[S4E10]: Bare It All
The episode opens up in the middle of a party. Hundreds of guest mix and mingle inside of Eddie’s Surf Shop for Pat’s bikini line reveal. The camera transitions to a side room where Lorelei stands in front of Pat, Grace, and Sheridan who all sit on a couch looking at her. Lorelei looks incredibly pissed off.
Lorelei: “Well, let’s be clear on something. Why did you feel the need to gaslight me and lie about the truth? You knew you said it and yet you tried to put the blame on Lauren. That was vile and disgusting. What you insinuated was horrific. How old are you?” She looks at Pat, disgusted.
Pat: “Woah, where is this coming from?” She furrows her brow. “You think you’re the only one Lauren talked shit on?”
Lorelei makes a face and looks at Pat.
Lorelei: “Meaning?”
Pat: “I mean…” She turns to Sheridan. “Sheridan she told me the reason why your husband cheated on you was because you’re infertile.” She nonchalantly shrugs.
Lorelei lets out a loud gasp. Grace looks over at Pat, completely shocked.
“Woah.” She looks at the camera.
The camera pans to Sheridan who is silent and in shock. She tightens her lips as Lorelei, Grace, and Pat all look to her.
Fun music plays as an aerial shot of Beverly Beach is shown. We hear the sounds of someone clanking plates and silverware together. In her kitchen, Grace portions out two plates of noodles and chicken and sets it on her kitchen table.
Grace: “Meg! Food’s ready!” She yells up the stairs.
Grace’s daughter, Megan, comes down. She walks past her mother and straight to the table, not even looking at her. Grace furrows her brow.
Grace: “Well…hello to you. What’s wrong?” She sits at the table across from Megan.
Megan holds up her phone to Grace.
Megan: “This.”
On her phone screen there is a gossip blog headline about Grace and her ex husband, Dimitri’s divorce. According to the article, Dimitri is accusessing Grace of being unfaithful during their marriage.
Grace: “Oh…” She frowns a bit. “That.”
“I’ve tried to avoid the subject of what Dimitri says in the press about me and the end of our marriage, for the sake of our kids. However, I’ve come to realise…they look at social media. Duh. They’ve seen these articles. I have to address it at some point.”
Megan: “Why is dad saying this about you?” She looks at her mother across the table.
Grace shifts uncomfortably in her seat.
Grace: “It’s complicated, Meg. It’s been going on for a while.”
Megan: “That’s precisely the point.” She sets her phone down in the table, hard. “I don’t know what’s going on! Neither does Gemini.”
Grace leans back in her seat and shrugs.
Grace: “I’ve not kept anything from you…”
Megan: “Yeah, but you’ve not told us anything either!”
Grace: “Like I said…” She pauses and looks down at her plate. “It’s complicated.”
Megan: “How? Tell me how it’s so complicated.” She looks angry.
Grace: “You know that things weren’t happy towards the end of mine and your father’s marriage.” She sighs. “There’s a lot of tension and a lot of hate, particularly from his side.”
Megan: “Well, after reading some of the articles and what Dad has to say, I’m not surprised he’s mad at you.”
Grace: “You really shouldn’t be reading those.”
Megan: “Dad said you cheated on him with Vivian.”
Grace sighs once more, she has an unimpressed look on her face.
“Not only has the press got into Megan’s head, Dimitri has too. I’m going to have a hard time trying to explain to her that what Dimitri has to say about me is nothing but lies.”
Megan: “Have anything to say?”
Grace: “Watch your tone, I’m still your mother.” She points at Megan. “Your father is lying.”
Megan: “Why would he lie?”
Grace: “Meg — “
Megan: “I don’t want to listen to what you have to say. I believe Dad.”
Grace: “Okay — I’m not going to beg you, Meg. I’m not. I’m telling the truth and that’s all I’m going to say.”
Megan: “Whatever.” She glares at her mother as she gets up and walks off.
The scene ends with Grace’s head in her hands, alone, at the table.
Light music plays as an aerial shot of Beverly Beach is shown. The angle switches to inside a cute boutique, Lorelei is looking through racks of clothes. She puts on a cropped jean jacket with rows of pearls on it.
Lorelei: “Mm, honey, this is cute.” She grins at her reflection in the mirror.
Sheridan walks into the store, she tucks a piece of her hair behind her ears and smiles and waves when she sees Lorelei.
Sheridan: “Hey miss thing! Looking cute.” She admires the jacket.
Lorelei: “You do too, boo!” She snaps and laughs. “How are you?”
Sheridan sets down her purse on a nearby table and begins looking around the boutique too.
Sheridan: “I’m good. My step son is rehabbing nicely, he’s at his mother's house. His father is staying there with him until he’s all better…” She clears her throat and looks down.
Lorelei: “Awww, that’s so good to hear. I’m glad he’s okay, girl.” She shakes her head. “Now that I’m a mom, I can relate to how scary that must have been.”
“I’ve been a step mom before, I never felt a super close connection to Morgan’s kids as…” She looks into the camera and laughs. “As…well, they were all close to my age.” She shrugs. “But, now that I’m an actual mother, I couldn’t even imagine. I feel for Sheridan, biologically related or not, it’s still hard for her.”
Sheridan: “It was a lot to unpack. Speaking of unpacking…whew my cookbook tasting event last week… let’s unpack that, girlfriend!” She laughs.
Lorelei: “Oh Christ…” She stops and turns to Sheridan. “Firstly, I want to apologize for my actions. I wasn’t expecting to go so low in the gutter that day so I really am sorry.”
Sheridan: “No worries. It wasn’t like we were in public or anything.” She shrugs. “You didn’t embarrass me.”
“Oh — If my tasting was a public event and the women acted like that…They’d have been escorted out right after I cussed them out.” She laughs and waves to the camera.
Lorelei: “I just — I don’t know. I’ve been around this group of women for a year and a half now and it’s still the same. The women pick on me and I’m tired of it. I thought me and Ren and me and Lauren were in a good place but see how easy it was for them to…” She snaps. “flip the script and go back to ‘hating’ me again and spreading baseless rumors”
Sheridan: “I understand where you are coming from. But — I was there with Ren, Lauren, and Pat when this happened. Pat told us that whole sister lie when we went to the surf shop, I told you all of this when you came to my house. Lauren was just as shocked as me when Pat revealed everything.
Sheridan: “ The girl’s aren’t coming after you, Pat is trying to turn them against you.”
“Unless Lauren is an Emmy award winning actress, Pat is absolutely lying on her name. I was there and know first hand all this mess came from Pat, she is just trying to shift the blame off herself.”
Lorelei looks up from the dress she is eyeing and raises an eyebrow.
Lorelei: “Well if you’re saying that’s what happened, Sheridan — I believe you. I’m woman enough to admit I was wrong and wasn’t listening. I can reach out to Lauren and talk it out with her. It was just so hectic at your tasting and I was on the defense. But, I’ll definitely apologize to her.”
Sheridan nods.
Sheridan: “Trust me, Lauren was just as blindsided by the whole sister rumor as us.”
“Sheridan tells me that she was there and knows for a fact Pat is lying. I do feel bad for going in on Lauren, so that’s something I need to apologize for. My defenses are up 24/7 around these women and I’ve gotta learn to be more vulnerable around the group.”
Lorelei: “Well are you going to Pat’s bikini line launch then?”
Sheridan: “Absolutely. I think most of the girls are going because they want answers and Pat has a lot of answering to do.”
Lorelei chuckles and shakes her head.
Lorelei: “This is going to be a mess. Between this and the girls almost coming to blows…It didn’t surprise me with Ren but Grace and Lauren?!” Her eyes widen.
Sheridan: “Girl — “
Lorelei and Sheridan laugh and the scene ends as the boutique is zoomed out on.
Lorelei and Xavier’s home is panned over. Inside, Xavier is holding their daughter Banks as Lorelei puts out a charcuterie board and glasses of wine on their kitchen island.
Lorelei: “I’m like…so nervous.”
Xavier: “Don’t be. It’s just my mom.” He laughs.
“Toni’s finally coming over to stay with us for a little bit so she can spend time with Banks. I’m extremely iffy about the whole thing and I’m just…” She sighs. “I don’t know what to expect.”
The doorbell rings and the cameras focus on Toni, who already looks unimpressed with the house. Xavier makes his way to the front door and lets her in.
Xavier: “Ma!” He hugs and kisses her. “Come in, come in! You look good.” He helps her with her luggage.
Toni: “Don’t I though?” She smiles and spins around in her Gucci track suit. “There’s nana’s girl!” She grins and grabs Banks from Xavier and kisses her. “Oh my god, she’s gotten so big!” Banks coos.
Xavier: “Yeah, she has. You don’t come see her enough.”
Toni snaps her head and looks at her son with a serious expression.
Toni: “That’s your lady friend’s fault.”
Xavier shakes his head and walks with Toni into the kitchen where Lorelei stands. Toni walks past her and doesn’t make eye contact. She sits down with Banks at the kitchen counter. Lorelei rolls her eyes.
Lorelei: “You could acknowledge me in my own home. It’s kind of rude, don’t you think?”
Toni stops playing with Banks looks up at Lorelei with an annoyed look.
Toni: “I came here to spend time with Banks. I’m doing just that. Nobody is worried about you girl.” She goes back to playing with Banks.
Lorelei: “Toni, don’t start.” She shakes her head. “If you’re going to be on that mess today, you can leave. I’m really not having it.”
Xavier: “You guys…really? Like, c’mon. It’s been two minutes and Banks is right here.” He looks pissed off.
Toni: “She started with me. I just sat down and that heifer started flapping her jaws.”
Lorelei: “Because it is RUDE to come into my home and not say hello to me. Haven’t you heard of manners?”
“Toni just comes in and doesn’t even acknowledge me. I mean…damn, she could at least pretend to give a shit about me for her son's sake.”
Toni sighs and rolls her eyes. She hands Banks back to Xavier.
Toni: “Here, take this beautiful baby. I’m about to have to wear her mama out.” She chuckles and Xavier shoots her a look.
Lorelei: “You’re not ‘wearing’ nobody out. You can get the fuck out of my house.” She points to the door.
Xavier: “Lorelei — “
Toni: “Get out?” She laughs. “You see? You are a goddamn ditzy bitch. Just the same old slut bucket you was with Morgan. You don’t have no common sense. You’re just dumb.” She wags her finger and clenches her jaw. “Hot air. Nothing. You see? THIS, this is why Morgan hit ‘yo ass. I’ll tell ‘yo bitch ass one thing. He never put hands on me.” She stands up and grabs her purse.
Lorelei looks completely shocked and taken aback, she looks to Xavier, speechless. Xavier sighs and looks upset.
Lorelei: “You hear this? You hear it?” She looks at Xavier. “This is what I’m talking about! She makes these comments and you expect me to sit here and take it? DO YOU HEAR YOUR MOTHER?!” She shoots up and motions to Toni who is walking out of the kitchen.
Xavier: “Lorelei! STOP IT! SIT DOWN! I am tired of this shit! Both of you. I — I’ve had enough of this!”
The camera pans to Banks who sits on the counter, looking upset. Toni turns around in the hallway.
Toni: “You don’t speak to me like that.” She points to Xavier. “You know better than to play with your mother. I’m not about to stay here. It’s obvious I’m not welcome. I do not feel welcomed.”
Lorelei: “Good! Bye bitch! There’s the door.”
She walks past Toni and opens the front door. Toni glares at her and walks out. Lorelei slams the door.
Lorelei: “Bitch.”
Xavier storms over.
Xavier: “LOR! Are you fucking kidding me?! Nah, thats — thats, nah.” He walks back to the kitchen, shaking, and puts a crying Banks into her bouncer before storming out.
“This whole feud between Toni and I has gotten out of hand. I mean… it’s clearly bleeding into Xavier and I’s relationship and I — I — “ She begins to tear up. “I don’t know what to do. I love him and I love our family, but with his mother constantly meddling in our relationship…I feel like we’re doomed.” She bites her lip.
The scene ends with Lorelei standing in the foyer, looking very upset.
Music plays as the busy main street of Beverly Beach is shown at night. People wait in a long line outside of a shop. It transitions to inside of Eddie’s Surf Shop. There is a bustling party going on and women in bikinis stand on pedestals showing off Pat’s new bikini line. Pat and her boyfriend, Eddie, pose together on the step and repeat as photographers take pictures of them.
“Obviously when I decided to move to Beverly Beach with Eddie, I wanted something to call my own. After meeting with the ladies a few weeks back…”
“I went back to the drawing board and created a swim suit line for all types of women. I’m talkin’ all ages and body types. I even got the amazing Megan Thee Stallion to be in my promotional campaign! I am so happy to show it off to the ladies.”
The camera pans to a huge picture of Megan Thee Stallion posing in Pat’s swimsuit line ad. Pat looks over and smiles, Eddie leans down and kisses her.
Eddie: “All this looks so amazing, babe.”
The camera switches to outside of the busy store. Lorelei runs a hand over her braid as she scoots out of her car service. She walks to the security that guards the front door and gives her name. She walks in and looks around. When Pat notices her she steps off the step and repeat to greet her.
Pat: “Hey pretty!” She motions Eddie over. “Babe, come say hi to Lorelei.”
Lorelei smiles.
Lorelei: “Hey! Thank you for having me. It’s a lovely turn out you have here.” She looks around and nods.
Pat: “Thank you! So glad you’re here. Oh! Meet my boyfriend, Eddie.”
Eddie: “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lorelei.” He grins and gives her a hug.
“Of course I’m a bit apprehensive on being here and being around Pat, given what I know. I trust Sheridan when she says that Lauren had nothing to do with spreading rumors about me and Imani, that in reality it’s Pat. But… I can play coy. I have a mother-in-law from hell to worry about.” She wags her finger. “Pat Fireson is the least of my concerns.”
Sheridan walks into the event and up to the ladies and Eddie. She gives Pat and Lorelei hugs.
Sheridan: “Hey ladies!”
Pat: “Sheridan! Long time no see. Welcome! Take a look at the new suits.” She motions around the room. The camera pans to all of the models and pictures of the new line.
Sheridan: “Wow! They are looking a lot better.” She smiles.
“I must say, the bikini line has taken a step in the right direction — Especially with the Houston Hottie herself modeling.” She nods in approval.
As an awkward silence takes over, Lorelei and Sheridan glance at eachother. The scene switches to Grace inside of a car, out in front of bikini line launch. She is talking on her cell phone.
Grace: “Regina! Re — gina! I’ve told you! NO!!! The middle drawer! UGH! Look, you’re completely incompetent. I ask you to do ONE simple thing! I expect you to have your desk cleared by the time you leave the office tonight. You’re terminated. Goodbye.” She hangs up and sighs.
Grace approaches the other ladies, smiling. She waves.
Grace: “Hi ladies!”
Pat: “Grace!” She hugs her. “I’m so happy you’re here!”
Grace: “I couldn’t miss the grand unveiling.” She turns to Lorelei and smiles. “Hi beautiful.”
Lorelei: “Beautiful?” She wraps her braid around her hand and smirks. “Grace, we being nice today, huh?” She laughs and playfully touches her arm.
Grace lets out a chuckle.
Grace: “I think we can manage to play nice, sweetie.”
“Look…” She rolls her eyes and shuffles in her seat. “I don’t know where this… thing… with me and Lorelei will go. Baby steps… baby steps…” She nods.
Pat: “I need to go make my speech! I’ll meet up with you girls after.” She walks off with Eddie.
The music changes as Imani walks into the party. She is only wearing a robe. We get shots of confused party goers looking at Imani. The girls all turn as Imani confidently strides over to them. Lorelei looks at her sister and laughs.
Imani: “Hi ladies. You all look good Lorelei, Sheridan….Grace.” She gives them hugs except for Grace.
Lorelei: “Why the robe?” She gives a confused look as well.
Grace looks at Imani judgmentally.
She gives a deep sigh.
“Imani, Imani…” She makes a swipe motion with her hand. “Next.”
Imani undoes her robe and drops it. The girls all gasp.
“According to Sheridan, Pat has been coming at me on social media heavily. I don’t follow that bitch. I don’t fuck with fakery, especially since she apologized to me a few weeks ago. I’ve decided to launch my OWN swimwear line. I mean — I have body. I’m real and definitely not old.”
After the initial shock, Lorelei bursts out laughing.
Lorelei: “No the hell you didn’t.”
Sheridan: “Ohhh Imani, are you wearing a Pat creation?”
Imani: “No babe. I would never. Look at the material.” She grabs a bikini top off a nearby rack and stretches it until it rips. “Trash.” She tosses it gingerly on the ground. “I’ve decided to come up with MY OWN line.”
Grace watches Imani still in shock, not being able to find words. Lorelei continues to laugh and clap her hands.
“Honey…why am I seeing this?” She makes a strange expression. “Put some clothes on and get some clarity back.” She rolls her eyes. “Of course Imani is trying to upstage the host of this event…tacky and classless…It really just screams insecurity. I’ve seen it all too often in my world.” She shakes her head.
Lorelei: “Bitchhhhhh.”
Lorelei’s Confessional:
“My sister didn’t include me in on this little surprise. I wish she did though, I’m all for it.” She cackles.
Sheridan turns from Imani to Lorelei and raises an eyebrow.
Sheridan: “Girlllll”
Lorelei: “I know, I know.” She looks at Sheridan and laughs.
“Listen — I love Lorelei and Imani but Pat is not going to like this when she notices. Abort mission! I don’t want to see how Pat’s going to react.” She laughs.
Imani: “I need to confront Pat…” She motions to Sheridan. “With you Sheridan, obviously, because you were the one that told me she was talking about me. She made up the rumor about me and Lorelei and she’s been gunning for me on social media.”
Grace shakes her head and turns away. The shot changes to Pat who is on a stage with a microphone.
Pat: “Good evening, everyone! If I could just have a minute I would love o make a quick little speech.”
The room goes silent as guests turn their attention to Pat. Lorelei grabs Imani’s arm and whispers in her ear.
Lorelei: “Okay. Stop it, girl.” She chuckles. “Listen to what she has to say.”
Pat: “First, I want to thank my wonderful man Eddie for allowing me to use his wonderful shops to showcase this amazing and REAL line of swimwear for women of all shapes, sizes, and ages. Yes… this line is top notch quality unlike many of the other swimwear lines out there…” The camera pans to Imani standing in her bikini. “I would love to thank my friends for coming out tonight! I’m very appreciative. Now, let’s enjoy the evening!”
The party erupts with applause. We get a montage of drinks being poured and people socializing as the launch continues. Pat walks back over to Lorelei, Imani, Grace, and Sheridan.
Pat: “Girls, there is an amazing area I set up for us with a private bar if you all want to come and have some drinks.”
Grace: “Lead the way!”
Pat smiles and looks Imani up and down before leading the girls to an adjacent room.
“Of course I saw Imani. I’m not really sure what she’s up to but I really don’t care. She wants a reaction and I’m not going to give it to her. She can stand there and look ridiculous wearing a bikini to a party, that’s on her.” She smiles.
Inside the room there is a bar with a bartender. There are some couches arranged in a circle with a large table full of hors d’oeuvres in the middle. The girls all sit on the couches. A few of Pat & Eddie’s close friends enter the rumor to go get drinks.
Pat: “So has anyone heard from Elyse?” She looks around. “I’ve been calling and texting. Nothing.”
Sheridan shakes her head.
Sheridan: “No, my texts and calls have all gone unanswered.”
The camera pans to Lorelei and Imani on a couch together, sipping their drinks and listening in. Grace leans forward.
Grace: “I haven’t heard anything. I’m starting to become concerned. I tried Tessa too…nothing. The last time I talked to her was a few days after Aspen.”
Sheridan: “Ren also hasn’t heard from her. We chatted about it a couple days ago. It’s 100% concerning.”
Pat: “That’s odd. Is that like her?”
Sheridan: “I think it’s out of the norm. The Elyse I met likes to be front and center.” She laughs a bit.
Lorelei: “I even reached out to her. But I didn’t expect a text back to me of all people.” She laughs. “But this is serious.”
Imani: “I hope she’s okay.”
“I may not get along with her but Elyse ghosting everyone and disappearing is very weird. I know we may fight but I would never wish anything bad upon her and I just hope she’s safe.”
Grace: “Let’s just hope she’s on vacation.”
Pat: “Well hopefully she’s somewhere nice and tropical.”
Sheridan: “So anyways — I think there’s an elephant in the room. We should address it.”
Grace looks at Sheridan with confusion. The women go silent and Pat sips her champagne.
“I don’t beat around the bush. The girls should be used to my blunt nature by now. I mean, my God, we have to talk about Imani in a bikini. I don’t do the whole ‘sitting around pretending like everything is okay’ thing.”
After a few seconds of silence Imani speaks up.
Imani: “I just feel like everything you’ve said to me was bullshit.” She points to Pat. “You.”
Pat: “Why is the thing in the Walmart bikini speaking to me?” She looks around with an exaggerated look of confusion on her face.
Lorelei: “C’mon now. Stop being rude. That’s my sister.”
Imani: “No, darling. Look at miss Megan, you had her in Goodwill material. I have been nothing but nice to you, Pat, but you continue to poke and poke and poke. I thought we were cool because you apologized to us…” She motions to Lorelei. “at the drag brunch, but now you’re going off on me on Twitter?”
Grace raises her eyebrow.
“The girl…is trying to say that she’s been sitting quietly whilst Pat has been attacking her constantly? Without being provoked? She’s lost her damn mind if she thinks that’s the case.”
Pat: “Goodwill material? Please. It’s much better quality than anything you’d ever put on your body.”
Imani: “Please — she couldn’t even fit in that bikini you put her in. I’m weak.”
Pat: “So you body shame women? Classy.”
Imani: “Girl, you called me a whale!” She snaps. “Keep up.”
Pat: “I didn’t call you a whale.” She shakes her head. “I called you Shrek, which you should take as a compliment. He’s a beloved character.” She shrugs.
Sheridan holds up her hands.
Sheridan: “Let’s keep the insults out of the conversation and be grown women. Let’s have a grown conversation, ladies.”
Lorelei tilts her head at Sheridan.
Lorelei: “Exactly, come on girls.” She snaps. “Stop this! We can resolve petty issues without calling eachother bitches and whores and other insults. Let’s just start over.”
Sheridan: “All of this is so unnecessary. It’s dumb Twitter arguments. We aren’t in highschool I think you guys can move on.”
Imani: “Pat started with me!” She looks at Sheridan. “And I feel like you’re instigating all this, Sheridan.”
Grace looks surprised with Imani’s accusation against Sheridan. Sheridan looks at Imani, confused.
Lorelei: “Stop. Please.” She grabs Imani’s hand.
Sheridan: “Instigating? No — Let’s just address the underlying problem here. Pat — what is your issue with the sisters?”
The camera pans to Lorelei and Imani.
Pat: “I don’t have any issues with Lorelei!”
Sheridan: “I’m just confused because it seems like you do. Pat, you pinned the whole rumor of them pretending to be sisters on Lauren … but when you told me, Lauren and Ren here earlier you said it was a family friend who told you. Let's be open and honest here. Pat — You brought up the rumors to the group so you’ve gotta stop shifting blame.”
Lorelei looks at Pat.
“This whole Sistergate scandal is about as tired and dried up as Elyse’s pus — “ She cackles and claps her hand. “I won’t do it.”
Imani: “You are disgusting for that. You are a conniving and vindictive bitch.” She points to Pat. “You literally don’t even know how to keep up with your lies. You have to spread them and be cause all this drama because you are so insecure.”
Lorelei: “Imani — “
Imani: “It disgusts me how you constantly flap those infected gums about me, Pat. You are very obsessed with me and my family.”
Pat crosses her legs.
Pat: “Okay. Before I address this… because I would love to have this conversation and be open with you all.. I’m going to need security to remove the bimbo in her corner outfit.” Pat stands up and motions to Imani. “Security! Get her out of here.”
Lorelei glares at Pat.
Lorelei: “Hey! Hey! That’s my sister. You don’t need to kick her out. I’ll get her. Let’s not be rude.”
Imani: “Lorelei — It’s fine. I’m done with this trash.” She holds her hand up and storms out of the room.
The camera pans to Grace who is quietly sipping her champagne on the couch.
Grace: “I haven’t got anything to do with this.” She sits back in her seat.
Lorelei gathers her belongings and begins to get up.
Lorelei: “So childish… All of this. So rude.”
Pat: “Lorelei, when I spoke to you and apologized to you for bringing up this…rumor, I was being sincere.” She turns to Grace and Sheridan. “When I moved here I didn’t know anyone. I wouldn’t come for someone or question people’s intentions if I wasn’t told things.”
“In terms of all these doubts about Pat’s honesty in what she’s saying… I believe her. I believe Pat.” She holds her hands up. “I have no reason not to trust her or not believe what she’s told me so far.”
Lorelei: “Well, let’s be clear on something. Why did you feel the need to gaslight me and lie about the truth? You knew you said it and yet you tried to put the blame on Lauren. That was vile and disgusting. What you insinuated was horrific. How old are you?” She looks at Pat, disgusted.
Pat: “Woah, where is this coming from?” She furrows her brow. “You think you’re the only one Lauren talked shit on?”
Lorelei makes a face and looks at Pat.
Lorelei: “Meaning?”
Pat: “I mean, Sheridan she told me the reason why your husband cheated on you was because you’re infertile.”
Lorelei lets out a loud gasp. Grace looks over at Pat, completely shocked.
Grace’s Confessional:
“Woah.” She looks at the camera.
Sheridan is silent and lips tighten. She grabs her purse and gets up.
Sheridan: “That’s enough.” Tears stream down her face as she storms out.
Lorelei watches Sheridan as she leaves. She turns back around to face Pat and Grace.
Lorelei: “Wow — I truly have no words. Pat, you are full of shit. Nobody is going to believe you ever. You’re over in this group. You’re a liar and you have no boundaries, it’s just low blow after low blow.”
Pat springs up and walks over to Lorelei.
Pat: “Okay, well then if I’m full of shit, get the fuck out. Go!” She pushes Lorelei and she stumbles. “OUT!”
Lorelei gasps but regains her composure.
Lorelei: “Gladly. You are a child, putting your hands on another person? You’re over and done with in Beverly Beach.” She heads for the door. “Cheap ass bikini line. This bargain bin mess.” She laughs and turns around. “Touch me again, catch a lawsuit.”
Pat: “Don’t ever speak to me like that! Don't do it again — Not you or your uneducated and unemployed sister.”
“Pat is a whole ass fool. I mean… a COMPLETE dumb ass bitch. This woman is really pushing 60 and acting like she’s in her glory days?! Trying to act like a 21 year old young girl. Sit down and act your age. Kicking people out, pushing people, and selling Walmart fabrics?!” She scoffs. “A mess.”
Lorelei flips Pat off as she walks out into the main room and out the door. Grace sits with her champagne, watching the whole thing in disbelief. Pat turns to Grace.
Pat: “Well… that was something.”
Grace downs the rest of her champagne, then stands up and walks over to Pat.
Grace: “Thank you for having me, It’s getting late and I gotta get home to Viv and the kids. Love the line and everything, but this mess isn’t going away!” She gives Pat a hug. “I’ll call you when I’m available and we’ll grab lunch?”
“If I’m going to be honest, I’m uncomfortable. BOTH sides behaved irrationally. You’re got Lorelei and Sheridan acting like the Witches of Eastwick and you’re got Pat over here like Mother Gothel with a bikini line. I’m out!” She shakes her head, laughing and waving her hands.
Pat: “Absolutely! Thank you for coming.”
“No one will disrespect Pat Fireson. Trust and believe that I will always have the last laugh. These girls better be careful ’cause the vault that was shut and locked is now open and ready for business. Ready… Set… Go!”
The camera follows Grace as she walks out of the venue and gets into her car. She is heard talking to herself.
Grace: “Crazy ass bitches.”
The scene ends as Grace drives off in her car.
Whimsical music plays as Lorelei’s house is displayed on the screen. In her kitchen she is filling up two water bottles when her doorbell rings. Moments later, Lorelei’s housekeeper leads Lauren into the kitchen. She has her tennis racket bag on her shoulder.
Lorelei: “Oh, hey! Thank you for coming! Let’s head down to the court.”
“Lorelei and I haven’t spoken since she basically called me a liar to my face. So, I have to beat this bitch in tennis today.” She smirks.
We get a montage of Lorelei and Lauren making their way through the house and out in the backyard where the court is. Lorelei sets the water bottles down and turns to Lauren.
Lorelei: “It actually does mean a lot that you came today.” She smiles. “I know the last time we spoke…It was kind of, well, not good.” She laughs.
“I’m very nervous to have this conversation with Lauren. I mean, I literally made an ass out of myself and called her a liar. I really gotta stop doing that.” She chuckles.
Lauren: “Well, thank you for inviting me to play today. I was honestly shocked that you invited me over. We were doing so well before too.” She shakes her head. “Why can’t we just get along?”
Lorelei looks at her and nods.
Lorelei: “Ugh, I know. First off, I do want to apologize. I shouldn’t have called you a liar and been so quick to snap like that. I found out the truth from Sheridan and I feel stupid. I do want to be friends with you. I actually like you and think once we truly put the bullshit aside once and for all, we could be good friends.”
Lauren sighs.
Lauren: “You know, I have to give you credit for admitting you were wrong. I appreciate the apology. It just really hurt that you would not believe me in front of all of our friends. It was humiliating and I truly hope we never go there again.”
Lorelei shakes her head.
Lorelei: “I know, I really am sorry.”
Lauren: “With that being said, of course I want to move forward.” She smiles. “Thinking about it from your perspective, the whole situation of being questioned about your sister must have put you on the defense so I get that.” She holds her racket up. “But I am still going to kick your ass today.”
Lorelei: “Thank you for that.” She smiles and grabs her hand. “Let’s play! How about we just hit a few balls for warm up?”
She grabs her racket and the girls head onto the court. The episode ends.