyse is sweet. I have to help her gain a bit of a backbone. I know what it’s like being around a group of vultures. They pick, pick, pick until you’re nothing. I won’t allow that to happen to Elyse. She’s too pretty for that!”

Grace: “It was definitely out of line what Sheridan was saying. The girl does not know you.” She rolls her eyes, looking annoyed. “There’s no evidence to substantiate her claims, right?”

Pat nods.

Pat: “Yeah…That’s what I was kind of wondering…” She looks to Elyse. “Not trying to be too nosey or whatever but, can I ask why they are making these accusations? Drug use is serious.”

Grace nods along to Pat and is now looking to Elyse as well. Lauren bites her lip and stays silent.

Elyse: “Well… My father was addicted basically my whole life, especially when I was a child. Addiction runs in the bloodline and I did have a little trouble with it in the past, but it’s not an issue for me right now.” She shrugs. “And that’s the truth.”

Grace and Pat glance at eachother.

Pat: “Everyone has wild younger years.”

Grace: “I believe you. Lorelei is just looking for a reason to have an issue with you it seems.”

Lauren reaches over and pats Elyse’s back.

Lauren: “Everything that happened at my house yesterday was unnecessary. I don’t know why it had to escalate so quickly.” She shakes her head. “Grace and Pat — I am so sorry that was your first impression of our friends. It was definitely a huge mess.”

Pat: “Oh stop! It was fun. I enjoyed meeting the ladies.”

Grace: “I got an interesting impression of some. Lorelei and Imani in particular.” She rolls her eyes.

Elyse: “I really don’t know what Lorelei and her personal assistant’s problem was with me. They were so rude!”

Lauren sighs.

Lauren: “Lorelei is a firecracker. I had my issues with her in the past but I want to actually try and move forward with her. I think you guys should give her another chance, she may surprise you.”

Grace: “I’m not so sure on giving those girls another chance. Lorelei and Imani insinuated that I was an ‘angry black woman’ who ‘plays the race card’ so I’m not holding my breath.”

Lauren looks shocked.

Lauren: “Oh wow. I can’t believe that happened.”

Lauren’s Confessional

“This is news to me. Lorelei needs to explain herself. Maybe I can help make it right and get the two of them together to talk without all of the background noise.”

Elyse puts her head on Grace’s shoulder.

Elyse: “Those two were unbelievable.”

Grace’s Confessional

“Lorelei and Imani crossed a line by attacking me about my race. Yeah, I may be black but I can read a bitch. I’m cut throat.” She waves her finger. “Don’t try it. Don’t try me.”

Pat: “Imani needs to be careful. That Imani Grimaldi has secrets that span back to my neck of the woods…”

Lauren, Grace, and Elyse all look at Pat and a dramatic sound effect plays in the background. Elyse sits up straight and licks her lips.

Elyse: “Well do tell, Pat. Don’t leave us hanging. Secrets are a girl’s best friend, you know.” She winks.

Pat leans back in her chair, laughing. She takes a sip of her wine.

Pat: “Listen — I’m here just for fun. I always hold things in the vault, though. All I’m saying is Imani should watch her mouth or I’ll take out the lock combination real fast. Especially if she’s coming for you, my new friend.” She smiles at Grace.

Pat’s Confessional:
“I changed my ways when I hopped on the jet to Beverly Beach but don’t let the cute face fool you…Twitter Hills Pat Fireson is waiting in the wings.”

Grace: “That’s very loyal of you, I respect that. To real friends.” She holds up her glass.

The girls clink glasses but Lauren is shown being quiet and looking a bit agitated.

Lauren’s Confessional

“Pat is a bullshitter. You don’t just dangle juicy gossip and then say ‘oh, nevermind!’ That’s just…not right.” She looks unimpressed.

Lauren now looks over at Grace.

Lauren: “With all that being said, I still feel like you and Lorelei should get together and work it out. I don’t want it to be weird between you guys and we can’t just let the issue fester. What would you say if I arranged a time for you two to come over and have a sort of have a Summer Solstice brunch ‘redo’. I’ll be more than happy to mediate.”

Elyse scoffs.

Elyse: “I don’t trust Lorelei. She’ll make up with you, Grace, I’m sure. It’ll only be to spite me though. She doesn’t like me and wants me out of this group when it’s her who should harpoon herself back into the ocean.”

Lauren shakes her head at Elyse.

Lauren: “I don’t think she will do that. You guys need to deal with your stuff on your own, don’t bring Grace into it.”

Elyse shrugs.

Grace: “I really don’t think there’s anything to talk about with her but…” She sighs. “I’ll go along with this. However,” She points a finger at Lauren. “Any repeat of her behavior from last time and I’m out. I will NOT be spoken to like that again by her when I was coming from a good and rather neutral place, I might add.”

Lauren puts her hands up like she’s surrendering.

Lauren: “That’s all I could ask! I hope she apologizes and you guys can move forward.”

Grace’s Confessional

“I suppose everyone deserves a second chance but Lorelei — Hmm…she’s sneaky. I don’t trust her.” She points finger. “I got my eye on you.”

Pat: “Being in a good place is better than nothing, Grace. Be the better woman.”

Grace: “You’re right.” She nods.

The scene fades out as the girls finish up their drinks.

Lorelei whips into a parking spot at the beach. She exits her new G-Wagon and grabs her daughter Banks. She walks out to a large, spacious, covered cabana structure. Lorelei opens the flaps and goes inside. Ren is applying sunscreen to her arms while Consuela holds her daughter, Gracie.

Ren, Gracie, & Consuela

Consuela: “Hello Miss Lorelei…Hello Miss Lorelei baby.”

Lorelei: “Hi Consuela!” She smiles and then walks over to Ren and gives her a side hug. “Hey, how are you honey?” She then turns back around and waves at Gracie. “Aw, hi, sweetie!”

Lorelei & Banks

Banks and Gracie both coo and giggle at eachother. The moms laugh.

Ren: “They already like eachother! They’re doing better than their mommas!”

Ren’s Confessional

“I haven’t seen Lorelei since Olivia’s wedding. Since last year we’ve been pretty friendly. No ill will on my end and there doesn’t seem to be any on hers. I’m interested to get to know her more. Now that we are both new mothers I think we’ve chilled out and have different perspectives on life.”

After finishing putting on her sunscreen, Ren walks over to Lorelei and Banks to get a better look at the baby.

Ren: “O-M-G, why isn’t she the cutest thing, Lorelei! Those cheeks. She looks just like Xavier.” She pinces Bank’s cheeks. “You are going to have so much fun with Gracie Mae, little one.”

Lorelei: “Doesn’t she look like Xav? I’m offended. I’m the one who carried her ass for nine months.” She laughs.

Ren: “Oh! Consuela made Frosè for us. Mind grabbing it, Connie?”

Consuela: “Sure, sure.” She sets Gracie down and brings over a couple of glasses. “You ladies go tan, go tan! I watch babies in here.” She smiles and picks up Banks from Lorelei.

Ren looks over and Lorelei and smiles.

Ren: “Grown up time!” They clink glasses.

Lorelei: “Girl, I need to tell you about what the hell happened at Lauren’s party. You are so lucky you missed it.”

Ren: “Oh god, what happened?” She raises an eyebrow.

The girls make their way outside to the tanning deck, drinks in hand. Sheridan walks down the beach and approaches the girls.


Sheridan: “Hey babes! Sorry I’m late.” She hugs Lorelei and Ren then sets down her beach bag.

Ren: “What’s up hot mama? There’s some frosè inside if you want to grab a glass.”

Lorelei: “I was just telling her about the brunch the this weekend…”

Sheridan: “Oh god! I def need a drink for this.”

The girls laugh and Sheridan quickly goes into the cabana. Seconds later she comes back out with a frosè in hand. The girls find chairs to lay out on and set their towels down.

Lorelei: “Imma let Sheridan tell you about this event.” She grins and looks over at Sheridan, she puts her sunglasses on.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Sheridan was on FIRE at Lauren’s party. I’ve only been around her a handful of times and each time she’s usually really chill. I don’t know if she was a little tipsy or…maybe even on something stronger…” She shrugs and laughs. “I don’t know! It was unusual behavior.”

Ren: “Oh god, what did my friend do.” She sucks in her cheeks and looks to Sheridan.

Sheridan: “It was a hot mess. Elyse came in hot acting like she didn’t even want to be there and then you could tell she had some issue with Lorelei being there. It was strange — I thought from what you all had previously shared with me that all the girls in the group were good — But it was clear they were dancing around a bunch of stuff like the cocaine use so I blurted it out at the table.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Perhaps I came off strong but all the beating around the bush and dragging issues out is just not my thing. Let’s get to the bottom if it and address everything. Stop playing coy, Elyse!”

Lorelei nods along and sips her drink.

Lorelei: “It was so low rent. Elyse wouldn’t let it go. She will literally take and issue and talk about it for like 5,000 days straight! Like girl…” She chuckles. “IT IS OVER! Old news!”

Ren looks at Sheridan, confused.

Ren: “Don’t tell me you brought up that whole coke debacle from last year. Why would you do that? That’s a very touchy subject for Elyse and not trying to be rude but you weren’t really there to witness everything that went down.”

Sheridan: “I absolutely mentioned it, Ren. She was talking in code and referring to it without saying the actual drug name. So I said the word. This is old news like that old lady defending her. I didn’t even catch her name. Who was the older lady with the terrible hairline, Lorelei?”

Lorelei: “Oh, Miss Grace?”

Sheridan: ‘No, not Grace. The other lady that was from Twitter Hills.”

Lorelei: “Pat!” She laughs. “She seemed nice.”

Sheridan: “I got matornaly vibes.”

Ren: “Pat Fireson was at brunch?!”

Ren’s Confessional

“What is happening?”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Am I supposed to know who PAT FIRESON is?” She fake gasps and mocks Ren as she says Pat’s name.

Sheridan: “Is she the second coming of Mother Mary like who the fuck is that?”

Lorelei sips her drink quietly.

Lorelei: “Chile…”

Ren: “I think Pat is cool. I’m just surprised she’s here in Beverly Beach and at Lauren’s event. I don’t know her super well but I’ve met her around at some events in Twitter. She’s really big in the Twitter scene.”

Ren: “What else happened?”

Sheridan: “I think some of the ladies got into it while I stayed with Lauren at the table. Tell us, Lorelei!” She looks at her, interested.

Lorelei: “That Grace woman was going to bat for Elyse hardcore. Me, her, and Imani went off to chat because she asked me to so she could get clarity on me and Elyse’s history. I explained my side of the story and she immediately took Elyse’s side. She was so rude and unkind to me and my sister. Get this…she had the nerve to bring race into the conversation! Like girl, nobody is worried about your skin color we are talking about YOU!”

Sheridan gasps.

Sheridan: “What the hell? She just met you two.”

Ren: “Woah, woah, woah. How did race get brought up? I don’t get it?” She raises her eyebrow.

Lorelei: “Bitch, that’s what I’m saying! She was all like ‘You bringing up Elyse’s cocaine problem is wrong. I’m black, we don’t do that’ Girl…what?”

Sheridan: “Who died and made Grace the morality police? Please.”

Ren shakes her head.

Ren: “That seems like a lot. I’m glad I wasn’t there.This is a bunch of mess that we need to get sorted out ASAP and move on.”

Lorelei: “Lauren did reach out to me yesterday to have a mediated sit down with Grace. I feel like it may be a good idea because I have too many problems to be sitting around and fighting with some girl I don’t know.”

Sheridan: “I just feel like none of the girls really got to know me.”

Ren: “We all just need to take a deep breath and have a fresh start. Sheridan, I can't have you and Elyse fighting. You both are my best friends! There’s no reason to fight.”

The scene fades as Sheridan, Ren, and Lorelei continue to lay out.

Ren and Aaron sit in a bay at Top Golf drinking cocktails and snacking on appetizers.

Ren & Aaron

Ren: “You going to amaze me tonight? I know you’ve been working on your golf skills, you’ve been out on the course alot.”

Aaron: “Yeah! Maybe I can teach you a thing or two. I can get up there, show you the proper way to hold the club.” He winks.

Ren: “I’ll need the lessons.” She chuckles.

Aaron looks down and checks his phone.

Aaron: “You think they’ll be here soon? I don’t want Consuela staying up too late.”

Ren: “Yeah.” She nods. “Elyse texted me, they just got here I think.”

Ren’s Confessional

“Although Aaron and I are going through a little rough patch, I’m glad he decided to come out with me tonight. It shows he cares about our relationship.”

Elyse walks into the bay with her girlfriend, Tessa. They hold hands and both have beaming smiles on their faces.

Elyse & Tessa

Elyse: “Ren! Baby! How are you?”

Ren and Aaron stand up to greet Elyse and Tessa. Ren hugs her.

Ren: “Hi gorgeous! I’m doing great. Who is this beauty?” She looks Tessa up and down then smiles.

Elyse: “This is my girlfriend, Tessa!”

Ren: “Such a pleasure to meet you, you’re stunning.”

Tessa: “Elyse was right.” She glances at Elyse. “You’re beautiful. Great to meet you.”

Elyse turns to Aaron.

Elyse: “Hi Aaron, looking all handsome.”

Aaron: “Thank you, Elyse. And really nice to meet you, Tessa.”

Elyse: “I swear it’s been so long since I’ve seen the two of you. Hot couples night out! Let’s get a selfie guys.”

Ren, Aaron, Elyse, and Tessa all crowd around to take a selfie. Tessa leans over and kisses Elyse as the picture is taken.

Ren: “So cute!”

Aaron: “Can we get to the golf now?” He laughs. “I’ve been waiting all night.”

Elyse: “Oh Aaron, so impatient.”

Aaron: “Sorry, I just can’t wait to kick you girls’ asses.”

Everyone laughs and the couples get settled into their area. Aaron and Ren walk over to the golf clubs and Aaron helps Ren pick one out. They tee up a ball and Aaron gets behind her, putting his arms around her to help her swing.

Aaron: “Just like that…It’s all in the knees and hips…”

Aaron steps back and Ren swings. She hits the ball and it travels out onto the course.

Aaron: “Good job, baby.”

Elyse: “Now I have to admit, we aren’t golfers but we can cheer you on and look pretty!”

Tessa: “Oh my god, Elyse!”

Ren grins and puts her club away.

Ren: “Good because me neither. I’ll let Aaron hit some balls and we can chat.”

She walks over and sits with Elyse and Tessa.

Elyse’s Confessional

“In what world does it look like I golf? Unless there's a Chanel or a Heremès bag in the hole, I don’t care!” She sticks her tongue out.

Ren: “I need to know! How did the two of you meet?”

Elyse: “We met while I was away these past couple months in Kensington. I had some business to take care of and she, she actually helped me through the situation I was in.” She looks over at Tessa and smiles. She squeezes her hand. “It was lust at first sight! We couldn’t keep our hands off eachother.”

The camera zooms in on Aaron who is peeking over his shoulder, smirking. When he realizes he is being filmed he clears his throat and quickly goes back to golfing.

Ren: “Oh wow! I love that, so spicy.” She takes a bite of nachos.

Tessa: “I didn’t realize how wild Elyse was until I was handcuffed in the bed literally for two days straight.” She laughs. “But it was worth it, huh baby?”

Elyse: “Oh stop! It was actually two and a half. It was well worth it.” She gives Tessa another kiss.

Ren’s mouth drops.

Ren: “You two! I can’t! It sounds alot like when Aaron and I first met…”

Ren’s Confessional

“It doesn’t surprise me at all how Elyse and Tessa came together. I’ve known Elyse long enough to know she’s a freak in the sheets and anybody that puts up with her antics, hey…” She puts her hands up. “It’s a match made in heaven. But they seem to be moving very fast. How long has Elyse known this girl? Two months?”

Elyse: “I truly believe this will never end. We are trying for a baby now! Tessa is just so powerful, ambitious, career driven…we want a family.”

Ren: “Oh my god that’s amazing.” She looks shocked.

Tessa: “I really think we are soulmates!”

Elyse: “Enough about us, what have you been up to?”

Ren: “Oh no, what have YOU been up to?” She raises her eyebrow. “I wanted to talk about Lauren’s little event I missed.”

Tessa scrunches up her brow.

Tessa: “Uh oh. Was it that brunch yout told me about?” She looks at Elyse, concerned.

Ren: “I met with Lorelei and Sheridan the other day and they said you flipped out for no reason?” She glances at Tessa.

Elyse: “Oh did I? All I wanted was an apology from Lorelei so we could move on. I was going to say I’m sorry too but then Lorelei and Sheridan both started talking about how I’m a drug addict. I was shocked at their behavior, especially Sheridan. I don’t even know her!”

Elyse’s Confessional

“For Lorelei and that other women to say I flipped out is a complete lie. I reacted the way any sensitive fashion queen would! I was upset so I left. Why am I the enemy now? I didn’t sleep with a family member. Step or not, he was family Lorelei!”

Ren grimaces.

Ren: “Yikes. I feel like how it pertains to Sheridan is all a big misunderstanding.”

Tessa: “I know Elyse gets a little heated sometimes but this Lorelei chick and her friend were way off base. That girl had just really met Elyse so why is she even saying anything?”

Ren: “To be fair, Elyse has met Sheridan before and she’s friends with our mutual friends. I mean it’s whatever. But Sheridan said that you kept on lowkey speaking about using drugs at the table and she mentioned it. I don’t think she has any malice towards you. Lorelei on the other hand.” She looks at Elyse.

Elyse: “I never spoke about doing drugs at that table! Let’s say even if I did, why did she feel the need to go at me like that? I’m starting to feel like Lorelei is leading this charge to get me out of the group.”

Ren: “Lorelei does not run this group, so you aren’t going anywhere. I know how sneaky and manipulative she can be. She owes you an apology, I just think there was so much going on and you need to actually talk about it. We are going to squash all the bullshit soon. We need to get on the same page as a group.”

Elyse rolls her eyes.

Elyse: “I don’t know, Ren. Last time I tried to mediate a meeting between you and Lorelei it didn’t end well.”

Ren: “That’s true but this time will be different. If Lorelei wants peace in this group it’s going to be up to her to learn her place.”

Elyse: “I hope so, Ren. I just want to be happy.”

Aaron walks over.

Aaron: “I hate to interrupt but Ren, Consuela just called and we should go home to Gracie.” He sits down and puts and arm around her.

Ren: “Aww, alright.” She leans over and gives Elyse and Tessa kisses on their cheeks. “You guys will be happy. Focus on eachother.”

Elyse: “Bye babes.”

Elyse’s Confessional

“I can consider moving on with Lorelei. Even though she does not deserve my niceness in the slightest. She snapped like a wild boar last year and I’m not silly enough to go back into that inflated cave she calls a head. We can be cordial for the sake of the group.”

Shots of Lauren’s home are shown. Grace pulls up in a sleek white Audi R8. She walks up to the door and rings the doorbell. The shot flips to Lauren inside walking towards her door with her dog in hand, it begins barking.

Lauren & Grace

Lauren: “Shhh Cupcake. Our friend is here.”

Lauren’s Confessional

“I invited Grace and Lorelei over tonight so they can hopefully get a little closure about their beef at the Summer Solstice brunch, without background noise. I feel slightly responsible because it was my party and it got out of hand. I’m a party planner and I couldn’t even control my own party.” She throws her hands up.

Lauren opens the door for Grace and smiles.

Lauren: “Hello! Welcome! Come in.”

Lauren sets the dog down and leads Grace through her home and to her backyard where drinks and appetizers are set up next to the same fireplace where Grace and Lorelei had their initial disagreement.

Grace: “Thank you for having me again. Hopefully this will be over quickly. I have a VERY busy schedule.” She laughs and picks up a margarita and takes a sip.

Grace’s Confessional

“I’m really not up for this sit down with Lorelei but I guess Lauren talked me into it. There’s alot to be said but then again, there’s really not that much to be said to Lorelei. Regardless, this could go either way.” She shrugs.

Lauren nods.

Lauren: “I understand. I appreciate that you made the time to come talk with Lorelei. Do you have something you want to say to her first or should I talk?”

Grace: “I have nothing to say to her, I really don’t. What I’m wanting is acknowledgment from her that she acted the wrong way towards me the other day.”

At that moment, Lauren’s doorbell rings. The shot shows Lorelei who is waiting outside the door, twirling her hair.


Lorelei: “Jesus Christ, be with me today.”

In the backyard, Lauren stands up.

Lauren: “That must be Lorelei, I’ll be right back. This will all go fine, just hear her out.” She gives one last hopeful smile and disappears into the house.

Grace crunches on a chip from the snack bowl and rolls her eyes.

Grace: “Lord…get me out of here.” She laughs to herself.

Lauren renters with Lorelei. The two of them sit opposite to Grace.

Lorelei: “Thank you for inviting me over, Lauren.” She looks over at Grace and gives a tiny smile. “Grace…”

Lauren: “Listen — I wanted to have the both of you over to talk and clear up whatever issues you’ve been having because I heard you two got off on the wrong foot.”

Lorelei purses her lips and lets out a chuckle.

Lorelei: “Well, I’d say so. Wouldn’t you, Grace?” She crosses her legs and looks to Grace.

Grace: “Right…” She looks back at Lorelei with no expression.

Lauren looks between the two of them and bites her lip. Lorelei begins smiling and perks up in her seat.

Lorelei: “Fine, I’ll start.” She nods. “Grace — I think you were being rude and you stuck your nose in something that didn’t involve you.” She shrugs nonchalantly.

Lauren covers her face and lets out a nervous laugh.

Lauren’s Confessional

“Oh crap.”

The camera goes back to Lorelei who is looking back at Grace for a response.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Grace definitely seems a little…stupid. I don’t see any trace of common sense or home training with her. I just — I wouldn’t normally associate myself with a girl like her, but we’ll see.”

Grace: “Well, that’s how you can choose to view it. I…” She points to herself. “was coming from a good place. I…” She points to herself again. “wanted an overall view of whatever was going on with you and my friend Elyse. You’re the one who created a problem by being defensive with me.” She takes a drink.

Lorelei has a look of disgust on her face.

Lorelei: “No. If we’re going to continue this conversation, you’re going to need to be transparent. That’s not true at all.” She shakes her head.

Grace looks shocked.

Grace: “Transparent?! You’re one to talk. You clearly live off the thrill of causing drama with people. It’s been proven with Elyse and now this time around it’s me.”

Lauren raises her eyebrow and takes a sip of her marg.

Lauren: “Lorelei, what do you think Grace is not being honest about?”

Grace looks to Lauren before Lorelei can answer.

Grace: “ Lauren — she’s deflecting from her own dishonestly and defensive attitude.”

Lauren’s Confessional

“This is so much more complicated than I thought! I thought they just had a little tiff and were going to come here an apologize and move on. This…this is something else.”

Lorelei glares at Grace, she leans forward in her seat when she begins talking.

Lorelei: “Grace, you came towards me and my sister in your FashionNova outfit and wanted to talk about Elyse and I’s issues to which I accepted and then we moved off to the side. You then kept poking and prodding and getting all up in my business and started being awfully rude.” She looks at Grace in the eyes. “But my main issue — What the FUCK prompted you to bring up your skin color with me?”

Grace is taken aback but then leans in to address Lorelei.

Grace: “Okay — If we’re going to continue this conversation, you need to bring it DOWN and stop trying to turn up and show your ass. I came here to have a grown up, sensible conversation with you. If you’re going to act like a child then you and your sister can go back on the playground with the other children.”

Grace’s Confessional

“There is no winning with this woman.” She rolls her eyes.

Lorelei: “A grown up conversation? I’ll need to be sitting in front of a woman to do that.” She looks agitated and tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. “Mind your business, Grace. I won’t tell you again.”

Grace: “Throwing insults at me?” She laughs. “Okay, Lorelei. What YOU need to do is watch your tone and shut your mouth before I check your ass.” She cocks her head.

Lauren puts her hands up.

Lauren: “Grace and Lorelei — I understand you are both frustrated. This was not meant to be a rehash, this was supposed to be a chance to move forward together. We don’t need to be petty like this especially over a silly argument.”

Grace: “I’m not the one throwing insults around like candy wrappers.” She shrugs.

Lorelei looks to Lauren and reaches over to squeeze her hand.

Lorelei: ‘Thanks again for trying to make this work but we’re not going to get anywhere with this. I think we’re done here, girl.”

Grace: “That’s fine, you can leave. Go breastfeed your child or something. I have better things to do.” She begins closing up her purse and she stands up, ready to leave.

Lorelei: “Can you even have children with your rotten ass eggs? Girl, fuck off.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Grace spoke on my sister and now she’s spoken on my child.” She nods. “Noted. Lauren was really sweet to try and help resolve this, I respect it. Grace is incapable of having a grown woman conversation because she’s not a real wo — No, no. I’ll stop there.” She smiles.” Grace will learn. I’ve had enough of her fucking with me.” She raises her eyebrow. “Bitch.”

Lauren sighs and looks around.

Lauren: “Can we at least agree to be civil so it’s not awkward around all the other girls?”

Lorelei: “I need to leave now, I don’t want to come out of character today. Civil? I hope I don’t have to see this one for a long time.” She motions to Grace.

Grace: “Lauren, I’m not going to waste my time on her. She’s irrelevant. Thank you and I’ll see you later.”

Grace power walks out of the backyard, through the house, and out the front door. She dials on her phone and takes a call with her assistant.

Grace: “Regina? Yes, I’m on my way back to the office now. I need a freshly brewed coffee and one of those chocolate chip scones upon my return. See to it and it’s done.” She hangs up and then gets into her car and slams the door.

Grace’s Confessional

“I really don’t care what Lorelei thinks about me. She can think what she likes…I’m THE Grace — fucking — Faroe. I don’t require her opinion.” She shrugs and laughs.

The camera follows Lauren as she walks Lorelei out.

Lorelei: “That woman is insanity.”

Lauren: “I am sorry today turned out so badly. Hopefully next time we hang we can all let this go and have a fun time.”

Lorelei: “Fingers crossed, but doubtful.” She laughs.

Lauren’s Confessional

“Well, I tried.” She looks at the camera, disappointed. “I may have made it worse.” She cringes.

The episode ends as Lorelei leaves Lauren’s home.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Follow @BeverlyBetch & @RHOBeverlyBeach on Twitter.

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