[S4E12]: Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Hoe!
Music plays as we see a montage of all of the ladies travelling in first class on a commercial flight. Pat takes a video of Grace snoring loudly. Lorelei and Imani do a mid flight update and share their excitement of getting to the Seychelles. Ren shows her glass of wine and the surprisingly appetizing dinner that the flight is serving.
The music changes as the girls are seen getting off the plane and leaving the Seychelles airport and getting into three large black Escalades. They are split up by who they are closest with; Grace and Pat in the first car, Lorelei, Imani, and Sheridan in the second, and finally Ren and Lauren in the last. We see each group of girls look out the windows and gawk at the beautiful island views. They finally pull into the private villa Grace has rented for the week. They pull up to the massive front door where the house staff is standing outside, holding trays of drinks for the girls.
Grace: “Ladies welcome…” She turns around and smiles at the girls. “Here!” She points back to the house. “Is where we are staying!”
Lauren: “Wow! Grace, you outdid yourself. This place is amazing. Thank God we’re done travelling…” She admires the property as the girls make their way towards the staff.
Sheridan: “How gorgeous! Oh! Hello, thank you.” She smiles as she takes a tropical drink from one of the staff members.
Lorelei: “Yeah, Grace. This really is amazing.”
Imani and Lorelei walk together arm in arm, Imani leans into her sister and whispers.
Imani: “Hmm, maybe Grace does have some taste.” Lorelei giggles.
The women all walk inside, led by the house manager, as the other staff members unload their baggage. The house manager gives the housewives a tour of the magnificent house.
“Now I’m not a huge fan of Grace but this woman knows how to plan a vacation! I mean this place is like luxe, luxe. I’m glad it’s worth it because I’ve lost years off my life travelling here…”
The girls finish their tour back in the front foyer. Grace turns to address the girls.
Grace: “Now… Rooms. I took the liberty of deciding everyone’s rooms to avoid fighting over them. Lorelei and Imani, you are sharing the master suite upstairs. Ren and Lauren, you two can share the other big room upstairs. Sheridan, you and I will be taking the single rooms on this level…And Pat, you can have the hut out back for privacy.” She smiles. “Simple.”
Sheridan: “Yasss! Thanks, babe.” She hugs Grace.
Pat grins and nods.
Pat: “Private hut?! WONDERFUL.”
Lauren rolls her eyes.
“I know Pat’s not on great terms with the other women right now, so I thought best not to have her stay in the main house to avoid a bloodbath.”
Lorelei nods and looks at Grace.
Lorelei: “That’s fine with me.” She squeezes Imani’s hand.
Grace: “Alright ladies, let’s go unpack and have some fun! I thought we could just settle in and do our own things for a few hours, then get ready and head to dinner around eight?”
Lauren: “Works for me! I might try to go down to the beach before dinner, it’s just so beautiful.”
Lorelei: “Thank God, I’m dying for a shower.” She laughs and her and Imani begin to head upstairs.
“It took like 10 thousand years to get to this place and I don’t even know how the hell you pronounce it. All I know is…I’m tired, I’m hot…and I need a shower.”
Sheridan waves as the ladies as she begins to walk to her room.
Sheridan: “I need to call and check on Martin and MJ, I’ll see you girls in a few!”
Ren puts her hands on Lauren’s shoulders.
Ren: “I’m glad to be sharing a room with you because we need to talk later.”
Lauren looks at Ren and raises her eyebrow, not saying a word. The last shot of the scene is Pat walking to the private hut in the back. She laughs to herself.
Pat: “I’m seriously so glad about this hut…”
“I’m not paying no mind to no bitches on this trip. Unless they paying…IF they paying…I’ll give them some time. Without payments, they getting what they give…DUST!”
Whimsical music plays as we get breathtaking shots of the villa the girls are staying at in the Seychelles and the nearby beach. Ren, Lauren, and Sheridan walk out onto the pristine private beach just a minute walk away from the villa.
Ren: “Wow, this is so beautiful.”
“Lauren has basically forgiven me for trying to get her to take the fall for me accidentally telling Pat about Sheridan’s fertility issues….Butttttt we haven’t really discussed it or hung out. I know Sheridan is still mad at me but these are my girls, I’m hoping we can move forward so today we are spending some much needed friendship time by the beach before dinner.”
Sheridan: “It is, I never would have thought to come to the Seychelles but it’s such a hidden gem.”
Lauren: “Everything here is so breathtaking.” The island breeze pushes a strand of hair in front of her face, she gently tucks it behind her ear.
Behind the girls, Ren’s maid Consuela comes into view carrying a large beach bag, clearly struggling.
Ren: “It’s my first time in Africa, I had no idea there were beaches.”
Sheridan laughs.
Sheridan: “I saw a penguin documentary once so I knew there were beaches!”
“I think that’s right…penguins in Africa…? Yeah!”
The girls all sit down and puts their toes in the sand.
Lauren: “I’ve actually been to Africa a few times. You MUST go to Nairobi for a safari. This beach is just amazing though. It’s like a picture you’d see out of a post card.”
Consuela catches up and begins unloading the ingredients to make the girls mojitos. Ren looks over at Consuela and smiles.
Ren: “Thank you, Connie!” She looks out onto the beach and lets out a big, satisfied sigh. “Ahhh…Life is good.”
“I love African penis, as I’m sure you can tell! So I’m basically in heaven right now. Oh, how I love the motherland.” She giddly claps.
As Consuela hands out the drinks, the music turns slightly more serious as Ren turns to address Lauren and Sheridan.
Ren: “Okay so — I do want to start this trip off by apologizing to both of you for telling Pat about everything that’s going on with you. I didn’t think she would turn it back and use it on you in a malicious way. You know I would never betray your trust intentionally.” She sips her drink.
Sheridan nods and then responds.
Sheridan: “I know it wasn’t malicious on your end, I overreacted a bit. Everyone in the group put some trust in that woman and got screwed over — you just happened to trust her with something about me.” She shrugs.
“I’m sure Pat knows nothing about Ren’s secrets because nothing about her has come out yet…but I’m a good friend and they’ll stay locked in the vault on my end.” She smiles.
Lauren lets out a deep sigh.
Lauren: “I know, Ren. I believe you. She is a compulsive liar and lives on drama and trying to turn us against eachother. She needs help.” She squints her eyes. “I just can’t understand how you find that woman enjoyable.”
Ren: “I just think she’s misunderstood and is going through alot right now.”
Lauren: “Well that’s not an excuse to try and ruin my reputation with my best friends.”
Sheridan: “She’s going through alot? You mean the cheating?”
Ren raises an eyebrow.
Ren: “What do you mean?”
Sheridan: “I heard Eddie is a known serial cheater and that Pat just ignores it.”
Lauren looks over at Sheridan, a bit surprised.
Lauren: “Is he really? How did you find out?”
Sheridan nods.
Sheridan: “I mentioned it the other day at Lorelei’s yacht party and Pat ran off.”
Ren: “So here’s the thing… I heard those rumors around Beverly Beach too.” She lets out a sigh before continuing. “Word on the street is that one of the women he had previously had an affair with is in this group.”
The music changes to depict that a major bomb has been dropped. Sheridan and Lauren look at eachother, shocked. Lauren looks slightly amused.
Ren: “That’s the reason why I have so much sympathy for Pat. Imagine being around the woman your boyfriend cheated on you with…”
Lauren: “Wait…what?!”
Sheridan: “Is it…”
Ren: “Yeah…allegedly it’s Imani.”
Lauren puts down her glass and looks at Ren, bewildered.
Lauren: “Oh my god.”
Sheridan: “That would explain the hatred towards one another.” She sips her drink.
Ren: “I think so.” She nods. “Neither of them want to say it though which does kind of make sense. Pat’s probably embarrassed and Imani doesn’t want to come across as a homewrecker. I bet Lorelei knows…but she’s not going to turn against her sister.”
Lauren: “Wow — Lorelei and her truly are sisters.” Her eyes widen.
“The one thing Pat and I have in common? We have cheater significant others. I almost feel bad for her. Also — Imani?! Maybe if Pat wasn’t such a snake I’d want to find common ground with her.” She shrugs. “Too bad she is.”
Sheridan: “Was it Eddie that paid for all of Imani’s surgeries?” She laughs a bit.
“That was mean. Don’t air that.” She grins.
Ren: “Welllllll…apparently Imani was an escort for a while before she got with her ex. She probably had a lot of men paying.”
Sheridan: “Oh! I could never sell my pussy. Martin is the only one with access to my hot box.” She does a little hip thrust and Ren and Sheridan burst out laughing.
Ren: “Honey — Imani’s FUPA is destroyed.”
Lauren: “Stop! I feel bad for her.” She shakes her head. “I mean, Lorelei is clearly the pretty sister. Maybe that’s why she looks for so much attention from men.”
Ren: “Lauren! Oh my god!” She giggles.
Lauren holds up her drink and covers her mouth
Lauren: “Oops! Did I say that outloud?” She snickers.
Sheridan: “You girls ain’t shit!” She is still laughing.
Ren: “I think someone should bring it up to Pat tonight.”
Sheridan: “Oh, you’re just asking for drama now.”
Ren: “Seriously! Think about it, It’s the only way to move on! Maybe she’ll admit that’s the reason she’s been taking her frustration out on you, Lauren!”
Lauren: “I agree, Ren. This trip may be the best place to do it. She can’t get on a paddle board all the way back to the states. She’ll have to face the truth. All of it.”
Sheridan: “Hmmm…That could be the case. The underlying issue here is really Pat and Imani’s issues. When you mix a messy hurt bitch with a mentally handicapped bitch…things just don’t work out.”
Ren: “Right! Anyways, fuck those bitches and their drama! I’m just glad to be spending some quality time with my faves! The calm before the storm.”
The girls all clink drinks and the scene ends.
We get a beautiful aerial shot of the villa and it’s surroundings. The camera follows Grace as she walks out onto the back terrace of the villa. It faces the ocean. She gazes out at the setting sun and takes a deep, relaxing breath.
Grace: “Ahhh…I might just have to move here.”
Pat: “Baby! Look what I have.”
Grace turns around to see Pat walking out, smiling with a bottle of rosè in her hand.
Grace: “Bring is over, girl! We can have a drink before dinner.” She giggles.
“See — this is why I like Pat! She knows how to have a good time.” She smiles.
Grace and Pat grab glasses from the bar on the terrace and pour themselves a drink. As they are doing this and chatting, Lorelei and Imani strut out.
Lorelei: “My gosh, this is so serenes.” She looks around in awe.
Imani poses as she takes selfies.
Imani: “Two more and I’m done…”
Grace: “Hey girls! You both look stunning. Glass of rosè?”
Lorelei: “Yes please!” She smiles at Grace and Pat as the sisters walk over.
Imani: “Hi everyone!”
Imani gives just Grace a hug and the camera pans to Pat who purses her lips together.
“Does Imani know we are in Africa? She’s dressed for Alaska. Poor thing probably couldn’t read the itinerary.” She makes a pouty face.
Pat: “How are you girls?”
Lorelei: “I’m good, Pat. How are you honey?”
Pat: “I’m great! Not feeling the love from all of the ladies — but hey! That’s what happens when you’re honest.” She shrugs.
“I’m not going to ruin this trip by getting into an argument or contributing to the mess. I’ve vowed to be cordial with everyone. Even the ones I don’t necessarily care for.” It switches to a shot of Grace and Pat clinking their wines glasses together. “I can say hi, participate in some small talk, take a picture, whatever.” She rolls her eyes.
The girls all sit down in the outdoor seating area with their glasses of rosè.
Grace: “So I was just talking to Pat and one of the main purposes of this trip is everyone gets a chance to make amends and hopefully this group can have a new beginning.”
Lorelei: “These women can be rough. I know from first hand experience.”
Grace laughs.
Grace: “Tell me about it.”
Pat lets out a big dramatic sigh and sips her wine.
Pat: “Sheridan had a lot to say about me the other night on the booze cruise, huh? Talking about my man cheating…” She laughs a bit. “Is that the best they can do?”
Grace rolls her eyes.
Grace: “That’s just ridiculous.”
Lorelei takes a long sip of her drink before leaning back into her seat calmly.
Lorelei: “Well does he cheat on you Pat?” She looks at her.
Pat: “Of course he doesn’t! Look at him!” She flips her hair. “It’s just amazing everyone questions my intentions and nobody ever questions Lauren’s! Nobody ever questions Sheridan’s!”
“I know Lauren’s been half asleep for the past three years she’s been on this show but lord…she can be shady. She is shady.”
Grace nods in agreement.
“Lauren is a sneaky one. I’m going to need to sleep with one eye open knowing she’s under the same roof as me.” She giggles.
Lorelei makes a face and goes back to sipping her drink.
Lorelei: “Mmmm, well, I just wanted to ask. You know rumors stem from truth.”
“I know first hand…people cheat.” She laughs. “Do I think Eddie is cheating on Pat…?” She sits quietly in her confessional chair and tilts her head. “I know some people around Beverly Beach think that he does… It would make alot of sense….”
Imani leans forward.
Imani: “Here’s the thing — I just feel like we need to dead the rumors. It’s really not going anywhere and it’s deterring us as women.”
Grace: “Mhmm.”
Imani: “People pride in going lower and lower and will just say anything until it hits. It’s getting very nasty.”
Pat: “Wait…I’m sorry but are you talking about being a woman?” She raises her eyebrow.
Imani: “Pat…” She puts her hand up. “I’m not doing it today, I’ve been travelling for 24 hours and we just got here. I’ve had enough.” She looks annoyed.
Pat furrows her brow.
Pat: “No. You don’t get to do that. Let’s be real — The last time I saw you, you were belligerent at my swimsuit launch walking around in a little bikini that was about three sizes too small for you…”
Lorelei flips her hair and rolls her eyes.
Lorelei: “Oh my gosh, you guys. Stop it.”
Imani: “And Pat, I apologize for that! I wasn’t in the right state of mind. I know I was wrong. I was really just angry as well.”
Pat and Grace look at eachother, surprised. Lorelei even looks over at her sister a little surprised.
Pat: “Well that’s actually really refreshing to hear. I appreciate your apology and I can move on as well.” She smiles a little and holds up her glass.
Imani: “Okay, I would hug it out but baby steps.” She laughs and clinks Pat’s glass.
“It’s important for me as a woman to move on with Pat and be done with this. It’s not cool and no progress is being accomplished when we both go low. She can be immature over there by herself. I’m good here.”
Grace sips her rosè silently, observing the exchange. Lorelei looks at Pat suspiciously.
Lorelei: “Andddddd — you can apologize as well.”
Pat: “For what?” She looks at Lorelei, confused.
Lorelei: “For the lies you made up about Imani and I? Or at least for spreading the rumor.”
Pat shakes her head.
Pat: “I already apologized for spreading what Lauren said. I should have never done that!” She starts to get riled up but reigns herself in. “You know — I’ll apologize again.” She turns to the sisters. “I am sorry that I even said anything about either of you ever.”
She rolls her eyes.
“Every rumor has some truth…right Lorelei?”
Lorelei: “Okay, thank you. We’re good over here.” She smiles.
“Hallelujah! Resolution! Progress!”
Imani: “I wanna leave this trip with a clean slate. Thanks for inviting us, Grace.” She smiles and cheers Grace.
Grace: “Of course! Of course! This trip is about making amends and new beginnings.”
Lorelei turns to Grace.
Lorelei: “I know we haven’t had the greatest start in our relationship, but I did want to say thank you for defending me on the booze cruise.” She smiles. “It's nice to be defended for once and I really did appreciate it.”
Grace smiles back at Lorelei.
Grace: “No problem, I’ve grown to care about you as we’ve gotten to know eachother.” She reaches across and squeezes Lorelei’s hand. “I do have a lot of respect for you, particularly as a mother.”
“Lorelei… she’s a complex character I’ll say that. But it’s what lies beneath the surface that counts… The girl’s got a good heart and has good intentions. Plus, she’s happy and that is good enough for me.”
Imani: “Woo! Shall we toast to new beginnings?”
Lorelei: “Cheers to that!”
Lorelei, Imani, Pat, and Grace all cheers and the scene fades out.
The scene begins with a slow mo shot of Grace, Pat, Lorelei, Imani, Ren, Sheridan, and Lauren walking into a fancy restaurant on the beach. They are greeted by a friendly staff who leads the ‘Wives to their private table located on the outside patio which is right on the beach. Ironically, Pat, Grace, Imani and Lorelei sit on one side of the table while Ren, Sheridan, and Lauren sit on the other.
Pat: “Okay this trip keeps getting better and better! This is gorgeous, Grace!” She turns to her right to face Grace and squeals. “Thank you SO MUCH for this experience.”
Lorelei looks over at Pat and chuckles.
Grace: “Of course!”
“Here’s to hoping tonight’s dinner will run smoothly…” She holds up a red solo cup. “But it’s not very likely…” She laughs and takes a drink.
Ren and Sheridan cozy up and look at a menu.
Ren: “I could use a cocktail…”
Lauren: “So Grace, how did you find out about the Seychelles because honestly I’ve never heard of it but it’s spectacular so far.”
Grace: “It’s a regular holiday destination of mine, actually. When I was married to my ex, Dimitri, we came here all the time…I’ve even brought Vivian here a few times.”
Lauren: “Love that.” She smiles and puts on her glasses to read her menu.
A waiter brings out a tray of complimentary cocktails for the ladies and they all cheer. The girls sip their drinks. At the end of the table Lorelei and Imani take selfies together. Ren, Sheridan, and Lauren are in the middle of a discussion when Pat clinks her glass with a knife and the table goes silent.
Pat: “Ladies I would love to make a toast to our hostess with the mostess.” She stands up.
Grace: “Awhh, that’s sweet. You didn’t have to.” She looks up at Pat and smiles.
“I mean, come on! I’m never going to turn down the opportunity for someone to toast me.”
Pat: “Grace, thank you so much for inviting ME on this trip and…” She looks around. “Everyone else.”
Sheridan raises her eyebrow and looks to Ren who raises her eyebrow back.
Lorelei: “Yeah thank you, Grace!” She clinks glasses with Imani.
Sheridan: “Good toast, Auntie Pat!”
Pat: “I can’t wait to see more of the island! Cheers to telling the truth, girls!” She smiles and makes direct eye contact with Sheridan as she sits back down.
The camera pans to Grace who’s expression drops at Pat’s comment.
“Girl…really?” She rolls her eyes. “Way to ruin the moment.” She looks agitated.
Lorelei: “No she didn’t…” She mumbles to Imani.
Imani: “Yes she did…” She stifles a giggle. “Mes-sy”
Sheridan: “If only people told the truth…” She sips her drink and shoots a look at Pat.
Pat: “Yes! If only, Sheridan.” She takes a big gulp of her cocktail.
Sheridan rolls her eyes and Grace looks lost.
Grace: “Am I missing something here?” She looks from Pat to Sheridan.
Pat: “You’re just missing the fabulous food! Let’s eat up.” She motions to the appetizers that were brought out for the table.
Imani: “I am so lost.” She gives Pat a weird look.
Lorelei: “Aren’t we all…”
Lauren: “To the truth!” She says it in a singsong voice and cheers only Ren. The two girls laugh.
Pat: “Oh isn’t that sweet Lauren.” She cocks her head and smiles at her. “Coming from you!”
Ren and Lauren both go silent and look at Pat. Imani rolls her eyes.
Imani: “Okay this is too much bullshit. Cut to the chase.”
“This is getting weird. I think it’s time for Pat to address whatever issue she has with Lauren and Sheridan rather than being obnoxiously passive aggressive.”
Ren: “Before we continue, I agree with Imani. I think Pat and Lauren ought to clear the air. This dinner is getting kind of awkward and I feel like it’s something maybe you two could get past if we just had a conversation?”
Pat: “Clear the air about what? I’m all good over here baby.” She leans back in her seat smugly.
Ren: “You two clearly have tension.” She motions between Lauren and Pat.
Grace: “You two were friends! Lauren, you brought Pat into this group. I think you guys just had a miscommunication that you can talk out.”
“Look…No issue is irreperal. I mean look at me and Lorelei! Anything is possible, Pat and Lauren are both just incredibly stubborn.”
Sheridan: “Well Pat needs to clear the air on why she’s lying on Lauren. Constantly.” She has a stern face as she looks over at Pat.
Lorelei: “Ooop!” She looks over at her sister, wide eyed. “Here we go.”
Pat: “Why are you speaking, Sheridan? I heard Pat and Lauren. Not Pat and Sheridan.” She dismissively waves her hand and focuses her attention on Lauren. “Lauren?”
Lauren: “Listen — You and I both know I didn’t start the rumor about Lorelei and Imani. I know you’re deflecting. I was so confused why you have this…hatred. Today I found out exactly why.” She shrugs nonchalantly as the table focuses on Lauren. “It’s time for the truth to come out, Pat.” She glances at Imani. “Should we talk about it here?”
“I’m staying out of this! I just made up with Pat and I’m not getting my lil’ nails involved in all this.”
Pat: “Yeah! Let’s talk about it!” She shoots Lauren a dangerous look. “You should be careful, but sure.” Her lips curl into a smirk.
“Let’s see what Lauren put together before we got here. Lord knows she has enough time on her hands to research and rehearse a good read.
Lauren: “I don’t need to be careful. I’m not the one fucking your boyfriend.”
Everyone around the table looks surprised by what Lauren said. Ren chokes on her drink and Sheridan squeals. Grace puts her head in her hands. Pat looks a bit taken aback at first but regains her composure.
Pat: “Who’s fucking my man? Not you I’m sure. He doesn’t like dried up pussy, sorry!” She flips her hair.
Lorelei looks at Pat with disgust.
Lorelei: “Uh uh, ew.”
Imani leans out across the table to face Lauren.
Imani: “I’m so confused…You’re saying Pat is deflecting but you’re doing the same to her. Lauren, all night you’ve been beating around the bush and it seems like you’re looking for a moment.”
Lauren shakes her head and laughs, she goes back to talking to Pat.
Lauren: “It really doesn’t bother you that Eddie is paying Imani the prostitute over there.” She points her fork at Imani. “Ok, I guess you already know then.” She leans back.
Grace’s jaw drops. Lorelei gasps and looks at Imani.
Ren: “Imani had an affair with Eddie, Pat did you know?”
Grace: “Now hold up, hold up…Wait a damn minute…” She’s shaking her head in disbelief.
Imani: “You all are hilarious trying to get at me. You also look pathetic doing it.” She shrugs.
Lauren: “When I heard it, it all made sense! Your delusion, the lying! This is why we need to talk about why you’re denying before we can even sort out our issues.
Pat: “You know what girlies…” She stands up. “LET’S PLAY A GAME!”
Sheridan looks around, trying to process everything going on. Lorelei puts her head in her palms.
Lorelei: “Oh my gosh!”
Pat: “We’re going to play my favorite game: Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.”
Ren looks up at Pat, confused.
Ren: “What is this?”
Pat ignores Ren and continues.
Pat: “It just so happens that someone here is also fucking around.”
Ren: “Pat, sit down. You’re being ridiculous. You have to stop deflecting.”
She begins slowly walking around the table. Lauren turns to Ren.
Lauren: “I guess we are still going to live in the delusion…”
“Of course Pat magically has a rumor to deflect when something is said about Eddie. One of Pat’s classic deflection methods. Make up a rumor to cause chaos. Not this time, sister.” She glares at the camera.
Sheridan: “Hol’ up — So Eddie is five inches deep in Imani and Pat…wants to play a game?”
Imani: “He was never in me! I just moved to Beverly Beach. I don’t know Pat nor have a met her man.” She rolls her eyes. “So fucking ridiculous.”
Pat walks around the table.
Pat: “Eeny…Meeny…Miny… Moe…Which girl here fucked her man’s best friend?”
Lorelei: “Oh my god. This is a mess.”
“Lord… I don’t even know what this dinner is turning into. It’s like a children’s birthday party…and we’re the children! I mean everyone’s acting like it.” She looks pissed off.
Pat hovers her hand over Grace.
Pat: “Not you, baby.” She squeezes Grace’s shoulder and winks before continuing to walk around.
Grace giggles silently.
Grace: “I don’t swing that way, honey. So good choice.”
“Okay, not going to lie. I’m nervous for Ren.”
Pat makes her way to Ren and pauses with her hand over her.
Pat: “Ren, why don’t we ask Lauren about what she decided to tell me about you, baby girl.”
Ren looks up at Pat, confused.
Ren: “What the fuck are you talking about?”
Lauren: “What?!”
Grace looks to Lauren.
Imani: “Aw, now this backfired.”
Lorelei smacks the table in shock but then lets out a cackle.
Lorelei: “Nuh uh!”
“Oooooh! This is getting good.” She laughs. “Ren? I always knew she was the real hoe of the group. She tried to pawn it off on me last year. If this rumor is true then… she should wear the scarlet letter.”
Sheridan: “Pat, stop! This is dumb.”
Pat: “Y’all wanna talk about my man? I will always win at my favorite game. Now Lauren, TELL THE TRUTH!”
Lauren: “What truth? I’ve never told you a single thing about Ren. You just constantly make up these B.S. rumors then try to shift the blame and ruin relationships. We’re sick of it, Pat!”
Sheridan: “She needs to go, that’s what she needs to do...” She drinks her cocktail.
Ren: “This is getting out of hand! I don’t know what this lady is talking about.” She motions to Pat.
Imani: “But it wasn’t getting out of hand when you were backing up these nasty rumors about me? Girl, spare me! You two deserves every bit of this.” She motions to Ren and Lauren. “The little clique.”
Grace nods at Imani.
“Regardless of what’s true and what’s not, Ren and Lauren are both hypocrites. Their little duo and their henchman Sheridan will do stuff to people all the time but don’t like when the same thing is done to them.” She shakes her head. “No ma’am. That’s not how it works.”
Pat: “Lauren, I’ll give you one more time to answer honestly. What did you tell me about Ren.”
Lauren: “Absolutely nothing.” She looks at Pat like she’s crazy.
Pat makes a buzzing sound.
“Oh my fucking god. This woman is deranged! I’m scared for my life! Is she going to kill Ren now?!”
Lorelei looks at Grace as if she’s enjoying the theatrics.
Lorelei: “This is too much!”
Pat: “Unfortunately Lauren, now you have to deal with the consequences of losing the game!”
“Are we in a fucking Saw movie? Is this chick going to rip my limbs off now or something?!”
Pat quickly picks up Ren’s water glass and launches it into Lauren’s face.
Pat: “Game OVER!”
Ren leaps up as some of the cross fire gets on her. Pat drops the glass and it shatters on the table. Imani gets up and claps.
Imani: “That’s how you clear a felon!”
Ren: “Fuck no, we ain’t doing this! No, no.”
Grace: “Pat!”
Sheridan: “Oh my god.” She gets up.
Lorelei: “Girl…”
Lauren sits in her seat, drenched. She has a calm reaction and shakes her head and laughs.
Lauren: “You’re so fucking delusional.”
Lauren glares at Pat as Pat gathers her belongings. She picks up her napkin and tosses it on the table in front of Lauren.
Pat: “Dry yourself off, dog. Goodnight ladies.” She walks out of the restaurant with her hand in the air, laughing.
Grace gets up.
Grace: “Pat! You can’t just walk out and leave it like this!” She begins to follow Pat out.
Sheridan: “What an evil, disgusting, miserable woman.” She begins trying Lauren off with her napkin. “Are you okay, babe?”
Lorelei and Imani remain at the table.
Lorelei: “Okay that wasn’t cool. That was low.” She pulls her sister in closer to whisper. “Girl, we can’t be associating with people like that. That’s too much.”
“I mean…wow! I’m shocked! I was in tears almost…” She laughs. “Pat has truly lost her rabbit ass mind. Revelations were made tonight, that’s for sure! That girl is crazy!”
Imani: “That definitely wasn’t the best way to handle that.”
“Though I may not like Pat, I am glad she was quick to shut down the rumor made up by Lauren and Ren. That was nasty, Lauren deserved every bit of it…nasty ass skank. SKANK!”
Grace hurries back to the table, it is now dark outside and torches line the beach. Lauren sits in her chair as Sheridan helps her dry off and Ren is texting on her phone.
Grace: “I tried to follow Pat to talk to her, but I have no idea where she went! She just ran off.” She looks upset.
Ren: “So classless. I should just leave.”
Lauren: “What just happened? Like seriously. That woman needs medicine.”
Sheridan nods.
Sheridan: “Grace, your friend is insane.”
Grace: “Excuse me? Don’t put this on me! I’m not her keeper.”
Sheridan: “Yeah but we need you to not enable her behavior!”
Grace: “I don’t! I’ve had private conversations with her!”
The rest of the girls get up from the table and start heading for the exit.
Ren: “I can’t wait to go back and get to bed. Tonight has been quite the spectacle.”
“This is my trip. I’m not here to be blamed for Pat’s actions and certainly not by someone like Sheridan. Goodnight from the higher level.” She smirks and waves.
The episode ends as the rest of the girls begin to gather their things and head out of the restaurant.