[S4E16]: The Mugshot That Rocked Beverly Beach

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
32 min readJan 3, 2022


Ren Rose, Grace Faroe, Lauren Barnes, & Sheridan Campbell

The episode opens up with Lorelei in the middle of filming Confessionals.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Like I can’t — “ Her phone keeps buzzing, she stops and holds up her hand. “Sorry guys, forgot to mute.” She glances down at her phone. “Hold on, one sec.” She now unlocks and reads her phone more carefully, her eyes widen and she gasps. “Oh my god…” She lets out a little chuckle. “Have y’all seen this?” She turns her phone around to show the cameras and Production. “Lauren was arrested last night.” She puts her hand on her forehead. “Oh my gosh. This is too much.” She smiles.

Ren’s Confessional

“I really cannot believe what is happening right now. The Lauren I know would never. It’s like somebody took over Lauren’s body and I’m living in the Twilight Zone right now! I seriously can’t believe it.” She looks shocked and shakes her head.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Lauren…Nooooo!” She shakes her head. “There’s only so much a woman can take though.”

Grace’s Confessional

Grace sighs.
“I’m shocked. I mean…arrested for being drunk and disorderly?! AND resisting arrest?! This is huge.”
She motions with her hands. “I can’t believe it.” She shakes her head. “I’m speechless. Totally speechless.”

The scene now switches to Lauren, no background music. Lauren sits in her Confessional chair as she waits for a Producer to ask her a question. She figets nervously.

Producer: “What happened the night you got arrested?”

Lauren takes a shaky deep breath before responding.

Lauren’s Confessional

“Well, it started with a normal night out having drinks with my matchmaker, Katrina, at The Beach Club. It was the night of Sheridan’s Cookbook Launch so I had already been drinking…” She sighs. “So I was down to get a few more with Katrina and talk about my date with Curtis I had a few days prior. Everything went normally until I went to the restroom and ran into my ex husband Richard and his new girlfriend Rachel…”

There is fast forward footage of Lauren and Katrina sitting and talking at a bar-height table surrounded by more seating, a small dance floor, and a long bar that has a huge fish tank that serves as a window with a view of the Beverly Beach main street. Katrina takes notes and nods her head, then puts her notebook away. A drink ticker can then be seen on the screen while spliced footage plays of Lauren and Katrina as they cheers three cocktails and take four shots and dance with the crowd on the dance floor. They get up and hug. Katrina and Lauren head out to the parking lot and producers start un-micing both ladies. The camera view slants as the camera man sets the camera down to start breaking down the equipment.

The footage now slows down to normal speed. Lauren can be heard muffled through the camera’s microphone.

Lauren: “I’m going to head up to the bathroom before I leave… I can — I can jus’ call an Uber. See you guys later.” She waves at the crew and the camera stop recording.

The camera abruptly comes back on inside. You can hear many voices in the restaurant as the boom mic swipes up the screen, out of camera view. The camera get closer as Lauren gets up from a table where she was sitting across from Richard. Lauren doesn’t see the cameras as she furiously walks straight through the galley style bar grabbing two bottles from the back rack as she exits the other side of the bar. The camera fights its way through a crowd of people to follow Lauren to the parking lot. Outside, Lauren starts screaming.

Lauren: “Fuck you, Richard!”

She violently smashes a bottle onto the hood of Richard’s Porsche. Onlookers walking in and out of the bar stop and stare in shock.

Producer: “Lauren, Lauren!”

The Producer rushes over and tries to reign Lauren in. Tears start to stream down her face and she rips her arm away.

Lauren: “NO! GET OFF ME!”

Workers from the bar start pouring out, one is on the phone as they watch the spectacle. Moments later, Richard and Rachel walk outside. The camera pans from multiple crew members trying to calm down Lauren to the couple. Richard smirks and laughs to himself, he shakes his head as he watches Lauren destroy his car. Rachel on the other hand, covers her mouth in horror. Her eyes widen and she shakes her head in disappointment when she sees Richard is laughing. Lauren stops after she smashes the second bottle, she looks over to Richard and points to his car.

Lauren: “Just get another off the lot. You fucking asshole.”

Lauren walks away and sits on a curb. By this time, the police are already at the scene. They finish talking to Richard and Rachel, as well as other onlookers.

Lauren: “Can you guys just take me home now? Please — “ She looks up, past the cameras and at the crew. “And stop fucking filming.” She tries to swat a camera away.

The cameraman angles the camera to the ground as two officers walk over.

Officer 1: “Mrs. Barnes, you are going to need to come with us right now.”

A little scuffle can be heard.

Lauren: “No! Fuck you! Get off of me! Let me GO! I will pay for the liquor bottles. I don’ care.”

Officer: “No. You don’t have a choice, you are causing a scene intoxicated in public. You’re leaving with us tonight.”

Lauren starts crying as you can hear her being handcuffed and read her Miranda Rights.

Lauren: “What? No! You can’t arrest me for this. What is happening?”

The cameras go back up as Lauren is put into the back of the cop car. Producers are seen speaking with the officers while Lauren is held in the back of the car. The officers explain that they are taking Lauren in and are not able to let her go that night. There is footage of the police car driving off.

Lauren’s Confessional

“So, I was ultimately arrested for disorderly conduct while intoxicated. They cited resisting arrest initially but they dropped it.” She looks down. “This is the most embarrassing thing I could have done.” She shakes her head. “I am thankful that Richard didn’t press charges for destruction of his property. And he also paid The Beach Club handsomely for the bottles and mess the glass caused. I now just need to pick myself up and move forward with resolving this. It starts with me taking responsibility for my actions and realizing that I need to moderate myself when I do start drinking again. I will be taking a break for now.”

The scene now switches to Lauren’s house the day after. She is wearing an oversized sweatshirt. There is a knock on the door and she goes to open it. Ren and Sheridan are on the other side. Ren holds up a bottle of champagne and grins.

Ren: “Your girlfriends are here, honey! Let’s cheer you up.” She hugs Lauren.

Lauren: “Oh, hey you guys.” She smiles softly. “Come on in.” She wipes a tear from her face and sniffles, looking at the champagne bottle. “I appreciate it but I will not be drinking for a very long time.”

Ren’s Confessional

“After hearing that Lauren was arrested, Sheridan and I took it upon ourselves to be there for Lauren. Never in a million years would I have expected Lauren to be in this predicament and I just want to be there for her because she’s always had my back.”

As Lauren leads the girls to her living room, Sheridan frowns.

Sheridan: “How are you, baby?”

Lauren: “Awful.” She shakes her head and sits on the couch. “I can’t sleep. I was in the drunk tank and literally haven’t slept since.” She starts crying.

Ren rubs Lauren’s back and Sheridan sighs.

Sheridan: “It’s okay. Everybody makes mistakes. What did he do to provoke you…because I know you were provoked.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I only met Lauren this year but you can definitely tell the type of woman she is. I don’t think Lauren would ever do something like this without Richard provoking her. Men are evil.” She shakes her head.

Lauren takes a deep breath and wipes her face with a tissue before telling the story.

Lauren: “Well, honestly. It was just a combination of me being drunk and Richard saying the worst things to me. It was degrading and awful. He told me that he is planning to be loyal to Rachel and that he cheated on me all those years just because he could and I looked the other way. He said he knew I would take care of the kids and him but he had no commitment to me in his eyes other than raising the kids…” She begins crying. “and that he respects Rachel and thinks very highly of her and would never cheat on her.”

Sheridan: “Oh my god.”

Ren: “Fuck Richard!”

Lauren: “So…I picked up the two bottles from the bar while the bartender was at the other side of the bar, went outside, and smashed them onto his hood.” She looks down and shakes her head. “I am such an idiot. My kids and my parents have been getting messages about it from random people on the internet.” She starts crying again. “I can’t believe that literally everyone in the world knows.”

Sheridan: “He is such an ass — Honestly, so many women would have done the same thing you did, babe. Don’t be upset or embarrassed. It’s a natural anger.”

Lauren: “Thank you guys for supporting me, it was nice to see Grace not take a shot too.”

Ren moves in and gives Lauren a tight hug, she strokes her hair.

Ren: “Lauren, of course! This isn't your fault. Richard is an asshole and any sane person would have handled it exactly as you did. Don’t pay attention to what people are saying on social media. Your real friends know this isn’t you.”

Lauren shakes her head and gives a half hearted laugh.

Sheridan cracks a smile.

Sheridan: “Noooo, girl. Stop it, don’t do that. You’re like a role model to women who wanted to stand up for themselves with asshole ex husbands.” She laughs and squeezes Lauren’s hand. “Look at it that way!”

Ren: “Honey, if the headlines only knew how I flip out on Aaron over the years…” She shakes her head. “Us women have alot to deal with and it’s not our fault is we explode.”

Lauren hugs Ren and Sheridan.

Sheridan: “Mhmmmm.” She nods. “Well you’ve done it, girl. You’re a boss bitch!”

Ren: “I have this amazing lawyer if you need his name…Tom Girardi, he can get you out of anything!”

Lauren’s Confessional

“This is the first time I am feeling anything but stress and anguish since I got arrested. I am so glad they came over to check on me.”

Lauren: “My parents have a lawyer that is working with me now. Richard agreed to not press charges for property damage so I will just have to deal with the other charges. It’s going to be a process.” She shakes her head.

Sheridan: “You’ll be fine, just know that.”

Ren: “We will be here for you though this process. I’m just hoping the other ladies in the group don’t try to use this as ammo to take advantage of you. You’ve been through enough. Are you going to Grace’s event tomorrow?”

Lauren rolls her eyes.

Lauren: “Hell no. I need to deal with this. I can’t even think about those bitches right now.”

Sheridan: “Alright, well you know you can call us if you need anything at all.”

Ren: “We got you.”

Lauren: “Thank you so much, girls!” She gives them both a hug.

The scene ends.

Music plays as Grace walks around the venue for her House of Faroe Fashion Line Launch, overlooking the set up. Staff are helping set up the event.

Grace’s Confessional

“I’m so nervous about this launch event. Although on the outside I may look like the definition of composure… inside, I’m bricking it. There’s A LOT riding on this and I just hope that the ladies have enough respect for that when they turn up.”

The camera pans to Grace as she barks at an employee.

Grace: “No! I precisely said no snack tables over there!” She points to the opposite end of the room. “Move them into the other room. This is the show room!” She lets out a big sigh.

Victoria Tembe, a well known designer, struts into the venue and approaches Grace.

Victoria: “You look stressed.” She smiles.

Grace looks up at Victoria, surprised.

Grace: “Victoria! What are you doing here? The launch isn’t until tonight.”

Victoria: “Relax! I just came to check in with you and see how you were doing.” She hands Grace a coffee. “I got my assistant to grab you this. Careful, it’s still hot.”

Grace: “Thank you.” She smiles and takes a sip. “You remembered…”

Victoria: “I do have a reason for coming here however.”

Grace sips her coffee and nods.

Grace: “I figured.”

Grace’s Confessional

“Oh boy…”

Victoria: “Something has unfortunately came up that I have to tend to. So that means I won’t be able to make it to the launch tonight.”

Grace looks visibly disappointed.

Grace: “That’s a shame… is everything okay?”

Victoria: “Oh, yes. I had a call from one of my fashion houses in Milan, that’s all. They need me to look over projections and everything. Needs to be in-person, you know how it is.”

Grace nods.

Grace: “Yes, well of course I understand. It’s just a shame.” She looks over the chairs and points to one in the front row. “I had your seat reserved for the front row.”

Victoria laughs.

Victoria: “There will be plenty of more times… trust me. Anyways, I’ve been to nearly all of your launches and fashion shows before this… both you and House of Faroe never fail to amaze me.”

Grace: “It means alot to hear you say that, really it does.”

Grace’s Confessional

“Hearing this from Victoria Tembe, my fashion idol… it’s…” She tears up. “empowering.” She nods. “Yep.”

Victoria’s phone begins ringing in her handbag and she answers it.

Victoria: “ Ah, that’s my driver. My flight for Milan leaves in an hour. I’m going to have to dash. Listen — tonight will go amazing and I’ll be thinking of you.” She begins walking out. “Cheerio, darling!”

Grace waves after Victoria as she leaves. Just as Victoria leaves, Grace’s sister Tiffany comes in, she looks around the venue.

Tiffany: “Wow. This is big!”

Grace nods and looks around as well.

Grace: “Yep! No pressure.” She laughs.

Tiffany: “You called me here because you wanted to talk with me about something?”

Grace: “Ah yes, come sit.”

The two women sit in nearby chairs.

Grace’s Confessional

“I’ve had a fair few days to think about what to do with Dimitri and about potentially sending a cease and desist. I’ve finally reach a decision and I wanted to let Tiffany know what I’ve decided…”

Grace: “ So, as you know… I was pondering on the idea of sending a cease and desist to Dimitri, to stop him from spreading lies about me in the press.”

Tiffany: “Correct.” She nods.

Grace: “I’ve had time to think and I’ve come to a decision.”

Tiffany: “Oh?” She leans forward in anticipation.

Grace: “I went to see Natalie to get some advice and in the end, I sent it.”

Tiffany leans back, surprised.

Tiffany: “You did it? You send him a cease and desist?”

Grace: “Yes, yes I did it.” She nods and smiles.

Tiffany: “Oh, Grace, I’m so happy you did this!” She hugs Grace.

Grace’s Confessional

“In the end, sending Dimitri a cease and desist was the only way I was going to shut his vulgar lying mouth up. He’s not going to like it but tough… I don’t care.” She shrugs.

Tiffany: “This must take a weight off your shoulders ahead of tonight, right?”

Grace: “Not exactly. The decision has gained mixed receptions in the house.”

Tiffany: “You’re talking about Megan?” She furrows her brow.

Grace: “Yes.”

Grace’s Confessional

“When Megan found out that I sent a cease and desist to her father, Dimitri, she was NOT happy. In the end, we had an argument and it got ugly. Even worse than before.”

Tiffany: “Well how are things now?”

Grace: “Tense. Very tense. You could cut it with a butter knife.”

Tiffany: “You know Megan, she’s always been a daddy’s girl.”

Grace: “I know but I just don’t want Dimitri turning her against me.”

Tiffany: “Sis… he’s not your problem anymore! If he’s not happy, then tough! You’re living your life and so are your children. He can’t have his own way all the time.’

Grace: “Yeah, you’re right.” She looks at her phone. “Oh my god, look at the time. I have work to do!”

Tiffany and Grace both stand up.

Tiffany: “I’ll get out of your hair.”

Grace: “You’re still coming tonight, right?”

Tiffany: “Wouldn’t miss it!”

Grace: “Good, you can get ready at my place. Vivian’s there. Her and Gemini are both coming.”

Tiffany: “No Megan?” She frowns.

Grace shakes her head.

Tiffany: “I’ll talk to her.” She squeezes Grace’s hand before walking out.

Grace: “Okay…I’ll be home in a couple of hours to get ready. See you then!”

The scene ends.

Lorelei has Banks strapped to her chest as she sweeps and mops the entryway to her house. She lets out a big puff of air.

Lorelei: “Daddy’s coming home today. You hear that mama?” She gasps and smiles at Banks. “You’d never leave me like that, would you?” She kisses Banks as she coos. “No. I wouldn’t let you.” She laughs.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“It’s been about two weeks since Toni & I’s fight. Xavier was really upset with me & decided to leave & basically ‘move out’.

He’s been staying at the hotel with his mom & I haven’t seen him since. Today is the first time I’m seeing him & I’m honestly kinda nervous.” She sighs.

A camera follows Xavier as he walks into the house. He looks at Lorelei and the two stare at eachother for a few moments.

Lorelei: “You want to hold your daughter?”

Xavier: “Of course.”

Lorelei detaches the strap and hands Banks to Xavier. He walks into the kitchen and rocks her, grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge. The room remains silent except for Banks’ coos and giggles.

Xavier: “Lore, I didn’t just leave because of nothing. I left because you disrespected my mother. You slammed a door at her. Was I supposed to just do nothing?”

Lorelei rolls her eyes before sitting down at the counter.

Lorelei: “But…see. I don’t like that you’re coming at me as if I’ve done something wrong & she’s innocent. You heard what she said to me. You NEVER stick up for me.”

Xavier raises an eyebrow and Lorelei looks at him with an attitude before breaking out in tears.

Lorelei: “I just- I can’t. I can’t baby. She’s ruining our relationship & you don’t see it. We were happy & fine until she started this random feud with me. I feel like you never see these from my perspective. I feel unheard.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I’m honestly tired of being attacked by people. I try & live my life the best way I know how & I just feel extremely misunderstood. I feel misunderstood & unheard with my friends & with Xavier & my mother in law. I just- sometimes I don’t know how to express myself, so I just come off cold & calloused.” She sniffles and sighs. “I’m just- I’m tired of dealing with it all. No one truly understands me.” She tilts her head back, trying not to cry.

Xavier sighs and gets up with Banks in one arm. He goes over and hugs Lorelei and gives her a kiss on the forehead.

Xavier: “Don’t cry. I don’t like it when you cry. I just- I don’t know what to do. I can’t choose between the woman who gave birth to me & the woman I love that gave birth to my child. You don’t get how hard this is for me.”

Lorelei: “I’m not asking you to chose, baby. I’m asking you to have my back! When she makes these snide comments, correct her. Tell her to stop speaking to the mother of her granddaughter like that. Just- just… have my back.”

Xavier scratches the top of his head.

Xavier: “Okay. I hear you. I think you two need to just have a civilized conversation & really hear each other out. A conversation is needed. I’m serious, Lore.”

Lorelei shrugs.

Lorelei: “I don’t know. I’ll think about it.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Xavier asking me to meet up with Toni is asking a lot out of me. I’ve tried to put aside my pride to make nice with her and she just refuses to meet me halfway. But I know if I want to get married to Xavier or want our relationship to advance, it’s going to need to happen. That’s the only way we’ll have a smooth wedding without her trying to ruin it. I’m at a crossroads right now.”

The scene ends.

Upbeat music plays as Grace’s House of Faroe launch party is shown on the screen. People mix and mingle in the venue. We get footage of Grace doing the step-and-repeat as well as being interviewed by news outlets.

Vivian (Grace’s Girlfriend), Tiffany (Grace’s Sister), Gemini (Grace’s Son), & Grace

The camera pans to Lorelei who is now exiting her car service. We get a fast motion montage of her posing on the step-and-repeat then getting off. She runs into Sheridan.

Sheridan: “Lorelei, this fashion statement is iconic!”

Lorelei hugs Sheridan.

Lorelei: “Thank you, boo! You look gorgeous yourself.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Grace is having a fashion show tonight and I couldn’t be more excited. With everything going on with Xavier and Toni…I do need a night where I can let loose. If the fashions are good and not some thrift store quality, I might actually buy something.”

Imani, Lorelei, & Sheridan

Imani now exits the step and repeat, she holds up both hands and waves at the ladies.

Imani: “Hello ladies! Everyone looks so pretty and fashionable. Hopefully the host looks decent this time.”

Sheridan: “Hello Imani! The blue is popping. I see the girls all decided to step it up tonight…besides Auntie.”


Sheridan nods her head and the camera pans to Pat posing on the step and repeat.

Pat’s Confessional

“I am so excited for Grace’s Fashion Show. I will always support those closest to me! I’m not excited to see the rest of the skanks but I will try to be on my BEST behavior.” She grins.

Pat walks over to Sheridan, Imani, and Lorelei with a drink in hand.

Pat: “HEY GIRLS! SO glad to see you all.” She says with an incredibly fake tone.

Imani: “Hello Miss Pat, I see you’re in a great mood.” She sucks her cheeks in.

Imani’s Confessional

“Hmm.. Pat looks interesting, a lot going on, but I guess we’re used it to.”

Lorelei blankley stares at Pat and takes a sip from her drink.

Sheridan: “I wish I could say the feeling was mutual, hun…” She tucks a piece of hair behind her ears.

Pat: “You all look...” She smiles.

Lorelei: “We all look…what?” She looks at Pat.

Pat: “Oh.” She laughs. “Yes.”

Pat’s Confessional

“Lorelei is wearing all the fake dollars her sister pulled out of her holes and the club. Sheridan looks well… You know.”

Lorelei rolls her eyes and then Ren walks over and joins the group. She gives Pat air kisses.

Ren: “Hi Pat.”

Pat: “Hey Ren!”

Sheridan raises an eyebrow.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Ren is kissing Pat but a couple days ago was trying to beat her ass.” She laughs. “What’s new.”

Ren makes her rounds giving a hug to Lorelei, Sheridan, and Imani now.

Ren: “Lorelei! You look like money, honey.”

Lorelei: “Thank you, babes.”

The girls all look around.

Ren: “I’m hoping this isn’t another Macy’s inspired collection…”

The shot changes to Grace who is finishing up getting pictures taken with her girlfriend, Vivian. She gives Vivian a kiss then smiles.

Grace: “I’m going to see the other ladies, you all okay?”

Vivian: “Of course, babe. Go!”

Grace’s Confessional

“This is my special night. Everything I’ve been working on the past few months has led up to this… this is House of Faroe’s time for shine. Honey, it’s The Faroe’s time to shine!” She smiles.

Grace walks over to the ladies.

Grace: “Hi, everyone! Welcome!”

Pat immediately goes and hugs Grace, the other ladies wave.

Pat: “Congratulations, baby!”

Lorelei: “Hey Grace! Congrats!”

Sheridan: “Congratulations.” She smiles.

Grace: “Thank you, everyone! It’s great to see you all, you girls look fabulous! Excuse me for the short chat but I have to go make a speech! I hope you all enjoy tonight.”

As Grace walks off, the lights dim to indicate it is time for people to take their seats for the runway show. The ‘Wives all make way to their front row reserved seats. Moments later, models strut out on the runway showing off Grace’s latest looks.

Lorelei analyzes all the runways looks as they come out, she nods. The camera pans to Sheridan who sits next to her looking extremly unimpressed. Pat smiles. Once the runway show ends, Grace comes out on stage. She picks up the microphone and a spotlight shines on her as she begins to speak.

Grace: “Hi, everyone! As you all know… I am The Faroe… I’m sorry, Grace Faroe… CEO and founder of House of Faroe. I just wanted to thank you all for coming out and supporting us tonight in the unveiling of our new line. Have fun and have some drink, this is a celebration!” She claps excitedly. “Have a good night, everyone!”

The room erupts with applause.

Grace’s Confessional

“I am on cloud nine tonight… everything is going as planned and I couldn’t be happier. NOBODY is going to dim my light tonight.” She shakes her head. “None of these heifers!” She pauses then bursts out laughing. “I’m only messing!”

Ren’s Confessional

“Her collection will sell out in the Maxx!”

The attendees of the fashion show are ushered into an adjacent room where a lavish reception is set up. Lorelei, Imani, Sheridan, Pat, and Ren all sit down at the same booth. Lorelei looks around the table.

Lorelei: “Soooo did you guys like the looks?”

Sheridan blinks then sips her champagne.

Imani: “What looks?”

Lorelei laughs a bit.

Lorelei: “Imani, stop it.”

Sheridan: “I could definitely see them flying off the shelves at Rainbow.”

Imani: “Anyways, did y’all hear about Lauren? I gasped out loud.”

Grace makes her way over to the booth.

Pat: “Grace! Amazing, Amazing, Amazing!”

Grace: “Everyone okay? What’d I miss?”

Imani: “We were just talking about Lauren. I’m honestly appalled. I don’t know what to say. Lauren is a felon, at her age?!” She raises an eyebrow.

Grace shakes her head.

Grace: “I know. It’s shocking.”

Pat: “Wait — What happened to Lauren?” She looks confused.

Lorelei looks around quietly and sips her drink. Grace turns to Pat in shock.

Grace: “You don’t know? You didn’t see the news? Honey, she was arrested last night.”

Pat: “Oh wow…”

Ren: “Honestly, we should stay out of it. It’s Lauren’s business and Richard is trying to tarnish her name.” She shrugs.

Grace nods in agreement with Ren.

Grace: “You’re right. I know what it’s like to have an ex come after you. It’s not nice and there’s no room for judgement.”

Grace’s Confessional

“Hearing that Lauren’s ex is coming after her. I sympathize with her. I’m in a similar situation myself and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy… not even Lauren.”

Imani: “This is not who we are, y’all. She is a felon. Ren, I think you always stay quiet but we need to know more.” She looks to Ren. “She’s in our circle and we all share our lives. It’s not fair. It’s not.”

Lorelei: “Is she a felon?!” She looks to Imani. “Not a felon.” She laughs.

Sheridan: “I don’t think it’s appropriate to talk about here…”

Pat: “It’s just funny because everything I have ever said about Lauren is true.” She sips her drink.

Ren: “Imani, we’rent you arrested for multiple DUI’s? Don’t talk about felonies.”

Imani cocks her head and looks to Ren.

Imani: “Yes, when was a child. 18. How old is she? How many kids?”

Sheridan: “Why don’t we celebrate the Citi Trends line and stop the nosiness.”

Imani points to Ren.

Imani: “Don’t compare our situations to deflect what your friend did.”

Grace: “Imani, not tonight. Please.” She rolls her eyes.

Pat: “Clearly there’s a chemical imbalance here.” She motions to Imani.

Ren: “Mind your nose job bitch and stay off Lauren, have some class.” She glares at Imani. “We are at Grace’s show.”

Sheridan: “Why are we shaming Lauren for losing her shit on a man? A lot of you have done worse or SHOULD HAVE done worse with what your men have done to y’all.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Pat’s man cheats on her with women all the time — I’m sure she’s wanted to attack him. The sisters…well they do the cheating.” She laughs.

Grace leans into Sheridan.

Grace: “Sheridan, Sheridan, please. This is my show. Have some respect, please. I have special guests here.”

Sheridan: “Grace, shut the fuck up. They’re the ones yelling…” She motions to Imani and Ren. “Not I. You and your dusty ass fashion line belong in a trash bin honey don’t play with me.” She holds her hand up and downs her drink.

Grace’s Confessional

“I am so embarrassed by the way Sheridan and Imani are behaving right now… I have some of the biggest names in the fashion industry here and they’re acting like drunken fools! Stop it!”

Imani: “Lauren was arrested and charged with with disorderly intoxication, resisting arrest, and obstruction of property! I think we all need to discuss it. Not one but THREE charges!”

Imani’s Confessional

“I don’t know why these women are ignoring Lauren’s situation but were quick to press Pat and I — even Lorelei in the past. Why is Lauren off limits?”

Pat holds a finger up.

Pat: “Can I ask a question?”

The table focuses their attention on Pat.

Ren: “What is it, Pat?”

Pat: “Ren you came in very welcoming tonight which makes me happy after everything that went down in Africa. Just curious, did Lauren say something to you?”

Lorelei: “Oooh, honey.” She looks between Pat and Ren.

Grace shakes her head.

Grace: “I don’t think this is the place to discuss this, ladies.”

Pat shoots Grace a look.

Pat: “Grace. We’re staying calm. It’s fine.”

Ren: “Listen Pat I adore you and forgive you for the awful vindictive things you’ve done to ME. But Lauren would just like some privacy right now especially from you, PAT.” She chugs her drink. “And look — I know Lauren may have accidentally told you about something personal, but she and I are good. Let’s leave it at that.”

Pat: “Well no. We aren’t going to leave it like that. That’s not fair.”

Ren sips her drink, looking confused.

Pat: “I have been ridiculed by many of you for telling the truth…”

Sheridan: “Oh my God…So dramatic.” She sips her champagne.

Grace raises her hand while looking offended.

Grace: “Excuse you — I haven’t ridiculed you.”

Pat squeezes Grace’s hand.

Pat: “Well not you, baby. But the rest of them…” She motions to the table. “Absolutely.”

Lorelei: “Ah, ah. Don’t involve me, Pat. I didn’t do anything to you.”

Pat: “We need honestly from Lauren. Since she’s not here tonight, Ren you’re gonna have to speak up.”

Grace turns to Pat.

Grace: “Honey, you know I love you but I disagree with you on this. It’s not Ren’s responsibility.”

Grace’s Confessional

“Is Ren Lauren’s keeper? No! Does she have information? Maybe. Will she share it? Probably not. But she’s just being a good friend to Lauren and I can’t fault that.”

Sheridan: “Why is Ren being pinpointed to speak on Lauren’s behalf? How about you nosey heifers call or text Lauren? Go knock on her door like Ren and I did!”

Pat: “Then why are we here?! Are we just gonna go about our business and act like everything is good? What the fuck.”

Imani: “You all are ridiculous!”

Ren: “Listen — This is what I’ll say on the topic. Lauren was framed and justice will prevail.”

Lorelei: “Framed.” She laughs a bit. “Is that what they’re calling it now?”

Imani: “She got three charges. Spare me.” She rolls her eyes.

Ren: “If I speak on it, it could be a liability.” She glares at the girls. “Drop it.”

Ren’s Confessional

“Why do they want to know information about Lauren so bad? Just use Google! There are plenty of articles out there! Do they really have nothing better to do than to get involved in another woman’s personal problems?”

Pat: “Whatever, Ren.”

Ren: “Pat how about we discuss what you weren’t being honest about this year.”

Pat rolls her eyes.

Sheridan: “Pat, answer the question. What is supposedly the only thing you are lying about?”

Pat: “Well I was trying to keep it on the DL but once I heard the rumors about Imani and Eddie in Africa.. again. I realized what was happening. Truth is Lauren told me a lot but she didn’t tell me anything about Lorelei and Imani, I made that up because those Eddie rumors were the reason we left Twitter in the first place.”

Pat shrugs and Grace’s mouth drops in shock.

Pat: “I wanted to discredit Imani and Lorelei as soon as I landed in Beverly Beach.” She clenches her jaw.

Lorelei nods her head and smirks.

Lorelei: “Mhm. Exactly. That’s what the hell I thought!”

Ren: “I knew it.”

Lorelei: “Pat is a liar.”

Sheridan looks unamused.

Sheridan: “I thought everyone here realized this weeks ago.”

Grace: “What you did was wrong, yes… but I understand your reasoning. You were a woman scorned.” She looks to Pat.

Pat: “That’s what I do. You don’t come for me and my man. I will have the final say.”

Lorelei: “I’m glad to hear you finally can admit it Pat.”

Imani: “Same. Our names are cleared.”

Pat: “Well it’s time everyone admits to things. I just think that everyone here has a piece of information they choose not to share when we are all together. I don’t mind being the girl who’s gonna keep it real but come on girls. When are you all going to be held to the same standards?”

Imani: “What are you saying?”

Grace: “Wait a second, I have been held to the same standards so don’t try that shit with me!”

Grace’s Confessional

“It pisses me off that Pat is trying to make out that she’s the only one who’s had it hard in this group… um, hello?” She points to herself. “She’s really been getting on my nerves tonight. Why are you trying to turn up at an event that is extremely important to me?”

Pat: “Grace, once again, not you.”

Ren: “We don’t know what you’re talking about, Pat. It’s getting old.” She looks annoyed.

Sheridan downs her sixth glass of champagne and sloppily sets it on the counter.

Sheridan: “Do you ever get tired of talking, Pat?” She laughs obnoxiously loud.

Grace turns her head to Sheridan and whispers.

Grace: “Maybe you want to slow down?”

Pat: “The vault is closed for the evening. When these girls want to be honest, maybe they will. It seems one is already getting their karma.” She looks around. “She ain’t here.”

Lorelei looks at Pat and shakes her head.

Lorelei: “Very messy of you, as always.”

Imani: “So there was no point in what you just brought up?”

Ren: “Who even cares anymore.” She picks up a drink and hands it to Sheridan. “Want another?” Sheridan happily accepts.

Sheridan: “THANK YA JESUS!” She claps. “The vault is closed, now can we have fun? Grace maybe you want to worry about your guests or your fashions on your starved models?”

Grace waves her hand at Sheridan.

Grace: “I’m not doing this with you tonight. You’re drunk and you’re a mess…” She shakes her head and looks away. “She reeks of alcohol.” She rolls her eyes.

Pat: “I would like to address the two clowns tonight, though. Sheridan and Imani.”

Lorelei: “My sister isn’t a clown.” She looks at Pat.

Sheridan: “Girl, I thought that big mouth was closed for the night?!”

Pat: “My mouth is just getting started, Sheridan! The two of you came into my space and tried to bully me out of Africa.”

Sheridan: “No wonder Eddie doesn’t want you, you literally can’t stop talking — Ever!” She laughs to herself.

Imani: “No one was trying to bully you. Everyone was fed up with you and your lies, Pat. Don’t even try to use the term bully.” She shakes her head.

Pat: “Sheridan, you are so obsessed with me, baby.” She blows Sheridan a kiss.

Sheridan: “Obsessed?! I don’t care about you Raggedy Ann!” She sips her drink and Ren laughs besides her.

Pat: “I’ve never had an issue with you yet you are always in my business.”

Sheridan: “You literally walked in here wearing a high waisted Depends diaper. Calm down.”

Grace gasps.

Grace: “That’s it, I’m calling that one an Uber.” She glares at Sheridan.

Pat: “You are JEALOUS!”

Pat gets up and does a twirl. Sheridan and Ren give eachother a look, Imani grabs onto Lorelei’s arm and stifles her laughs. Grace shakes her head. Onlookers at nearby booths all look.

Pat: “Let’s be real. You all…” She points to Sheridan and Imani. “are bully ass bitches who are threatened by me!”

Imani: “Pat, I promise you nobody here is threatened by you.” She laughs.

Sheridan: “Please, nobody is a bully here except for you. You’re just miserable because your alcoholic boyfriend can’t keep his dick hard.” She flips her hair.

Pat: “I’m sorry that once I walked on the scene you two bitches faded to the back.” She shrugs.

Pat’s Confessional

“I haven’t had a full conversation with Sheridan this year now all of a sudden she’s in my business? That’s what happens when bitches are threatened.”

Sheridan: “Oh! Go ride Eddie’s limp dick and leave my clit alone, baby!”

Grace walks up to Pat and gets in her ear.

Grace: “Stop this. Now. I mean it! This is my event.”

Lorelei shakes her head.

Lorelei: “This is so ghetto.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I am literally sitting here at this gorgeous fashion show & these bitches are truly acting like we are in the hood. I mean… I’m in couture.” She shakes her head. “Complete messssss.”

Ren takes her fourth shot and addresses the table.

Ren: “Well this was…something. It might be time for mama to bounce, this is too much.” She gets up and grabs Sheridan in the process. “Let’s get the hell out of here.” Her eyes widen.

Sheridan: “I will never be concerned about what an old rat looking bitch has to say about me.” She gets up, stumbling out of the booth and into Ren’s arms. “Pat, you and that hairline and that diaper booty….nasty ass bitch! I’m out of here.”

Pat sits at the table and shrugs.

Pat: “ You don’t want me to start playing my games again.”

Grace gets up and goes over to Ren.

Grace: “There’s an Uber waiting outside for her. Do me a favor and take her home, she’s a mess.” She looks Sheridan up and down with disgust. “But thank you for coming, Ren.” She smiles.

Ren: “Of course, thank you for having us.”

Out of nowhere, Ren’s maid Consuela appears and helps Ren get Sheridan out. Sheridan slowly saunters out of the fashion show between Ren and Consuela, she drops her champagne glass on the ground and it shatters.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“This fashion show was a train wreck. Grace is a terrible designer with a lack of vision or any talent. I guess when you have no budget it turns out looking like that. The girls can grab her fashions on the Dollar Tree shelves. As for Auntie…” She laughs. “Her life is so so sad.”

Sheridan: “Dusty ass fashions won’t even make it into a storefront. Cheap ass bitch.”

Grace’s Confessional

“Sheridan Campbell leaving the building and my event is a sight for sore eyes. Highlight of the evening in fact!”

There is car cam footage of Ren, Consuela, and Sheridan in the back of a large SUV Uber. Ren holds up a cup and motions it in Sheridan’s direction.

Ren: “Here, I’ll let you have a shot after me but it was really fun doing this with you this year! We are really those bitches! We’re young, beautiful, rich and smart.” She winks and takes a pull of whatever is in the cup then hands it to Sheridan.

Ren’s Confessional

“This has really been a year unlike any other. A lot of ups, a lot of downs, drama on 100% to motherhood! And saying farewell to one my best friends, Elyse.” She smiles. “Overall I’m grateful for everything I experienced this year.”

Back inside Grace’s fashion show, Lorelei and Imani now stand up.

Lorelei: “Grace, what the hell just happened?!” She flares her nostrils. “These bitches.”

Grace: “I don’t even know.”

Imani gives Grace hug.

Imani: “I hope you have a successful line. This was definitely an interesting party.”

Grace: “Thank you, sweetie. You girls have a safe journey home.”

The camera shows the sisters exiting the venue and getting into the back of a black Escalade.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“This has been a rollercoaster of a year for me. I’m in a good place with majority of the women & I’m at peace in my life… for now that is. I don’t desire to ever have Pat in my personal space or in my vicinity any longer & I look forward to what the future holds!”

Pat walks over and slings her arm around Grace.

Pat: “And then there were two…Grace, I really am sorry. I tried to have a decent conversation.” She bites her lip.

Grace nods at Pat, looking disappointed but doesn’t say anything.

Pat: “It really was a great show, though. Thank you for having my back all this year.”

Grace cracks a smile and grabs a champagne bottle from behind a nearby bar and pours two glasses. She hands one to Pat.

Grace: “Thank you. You’re a friend and I will always have your back even though it’s kinda difficult to defend you all the time.” She gives Pat a look.

Pat laughs.

Grace: “Well let’s toast…”

Pat: “To what?”

Grace: “To the sweet smell of success.” She grins and looks around. “Cheers!”

Grace’s Confessional

“This year, I’ve definitely learned a lot and had to endure a lot. There’s been a lot of tests but I’ve made it. This group of women, they’re tough cookies to crack but I’m getting there and as for the future, we’ll see…” She winks.

The season ends as Grace and Pat stand together and cheers.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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