[S4E11]: Woman Overboard

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
27 min readDec 20, 2021


(From L to R: Ren Rose, Grace Faroe, Lorelei Fox, Lauren Barnes, & Sheridan Campbell)

The episode opens with upbeat music. We see the glitzy lights of Beverly Beach after dark as we get a wide shot of the city center. Grace walks into a rooftop bar and sits down at a table, she takes out her phone and begins texting.

Grace’s Confessional

“After all the craziness of Pat’s bikini launch, I’m tired out. With work and everything… Luckily, however, Sheridan invited me out for happy hour at this… bar, I think it is?” She looks confused. “Yeah… It’s a bar…”

The camera pans to Sheridan who walks into the bar. When she sees Grace she smiles and waves.

Sheridan & Grace

Sheridan: “Hey diva!”

Grace puts her phone away and stands up to hug Sheridan.

Grace: “Hi, honey! How are you?”

Sheridan: “I’m good, still reeling from that bikini line launch party…” She shakes her head.

Grace sits back down.

Grace: “Come… sit. Let’s get into it.”

As Sheridan sits down and settles in, her confessional plays.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“At the bikini launch, Pat was extremely insensitive with how she spoke about my fertility…”

She claims Lauren told her, but that isn’t something I’ve personally discussed with anyone in the group except Lorelei and Ren before I was on the show…” She shrugs. “Not sure what to believe but I do know Pat was foul to blast it.”

Sheridan: “I was obviously extremely hurt by Pat declaring to the group that I am infertile. That’s extremely below the belt and a sensitive topic for me. I don’t tell alot of people, you know.”

Grace: “I know…” She looks concerned. “I have defended Pat over a lot of accusations and things she said, but that was crossing the line. Truly. That’s why I left shortly after you… I felt so uncomfortable.”

Grace’s Confessional

“Upon reflection, what Pat revealed about Sheridan being infertile is disgusting. She DEFINITELY owes Sheridan an apology. Never use another woman’s infertility as ammo for an insult. Ever. It’s the low of all lows and it’s not cute… like at all.”

Sheridan: “I think she did it as retaliation since I confirmed to Lorelei that Lauren was not the woman who revealed all the tea on Imani. It was in fact Pat telling Ren, Lauren, and myself. I think I caught her off guard with my honesty in the moment. She used my infertility to hurt me.”

Grace: “What she did was not right, at all. I’m going to try and make her see that what she did was wrong. She needs to apologize to you.”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“The truth is I’m still extremely insecure about the fact that I couldn’t give Martin a child — to know that your husband was unfaithful because you are not capable of giving him a child — and then have another woman be able to provide that to him — it haunts me everyday. It hurts that a woman in this circle would throw that in my face.”

Sheridan nods.

Sheridan: “With all the drama that has surrounded her, I am perfectly fine not ever speaking to Pat Fireson ever again.”

Grace: “I understand that you feel that way, honestly, I do. What she said was unacceptable. However, if she is willing to apologize for what she said, are you willing to give her that chance?”

Grace’s Confessional

“Yes, Pat may have blotted her copybook with these women…but hopefully I can try and salvage some of the mess. However, I’m not doing all the work for her. She’s got to put the effort in too.”

Sheridan: “I don’t know, Grace.” She shrugs. “The bitter bitch in me is like fuck that woman but the adult that I’ve tried so hard to be post — divorce is willing to hear her out.”

Grace: “Two wrongs don’t make a right, after all. If you appear to be the bigger person in this kind of situation and rise above it, then someone like Pat is more likely to respect you.”

Sheridan: “She needs to apologize for being a cunt.” She takes a shot.

Grace puffs her cheeks out and shrugs, not sure what to say in response.

Music plays as views of Beverly Beach help transition into the next scene. The camera zooms in on an expensive neighborhood full of mansions. The music fades out as we get a glamourous back shot of Lauren and Sheridan walking up to Lorelei’s front door and ringing automated doorbell. The Ring sounds plays as Lauren smiles giddily, holding a bottle of wine close to her chest.

Lauren’s Confessional

“Now that Lorelei and I have made up, I am actually happy to hang out with her and the girls to have a relaxing girls evening. Lorelei invited over a…limited…amount of girls today, in good judgment.”

Lorelei opens her front door wide open and smiles at the two women.

Lorelei: “Hiiiii! Oh my gosh, you both look gorgeous. Come in, come in!” She moves out of the way and lets them in.

Sheridan and Lauren look around her massive house, clearly impressed.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I am excited to see Lorelei’s home as we’ve never been invited over before and I am in fact a nosey bitch.” She laughs.

Sheridan: “Wow! What a nice place Lorelei.” She inches an envelope out of the way with her finger to reveal a bill that is laying on the kitchen counter. When she notices she is being filmed, she hastily covers it back up and clears her throat.

Lorelei: “Thank you! We built it. It didn’t feel right staying in my old house.” She leads the girls to the living room.

Lauren: “Aw, I didn’t know I was going to meet Banks today!” She makes her way over to Xavier who is holding Banks. “Hey, Xavier!” She gives him a half hug then leans down and begins making faces at the baby.

Xavier: “Hey Lauren, nice to see you again.”

Lorelei: “Sheridan, meet my husband Xavier.” She goes over and rubs his arm and gives Banks a kiss on the cheek.

Sheridan: “Hi Xavier. Nice to finally meet you after hearing so many things!” She laughs. “Mostly good of course.” She forces out another awkward laugh.

The camera pans to Lauren who begins to smirk but looks down and stops herself. She glances at Lorelei.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“Okay…I lied! I’ve heard mostly bad things, but hey, I don’t judge!”

Xavier: “Lovely to meet you, Sheridan.”

Lorelei: “Okay well — Xavier, babe…Take Banks into the other room so I can chat.” She smiles and Xavier obediently walks off with Banks after saying goodbye to Sheridan and Lauren.

Ren: “Hello?”

Ren’s faint voice and then footsteps can be heard as she let herself in. She finds the women in the living room and smiles.

Sheridan: “Oh hey girl, hey!”

Lauren: “Hey baby.”

Ren: “Hiiiii guys. Sorry I’m late! Business and the whole man thing.” She makes her way to the girls and gives Lorelei a hug. “Hi babe!”

Ren’s Confessional

“I’m honestly surprised I was invited to Lorelei’s. The last time we saw each other she was being extra AF! I’m hoping tonight she can be REAL for a change.” She shrugs.

Lorelei comes back with a bottle of wine and four glasses on a tray. The ‘Wives settle into the couches for a post-event gossip sesh, glasses of wine in hand.

Lorelei: “First things first…” She turns her attention to Ren. “Ren, I’d like to apologize for my behavior towards you at Sheridan’s tasting a few weeks ago. I know we haven’t seen eachother in a while but can we please just squash it and move on?”

Sheridan nods and raises her wine glass up.

Sheridan: “Yes! Let’s move on! I don’t like to see my girls fighting over stupid stuff — “ She looks from Lorelei to Ren. “Especially stuff that a woman who is old enough to be all of our mother’s has conjured up.”

Lauren: “If Lorelei and I can make up, you guys can too. C’mon.” She chuckles.

Ren takes a sip of her wine before responding.

Ren: “I would love to move on…but what made you behave that way? I thought we were making progress.”

Lorelei lets out a sigh.

Lorelei: “It’s a defense mechanism. I immediately go into fight or flight whenever I feel stressed or like things are getting out of my control. It’s something I’m working on.” She smiles softly at Ren. “We can continue to make progress.”

Ren: “Great.” She smiles at Lorelei. “I will also try to be more understanding as well.”

Sheridan: “It’s disgusting how Pat thought she could do all of that to Lauren and get away with it and try to pit everyone against eachother.” She shakes her head. “She not only tried to pin the misinformation and rumors on Lauren but all the shit she’s said about Imani and Lorelei trashing their characters…” She motions to Lorelei.

Ren: “I do feel like Pat may have gotten some information mixed up and that has been a source of alot of this drama.”

Lauren rolls her eyes.

Lauren: “Pat knows what she’s doing but she’s not fooling any of us.”

The camera pans to Lorelei’s phone on the couch that is silently buzzing. She picks up the phone and the other ladies go silent.

Lorelei: “Oh — It’s Grace FaceTiming me?” She looks at the other girls, a little confused. “Let me answer.”

Ren and Lauren look at eachother and raise their eyebrows. Sheridan takes out her phone and begins texting. Lorelei answers and puts on a smile, turning so she not only gets herself but the other girls in the frame as well.

Grace: “Hey girly! Oh! I see you’re all together so this kills many birds with one stone!” She laughs.

Lorelei: “Yeah! Me, Ren, Sheridan, and Lauren are just catching up.”

Grace: “Fun, fun…Well, anyways, I wanted to let you all know that I’m organizing a trip to the Seychelles for the group. They are a group of beautiful, beautiful islands off the coast of Africa. You’ll love it!”

Lorelei: “Oooh, How fun.” She sounds a little less than impressed.

Grace: “Everyone is invited! This trip is an opportunity for the group to reconnect.”

The camera pans to Ren who scoffs a bit.

Ren: “So does that mean Pat will be in attendance?”

Grace: “Well yes. Everyone is invited. I don’t want the trip to be a battle royale. I want this to be positive since the last one was a car crash…Just you guys think it over and get back to me. I gotta get back to work but I really hope you guys decide to come. I’ve talked to Pat.”

Lorelei: “Alright…We’ll let you know.” She gives one last fake smile before hanging up. She looks to the other girls. “I dunno…Could be fun? I’ve never been to the Sec — whatever she said!”

Sheridan shakes her head.

Sheridan: “I’m not putting up with the dramatics from Pat on a vacation. Aspen seemed to be bad enough without her.”

Ren: “To even think about going on vacation with her she owes most people here an apology. Grace said she talked to her?” She laughs to herself. “I wonder how that went.”

The camera follows Pat as she walks into the Haus of Faroe reception area. She greets the receptionist at the front desk and moments later Grace appears.

Grace: “Pat! How nice to see you.” She gives her air hugs and kisses.

Pat: “Hello, this is so impressive.” She looks around, gawking.

Grace smiles and looks around.

Grace: “Yes…Yes it is. And it’s all mine!” She laughs. “Come on through to my office and we can sit and have a chat.”

The women make their way into Grace’s office and sit in the chairs.

Pat: “I’m dying to know what you thought of my swimsuits at my launch the other night? Thank you again for coming. It meant alot to me to have a supportive group there.”

Grace smiles and reaches across the desk and squeezes Pat’s hand.

Grace: “Yes, of course. I’m always willing to support a friend in the fashion industry. After all, this is my world.” She sticks her nose in the air gleefully.

Grace’s Confessional

“Pat’s swimsuits were good…for a beginner. She’ll learn.” She smiles.

Pat: “Amazing! I’m glad to hear. So…you said you wanted to talk to me about something?” She raises an eyebrow.

Grace: “Yes, I do. So I’ll get straight into it. I want to take the group on a trip.” She shuffles in her oversized desk chair.

Pat: “Oh! Where?”

Grace: “The Seychelles. It’s a tropical paradise off the coast of Africa! I think it’ll be a good way for the group to have our kumbaya moment. We need to reconnect…badly. But this isn’t the main reason why I brought you here today.”

Pat: “Oh?” She looks at Grace, confused.

Grace: “We need to talk about what happened at your bikini launch.” She leans forward. “What was said, revealed, etcetera.”

Pat: “What’s the tea?” She raises her eyebrow.

Grace: “Listen, Pat. I am a pretty tolerant woman and I will have your back, but only to a point. Some things you said to the other women at your launch, more specifically Sheridan, I…I just can’t defend that.” She looks at Pat.

Grace’s Confessional

“I’m going to tread lightly with Pat here. I’m just hoping she can show some remorse and accountability for her behavior so the whole group can move forward. Sheridan and I obviously do not see eye to eye but the fact that Pat used Sheridan’s infertility as a jab…not cool.”

Pat leans back into her seat.

Pat: “Well I definitely did not bring up her infertility to hurt her. I was just trying to get my point across that there is someone in the group that clearly doesn’t have everyone’s best interest at heart and is leaking people’s personal business.”

The scene transitions back to Lorelei, Sheridan, Ren and Lauren sipping wine in the Sullivan-Fox residence.

Lauren: “I really don’t know about this trip. Pat can apologize all she wants but I will never move forward with her.” She shakes her head. “She has done too much to me. I’m willing to be friendly with her if she admits everything is a lie.”

Lorelei: “The girl truly has no limits. Lauren and Ren — You weren't there but she took a pretty unforgivable shot at Sheridan.”

The girls all look to Sheridan. She hangs her head. Lauren and Ren look to eachother with confused looks on their face. Sheridan looks back up at the girls and sighs.

Sheridan: “Lauren, did you know that Pat revealed that you told her that I was infertile?”

Lorelei looks shocked, Ren lets out a gasp and Lauren’s jaw drops.

Lauren: “Sheridan, what?”

Lauren’s Confessional

“I didn’t even know this about Sheridan until right now. I just…I would never, oh my god! Pat is out of control.”

Sheridan: “I didn’t even tell you that I couldn’t have children, Lauren. Only Ren and Lorelei know that…” The camera pans to Ren and Lorelei. “This is yet another reasons why I believe the woman is a liar and foul. I’m really just uncomfortable being around her.”

Ren takes a large gulp of water and Lauren puts her hand on her chest solemnly.

Lauren: “I swear I would never spread your personal information around like that. I honestly have never heard that before!”

Ren: “Pat is out of line. I don’t know why she would ever repeat what Lauren told her.”

A dramatic sound plays as Lauren looks at Ren, taken aback.

Lauren: “Repeat? Do you think I told her that? I just said I never heard this before — “

Lorelei’s eyes widen as she looks between the two friends.

Ren: “Lauren, you probably told her in confidence so that she would cut Sheridan some slack, right?She gives Lauren a serious stare and takes a long drink from her wine glass.

The camera pans to Lorelei who looks away from the uncomfortable conversation.

Lauren: “I can’t believe she has you fooled, Ren! Are you kidding me?! We’re suppose to be the ones who see through the bullshit — Like last year.” The camera shows Lorelei. “Sheridan just said she didn’t even tell me!”

Sheridan holds her finger up to interject.

Sheridan: “Hold up — I’m confused. How would Lauren even know about my infertility? I only shared it with you two…” She looks from Lorelei to Ren. “Unless one of you discussed it.”

Lorelei: “Not me, chile…” She flips her hair and crosses her legs.

After an awkward silence Ren stops biting her lip and speaks up.

Ren: “Okay, fine. It may have been possible that I mentioned it to Pat in passing. I never would have thought she would use it against you, Sheridan!”

Sheridan’s mouth drops.

Sheridan: “Wow.”

Lorelei looks at Ren and makes a face, shaking her head.

Lorelei: “My god.” She now looks to Sheridan, concerned.

Lorelei’s Confessional

“I am living for this mess right now. Last year the target was always on me. This year the target is on Pat, it’s warranted to be honest. The point is, the little inner circle always sticks together to boot somebody out. But these girls lowkey don’t like eachother and it’s finally showing.”

Sheridan begins gathering her belongings, Ren gets up to sit next to Sheridan.

Ren: “Sher, you know you’re one of my best friends. It was not malicious in the slightest! She asked me some questions over a few cocktails and I may have mentioned it…”

Lauren: “Unbelievable…”

Lauren’s Confessional

“Ren, girl. Why did you even throw my name into it and then backtrack a minute later? Real friends don’t do that. Ren really through me for a loop today. Her and Pat may have a friendship forming because they are such compulsive liars.” She shakes her head. “This is too much.”

Sheridan gets up with her things.

Sheridan: “I’m going to head out before I say some fucked up shit. That’s foul of you, Ren.” She glares at her friend.

Ren looks confused.

Ren: “Oh my god, don’t be so dramatic! It was a fucking accident.”

As Sheridan walks out of Lorelei’s house, the scene transitions back to Grace and Pat talking in the Haus of Faroe office where they continue the conversation about Pat’s behavior.

Grace: “Pat…” She gives her a stern look. “What you said to Sheridan at your Bikini Launch was unacceptable. You went way too far and you need to recognize that.”

Pat sucks in her cheeks, clearly annoyed but she caves.

Pat: “Well, I have no issue with Sheridan so I will apologize to her.”

Pat’s Confessional

“Who does Grace think she is? I know she’s like 20 years my senior but don’t talk down to me. Last I heard you were saying some pretty unacceptable things to.” She gives the camera a look.

Grace: “Thank you! You are my friend, Pat…but I can’t constantly defend you to these women. They are all pieces of work…they want to ICE YOU OUT, that’s how bad it is.” She sighs and organizes some papers on her desk.

Pat: “What do you mean ice me out? Was there a conversation?” She raises her eyebrow.

Grace: “After what went down at your launch party, the group didn’t want anything to do with you. I talked to Sheridan. The general consensus is that they just don’t really want you around.” She shrugs.

Grace’s Confessional

“Look, I’ve had to make alot of promises to the other women regarding Pat. The least she can do is be grateful that I stopped them from cancelling her ass.”

Pat: “Well listen… I’m a straight shooter. I’m new to this circle of friends that has already had years of establishing friendships. I will not allow people to throw out rumors about people and keep that to myself. The Imani and Lorelei stuff was silly, the Sheridan situation is serious…But the shit I was told about Ren. Devastating.” The sides of Pat’s mouth curl into a subtle smirk. “I told these girls not to push me.”

Grace: “I understand that and you’re being you. I get it. Just be careful, think before you speak. These women are sensitive.” She rolls her eyes. “Trust me, I know.”

Pat: “They are coming at the wrong person though. I have nothing to gain!”

Grace: “Just own that what you said at your launch to Sheridan was wrong and we can all move forward. That’s what I’m asking, as your friend. I want this trip to be a positive experience for everyone.”

Pat shakes her head.

Pat: “After hearing all of this, I don’t think you should invite me to Africa.”

Grace: “Why not?” She looks confused.

Pat: “The girls clearly don’t want me there. You are trying to establish friendships with them all, maybe it would be better for everyone if I just didn’t go?”

Grace’s Confessional

“Seriously?! I’ve done ALL this work to try and stop you from being iced out of this group of women. I basically drop an opportunity for you to make amends with these girls on the trip but you’re just going to say ‘No thanks, I’m good’?!” She looks at the camera. “Make it make sense!”

Grace: “Listen, this is my trip. I can invite whoever I damn well please. If the rest of those women don’t like it, then tough! Everyone is invited and that’s that on that!” She leans back in her chair.

Pat smiles a bit.

Pat: “Well then it’s settled.”

Grace: “Now get the hell out of my office so I can invite these girls.”

Pat and Grace laugh and the scene ends.

Sexy music plays as Lorelei is seen walking around the deck of a docked yacht, instructing the staff aboard of how to set up for her Booze Cruise. She approaches one of the bar managers.

Lorelei: “Alright, we have a fully stocked bar right? These girls are alcoholics and will drink like fish.” She laughs.

Lorelei & Grace

A cool slow mo shot of Grace walking down the dock and boarding the boat is show. As she gets aboard she smiles and nods.

Grace: “Impressive.”

Grace’s Confessional

“I’m actually surprised Lorelei invited me on this booze cruise today to be very honest. I guess this must be an olive branch or something…a step in the right direction?” She raises her eyebrow and smiles.

Lorelei: “Hey Grace! Thank you for coming!” She gives her an air kiss and a tequila shot.

Grace takes the shot and squirms, puckering her face up.

Grace: “Now THAT is strong!” She laughs.


Lauren now walks onto the deck.

Lauren: “Hey! You ladies look great!”

Grace turns around and narrows her eyes at Lauren before forcing a fake smile.

Grace: “Lauren, hi!”


Sheridan struts down the dock in a skimpy bikini and high heels, already holding a red solo cup full of liquor.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I am ready to turn up! I’m coming today with a lot on my mind and I am going to try and not pop off on Pat or Ren, but no promises.”


The music changes as Ren walks down the dock. She is escorted onto the boat by one of the crew members.

Ren: “Thanks, babe.”

She looks the muscular twenty-something up and down before entering the deck. On the deck, the other ladies are already mingling. Sheridan, Lorelei, Lauren, and Grace all turn to look at Ren.

Ren’s Confessional

“Most of these girls are angry towards me for no reason, but I’m here.” She has a smug look on her face. “I really don’t care! And I would never miss an opportunity to wear my REN bikini.” She winks.

Ren gracefully snatches a glass from a server that was passing by as she struts over to approach the women, sunglasses still on.

Ren: “Don’t mind if I do…Well, hello, hello girls.”

Grace just looks up at Ren and smiles subtly.

Grace’s Confessional

“The last time I saw Ren didn’t go so great.”


Sheridan: “Hi Ren.” She smiles. “How fun, we match in our white.”

The camera pans to Lauren who lags behind the group, clearly avoiding contact with Ren.

Lauren’s Confessional

“I am not totally over the other day with Ren. I know we will get over it eventually because we are better friends than one issue…but it sucks that she was trying to falsely accuse me of something and lie about it. I still need some time.”

Ren gets closer to the group and smiles at Grace.

Ren: “Grace, I love the dress, how?…Fun.” She gives Grace a quick up — and — down.

Grace rolls her eyes.

Grace: “You wish you could pull a blazer off, honey.” She walks off to get another drink from the bar.

Pat Fireson

All the girls attention turns to the ladder as Pat climbs up and onto the deck. Grace seems to be the only one happy to see her.

Pat: “This is beautiful.” She waves at the ladies with a sweet smile. “Hello all!”

Pat’s Confessional

“I’m excited to let loose with the girls. The last time we were all together for my launch…it was a bit of a mess. Hopefully we can all have a nice time, get along, and enjoy this beautiful yacht.”

Grace: “Hi Pat, baby.”

Ren: “Girls! Let’s sit and chat for a second…” They all make their way to the large seating area on the deck. “So I need to let the group know that Elyse is fine. Her and Tessa secretly got married and moved London together.” She grins. “She thought filming would be too much as they are in the process of adopting a beautiful baby.”

Sheridan: “I love that for her!”

Grace claps and smiles. Ren passes around her phone, showing pictures of Elyse’s wedding leaked in Page Six.

Lorelei: “Aw, good for her.”

Ren: “I’m pissed she didn’t invite me to the wedding but she’s happy! Look at them!”

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I’m truly happy for Elyse. We had a great moment in Aspen clearing the air and were getting to know each other and enjoy each other’s company. I truly wish her the best and know she is having a blast, smiling and laughing in her new home.”

Pat’s Confessional

“I didn’t know Elyse all that well. She was a new friend but from the moment I met her I knew she was an amazing individual with a big heart. I know that this group will be missing a chunk of heart but I know she’s in a happier place with people she truly loves. I hope one day we cross paths again.”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“Elyse and I didn’t always see eye to eye, obviously. But to hear she got married & is in the process of getting a baby, that’s honestly heartwarming. Regardless of our past, I wish her nothing but the best.” She smiles.

Grace’s Confessional

“Elyse rang me personally to let me know she got married a few days ago. Words can’t express how happy I am for her and Tessa and their plans for the future. Elyse, my dear friend… “ She tearfully looks at the camera. “You have your whole life ahead of you and in the time I’ve known you, you’ve wanted to live contently and have your happy-ever-after. Here’s to you.” She raises a glass to the camera and takes a sip, wiping tears from her eyes.

Lauren puts her hand over her mouth as she looks at Elyse and Tessa’s wedding photos. Pat and Grace look over her shoulder oohing and ahhhing as well.

Lauren: “Oh they both look so beautiful! That is so like her just to up and leave for London!” She laughs.

Lauren’s Confessional

“It’s not an Irish goodbye, its an Elyse goodbye. I am going to miss her so much. We had such a close bond here, so I know we will keep up on FaceTime and texts.” She smiles.

Ren’s Confessional

“Elyse is one of my favorite people in the world and I’ve learned so much from her over the years! I’m glad she’s transitioned into this new chapter and is the happiest she’s ever been. I’m going to miss her a lot” She starts to tear up. “How am I going to deal with all these crazy women without her?

Grace raises her glass, all the other women follow suit.

Grace: “To Elyse!”

Lorelei: “To…Elyse!” She smiles.

Lauren: “To Elyse!”

Ren: “To Elyse Sewell!”

Pat: “To her happiness!”

Sheridan: “Cheers to the fashion icon!”

Sweet music plays as the girls finish their cheers and go back to mingling. A montage plays as the boat sets sail and the girls start taking shots and getting more drinks. They dance up on the table and all around the deck. Finally they settle down and sit back down at the table. Lauren and Ren are talking on one side Ren whispers to Lauren, slurring her words slightly.

Ren: “Imma talk to Grace about this trip…”

Lauren barely shrugs before Ren whips around and speaks.

Ren: “So Grace, this trip.”

Grace stops talking to Pat and turns to face Ren.

Grace: “Yes?”

Ren: “It sounds super amazing and all but… I think we should get somethings out of the way before we all go across the globe together.”

The table goes silent and Grace takes a sip of her drink before responding skeptically.

Grace: “Like what?”

Sheridan looks up from her drink and blinks her eyes rapidly.

Ren: “I’ll just come out and say it. Don’t you think you owe Lauren and I an apology?”

Grace looks taken aback.

Grace: “Who? Me?!” She looks around, confused. Pat sips her drink beside her.

Ren: “Yeah — The last time we saw you, you were grabbing us pretty violently…”

Grace’s Confessional

“This…is unbelievable. I was trying to do the right thing over this situation and now I’m expected to apologize? Well, if it’s an apology that Ren and Lauren are looking for…They’ll be waiting for one…for a long, loooooong time.”

Lauren nods.

Lauren: “I agree with Ren. You blatantly lied about me to all my friends. I think you owe at least me an apology.”

Grace looks straight at Ren and squints her eyes.

Grace: “I don’t owe you shit.” She now points between Ren and Lauren. “Either of you! I stepped in because Lorelei wanted to leave and you both ganged up on her, per usual.” She points to Lorelei. “This woman is a new mother! She has a baby at home, she doesn’t need you two coming at her!”

Lorelei looks at Grace, shocked, and sips her tequila.

Lorelei: “Mmm well damn.”

Ren scoffs and rolls her eyes.

Ren: “Grace, you’re a joke. Now all of a sudden you’re team Lorelei?” She waves her hand dismissively. “Girl, please.”

Sheridan: “But why are there even ‘teams’?” She rolls her eyes.

Lorelei nods her head towards Sheridan in agreement.

Lorelei: “Mhmmm”

Ren shoots Sheridan a dangerous side eye.

Ren: “Sit this one out, babe.”

Pat watches as the girls start to get nasty.

Pat’s Confessional

“The dynamics here are very strange. Ren and Lauren seem to be very close. I wonder if Ren knows I know a little secret about her…”

Grace shakes her head at Ren.

Grace: “Look, I can defend or go against whoever I damn well please. So shut your mouth and whilst you’re at it…shut your legs.” Lauren has a silent yet over dramatic reaction and grabs onto Lorelei who looks shocked as well. “I can see everything in the Bargain Basement outfit you’re wearing.” She motions to Ren’s bikini.

Lorelei: “Not shut the legs…” She shakes her head and sips her drink. “Girl…”

Lorelei’s Confessional

“These girls have been waiting to come to blows for a while now and I’m just going to sit my little self back and watch. Grace coming to my defense was….nice.” She looks to the camera and cocks her head.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“This drama all stems from one person. The girls are all fighting because of Pat who is sitting over there smug.”

The camera pans to Pat who is sitting and adjusting her sunhat as Grace and Ren duke it out.

Pat: “Well I can’t wait for the trip…”

Lauren whips her head in Pat’s direction.

Lauren: “Actually, you are the one that owes all of us an apology. You lied to everyone here and dragged my name through the mud. I have no idea why you would be excited to go on a trip with all of us…we don’t like you.” She glares at Pat.

Grace points to Lauren.

Grace: “No! No! You should be gracious to me. I didn’t have to invite you on this trip. I’m doing it because I’m not a total bitch.”

Pat looks around and giggles.

Pat: “Are you addressing me wearing that, Lauren? Surely not.”

Lauren: “Are you kidding me? How childish are you?”

Pat: “Lauren, let’s be clear mama. You are upset because before I started coming around you were flapping your gums about all your friends to me.” She leans back and sips her cocktail.

Lauren rolls her eyes.

Lauren: “Please — We know you’re a compulsive liar. I didn’t tell you shit. You seem to be the one flapping, girl. I go to the gym daily. You….Eh….” She cringes at Pat.

Sheridan: “Pat, you accused Lauren of telling you information about me when it simply wasn’t true. Ren came clean.”

The camera pans to a sloshed Ren on the other side of the table, she sips her red wine.

Ren: “I’m sure it’s all one biggggggggg misunderstanding…” She giggles to herself.

Pat: “Whatever Sheridan. Ren, Lauren, whoever…People tell me things, what can I say?”

Lorelei: “I don’t know…maybe just stop talking about all of us.”

Pat: “What do I have to gain by spreading things about all of you? If anything, you all should be thanking me. I’m bringing things to the surface!”

Sheridan shakes her head.

Sheridan: “You are a disgusting, miserable woman, Pat. No wonder your ex husband cheated on you repeatedly.”

Grace makes a surprised gasp. Lorelei lets out a loud cackle, her eyes low due to her extreme intoxication. She is living for the mess.

Pat grins.

Pat: “Yeah, let’s talk about cheating…”

Grace leans into Pat.

Grace: “Don’t lower yourself to it…Don’t do it.”

Lauren looks over at Grace, baffled and disgusted.

Lauren: “Don’t lower yourself to it? She STARTED all of this!” She motions to Pat.

Grace: “Shut up demonic Barbie! Thank you, next!” She waves Lauren off.

Pat turns to Grace.

Pat: “You’re right Grace. Girls…” She stands up and twirls. “I’m here to stay. I’ll see you all in Africa.” She winks and begins climbing down to the lower deck. “Captain! Gte me off this boat!”

Lorelei giggles as she watches Pat leave.

Lorelei: “Alrighty now, don’t fall overboard Patty Cake!”

Sheridan turns to Grace back at the table.

Sheridan: “Grace, why are you siding with Pat when you yourself told me she was wrong for the things she said about me?”

Lauren: “Right! Are we on another planet? What am I missing here?”

Grace: “I’m neutral. When it comes to what she said about you, Sheridan…yes, she’s wrong. Lauren though? Her credit is bad.” She side eyes Lauren.

Pat is seen rowing a little boat back to the Marina as Grace’s confessional plays.

Footage of Pat going ashore
Grace’s Confessional

“I will have someone’s back based on the other person. Lauren and Ren are not people I can stand by and support. Neither of them have shown any loyalty to me and I know of the designer boot was on the other foot…they wouldn’t have my back. Problem solved.” She shrugs.

As the boat goes back into harbor, the girls are silent. Ren picks up her phone to make a call to Consuela.

Ren: “Pull the car up, mamasita. I’m ready!”

Ren’s Confessional

“At this point I don’t know If I’m willing to travel to the otherside of the world with this deranged lunatic Grace Faroe. But for the sake of getting back to a good place with Lauren and Sheridan I will consider it.”

Sheridan looks over at Ren before silently looking back out into the sea.

Sheridan’s Confessional

“I didn’t have a moment to chat with Ren, but best believe she isn’t in the clear. She has alot of skeleton in her closet so if she doesn’t walk back the fakery I’m going to show the girls how to teach a fake bitch…

As the boat pulls into harbor, Grace take’s Lorelei’s hands.

Grace: “Thank you for this.” She smiles and whispers. “I’ve secured an upgrade for your room in Africa with a luxury care package. Thought you deserved it!” She winks at Lorelei.

Lorelei: “AHHHH…..OHMYgawwwwdahahah.” Lorelei bobs her head as Grace helps her get off the boat.

Lorelei falls on the pier and Grace laughs. Sheridan scurries past them

Sheridan: “Whew, honey! Someone call XAVIER!”

The episode ends.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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