[S4E14]: Hell or The Seychelles?

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
18 min readDec 29, 2021


(From L to R: Ren Rose, Grace Faroe, Lorelei Fox, Lauren Barnes, & Sheridan Campbell)

The camera follows Lorelei, Imani, and Sheridan as they walk into the sisters’ shared room. Lorelei walks straight into the bathroom and begins fixing her makeup. Imani stops in the hallway and checks her butt out in the mirror.

Imani: “Whew — No wonder they keep bringing up the word plastic.”

Imani and Sheridan walk into the living area where Sheridan slings her clutch into a chair. She sits down and lets out a huff of air.

Sheridan: “I’m sorry, girls but this is some straight up BULLSHIT!”

Imani gets a water bottle from the mini fridge and has a seat by Sheridan.

Imani: “I agree. I feel like I’ve taken the most shit from Pat and no one has done anything to stop her. If we continue letting her talk and make rumor upon rumor up, she’s never going to stop.” She drinks from her bottle.

Sheridan: “And all that fake shit Grace just did?! Trying to put equal blame on everyone? What the hell was that?!”

Lorelei makes her way out of the bathroom as she pulls her hair into a ponytail. She joins Imani and Sheridan’s discussion.

Lorelei: “It is getting pretty ridiculous. We’re in this cycle of constant fighting as a group and it’s all because of Pat. Something’s got to give and it’s going to be soon.” She bites her lip.

Sheridan: “The other girls are scared to stand up for themselves to her old ass, then they act delusional when I do stand up for them. I don’t know what to do anymore!”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I’ve stood up for the women in our group, and a lot of them are acting naive or saying I am overreacting because I want to hold Pat accountable for the shit she’s done. It’s weird, but I’m not going to change who I am because the girls are scared to defend themselves.”

Imani: “That's the thing; I’m just very confused as why everyone keeps giving that woman a pass. Do they not see she doesn’t care about how low she goes?”

Lorelei points to Imani.

Lorelei: “Right? She goes SO low and nobody says a thing. I just don’t get Pat and Ren. They’re so fake to me.” She rolls her eyes.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Imani and Sheridan are saying the same thing I’m thinking. Pat has literally been a huge problem since she’s arrived in town & has tried to ruin people. It’s enough. Ren has yet to really hold her accountable either. Well, until it was about her! It’s odd to me.”

Imani: “Ren is giving her so many passes, and trust me, I do genuinely believe Ren is using Pat as her marionette.”

Lorelei: “What do you mean?” She raises an eyebrow.

Imani: “Isn’t it obvious? They all just made up after that nasty rumor. It’s like they can’t keep up with their lies.”

Lorelei nods.

Lorelei: “You’re right.” She now looks to Sheridan. “I know Ren is your friend so I won’t speak ill of her in front of you out of respect. But… you gotta admit she hasn’t been completely real.” She shrugs.

Sheridan: “I just think it’s that Grace and Ren don’t want to admit Pat is the cancer of the group. She’s eating up friendships in the group like the prostitutes that Eddie screws eats up his dick!”

Lorelei: “Girl — “ She laughs.

Sheridan: “I feel like Lauren is the only other person in the group that agrees with us.”

Imani shakes her head.

Imani: “Lauren is just as disgusting as Pat! What blows my mind is how Pat and Lauren made up tonight after Lauren said that I had something with Pat’s man?”

Lorelei: “They’re pulling shit out of their asses at this point. It’s soooo immature.” She files her nails.

Sheridan: “Eddie sleeps with prostitutes, not Imani. He pays the women he has sex with just like how he funds Pat for a quick little blow and go.” She smirks.

Lorelei lets out a loud cackle and slips to the floor, still laughing.

Lorelei: “This is too much!” She sits up. “These girls are just so messy.”

Sheridan: “I’m getting angry again, like god! I want Pat gone…tonight.”

The sisters look at eachother.

Imani: “I’m listening…” She cracks a smile.

Lorelei can be seen observing a twirling a piece of hair between her fingers.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Sheridan & Imani seem adamant on making Pat leave the trip.” She makes a face then smiles. “I’m gonna go ahead and stay out of this one… but it should be QUITE interesting when I hear about it later.” She laughs before playfully singing. “Patttttt, they’re coming for youuuuuuu!”

Sheridan: “Here.”

Sheridan gets up and walks over to the phone that is mounted on the wall of the room. She clicks a button and the phone begins dialing.

Sheridan: “Hi, yes! Concierge? Great — This is Grace Faroe. Could you please remove all the items from the private hut out back? Yeah — One of the girls got sick and will be taking an early flight home. Perfect! Thank you, doll.” She smiles and hangs up the phone.

Lorelei looks at Sheridan and smiles before covering her face.

Lorelei: “Oh my god, Sheridan.”

Sheridan turns to the girls, still smirking and shrugs her shoulders.

Sheridan: “The hut it going to be vacated tonight, ladies.” She laughs. “She’s got to go!”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“No. I don’t regret doing that.” She shrugs. “I’m a petty bitch.”

Lorelei stands up and shakes her head.

Lorelei: “Let World War 3 commence!” She chuckles.

Imani: “Let’s get it started!” She claps her hands. “Maybe we can give her a hand packing in a little.”

The scene ends as all three girls can be heard cackling.

The scene opens with a cold open of Pat getting ready in the mirror of the private hut. She is curling her hair. Dramatic music begins as the scene switches.

Sheridan and Imani can be seen walking across the lawn in slow motion. They have red solo cups in hand and are grinning.

Sheridan: “I wonder if she’s still here.” She shrugs.

Imani: “She better be, it’s time for her wake up call.” She winks.

Sheridan and Imani approach the hut door and knock on it. The music fades out.

Imani: “Patttt? Hello?”

Moments later, the door opens to reveal Pat in her robe. She looks a little confused that the two of them are there.

Pat: “Oh hey girls…Come in!”

Imani: “Look at you, fresh as a daisy.” She laughs and her and Sheridan enter. “So I’m curious, how do you feel about that meeting earlier today?”

Pat shrugs and opens up a water bottle as she leans against the counter.

Pat: “I feel great. I think everyone said what they had. Now, It’s time to have some fun.”

Imani: “Well, about that…I think it’s time to keep it all the way real because some of the other girls aren’t. Go ahead, Sheridan….”

She looks to Sheridan. Pat raises an eyebrow.

Sheridan: “Yeah… I think it’s time for you to go, Pat.”

Pat: “Go where?” She laughs.

All of the sudden, there is another knock on the door.

Pat: “Oh? Hold on girls.” She holds her hands up.

Pat goes to the door and opens it. On the other side, there are two large villa staff members with luggage carts.

Staff: “We are here to move Miss Fireson out per the request of Miss. Faroe. Do you need any help packing?”

Pat rolls her eyes and laughs a bit, she glances back at Sheridan and Imani who watch delightfully.

Pat: “No thanks. I’ll wait for Miss Faroe. Thank you SO MUCH though.” She smiles and closes the door.

Sheridan: “Pat, It’s time for you to go home, baby.” She sips her drink and looks at Pat who makes her way back into the room.

Pat: “Oh my lord, y’all are so threatened by my prescenese.” She looks between the two girls. “Is that all? I’m need to keep getting ready.” She flips her hair.

Imani: “We don’t want you in this group. We feel as though you continue to cause drama with the girls. Your coping mechanism with drama is just making rumor upon rumor and I think we’ve gotten to the point where we’re fed up.”

Sheridan: “Pat, you should go — For the betterment of the group! You have caused chaos amongst all the the women.”

Pat: “No Sheridan, I made this group interesting.She starts pacing. “Now I’m getting pissed you’re trying to kick me out and bum rush me. This isn’t Bad Girl’s Club…You —She gets close and points to Sheridan’s chest. “have been trying with me since day one!”

The music starts to pick up a little.

Sheridan: “Ohhh no! Don’t try to touch me, Auntie!” She swats Pat’s hand away and stands and bucks up to Pat.

Imani now gets up and goes in between the two women.

Imani: “Let’s not get physical. What is this?!”

Sheridan leans to the side to avoid Imani and talk to Pat, she jabs her finger in Pat’s direction. Imani tries to calm her down.

Sheridan: “You tore down friendships and sisterhood in this group! For what?! Imani, stop! It’s what this woman does! She wants to cause chaos and deflect from her miserable personal life with her cheating boyfriend.”

A small knock is heard on the door and Grace enters with a bottle of Don Julio 1942.

Grace: “Pat…It’s me…Ready to pregame? Oh — “ She notices the scene and hurries over.

Pat: “Grace! Come in! These two are trying to make it look like YOU wanted me to leave this trip tonight. They sent the staff to get my things!”

Grace looks at the three women, utterly confused.

Grace: “Wait, you two are doing what?!” She points to Imani and Sheridan.

Imani: “Grace, you sent people to help Pat pack.”

Sheridan: “The staff came in here talking about Grace Faroe! Not Sheridan Campbell. Why would you assume it had anything to do with Imani and I?”

Pat: “Because YOU’VE been on me since I flew into Beverly Beach.”

Grace: “Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait…” She looks at everyone in confusion. “This has nothing to do with me. I don’t know what you guys are talking about. I’ve been in the bath and talking to Viv for the past hour and a half on FaceTime.”

Imani: “Grace, I think it’s time to act like the grown women you are. Just admit you sent the bellman, why deny it?”

Grace: “Are you calling me a liar? Oh hell — “

Pat: “Okay everyone! Shut the fuck up cause now I’m getting pissed!” She holds her hands up. “I’ll just go. This is nonsense.”

Sheridan: “Ohhhh she’s mad!” She scoffs. “Go!” She laughs.

Grace grabs Pat’s arm.

Grace: “No, this is my trip.”

The music gets intense, signaling something is about to happen.

Sheridan takes another long swig of her red solo cup.

Sheridan: “I thought you said you were going to go. THEN GO!”

Pat: “You know what, you GET THE FUCK OUT!”

Pat rushes up to Sheridan and pushes her towards the door. Sheridan dramatically falls to the group and gasps.

Sheridan: “OH MY GOSH!”

Imani: “Hell no.” She goes to see if Sheridan is alright. “Oh no, Oh no, Oh no!”

Pat: “OUT of my room, you BEAST!”


Grace rushes in between Sheridan and Pat now.

Grace: “Woahhhhhh, ladies! Please!”

Grace’s Confessional

She shakes her head.

Pat rolls her eyes and turns around, still heated.

Pat: “Oh get up, Sheridan. This is ridiculous.”

Sheridan: “SHE PUSHED ME!” She starts to get up with the help of Imani. “Grace, are you serious? You defend this?”

Grace: “Calm down. You’re going to have a heart attack if you keep ranting on the way you are.”

Pat shakes her head and stands next to Grace now.

Pat’s Confessional

“I’m really actually surprised she hasn’t had a heart attack. Lord knows the amount of calories she eats is adding up.”

Sheridan: “She pushed me, Grace! I know you’re used to getting into physical altercations, honey, but I’m not the one. Your friend is disgusting.” She glares at Pat.

Grace’s Confessional

“Sheridan…” She scoffs. “What a fucking drama queen.”

Imani: “Girl, I cannot believe you’re defending this.” She looks at Grace. “You are trash, Grace! TRASH!”


Imani: “I cannot do this.”

Sheridan: “I’m done too. My fucking ankle!” She limps next to Imani as they turn for the door.

Pat: “Yeah. I’m packing my stuff and I’m out.”

Grace lets out a sigh.

Grace: “Look…I’ve had enough and everyone else has too. Pat, you’re not going home. We ALL are. I’m ending the trip early. Everyone pack their stuff, we leave in the morning. You can tell your friends who are on this trip.”

Grace storms out of the hut, brushing past Sheridan and Imani. She slams the door. Outside, the camera zooms in on her as she takes her mic off with the help of a producer.

Grace: “I didn’t sign up for this. Imani and Sheridan acting like fucking middle school girls trying to force somebody out of a group?! This is ridiculous. I’m going to bed.”

She starts walking back to the villa.

Grace’s Confessional

“I decided I need to walk away from this trip and from Sheridan. That girl is seriously trying to get under my skin and if I stayed in that hut any longer she’d have succeeded.”

The camera follows Sheridan as she limps behind Imani as the exit the hut. The camera zooms in on Sheridan’s ankles as she switches feet and stifles a giggle into Imani’s shoulder. The scene switches to Pat watching the girls leave the hut and then it ends.

We get a montage of the girls getting ready to go out. Sheridan is finishing up her makeup. Ren and Lauren are in their room, already ready and taking shots. Ren picks up her phone and looks at the time.

Ren: “I guess we should head down and meet the other girls. I’m sure the van is already here.”

Lauren grimaces after taking a shot.

Lauren: “Ugh! Okay, okay!” She grabs her purse. “Let’s go!”

Ren’s Confessional

“Tonight me and some of the ladies are going bar hopping and to really immerse ourselves in the nightlife of Africa! I’m just hoping that it’s drama free for once.” She crosses her fingers and holds them up.

Lorelei and Imani are primping themselves in the mirror.

Lorelei: “So, what are you going to tell the other girls?”

Imani pushes out her butt before snapping a mirror pic. She turns to her sister.

Imani: “I’m going to be honest. I’m going to tell Lauren and Ren exactly what happened in that hut and why Grace is ending the trip early.”

Lorelei: “For your sake I hope they take it well…but I got your back.”

The music picks back up again as we see Ren, Lauren, Sheridan, Imani, and Lorelei congregate in Ren & Lauren’s room with their to-go drinks. Ren checks her phone.

Imani and Sheridan look at eachother. Imani sips her drink.

Lauren: “Really?”

Sheridan: “Yeah. I’ll fill you in on the bus, Imani and I…er…talked to them.”

Ren raises an eyebrow.

Ren: “Okay? I mean, I’m not complaining.”

Everyone finishes getting ready and the girls all head outside and get into the Sprinter. Ren and Lauren sit together, Lorelei and Imani sit together, and Sheridan gets the three seat row in the back of the van all to herself.

Lorelei, Imani, Lauren, Ren, & Sheridan

Sheridan: “I am so glad we are still going out and having a fun night, girls!”

Lorelei looks at Sheridan and nods.

Lorelei: “Me too, bitches!” She shakes her chest and the girls all cheer. “Is it finally time to let loose?”

Ren: “Listen… A bitch has been on champagne and Xan — er…vitamins… all night long so I have to say I’m kinda glad Pat and Grace aren’t here. The only thing I need right now is fun.”

Sheridan: “That’s what I wanted to talk to you guys about. I’m glad we can have fun now because earlier tonight was truly awful.” She bites her lip.

Lauren: “Awful? I thought the meeting went okay. We came to some truces at least.” She bobs her head.

Sheridan: “Imani and I went to talk to Pat after and….I was assaulted tonight, Lauren. The host of the trip sat by and watched the whole thing and did nothing!”

Lauren gasps at Sheridan.

Lauren: “What?! Was it Pat?”

Sheridan: “Yes.”

Ren: “Hold on — Pat HIT you?!”

Lorelei is shown pouring herself another drink and shaking her head.

Lorelei: “This was craziness.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Pat loves to put her hands on people. Maybe her and Ren are meant to be after all.” She side eyes the camera.

Sheridan: “Pat shoved me down and made me twist my ankle.” The camera shows Sheridan’s ankle then pans down to the high heel she is wearing. “Grace still made excuses for it when it happened! She told me to get up and stop being a drama queen while I was laying on the damn ground!” She turns to Imani. “Thank god Imani was there.”

Imani: “It was a scene! Pat looked like a devil, screeching for us to get out of her hut! She shoved her hard.”

Lauren takes a sip of her drink and shakes her head.

Lauren: “Wow. That is insane. And Grace just took her side?”

Sheridan: “Yeah. I’m just flabbergasted that she time and time again makes excuses for such poor behavior just because Pat is her friend.”

Ren: “Sheridan! Why didn’t you call me? I would have fucked both those bitches up. Nobody touches you.”

Sheridan gives her a soft smile.

Imani: “I don’t know why y’all never call Pat or Grace out. It’s been me and Sheridan this entire time it feels like! The things they do are disgusting. Grace is not the high moral person she claims to be.” She crosses her arms.

Lauren: “Pat is way out of line this time.”

Imani: “Lauren, please stop. You advocate for her behavior and want to be her friend. You are just as disgusting as her.” She rolls her eyes.

Lorelei: “Imani.” She nudges her sister. “Stop.”

Lauren holds her hand up.

Lauren: “Imani, I don’t shove people. I’m nothing like Pat.”

Sheridan: “Girls! Anyways — Grace said the trip is over for all of us and for us to pack because Pat said she was leaving and she said if Pat leaves we all have to leave….We have a flight tomorrow afternoon.”

Lorelei laughs.

Lorelei: “Not kicking us out, girl! A mess.”

Ren: “Whoa?! What?! Wait! I want to go back to the house and address this! I can’t believe this. She changed our flights? Are you serious?”

Ren’s Confessional

“I am livid right now. All I can think about is turning this van around and beating the fuck out of Pat and Grace for assaulting Sheridan. Also — what kind of piss poor host cuts the trip short and then doesn’t communicate that to any of her guests? Last time I go on a trip with Grace.” She shakes her head.

Ren: “Driver! Turn us around and go back to the house.”

Imani: “Uh Uh… I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

Ren: “I don’t trust them around my shit!”

Lorelei chuckles and Lauren squeezes Ren’s arm.

Lauren: “No way! We aren’t going back there. You’re heated, let’s just enjoy our last night out and not do things we’re going to regret tomorrow.”

Lauren’s Confessional

“This is our only chance to have a night out and Ren is dragging us back to the problem child, Pat?” She rolls her eyes. “Not on my watch.”

Ren: “No seriously, turn this van around!”

The music picks up as Ren slams her cup down, causing the contents to fly up. Lauren grabs Ren. Sheridan is now also trying to calm down Ren as well.

Ren: “I’m going to fuck them up! I’m not kidding! How dare they!”

Sheridan: “Ren! Calm down, calm down. I’m okay. We need to avoid them and you just need to cool off. Trust me, I get it, I’m angry too!”

Lorelei and Imani look at eachother, shocked.

Lorelei: “What is in the water here in Africa? My god!”

Sheridan pets Ren’s head who seems to be calming down little by little.

Sheridan: “Let’s just please have some fun tonight. This trip has not been the most positive experience and I want to cherish this moment by going out with the girls I genuinely enjoy and consider friends! I’ve already been manhandled by a man tonight, it can’t get any worse.” She laughs a bit.

Lauren keeps her hands on Ren’s shoulders, rubbing them. Ren takes a deep breath in before taking a pill out of her purse and washing it down with champagne.

Ren: “Yes…Whatever…Let’s just have fun.”

Sheridan: “That’s the spirit! Let’s go to the club and shake off this feeling of rage!”

Lorelei: “So who’s getting lit with me?!” She holds her cup up, clearly a little intoxicated.

Lauren: “I’m getting lit with you, Lorelei!”

Lauren downs her drink and the rest of the girls cheer. They start getting up in the van and dancing. Sheridan drinks straight from a tequila bottle as she shimmies and dances, the camera pans to her perfectly fine ankle.

The music changes as the girls get off the bus and walk to the front of the line. Staff members lead the girls in to the epic club. People are dancing in cages all around and it is packed. They are lead to their VIP booth full of bottles.

Staff: “Enjoy, ladies!”

Ren: “Thank you!” She smiles and picks up a bottle, whipping around to face the girls. “I’m ready to have fun! What happens on vacation, stays on vacation!” She holds the bottle up. “Now who wants a shot?!”

Imani runs over and dances, Ren pours a shot in her mouth. Imani wipes her mouth and giggles.

Imani: “Yup! Yup! Yup!”

We get a montage of the girls getting progressively drunker and having fun. Lorelei can be seen twerking on one of the men that came up to their bottles. Her dress is falling down and her nipples are blurred out. Imani comes up and lifts up her dress. Sheridan is up on the bar twerking and shaking her chest.

Sheridan: “WOOOHOOO! Let’s get it ladies!”

Lauren is seen modestly shaking her hips back in forth in the VIP booth. Ren now jumps up on the bar and starts dancing on Sheridan. Sheridan then motorboats her and onlookers watch and cheer.

Sheridan: “WOOOO!”

Ren laughs and grabs Sheridan’s jaw, opening it and pouring a shot in her mouth.

Ren: “YESSS! The girls are back!”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Ren and I are in rare form tonight, hunni. This takes me back to our college days.” She laughs. “Where are the basketball players? I’m kidding I have one at home — seriously.”

Lauren makes her way over, laughing and cheering.


Lauren’s Confessional

“I admit — I may not be the best dancer but at least my friends can dance.” She shrugs.

A drunk Ren gets down from the bar and leans on Lauren’s shoulder.

Ren: “I’m SO glad to have you in my life after all these years. You’re the one I know I can trust, bitch!” She gives Lauren a big hug. “We can always move on from petty shit, our friendship is more than that.”

Lauren smiles and hugs Ren back.

Lauren: “Ren, you’re like my sister. We can fight but we’ll always be cool. I love you.”

Ren: “We are sisters! OG’s! I’m so fucking happy you finally left Richard. He was always staring at my ass.”

Lauren: “Well, I can’t blame him. You have a great ass.”

The two girls laugh and cheers. The camera pans to Sheridan who is falling asleep on a barstool beside them, drooling. In the VIP booth, Lorelei is dancing and continues to shake her chest. Imani looks at her, slightly annoyed. Lorelei tries to drop it low but falls over onto a guy, Imani comes over and helps her up.

Imani: “Girl — get up! You’re embarrassing me.”

Lorelei sways as she pours another drink and looks at her sister.

Lorelei: “Em — Embarrassing you?” She hiccups. “Oh stoppppp, I’m having fun.” She winks.

The ladies stumble out of the club. A large security guard follows the women, carrying Sheridan over his shoulder to back to the Sprinter.



The girls can be heard laughing as the van drives off into the night. The episode ends.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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