[S4E15]: What’s Cookin’?

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
23 min readDec 30, 2021


(From L to R: Ren Rose, Grace Faroe, Lorelei Sullivan, Lauren Barnes, & Sheridan Campbell)

Cheery music plays as we see the girls go through their everyday life back in Beverly Beach. Grace and Vivian are joking around with Grace’s son, Gemini, as they cook him breakfast. Lauren is seen finishing up a workout in her home gym, she talks to herself as she cools off on the ground.

Lauren: “I got to get all the toxins out of my body from this trip.” She laughs to herself and wipes her face with a towel.

Inside her home, Ren is gently rocking the baby, Gracie, while Consuela holds up paint swatches in the living room.

Ren: “Hm…No! No. No. God no!”

Sheridan is in a meeting with the publisher of her cookbook.

Publisher: “Sheridan, this is really going to be great. All your hard work is about to pay off in just a few days. And — We got the official cover in!” He grins and holds up a copy of Sheridan’s new cookbook.

Sheridan squeals with excitement.

Sheridan: “Oh my god! I love it! Lemme see, lemme see!” She reaches for the book and squeals yet again.

The scene sticks on Lorelei who is carrying an extravagant charcuterie board out to her backyard. She sets it down on the patio table. The shot now switches to a white Bentley pulling into Lorelei’s driveway. Imani gets out of the car, heads to Lorelei’s door and knocks. Lorelei opens the door and smiles.

Imani & Lorelei

Lorelei: “Hey, honey.” She hugs her sister and gives her a kiss on the cheek. “You look nice! Come in.”

Lorelei and Imani make their way to the kitchen.

Imani: “How’re you doing today, sis? I’m still drained from that trip.” She shoots Lorelei a look.

Lorelei looks back then points to a bottle of Chardonnay on the counter.

Lorelei: “Will you grab that for me boo?” She sighs and grabs two wine glasses from a cabinet. “Let me tell you, that trip was a disappointment. I’ve been so overwhelmed with my personal life so I was hoping to have fun but we argued the entire time.” She shakes her head. “I got some tea to tell you about Xavier’s mother. Follow me outside.”

The girls walk out to the backyard and Imani makes a face.

Imani: “Xavier’s mother? What’s wrong?”

The girls sit down and Imani looks at a quiet Lorelei, clearly concerned.

Imani: “You’re making me nervous…Did something happen?”

Lorelei bursts out into tears.

Lorelei: “I — I’m just so exhausted, Imani.” She puts her head into her hands and sobs.

Imani: “Oh my god, no!” She gets up and sits right next to Lorelei, rubbing her back. “What happened?! Talk to me!”

Lorelei: “I’m tired.” She is still crying. “I’m always dealing with some bullshit and I just mentally cannot take it anymore!” She looks up and wipes her eyes, beginning to calm down. “Like…I’m either fighting with my man, or his mother, or the girls. I just don’t have anymore fight left in me!” She scoffs. “Xavier’s mother is evil.

Imani: “Awwww, Lore. You’re strong! What are you and Xavier’s mom even fighting about?”

Lorelei: “She just doesn’t like me. She doesn’t like the fact that I’m dating her son, she’s hated me since I was married to Morgan. Like, I get it. I know the whole situation is messed up, I was married to her ex husband and now her son, but…” She begins crying again. “Toni told me I basically deserved the physical abuse from Morgan.” She shakes her head. “Like that really hurt my fucking feelings. I love Xavier and we’re always fine until she gets involved.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I’m still honestly like really hurt & offended that Toni said that to me. Even with us trying to talk recently… I can’t get over it. That was so uncalled for.”

Imani looks a bit stunned.

Imani: “She said what?! Oh no — Lorelei, it’s going to be hard but it’s time for you to step up and make him choose between you or his mother.” She shrugs. “This is ridiculous! You are gorgeous, you don’t deserve this treatment from that woman! And It’s a red flag that a man lets his mother treat his wife like that.” She shakes her head.

Lorelei eats a cracker from the charcuterie board and nods.

Lorelei: “I know. I just really love him and I don’t want this miniscule thing to be the reason we break up. I don’t want to be a failure. Like, I’ll be a single mother that’s had two failed relationships in less than 2 years! That’ll make me feel like such a fucking failure.” She holds back tears.

Imani: “Miniscule? I feel like you don’t realize how bad he is hurting you, Lorelei. The fact that his mother can’t respect you and he doesn’t speak up about it…he’s putting himself and his feelings in front of you. He’s going with what’s easy.” She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.

Imani’s Confessional

“I relate to Lorelei. I stayed in my marriage for years as there was physical altercations happening. I know it’s easy said than done, but I wish someone would’ve told me to know leaving him was the best thing for me.”

Lorelei sniffles and nods before giving Imani a hug.

Lorelei: “I love you. I’m happy with how close we’ve gotten this year.”

Imani smiles as she finishes chewing a grape.

Imani: “I love you too. You know I’ll always be here for you.” She squeezes Lorelei’s hand. “I got your back no matter what, bitch! Now stop crying.”

The sisters laugh and Lorelei wipes the tears from her face.

Lorelei: “Alright, alright! Let’s drink this wine now!” She grabs her glass full of wine.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“This conversation with Imani wouldn’t be happening if we never made up earlier this year. We hadn’t spoken for years before & now that we’re at this place… it truly goes to show how a sisterly bond works. You can be in the darkest of dark places & still come back from it & be there for each other.” She smiles.

The scene ends as both girls sip their glasses of wine and continue their conversation.

The scene begins with car-cam footage of Lauren driving around Downtown L.A. She is looking around, trying to find a parking spot.

Lauren: “God…I forgot how parking is a nightmare in the city…” She mutters to herself.

Lauren’s Confessional

“So Katrina, my friend and matchmaker, set me up with a man from Orange County as soon as I got back from the Seychelles. His name is Curtis and he looks really great on paper!” She grins. “This is my first date in a few months because I didn’t think I was ready so I am just going to put myself out there every once in a while until it feels right.” She laughs. “We know Richard has moved on…”

Lauren finally finds a parking spot. Before getting out of the car she touches up her makeup and fixes her hair. She points to herself in the rearview mirror.

Lauren: “You got this.”

She exits the car and starts walking down the sidewalk.

Lauren’s Confessional

“I decided to meet him down in L.A. and visit my parents for the weekend. The kids are with Richard and this is my only weekend without an event for the next three months.” She shakes her head. “I love keeping busy though. It keeps me distracted.”

Lauren walks up to Curtis, who is standing outside of the restaurant, waiting for Lauren.

Lauren & Curtis

Lauren: “Hi, Curtis? Nice to meet you!”

As she smiles and puts out her hand for a handshake, he awkwardly goes in for a hug. He jerks back and jolts his hand back out to meet her handshake. Lauren awkwardly laughs.

Curtis: “Heya, Lauren! I am so glad to finally meet you. Katrina has said great things about you. I have a reservation for us, are ya ready for lunch?” He has a thick, southern drawl.

Lauren: “Sure!” She giggles.

Lauren’s Confessional

“A southern gentleman!” She raises an eyebrow. “He is handsome and has a cute accent. This is promising.”

Curtis opens the door for Lauren and follows her inside the restaurant. Once they are seated the waiter asks them for their drink order.

Curtis: “We’ll have two waters to start off. I’ll also have a bourbon, the lady will have a glass of chardonnay.”

As the waiter nods and walks away the camera pans to Lauren who looks slightly put off.

Lauren: “You know, I can order my own drink.” She laughs half heartedly. “I appreciate the thought though!” She smiles.

Curtis waves his hand.

Curtis: “Ah, it’s nothing. A man needs to take care of a lady, especially one such as yourself. Lauren, you are very beautiful.” He winks.

Lauren: “Well, thank you!”

Lauren’s Confessional

“On second thought, maybe the southern accent should have been a red flag?” She cringes. “Coming out of a relationship with Richard, I’m definitely a lot more independent.”

As Lauren browses through the menu casually, she glances up at her date.

Lauren: “So, tell me where you’re from! With that accent, it can’t be Orange County.” She giggles.

Curtis: “I am actually from Texas.” He nods. “My dad was a developer and built many neighborhoods all over the state. After college, I came to Orange County to expand his business and have been here since.” He sips his drink.

Lauren’s eyes widen.

Lauren: “Wow, that sounds like such a great career.”

Curtis: “How about you? Must be something fancy up in Beverly Beach.” He chuckles.

Lauren: “Well…I started a party planning business last year and it is doing very well. I just opened my office and have been adding staff consistently to keep up with our demand. It is very rewarding to take the celebration that someone has been dreaming up and make it reality.” She smiles.

Curtis: “That’s very impressive.” He waves to the waiter passing by. “Yes, I think we’re ready to order. I’ll have the 8 ounce Wagyu.” He points to Lauren. “She’ll have the almond crusted tilapia.” He folds the menu up and hands it to the waiter. “Thank you.”

Lauren looks taken aback.

Lauren’s Confessional

“What?! What just happened…? Did he not hear me just three minutes ago with the drinks?” She rolls her eyes. “What happens if I didn’t even like fish?! I mean I do but whatever — I’ll suck it up and get through this date because I don’t think there will be a second one.”

Lauren: “So, Curtis, what do you do for fun? When you’re not developing neighborhoods of course.”

Curtis: “Well, my main hobby outside of work is rock climbing. I am a member at a climbing gym. I also love to surf. Have you surfed before?”

Flashbacks of Lauren attempting to surf with the girls last years play.

Lauren: “No, not so much. I’m more of a golfer.” She laughs.

An awkward silence ascends on the table. Both Lauren and Curtis take sips of their drinks to avoid talking. Lauren quickly looks around. Curtis feels in his pocket and pulls a buzzing phone out.

Curtis: “You know, I normally would not take a call at lunch but I need to take this. I apologize.” He excuses himself from the table.

Moments later, the food comes and Lauren thanks the waiter. She sits and waits for Curtis to return.

Lauren sits there for another few minutes, she looks around, then reaches over to Curtis’s plate and cuts a piece of his steak and takes it over to her plate and starts eating. Some more time goes by and Curtis does not return. Lauren checks her phone. She looks behind one of the cameras to talk to Production.

Lauren: “Where is he?”

A camera now turns around and walks through the restaurant. Outside, Curtis is finishing up a phone call.

Curtis: “Alright, sounds good. Send it over to the office. Bye.” He hangs up and glares at the camera as he passes them to go inside.

Back inside, Lauren has finished eating her meal and is sipping on her wine. Curtis joins her back at the table.

Curtis: “I am so sorry, that was a work emergency. I didn’t realize that I took so long.” He places his napkin on his lap.

Lauren: “It’s ok Curtis. I understand. I am finished eating though, so I think I am going to head out. Enjoy your lunch. It was a pleasure meeting you.”

Lauren smiles, gets up, and leaves. The camera pans to Curtis, alone at the table, looking shocked.

Lauren’s Confessional

“I think I’m going to stay single for a while.” She rolls her eyes.

The scene ends as we get a shot of Curtis shrugging then digging into his steak.

Grace is in her kitchen pouring two glasses of lemonade. A knock is heard on her door and she hurries to open it.

Grace & Pat

Grace: “Pat! Come in.” She smiles and hugs Pat.

Pat: “Sorry, girl! I’m a bit sweaty.” She laughs. “I got in a good game of tennis with Eddie this morning!”

Grace: “That’s alright. I poured us both some lemonade! Let’s chat.”

She hands Pat her glass of lemonade and the two women sit at the breakfast bar.

Pat: “Listen…before we get into anything…” She tears up. “I have to…” She pulls out a tissue and wipes her eyes. “really apologize for my behavior on the trip.”

Pat’s Confessional

“The trip was an absolute disaster. I feel bad because Grace was the host and we ended up cutting the trip short. I’m willing to own up to my part in that but I can’t be blamed for everyone and everything. I’m tired if it all!”

Grace puts her hand on Pat’s back and rubs it, comforting her.

Grace: “I appreciate that. It was something. A hot mess to be precise. You’re not totally to blame. Please…” She shakes her head. “Don’t cry. I don’t want you upset like this.”

Pat: “Can I open up to you about something?”

Grace: “Of course!” She smiles sweetly.

Pat: “First — It’s always been difficult for me to connect with other women. It seems that when I try to be real or call things out, I’m immediately shut down, called a liar and almost iced out. I came to Beverly Beach to fix my relationship with Eddie and myself and it seems…” She tears up. “that it’s like I’m back in Twitter with the nonsense. Why would I intentionally want to hurt these girls? I felt really bullied by Sheridan and Imani, forcing me out of my hut. It was so mean.” She shakes her head.

Grace: “I agree with you on that.” She nods. “Sheridan and Imani were out of line, they behaved like high school mean girls and bullies. I hate bullies.”

Grace’s Confessional

“The more I get to know Sheridan and see her true colours, the more I seem to dislike her. I definitely don’t see a friendship with this woman. She’s a mean girl. Period.”

Pat: “I didn’t deserve that. Have I said some shitty things? Sure! But when is everyone else going to be held to the same standard? There’s ZERO accountability here.”

Pat’s Confessional

“Everywhere I go I’m the target. I will continue tell the truth though!”

Grace: “I’ve noticed that a lot in this group. I’ve learned the hard way. I’ve had to deal with this kind of bullying culture my whole life. Pat…” She takes her hand. “I understand how you feel but we don’t need to respond to everything. Silence is golden. And it’s about picking and choosing our fights.”

Pat: “You are absolutely right. I can't engage anymore. Hopefully with that, others will be more vocal and honest.” She sips her lemonade. “Enough about me, how are you feeling after everything?”

Grace sighs.

Grace: “I’ve got alot going on right now to be honest. The trip and the other ladies are the least of my worries…”

Pat: “What’s wrong?” She furrows her brow.

As Grace is talking to Pat, her son, Gemini, walks into the kitchen. He opens the fridge and grabs a water bottle. Grace spins around.


Grace: “Gemini. You okay?” She looks a little concerned.

Gemini: “Yeah. I was just going to chill in the backyard…” He keeps his head down.

Grace: “Okay. Call out if you need anything.”

Gemini saunters off to the backyard, Grace turns back to Pat.

Grace: “He’s shy. Don’t take it personal.” She smiles softly.

Pat: “It’s all good, Grace! My boy is the same way.”

Grace: “Things have been tense around here lately.” She lets out a laugh. “Mainly because of my ex-husband, Dimitri.”

Pat: “What’s going on with him?” She leans against the counter.

Grace: “Well, you must’ve seen the disgusting and vile things Dimitri says in the press about me… the fact I like women and that he’s accusing me of being unfaithful in our marriage. It’s… lies. And it’s affecting our children too… unfortunately.”

Pat shakes her head.

Pat: “Listen — Once the kids are involved, all bets are off.”

Pat’s Confessional

“I have had my fair share of relationship drama but if you fuck with my kid, I’ll break your neck.”

Grace begins getting emotional, she bites her lip.

Grace: “Gemini’s never really properly clicked with his father, but he’s handling this weird. He cares about me and he hates seeing me hurt. My daughter, Megan on the other hand, she’s a daddy’s girl.

Grace’s Confessional

“My fight with Megan is still heavily on my mind. It hurts when your own child won’t believe you and won’t talk to you. She’s shut me out. I don’t know what else to do.”

Pat: “How do you feel about Megan having that relationship with her father?”

Grace: “Listen, it’s her father and I’m not going to stop her from having that relationship. It would be cruel of me to do that but she believes what Dimitri is saying about me. We got into a fight recently and we’re not speaking all that much right now. That’s why there’s so much tension in the house right now.”

Pat: “I’m so sorry, listen mother to mother. Kids are our life and sometimes.. they forget that. You work so hard and maybe you need to take some time with them. Take them away. Leave your phones in the rooms and get to know eachother and make memories. When it comes to Dimitri, someone at some point has to say their ready to put down the weapons. Be the bigger and better person and say listen.. let’s just move on in a positive direction for the kids.” She smiles at Grace and pats her hand.

Grace: “Thank you, but…It’s gotten past that point, Pat. I’m considering legal action. The only way I think to stop him from talking is a cease and desist. That’s where I’m at.” She throws her hands up.

Grace’s Confessional

“I still haven’t made a decision about the cease and desist but it’s inevitable I think. Otherwise Dimitri won’t ever slow down his hate campaign against me, Vivian and our relationship. Action needs to be taken ASAP.”

Pat: “Don’t. I promise you. Rethink it. Megan will never forgive you even though it’s the right thing to do. Show her you are making the moves to make some type of reconciliation.” She nods. “It’s painful but necessary.”

Grace: “I’m going to give it some thought…” She shakes her head. “Can we please talk about something else?!” She laughs. “I’m excited because my new line for the House of Faroe is launching soon! You got the invitation right?”

Pat: “Of course! I’m so excited.” She giddily claps. “Question though, did any of the other women get an invitation?” She raises an eyebrow. “After how they treated us in the Seychelles…”

Grace: “I did extend invites to all the other ladies, so they can see that I actually do work and that I’m successful in my industry. Whether any of them turn up, that’s their issue. The ball is in their court as far as I’m concerned.” She shrugs.

Grace’s Confessional

“If I’m being totally honest, inviting all the women is the perfect opportunity to show off. I can never resist that kind of opportunity!” She laughs and smirks. “Listen — I really don’t have time to hate people. If they show up with pure intentions and to support me, I most certainly will not turn them away.”

Pat: “Let’s see how it goes. I’m sure it’ll be great.”

Grace: “Cheers to that!”

The girls cheers their glasses and then begin giggling. The scene ends.

The scene opens, showing us a large outdoor courtyard at an expensive looking restaurant. About 30 people mix and mingle. In the center of the courtyard there is a large, extravagant table with a place setting for everyone. The camera pans to Sheridan who is holding her ex Martin’s hand as they mingle with guests.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Today was the launch of my cookbook! I’ve been working so so so hard on it. I decided to celebrate tonight by having a fun dinner with some of my closest friends and some of my friends I’ve met in the culinary industry. Every course tonight comes straight from my book!” She beams with pride. “I’m so happy Martin and the girls came to support. Well, some of the girls. I obviously did not invite Grace or Pat.” She rolls her eyes.

Lauren & Sheridan

Sheridan and Martin are now talking to Lauren who had just arrived.

Sheridan: “Lauren, this is Martin…” She rubs his back.

Martin smiles and extends a hand in Lauren’s direction.

Martin: “Nice to meet you, Lauren. Sheridan really likes you, she was excited for me to meet you.” He grins.

Lauren shakes his hand, smiling.

Lauren: “Nice to meet you too.” She wraps her arms around Sheridan’s waist. “We love our Sheridan. Me and Ren keep her safe.”

The girls and Martin laugh. Lauren does a double take as Lorelei and Imani walk in together.

Imani & Lorelei
Lauren’s Confessional

“What the actual fuck are these ladies wearing to a cookbook event?”

The sisters make their way over to the group and greet everyone.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Uh…Lauren always dresses very… mature. I always thought she dressed very old for her age.” She nods. “That’s a very Dillards inspired dress. Where the old people shop, I guess.”

Lorelei: “This is so gorgeous. Miss thing knows how to put together a party.” She points to Sheridan and winks.

Sheridan: “Thank y’all for being here! I’m so excited to reveal the cover and for you all to taste some more of the dishes! Oh — Lorelei and Imani, this is Martin.”

Martin: “Pleasure, ladies.” He gives both a hug.

Lorelei: “Oh! Well it’s nice to meet you too, I’m Lorelei.”

Martin: “You look familiar, Lorelei.” She smiles. “You must have dated athletes too.”

The camera pans to Sheridan who gives Martin a nasty side eye. Lorelei gasps but ends up giggling.

Lorelei: “Uh uh — Now Martin…” She laughs. “You’re funny, I see.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I mean… I am a catch. I do attract the best of the best. I was married to a billionaire at one point.” She laughs. “Only the finest for me.”


Ren walks in and after greeting her, Sheridan’s assistant walks up to her and whispers in her ear.

Sheridan: “Oh — I’m being summoned ladies! It’s time for the unveiling. Go ahead and take a seat at the table, I’ll be making a quick speech.” She grins.

Lauren: “Good luck!” She waves Sheridan off.

Ren: “Go best friend! Woo!”

Imani: “Yessss!”

As Sheridan walks off, an announcement is made with a microphone and the guests all take a seat at the long opulent table. Eventually Sheridan stands up at the head of the table. Her assistant hands her the microphone.

Sheridan: “Excuse me — Everyone.” She waits for the table to go silent. “Thank you all so much for coming out to support me and my cookbook launch. It’s been so rewarding to put my all into culinary school and to work on this cookbook at the same time — and to have my girlfriends to support me through it all .” We see Lorelei, Imani, and Lauren all smiling. “And you Martin; even though your big head ass kept eating my ingredients.” The camera pans to Martin as he laughs at the table and blows Sheridan a kiss.

Sheridan unveils the cookbook and holds it up. The table erupts with applause.

Sheridan: “Tonight is for fun and good food! Everyone enjoy and again, thank you so much!” She smiles and sits back down.

As the dinner party continues, Sheridan eventually goes and sits at an empty seat in the middle of the table, where all the ‘wives are sitting.

Sheridan: “Thank you all again for being here, it means alot.”

Imani finishes chewing her food and looks over at Sheridan.

Imani: “I thought Grace and Pat were going to be in attendance?”

Sheridan shoots Imani a look and Lorelei slaps Imani’s arm.

Lorelei: “Girl, stop being messy with your friend.”

Lauren: “Are you really trying to start something right now at Sheridan’s event?” She laughs and shakes her head. “No class.” She whispers under her breath as she digs through her purse.

Lorelei: “She won’t be starting anything.” She glares at Imani. “Will you?”

Sheridan clears her throat.

Sheridan: “Pat didn’t receive an invitation and Grace didn’t respond to my invitation.” She shrugs.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Wait, now. I’m confused — I thought Pat was the drama in the group? What is going on…is this my supposed friend Imani or Pat in the X-Men costume?”

Imani: “Why am I getting the side eye?” She laughs and looks at all the women. “It was a simple question! I just didn’t want anyone being here that would tackle me.”

Imani’s Confessional

“I mean both Pat and Grace are built like linebackers with them wide stomach. Just a simple question. Why is everyone so up in arms? After what happened to Sheridan? Not risking my pretty face.” She waves her finger.

Sheridan: “I have to be honest. I see no future with me and Pat Fireson. She can go back to Twitter.” The other girls nod in agreement. “I do think Grace could be reasonable so I wanted to extend an olive branch despite our rocky relationship. I also did want to talk to her about the trip! I am still just so shocked that Pat assaulted me and that Grace didn’t care…”

Lauren shakes her head.

Lauren: “As the host of the trip, she should have done something. That was completely inappropriate.”

Lorelei takes a bite of her food and washes it down with some wine.

Lorelei: “ Pat is always putting her hands on someone. It’s really starting to get old. Like… how are you as old as she is & fighting at that age?”

Lauren points to Lorelei.

Lauren: “Watch it Lorelei, you’ll be her age one day…and I will too.” The girls laugh.

Sheridan: “Not only did Grace not care I was assaulted, she decided against being the bigger woman and coming to my event tonight.”

Lauren: “She’s clearly taking Pat’s side by not showing up.”

Imani nods in agreement and raises her cocktail.

Imani: “Amen.”

Lorelei: “Why did it escalate to the level of physicality?” She looks to Sheridan. “Like what happened?”

Sheridan: “I just played a little prank on Pat by calling the concierge to remove her bags.” She shrugs and glances at Imani. “It was a PRANK! And she chose to assault me?”

Lorelei: “That’s odd to me. Why is Grace sticking up for Pat?”

Lauren: “We all got that text from Grace. Are you guy going to her fashion line launch this weekend?” She looks at the other girls.

Imani: “I will not be going.” She shakes her head. “No way.”

Sheridan: “I’m not sure I want to go. Pat will obviously be there…” She rolls her eyes. “If her and Pat can’t take a simple joke and believe that putting their hands on others is okay, I don’t know if I want to subject myself to be around such a liability.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Pat is a liability — she will do whatever it takes to secure the bag. She will lie, have sex, and get physically violent for a check…disgusting.”

Lorelei: “I’ll definitely be in attendance.” She smiles at Lauren. “I would not miss that for the world. It’ll be something special, I bet.” She laughs.

Lauren smiles back at Lorelei.

Lauren: “I agree.” She sips her champagne. “That’s exactly why I’m going too.”

Sheridan: “I just fear by going, Pat is just going to lie and insult someone else in the group and try and play us against each other. It’ll start that vicious cycle again.”

Lauren: “If Pat ruins Grace’s event, how would that make her look?” She shrugs. “She will obviously be on her best behavior or at least she would be if she is smart. To support her friend.”

Lorelei: “I think we should all go — It’s time to truly hold Pat accountable. She’s made up lies about every single person sitting at this table.” She points around to the other girls. “She said Imani and I weren’t sisters, that Imani is having an affair with Eddie & then that Lauren started the rumor, etcetera. It’s time for her to own up and then get out of the group.”

Sheridan nods.

Sheridan: “I will only come if you all agree to stop giving her a pass and actually confront her head on about the bullshit she brings to this group.”

The girls all nod in agreeance.

Lorelei: “It’ll all get straightened out, girl.” She looks at Sheridan. “We’ll ALL make sure of that.” She nods.

Lauren’s Confessional

“Grace’s event is about to be ruined by Pat and I need a front seat. Her terrible clothes were the original reason I wanted to go, but seeing Pat be confronted for all the things she has talked her way out of over the months WHILE being surrounded by Grace’s ugly clothes…” She laughs and claps her hands. “This’ll be the comedic relief my life needs right now.”

Dramatic music plays and each of the girl’s faces are on the screen.

The scene starts off with raw noise and no music. It is 8 a.m the next morning. Inside of Ren’s kitchen, Consuela is flipping through TV channels while she is preparing baby Gracie’s lunch. Gracie sits in her high chair as she coos. All of a sudden, Consuela’s iPad on the counter starts pinging like crazy. She stops making Gracie lunch and puts on her glasses to read. Her mouth drops.

Consuela: “Oh no…Miss Lauren…Miss Lauren…”

She grabs her iPad and scurries out to the backyard where Ren is sitting, reading a book and enjoying a cup of coffee. Ren looks up at Consuela, confused, as she comes out frantically.

Ren: “Consuela, what's wrong? Are you okay?” She furrows her brow.

Consuela: “Miss Lauren in mucho trouble!”

She holds up the article on her iPad. Ren squints to read it for a few seconds before she gasps and picks up her own phone which is laying on the coffee table.

Ren: “Holy shit! I have so many missed calls, so many texts…Are you fucking serious?!” She starts reading on her phone and mouthing the words of the article. “Resisting arrest…drunk and disorderly…what the?!”

Ren frantically starts calling Lauren but it goes straight to voicemail.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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